#idk why but he looks so cute and stout here like
jrueships · 5 months
Do you think Josh went to Stef's big birthday bash? I didn't see him in any photos... maybe it was too fancy for him to get invited??
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damn, i guess josh didn't care 😭 LMFAO
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tbh tho.. i would not either.. if i saw this.. my number one conspirer. Yep, going right back through that door once i see that. Clearly, im intruding on family activities, ill be in the car waiting for u like a dog LOL
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hes including himself in this
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i love how trev looks so done with him, his brother's eldest sister queen syndrome 😭. Does that cake have fondant on it ??
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of COURSE he wants that giant dumpster of a car, of COURSE. Let's calm down, veruca salt
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dandelyle · 2 years
There once was a boy named Tator, and he liked to eat potatoes. One day he went to the market and bought a shit ton of potatoes, as happy as can be. He lived in a nice, walkable city so he just put those taters on his back in a sack like ol' Saint Nick and carried them sonsubitches home all easy like. Maybe he also took the bus man idk. But then when he got home, the dog needed to go for a walk like right fucking now. So he put down the sack of taters and got the dog on its leash and went back out into the harsh, potato-less world. The dog did its thing, and they came back home.
Now, I gotta tell you about Tator's apartment. He lived in an average little high rise building in a big city where the weather was always nice. It was a studio apartment because Tator wasn't a rich kid by any means. He had a decent job that enabled him to buy potatoes and pay the rent and dog food but that's about it.
So, he took the elevator with his dog, a slobbery mastiff, to the 10th floor in the 14 story building where his apartment was one of three small units. He jimmied the key into the lock and the door swung open. All the way home he had been thinking about his glorious potatoes. How he would cook them, fry them, mash them, cut them into chunks and combine them with peppers and onions and home-fry them... mmm, his mouth watered just thinking about all the versatile ways he could devour the humble potatoes.
So, the plain white door opened into the cute little studio apartment. The sun filtered lazily through the off-white curtains and cast long shadows on the wooden floor, leading right to where the sack of potatoes had been. Had been. HAD BEEN!?
Tator unclipped the dog's leash and watched as it shuffled off to the sagging, old couch cushion in the corner. Then he fell to his knees by the door, weeping.
The sack of potatoes was gone. How could this have happened? he asked himself. Had he left the door unlocked when he walked his dog? Had a neighbor, jealous of Tator's large and luscious sack of potatoes, climbed in through the balcony and stolen them? Perhaps he would never know. And now he had nothing to eat.
"Hey," someone said. "Whatcha cryin’ for, Tator?"
It was his neighbor from across the hall, Callista. She was a tall, stout woman with laugh lines and a crinkled brow and hair the color of peaches tied into a knot on top of her head. Her arms were almost always crossed and sometimes, when the weather was good and she wore a tank top, you could see the edges of a tattoo on her back, faded from years gone by.
Tator wiped his eyes and looked up at her. "My potatoes," he stammered. "They were right here! Now they're gone!"
Callista tapped her foot, thinking hard. She had not seen anyone come to Tator's apartment nor had she seen anyone leaving with a sack on their back. Wack.
"Callista, what do I do?!" Tator cried inconsolably, his nose turning red and dripping snot. Really, Tator, get a grip, she wanted to say, but she didn't because she had a feeling these potatoes were important to him.
"Let me think," she said instead. She knew she had a couple of potatoes in her apartment, and of course, she would simply give them to him, but they could never replace an entire sack of potatoes. Still, it was better than nothing. Resolved, she turned on her heel and disappeared into her apartment.
Confused, Tator watched the pink headed woman walk briskly away without a word. Well, I guess it's just me and my not-potatoes, he thought. At least he was too surprised by her swift departure to continue sobbing.
Moments later, she returned with a potato in each hand. "Here, kid," she said.
He gasped and gingerly accepted them. "Are you sure?"
She nodded. "I wasn't going to eat them anyways." She was, but he didn't need to know that.
"But why? Potatoes are simply the most delightful food in the whole wide world!"
She simply smiled and retired to her apartment, satisfied with having done some good for one day. Callista's apartment was roughly the same size as Tator's, but it was far more cluttered.
Tator, while neurotic about potatoes, was fairly simple with every other aspect of life and his apartment reflected this. He had one wooden chair that sat facing the glass doors that led out to the balcony, a bookshelf that contained a potted catnip plant, and three books: one was a potato cookbook, one was a history of potato cultivation, and the third was a poorly written self-help book that he had received for free when he started his new job.
Doorbell and George, Callista's two cats, greeted her enthusiastically. Doorbell was a 10 year old Siamese, and George was a 6 year old orange cat with a tipped ear. She knew they only wanted their dinner, however. During the days when she did not work and kept their food bowls filled, they never bothered her. Today, however, they seemed less hungry than usual. Normally, they meowed incessantly and ran from her to the food bowls and back again until they had been filled. They were such dramatic cats, but then, when are cats not dramatic?
Callista refilled their food dishes, and smiled at their contended purrs as they ate the kibble. But then, before they had finished it off, they stopped eating. What had gotten into these two? She shook her head, too tired from a long day at work as a traffic director to care. She unwrapped her scarf from her neck and headed to the bathroom for a long, relaxing bubble bath--just what a day out in the cold called for. The bathroom door was open, which was unusual. Even more unusual, it was freezing cold! She looked up and noticed the window was open. On the ledge sat a little bird cocking its head at her. Suddenly, a fuzzy orange thing streaked by her, launching itself out the window at the bird! It was George!
"George!!" Callista shouted. She leapt towards the window, her arms outstretched, trying to catch her beloved, yet idiotic, feline, but it was no use. He was darting across rooftops chasing after that stupid bird. Maybe that was why he hadn't been hungry today. Callista imagined him chasing after mice and birds or maybe bumming handouts from some kind stranger and shook her head.
