#i try to do a hard stop at 50 or 100 bc of the select coins
kalmeria · 1 year
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30 pulls :D i have strangely good luck with shinobu for some reason, now i feel bad that i only wanted him for the event bonus. on the other hand i am! beating up rinne kun’s ass!!! a single copy? 50 pulls and only a single copy? dude i fucking trusted you
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movedto-tsotc · 4 years
My pokeprotag hcs :]
Red — nonbinary (he / they), homosexual, ace
- leaf's twin brother - Selectively mute, hard of hearing - Autistic - married to Blue - Originally called Red Branch, now called Red Branch Oak (as though that's any better) - Got Charmander as a starter
Leaf — trans feminine nonbinary (she / they), lesbian - Red's twin sister - Full of life, also hard of hearing - calls blue various fruits in sign language - Still called Leaf Branch - Chose the name Leaf specifically to match their family name - Got Bulbasaur as a starter
Kris — nonbinary (he / him), lesbian - off the shits little woman - Adopted sister of Ethan and Lyra - Does abt 50 sports in his free time - Became champion for abt a week but only so he could brag to Ethan that he did it first - Got adopted by Leaf as a sister after Ethan got taken into the family by Red and Blue - Got a Totodile as a starter
Ethan — trans man (he / him), bisexual - Lyra's identical twin brother - Healthy sibling rivalry with Kris - Chose the name Ethan out of the phone book - Got adopted as a brother by Red and Blue after finding Red on Mt Silver and losing to him pretty badly - Dresses himself in the dark 8/10 times - ADHD - Got Cyndaquil as a starter
Lyra — cis woman (she / her), pansexual - Ethan's identical twin sister - Does sports with Kris in her free time, could reasonably throw ethan like a rugby ball if she was so inclined - Became the champion after Ethan went off the Mt. Silver to fight their new brother - Really looks up to Leaf as a cool big sister type - Got Chikorita as a starter
Brendan — agender, (it / that), aromantic
- May's identical twin - Beat the Hoenn E4 but said fuck that to beating Wallace with a Blazekin and only a Blazekin - Currently the Contest master alongside its dear friend Lisia - Adopted child of Maxie somehow - QPP with Wally - Keeps trying to wear more trousers together to see who would try and stop him - Got Torchic as a starter
May — trans woman (she / her), lesbian - Brendan's identical twin sister - Currently Hoenn's champion, did it with a lone mudkip - Adopted child of Archie because they're both off the shits and also fuck you Norman - Never cared much for the contests bc they don't - appreciate her dear friend mudkip - Got Mukip as a starter
Lucas — cis man (he / she), homosexual -Dawn's younger brother (abt a year difference) - His scarf was a gift from Barry, his dear silly little boyfriend Barry - Hard of hearing - Turns off his hearing aid if Barry's trying to fine him - Got Chimchar as a starter
Dawn — trans woman (she / her), bisexual
- Lucas' older sister (abt a year difference) - Makes her own clothes and is really good at it - Visually impaired - Current Sinnoh champion - Got adopted by Cynthia after winning the title - Got piplup as a starter
Hilbert — agender trans man (no pronouns / it), homosexual - Hilda's twin brother - N's honourary little brother - Made the equiv of 100 gecs alongside Hilda - Didn't actually go on a pokémon journey to become champion, was too busy being called Hilbert and trying to befriend the tall green man to fight the league - Cheren's boyfriend - Got Oshawott as a starter
Hilda — trans woman (he / they), lesbian - Hilbert's twin sister - N's honourary little sister - Made the equiv of 100 gecs alongside Hilbert - Champion of Unova, punched Ghetsis in the face - Took Iris under his wing and practically adopted her as a sister - Got Tepig as a starter
Nate — nonbinary (they / them), Demi ace - Almost the champion but got beaten by Hilda, content at beating the E4 - Hugh's Partner - Cuts their own hair - ADHD + Autistic - Decided to dedicate themself to looking after bird pokémon and do research into them - Got Snivy as a starter
Calem — cis man (he / him), pansexual - Sycamore's semi adopted son - Fr*nch - idk i never played x/y - Got Froakie as a starter
Serena — nonbinary woman (she / her), lesbian - Calem's half sister - The current Kalosian Champion - Took Diantha to be her new big sister - Deaf - Got Fennekin as a starter
Elio — nonbinary agender (any prns but she), aro ace - Selene's identical twin - Hau and Gladion's QPP - ADHD - Got adopted by Kahili (specifically my Kahili) as a sibling and taught Alolan sign language by it - Originally from Johto - Got Rowlet as a starter
Selene — nonbinary agender (any prns but he), Lesbian ace - Elio's identical twin - Lillie's partner - Also got adopted by Kahili (specifically my Kahili) as a sibling and taught Alolan sign language by it - Alolan Champion - Originally from Johto - Got Litten as a starter
Victor — trans man (he / him), homosexual - Gloria's twin brother - The part of the relationship between him, Hop and Bede, that keep getting them all into trouble - Galar's tower master after Leon - Studying to be a pokémon professor alongside hop - Really fucking quiet, only really talks to Gloria and his boyfriends - Looks up to Raihan (brother in law in law) as the coolest trainer in Galar, sorry Leon - Came from Sinnoh at 4 years old and grew up in Galar - Got Scorbunny as a starter
Gloria — nonbinary (he / they), lesbian - Victor's twin sibling - Marine <3 - Currently the Galar champion - Tourettes - Came from Sinnoh at 4 years old and grew up in Galar - Got Sobble as a starter
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zeravmeta · 4 years
fuck it. soma cruz fgo servant profile bc i make my own content
Servant: / Servant Class: Soma Cruz / Alter Ego
Origin: / Region: Castlevania Series / Japan, 2035
Alignment: Lawful Neutral(?) “Yeah, not sure how I classify as Lawful given my past life, but whatever.”
