#i love cadash/sera!!!
ghastlytofu · 6 months
I love the concept of Alistair/Aeducan and Blackwall/Cadash so, so, sooo much - the parallels! The narrative resonance!! DWARF LADIES!!!!!! - but in practice I find it very difficult to have my Warden/Inquisitor romance a dude when Leliana and Sera are right there, looking like that. But I already romanced them and I'd rather not repeat romances if I'm headcanoning them all in the same universe. Conundrum.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 9 months
Title fic:The wind that shakes the Barley.
 Here’s the thing about memories. They don’t make you older. They’re just there. They’re feelings and thoughts and can fade over time, disappearing into the ever never to see again.
 However, sometimes they don’t always fade. They linger in your mind, playing over and over again. Sometimes they stick in your brain, making you unable to forget. Ever.
 Sometimes, you die and wake up again, remembering a life long past. And sometimes that changes things.
 A small bang echoed through the apartment, Midoriya Inko barely looking up from her book as she sat on the couch.
 “Any injuries?” she called out, turning a page. 
 “Anything damaged?”
 “Alright,” Inko said, picking up her cup of tea to sip. Elsewhere in the apartment, a young boy named Midoriya Izuku sighed as he turned to his notebook, crossing off a line.
 “The addition of vodka to the mixture did not cause a significant change in freeze point. Rather it exploded.” Izuku muttered as he wrote down his words. “Possibly add antifreeze? Mom said she’d only allow it if I can prove I won’t be harmed by it. Do more research.” Izuku closed the notebook with a sigh, turning back to his experiment. Recreating the Flask of Frost from his old life was more challenging then he’d hoped. The Flask of Fire had been pretty simple, as had remaking the flame proof liquid to treat his clothing and body with. But he found himself stuck with Frost. 
 The boy quickly began cleaning up the mess created. He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen out of it’s bun behind his ear with a shoulder, juggling his mess. He missed Kihm and Sera. Those two would have delighted in helping him figure this out. Honestly the two would have had a blast in this world, the science so far ahead of everything. Izuku certainly enjoyed it.
 He dumped the items in his arms into the box in his room, meaning for disposing of his creations before he removed his soot-covered apron and goggles, dropping them into the hamper. Leaving his room, Izuku passed by his mother who simply glanced up to make sure he was okay before going back to his book. 
 “I’m going out tonight,” Izuku told her as he went to the kitchen for some water.
 “You have school tomorrow.”
 “Ha.” Izuku snorted. “School.”
 “Izuku,” Inko said mildly. Izuku groaned, rolling his eyes and dramatically flopping onto a kitchen counter.
 “It’s so duuuuuumb. And the teachers are assholes.”
 “Mother I have heard you during poker night.”
 “Trying to be a good parent.” Inko said quietly. It made Izuku get off the counter to walk over to where she sat. He hefted himself over the back of the couch so he could lean into her, arms wrapping around her.
 “You’re a great parent. Fuck anyone else saying otherwise.” Izuku kissed her head, Inko putting the book down to hug her son’s arm.
 It really was true for Izuku. He wouldn’t call Inko perfect; he’d never believed anyone could be perfect. But she was a great parent. Better then his old life where his parents were criminals who only had him to continue the Cadash family. He’d loved them distantly but man they’d been terrible parents. Inko though? Inko was great. She took every bit of his wildly scattered personality he’d had to rebuild in stride and loved him more then anything. He’d heard her threaten Hisashi within an inch of the bastard’s life. That meant a lot.
 “I love you baby,” Inko said, squeezing his arm. “School is still mandatory.”
 “Uuuuuuugh,” Izuku groaned. “Fine I’ll only hunt for a few hours and come back before midnight.”
 “Good.” Inko patted his arm as he let go. “Now go and clean your room.”
 “Fine.” Izuku shook his head with a laugh as he got up. He loved his mom.
 Izuku used to be known as Malika Cadash. He’d been a she then, a criminal who was told to go spy on the Conclave to see how things would work out. Back to buisness or would they need a new way to make coin. She’d ended up surviving an explosion and somehow found herself leading an entire organization where people claimed she was the face of a human god. Funny given she was a dwarf and the Chant said she was less then any human in the world.
 It hadn’t been all bad, Izuku knew through the shattered dreams and memories. Malika found friends, love and even became a hero. All with just a pair of daggers and some science knowledge. 