George ran as fast as he could, paying no mind to the human shouting his name. Yes, his name. He knew it, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the prey. The chase. The feeling of the roof tiles under his paws, the crisp late winter air in his lungs. He was a mighty hunter, and he would catch that bird and bring it back. The human was useless, always feeding him and the other cat kibble. Maybe the other cat was fine with that, but George was a true feline king--he required something more.
The bird flew higher, higher, and higher still. George pursued, leaping from rooftop to windowsill to rooftop. Finally, he was as high as the city could lift him--atop an old smokestack. But the bird, not constrained by gravity, flew free. George the cat yowled for a while, upset at the mere thought of not getting to taste that bloody meat.
Ah well, it was only a small bird anyways. And the day had been full of adventure for fat George. Oh yes, the human had left the bathroom window open. George, smart and shiny furred George, had cleverly escaped the apartment and explored the city. He dined on fat pigeons and squirrels, treats the neighborhood children carried for the rare chance a cat would approach them, and grass. Oh how he loved grass.
When George had eaten his fill, he sauntered down the street to the apartment lobby. The doorman immediately recognized him, as of course, George was a celebrity. A handsome feline deserves recognition for his grandeur. So, he escorted handsome George to the 10th floor of the 14 story building and let him out of the elevator. There, the neighbor boy's door was open, and George could smell the foul stench of a canine. He entered the apartment and cased the joint. Someday, that dog may make a move, and when it did, George needed to be ready. Doorbell couldn't be trusted, and she would just have to fend for herself, but George was a warrior cat and nothing, not even a dog, would save him from defending Callista's honor against a dog.
When he had finished examining the nearly barren apartment, he made his way back to the front door, when he noticed an earthy-scented sack. Curious, he pawed at it. It fell open and strange round, lumpy things tumbled forth. They rolled and rattled and rumbled, terrifying!! George yowled and ran away as fast as he could, knocking the potatoes to and fro. The tumbled away from Tator's apartment, down the hall of the slightly crooked building, and the weight of them was no match for the flimsy Emergency Only staircase door. So the poor potatoes bounced and bowled down the black pit of the staircase, never to be seen again.
And the sack? Why, when George finally managed to open the apartment door (remember, he is a clever cat), Doorbell wandered out into the hall and ate every last bit of that burlap sack. She burped when she was done and sauntered quite proudly back to her throne in Callista's apartment, licking her paws as if she had just dined like a queen.
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eldritchsurveys · 3 years
Can you say you are fully happy right now? >> Some surveys have such standard and generic questions that I can’t rightly tell if I’ve already taken it. This is one of those, and because it’s so long I’m hoping to god I don’t get to the middle of it and be like “oh. I did this literally last week” lmao. Fingers crossed. I don’t know what “fully happy” means. I took my walk like I promised myself, and I made an offering and am now drinking it (it’s delicious, a dessert stout called Big Luscious), so I’m on track for how I wanted my day to go. And I’m not triggered or having any kind of episode, so I’m okay there. Which means I am currently stable, which is a great place to be (considering the alternatives).
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? >> It’s possible, I guess.
Is there someone who stopped talking to you for no reason? >> I mean, probably, at some point. Ghosting is a common thing these days, for some reason.
Did you ever get called horrible names like (whore, skank, bitch)? >> Sure.
Where did you sleep last night? >> In my bed.
Ever slow danced with anyone? >> Yes, outworld and Inworld. Inworld is obviously the best, though. ~
Ever cried in public? >> Yes. Privacy and solitude was a rarity and a luxury for most of my life, so I had no real choice.
Ever feel safe in someone’s arms? >> Inworld, yes. I don’t know what that’s like outworld.
What would you do if you were pregnant? >> Die.
Are you afraid of letting anyone in? >> So, I have disordered attachment, am a product of CEN and CSA, and have resultant CPTSD. You do the math. (*makes some kind of joke about how it’s probably gonna be algebra because of all the acronyms--*)
Do you like cuddling? >> I love it Inworld. It basically gets me through everything. I would basically remain glued to Can Calah at all times if I could (and on some bad days, I do). Outworld is a completely different story because of the things mentioned just above.
Ever cry in school? >> I’m sure I have.
Who is the last person to send you a message on facebook? >> Probably Casey, like a month and a half ago.
Do you look decent when you wake up? >> Why am I paying attention to how I look when I wake up? I’m in bed. Who the fuck am I performing for? -___-’
Have you ever been given roses? >> No.
Had a long distance relationship? >> Yes.
Does it bother you when people never answer their cell phones? >> Why would that bother me? I am also one of those people. Oh, I guess you mean, like... I call a person, they never answer... hah, as if I would ever call a person. This is totally outside my experience.
Do you care what happens in politics/your government? >> I mean... here’s the thing. I care in the sense that I’m not totally disconnected from the effects of politics on people like me. But the realm of politics, specifically, is so alien to me that I have no idea what to do about it except halfheartedly vote and hope for the best? I don’t know how much more I’m supposed to care. I hate the political system, period, I want nothing to do with it. People assume that anyone that feels that way must be privileged and unaffected by politics, but I guess their shortsightedness about how different people can experience and feel about things is not my problem.
Ever been called babe/baby? >> Sparrow says “babe”.
Have you ever witnessed someone else engaging in a sexual act (not necessarily sex)? >> Yes.
Where did you get drunk last? >> I don’t remember. I don’t get drunk anymore, I just like to drink a beverage and enjoy the taste and slight buzz. Like right now, it’ll probably take me the next hour or two to finish this stout, but that’s the way I like to drink. Slowly and comfortably.
What’s your relationship with the last person you texted? >> I’m married to her.
If someone went through your pictures, would they find a dirty one? >> Nope. The only time I ever took nudes was just for the fun of it, not to be sexual or anything. Just enjoying having a human body (god, I wish that were me now...). But that was a long time ago and none of those photos are available anywhere anymore.