Aliases: The Dark Lord, Dracula, Soma Cruz
Parameters: STR (B) / END (A+) / AGL (B+) / MP (EX) / LUK (A) / NP (???) 
Class Skills: Authority of Beasts (Fake), Core of Chaos (A), One Who Severs Fate (A)
Character Info: “In order for God to be perfectly Good, there must always exist an embodiment of Chaos, a Dark Lord to emerge from the evil of humanity’s hearts.”
For one thousand years, the Belmont bloodline had opposed the terrible night that Count Dracula would bring with his powers. After generations of suffering, the Belmont’s latest mantle bearer, Julius Belmont, along with their generational allies, the Belnades clan and a nameless soldier, had managed to permanently defeat Dracula with the help of the Hakuba Clan’s shrine magics. Severing his connection to his power and sealing Castlevania, the embodiment of his power, within a solar eclipse, Dracula had finally faced his demise in 1999, prophesied by Nostradamus one millennium ago. Thus, the strongest Dark Lord had fallen, his throne empty and awaiting a new master.
In 2035, Soma Cruz had visited the Hakuba Shrine to meet with his childhood friend Mina, unaware of the birthright he would claim.
Chaos Ring A: An extremely powerful construct that channels the very essence of Chaos. It can only be found by the one who can traverse and control the Chaos Realm, the Dark Lords personal right. Wearing it grants the unlimited magical power of the Chaos Realm, but actual output depends on the user. If the Demon King’s Ring is the symbol of Dracula and his reign, then the Chaos Ring could be considered the symbol of Soma and his new beginning.
Thematic narratives aside, it’s a very convenient tool for Soma.
“It’s weird, but it feels like…it was made for me. Almost like a welcome gift.”
[5->3 Turns] [Charge NP (20%->30%), Increase NP Gain (10%->25%) (3 Turns), Gain a Delayed buff 1 turn after skill use (Unremovable): [Charge NP (20->30%)]
Armament Master D: Soma is extremely proficient at using any and all forms of weaponry. Due to Dracula’s vast reach, Soma has a vast number of different modern and mythical weapons and gear at his disposal, notable weapons including Excalibur (sealed in the stone), Hrunting, Caladbolg, Mjolnir, and even a Positron Rifle, to name a few. However, one weapon unique to Soma is the Claimh Solais, an Irish sword of light mentioned in many legends and defining the archetype of “Sword of Light.” It provides a great boost to parameters and is surprisingly light weight despite its size. Another unique weapon he wields is the Valmanway, the “Blessed Wind” that is always ‘cutting’ even when still.
(The rank is D because despite his proficiency, Soma has never had any formal training.)
“I mean, it’s just a sword, right? How complex is it? You can just swing it and things die. Though…considering I have ol’ Drac’s memories…sorta, maybe I’m just remembering it?”
[8->6 Turns] [Increase Atk (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Gain Critical Stars (5->15), Increase Critical Star Absorption (3000%) (3 Turns), Increase Critical Damage (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Apply Special Attack against Sky, Star and Beast attribute enemies (20%->40%) (3 Turns)]
Power of Dominance (EX): Soma’s inheritance from Dracula, or more fittingly, the Chaos Entity opposite to God. The Power of Dominance is a unique ability that grants a complete mastery over the abilities of any and all souls Soma can acquire from the enemies he defeats. All the monsters that Dracula unleashed in his crusade against humanity are the countless souls under his domain, even that of Death itself, and their powers rightly belong to him.
Soma can differentiate between the types of Soul Arts he uses, and this reflects accordingly in his Noble Phantasm.
“I never wanted this power, but I guess I’m stuck with it. I’ll always carry the target on my back, but at least I can look awesome as hell while doing it, I suppose.”
[5->3 Turns] [Decrease Enemy Charge by 1 (20%->50%), Select own NP Command Card’s type between Quick, Arts or Buster for 3 Turns. Effect of NP changes depending on which Command Card Type is selected. This skill is immune to debuff effects (such as Skill Seal)]
Noble Phantasm:
Advent of Sorrow – He Who Severed His Fate Against Chaos and God / Anti-Divine, Anti-Self / Rank (???)
A manifestation of Soma’s power truly made his own, separate from the title of Dark Lord and Dracula. Having defeated the Chaos Entity, he managed to sever its connection to his soul, and be saved from his Fate. Even so, he carries the Power of Dominance with him always, and the countless souls and followers of Chaos always wait and offer themselves unto Soma to lead and command them. In his own imperfect way, neither holy nor demonic.
After all, he’s only human.
