#im not being normal ab this at all
mcmuppet · 3 months
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this actually means the world to me
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sepiamestus · 1 month
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New beginnings 🌼
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lemongogo · 1 year
@livindeddreamz-rbs-and-nonsense bro im litrly at work rn but i saw this and ive been dying 2 talk ab his trinkets SO BADDD‼️‼️
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do u rmbr when when meryl hands back the stuff bernardelli confiscated from him in like chapter 67 or whatevr.fthrowinf UPPPP like we hardly see anything but .the little doll he has.. the pen from the sandsteamer/kaite arc T_T .. the key 2 idk where but somewhere he probably called home for a bit .. IM SICK!!!IM SICK
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tamagotchikgs · 1 month
i did end up coming extremely close to passing out after doing the starting stretches and maybe,,, 6 ? moves in the air :( so i had to go sit down n then i threw up whihc was very embarrassing but i dont think anyone noticed since it was around the corner in the garbage. im sad i had to miss out on another day tho ,,,,,,,, also,,, i feel like such a failure. i only got like 4 classes in before my ab injury n now this o(-< the instructor told me twice it's good i know my limits n to follow them and that she's proud of me for coming back but aaa,,,
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storm-of-feathers · 5 months
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 months
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louismygf · 5 months
Louis Birthday Tag Game 🎉
thank you @faithinlouisfuture for tagging me 😽😽😽🫶🏼 mwuah!
when did you become a louie?
i don't exactly know when bc i remember for the longest time denying to stan louis (or anyone for that matter) 😭 but late feb (completely missed the defenceless project bc i didn't have twitter then lol) to april of 2021 i think... february being like, oh this guy from one direction is neat i really like his music and april being, wow i have fallen in hell in love with louis tomlinson he is the only man ever
your earliest fandom memory?
WELL, on tumblr, i remember long hair louis with a guitar walking through an airport trended. immediately after he posted the rockstar pic (april 10) of him on instagram 🙏🏽 AND THEN, as a twitter user... this is so cursed but #iheartawards #louies #bestfanarmy 2021 😭 i think i once told myself i'd only keep up with louis on tumblr but not on twitter,, but because i already made a twitter account in april (solely for voting), it just stuck and thus, after iheart voting ended, my stan twitter account was born lol
your favourite song (one off walls, one off fitf)?
i tend to pick two favorites so for walls it's fearless and only the brave and for fitf, all this time and lucky again
your favourite music video?
walls <3 and miss you when im feeling silly hehe
favourite gig?
ltwt manila 2022 😔😔😔😔😔😔🫶🏼 it meant the world to me 😭 louis was so happy and the crowd energy was so good. i don't know if anyone went live for my show but believe me when i say it was loudddd sksks louis was chatty and smiley and interactive and of course so so pretty. vocals were on point i could actually cry recalling the memories of him singing but Ugh it was 😔🫶🏼 those couple of hours were one of the best times of my life for real not even joking
favourite louis hair?
i love when louis' hair is on the longer side, live from london, walls hair or fitf but a bit longer, actual long hair louis Unstyled (now imagine how he'd look if it were styled), afhf hair of course like his hair in the documentary with him sitting and talking wearing his favorite black sabbath shirt And his hair wearing the iconic first ever 28op shirt. basically! long hair OR fluffy and messy <3
favourite louis interview?
the zach sang interviews and his interviews with olivia jones for total access
suit louis or tank top louis?
tank top 😋 but only by a tiny bit difference, he looks good in both!
favourite louis tattoo?
28! and the rogue + spiderweb is sick like the placement is v cool i think... tiny smiley on his thigh and duh the x smiley face too on his arm
favourite louis bodypart? (c'mon we all have one!)
big heart big brain big ass, the holy trinity. and actually also his hands,, and waist.... and. thighs yum...... and. ok im stopping here
thanks again for tagging me <3
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infime · 10 months
i feel like this is the longest ive been clean in a while which is crazy lolz
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victim9d · 10 months
oh to be in ur mid thirties and owning a cat cafe w ur husband who loves u dearly and has saved ur life so many times and brought u out from the abuse and poverty u endured as a child
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deadsh33p · 1 year
Ur pokemon art gives me life, I'm sad I missed it by a whole year lmao
I still have hope one day I'll obsses over team rocket again🙏🙏tho maybe it'll take another year so, one day we'll get there🫡
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puppy-pokemon · 1 year
i know there's gotta be at least one person in the submas tag that plays tower unite
please i am begging i have nearly 200 hours in game and i cannor find any ingos or emmets i literally exclusively play as emmet in hope that someone will submas to submas communication to me
i need an ingo to terrorize ppl with pls hmu
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Well hopefully once I'm fully back on my meds I'll feel better bc oof
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bitchvania · 1 year
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Actually no himenoeatmyass Im not laughing about the destruction of my country's welfare state
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pirateborn-a · 2 years
writing roger is just            slaps his empty head         this bad boy can fit so many decelerations of devotion in him
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marinehero-a · 2 years
❛ don’t go. please. ❜ / from kid shanks and his big sad eyes
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ლ.    The Vice-Admiral stood firmly on the shore, arms crossed over his chest, as he watched the Roger Pirates collect themselves and tend to the few stray wounds. It wasn’t often that they’d set aside their differences for a larger issue, but on the rare occasion —  damn leftover Rocks  — Garp was lenient enough to give them a fair chance of recovery, before he’d return to pursuing them.