 Frankly she’d also sucked at daggers and took to the more sinister side of rogue work easily. So it really was a surprise to Izuku to remember that. 
 It was what inspired him to try and recreate his old tools, learn his old tricks. He would be a hero again. Even if he was Quirkless. 
 Sitting on a building’s roof edge, Izuku peered down at the fight going on below. Amplifier was fighting a pair of villains with what looked like the same Quirk but… it felt off. Izuku squinted, seeing one of the men fighting spit and the other… oh eww.
 “He just swallowed the spit,” Izuku said in disgust. He wrote that down in his notebook anyway. “He probably has a Copy Quirk. Works with spit the guy swallows…  ewww.”
 “Good to know,” a voice said from behind Izuku. He didn’t flinch.
 “Hi Eraser!” Izuku said as the erasure hero settled beside him for the briefest of seconds before dropping down into the fray. He watched as the two heroes worked together to take the villains down. When they finished, Eraserhead spoke with Amplifier, motioning up to the roof. Izuku waved as the heroine looked up. She shook her head, probably amused. 
 Eraserhead used his scarf to scale the building after they secured the villains, Amplifier obviously calling for some police. Izuku waited patiently.
 “It’s late kid.” Eraser grunted.
 “I’m aware. I’m going home soon.” Izuku groaned. “I hate school but mom can’t get me into online stuff.” Izuku would think the woman hadn’t even tried if he didn’t know her so well. She had, multiple times tried. But nothing worked. 
 “School is important.” Eraser said.
 “Well duh.” Izuku snorted. He went back to writing down his analysis of the fight he’d seen. “But between the Quirkist teachers, the bullying and the fact it’s a very low ranking school it’s not worth it. Particularly with Bakugou around.”
 “Bakugou?” Eraserhead asked. Izuku hummed. He’d known the hero for a while, hunting heroes at night tended to do that. While at first the guy used to try to make Izuku go home it evolved into him just nagging about the time and chasing him around when Izuku decided to mess with him. Most of the other underground heroes were the same.
 “Guy whose been told for his entire life he’s got a perfect Quirk. Never faces any consequences for bullying or using it either.” Izuku shrugged. “System worked against him but he’s also been always a bit of an angry brat. Knew him since we were born. Very vivid memory of before age four the kid giving me a nickname to mean useless.”
 “Personality disorder?” Eraserhead asked.
 “Possibly. Or could just be an angry child who never got taught consequences are things that can happen.” Izuku shrugged. “Honeslty he’s really not creative with his bullying either. Typical smart jock who is the apple of the teacher’s eyes. Loud bragging, some Quirk use on other kids. Not as much as when we were little but like…” Izuku shrugged.
 “So a budding villain,” Eraserhead said.
 “Oh no. Well maybe not. A budding Endeavour yeah. He’s got skill and drive but needs a cold hard reality check more then anything.” Izuku said in disagreement. “I hope he does get into UA cause I think having super strong people from all around the country be in his class might shake him from his big fish mentality.” Izuku shrugged. It wasn’t like Bakugou bothered him. Not really. The bullying was boring frankly after years of being poisoned by his trainers to build up an immunity coupled with the backstabbing the Carta had in its ranks. Oooh I’m going to hurt you with my Quirk. Izuku started dumping his fireproofing on himself in their third year of elementary school. Oh I’m going to beat you up. Izuku could climb and hide better then the other kid. Izuku did step in when Bakugou bothered other kids, but that was about the extent of his involvement. More so when Bakugou realized he couldn’t hurt other children like he could try to hurt Izuku in school.
 Systematic bullying and abuse was awful. Izuku though could withstand it.
 “Well you are tweleve. That gives you time,” Eraserhead said.
 “Ha! I knew you knew who I am!” Izuku grinned. “Yeah, it does. Hoping for a different middle school honestly. Aldera suuuuuuuucks.” Izuku rolled his eyes. “Maybe look for an analyst specialized school.” 
 “Smart.” Eraser hummed. “And of course I know who you are you problem child. The only reason I don’t do anything is I’ve seen you use that chain of yours.” Izuku grinned. He closed his notebook with a sigh.
 “Alright I’m going home.” Izuku announced. He stood up to stretch before reaching under his hoodie to pull his chain out from where it was wrapped around his hips. “See you Aizawa.” With a hard snap, Izuku used the chain as a whip, wrapping it around a fire escape on another building before jumping off the one he stood on. A nice trick he’d picked up from Aizawa actually. He used to use chains to wrap around enemies and launch himself forward to them, and this new trick wasn’t much harder.