(Note: If used by the true Count Dracula, this would be considered an Anti-Humanity NP)
[Type: Buster] – [Deals massive damage to a single enemy (1200%->2400%), Chance to Decrease Charge by 1 (80%->100%). Overcharge: Increases own Buster Card Effectiveness (20%) (1 Turn) and NP Damage (1 Turn) (20%) (Activates First)]
[Type: Arts] – [Deals heavy damage to all enemies (400%->800%), Chance to decrease Atk (15%->25%) and Critical Chance (20%->30%). Overcharge: Inflict Curse (5 Turns).]
[Type: Quick] – [Apply Debuff Immune (1 Time), and Restore HP each turn for self (3 Turns) (1000->1500), and Increase NP Gauge each turn for self (3 Turns) (5%). Overcharge: Apply Def Up for all allies (3 Turns) (25%->50%).]
Bond Lines: 
Bond 1: “Heh, thanks for having me! I’m still not too sure about how all this stuff works here, but if you need a monster taken down, I’m your guy.”
Bond 2: “So the rest of those dudes call you ‘Master’? Kind of awkward, but I guess they’re magical familiars at the end of the day. What? So am I? Sorry but, vampiric powers aside, I’m just a normal guy. I was even in University before I got dragged here. I’ll just call you [name] for now.”
Bond 3: “Do you like curry? Arikado said I shouldn’t be using these monster souls for dumb stuff, but they don’t mind. They always talk to me and really want to help me out wherever I am. Except Death, that guy sucks. He’s always breaking into my home and trying to convince me to become the next Dark Lord and to ‘accept my throne’ and stuff.”
Bond 4: “…It scares me, sometimes. Knowing not only what I am, but what I’m very capable of.”
Bond 5: “Y’know…you could always come back with me to my world, if you want to escape. I’ll take you to meet Mina, and Hammer and Yoko and Julius and Arikado and…Hm. Sorry. I know you can’t abandon this world, it’s where you grew up. There’s…a lot of people here who love you. You should always remember that and hold it close. It saved my life when I thought I couldn’t go on, and I know it will also save yours.”
Voice Lines:
(1): “I’m glad this place is a lot simpler than the castle. That place had so many hidden rooms and puzzles that I felt like I was going insane…No, as a matter of fact, DON’T tell me about all the secret workshops here.”
(2): “Hm? What’s up? I’m just relaxing here. Sorry if I’m taking up space. It’s nice to just take a moment.”
(3): “No, no, don’t worry. Even if I could, I’m not the type of guy to just go around stealing souls. I only do that to monsters, and even then, they become complacent once they return to me. I could show you some of the fun ones, like the Skeleton Gardener, if you’d like.”
Likes: “What I like? Curry! Oh, and Mina. She’s been with me for my whole life. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Dislikes: “This is gonna sound cliché, but garlic. It just tastes bad.”
Event: “Whoa, a party! Let’s go, I’m super bored cooped up in here.”
About The Holy Grail: “Wish granting? No thanks, I’ve read a ton of comics and things always go wrong. What? Of course, it’s a valuable source!”
Summon Quote: “Yo! My name is Soma Cruz. I’m just a regular high school student. Um…Where am I, exactly?”
Happy Birthday: “Happy Birthday, [name]! I’m so gonna throw you the coolest party ever! I’ll even invite Mina…If, uh, if that’s cool with you?”
(King Hassan): “D-Death!? Why are you…Oh. Uh, sorry about that. You reminded me of...someone. I’m sure you’re a cool guy underneath all that armor.”
(Vlad/Vlad III (EXTRA)): “Huh. So, in this world, the legend of Dracula is just that? A legend? Well, that’s a huge relief. I’m not exactly the kingly type.”
(Gilgamesh/Gilgamesh (Caster)): “Hey [name], could you give me a hand? This gold idiot keeps saying I stole his weapons, but they’re mine! …Hey! Stay back with those portal things! Someone, help!!!”
(Scathach): “Jeez, I bet Arikado will get along with that slave driver. Seriously, Arikado’s method of teaching me my powers amounted to locking me in a room with monsters and a pocketknife. Huh? She’s stomping over here!? [name], help me!”
(Marie Antionette): “I don’t know why, but…Looking at you makes me sad. I’m sorry.”
(Sessyoin Kiara): “Master, this lady is coming onto me WAY too hard. She keeps telling me to ‘embrace what I am’ and junk. I already get enough of that crap from cultists back home.”
(Sakata Kintoki/Astolfo/Romulus/Romulus-Quirinus/Ashwatthama): “Hey, you’re a pretty cool dude, huh? Finally, someone with some style!”
(Amakusa Shirou): “Ugh, you remind me of Fortner. And stop using rosaries around me, I’m not Satan, you jerk!”
(Mephistopheles): “Please, leave me alone. I’m not evil, nor will I ever be the Dark Lord. Just because I have those powers doesn’t mean I’m defined by them. Also, the alarm clock you gave me exploded, so I don’t think you’re all that trustworthy anyways.”
(Beni Enma): “Aww, you’re so cute...Wait, from the Underworld? A yokai? Guess you’re one of mine, then. If you want, I can loan you some Skeleton Waiters for your chain.”
