#i'd like anything in my inbox
bixels · 6 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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cerise-on-top · 29 days
Sorry for being annoying on main again, but does anyone have any tips on how to regain your writing spark? Writing feels like a chore more so than anything else these days, and it feels like those short breaks aren't cutting it anymore. But I'd feel guilty if I took another break, I just took one last week, after all. Has anyone been in the same boat? Does anyone have any idea regarding what I could do?
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mittenfoot · 2 months
ruining my life with a sacred divine power called ADHD
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rebelband · 1 year
when i first got into scc a lot of my interpretations regarding their personalities were Very different - like, sweet was the more cautious, nervous wreck who was most annoyed with everything ; cap'n was just "duuuude chill out man! *gaslights*" and k_k (thankfully) stayed relatively the same? now my sweet is well. energetic!!!!! still got that level-headed + anxious personality but i've been desperately trying to make them more lively! cap'n is well. um. glances towards discord. and k_k is just <3 yea you know! also the three's pronouns changed too butTHIS IS TOO LONG HOPE YOURE DOING WELL!!!!!!! <3
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congratulations to k_k for staying the same they Stay winning
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Fallacies Anon Here (Part 1, split up for your convenience :D)
I can't find the Fallacy Of The Fallacy quotes so I'll move on to the Straw-man
Definition Of Straw Man:
A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".
Your Point:
"A pro-life person acts based on that...and then those authorities...create a society where abortion is less accessible, where sex education is less thorough, where contraceptive/sexual health is expensive/hard to find, etc."
Where You Used Straw Man:
The definition of a pro-life person is one that opposes abortion and euthanasia, and here you conflated that into voting for officials that don't support forms of pre-contraception. To properly oppose pro-life rhetoric, we have to get what they actually stand for right!
Hi, Nonsie! Thank you for your patience--topics like these take up more attention and intent than others, and I used up quite a bit of my reserve in the active discourse.
You're right, I did address pro-life individuals and voters against contraception as basically equivalent, which is not true. I didn't make it clear I understood or had considered the distinction in my original posts. You have no disagreement from me there--you're not the only one to have caught it.
I will say though, that while I should've been clearer that I wasn't confusing the two for one, I did have a reason for referring to both in tandem. I talked about that a bit in this ask, though that's more about conservative (or at least what's widely considered conservative) voting as a whole--but there's still an applicable sentiment here.
While being opposed to abortion/euthanasia is not ubiquitous with "conservative" voting, being against contraception, etc. (many republicans support the right to contraception, even (one source does not a case make, but I hope you'll forgive my informality in this instance)), they coincide often enough to merit talking about them together, I think. Which is why in my broader posts, I did so, and being against contraception was one of multiple facets to that.
But you're absolutely right I wasn't very clear about it, and the way I presented it allows for a justified strawman critique. I'll do my best to be clearer about how I'm defining/understanding terms and groups and for what reason going forward, though I of course won't be without faults :)
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
My asks will be a bit normal, bc my feels are feelsing (topic: Jance domesticness)
Who will read their child stories more and who will play with them more?
Will they incorporate music into child’s upbringing?
Who will babysit their baby when dads go on a date and need a clear house until morning?
Will the child meet their uncles and aunties from abroad? (I mean class of 2023 and their friends from Balkan music industry?)
Sorry I was going to post this the other day but that pic of Nace did unspeakable things to my brain and I forgot lmao so, here you go :)
Who will read their child stories more and who will play with them more?
I feel like they would both do it more or less equally, but I'd say Jan would be the one to read them stories more often, mainly because his voice is so calming and deep. I've said it some times before, but I think his voice would be so good to do an audiobook or something, so that plus the fact that it sounds so calming makes the perfect combination imo (especially if the goal is to get them to sleep).
And then Nace would be the one to play with them more, I guess.
Will they incorporate music into child’s upbringing?
Yes, but without forcing them of course. Being their parents (and their "uncles") musicians, they are going to grow up surrounded by music, so I don't see why not, but obviously without forcing them to do anything they don't want to do.
Who will babysit their baby when dads go on a date and need a clear house until morning?
I guess that they would probably call some family members, like their parents or one of their siblings, but I don't really know how close they are to them or if they live too far away so I don't know how they'd do it.
On the other hand, I think that if they had to let one of the guys babysit the kid it would probably be Bojan. I mean have you seen how good he's with kids? He's always so sweet and patient with them, and he seems like he would absolutely be willing to babysit the baby any time.
