#i LOVE these songs
shows-i-like · 7 months
"No song/lyrics would be perfect for Veneer angst!"
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xcherryerim · 3 months
what I think it would sound like to fall in love with…
Mike Schmidt , Derek Danforth, and Billy
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— Mike Schmidt
Heartbeat by childish gambino
505 by Artic Monkeys
— Billy
Killshot by magdalena bay
Criminal by Britney Spears
— Derek Danforth
All Up In Your Mind by Beyoncé
Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored by Ariana Grande
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ezekiel13 · 5 months
Guilty gear truly has some meaningful lyrics…
“Bark and bark” sobbing
“Grab lots of snacks/ and wear new shoes” Can’t keep it together
“I hate the alarm clock I chose” Gods why
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feuer-bluete · 8 days
If you want some music to enhance your Dracula Daily experience and also maybe want to try some non english music may I recommend the Album Finsternis from E Nomine.
The Songs are in german/latin and while they don't follow the book a lot of them are very much inspired by it. The songs themself tell a story as well, and you always have an short Interlude followed by a song.
The music can be described (copied from Wiki) as monumental vocal style, is a combination of trance, techno, and vocals which closely resemble Gregorian singing and chanting.
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p-h03n1-x · 5 months
Yibo Official Weibo update 1.16.2024 Click on the video to take you back to the day of filming with one click, and record some small fragments of "Bystander" and "Everything is Lovely" from a "bystander’s perspective" 🎬
💽 Behind the scenes record of personal EP "Bystander"
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ashtheduck08 · 9 months
when a man is in love with a man and tim, i wish you were born a girl by of Montreal is are some of the best goddamn queer songs ever and i hate that not more people know about it
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cauliflowermaterial · 10 months
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yea i think i just made the perfect nimona playlist
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fouadwastaken · 4 months
I am begging right back, what are some other banger Arabic OPs
Wonderful question thank you for asking!
Well I got to make a list of my favorite ones , but I'll start with one of the most popular which is:
The dragon ball z Arabic opening ! It's a pretty popular one and one of the most iconic I always go to when people ask me about Arabic anime openings.
Also you can't go mentioning around Arabic openings without talking about thunder jet's opening. It gives you all the energy you need I swear to god.
On the same note another favorite of mine that grants me power might be :
Gundam wings ! Just listen to it and you'll tell me !!
As for opening that give you a lot of energy still and more sport themed we can't go without mentioning Inazuma elevens opening :
And while it's not exactly an anime but there's the opening of a series I wouldn't have been able to tell it's about yoyo if they didn't mention it explicitly with how hard it goes:
At last I wanna add to that the digimon opening that I love a lot too
But I won't close this off without a honorable mention. Not an opening in particular but a song that hits me right in the feels.
Just listen to it and you'll know what I mean
And I think there might be some openings missing so anyone that sees this is more than welcome to add their own to that !! But these songs hold a of value in the heart of Arabs around the world, they didn't have to go that hard on the lyrics and still did and now we love them!
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everfolk · 14 days
sorry but why was midnights the best era ever
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aceofwhump · 24 days
🎶 Obscure song search! List three songs you think not enough people have listened to, then pass this on! 🎶
Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
The Islander by Nightwish
Valhalla Calling by Peyton Parrish
Thanks for the ask!
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nthspecialll · 26 days
✨ when you get this please share 5 of your current favorite songs and then pass this ask on to 5 of your favorite followers (or whoever you feel like!) ✨
Omg yes >:D
Okay, all time favourite is "Sex, Drugs, Etc" by Beacher Weather.
I also love "Big Iron" by Marty Robbins.
"Meddle About" by Chase Atlantic.
"Girls/Girls/Boys" by Panic!At The Disco.
And also: "Per Aspera Ad Inferi" by Ghost.