(Any Avenger-Class Servant): “Hey, you guys are kinda like me! Everyone says you’re evil, but you’re actually really nice!”
(Arcueid Brunestud): “Master, that girl is shooting me some pretty weird looks....Huh? Reincarnating vampire? Oh, I guess I’d look pretty weird in that case. That’s not her fault, though. Maybe I’ll go say hi.”
Buster Card: 2 Hit / -Soma raises Excalibur (still in the stone) and smashes it into the enemy-
Quick Card: 5 Hit / -Soma holds Valmanway in front of him, turns around, and multiple slashes envelop the enemy-
Art Card: 3 Hit / -Soma does two horizontal strikes, then a third overhead strike with Claimh Solais-
Extra Card: 6 Hit / -Soma punches twice, does a spin-attack with Claimh Solais, then jumps back and fires his Positron Rifle-
Level Up: “Whew…I feel so powerful.”
Ascension 1: “Whoo! Good job, [name].” 
Ascension 2: “This…This is just like then…[name], maybe don’t do this anymore.”
Ascension 3: “Please…stop. I don’t know if I can pull myself back this time…”
Ascension 4: “I see. Well…as long as you’re by my side, I’ll never succumb. So please…don’t die.”
Battle Start ½: “Just how many monsters out there!? In any case, let’s do this thing!” / “I’ll carry the mantle and defeat this terrible night!”
Skill ½: “Bullet, set…Enchanted, set…Guardian, set…” / “How about some of this!”
Attack Selection ½/3: “Hmm.” / “Seriously!?” / “Nice.”
Attack ½/3: “Hraagh!” / “Take this!” / “You’re going down!”
Extra Attack: “Let’s see you handle THIS!”
Noble Phantasm Selection ½: “Are…Are you sure?” / “I’ll trust you on this.”
Noble Phantasm: “I will never be the Dark Lord…You, God, and The World will just have to deal with it!”
Noble Phantasm Damage: “I won’t…Submit...!”
Regular Damage: “Gah!”
Defeated ½: “Mina….” / “Julius…our promise…”
Battle Finish ½: “That was a close one…” / “Anyone need some healing? I have some spare spoiled milk…Oh wait, none of you have a Ghoul soul, huh?”
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buckbylightning · 4 years
how do you make your icons / headers?
hiya anon! thanks for the question!! this is probably longer than it needs to be so it’s going under a cut
choosing an image
so to start, pick the image you want to use! the higher quality the better and if the lighting is really dark it may be hard to work with. and just for personal preference, i like to have both shoulders clearly visible (and sometimes the tops of heads are cut off. i try to avoid those too)
this is the one i’m choosing! as you can see, it’s pretty well lit and there’s plenty of room around margret. also she’s making a cute expression which i always think makes icons more fun!
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base coloring
i like to apply the “lighting” before cutting it out. the first thing i do is increase the blacks using a selective color layer, these are my settings:
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then, to brighten it up i add some curves like so:
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i follow that with some levels. and as you can see, because the blacks were added earlier, i only touch the mid-tones which i move to the left to brighten the whole thing:
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then more brightness and some contrast:
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and a bit of exposure:
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right now your layers should look like this
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and this is how my image looks now:
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as you can see, it’s much brighter so we’re gonna start adding the colors. to start, i add some vibrance:
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then you’re going to go all the way to the bottom and right above that first selective color layer add a color balance. the layers should look like this now:
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i usually adjust mid-tones, highlights, and shadows. these are my settings here:
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the most important part of color balance is to make sure the skin tone looks good. this is how mine looks so far:
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now go back to the top of your layers and create a new selective color layer. this will be used to change the neutrals, whites, and blacks which will work to even out some of the colors as well as create more contrast. these are my settings: (note: make sure you have relative and not absolute clicked)
if you are working with characters of color be very careful when making the follow selective color adjustment. use the neutrals very limitedly or not at all. while they work nicely on white characters they can wash out the skin of darker skinned characters. if you have questions about how i adjust my settings for characters of color, please let me know. whitewashing is very easy to do on accident and i work hard to try and ensure that i don’t do it. (also if someone notices me whitewashing characters in anything i make, please let me know so i can make sure to not do it going forward.)  
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next create a second selective color layer. this one will be used to brighten the reds and yellows and add more color to margret’s skin. these are the settings i used:
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then i’m going to add a second color balance, this time only mid-tones and highlights. you can skip this tbh it doesn’t do much but i think it adds a little bit more flush to her skin.
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next is gonna be some hue and saturation to add color and brighten up the skin. these are my settings:
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and now one final selective color. again, be careful here when dealing with characters of color and make sure you don’t lighten the skin.