Do you want to see anyone right now? >> No.
Have you ever fell asleep in someone’s arms? >> Inworld, yes. Outworld, no.
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night? >> About a half-hour after laying down, usually. Some nights a little longer, but then I just catch up on my reading.
How many pillows are on your bed >> Two.
When’s the last time you cried? >> Yesterday.
Is it cute when a guy buys you flowers? >> I mean, I’d require more context than that. If I’m friends with a guy and he’s like “I saw these flowers and thought of you!” that’d be adorable. I do love flowers, thanks for thinking of me! Also, I’ll probably use them as an offering, so double win. If some random guy sent me flowers, I’d be a bit disturbed and put-off.
Will things change in the next month? >> I mean, yes. That’s how it works.
How did you do on the last test you took? >> ---
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? >> I mean, yeah. Are you afraid to grow up? >> ---
Are you busy tomorrow? >> Probably not, unless something really unpredictable and abnormal happens. I might be plenty busy playing FFXIV, though, considering I can’t today because it’s patch day.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? >> It’s an undershirt, idk how long I’ve had it.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? >> Er, I assume not? I’m not usually in this kind of situation.
Has anyone told you that you’re amazing? >> Yes.
How many black shirts do you own? >> Like 15. For reference, I own like 20 shirts total.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? >> I don’t see why I wouldn’t be. A lot of weird and sudden shit would have to happen to change that.
How come you’re not going out with the person you like? >> ---
When you feel cold does eating warm food help you feel warm? >> I don’t know. I do feel warmer after eating, just in general, probably because of the blood moving around to start digestion.
Do you want to diet? >> No. No I fucking do not. Don’t even suggest that to me.
Are you unsure about your feelings for someone? >> I’m not unsure about my feelings for anyone. I know how I feel about people. It’s other people whose feelings are a complete mystery to me.
Who did you last hang out with? >> Sparrow, because we live together.
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car? >> I mean, obviously the money, since I can’t drive and don’t want to...
What song are you currently listening to? >> None.
Are you happy with your relationship? >> It’s fine.
Who was the last person to smoke something other than a cigarette or weed in front of you? >> Other than a cigarette or weed?? So, like... crack???? I really couldn’t say. It’d be years ago.
Does anything on your body hurt? >> Not right now.
If the last person you kissed were calling you right now, would you answer? >> I would, because if she’s calling me, then it must be a real ass emergency. Or probably like an EMT using her phone to find an emergency contact. So yeah, I’d answer. One of the very rare times I’d answer my phone.
In the run of a week, how many times do you straighten your hair? >> ---
Are you mad at someone right now? >> Nope.
Last thing someone gave you? >> I don’t remember.
Who woke you up this morning? >> Just me, naturally.
Who is your favorite family member on your mom’s side? >> ---
What do you do in your spare time? >> All my time is "spare” time, by other people’s standards, so, uh...
Who was the last person you were under a blanket with? >> Just Can Calah. :B
Where is the last person you kissed? >> Inworld.
What was the last thing you ate? >> Veggie burger and chips, breakfast. I’ll probably grab some lunch and queue up a movie after this.
Which of your friends is the most likely to get pregnant right now? >> ---
Do you remember the meanest thing the last person you kissed ever said to you? >> I don’t think she’s said anything particularly vicious to me. Just... kind of thoughtless things, I guess, earlier on.
What does your last outgoing text say? >> It was a link to a TikTok of a cute dog.
Have you ever been called prince/ princess? >> No.
Waiting for something? >> No. Well, the Dinnerly box, which is gonna get here eventually and which I’ll have to go downstairs to retrieve and then unpack.
Have you kissed anyone when you’re single? >> Yes.
What are you doing this weekend? >> I imagine the same things we do every other weekend in these COVID times.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? >> I imagine so.
Have you ever kissed someone who was in a relationship? >> Yeah. Where is your biological father right now? >> ---
Where is the biggest scar on your body? >> Probably the one on my face. How late did you stay up last night? >> Not very. I think I went to sleep shortly after 11. Have you had your birthday this year yet? >> Yeah, in May. You had to kiss the last person you texted, would you? >> I mean, I have. What would you call your body type? >> I don’t want to call it anything. Are you a morning person? >> Yes. Have you ever been to Target? >> Yes, many times. Do you like iced coffee? >> It’s okay. When is the next time you’ll be at work? >> --- Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? >> Not that I can recall. Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart? >> Probably not. I take that kind of shit super fucking hard. Ever made a prank phone call? >> No. Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you’re sleeping? >> --- Have you ever been in a car accident? >> No.
Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? >> Yes.
Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? >> Physically? I assume not. Have you ever had stitches? >> Yes. Name a time when you had to be strong. >> Like... all the time? I don’t really know how to answer this. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting or any kind of abuse at home? >> The first two, no, because my parents were not together. The third, yes. Have you ever lost someone close to death? if so, how many? >> Once. Have you ever had any volunteer jobs? >> No. Have you gone through a lot emotionally growing up? >> Obviously. Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? >> I really would not want anyone to do that. Anyone that can disrespect the rules of their current relationship so flagrantly is going to disrespect me next. Also, that’s a messed up thing to do to the third party, too. Do you want to see someone this very minute? >> Not especially. Unless it’s D. :)
Are you happy with the way things are going? >> Some things, sure. Are you a forgiving person? >> Sometimes, I guess. It’s not what I’d call a character trait of mine, though. Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace? >> --- Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? >> --- Describe how you feel about your life in the past month using one word: >> I cannot do that. Would you like to go back and change any part of your life? >> I mean, I don’t know. I am who I am, and that’s because of what I’ve experienced. I don’t know who I’d be otherwise, and I do like myself and I want to continue being myself, so... I have to take the bitter with the... less bitter. When will your next kiss be? >> I don’t know, whenever I want it to be. Last person you saw other than your family? >> --- Will tomorrow be better than today? >> I mean, today was pretty okay, so if tomorrow’s even better than today, boy howdy. Are you feeling guilty about anything right now? >> No. What’s going through your mind right now? >> I’m just taking this survey, dude. That’s all I’m thinking about. When’s the last time you had fast food? >> Day before Thanksgiving. Do you believe that there’s good in everybody? >> I mean, I guess, if we have to put it that way. I just think that people are largely alike, and that if I can see the “shadow self” in me and everyone that is capable of many of the evils of the world, then I don’t see why I can’t also see the “higher self” in me and everyone that is capable of the beautiful things that people do for and with each other. These divisions always make me twitch a little because I think making it a dichotomy misses the real point a bit, but I haven’t run into better words for this yet so I’m doing my best with what I’ve got. Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? >> ... When was the last time you saw someone attractive? >> I mean, I can see Can Calah or King Crimson whenever I want. :B What was the first thing you did when you woke up? >> Probably reached for my phone to see what time it was. Think back eight months ago, were you single? >> No. What do you carry with you at all times? >> Myself :) Are you okay with the life you live? >> I’m okay with a lot of it. Way more okay with the lives I’ve had to lead before.