 “Wait you know-“ Eraserhead said before his voice was lost in the wind. Izuku just laughed. Hacking was easy, and his new worlds form of lock picking. It wasn’t hard to figure out who Eraserhead was with that. 
 Izuku tapped his fingers on the desk, staring at the screen in front of him. He’d been randomly wandering social media when he saw it. A post from a random account on Tumblr. Not something he’d pay attention to normally. If it wasn’t for two things.
 One, the name of the blog was IronFuckingBull. A phrase the Iron Bull, his husband, used in Izuku’s past life. 
 Two, the post had the same message written out in Qunlat, Tevinter, Elvish, Dwarven and Inquisiton code.  A code Izuku helped his spymaster develop his past life. 
 There were others like him out there. And… a very strong possibility Bull was one of them.
Notes: Ran out of steam, this is one I DO want to do. Basically it would be following Izuku as he and his friends adjust to their new lives. Some other notes: Nezu is Solas who died at the hands of the DA4 protag. Izuku had been with them and sat with him while he died.
Iron Bull is Tetsutetsu. Krem is Awase.
Momo is Varric while Hawke is Kaminari.
Fuyumi is Vivienne and has already exposed her father and entered politics with her husband Hawks (Duke Bastian reborn to)
Others would come.
Pairings: Izuku/Tetsutetsu, Momo/Kaminari, Fuyumi/Hawks. Others TBD
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mightymizora · 5 months
What were your favourite ships in DAI?
Blackwall/Cadash is really up there for me. Something about the man pretending to be noble and the former criminal who can’t hide from their past (it’s particularly good if they’re also quite a good person who never had any choice but the Carta, against his baggage it’s so good!)
I know they always say nothing happened but I love Josie and Leliana so much. I also think Leliana and Divine Justinia are exes.
I’m Cullen/Samson trash forever.
I adore Sera/Dagna
But above all it’s Adoribull. One of my ships of all time. I love their dynamic so much it makes me wanna hurl, it just has so much going for it aaaaa
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imagine-silk · 8 months
Dragon Age Masterlist
Varric, Cole, Josephine pinning over a scout
Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne taking care of sick child
Varric, Cullen, Morrigan showing affection
Solas, Dorian, Josephine reacting to a dark elf
Sera, Josephine, Iron Bull and the Chargers, and Solas doing modern summer events
Origins Modern Fake Dating (Shale in the comments)
Okay hear me out... Trian and Alistair
Vegas by Doja Cat [Solas, Varric, Josephine and Leliana, Iron Bull, Blackwall, and Vivienne]
What if Sten was pining?
Dorian, Cullen, Cassandra finding out a scout has a crush on Varric
Varric dating a eccentric detective
Cassandra Headcanons
Josephine Headcanons
Yo, Grey Warden Alistair is literally 'I'm not Famous' by AJR
The Warden is '100 Bad Days
I feel safe with you (Solas, Maryden Halewell, Cadash, Leliana)
Yandere Sera
Yandere Sera with a Noble Darling
Yandere Sera with a Darling who wants to get away from her
Yandere Morrigan
Anders reacting to his plot killing Hawke
Yan!Nathaniel Howe as a family man
Hawke w/ a gun
DA2 crew sitting alone with their thoughts
Nathaniel Howe as a Romantic Yandere
Varric + carriage ride =
Josephine, Solas, Dorian pinning after a cafe barista
The Iron Bull, Cole, Krem saying "I love you" for the first time
Alistair, Cailan, Duncan w/ a vampire s/o
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vigilskeep · 1 year
I missed this whole dang DA2 Height Saga, huh? Anyways, DA protag(s) + companions height chart, please? What's your HC for these guys?