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for organizational purposes, i like to now stick all of these layers in a folder.
this is what the screencap looks like with the finished lighting:
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cutting out the character
start by putting a bright solid color fill layer underneath your screencap. this will make it easier to see what you’re doing later on
i like to use the pen tool to do this but i’m not really going to go over that because then we’ll never be done with this. if you need help with that, don’t hesitate to message me!
first things first, i’m gonna crop it into a square so i can get a sense of how it’s gonna be framed. this is how i chose to do mine, as you can see there’s a space at the top where i extend past the original image but that’s okay
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then i’m gonna use the pen tool to select the outline of margret and right click the selection and click on make selection
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there should now be the “dancing ants around your selection”. click on the white box with the circle in it to make a mask on the screencap layer. it looks like this:
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after doing so this is what your screencap should look like:
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and the layers should look like, with the white part being the outline of your character:
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if you hold option/alt and click on the clipping mask thumbnail it should switch to the black and white view of the mask. select all and copy/paste it into the lighting folder above it. then create a new folder and paste it there as well. this is what your layers should look like now, with the topmost folder being empty still:
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now select a solid color layer and set it inside the topmost folder. pick a color for the hair. because margret is blonde, i’m choosing a yellowish color. #ecd495 in this case. set the layer to color and erase everything but the hair. it should look something like this now, so only the hair has been painted over:
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now duplicate the color layer and set it to overlay. adjust the opacity settings for both as you like it. here i set them to 70% but it’s relative and depends on your personal preference.
do the same for the shirt and the lips/cheeks if you want and any other things like hats or jewelry that may be included. here i have the shirt as #408e11 on 100% and the lips at #ec3379 on 50%. this is what it looks like:
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note: unless changing the color of the shirt, i usually only put the color layer on the hair. and never on the face at all.
the coloring is now done!!
at this point, it’s almost done! what i’m going to do now is make a new layer under the screencap but above the solid color layer and i’m going to create a gradient. i usually want the gradient to be the same color as the clothing so i use the eyedropper tool to pick a color from her shirt.
a rule of thumb when creating the gradient background, the lighter color should start at the side of the image that has the light source (in the case of my image, this is the left). here’s what mine looks like so far:
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it’s almost done! except it’s really big. i usually make my icons 250x250, so we have to resize it.
 you could stop it here but i like to sharpen it a bit first. to do this i first want to merge all my layers together. you can do this by selecting every layer together and right clicking. there should be an option that says merge.
this should now be all you see in layers:
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i have two layers of sharpen. this is the first:
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and the second:
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and ta da!! all done! i hope this wasn’t too long/confusing! if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask, i’ll do my best to answer and i promise it won’t be disturbing me! ♡
this is it unsharpened:
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and sharpened:
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it’s entirely up to you what to do with this but i like sharpening it bc i think it looks better when small!
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courtneymill · 6 years
kmplayer gif tutorial
hello all! i’m gonna show you how i make my gifs! I use kmplayer and avisynth to make gifs, but I’m going to focus on kmplayer for this one. This tutorial is long and quite in depth so if you’re a beginner, this should be good for you!
also! this is purely just a gif tutorial and not a coloring tutorial lol
what you will need:
photoshop (im using cs5)
any video downloader (I use 4k download or savieo)
Okay first find a video and/or a scene that you want to gif. You’ll want to get the highest quality video possible. Don’t download anything under 720p or else your gif will look grainy. Try to get 1080p as much as possible.
Once you get that downloaded, open your video in kmplayer and go to the scene you want. I like to go a few seconds beforehand to make sure i don’t miss any frames. Now on your keyboard press Ctrl + G to open up the screen cap menu.
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I don’t remember the default settings but here are the settings you’ll want:
Extract to: you’ll want to create a folder to hold your screen caps and then direct that folder here
Format: JPEG and Bitmap are both good options. Bitmap (i believe) is going to be a higher quality image
Numbers to extract: continuously
Size to extract: original size. You want the full size image
Frames to extract: every frame. This ensures that you’re getting every frame and helps your gif look smoother
also the “prefix” is just going to be the first part of the image name, so put whatever you want for this! :)
Once this is done, press Start in the menu and play the video. When the scene is done, press pause on the video. Open the menu again (Ctrl + G) and stop that as well. Now all you want to do is go into the folder with your screen caps and delete the ones you don’t want.
Frame timing and converting to smart objects
Open photoshop: we are now going to start the giffing process! Before you start, make sure you have the animation window and the layers window open. To do this, go to Window > Animation and Layers, if it’s not already showing.
Now, click on File > Scripts > Load multiple DICOM files. Find your screen caps folder and load them in. You’ll see in your animation bar that it only has one image showing. 
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In order to pull your screen caps from this, go to the top right hand corner of the animation bar and click this button. Click “Make frames from layers”.
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This is so your gif actually plays all the frames and not just the one showing. Next, change the timing of the gif. Personal preference is a big thing in giffing so you’ll want to play around with what works for you. The average timing used by a lot of people is either 0.04 or 0.05 (for screencaps i should say). I find that 0.04 can be a little fast for my liking, so 0.05 is good. To do this, click the “0 sec” and then “Other...” and type in your timing. Make sure you select all the frames before doing this, unless you want to change each frame individually ^.^
P.S. if you ever want to delete a frame in your gif, you can delete the layer in the layer window but in the animation bar, you’ll have to click on the frame and click the tiny trash can next to the bottom scroll bar.
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The next step is to click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the animation bar. It looks like it has two sliders on it. It will change your animation from frames to timeline. 
Next, right click on a frame in your layers window and select “similar layers”. Then right click again and select “convert to smart object”. This may take a moment btw.
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If you see that your animation timeline shortened into one line instead of multiple lines, you’re on the right track! Next thing to do is to crop the part of the scene you want.
Image size, sharpening and canvas size.