Do you have a Tattoo? >> Yes. What other piercings would you get other than the ones you already have? >> I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought about it because I’ve been so focused on tattoos in recent times. I’d just rather have ink. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? >> Probably. Have you ever been to Disney World? >> No. If so, how many times have you been? >> --- Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you? >> Meh. Like, here’s the thing -- even if I don’t capitalise proper nouns or use dialect grammar as opposed to “proper” (don’t get me started on the connotations of that term) grammar, I can still be understood. And that’s the whole fucking point. I use the social standard for grammar and capitalisation when it’s necessary, and for some reason I’ve been taking surveys with the social standard of English for so long that it’s a habit by now, but I’m not obsessed with it. I love being able to code-switch and I love using vernacular and I love “Internet dialect/grammar” and all of that. Language in all its forms, unrestrained, is just so. fucking. cool. Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? >> Sure, I like the orderly origami-like process of wrapping. Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room? >> No, it’s in Sparrow’s (bigger) room. Do you enjoy big holiday dinners? >> I enjoy big dinners and small dinners. I assume by “big” you mean “lots of food”, not... “big” as in “lots of people”, because that I do not enjoy. Is your vision good? >> Yes. Is your present hair color, natural? >> Yes. What was the last thing you ordered online? >> A crystal. Fuck, that reminds me, I gotta poke around on Etsy for some stocking stuffer type gifts.   Have you ever worn color contacts? >> Yes, quite often back in the day. If you have a significant other, how long have you been together? >> Almost nine years or something, idk. I’m bad at time math. Where are your parents as of now? >> --- Do you follow a certain religion? >> No. Do you have any family members who live out of town? >> --- Do you consider yourself short? >> Not really. What room are you in? >> Mine. Do you listen to any country music? >> Sure. Do you ever watch Lifetime? >> No. I don’t have cable, but I wouldn’t watch Lifetime even if I did. Would ever consider having children in the future? >> Probably not. Have you ever lived on a farm? >> No. Do both of your parents have jobs? >> --- If you had the chance to move to a completely different state, would you? >> Yes. What is something you’ve always wanted a boy to do for you? >> Clean my house. IDK, lol. What do you wish you had more knowledge about? >> Oh, stuff. What food are you craving right now? >> I’m not craving anything, even though it’s lunchtime. I have no idea what I want to eat. ...Hmm, egg, rice, and roasted veggies sounds really good but idk if I want to make eggs right now... How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? >> I never was told about him. I kind of vaguely knew he existed from just... cultural saturation, or whatever, but yeah. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? >> A lot. Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you’re sure they won’t tell? >> --- Would you ever get someone’s name tattooed on you? >> You know, every time I see this question I totally fucking forget that I already have a person’s name tattooed on me. My X-Files tattoo that matches with Sparrow’s says “scully, it’s me”. Scully is a name lmaoooo So, yeah, I guess the answer is yes.
Does your family have family picnics? >> --- If your doctor said you were pregnant, what would you say? >> “That’s not a funny joke, so please stop”, I mean, what else would I say? That’s literally impossible so the doctor must be trying to pull a funny. A really fucking bad one, too.
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bubmyg · 6 years
endearment - myg (aspects: 2)
a/n: i’m soft for min yoongi, that’s all you need to know about this. this is tooth rottingly gross and fluffy. you might wanna know that too before diving in idk. based off the prompt “do you always look at me like that?”
Word Count: 1,721
[gif creds here]
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The standing mirror was a cheap piece, lined in thin mahogany balsa wood that frayed where you’d hauled it into your bedroom. You hadn’t bothered to hang it, nor fix it from the last time it slid haphazardly down the wall to settle at more of a acute angle with the thick throw of your carpet. Because of this, you were easily able to catch the sudden movement beyond the curl of your bare toes.
Black sock clad feet framed the natural slope just beyond your heel, a familiar pair of arms locking easily across your waist. You hummed as feathery soft tendrils tickled at your neck while chapped lips sponged at your shoulder.
You continued to fiddle meticulously with the clasp of your watch, murmuring fondly, “Miss me?”
“Always,” Yoongi grunted against your skin, the thick vibration of his timbre eliciting goosebumps that ruined your indifferent disposition. His grip on you tightened when you leaned for the dresser to deposit your watch and bracelets with the remaining disarray of your jewelry. He anchored you against his stout torso as if your figure would disappear into the carpet below if his palm released any pressure on your stomach.
The gentle tune in the back of your throat died with a fond flutter as you swallowed, tucking your chin to your chest as you pressed your thumbs against the undersides of his wrists. That was enough for his palms to roll, gladly accepting the lace of your fingers over his knuckles as his chin slotted to the dip in your shoulder. When you tore your gaze away from his pale skin clutching at your own, you found him already staring at you through the mirror.