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vrsmnya · 1 year
Five songs I’m currently obsessed with (in no particular order)
See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) by Tyler, the Creator
Hyperventilation by RADWIMPS
Torches by The Oh Hellos
Stay With Me by Better Love
Indigo Puff by Sundara Karma 
Tagging @jacks-ace @spineferno @harpswrld @dizzybevvie @per4mancecheck
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oldsoulgunsnrosesgirl · 2 months
Me Thinking About A One Night Stand With My 80s Rockstar Crush And Creating A Playlist Of 80s Rock And 60s 70s Love Songs I Would Want Us To Listen To Yeah I Think About This A lot Lol😂😍
Guns N Roses: Rocket Queen Sweet Child O Mine Don’t Cry So Fine Since I Don’t Have You You Could Be Mine Ain’t It Fun You Know What I’m Just Gonna Listen To All There Songs lol
Poison:Ever Rose Has Its Thorn
Def Leppard: Love Bites Photograph Pour Some Sugar On Me
Aerosmith: Cryin
Scorpions: No One Like You
WhiteSnake: Is This Love Still Of The Night
Journey: Faithful
Bon Jovi: Bed Of Roses Always I’ll Be There For You
Led Zeppelin:Kashmir
Reo Speedwagon:Keep On Loving You
Ac/dc:You Shook Me All Night Long
Heart: Alone Magic Man
Cinderella:Nobody's Fool
Fleetwoodmac:You Make Loving Fun Dreams The Chain
Metallica:Nothing Else Matters
Blondie Call Me
Some Songs I Heard From Dirty Dancing lol
Love Is Strange
Be My Baby Cry To Me
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doctorbrown · 4 months
Alright I'm doing it.
Obligatory ramble about Doc's 'character' songs in the musical because I just saw it again and I'm so deep in my feels post.
I don't know how to be clear and concise so you're just forced to take what I come up with in the thrown-together, haphazard way I know how to get the words out.
'It Works' is absolutely one of my favourite songs on the album, but I'm not diving super deep into it because while it is one of the few songs Doc 'solo' sings, it's not exactly a character song; it serves to introduce the DeLorean time machine to Marty at Twin Pines Mall and highlight how over the moon he is to have invented one of the most impressive things of all time, something that finally works.
Though I need to say I feel so validated for the line It's a car for the stars like Captain Kirk's because I imagine Doc is a huge Star Trek fan and he and Marty definitely watched it together.
Also, his I never really thought I'd get to see how well it works! also gets me because while in the film he doesn't really get to see that until after the events of the film have played out and the Lone Pine timeline is created, in the musical it is he who is the world's first time-traveller, taking the car five minutes into the past and then appearing in the parking lot of Twin Pines Mall shortly after Marty shows up, his experiment complete.
'21st Century' is such a big, flashy number and it's the very first song of Act II, right after intermission. The set looks 24th century futuristic (which I imagine the 21st century would look like to someone in 1955 at the time) and mimics the bridge of a starship; even the backup chorus/dancers are fashioned after robots/androids.
This entire song and sequence is, ultimately, revealed to be a dream that Doc has during the week of Marty's stay in 1955 and the reason this song means so much to me is because it really nails one of Doc's core traits; it's his hope and optimism he has towards the future and everything that it could hold. He wants to believe in humanity as a whole despite all the things he's been through, he believes in their success as a species and knows they could go on to create amazing things.
Imagine what we'll see in the 21st Century!
Just think of what we're gonna find! A world that's gonna blow your mind!
Everything in that song that Doc sings about is positive and hopeful; one might also say childishly naïve. A future post-capitalism, where money and greed which are two large factors responsible for so much hardship and ruin are things of the past. Flying cars, vaporising trash (hello Mr Fusion), eradicating hunger and war and suffering—
It's the kind of future Doc has always hoped to see. What he wanted to help build with his inventions. While recognition and fame is nice in theory, in practice, I think Doc would hate being constantly in the spotlight, because we've learned he's very comfortable doing his own thing and being avoided. To be thrust in the public eye would be very suffocating and invasive and uncomfortable.
But if he were ever able to properly patent and sell any of his inventions, he would've been contributing something good to society.
Doc isn't the cynical type, but he is acutely aware of all the terrible things that go on in the world around him. He wants the good to outweigh the bad, wants to see positive things in humanity's future.
Doc's entire purpose for building the time machine, beyond his deep obsession with time and the chance to say I did it, it works! and make arguably the largest scientific breakthrough of the century, is to see and catalogue the fate of humanity after he's gone. Where we've been, where we're going, the pitfalls and the promise. Maybe even an answer to that universal question: why?
'21st Century' just perfectly captures Doc's creativity, imagination, and optimism. Unfortunately, the real future doesn't quite turn out the way he'd hoped it would.
And then there's 'For the Dreamers' which, truly, is a beautiful and fitting song for Doc. In the musical, this isn't a big, flashy number. It's slow, sombre, yet hopeful all the same, and it takes place in the garage in 1955 after Doc's revealed his plan to run a cable across Courthouse Square to harness the lightning and the small model 'DeLorean' goes up in flames. Marty's less than optimistic about his prospects. There's a single spotlight on Doc as he sings to Marty and it's very obvious that he's singing about himself here.