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Image size will change the photo size without cropping anything out. Canvas size will change the size without transforming the image. What I like to do is to change the image size to about 5 or so pixels larger than what I actually want for either the width or height. In this case, I want my gif to be 268 x 150. So my cropped photo is going to make my height much larger than I’m going to want it, if that makes sense.
P.S. For sizing, make sure your width is either 177px for 3 panel gifs, 268px for 2 panels, or 540px for a single panel. If you want a 3 panel gifset, make the middle gifs 178 px (i know, it’s a little dumb but if you don’t, it’ll make the middle gif slightly blurry)
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(This is what I’m going to resize my cropped image to)
You can just make the width or height automatically what you want (268 in the width for my case), but I find that after sharpening, a line can form around your image. I prevent this by making the image slightly larger than what I want and then cutting that part out later.
Now I want to sharpen my gif! Again, this is about personal preference, but I think this is what a lot of people use as well. Right click on your smart object in the layers window and select “New Smart Object via Copy”. I’ve seen people select “Duplicate layer” instead but I honestly don’t know what the difference is lkasndfllanslk.
Set the top layer’s opacity to 50% and leave the bottom layer at 100%. To actually sharpen the gif, go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. 
For the top layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4
2. Gaussian blur: 0.3 (its also under filter)
For the bottom layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4, no gaussian blur
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After this, go to canvas size and change it to your actual gif size. For my gif, it will take my 272 x 190 to my desired 268 x 150. Then combine your two smart objects by selecting both of them and clicking “Convert to Smart Object”.
Gif without sharpening vs gif with sharpening
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Now you’ll want to edit it to your liking, just make it sure it’s under 3mb for tumblr’s image limits.
I’m not going to get too much into coloring bc it can be a real pain sometimes but! I will say that selective coloring is your best friend, just don’t saturate/over color or the gif will look more grainy. 
After coloring and such, this is what I get:
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We’re almost there! Save your new gif under “Save for web & devices” and not for “Save as”. When it opens, it’ll look really confusing, but all you need to worry about is that the “Looping options” says forever and not once, or else your gif will stop after it plays the first time. 
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The last step that I didn’t even learn until recently is that you’ll have to open up your gif again in photoshop. When you do this, you’ll find that the timing has changed from 0.05 to 0.07. Idk why it does this, but your gif will look smoother if you change it back. (It might only be for screencap gifs but idk)
Here’s a comparison of the gif as is vs the gif when i changed the timing again:
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And then you go through the process again if you’re making other gifs! I wrote a lot but it really isn’t that hard once you practice a couple times. I’m still learning too! (as you can see since my gifs are still grainy and such) but i hope this was helpful for people who don’t know where to start! Happy giffing!
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Bad, and Beautiful: Extremely friendly, playful, wiggly, boy. Treat motivated, knows commands.Found as stray. police said, "very gentle" By Foot ID 54599, @ 2 YRS., 72 LBS. OF JOY "PLEASE PICK ME" AT THE MANHATTAN CENTER TO BE KILLED 2/16/2019 Anxiety is a funny thing, as anyone knows who has ever been anxious. You get silly or say something stupid, or you don’t even recognize yourself as you watch yourself act like a fool. Well, BIG FOOT needs someone who understands that. And since we all do, he needs us all! There’s no doubt this big, gorgeous brindle boy “is” silly and goofy, sweet and playful, extremely friendly and full of joy and energy. The police who brought him there, after finding him wandering the street in his collar and leash, exclaimed on how “gentle and friendly” he was. And watch his video with the volunteers -- so patient and polite, sitting on que and waiting for his treats. They love him, and why not – he’s so darn cute. What Big Foot needs is a neuter (he’s pretty amorous when you don’t want him to be) and he needs an experienced adult only home where he can get the structure, decompression and time to get by his ordeal of being lost, incarcerated, and confused. He has a heart of gold, he really does, and there’s not a bad bone in his body. Please won’t you pick him, foster and adopt him and save his life? Hurry and MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] right now for assistance fostering or adopting beautiful, big hearted Big Foot! As a staff member writes: “Big Foot is a big, beautiful, brindle boy. As opposed to a creature of folklore, this Big Foot is the real thing, with many hidden talents to show! This boy is willing to exchange a 'sit' and 'paw' for some delicious treats. He has displayed some interest in playing with select dogs while in our care. Big Foot would benefit from additional decompression time and positive reinforcement training to help him adjust into his new life!” MY VIDEO! Big Foot shows off for his many admirers ♥: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVxKc534p70 KOKO, ID # 54599, @ 2 Yrs. Old, 72.4 lbs., Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown Brindle / White I came to the shelter as a Stray, 2/11/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Medical Behavior Rating: 2. BLUE AT RISK MEMO: Big Foot has a very low threshold for arousal and isn't easily redirected. We are recommending placement into an adult only environment. Medically he has had diarrhea but is otherwise healthy at this time. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 2/11/2019: Big Foot allowed for all handling during the intake process. It is important to note that Big Foot would mount the female counselor and when pushed off and told "no" he would bark at the counselor. The officers who brought him here also described him as gentle and friendly. Big foot is very treat motivated and knows sit and paw. SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Big Foot is a large mixed breed male dog. He came in unaltered and as a stray. Big Foot seems extremely friendly around strangers shown by a wiggly body and a wagging tail. He seems like he will mount female strangers aggressively as shown with the admissions counselor during the intake process. His behavior around children, other dogs and cats is unknown. Big Foot seems like he may have resource guarding issues. He came in with a collar and a leash that he was found in and when the admissions counselor took the collar and leash from him he began to bark. Big Foot has no known bite history. It is not known if he is housetrained. His energy level is high. For a New Family to Know: Big Foot seems like a very energetic and friendly dog. During the intake process, he had a very wiggly body and wagging tail. The officers who brought him here also described him as gentle and friendly. Big foot is very treat motivated and knows sit and paw. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES – Date of Assessment: 2/13/2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Hard Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Could not conduct due to incessant mounting. Ended assessment Call over: Sociability comments: HANDLING Soft handling: Exuberant handling: Handling comments: AROUSAL Jog: Arousal comments: KNOCK Knock Comments: TOY Toy comments: PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: 2/12: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Big Foot greets politely. He displays slight play interest when solicited. Due to arriving as a stray, Big Foot's history around dogs is unknown. Slow future introductions are recommended due to limited observation around other dogs in the care center due to observed consistent mounting of human handlers. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake:: 2/11/2019 Summary:: Social, mounted counselor and barked when pushed away MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 2/11/2019 Summary:: Hard barking IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: 2/13/19 Attempted to retry assessment. As soon as handler sat down, he began mounting. Handler did not call or touch him beforehand. Due to this incessant behavior, the assessment was ended. 2/12/19 When attempting to do Big Foot's assessment, he repeatedly tried mounting the handlers. He was not distracted by (or even noticed) a squeak sound or pet corrector. Despite being pulled off repeatedly, Big Foot continued to try and mount. When he finally he paused (having deterred him with food), he began to hard demand bark at handlers. The assessment was stopped and he was returned to kennel. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: Due to his concerning behavior, Big Foot should be placed in an adult-only New Hope Partner home. Potential challenges: : Low threshold for arousal Potential challenges comments:: Big Foot gets aroused around people, and how he reacts is by mounting. He is not deterred by food, pet corrector or verbal commands, and has to be forcibly pulled away. While his behavior has not escalated, we feel that this level of arousal could have a tipping point. We recommend a New Hope partner that can implement a force-free, positive reinforcement training program for him. Please see the handout on Low Threshold for Arousal to help manage this behavior. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 11/02/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2 Microchip noted on Intake? neg Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Brought in to precinct as stray Subjective: abrh Observed Behavior - Hard barking and alert watches us, does not seem relaxed, tail straight down and not wagging, food motivated, responds to verbal command "sit" Evidence of Cruelty seen -n Evidence of Trauma seen -n Objective T = P = 100 R = eup BCS= 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears - thickened hyperkeratotic pinnae with mod light brown waxy d/c, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: NE - concerned about behavior - see above PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male 2 sst MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, generally healthy hair coat but erythematous irritation approx 3 cm oblong inside R elbow, dry thickened skin on abd with hyperkeratosis but no focal lesions, mild- mod erythema between digits, mild callus on elbows CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Unable to do - agitated and tense post intake tx Assessment 2 yo M intact large breed Prognosis: Good Plan: Routine intake Benadryl trial - 50 mg 1 po bid x 7 days. Recom medicated bathing. Consider diet trials to improve skin. EC - only able to do partial EC with cleaner- due to behavior (resisting and very tense) SURGERY: Okay for surgery but re-check pre-scrotal area prior to sx 13/02/2019 SO BAR in kennel. Reported to have hematochezia and diarrhea x 2 days. BAR in kennel. EN -- eyes and nose are clear. no serous nasal discharge. No sneezing or sniffling A bloody diarrhea r/o stress colitis, dietary, intestinal parasites P metronidazole 500mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q12h x 7 days proviable capsule -- 1 capsule PO q24h x 7 days 14/02/2019 Request by behavior to place pt on trazadone 10mg/kg BID indefinitely in the shelter due to shelter anxiety *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** BIG FOOT IS RATED NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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localfreshies · 7 years
New Post has been published on Local Freshies | Be a local wherever you go
New Post has been published on http://localfreshies.com/skis-made-locals-4-locals-2017-edition/
Skis Made by Locals 4 Locals - 2017 Edition
Skiing has been around for nearly five thousand years in some form or fashion. Europe might be the birthplace of modern skiing, but by the 1880’s, the Norwegian immigrants in Wisconsin and Minnesota quickly figured out with easier access to lumber stocks, they could make excellent quality hickory skis cheaper than their friends back in the old country. By 1887, several Norwegian ski-makers, like the Hemmestveit brothers, had relocated to the U.S. A hundred years later… this tradition of manufacturing skis is still alive and well in North America. In fact, it’s downright booming! Here are just a few of the ski companies making skis right here in the U.S. & Canada:
Skis made in the U.S. & Canada
Slant Skis
Lake Tahoe, California
Slant Skis in their element… – Image Courtesy: Slant Skis
On the west shore of Lake Tahoe, located in the cozy hamlet of Tahoe City, Slant Skis was founded in 2007. Unsatisfied with the quality of workmanship available on the market, they began making their own skis. Confucius said, “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” Following this mantra, their passion transformed into a business. They are still 100% employee owned and try their best to source all their materials from the U.S.