Yoongi was silent, watching you quietly as you bit the inside of your cheek, an attempt at clawing away the sudden aggressive thrum to your heart. His obsidian rich eyes stunned you into putty, particularly when his lips tugged into a toothless smile. But then did his gaze leave yours, soft gaze ducking under crescent shaped eyelids as a light pink dusted his cheeks.
Instead, he preoccupied his lips by sponging a kiss to the side of your neck. “Do you always look at me like that?” He inquired lowly, the vibrato of his tone etching just outside the shell of your ear.
Your mouth ringed subconsciously, drawing in a sharp breath as you lightly squeezed his palm. “Like what-” You nudged him lightly with your elbow, “-with my eyes?”
His hands slid from yours, falling flat across your waist as he slowly rotated you to face him. You took pride in the continue flush to his skin even past the pointed glare through his eyelashes as his chin tilted. Tongue in cheek, he released the tension in his shoulders as he sighed, “You know what I mean.”
Embarrassed and shy Yoongi was a treasure, yet, you genuinely were unaware of his reference seeing as you’d done nothing but unattractively struggle with your watch before glancing at him through the splotched glass of your ten dollar mirror. Amused, you lightly drew the back of your knuckles to rest against his cheek, “No, I don’t. But you’re blushing-”
He swiftly tucked his fingers around your own, securing your hand into a ball that he drew back against your side. When his gaze returned to yours from the trek of his actions, your next playful retort died into the cavity of your chest. There was something deeply emotional, void of any amusement yet stuffed full of a confusion meshed in fond.
Yoongi had definitely never looked at you like that before.
“I hardly think I deserve for you to look at me like that,” He confessed after a moment. His eyes trilled from your own as he continued to speak, “Like every ounce of love and affection you have rooted in that much too big heart of yours rests solely on me.”
You were frowning now, “You know I love you-”
“I know,” Dark eyes flicked back to your own, yet it was his articulation that stole away your breath this time, “Sometimes, I just don’t know why.”
Your mind reeled for a split second before you were scoffing. Lightly, you placed your palms against his shoulders and pushed. “Sit down,” You deadpanned, eyeing the tangled mess of sheets perched at the end of the mattress.
His step back was hesitant through his gurgled protest of, “-what?”
“Yoongi,” Another muted step back and he was watching you carefully under tousled blond. You sighed shakily, your emotions catching in your throat as you whispered, “Sit down. Please.”
Pouted pink lips drew into a thin frown as he shuffled backward, perching delicately atop the unflattering mess of white sheets and the black duvet. His legs involuntarily swung to cross at the knee, hands folding across the exposed bit of skin from his ripped jeans. You didn’t speak, simply shaking your head as you placed his hands in his lap, gently nudging his legs flat so you could clamber rather ungracefully into his lap.
“What are you-” His inquiry died when his hands lifted to steady you, clammy palms catching on your skin just underneath the hem of your blouse. He allowed you to settle yourself so that your eyes were just above his before he spoke again, voice trembling, “What are you doing?”
You were shaking your head again, placing your index finger against his pursed lips. “Hush,” You scolded, taking the opportunity to swipe a kiss to his suddenly wrinkled nose, “I have some things to tell you.”
“I don’t need you to-”
You kissed Yoongi’s mouth this time, a chaste peck that had him chasing after your mouth with another unintended pout. Your teeth cut sharply into your bottom lip, suppressing the unabashed giggle that threatened to escape. “I suppose I’ll start with that,” You hummed, poking happily at his rolled bottom lip, “Your stupid pout. I love it. Have I told you that before?”
You delicately danced the tip of your fingertips up the rise of his cheeks, sliding your fingers happily through the soft locks of hair just beyond his red tipped ears. “I love you hair too. The black and the mint and the blond. All of it. I wish you’d let me play with it more.”
“You can do whatever you want.”
You ignored his comment, “What about your cheeks? Have I told you how much I want to just squish them sometimes? I love how squishable they are. Especially when you’re being grumpy about something.”
Yoongi was clearly trying to suppress an embarrassed smile at this point, tongue returning to the sanction of his back molars as your hands continued their downward spiral to rest on the crook of his shoulders. Your eyes weren’t on his, yet instead focused on the elegant dip in his porcelain skin just under the off center collar of his t-shirt. Your thumbs pressed into the junction of his collarbones, prepping yourself with an exaggerated intake of breath, “I love your body, too. Your stupidly great legs and your stupidly tiny waist and your stupidly comfortable tummy. All of it.”
Past a thick swallow did he attempt to choke, “What, are you only with me for my-”
The flick of your eyes cut him off, drowning the sarcastic response with the embarrassment that immediately flooded from him. You were looking at him like that again, the bright adoration filling him to the very core with warmth, content, happiness.
He still wasn’t sure he deserved it.
“But most of all, I love you,” You felt the tears springing behind your eyes as your grip faltered against the cotton of his shirt. “I love that when you get embarrassed you do that thing with your tongue and your hands on your neck. I love your silly little dances and those cute noises you make when you get overly excited about something. I love when your face scrunches up because I know you’re not actually mad.”
“I love your heart. I love how much you absolutely adore and care for everyone around you, how accepting you are. I love how incredibly intelligent you are, how calculated you are with your words, how that transcends into your unbelievable work ethic. I love how passionate you are, at home, in the studio, on stage, all of it.”
You beat him to the sudden part of his mouth, overlapping whatever speech was about to emit with a gentle hand to his jaw. You didn’t recognize the tenderness that leaked with your words, your speech so faintly soft that it wouldn’t have been decipherable if it weren’t for your intimate proximity.
“Every single part of you deserves to be loved and I’m thankful everyday to be the one that gets to remind you of that.”