AGHSJSJ i actually didnt answer a lot of the asks i loved reading all of them but i do not want to be sat here all day batting height opinions back and forth. anyway i am terrible for exact heights but here is my height order
shale -> sten (-> my cousland) -> loghain -> leliana -> alistair -> wynne -> morrigan (-> my tabris) (-> my surana) -> zevran (-> my mahariel) -> oghren (-> my brosca) (-> my aeducan)
anders -> kristoff/justice -> nathaniel -> velanna (-> my andras) -> oghren -> sigrun
anders -> sebastian -> isabela -> carver (-> my hawke) -> aveline -> bethany -> fenris -> merrill -> varric
iron bull (-> my adaar) -> leliana -> cullen (-> my trevelyan) -> blackwall -> cole -> dorian -> cassandra -> solas (-> my lavellan) -> vivienne sans horns -> josephine -> sera -> varric (-> my cadash)
so ultimately! shale -> iron bull (-> my adaar) -> sten (-> my cousland) -> loghain -> anders -> leliana -> cullen -> sebastian (-> my trevelyan) -> blackwall -> isabela -> alistair -> cole -> nathaniel -> dorian -> cassandra -> carver (-> my hawke) -> aveline -> solas -> wynne -> bethany -> fenris (-> my lavellan) -> vivienne sans horns -> josephine -> morrigan (-> my tabris) -> velanna (-> my surana) -> sera (-> my andras) -> zevran (-> my mahariel) -> merrill -> varric -> oghren (-> my cadash) (-> my brosca) -> sigrun (-> my aeducan) or something like that, this is naturally rougher and i can move people around like four places without thinking too much abt it
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mogwaei · 2 years
non-Lavellan OC love? happy to share! this is my DA darling, loml, Jannah Cadash (they/she) <3
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Before the Conclave explosion, Jannah was the Dasher's most reliable lookout for tricky deals and "business matters". They're calm and capable with a steady hand and keen eye, and they're more than happy to turn their skills to something less seedy. A certain Gray Warden found in the Hinterlands is the one to capture her heart, and he and Sera are her two closest companions in the Inquisition. Sera's determination to do right by the little people above the institutions and nobility inspires them to do the same.
A DWARF OC YEEEEEEESSSS *sets off fireworks*
Jannah is both gorgeous in design and backstory. Not to mention, a Blackwall lover and Sera friend? YES PLEASE ASFFHJKG. I want to read a fic about them if you ever write one or have!! Thank you so much for sharing, this is everything I wanted XD
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Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find OFMD brainrot (particularly Izzy/Ed/Stede) and Dragon Age ramblings.
For context, some of my Dragon Age OC’s. From right to left, top to bottom, we have:
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Ambeth Lavellan: an elven warrior, Ambeth has no interest in being the inquisitor. Unfortunately, her protestations have fallen mostly on deaf ears. My only inquisitor who is also a mother, Ambeth is keenly aware of her son back with her clan. Her romance with Cullen was a slow, soft thing. 
Alexandria ‘Alex’ Hawke: A soft, diplomatic girl who holds the world on her shoulders and always sees the good in those around her, Alex Hawke has a group of friends that would kill to keep her safe. She is immensely in love with her wife Merrill.
Merripen Lavellan: Merripen Lavellan was born a twin, and when his brother died from the plague, he devoted his life to Falon’Din, Elven God of Death and Fortune. Now, he lives a supposedly quiet life with The Iron Bull, although rumours abound about his close contact with his previous Spy Master and one Dorian Pavus, and what plans he may have for the future.
Aiden Hawke: my canon Hawke, my beloved, my angry boi, my favourite. Full of rage, Aiden started ripping the world apart when his sister was taken to the circle. He fell in love with Anders because of the work Anders was doing for the mage underground, a course he violently believed in. He was very, very tragic and very, very angry and I loved him with my whole soul.
DeLila Cadash: my canon inquisitor, my beloved, my girl, my favourite. The youngest of six, a warrior and a closet nerd, DeLila found a family in the inquisition she never thought she'd have. She misses them all dearly, but loves running rooftops with her wife, infamous Red Jenny Sera (extra pics and info: x x x)
Queen Lillian Hawke: A power hungry blood mage, Lillian finds it mildly funny that her friends, even her biographer, all also kinda hate her. Her relationship with Sebastian led to her claiming the title of Queen of Starkhaven, along with Champion of Kirkwall and Provisional Viscount of Kirkwall. 
Aban Adaar: my sweet, shy mage qunari who loves gardening and his wife Lady Josephine Montilyet (extra pics and info: x x x x)
Jenny Hawke: Crazy, sacrastic, and a little obsessed with gold coin (if prone to over-spending with them), Jenny deflected all her problems with sarcasm. She also had a weakness for pirate queens. 