Also maybe Martin too, since they live together (at least for now)? I don't really know too much about him but it would be so cute to see both of them together playing with the kid.
Will the child meet their uncles and aunties from abroad? (I mean class of 2023 and their friends from Balkan music industry?)
Of course! At least the ones they keep in contact with. It would be interesting to see how the kid would get along with them.
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2-kamikou-1 · 8 months
I'm genuinely considering turning off rbs on that rui post I'm so sick of it
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blindedguilt · 9 months
//Happy 20th Anniversary, Drakengard! I've been fighting to write and finish up my inbox asks before the 25th of Obtober gets here (I have plans and i INTEND to follow through on them), and currently... I have a bunch of drafts :,) I'll get some soon, I promise!! I thought to myself "If I even get at least two done before the month is up I'll feel content with myself" so fingers crossed!! //Anyways, I made some art of the boy to celebrate~
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//I'm gonna try a challenge run for Drakengard after this: I'm honestly doubtful it can be done entirely, but I'm going to try and see how far I can get in the game just using Leonard lmao //I'll keep you posted on how far I get fkghsdkghbkdjf
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dungeons and daddies season 2 rant!
this is mostly a vent post bc i’m just not a huge fan of the way the stakes in this story have been handled in the 2nd season so far! obviously i love the podcast so this is no hate on it, but i just wanted to get this out there and see if anyone else feels similarly, or if perhaps season 2 gets a little less messy and forcibly dramatic later on!
*Note: As of right now, I just finished Episode 13—aka the huge lore dump episode lmao! So maybe things get better after this and i just dont know it yet!
This is a lot of word vomit cuz I wrote down all my thoughts in my notes app on my phone stream-of-consciousness style, so if something doesn’t make sense, that’s why!
My problem with season 2 is that the rules of the world and of the story keep changing. The rules of the GAME aren’t changing, but the verisimilitude of the story itself is—they’re playing Calvin Ball with our suspension of disbelief, and it’s not working for me.
It’s like the Steven Universe Future thing of suddenly going against the previously-established rules of cartoon logic; suddenly we’re NOT supposed to laugh at cartoon slapstick and instead supposed to now see it as REAL INJURY that just…healed. But that breaks the audience contract!!
In Dungeons and Daddies, we’re supposed to believe that a lot of these jokes in season 1 don’t really matter. So when they DO in season 2, that’s not what had been implicitly agreed upon by the audience and the creators/writers about the story. 
So with this in mind, that we are now supposed to believe that these characters’ actions have real consequences. Willy Stampler is an abuser. If we’re trying to do a redemption arc, we need to fucking SEE that.
For this season to represent growing up and realizing that adults are fucked up and make fucked up choices and can grow and change and get better or get worse or maybe weren’t ever as great as you thought it was. Those are cool ideas! But for us to take them seriously, they’ve got to be handled with care; we can’t just be told these adults made fucked up choices and when it was posited as a joke, only for it to actually be SERIOUS (i.e., if for example, henry and darryl kissed in season 1 and it was played as a joke that may or may not have actually happened, it’s never addressed again, so it’s really not heavily staked in canon—then you cannot in season 2 say that actually, darryl and henry had a lot of tension after they got back to earth and it was awkward for the rest of their lives, but we didn’t see it it just happened off-screen, trust me. BECAUSE THAT’S NOT HOW IT WAS TREATED IN SEASON 1!!! YOU CAN’T REWRITE WHAT’S ALREADY HAPPENED—IT DESTROYS OUR BELIEF IN ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY. SHOULD I TAKE THINGS AS JOKES, OR LITERALLY? If I took all the stupid shit in this podcast as real and genuine and serious, then this would not be a story i wanted to watch, because literally every character is an asshole. But that’s not how the story is sold to us!
It’s kind of like how ultimately, all the dads in S1 were kinda shitty, because they were played by actors playing Dungeons and Dragons as a comedy podcast. If the podcast had treated that stuff seriously, it would’ve been an ENTIRELY different tone, and no longer comedic. But now suddenly we’re supposed to take all that shittiness as if it WERE serious fact! But that wasn’t the implicit contract we’d agreed upon by engaging in this “comedy podcast” story!!!!!!!
I think it’s cool how the new dads/S1 sons are essentially acting just like the dads in S1 did, only we’re seeing from the kids’ perspective how it actually affected them. 