     His own ship and subordinates had been stationed back on the other side of the island waiting for his return, leaving only Bogard still by his side; though he was hardly concerned. The two of them were plenty to take care of the brats before him if push came to shove, but he knew Roger well enough to know that he was a man of his word.
     The whole affair was clean-cut and simple. No need for any celebrating or complications, even if the cheers for booze to flow and meat to be brought out were sorely tempting. Because he was still a marine and they were still pirates. He was already breaking all kinds of rules for letting them regroup, but it would hardly have been the first time and what Kong didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
     So he turned to leave, the time it’d take for him to return to his ship and come back should be enough to be considered fair—
     When there was suddenly a brat standing in his path, familiar red hair peaking out from underneath an even more familiar straw hat. The question on his tongue at the obstacle was quickly erased by the request, and something tugged in his chest. Maybe it was because he was a father to his own son. Maybe it was because he and Roger had a silent agreement over ensuring the kid’s safety during their battles. Whatever the case was, he knew he shouldn’t—  couldn’t allow it.
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“ I’m a marine, brat, ”   he pointed out with a sigh, forcing his voice to be harsh, because the Sea knew not every marine was like him, and the sooner the kid learned the better. Because as much as it made him sick, he knew there were marines who would be cold-hearted enough to take advantage of a child without second thought,    “ I’m supposed to be turning you all in. ”
    And one day, he would. Just not that day, but it wouldn’t be for lack of trying. Okay, so maybe it would be, but what harm was there in that ?  There would always be tomorrow. 
“ If you want to see me more— ”   and wasn’t that an odd thought ?   “ —you should enlist !  You’d grow up to be a fine navy man, ”   he added in a lighter tone, knowing full well the answer to his proposal. But still, he didn’t move from his spot, because dammit !  Kids shouldn’t be allowed to look so miserable over something as simple as this !
     Slowly, as he continued to stare, he felt his resolve crumble. For the love of the Sea—
“ Fine ! ”   he cried out exasperated, throwing his coat to the side where Bogard caught it on the end of his sword in a practiced motion; and he was forever grateful to have a second man he could trust so thoroughly. He let out a joyful laugh, skewing the straw hat to ruffle the brat’s vibrant hair,   “ Bwahaha !  Guess I’ll be sticking around for a little longer then !  But it’s just because I don’t want to travel through these lands at night, so don’t go getting any funny ideas, understood ? ”
     The excuse was flimsy at best, and they all knew it. Damn brats, Roger taught him too well.
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endbeginning · 8 days
and if i said.... pet.er peve.nsie.....
#i have never read the books but ive just watched the first 2 narnia movies#it was def my first time seeing prince caspian idk ab the other narnia i probs watched it as a kid#but he..... he is calling me#mr doomed blonde twink who makes poor choices but is doing his best....... welcome back all my muses#i was gonna say welcome back kurt but... tate... levi.... probably more#ive never been. Good at writing fantasy im not great w anything that requires lore#hes just. oh hes calling to me#and the. specifically the pains of living a life in narnia and being king and then having to go back to the real world and be Just A Kid#idk if hes in the third movie im ab to watch it now but the bitter sweet end of 2 where he says hes leaving narnia and he wont be coming ba#and aslan says its bc he has nothing more to learn from it like..... kinda heartbreaking and would destroy u as a person#a world where ur king and u do everything u can to make the right choices but u dont do things really right and u get people killed#and yeah narnia prevails but it doesnt prevail bc of u. its in part bc of u but ur decision cost lives it risked a lot#and then its like. well ur leaving now and thats it bc it taught u what u needed to learn#and like maybe it did but he had no chance at redemption at fixing things there like his redemption was to leave it to someone more capable#and then he has to just like. go be a person. and live a normal life#like thats wild#im gonna go watch the third movie if u have read the books sound off on if u think i should based entirely on my little rant ab peter#the issue here tho. is if i made him. u see. two muses named peter on this blog... both with a last name starting w p.... its almost like.#its almost like one would have to be a solo blog#'but quin ur literally never here anyway' but what if for a hyperfixation muse i was here#this post started w the intent of 'narnia peter solo blog' but now... i am thinking perhaps spider peter would be a better solo bc of his.#bc of the fixation i have#however he intimidates me a Lot as a solo blog bc hes such a. everyone knows him u know hes a Big muse and i fear the pressure of that#then again narnia i think is big too? and theres the talks of the new movies so thats also potentially big muse#its crazy bc i have sososo much muse for every muse i have but my brain is saying abandon this blog and make both peters solos#and i Cant do that#but at the same time................................#my issue has always been too many blogs and being stretched too thin but also. w all due respect. who cares#like i am here to have fun and most of the time my blogs dont last bc no one writes w me not bc i dont want those muses#and yeah theres no guarantee making a new blog would change that but idk. kinda vibe w the idea of starting new
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