Rust Cadash-Rainier: whatever her original name was, it's been lost to time. Now she goes by Rust and is learning to cook eggs with her husband (who, rumour has it, may once have been a war criminal, if one can believe the kindly man who spends his free time making toys for children is the same Thom Rainier that Orlais tried to execute), and also fighting to put a stop to Solas's stupidity (fightings in her bones, she could never put down her daggers) (extra pics and info x x x)
Thank you to everyone who puts up with me talking about these idiots, and the many more I'm no doubt likely to create and talk about in the future - my asks are always open if you have any questions about any of them, from which songs I think fit them to their backstories to the choices they made in game x
Some links to other things you may be interested in (because tumblr only lets you pin one post at a time):
I run two discord groups: a Dragon Age one, and an OFMD SteddyHands centric One. Both are 18+. If you want a link to either, please message me and we'll sort something out. Both are v chill communities.
All my writing can be found here on Ao3
My Mod Recs for each Dragon Age game can be found here (I’ll try and keep these vaguely updated too): Dragon age Origins, Dragon age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition
My Solas Romance Review can be found here (one day when I have time I’ll review all the romances in Dragon Age but alas, not yet)
Some fic rec lists of other peoples fics! Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus , Geralt/Jaskier
The Dragon Age fic data I collected can be found here (Nov 2021): Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition
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i love you sera i love you vivienne i love you merrill i love you morrigan i love you isabela i love you briala i love you bethany i love you leliana i love you josephine i love you marian i love you lavellan i love you cadash i love you adaar i love you brosca i love you tabris i love you amell i love you surana i love you aeducan
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breadedsinner · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Varric paused. “You two are sweet on each other, huh?”
Blackwall groaned. “Is that what this is all about?”
“I came here for my own reasons, but I can’t help being a little curious. Don’t think no one sees her running off to the barn, Cadash is not subtle.”
Blackwall put the knife down, but his eyes stayed stuck on the wooden cat, studying the lines of fur. “It’s not a secret, it never was, though I wish I had been more careful. Everyone else has made their opinions known. Most think I’m wasting the Inquisitor’s time, or even a bad influence. Only some have been the least bit encouraging but… I love Sera, but she keeps asking me what I do with her legs, and I don’t know how to answer that question.”
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nulfaga · 1 year
also slowly carding thru my da characters for which ones i actually want in my worldstate...i had a habit of making characters based on 1 throwaway thought/design hook and then they were just part of the pantheon but like...i feel no special desire to let some of them exist in my worldstate when they don't add anything narratively (and like outside of it being fun, my 4 hawkes and 6 wardens and 3 inquisitors don't have a personality between them except sumia and (partially) toni)
so what i think i'll do is have sumia (my babygirl. my everything) as the one inarguable truth of my worldstate. as in she is a surana, she lives, leliana lives, they're together by the time of dai, everything else is subject to revision. (i had a very complex reason at the time for killing off alistair but 1) i like him and 2) i don't think it was all that compelling outside of like. drama. so i'll see whether i want him to live)
i'm tending towards valentín as my canon hawke tm but all i ever said about him was that he was a depressed disaster of a blood mage so i need a narrative point b for him to get to...pending
and i can't really do otherwise for dai than to keep toni because i like the dynamic of sumia flitting in and out of skyhold to radicalize the inquisitor (a free marcher noble from a large templar family) re: freedoms for mages and elves and such while also engaging in loud and obnoxious pda with leliana wherever possible and giving toni the courage to approach sera. But then sumia & leliana try to put inquisition resources toward un-tranquilfying jowan (a blood mage) and the inquisitor never lets them off the hook for it and decides to appoint vivienne as divine rather than leliana. Like that just feels...textured. i would like to involve hawke in the drama somehow (especially if he is an unrepentant and kind of scary blood mage) but idk. as it stands he's kinda just There
As for the side characters i don't mind having them romp about if it's funny. solkr (amell) can stay because he's an agent of chaos and bc i'm keeping the tranquil jowan storyline and he's a large part of that. i have no strong feelings abt my aeducan or my (2) brosca(s) nor my mahariel. i have conflicted feelings about nyna (tabris). i think i have to relegate her to the alternate worldstate because her thing is Also being a warden and going thru the blight and making concrete choices that are different from sumia's...chamuel (cousland) runs into the same problem. leofric (andras) can stay, maybe, but i'm not that invested either way. it's him or mahariel idk.
then i see no reason for núnzia (cadash #1) to stick around but i don't mind gavril (cadash #2) rocking up to sumia's worldstate with his daughter & wooing dorian. sidonie (adaar) i might keep on if only because giving divine vivienne a milf qunari lover has at least some story potential. pyrrha (lavellan) has literally nothing to do in the narrative except wear heavy eyeshadow and be josephine's intense looking yet ultimately dorky love interest. ngl i'm inclined to keep her on for that reason alone. she has no social skills whatsoever. when uncomfortable she stands perfectly still and mean-mugs. everyone's like what could you possibly see in this offputting woman and josie's like ach. nae. i love her
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dabs-into-oblivion · 2 years
reactions to Adamant: character study
/conversations between various inquisitors of mine and their love interests/
Aslaan Adaar: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Josephine: You did not lie, darling.
