#i love u new fambily
inkedmyths · 1 year
S1: E22 "Devil's Trap"
Brought to you by hey so each and every one of you who made me watch this. You all suck. This is the worst. I hate it here. What sort of BULLSHIT was that—
This episode featuring: Odd interrogation techniques, family dynamics, bodysnatching, and one deeply upset Ink
Banging opening music
I will not fall doooown... when push comes to shove I will rise above... jammin
Here we fuckin go the boys are off to save or avenge their dad
[ Kayla asks if one of the opening montages has used Carry On My Wayward Son. I said no, because I would definitely remember that. ]
Where are we
What the dog doin
Holy water and whiskey. Mood.
Oh this be Bobby
[ Kayla and Crepe cheer. They love Bobby. ]
SCREAMS. JOHN JUST HAS THAT AFFECT ON PEOPLE (referring to when he threatened to shoot John) oh I like him already
Satanic Roach Hotel
Ohh. Bad year. Most years 4 possessions, but this one had at least 27...... well thats rough
Fuck off Meg
"Chuckleheads" GREAT word use Meg
Okaaaay interrogation time
"Where's our father, Meg"
"You didn’t ask very nice"
"Where's our father, bitch"
Goddammit whys he so funny
Oh shes posessed
I dunno about innocent
Oh good news bc it means they can yeet the demon, yea?
"Hit it Sam" (begins praying)
[ Winchesters latest hit single in Christian Rap sweeps midwestern protestant congregations as a big hit! ]
Dean buddyyyy
Uh getting spookyyyyy
This is wild. Interrogation via exorcism
What the fuck are u gonna do here like what do u do
Shes dead but not but whats up
Hello ma'am
That sucks ass. Being exorcised certainly doesn't seem fun, esp when you got dropped from a building
A year............ bro.......
Poor gal...
As I went down to the river....
Oh she gone.............
"You guys think you invented lying to the cops?" lmao thanks bobby
"I won't even try to shoot him this time"
[ Crepe asks Kayla if Meg is the woman Bobby has buried in his garden or if that's someone else. Concerning. ]
SCREAMS hes making the car safe and Dean is like MY CAR
Dean just wants his family to stop being self sacrificing. Hypocrite
Sunrise Apartments!
Building full of human shields... thats a problem
Pull the fire alarm lol
Oh those people are SO posessed
Yep there he is, tied u— hm. I don't. Like that actually
"I've got a Yorkie upstairs, and he pees when he's nervous—" Dean for funniest liar
Demon? Demön?
Holy water!!
Hes still breathing hes not dead yet
But he might be posessed
Oh just had to check
Uh oh someone else just got posessed
And another....
Aha... the colt
[ Kayla: Uhhh I'm here for the colt stuff - the Winchesters]
2 bullets left!
Alright. Now what
Dean can and will kill for his family huh
Uh oh zappy lights
The demon's here!
Uh oh
Something is wrong
Sam going AAA
Bullshit bullshit
Kayla: and why was he right :)
Me: Bc he would have been pissed :(
Kayla: and never proud :)
Kayla: (therapy voice) and how did that make you feel
Me: I hate it here
Kayla: elaborate on that
Me: I haaaate it here
Kayla: mhm mhm (writing stuff down)
"What are you and God going to do?" dammmn
Justice for WHAT
Oh so a demon cares about its family
Good for him but also you were already trying to kill them before??
Yeah? Why?
What's your angle here
Huhhhhh. What the fuck do you want with Sam
"I really can't stand all your monologuing"
Oooough hitting him where it hurts damn
How are u guys goimg to get out of this
Oh shit oh SHIT
Oh fuck man
Bro it fucking leaving
Well this is an Awkward Family Ride
Kayla: awkward family ride abt to
What the fuck what the fuck
My so-called friends then proceeded to point, laugh, and heckle me for the next 10 minutes. This is bullshit I hope you know. Stupid goddamn cliffhangers stupid Winchesters and their STUPID FAMILY NONSENSE—
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1) Ducktales 2) Drakepad 3) Della (even if i was only supposed to send one, at least you have options for what you want to answer ^^)
Favorite character: Drake!