Sometimes, failure and setbacks are an unfortunate and inevitable part of the process, no matter how hard you try. You can put your all into something and never see a return on it. Doc knows this better than anyone. Even now in 1955, he's well acquainted with the bitter taste of ridicule and failure because he's a man with big dreams who is unafraid to pursue those dreams to their end, whatever they may be.
And this plan of his to get Marty back to 1985 is an extreme long shot. Everything needs to happen precisely on-schedule, for nature waits for no man and even the slightest delay will rob the kid of his future and leave him stranded here indefinitely. Doc needs to balance learning enough about this invention he hasn't created yet in order for the lightning rod plan to work with not learning too much about the DeLorean's construction, as he still needs to allow his personal timeline to unfold as largely unaltered as possible for risk of creating a major paradox that could potentially unravel the space-time continuum.
So this one's for the dreamers who live on inspiration, go as far as they can take it even if they don't quite make it...
And I know what it's like to be misunderstood. And I know how it feels to be told you're no good. But I couldn't give up. No, I never would.
But people just took advantage of me. My distractions just consumed me.
Doc's always been a man of big dreams, ever since he was young. He was never the type to fit in, found himself on the outside, much more interested in the sciences than people. He embodies the very spirit of inventor. He's a dreamer, an idealist, a risk-taker, driven and full of ambition.
So this one's for the dreamers who have the guts to risk it. To take a chance on what they think. Can't stare them down 'cause they don't blink.
Ridicule or call them out, no one sees what they're about.
Doc's reputation is firmly established in Hill Valley; he's willing to take the risk for the things he believes in, and this has branded him a lunatic, a dangerous crackpot, a mad scientist, earned him the scorn of his neighbours—people will see what they want to in him and others like him and there's no changing their minds.
But you can't give up. It's difficult trying to make a change and if you dream about making that big breakthrough, you have to stick it out until the very end. Put your mind to it and do it for all those who have tried and couldn't.
With so many failures up until this point and with his only real success, if you'd choose to call it that, being the work he did on the Manhattan Project, it's looking grim. The brainwave analyser, something he put months' work of research and development into, turned out to be a disappointment.
Now, though, he's got proof that all his dreams aren't just nothing; that he really is something and if nothing else, he has to do it for this kid.
This one's for the dreamers like me.
At the heart of it all, this song is very much the start of Doc's you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. Failure, success, does it really matter if you give up in the end? And that's something Doc just can never really do.
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nightowlspawn · 1 year
Addy: Kris, say squirrel.
Kris: No.
Cooper, laughing: You won't even give it a try?
Kris, glaring: Can you say eichhörnchen?
Cooper: No I cannot, but i can say du bist sehr hübsch and Ich liebe dich
Kris, smiling: I taught you that, it doesn't count.
Cooper: It's true though.
Maeve: *fake gagging* that's nasty.
Addy: *points to her hand on top of luis's*
Maeve: *holds up their hands* this is unrelated.
*sort of study date*
Nate, trying to get Bronwyn's attention: Would you take a break if I offered to take you- book shopping? *fake gag*
Bronwyn, hunched over her laptop, notebook, folders and files: *looks up at him lip syncing* so feminine with grace I touch your soul when you hear me say boy let me be your woman
Bronwyn: *seductively* La librería estaría bien pero hay algo que me gustaría mucho más.
Nate: *surprised and aggressive blushing*
Addy, dramatic as possible with her mouth dropped: Is Nate Macauley blushing?!
Maeve, making faces at bronwyn: who the heck is this?
Bronwyn, on her fourth cup of peppermint tea: I'm goin down cause I know that it's you I see in my dreams
Mave and luis, also sort of date:
Luis, coloring a hello kitty picture: What could be more romantic than this?
Maeve: Chocolate strawberries.
Luis, definitely not taking notes for later: Really?
Maeve: I would marry them if i could.
Luis, fake pouting: What about me?
Maeve pretending to think about it: Mmmm, a close second.
Luis: What's that?
Maeve: It smells good. *gasp of realization* Luis you did not!
Luis: What!?
Maeve: *running the kitchen* The cookies!
Bronwyn, coming from upstairs: Is something burning?
Luis: Definitely not the cookies i totally did not forgot to take out of the oven.
Maeve, walking out the kitchen with the okay cookies: Liar.
Nate: Is that hello kitty?
Luis: Maybe.
Bronwyn, laughing: This is what you got with the $20 you won?
Luis: If you're jealous just say that.
Nate: Can i get some crayons?
Maeve: *gasps in happy* Take some!
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gummyguitar · 5 months
songs im really autistic about right now!!!! GRAHHH!!!!
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