Aslaan: It feels like I did.
Josephine: Well, then, the lie has helped people.
Aslaan: Under false pretences.
Josephine: I -- I don't know what else to say.
Aslaan: I think... let's not talk. Just hold me, please.
Bre'olas Lavellan: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Dorian: You never believed it in the first place, though.
Bre'olas: No.
Dorian: And the Divine did choose you.
Bre'olas: That’s what I'm uncomfortable with, I think.
Dorian: That a priestess of a religion that is not your own chose you to take on her mantle until her successor could be elected?
Bre'olas: ...Yes.
Dorian: You don't have to carry this weight on your own, you know. You retrieved my birthright. Let me do this with you.
Bre'olas: Okay. I don't know how to -- *gestures broadly*, but I will try.
Erik Cadash: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
The Iron Bull: A lot of things are lies.
Erik: Yeah?
Bull: You've never lied to me.
Erik: How do you know that?
Bull: I'm a spy.
Erik: Good point.
Bull: It's not your fault if people want to tell stories about you.
Erik: Shouldn't I try to correct the stories?
Bull: Sometimes fiction helps them more than the truth ever could.
Minan Lavellan: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Solas: I know, vhenan.
Minan: What do you know? Me?
Solas: I--
Minan: I don't want to fight with you, but you make it really fucking difficult sometimes.
Solas: I was trying to help.
Minan: You need to listen more, then.
Solas: Ah.
Minan: I feel like a failure.
Solas: Do you think they believe that?
Minan: When do the lies end, Solas?
Minan: I'm going to clear my head. Don't follow me.
Sylvia Trevelyan: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Sylvia: Fuck, Cullen, say something.
Cullen: I don't feel lied to. I never have.
Sylvia: Your soldiers?
Cullen: They still trust you. They would still die for you.
Sylvia: I don't know how to make the guilt go away.
Cullen: It doesn't. You learn to live with it, eventually. Maker knows I deserve to feel guilty far more than you do.
Sylvia: Guilt doesn't care what we deserve.
Cullen: No. It doesn't.
Sylvia: I'm so tired.
Cullen: I'm here. No Inquisitor, no Herald, no Commander. Just you and me.
Sylvia: Just you and me.
Hecate Adaar: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Hecate: Yes, I know.
Blackwall: If you can forgive me for that, then forgive yourself for this.
Hecate: Don't try to reason with my feelings --
Blackwall: You didn't even do this. The people did. They gave you the title. All you did was let them believe. Is that such a crime?
Hecate: I suppose not.
Blackwall: Well, then.
Willa Cadash: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Sera: You're just now realising this?
Willa: No, but... I'm just now having feelings about it.
Sera: Ah.
Willa: Why do you follow me, Sera?
Sera: Because you're you.
Willa: Supremely helpful. Thank you.
Sera: Ugh! Because you're good to people.
Willa: I am?
Sera: You are. It's sickening, sometimes.
Willa: I love you too.
Vasili Trevelyan: The Herald of Andraste was a lie.
Cassandra: That changes nothing.
Vasili: No?
Cassandra: You were with the Divine in her final moments. You have carried the Anchor for months. You have sealed the Breach. You have led the Inquisition. Let people believe Andraste chose you. It hurts no one.
Vasili: Are you sure?
Cassandra: Look at me.
Cassandra: I am a Seeker of Truth. Do you trust me?
Vasili: Yes. Always.
Cassandra: Then trust me in this.
Vasili: Okay.
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herearedragons · 1 month
T, U, X, Z for the fanfic asks!
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
None that I can think of? Like there are things that just don't seem fun or interesting to me, but I can't think of a trope I have Actual Beef with.
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet?