A startled oomf! fueled by the breath you weren’t aware you’d been holding emitted as you were crushed against Yoongi. You recovered, easily looping your arms around his neck to bury your face against the crook of your elbow and his shoulder. His arms bracketed your waist, anchoring you to him as he had not fifteen minutes ago in front of that stupid mirror.
“I love you so much,” His voice muffled against your skin, lips pressing to every piece of skin he could reach. You revealed in the affection, happily allowing him to pull back to cup your cheeks and shower them with delicate presses of his mouth. His cheeks were still flushed hot as he paused momentarily to properly look at you, thumbs easily casting away the fraction of unwanted tears that tracked the slope of your nose. The slightest sliver of a smile developed past the unabashed glimmer in his own irises, “This doesn’t change my mind, though.”
You frowned at him to which he was grinning fully now, teeth and gums and crinkles and all.
“I definitely don’t deserve you.”
You glowered at Yoongi, folding your arms tightly to your chest under the bend of his elbows as he continued to cradle your face. “I guess I forgot something,” You huffed, poking your tongue out at him.
“Your stupid gummy smile. I love it. I can’t be mad at it. Or you. It’s infuriating.”
“So you are only with me for my looks-”
“Min Yoongi-!”
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madokasoratsugu · 7 years
SouTaku and Ikumi x Megumi for the ship meme?
aaaaAAA YES. btw ikumi/megumi (god bless u for sending this ship 2 me btw) is under the cut else this would have gotten Long lmao
send me a ship and ill break them down
How did they they meet?
one arrogant speech and extended shoe grinding later
Who developed romantic feelings first?
OH BOY definitely Takumi !! he starts to realise that this rivalry is getting a lot more serious, and hey, he wants to be by this guy’s side not just because he’s a fun challenge, he has this way with words and smiles a little too wide that makes you breath catch and is stupidly good looking and - oh.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Isami.....he saw through his brother Straight Away, but unlike popular belief doesn’t tease him about it from the get go. he let Takumi sort through his feelings (and internalised homophobia) but gently lets Takumi know that he’s there for him and honestly, he just wants his brother to be happy :”))) even if he has to pull a few strings himself to help his brother hohoho
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
after they confess to each other, there’s relieved laughter and bumping foreheads and shaking hands, and Takumi, still riding the adrenaline high, leans in and kisses Souma on the corner of his mouth, smile sloppy and honest against Souma’s skin. Souma immediately goes in for a better aimed kiss after Takumi moves away, and there’s no fireworks or popped champagne; but there’s soft sighs and melting fear and that’s enough.
Who confessed their feelings first?
THEY YELLED IT AT EACH OTHER DURING END OF SECOND YEAR LMAO. a fiery argument about avoidance and excuses leads to them screaming confessions and awkward silences and just ?? kk we like each other hahah- wait wHAT TH
orr an alternate confession scene i like equally is Takumi confesses to Souma during graduation but Souma doesn’t reciprocate(or he thinks he doesn’t) and rejects Takumi and all Takumi can do is smile and say “yeah, i know.”but then months later of unwarranted irritation, Souma sees Takumi tagged in a photo on Instagram and everything hits him at once and he realises he’s made a big miss steak 
What was their first official date?
i wish i could say they planned it but god damn, Souma is shit at following plans and Takumi wants/expects too much so they compromise and decide to improvise on the day itself.
so they end up with the same idea: food tour !!!! they spend the entire morning/afternoon exploring the city and all the lil alleyway stores hidden away plus visiting well known restaurant. in the late afternoon till evening they wind up resting on a park bench talking while sharing too sweet soda and too salty fries. they hold hands the entire time and share shy kisses in the shade whenever they can (it sort of becomes a game about who can sneak the most kisses during the date)
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
sorta eh. they’re not super into the idea but not against it either? dk imo they’d prefer having personal dates but they’re open to having double dates.
What do they do in their down time?
(when they’re not cooking)
Souma watches trash tv while Takumi reads, curled up against Souma. occasionally they’ll make comments about the other’s media of choice. (”you think that book is good? wait till you get to chapter 5″ “are you watching another rerun of csi miami??”)
together though, they enjoy going out together for walks and checking out newly opened shops (any and all types welcomed). 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Jouichirou was so. so chill. a surprised blink, then shrugged and absolutely burst into a grin. “i see, i see. so what about my son attracted you, Takumi?” there’s no intimidation or anything bc he already knows Takumi is a competent, dependable and stout hearted person and chef from Central Arc, and is a better person than he ever hoped Souma could find (and spend the rest of his life with).
Toshiaki and Aurora were a lot more surprised (mainly bc Takumi was so closed off about love), though Aurora kinda...expected it. a mother’s sixth sense is hardly ever wrong, and the fluster her elder son gets into when the redhead is mentioned over the phone gives away waaay more than Takumi ever realises. Toshiaki has a quiet talk with Souma (which he testifies to be a lot more scary than his encounter with Aurora earlier in the kitchen) about Takumi, their relationship and future plans. but the couple are quick to accept Souma, it’s hard not to trust and love someone their own son loves so dearly, after all.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
(barring the confession scene fight)
Souma’s wanderlust can’t be contained, and Takumi knows this. but they get engaged young (probs 21ish) and Souma is away more often and gets in contact less than Takumi likes, and it makes him uneasy and worried and he deals with this by overworking.
after too much lack of sleep nearly has Takumi collapsing in the kitchen and one sternly cold phone call by Isami later, Souma rushes back to Italy and confronts Takumi. Takumi has an outburst of more sadness and frustration (towards himself for not being able to articulate his feelings, not being able to handle anything well and not being able to trust Souma fully; “i was the one who said it was okay for you to go, how can i be so selfish as to ask you to come back as and when i want?”) than anger and Souma is fuckin heartbroken. 
they end up talking a lot about the importance of communication and letting feelings out and being better fiances to each other that night.