Each of their models have full bamboo cores meaning they’re construction is light AND environmentally friendly. For the 2017-18 season, they have a new model coming out called the Diplomat. It’s the perfect patrol-style ski, meaning a ski that’s designed as a tool for “work” on the mountain. A ski that can take a beating, go anywhere and keep a good edge on the worst or best conditions. They’re also building a brand-new fleet of demo skis this winter. For only $50, you can demo ANY pair… and the best part? The cost of the demo can go towards buying a pair of new Slant Skis. Now that’s quite an awesome deal!
Wagner Custom Skis
Telluride, Colorado
Testing out the latest technology – Photo taken by: Brett Schreckengost – Image courtesy Wagner Skis
Wagner’s workshop is steps away from the lifts at Telluride Colorado – Photo taken by: Tina Whatcott – Image courtesy Wagner Skis
Telluride’s moniker “To-Hell-You-Ride” might have come from the old mining days, but today’s locals are still “riding” hard. Wagner Custom Skis is still a bunch of hard-charging Telluride locals living the dream. That means making and marketing custom skis for skiers all over the globe. Each pair of their skis are painstakingly handcrafted based on the Skier’s DNA (learn more about that here: wagnerskis.com/getstarted/). What does that mean? Well, it means each ski that is bought is custom built just for you! Using a different combination of materials, structural layup, sidecut, turning radius, length, width, flex pattern, etc., they make sure what’s attached to your feet works in favor of you not against you.
They’ve also recently moved into a new factory which is literally steps away from the chairlifts in Telluride. As far as we know, there are no other ski factories so passionate about the sport that they’re located in a ski town steps from the lifts! I don’t know about you but that HAS to help with R&D.
Yopp Skis
Bethel, Maine
Amazing artistry – Image courtesy: YOPP Skis
It all began in a wood shop in southern Maine at the Ye Olde Perkins Place (YOPP). Established in 1717, the shop belonged to their great grandfather, a master carpenter and woodworker. What began as a hobby brought the shop back to life for a new purpose… handcrafting downhill skis. Spending the first 5 years devoting all of their extra time and income, they fine-tuned their process, material choices and equipment. Finally, in 2014 they outgrew the family’s wood shop and moved to Bethel, Maine.
Now located in the mountains of Western Maine and with the White Mountains nearby, they have been busy refining their collection of skis. Their selection shares a common backbone between their woodworking heritage along with modern ski construction. Their new home allows them to build skis that can handle all conditions on the hill, in the backcountry or in the park. They customize each ski to meet every individual customers’ needs and desires. It’s their goal to share the indescribable feeling of making turns on hand crafted skis with people that love skiing as much as they do!
Sego Skis
Teton Valley, Idaho
Made in Teton Valley Idaho – Image Courtesy – Sego Skis
Sego Ski Co. designs, tests and builds freeride skis in Teton Valley, Idaho. With a first-class factory staffed by skiers (and one snowboarder), they offer high quality, American made skis. Having the Tetons in their backyard, it affords them the opportunity to ski their products on a daily basis. This also means they can build the ultimate ride for powder hounds, beer league racers and everyone in between.
This year, they’re working with other local small batch companies to manufacture snowboards in addition to their own line of skis. Heading to Grand Targhee? With their new headquarters located right in downtown Victor, Idaho, stop by for a beer in their new showroom, meet the crew, and even take a tour of the newly expanded factory. Not planning on being in Northwest Wyoming anytime soon? Don’t you worry! Keep your eyes peeled for the Sego Bus at a local ski area near you for your chance to try their demos this season.
Foon Skis
Pemberton, BC
John Chilton looking down the latest Foon Ski – Photo taken by: Blake Jorgenson – Image courtesy: Foon Skis
Foon Factory rider Delany Zayak riding in the Pemberton backcountry – Image courtesy: Foon Skis
Old School? New School? How about ALL School! That’s what Foon Skis is all about. Taking the experience and knowledge of the past and applying the latest in techniques, all of this helps them produce a ski that embraces the past, present & future! If manufacturing in North America wasn’t enough, they also locally source the wood for their cores. The Yellow Cedar which grows on the slopes of the Coast Mountain Range, produces a superior product like nowhere else. How come? Due to climate in this region, the wood is as strong as a hardwood but much lighter!
New for 2018, the Gretski has gotten a big makeover. First, the shape has been tweaked a bit bringing more balance. Second, they’ve used more kevlar, getting the weight of the ski down to 1650 grams (181) but at the same time it has none of the skittishness associated with carbon skis. Pulling it all together, the new graphic makes sure everyone knows your rocking a pair of skis not just made in Canada but that the core or “soul” of the ski comes from here too!
This is just a glimpse of some of the ski companies that have made the decision to keep a time-honored tradition alive and well in the U.S. & Canada. Is there another company that we should include in our 2018 edition? Let us know via our social media outlets.
Until then, keep rockin’ gear that is made by Locals 4 Locals. Don’t ski but snowboard? Check out our 2017 edition highlighting snowboards manufactured in the U.S.
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