I guess HawkeVarric is now up there, since I'm pretty sure that's where I'll end up going with Secret? it would also be cool to revisit ZevWarden, Sera/Trevelyan and Blackwall/Cadash, all of which I've written in the past, but I'd like to write it BetterTM than my first attempts
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
100% pick-and-choose. Which means that when I do find a fic I like, I will Cherish It.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I mean I don't think it's fair to say that about Cold Water because it's new and I posted all 11 chapters at once and I've also personally forbidden one of the people who I knew wanted to read it from reading it because of Videogame Spoilers so. I'm definitely excited for when more people finish reading it but also I very much did this (having to wait for more comments/feedback to roll in) to myself hsjzhskshdjsjs
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clarissa39 · 7 months
tagged by @vikugnavikugna
coke or pepsi? Coke. I prefer things spicy
disney or dreamworks? Didney, fucking love their animated stuff
coffee or tea? Coffee for functionality, tea for pleasure
books or movies? Books (if I had the time)
windows or mac? How is this a question? Windows
dc or marvel? Really not a fan of heroes in general. Both have been pretty disappointing lately but I guess Marvel because I liked the first Iron Man movie
x-box or playstation? Xbox (I am assuming original consoles thank you)
dragon age or mass effect? Mass Effect.
night owl or early riser? Early riser. I go to bed at 2am and wake up at 6. It's an inconvenience
cards or chess? Cards, can't gamble on chess
chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
vans or converse? I have never worn a pair of either but Converse fits my aesthetic more.
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? Lavellan is a clan from Dragon Age. Are the rest? Am I choosing clans? If so: Clan Star Adder (Clan Wolf is good but overdone)
fluff or angst? Angst, heavy
beach or forest? Forest. I love wandering through trees taller and older than me.
dogs or cats? Dogs. I am a dog, I love dogs.
clear skies or rain? Rain, just light enough to not impede me.
cooking or eating out? Cooking, especially with loved ones
spicy food or mild food? Spicy!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Halloween
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold. More layers, more cuddles
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flight or shapeshifting (the trans girl has chosen shapeshifting? How droll)
animation or live action? Animation
paragon or renegade? Both are stupid but renegades are just assholes about it. Paragon.
baths or showers? Bath, 100%
team cap or team ironman? Ironman I guess because I actually watched his movies.
fantasy or sci-fi? Sci-fi, and especially science-fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? "Shichishō Hōkoku" half because it's cool and half because Kusunoki is cool.
youtube or netflix? Youtube
[REDACTED] [Expletive Deleted]
when do you feel accomplished? Cleaning house. Nothing like sitting down and looking about my freshly mopped place.
star wars or star trek? I like both, but I LOVE Star Wars (old canonist, don't @ me)
paperback books or hardcover books? Paperback for travel, hardcover otherwise
to live in a world without literature or without music? Without music. I am a writer. I need to write.
who was the last person to make you laugh? Chartic posting Taylor in a stupid shirt
city or countryside? Countryside baybeeeee
favorite chips? Old Dutch BBQ.
pants or dresses? Dress, so much more variety
libraries or museums? Library, especially if it has an archive
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven!
bookmarks or folding pages? Folding pages (they're MY books, I get to choose the page marking mechanism!!!)
Dream job? Author of fanfic. Alas Disney and White Dwarf probably won't hire me.
What gives you comfort? Getting high and cuddling.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? "Son Mausolée sera marqué/D’un ornement mélancolique/Une Couronne de Branche symbolique/D’une vie vécue dévorée par le passé/A jamais gravé dans mon cœur"
Favourite ice cream flavour ever? Vanilla gelato
First fandom? Naruto, I even made a kunai in woodworking class
Desert island band? Beach Boys
Favourite firearm (real or fictional)?
@emlemony @enriquemzn262 curious what you two think of it
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datarotdeck · 10 months
Hi! This is to be a pinned post. 👋
This is a sideblog of @kirkwall-age. I tag everything religiously, because tumblr's search function is highly unreliable, and I want to be able to quickly find thematically similar art that I saved to this blog.
The desktop version of this blog has a tag page: here.
But since a lot of people are using tumblr exclusivey from mobile, here's a list of all the tags this blog uses. (Under cut for length.)