But at the same time…idk. It’s like you’re mixing metaphors. It doesn’t resonate with me, because i can’t be invested in any of it. Are the jokes real? I can’t get a feel for what kind of emotional weight i should be granting any and all of what the characters say and do.
The best thing about S1 is that it didn’t have to be believable; but in S2, they’re trying to make us believe in this stuff that’s not believable. So you’re losing my trust and interest in this narrative, y’know?
AND FURTHERMORE!!!!! I hate that Willy’s character has now been reduced to “narcissist = bad (which on its own is…not a great narrative to deliver about ppl with personality disorders), but he was in prison for a long time and realized he was mean so now he’s a nice guy! forgiveness <3.”
As if he didn’t abuse his son. ajskfmxghgjk. idk what kinda shit anthony’s trying to tell with this. it doesn’t have to have a moral or soapbox moment or whatever, but it almost erases the POWER of Ron’s arc in Season 1. by getting forgiveness from the narrative, without getting forgiveness from his actual victim.
This feels like a Rian Johnson movie just trying to be quirky and “subvert expectations ooooooooOOOoOoOoo” without that subversion actually feeling REWARDING or EARNED or JUSTIFIED.
In my personal opinion, I think it’s just not as strong a choice to try and get into character work this early in the story, as compared to the pacing of Season 1. Sure, we did get some good Ron growth for an episode at like… episode 14? But the dads didn’t get actual ARCS until after the halfway mark!!!!!!!! Sometimes they really didn’t even resolve themselves until episode 66—three episodes before the final episode.
and it feels like a lot of these story beats are trying to do the work of character arcs without setting up a sturdy enough character foundation to begin with.
i saw a lot of fans online praising the choice to have such important plot stuff happen so early, and while i agree the previous monster-of-the-week formula was getting a little dull, i also don’t think the characters have really felt fleshed out enough yet to get thrown into this sort of thing. like, i personally dont really care about scary’s complicated feelings because i havent had 30 episodes to get to know her yet (and more importantly—neither has BETH. the actors themselves are still figuring out their characters!) the characters’ emotional beats it feel much more rushed and much more forced, imo. which makes the foundations of this story feel unsteady, bc i dont have any handholds to come back to and connect with. i havent been able to connect with the characters OR the story yet, so having all this thrown at me as if it’s really meaningful just falls flat.
Overall, timeskips need to be handled with care. If we jump forward in time and suddenly everything’s different—just for the sake of uncomfortability and subverting expectations—you’ve really got to justify those character changes within the narrative. And so far, nothing’s feeling particularly justified. At least—you have to do this if you want your story to be meaningful and/or SAY something about TRUTHS in OUR WORLD outside of this fictional narrative.
I can tolerate all this nonsense if it’s not actually trying to reflect anything in real life, but if I’m supposed to take this story seriously as a funhouse mirror representation of real world themes, then you’ve got justify your narrative choices. Otherwise, you’re just confusing your actual motive.
Basically, to try and be comedic AND have real world dramatic tensions and significance and themes to connect with an audience, the drama and comedy cannot come from the same place.
Here’s an example: In Jojo Rabbit, the comedy comes from pointing out and emphasizing the ridiculousness of the Nazis’ ideology. The film does not derive its comedy from the most dramatic, real-world-reflective moments: the human connection between Elsa and Jojo, or Jojo and his mom; the danger Elsa found herself in under Nazi oppression; parental death; etc.
And vice versa, the comedic moments are not the emotional crux of the story. Even Jojo’s violent accident is played more lightheartedly; if they were to make THIS event (the grenade exploding and almost killing Jojo—a ten year old child) the driving tension of the film, then for us to feel actually INVESTED, it could not have been played as comedic as it was (i.e., the scene where they’re rushing him into the hospital on the gurney and his bloody thumb’s up pops into frame).
 Dungeons and Daddies Season 2, on the other hand, takes these emotional beats that have already been established for COMEDY, and tries to turn THAT into the dramatic, emotional crux of the show. And i as a viewer am just not as likely to be invested in that conflict or dramatic tension or to find the messaging about real life to be saying anything particularly resonant or meaningful.
TLDR: Dungeons and Daddies Season Two suffers from GENRE CONFUSION!!!!!!!
If ultimately Anthony and the rest of the gang are trying to say, “This is what life is like sometimes!” (which is, imo, what EVERY dramatic story is trying to say), then they’re not actually doing that, because they’re manufacturing these situations to fit what they want to say, rather than presenting the narrative first AND THEN ALLOWING THE MEANING TO DEVELOP NATURALLY FROM THE RESULTING EMOTIONS!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!