Least Favorite character: M*rk B**ks
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): drakepad, fenro,dellumbra,dellene, three gay caballeros!
Character I find most attractive: seleeeeene!! and della 
Character I would marry: frank’s alluded to morgana coming to dt17 and im staying hopeful so...magic wife
Character I would be best friends with: launchpad bc he’s everyone’s friend!!
a random thought: its a good show watch it @ my non dt followers!!
An unpopular opinion: change is good just because they changed your fav character from the old one doesn’t mean the new one and the old cant coexist and be loved by everyone w/o any fighting!
My Canon OTP: there’s no real canonical ships except maybe scroldie? which i do like even if i constantly battle between gay scrooge and lesbian goldie and then back to bi for both
My Non-canon OTP: drakepad hands down!
Most Badass Character: ms. beakley!!!
Most Epic Villain: lunaris was p formidable imo!
Pairing I am not a fan of: besides the obvious incest (this includes webby and the triplets yall!!)/pedophilia...c/rackbea/ks is the ship name i think for fenton and m*rk? 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm not really thinking of anything atm except ig that it feels like there should be more about donald in the terms of him post moonvasion (but like obviously we arent that far so it might get expanded on so thats why i dont wanna concretely say he was “screwed up”)
Favourite Friendship: all the kids being friends makes me 🥺🥺🥺
Character I most identify with: drake and huey probably!!
Character I wish I could be: an interesting question that i don’t quite have an answer for yet!
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When I started shipping them: well i kept seeing cute fanart of them before i even got into dt and after i saw the hype for dwd i explored more, found drakepad, but didnt REALLY ship it til i gave dwd a try and was like “ok wow the fans werent exaggerating the gay huh”
My thoughts: its such a good ship i want it desperately to become canon i’ve never wanted a ship to become canon so badly before this is THE OTP for me.
What makes me happy about them: they care about each other sm and are already a family and are always trying to make the other be a better version of themselves
What makes me sad about them: that nagging negative feeling that theyll only be implied or never shown beyond platonic
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: tbh i can’t think of anything bc all the fics ive read of them are super sweet!! especially @/mighty-ant  @/bassiter’s fics  @/taylorthegiant@/transdarkwingduck(and some others but idk their tumblr urls)
Things I look for in fanfic: mutual love and understanding (also lots of angst AND PINING GOD THE PIIINIIIING!!!!) its also really great if gosalyns in there too bc then fambily.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i lowkey like fenton with either! 
My happily ever after for them: get married and adopt gosalyn and then grow old together :’)
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How I feel about this character: she’s badass and complete wife...
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: selene and penumbra! 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: i really love how much she loves her kids she wants to be a good mom and i love it ;u;
My unpopular opinion about this character: she deserves her time to shine screw what my uncle says she ain’t annoying! we’ve had a bajillion years of donald and della only made a select few appearances in some old comics no one really knows about so!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: she faces her fear of not being a good mom and just growing and adjusting and facing what she went through for over a decade
Favorite friendship for this character: donald and i really want for us to see her and gyro itd be hilarious
My crossover ship: um...idk if crossover since she might appear but...morgana x della? i would think morg would be the same age or only a couple of years older in the reboot! 
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Thanks for the ask(s)!!
Send me a fandom, ship, or character!
