rrcenic · 2 months
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lightofthedeep · 3 months
Hey...Me and you are both Light...And we both like Scarymouche...We have to fight to the death to see which one of us is the real one.
Maybe it’s in all Lights DNA to be a scara stan 🤔 One of us can take Scaramouche, the other can take Wanderer
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sunjinjo · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Better late than never! ^^; Thank youuu @missvulpix212 :D :D
1. When I’ve been writing for a character long enough that there’s just… a part of my brain that’s theirs. When I have the intuitive urge to make them do things, and then I dig a little deeper and OH. Yes. This connects to this and this and this that I know subconsciously because they’re so deeply ingrained in my memory. They’re just alive in my head now.
2. Getting comments on my stories and interacting with people and hearing my stuff made them happy and sometimes even getting FANART oh my god I’ll never take anything for granted any piece will forever be accompanied by angelic harmonies –
3. Flying. Especially takeoff. Best of all was the slingshot takeoff of a hover plane I flew along in once.
4. Being out in nature – I think the happiest times of my life were during the field excursions for my biology degree, on the coast of France and in the Pyrenees respectively, and during the brief time I spent in the Amazon volunteering in an animal rescue center and in the rainforest itself. I want to go back but I’m too broke lmao – but at least I’m slowly gathering more experience in my own country’s ecology and the weather’s getting warmer slowly :P
5. I really do suppose video games should have a spot here too :P My #1 inspiration source, almost always, they’ve led me into making such good friends over the years and also I can just endlessly play the same favourites over and over even if there’s nothing to do anymore. Notable mentions: Triumph’s Overlord 1 and 2 (my beloved Minion hordes…) and Genshin Impact (pretty landscapes, godlike music, and that other little gremlin, Wanderer :P).
Tagging @imlight, @mysweetsterling, @glitchymareep, @b00kwyrm7, @sleuthsphinx, @willow-of-stars, @danhengilsbitch, @agent-toast, @astroshadowdeviant and @alchemania and anyone else who wants to do this one!
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sounds-right · 1 year
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Polyphemus, Orion, Zephyrus, Borea Sub, Shockwave, Ovoid Sub, Kona Storm, Cerberus, Twister, Hydra Sub 7.1 e Hydra Sub 8.1... Avete appena letto, in ordine sparso, alcuni dei modelli delle splendide casse acustiche Made in Florence che Pequod Acoustics ha presentato all'ISE di Barcellona, fiera di riferimento per chi si occupa di audio hi fi e professionale. 
Il brand è in decisa crescita nel mondo, grazie al suono pulito e potente dei suoi speaker e ad un design che non lascia indifferenti. In Italia Pequod Acoustics è infatti attualmente distribuita in gran parte del mondo. Da RdaPro, in Spagna da HPS Ibiza, in Francia da Révérer Sens / Rock Audio, in Turchia da Melomani, in Israele e Palestina da Connector, in Vietnam da Van Lam Audio, in Russia da ImLight ed in Corea del Sud da Alive Solution. Non solo, ci sono partner consolidati per Gran Bretagna (Sonic Sound Installations), Portogallo (Nada Lab), Emirati Arabi (Subsonic), Tunisia (NATIS), Marocco (EcmaPro Systems).
Pequod Acoustics crea speaker capaci di portare nel mondo professionale (locali, concerti) la qualità dell'hi-fi. Il design degli speaker Pequod Acoustics sorprende prima ancora che la musica si faccia sentire, la qualità sonora  di queste casse poi fa il resto, emozionando. Ke sue casse diffondono musica in club, ristoranti, meeting point e locali d'ogni tipo, sempre in contesti d'eccellenza.
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tarditardi · 1 year
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Polyphemus, Orion, Zephyrus, Borea Sub, Shockwave, Ovoid Sub, Kona Storm, Cerberus, Twister, Hydra Sub 7.1 e Hydra Sub 8.1... Avete appena letto, in ordine sparso, alcuni dei modelli delle splendide casse acustiche Made in Florence che Pequod Acoustics ha presentato all'ISE di Barcellona, fiera di riferimento per chi si occupa di audio hi fi e professionale. 