So basically, it’s still easy for me to enjoy the show—but the narrative does not provide me with enough material for ANY EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT, and that is really disappointing :(
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
hi there! I was wondering if you could write how Farah would react if the reader got hurt because she's the commander of the ULF?
(Btw you are feeding the Farah lovers! Remember to take breaks and such if needed! 💞💞)
Hello! I'm glad to hear that! I do love writing for the girls, after all! I love them dearly and I'm glad you all do too! And I will take breaks if I need them, don't worry!
Reader got Hurt Because of Farah
I think that, although Farah is a very reasonable person and always uses her head instead of her heart, you getting hurt would be one of the few times where she would act out of emotions rather than rational thought. She can’t usually afford such a thing, no matter how distressed she may be, so it basically never happens. But the person who hurt you will come to regret ever getting close to you. She won’t go after them guns blazing, no, she’s way too smart for that. But that person will be dealt with, either immediately or after a while. Farah doesn’t forget, her memory is far too good for that. If she can see your attackers face, good. That way she can either immediately go after them or track them down by memory alone. But if she can’t see it then she’ll spare no expense in finding out who it may have been. It might take a while, but she’ll get her revenge. In fact, you getting hurt would be another big reason for her to fight her war for peace, because in her ideal world, no one gets hurt. Not you, not her brothers or sisters. However, whoever hurt you won’t live to see such a utopia. Farah won’t torture them, but she’ll make quick work of whoever they may be so that they won’t hurt anyone else near and dear to her. But of course, all of this goes once she’s certain you’re alright. Farah will call the best medics she has to make sure you’ll make it, that you’ll end up in as little pain as possible during your recovery. She won’t particularly have the time to be by your side throughout it all, but she’ll come visit you whenever she can, maybe even bringing you a recovery gift or two in the process. Always has someone check up on you. Someone she trusts will come in every once in a while and ask you how you’re doing to give her a report on your status. Yes, she may be on the frontlines fighting a war, but she always needs to know how you’re doing or else she’ll get even more nervous than she should be.
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cinnamon-phrog · 9 months
why can’t you interact with the suitcase milk post :((((
Idk? I think it's to do with my personal interpretations of the trio?
See I'm a selfshipper and selfship with them for comfort [I see them all as the same age]
But some people see Yellow as a child [which is fine by me, I don't mind it, but it wasn't nice when it was Practically Enforced and if you didn't for any reason you were labelled a pr*shipper and basically exiled.
So maybe my posts where seen by them and it made them uncomfortable, which I can understand but this is the third time this week that I've seen I've been blocked by something or someone selfship/dhmis related because the trio are all f/o's of mine.
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baejax-the-great · 10 months
I think that if you are going to comment a silly little joke about drugs, or if you are going to have a username that is a "cute" play on words about serious addictions, you should consider the odds whether the person you are about to address has personal experience and feelings regarding that particular subject--and the odds are definitely non-zero.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
woah woah woah yuri you're still alive????
haha what happened you may ask??? well, life just gave me hell and decided that today. TODAY, was gonna top it off with the biggest disaster so far!!!!!
i literally just wanted to have ONE day off after my bday, but the next morning my computer wouldn't work! which was fantastic because literally every single one of my wips/ finished not posted works/ digital art was on there so i stressed. the FUCK. out
it's fixed now ofc and THANKFULLY nothing was lost except the artworks that weren't autosaved that day! (which- yknow, sucks, but there was worse at stake before :'D) after me bEGGING my dad to help me with the problem
except it's NOT OVER yet!!!!
sai's settings and brushes reseted for some reason and my absolute fav custom brushes were gone! so with me trying to recreate them then loosing them all over because they just wouldn't be SAVED OMG and me going for a trip to my uncle's small town and watching the leftover day offs i had dwindle so goshdarn fast i was feeling so sO drained-
and wanna know the funniest thing??? when i come back home ready to post art and FINALLY rant about this what happens?? no wifi :DDDD
prioritizing the water and electricity bills first, i got to work and drew everyday to make it up for you guys and look at that! i have good and horrible news!