By Source: Dragon Age: Origins • Dragon Age II • Dragon Age: Inquisition • Official Art from Bioware • art unrelated to Dragon Age but mostly inspired by the DA fad
By Protagonists: The Warden (art specifically rendering the iconic Warden armor) • Aeducan • Amell • Brosca • Cousland • Mahariel • Tabris • Surana ••• Hawke ••• Adaar • Cadash • Lavellan • Trevelyan ••• Original Character
By Characters: Alistair • Leliana • Morrigan • Zevran ••• Anders • Isabela • Fenris • Merrill • Varric ••• Blackwall • Cassandra • Cole • Cullen • Dorian • The Iron Bull • Josephine • Sera • Solas • Vivienne • Krem • Scout Harding
there are, of course, cards with other characters, like Nathaniel, or Carver, or even Andraste. I've not been tracking them as they usually get 1 or 2 cards in a sea of actual official love interests and more full-time squadmates, but if you're looking for anyone in particular, the logic behind the tagging system is the same, so you can just try and input that, and you might find them anyway
By Common Art Motifs: Artistically Rendered Blood • White Elements • Artistically Rendered Gold • Imagery of Fen'Harel • Romance • Various Depictions of the Anchor
By the actual Tarot Card (in order they appear in the deck): The Fool • The Magician • The High Priestess • The Empress • The Emperor • The Hierophant • The Lovers • The Chariot • Strength • The Hermit • Wheel of Fortune • Justice • The Hanged Man • Death • Temperance • The Devil • The Tower • The Star • The Moon • The Sun • Judgement • The World ••• Minor Arcana: Cups • Minor Arcana: Pentacles • Minor Arcana: Swords • Minor Arcana: Wands
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enderon · 1 year
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Here is the first Inquistor I have ever finished the game with, Trinket Cadash. I gotta say, originally he was just a way to inspire some characterization for an original story character, but he's ended up taking on a life of his own from the original.
He's a sneaky little melee rogue and is very committed to the Iron Bull and besties with Sera. He'd be more upset about the whole, loosing his arm thing, but the new attachment he gets honestly makes it pretty dope, even if he sadly has to choose which of his lovely knives to use now.
I've got a bunch of little stories I wanna write about this little fucker.
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Here's him a little more close up. My favorite thing is his eyes. I will warn that that specific beard, the shaders on PC have no idea what to do with it so sometimes he looks like he's got a really intense mustache when he's in the dark.
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anatidae-dragonage · 2 years
My Fic: Black Emporium 2022
I wrote eight fics for this rare pair exchange, so I’ll put most info below the cut!
Pairings: f!Adaar/Sera, f!Surana/f!Trevelyan, f!Surana/f!Amell, f!Brosca/Leliana, f!Cadash/Lace Harding, f!Lavellan/Krem, Leandra Hawke/Arishok
Ratings: T and E
Foreigner’s God (the purest expression of grief)
Rating: E
Word Count: 1467
Pairing: f!Surana/f!Trevelyan
“Find me well within Your grace.”
And from the time when she still tried, Neria knows what words come next. With bated breath she waits, and with a shaky voice Evelyn finally continues:
“Touch me with fire that I be cleansed.”
Big Houses
Rating: T
Word Count: 911
Pairing: f!Surana/f!Trevelyan
In the light of the stained glass window at dawn, Evelyn looks holy.
This House a Habit
Rating: T
Word Count: 1292
Pairing: f!Adaar/Sera
“Adaar woke up to a ray of light spilling in through the window and the smell of something burning. She had half a minute to wonder, slowly coming to terms with the waking world. She smiled into her pillow.
Sera. Life was never dull.”
You’re My Home
Rating: E
Word Count: 1136
Pairing: f!Brosca/Leliana
“My love,” Leliana says when Brosca opens the bedroom door. There’s a smile on her lips, visible in the flickering candlelight. “Welcome home.”
You can hear it in the silence (Silence)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1039
Pairing: f!Amell/f!Surana
“They think we’re the same, you and I. Interchangeable.”
They are, on the surface. Quieter, whip-smart, always side-by-side. But beneath it all, Surana thinks, they couldn’t be more different, and that’s why they work.
She dances with with her flame. Amell traces frost on the window.
Complementary, then.
Get Out of Jail Free
Rating: T
Word Count: 1305
Pairing: f!Cadash/Lace Harding
A not-so-daring prison break and developing feelings between Cadash and everyone’s favorite dwarven scout!
Rating: T
Word Count: 1450
Pairing: f!Lavellan/Krem
It started with a note attached to a sweet bun:
“Your Worship—
Last week you said you’d never tried one. Enjoy.
Tall, Grey, and Handsome
Rating: T
Word Count: 660
Pairing: Leandra Hawke/Arishok
Total crack fic.
"You have got to be shitting me."
Hawke and Carver meet their mother's new boyfriend over dinner.
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