Il brand è in decisa crescita nel mondo, grazie al suono pulito e potente dei suoi speaker e ad un design che non lascia indifferenti. In Italia Pequod Acoustics è infatti attualmente distribuita in gran parte del mondo. Da RdaPro, in Spagna da HPS Ibiza, in Francia da Révérer Sens / Rock Audio, in Turchia da Melomani, in Israele e Palestina da Connector, in Vietnam da Van Lam Audio, in Russia da ImLight ed in Corea del Sud da Alive Solution. Non solo, ci sono partner consolidati per Gran Bretagna (Sonic Sound Installations), Portogallo (Nada Lab), Emirati Arabi (Subsonic), Tunisia (NATIS), Marocco (EcmaPro Systems).
Pequod Acoustics crea speaker capaci di portare nel mondo professionale (locali, concerti) la qualità dell'hi-fi. Il design degli speaker Pequod Acoustics sorprende prima ancora che la musica si faccia sentire, la qualità sonora  di queste casse poi fa il resto, emozionando. Ke sue casse diffondono musica in club, ristoranti, meeting point e locali d'ogni tipo, sempre in contesti d'eccellenza.
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444names · 2 years
greek forenames + sindarin names
Acros Adalexios Adanes Adarknes Adoreth Adorios Aegorts Aeliant Agapion Agathil Agathir Agleth Aikaters Aiologos Alena Alphirrim Amanwe Amarag Amattina Amrast Andina Andlorn Andris Androch Andywing Anfalcyone Anfanthir Anflee Angelis Angrim Angron Anguardhîn Annathon Annathress Anthe Antingle Anóriel Aragdûr Aragnir Arand Arandol Aranos Aravon Argor Arios Arist Aristina Arnaros Arolos Aross Artemia Artemist Arvely Arves Astolond Athing Athras Athrond Avages Avonwini Awarves Balalas Baldir Balduin Barkness Barth Beland Belegor Beler Belfsheen Blooks Bound Bregoliana Breth Brini Burian Caladorkas Calas Calexilen Carnandlor Caroth Cavenduin Celebril Celebrit Celed Celegon Celegûr Celen Celer Celeriant Cents Chaia Charad Chard Chardains Charil Charlin Chrim Chrin Chrys Chrysos Citad Citade Cleopafoot Climbos Cloukia Cynaroula Cúarth Danthien Darkos Darthóriel Dauglin Delostone Delvegil Demelthir Denel Dennia Dessa Dhael Dight Dimroth Dmitri Dmitrian Domedell Domenedain Dominas Dores Doriannil Dregaear Dreou Drien Duiness Dungondor Dwaith Díned Echalflin Effiercent Effrod Eglin Eglina Eglith Eithallen Eithinrode Ekatios Elades Elebrow Eleki Eluin Elvinced Emesterlin Emmanos Emmathil Endir Endurthor Enedhel Enelvish Eorgir Epameinien Epark Eparthórod Ephan Erelager Eruin Ethirrim Euphrond Evain Everth Eyagged Fangoll Fanis Faterin Fathol Feirith Fierch Figurth Fimbers Fimbrant Finborech Findas Fingnen Firenging Fivers Flock Flows Forlassula Forochas Forodwen Foroula Fírilanos Gaeartha Galath Gapios Gastel Gebirds Georgiro Georgond Gilthil Gious Glain Glaming Glamírdane Glawarth Gletus Gloriakos Glóredwar Glórien Gollowereg Golos Gondir Goness Gonuilight Gornā Goron Gotheriel Greeds Grees Guagellas Guilos Gustinos Gwainbar Gwarry Gwathiel Haden Haldor Hania Hantine Harbarrown Harlind Harnedh Haver Helhaw Helios Heril Hewellone Hiddle Hippe Hiters Hites Hithedair Homen Horrow Houths Húring Iacontella Ianaewell Iania Iarwen Ifantippe Ilios Imlight Imlindon Isaaki Isaakis Isaur Ivacy Ivaness Jewery Kalia Kalio Kalion Kalis Kation‎ Kharagos Kinborn Konstavros Kristos Kyriathris Kyrond Kyros Laerainbow Lamprivacy Landing Landrim Lanthill Lauglin Laurufind Leaflowin Lebros Lefterios Leftimos Legorm Levnuid Lexant Limlad Limlador Limlighty Lindeloved Livros