so SURPRISE! since you guys have been SO patient with me (thank you all :'D), i will say that i have a LOT of finished works to post! all ranging from 1 animated gif, 9 artworks, 1 illustration that's part of a little prompt idea i came up with (1 done and 4 left)
technically, i have 2 pieces finished and 3 wips for the remaining days of fnk week and 2 new ocs!!!! (and redraws of 4 older ocs, 2 of which are ready to post)
as for the worse news... man. i'm barely hanging here but woo i broke my tablet's pen and it's charging wire!! (i literally don't know how but it got separated from it's body while it was in it and i can't i can't even)
i am so so broken right now- i was so happy to update yesterday and reblog stuff since i finally got wifi again and- man it feels like i'm making this shit up but oh my god i wanna cry
i guess i could post everything i had the chance to draw before but gosh i'm so sorry but i can't promise more art after i announce which one was the last in stock- (at least until i get enough money to buy a replacement for them both)
i know i suck at communicating if i'm alive and just having a hard time but i swear this year was really rough on me and my health in general so i hope you guys can understand :'(
#rambling#delete later?#i am so so tired all the time#i guess it was a needed rest to just. not think about anything and draw for fun but it also wasn't exactly relaxing-#i have so little free time and wasting it feels so horrible and i'm. sorry#sorry for dropping off out of the sudden and sorry for the wait i'm aware that it's sad whenever it happens#i planned this post in advance so when i noticed my pen wasn't working anymore i was having such a breakdown i'm#i can't even open commissions i can't draw no more oh my gosh i'm sorry#just when you think it's getting better it gets a hundred times WORSE i can't believe my LUCK!!!!!#and oh my god SORRY for not reblogging stuff you tag me into as well!!!#i felt like every happy emotion was drained out of my soul and i couldn't act like i was excited and all when i was doing horrible so#i didn't read nor look at anything because you guys deserve the original reaction of surprise and some real compliments!!!!#sorry if that means i don't reblog right away but i refrain from looking at something and only liking if i plan on leaving commentary later#and to the asks staring daggers at me in my inbox yall i swear if i wasn't busy being stomped over by life i'd answer in a heartbeat-#THANK YOU to EVERYONE for sticking by even if you probably forgot you even followed me at this point hhh :'D#too emotionally tired to delete the old happy tags i typed before#i could probably post this once i get my emotions in check but man i'm TIRED of waiting i am so done#gosh it must be a disappointing return right? yeah#sorry for the long post but man- i just don't wanna worry you guys for nothing#so heads up i'm probably gonna take a day off after this and be less cheerful than usual once i'm back#so ill wait to reblog stuff later again (so sorry again)#i'll make an announcement once i start posting the art i finished meanwhile (one every day cause there's a LOT)
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Hi Crystal, how are you? Hope you’re doing well :)
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👋🏻 Wow I definitely didn't intend to be gone for an entire week but I'm also lowkey impressed at myself for managing to stay away that long 😅
Yeah, ya girl just needed a little time to herself. Things have been a lot recently, especially health-wise, and I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed but did my best to hang on around here at least thru the album release/promo. Last week got a bit intense for me and it conveniently aligned with the band quieting down, making it much easier for me to allow myself to do the same. 🤓
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little-green-lies · 1 year
I can't believe you think they're treating Choni badly this season or that they have bad storylines and especially that they painted Toni as a villain in 708 when she was simply finally granted some perspective and they tackled an issue with their own writing that always plagued Choni back in the high school days, to show how much they've matured. Their content this season is nothing short of excellent.
Okay this is the second time I'm typing this because Tumblr glitched and wouldn't post the first one. I probably typed too much but I really wanted to give you a solid answer. I will try to keep this more succint but I have a lot of thoughts on this so hopefully it posts this time.
I apparently also deleted my first paragraph so I've typed this section out three times now. I do not think they are treating Choni bad this season. My issue is and will continue to be the setting for this season. After two seasons of them not being together they've now thrown them into a situation in which they "can't" be together and that irks me. I thought when we got confirmation that they were soulmates, that maybe just maybe they'd let them be fully happy in the final season. And that is the full crux of the issue, it's the LAST season. I discuss Riverdale a lot more on my main page (which I encourage you to check out because I do speak about this a lot more in the tags of a lot of my Riverdale reblogs) but i actually just made a post stating that I think this may be Riverdale's best season. They opened this season with one of the strongest episodes I've seen in television thus far. Especially coming from a CW show. I do think this season is also shaping up to be Choni's second best season. They've had a lot of solid scenes and Vanessa and Madelaine are giving it their ALL. That being said, forgive me for hoping the last season would be spent wrapping up happy endings mixed with the usual Riverdale drama. I did not go into this season expecting SO MUCH new plot. And if it wasn't the last season, I wouldn't complain as much. That's always been my biggest gripe, it's the last season. That's all. If this was season 5 or 6 and I knew we had 7 seasons, then I would have nothing to say. Because yes, it's given us some really good content. I just don't want it for the finale. They could've tackled homophobia back when Kevin came out to his dad or when Cheryl came out to Toni. I don't want to see my favorite character forced back into the closet because they decided to set us in one of the worst eras in American history.