(its not rly a fight bc i cant imagine them fighting over anything more serious than “i told you to tell me when we ran out of milk, this is the third time this month you haven’t, yukihira souma !!!” or getting angry at each other over something actually relevant like their safety or smth lolol)
Which one is more easily made jealous?
oooh this surprises a lot of people but Souma. Souma is so easily made jealous, and the best part is no one can tell? Takumi gets jealous too, but not as easily or as irritated as Souma.
Souma gets all sorts of jealous, like he’ll purposely hold the hand that that weird salesman grabbed for a little too long, snake his arm around Takumi’s waist a little too tightly when he catches someone just looking in Takumi’s direction. his attitude also does a complete 180 when he’s jealous; he’s a lot more curt and annoyed. Takumi finds this weirdly cute.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
this is so fuckin cliche but each other’s homecooking :”)))
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Takumi is the touchy feely one !! he really likes being in contact with Souma in one way or another. fav cuddling position is curled up against Souma’s side or back against Souma’s chest, in between his legs.
Are they hand holders?
YAH TOTALLY. chronic hand holders. try catching them together without holding hands. they especially like twining their fingers together. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
///vaguely nsfw
........personally i think they slept together nearing the end of third year? after their finals, during an in between break after finals+results and before their graduation.
Isami was away for a head start in his internship with Momo, and they were alone at Takumi’s apartment. it was raining pretty badly and getting chilly, so Souma suggests sharing blankets when they’re going to bed entirely just to tease Takumi, but Takumi actually crawls under covers with him and Souma’s ?? didn’t expect that but not complaining. 
they’re just quietly sitting against the wall, acutely aware of how close they are when Takumi turns to Souma and starts trying to say something but doesn’t, and Souma just kisses him, once, gently. (“just felt like it.” “oh.”) then one kiss leads to another and welp.((don’t ask takumi why he has a bottle of lube in his bedside drawer, he’ll combust and maybe die.))
Who tops?
they switch, all the time. depends on mood and atmosphere !! 
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
the first time they ever tried to dirty talk in Italian. Souma started it and it was horrendous. Takumi couldn’t stop laughing for weeks any time he remembered it. he still can’t.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Takumi does more of the shopping (though they often do it together) and Souma cooks more !! they try to split the tasks (esp cooking) equally but there’re preferences and they lean towards it. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
......Takumi. he’s actually tidy on a normal person’s standard. Souma is tidy on his own standard, which is ‘as long as i know where everything is, why does it matter that my desk looks like world war z?’
Who proposes?
Souma !! he actually hooks Shinomiya into it - getting them an isolated table at SHINO’s Tokyo for a nice dinner, then going for a short walk to a romantic and private place around the area where he can propose (as recommended by Shinomiya). Souma settles for under a willow tree near the edge of a park, and Takumi cries a lot. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
they have one together !! actually its more of an afterparty with everyone they’ve invited to their wedding !! 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Isami is Takumi’s best man ofc. Megumi is Souma’s maid of honour !! 
Big Ceremony or Small?
a small ceremony !! not being outed to everyone in the entire world is preferable, esp when they both have insane reputations from graduating Tootsuki as second and third seats.
ive talked about their future wedding here before haha!!
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
OHH DEF. idk tho like....probs somewhere ridiculously romantic like Paris. they’re a ridiculously sappy couple. they have fun sightseeing and tasting authentic French cuisine. 
Do they have children? How many?
never really thought about it, but they def have dogs, if that counts? two, to be exact. both adopted, one golden retriever named lemonade and a dobermann named stoic. they are aptly named after their characteristics; lemonade is bubbly and fun, stoic is, well, stoic. 
How did they they meet?
through Souma, ironically enough. its funny ending up with someone who used to crush on the same person you did :”)))
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Ikumi !!! after she got over Souma (pretty quickly too, near the end of her first year and realising she could do a lot better and Souma wasn’t anywhere interested in her anyway), and started figuring a lot of things about herself, she started paying a lot more attention to Megumi (it helps that they had tons of classes together in second year), because something about Megumi just...attracts people and makes them watch out for her, yknow? 
her friendship with Megumi deepens quite a bit, and they even start having lunch together + instinctively looking at each other during partner/group work. she kinda...guesses that she might like Megumi but its after one really vivid dream of Megumi and her on a date later, that Ikumi actually confronts her feelings lol.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Souma !! he’s really goshdarned happy that Ikumi finally found someone she liked properly (he was aware of her crush, but never said anything bc he figures whatever form of love it is, it really isnt his place to say anything till Ikumi does) and that Megumi, sweet darling Megumi, has someone to properly cherish and love her.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
around Summer of second year, during a festival, under the fireworks. they were sitting next to each other on a grassy field, watching the fireworks flare to life noisily. with each illuminating bloom, throwing dully neon colours over the wondrous look on Megumi’s face, Ikumi finds her heart beating faster and harder.Megumi turns to comment about how pretty the fireworks are, Ikumi agrees, and kisses her softly. they break apart after a while, and there’s a little embarrassed fluster and ‘o-oh my gosh i dont know what got into me - !’ before Megumi shyly pipes up that it was nice, and she didn’t mind. they spend the rest of the fireworks show leaning against each other, their fingers curled together on their laps.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Megumi !! she was behaving oddly shy that day, and Ikumi was ?? what’s going on. during lunch, she offers Ikumi a charabento and Ikumi is really touched, and impressed. “you made this, tadokoro-chan?” “a-ah, y-yes, uhm - !” “wow, that’s amazing, you have to teach me how to make it sometime !!” “uhm - !! ikumi-san...” snapping of chopsticks, a blinding smile. “yes?” “i-i really like you.” the words come a near whisper, swept away with the wind. the sudden flush of Megumi’s face isn’t gone that easily, though. 