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americankimchi · 5 years
cindy how would u recommend going about becoming familiar with the various robins and batchildren and such? any particular comics or shows or whatever?
oh man u have UNLEASHED the BEAST 
it’s been a Hot Second since i’ve read the comics but
if you just want to know who’s who then i’d say start with nu52 bc it crams a lot of characters old and new together in a godless chaotic way
if you want to know the batfam SPECIFICALLY, then i’d start with pre-boot stuff like batman: cataclysm, the final crisis arc (well it’s not Just the batfam but it provides the context for/leads into the next arc which is pretty choice), Batman R.I.P, Battle for the Cowl, and the subsequent arcs
(does the will smith pose) now for my favorite boy wonder whomst is blessed with the name dick grayson, bestboy, who has done some things wrong and many that are questionable but then again who hasn’t in comics since the writers are a rotating wheelhouse of inconsistencies and strange character choices nothing wrong ever in his entire life, the first robin, nightwing, batman 2 (kicks bat!azrael under the rug), and the love of my life,
PLEASE read batman and robin (with dick and damian as the subsequent holders of each title) because it is just. good. i love them. i love these kids. they’re A FAMBILY........... (pours one out for tim u_u)
or read any of the titans comics! not the teen titans ones (i mean u could nothing is stopping u go forth and live ur best life) but the ones where they’re all grown up...... donna troy.............. my WIFE
nu52 has a really cool arc with the court of owls called “night of the owls” which introduces a REALLY cool new spin on dick’s backstory which is *chef’s kiss* choice
/pointedly ignores everything that happened to dick after this arc because honestly, what the fuck, What The Fuck, and i repeat WHAT the FUCK,,
for tim drake, read young justice since that’s His team or his titular red robin series and i’m so!!! proud of him!!!! baby boy!!!! BABEY!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly if i hadn’t been introduced to dick grayson first (i mean,,, most of us have been since he was the first and the most popular in terms of media rep ghjdfkghfj) i’m like....... pretty sure he’d be my favorite robin. he’s the best detective among the robins (though that’s not saying that they’re lightweights in that department; every single bat is Incredibly Proficient in investigation. it’s just that tim’s the best, possibly even better than batman himself, which is truly saying something)
JASON TODD THE MAN WITH THE TRULY QUESTIONABLE CHOICE IN HEADWEAR.......... shoutout to condom!jason we’ll never forget this truly iconic look
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read red hood and the outlaws!!! i think that’s the best way to get to know Ya Boi since it shows him in the best light :>
damian........... son boy allowed........... most of his arcs are tied in with dick’s and bruce’s but he’s got some good ones too!!! although most of those are in nu52 now and i don’t know much about nu52 except for that unfortunate time where dc Tried It with my boy. aside from that the aforementioned batman and robin series is SUPER good for dames
AS FOR THE BATGIRLS............. god i am ashamed to say that,,, i don’t know much about them,,,,,,, aside from batgirl, black bat, and the birds of prey comics (pre-boot, not nu52) which has ORACLE!BABS!!!! oracle babs....................... how i miss you.................... /stares longingly into the distance................... back when they did you justice and didn’t just shaft you back into batgirl status because they decided that they couldn’t just FUCKING use stephanie brown or cass cain no they had to take you from your pinnacle, from your peak, rewind and destroy the struggles that you had to overcome to become the best you you could be after you had batgirl taken from you in the most violent way possible and i! am! still!!! furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bruce is. well he’s batman pick a comic any comic fghkjfhgf
justice league the animated series for some WHOLESOME BRUCE WAYNE GOODNESS it’s truly the best at showing bats in the best way... shoutout to the episode where he held [redacted]’s hand bc they were scared ;_;
young justice is super good too! it kind of uh,,, replaced,,, tim’s role as leader with dick grayson which i understand because dick is more popular and that’s how u get the #views but have no fear!!! timbo is in season 2!!! and jason for like 3 seconds!!! but there is also a SEASON THREE NOW WHICH I STILL HAVEN’T SEEN HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH /grabby hands
teen titans, the OLDER teen titans, not the more memey reboot... honestly who was i, who were we all before the terra arc
and the batman animated series of course!!! also batman: beyond if you want to see old grouchy grandpa batman in the twilight of his years still alpha as FUCK though
and that’s all i got for u off the top of my head!! hope this helped :L
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