Now for my villain comment. I stand by that. I do think that scene framed Toni in a really bad light and here's why: Everything she said was valid and yes, it's an issue I've been wanting them to tackle for YEARS. What she said is not what made her the villain. It was the way they framed the scene that I knew would be misconstrued by the people that watch this show and always have a bone to pick about whatever she says or does. Up until that scene, we were led to believe that Toni's biggest issue with Choni is that she lost herself. But all they show that as, is she's given up writing for cheer. Okay fine, drop cheer and go back to writing. Cheryl wants to see her gf but she's not gonna stop her from doing what she loves. However, Toni breaking up with her felt out of left field to me because she's allowed to be her own person AND still date Cheryl. So I figured maybe they were setting it up for the fact that she doesn't like commitment and the other greaser got in her head about Cheryl being a rich girl too scared to come out of the closet. Also a valid reason. But that's not the scene they gave us. What they gave us was Cheryl asking if the issue was because she was white and Toni saying yes. Nothing up until that point had given us any indication THAT was the issue. What frustrated me even further was that they don't even give them room to have a discussion about it. Toni says her peace and leaves and all we get is a shot of Cheryl crying. She clearly cares about Cheryl enough to have pursued her for that long and then she drops her without even having a discussion?? And so soon after they got together? If we had gotten a scene where the difference of their skin was brought up before that (and that could've have been anything from an offhanded comment to Cheryl laughing about something someone says in their presence she didn't know was meant to be a dig) and we see that register with Toni, it wouldn't have felt off balance. Especially since her and Betty get along and she's white. Her and KEVIN get along and he's white. Kevin and Clay are dating and there seems to be no problem THERE. So they can be okay but she can't date Cheryl because of it? It just felt like after they gave us such a strong opening ep regarding race, to then have her drop that with no nuance didn't sit right with me. All of the digs against Toni that we had seen had been because she was bi or at least "queer adjacent" as far as Evelyn was concerned. The only time we see anyone being racist, is when she's dealing with the adults, never the teens. And I knew someone was gonna watch that and say "oh of course the black girl has an issue with her white gf blah blah blah". That's why I said they set her up to be the villain. Not that she was one. Purely based on how that scene was framed. It just felt like it was missing context. And who knows, maybe they filmed a scene and then cut it but either way, it felt off to me and having it not get brought up again until the Black Athena ep just left me feeling unmoored.
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blacksailsgf · 2 years
To me the worst thing about it is that any other number fits perfectly into itself, because of course it does. Why wouldnt it? It becomes 1, its whole. But 0/0 is not 1, or even 0, it’s still Undefined. Zero can’t hold itself, it can’t even reach itself, if it tries it ceases to exist. Just like Silver can’t know himself, would break apart if he tried. He is undefined, by necessity, even to himself. (“No need to account for all my life's events in the context of a story that somehow... defines me.”)
Feel free not to post these bc I know it got WAY too long and way more than you asked for. TLDR silver is zero because it is nothing and yet everything to ME. (4) 💛
hiii omg !! thanks so much for taking the time to send these & with such simplicity too!! ur so smart & cool!!!!
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makes me insane how this fits into the hole theory that holes are always in something else & cannot exist in isolation like zero being a real number but it's mostly more useful to make sense of other numbers ?? & while john silver is a real person/character we never get to truly Know who he is apart from the relationships & decisions he made due to those associations. even the name he clings to is a borrowed one, something hollow, until meaning was thrusted onto it by someone else. he's literally no one from nowhere belonging to nothing. silver doesn't even fully belong to himself. also thinking of what steinberg said: a guy [flint] who could take on an empire and change the world is undone by nobody [silver]. to the story he's just a guy who is somehow the undoing of a giant.. something something the odysseus-ification of silver something it isn't important i don't want you to know mine you know of me all i can bear to be known etc. even as he becomes a very well known villain in the western canon he is still zero he is a hole he is nobody....... 🧍🏽‍♀️
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