Ikumi finds herself blushing madly too, and she blurts “really??” and Megumi looks at her for a moment, before hesitantly nodding. Megumi’s fists knead into her plaid skirt, averting Ikumi’s dumbfounded stare. “i - i don’t know how to explain it, but you make me really, really happy and floaty and it’s just...i wanted you to know that you mean something special to me.” Ikumi feels like a cat has gotten her tongue. “and i - i don’t need an answer n - now -” “but i like you too !!”and then it’s a blushing fest and a spying Souma from the second floor fist pumps the air. 
What was their first official date?
AMUSEMENT PARK DATE. Ikumi’s never been to one and Megumi thinks that is Abominable and Must be remedied immediately.
it’s fizzy and fun and oh boy, do they go wild. all the roller coasters, carnival snacks and rides they can go on they do. they take So Many selfies, buy the cutest matching headbands, and laugh so much their cheeks get sore. 
at the end ofc they go on the ferris wheel and enjoy a romantic 45min alone, quietly appreciating the spectacular view and their girlfriend’s beauty.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
they’re ok with it !! 
What do they do in their down time?
(when not cooking lol)
Megumi really, really likes plants, but doesn’t have the confidence to have an entire veranda garden like Takumi bc of lack of experience (u should see Takumi’s veranda back in Italy) and general anxiety about it, so she keeps a few potted plants, cacti and bonsai instead !! she likes spending time trimming her bonsai or talking to them !
Ikumi dabbles in the crafts, like sewing and knitting, as a major fuck you to her dad (she can be a capable boss and feminine at the same time these things aren’t mutually exclusive). she made a few of her own outfits + Megumi’s !! in fact Megumi’s fac one piece dress was made my Ikumi :”))
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Megumi’s parents were a lil surprised bc sweet lil Megumi has brought back a potential partner !! dear u will not believe this !! Ikumi made lots of effort to dress up and look proper, so they quickly warmed up to her earnest nature and really, really liked her. she left an incredibly good first impression with her personality and great conversational skills. the fishermen dudes were skeptical and protective of Megumi at first but Ikumi’s competence and care for Megumi quickly shone through and they readily accepted her. someone Megumi cares for that much has to be a good person, they reckon :”))
Ikumi’s mother really, really liked Megumi. she found Megumi’s soft spokenness and iron will really endearing, and was glad Ikumi had found someone who accepted her for all is she and even encouraged her to become a better version of herself. Ikumi’s dad was an asshole who refused to even see Megumi, because he doesn’t believe in marrying down your status. Megumi left a note with a medium rare steak (fav dish of Ikumi’s dad) she cooked, requesting that Ikumi’s mum serve this to him later on. Ikumi’s dad could sense the sincerity in Megumi’s dish, but doesn’t fully accept her till ~2-3years later. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
after one particularly bad family weekend with Ikumi’s dad, Ikumi was upset that Megumi let him walk all over her like that. they fought a little, mainly Ikumi ranting about how Megumi is too soft, why shouldn’t she stand up for herself?! why should she have to stand for all this verbal abuse? (Megumi had withstood nearly the entire evening, till Ikumi’s dad sneered a comment that made Ikumi twitch uncomfortably. then she’d spoken up, softly. “please don’t speak about your own daughter this way, Mito-san. it’s highly unbecoming and irksome.” then had a staredown before Ikumi’s dad left the table w/out finishing the meal.)
Megumi manages to calm a near tears Ikumi down, and explains that its just a part of getting Ikumi’s dad to accept her, but nonetheless agrees to stick up for herself a little more.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Ikumi !! :’3cc she has a habit of clicking her tongue when she gets jealous lol.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Megumi’s fav is Ikumi’s homemade ice cream !! she doesn’t make it much but it’s so creamy and good.
Ikumi really enjoys all of Megumi’s soups/stews !! warm and filling and perfect for a rainy/Winter day in.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
both !!! they like facing each other, snuggled tight.
Are they hand holders?
kinda? they like holding hands for sure, but link arms a lot more.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
//vaguely nsfw
hmmm they’re about 20-21ish when Ikumi’s dad is kinda approving of Megumi alr and they’re in a peaceful time for their relationship !! Megumi is back at her ryokan helping out, and Ikumi visits her.
they share Megumi’s room for the night, which is pretty big, and there’s this Mood, and they get down to it !! 
Who tops?
switch, depends on mood !! i actually headcanon neither have really high libidos, so they don’t sex much lolol
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
the first time they tried to take a selfie. the wrong angle, combined with an unstable hand, nervous smiles and ‘idk why its not taking the photo waIT IT IS -’ made for a pretty hilarious experience.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
they do it together !!! catch em in the kitchen wearing matching aprons and cookin up the finest cuisine u can dream of.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
both are, though Ikumi is more of a stickler for tidiness while Megumi can survive letting things pile up for a while.
Who proposes?
Megumi !! she pops the question immediately after Ikumi’s dad gives her the greenlight for their relationship !! 
while driving them home that night she parks off the side of the road, a highway overlooking the ocean, takes out the engagement ring she’s had on her since forever, “i wanted this to be more romantic, but i just can’t wait anymore -” and she softly asks Ikumi to marry her and Ikumi sobs and nods and it’s perfect.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
together !!! they have a girl’s only slumber party with their close friends from Tootsuki lmao
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Souma is Megumi’s best man !! Takumi is Ikumi’s best man :”))) (they got along really well in the second year too, and keep in touch quite often)
Big Ceremony or Small?
...somewhere in the middle !! Ikumi’s family is fairly influential so the wedding is large scale to a certain amount, but Megumi stated that she’d prefer a more private wedding so they settled for close family and friends with a few trusted business associates.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
yup !!! they go to Venice, Italy ! Megumi has always wanted to go there so they decided to make it their honeymoon destination ! they have a splendid week there, and end it off having a great dinner party at the Trattoria, on Isami and Takumi’s invitation.
Do they have children? How many?
hmmm probably? i headcanon they adopt a 10yo girl and her 14yo brother, and they make a cute family !! 
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