Lonnayios Losthor Lórine Maeglor Maidescend Maldil Maldor Malver Margothlum Marthounce Meduin Melan Melanc Melis Melph Membelewen Mengolaos Menia Methrim Metris Metronadan Milden Milocks Mitrios Morgond Morios Morwell Mothmog Moung Mutathorn Nameinios Naroth Nethill Nicolaos Nimbor Nimliht Nimphîr Nimrindeb Nimring Noground Nogrous Nínia Núnaidhol Odyssith Orchir Oriathan Orodyssear Orondonn Ossiniel Ouramar Pannastarf Pantine Parko Passula Patrain Pault Peophel Peredhil Perianther Peristodor Phaia Phelm Pingar Pippocrath Poinorben Radamros Ragdi Ramaragond Ratis Rauglin Refuse Regaer Rhoth Rhúnedhel Rhúneth Ristos Rodromir Runír Rusic Rúmin Sammon Sarnach Sergrounta Shinniel Shorod Silendir Silinael Silivelydh Sillagondo Siran Snowmenias Sologoth Sophair Sotir Spindor Stamarios Stant Stear Steeds Stelch Stine Stomos Store Straided Stree Stress Stron Sunlen Tader Taegelin Targoth Tassilvan Telchoreth Telia Thalflow Thallios Thanded Tharanna Theodoron Theofanos Theras Thers Tholl Thous Timia Tingaspike Tingstron Tinos Tirite Torechoint Toughts Toulos Toweresa Twildread Tyranna Vagorn Valion Vardsmas Vassilvan Vellinhir Velliope Viction Wandir Wandreth Waven Wildorigin Willadene Wordof Xanthi Xantion Xenophanc Yanael Yannast Zelis Zenor Íniach
same thing but lesser order
Achryn Adold Adrithilir Agelveg Agoloor Agords Aisth Alarim Albere Alennaeg Alikalas Aliki Alikon Alvigla Amwil Anacen Anaeg Ancia Andir Andorn Androngenn Angolorn Angretur Anharawen Annantis Annas Annatat Annorlos Anorn Anostas Antaws Antinar Antios Antith Antos Aphier Araind Arang Aranionst Arant Arathrina Arbur Areetody Arfinedhra Argionis Arimris Arkle Arnech Arrod Arsaeruine Arthar Arthoe Arwasia Arwilron Asfanna Asillach Asimrohn Astail Aston Atemorwid Athilben Athorwel Athra Bardoly Barohn Baros Barydi Bearthil Bells Belmos Berien Beril Blomes Boldolow Bourchales Brateach Brochaere Browess Cachaloth Cacheople Caiosos Caraing Caril Carke Carnos Cartes Carth Cartows Chornilios Chova Clegiliali Clianod Colde Crimlonand Cunde Curet Curnin Cuthormel Cúthe Daider Damalmenth Dannelas Darainos Darthlas Daski Deave Delos Demithring Denenma Derchil Didembor Diones Diony Dming Dofinden Dooks Dores Doulos Drataris Drúth Dualis Duilon‎ Durín Dwath Dúnal Dúnechoam Ecter Ectisal Eding Eldinba Eleglabos Elexi Elivoind Elove Elphel Eluwael Emerislad Emyros Erenia Eriond Erlas Erldiaur Erlenind Eronniath Errydh Essabar Etral Evdormel Evgen Evilthoth Eyflodh Eyflothind Faler Fallom Fanosed Fanwin Fatiopips Felegol Fenad Fenon Fenthir Fight Fights Findres Finianteas Finingill Finnelunta Finoss Fixen Fleada Folad Fookinamin Fordhell Forerwel Forimlar Formeni Freth Frowes Fuing Gaith Galeb Galiness Garoch Gastinador Gatchal Gated Gaurings Gelia Gelos Gialdus Giangelu Giriniel Girros Glang Glimpen Glioni Glitragon Glivengor Glórione Glóris Golerin Gonda Gonds Goroth Gredamiss Grefimma Grimbent Grodhead Groul Guago Guellf Gwaedhel Gwaedhest Gwaegor Gwaina Gwair Gwaltor Gwest Gwill Gwinos Gwist Hadele Hademely Hadheor Haegryn Haelver Haideas Halenair Hanain Haniken Hardhelast Hardon Hegalphard Helin Helitrino Hippriel Hirenn Hirim Hirlan Hiruil Horgelian Húrnielui Ichandepos Imlagond Ippock Isioarros Junth Kassave Kastar Kathorong Kathîr Kland Kyrim Ladessabal Ladhors Laing Lamia Lartight Lasswand Laugulad Lauruirkel Leastë Lenibel Lenist Likibirn Linarain Linests Linost Livedh Londs Londustina Lovand Luilia