#i'm too tired to write for any of the other gals rn
maranull · 1 year
Hey, I hope you're having a wonderful day. You're always a pleasure to see on my dash. Take however much time you need with this, if you still want to respond.
I was thinking about Malenia again. Specifically cooking for her.
See, my love language is making soup for someone. Cooking for them in general, just making their stomachs fool etc. I just love seeing people eat my food and enjoy it. It makes me so happy.
Any headcanons to Mal's favourite food? How does she react to breakfast in bed? What kind of soup would be her favourite? Any kitchen-related headcanons are fine.
If you like this little scenario you can also write about other characters if you want.
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ thank you for doing this
Hug! Hi hi! My day was a bit meh but got much better writing this. Hope you're doing good too! (~ ̄‿ ̄)~❤ Right back at you about the dash. <3
That's so, so very sweet.
Oh, tiny note for the headcanons: She still has her eyes for this one. Also, we're in the modern AU, but I don't mind rewording it to fit the in-game world if you wanna :)
Fav food:
Hmm... I headcanon that even thought she doesn't have a sweet tooth, she loves honey. So, favourite food... I think homemade bread with honey. Sometimes, when she knows she'll be out of the house for the whole day, she makes a couple slices and takes them with her for the day. She likes how the honey seeps in after a while and makes every bite feel even more sweet.
Breakfast in bed:
She's generally a pretty early riser, so you gonna have to be up at like 4am to manage to catch her in bed with breakfast. But you do!
She's kinda caught off guard and takes her a second to realise what's going on. Then she just kinda stares and doesn't say anything, just looking at you with silent overflowing affection. She asks if its for her and before you open your mouth to answer she drags you down and gives you a long kiss. "When did you make it?" "Did it take long?" "Wait, did you get enough sleep?" "How long have you been up?" <- Some of the questions you get after she releases you and starts eating. She eats with a big smile on her face, the kind you feel she reserves only for you. In the end, not a single speck of bread escapes her.
After the third time you do something like that, she picks up on it, and pretends she's asleep even when she hears you in the kitchen during early mornings.
Fav soup:
Her favourite soups tend to be sour. I'm specifically thinking something like Romanian sour borș but I think she also likes thicker soups, as long as they have some nice sourness in them.
Random kitchen headcanons:
Malenia can't cook for the life of her
Anything that requires any sort of heating, she will manage to fumble somehow
Still, she's an amazing help in the kitchen, as she can chop literally anything, at any exact size you ask her and faster than a Michelin Starred Chef
She likes watching you cook so she'll often lean in a corner out of the way, sometimes silently, sometimes striking quiet conversation
I kinda went all over the place with these, I hope you like them!
And I swear, your scenarios are the most fun to write for. Thank you for this and all of them!!
Btw sorry for taking a bit, work has picked up so I'm generally struggling to find writing time during the week.
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gingerly-writing · 7 years
Hi there! I really love your blog (piracy pays in betrayal broke me emotionally, it was an experience to read) I'm trying to write a romance(ish) story between two super ladies and i'm not sure if my flirting dialog seems reasonable? (mainly because i'm depressingly single but shhhhh) I'm not sure if i'm accurately portraying that they like each other to the audience, but outside of putting 'theyre gay' as a description i'm a bit stuck. Do you have any advice/prompts to help with this? Thanks!
Thank you so much for the compliment!
And hey, you might be depressingly single but I’ve never even been kissed, and I’m hopefully doing alright at writing romance. I had you all reasonably rooting for Terion and Urial even when you only met them post-betrayal, right? Hopefully anyway. So, evidence shows that it’s definitely possible to pull off believable romance with no experience -all it takes is the same imagination we use to create supervillains and dragons and magic systems, so I know you can do it!
First of all, your readers aren’t stupid. If a writer wants people to ship two characters, a large chunk of them will see it, and a good chunk of that group will ship it. Even if the writer doesn’t intend two characters to be shippable, any amount of chemistry will draw in a crew for the ship. Even if your two gals only come across as good friends, people will still ship them! Hell, people will ship worst enemies as long as there’s some kind of spark.
My flirting dialogue tends to be ‘witty’ banter, but of course there are other kinds, from softer to more forthright. I find getting the characters alone with each other to be useful -let them play off each other, agree or disagree, be timid or bold- but isolating them highlights their joint dynamic and frames the fact that ‘these two like like each other!’. Also, with regards to the actual dialogue, it should depend a lot on their actual personalities -try not to have a very quiet character suddenly spouting cheesy one-liners unless that’s the only way they can think of to flirt i.e. there’s a good reason.
But mostly, I use tricks outside the actual dialogue to convey attraction. My favourite one is to convey ‘lingering looks’ snatched often -not by actually stating the staring, but by giving detailed descriptions on the part of the POV character. To toot my own horn (and because I’m too tired to think of another example rn), Terion mentions how Urial looks a lot, everything from how good he looks in red to the curls in his hair and the colour of his eyes. If you reserve such constant, flattering descriptions for the love interest, it should quickly become obvious to the reader that the POV character finds them attractive. Obviously it’s a little harder to show the LI’s attraction to the MC using this method, but it does mean you have twice as many ‘lingering looks’ to use for the LI when you don’t have to have the MC committing them all the time. 
Another good one -if either character is quite tactile- is little touches. Not only are small touches to the hand/shoulder/arm/leg a good sign of attraction in a lot of people, but your other character’s reaction to said touches is also a useful tool. If their breath catches at the contact, or they feel a lingering heat afterwards, or they subconsciously keep rubbing the spot, then you’re again signalling to your reader that ‘these gals like like each other!’
‘But Ginger!’ I hear you cry. ‘Lots of girls banter with each other, and compliment each others’ looks, and share small touches; I don’t want to end up in the dreaded Gal-Pal land!’ Which is a fair enough fear, and one you won’t ever be able to 100% escape from, because some people are eternally determined to be hetero-normative about  e v e r y t h i n g  (and others, to be fair, are just that desperate to find close girl friendships). This is why a lot of advice blogs suggest having your characters confirm their orientation on the page, out loud, etc. etc. While I’m not the biggest fan of this straight off the bat -I subscribe to the ‘if it’s a good romance, you should know they like each other long before they kiss’ school, and people don’t often randomly announce their orientation mid conversation- sometimes it just is necessary to knock the unperceptive readers on the head. But there are ways to do the same thing, like a kiss at the end, or an ‘I love you’, or an ‘One day I would be the happiest woman in the world if we could get married’, etc. etc. Obviously you can confirm orientation on page, but if you just need two gals to fall in love, there are other ways you can make it obvious if you want to be more subtle. (Also, if this is a modern supers story, how many gay jokes do us queer people make per conversation? Like, so so many. Sneaking in one or two into flirty dialogue would be a possible way to show their sapphic orientations in a natural way!)
Finally, be confident in your ability to get this relationship across! Especially if this is #ownvoices (which I kind of assumed it is), you’ve probably got enough imagination of what you would like your relationship to be like to project the good parts onto them. If reading over their page space together makes you smile, or want to squee about how cute they are, or make them kiss already, or any other shippy feeling, you’re probably doing fine. Remember, there’s always next draft to polish these things up.
tl;dr have confidence in yourself and your readers, get your characters alone, think about long looks and little touches, and write me some goddamn sapphic superheroes!!
(Seriously though, if you ever publish online, please tag me!!)I hope this helps
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