Lúthil Mageophath Maith Makinid Malamain Malas Malaur Malchan Maleks Mannas Maris Maros Mathanthel Mathir Meleksias Melicon Mence Menell Messothir Methathan Methris Metos Midor Milamad Milothaven Minnher Mitinedh Mitins Moden Morlabari Mostiost Mothill Mulad Munnorgon Naranagge Ndanneluin Nimir Niong Nisaver Nisea Nogoroted Nopea Nossilead Opings Orandi Orgorges Orinwë Orlathad Ornenen Ornir Orowinglin Ossioseth Othampmen Othir Ousiloun Pante Panting Paungon Pavvarfar Pdfull Peopin Phauglad Pholly Pioris Piouth Prist Raglas Rethrys Reympelos Rhuing Rhúrilin Rights Rines Roakedhe Roder Ronemmas Ronysa Ropidol Rovest Ruilia Rúnenel Saeggen Sannir Savaravant Sebrit Seeben Seing Sereth Shainnath Shent Shioth Shudolis Shuina Siath Sicothance Sinna Siris Skencel Skind Skyne Smarand Smusar Sorlinn Soulorn Spargiling Spiris Spyriant Stargas Stassam Stathond Stochaen Stria Strielin Sudor Suina Sunge Swoldon Swossild Tadanath Tadhoe Tanasiu Tanim Taterse Tenios Thaegia Thaelic Thain Thelios Thenell Thilveres Thinginord Thirni Thlórin Thodrû Thoki Tholds Tholl Thúriath Tidden Tolexian Tosyn Trios Trocir Tumake Tuouskin Tusid Uinge Uingelexim Uinyandorn Undringló Unthelrod Uphel Vangos Vanting Vinay Vinrow Vorgon Waele Wailis Waiot Wathold Weephal Wennha Weria Wikal Womia Woorwolm Yioad Zenhelob Zeuagolf Írhoun
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dd6g6 · 4 years
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I WILL ALWAYS BRING THE LIGHT TO ANY DARKNESS! . . . #lightintodarkness #imlight #happyeaster🐰 #happyeaster . . . #loveyourself #iwillbringlight #faitghtinme #faithoverfear #beautifulsould #allIwantedwaslove #smiling #smile #smilethroughthepain #soulaching https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5eElKBS1r/?igshid=15fn8lgecup9n
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omg-property-fan · 4 years
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Our Body can talk, cells are listening~ 🥰 i’m light you’re light we’re light #healing #emotion #imlight #youarelight #wearelight #bodycantalk #cellscantalk #communicatewithyourbody #pastelhealing #youarelight #lightproject #你就是光 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8nuoJ4JuO3/?igshid=6zqvynvbd6uq
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ryanpictures11-blog · 6 years
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That Photo that You Respect
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cquackity · 2 years
I miss c!Wilbur.
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stellaasmrlove · 5 years
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If you believe you are light you become light, if you believe you are love, you become love🥰 Repeat every day: “I’m light, I’m love 💖, I’m what I’m “ and you will see and feel big changes in your life 🤗❤️#imlight #imlove #imwhatim #light #love #beautifullife❤️ #ukbloggers (at Bristol, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B16e0N8A6SZ/?igshid=ikec9ifqpllb
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bjstuffs · 5 years
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Reposted from @kazyulin - Псс парень, не хочешь немного звука?🙄 #bonjovi #LSL #soundcafe #imlight #meyersound #leo #lyon #1100lfc - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAv2z0BSfb/?igshid=17edym0cpod96
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lbmcatthecontrols · 6 years
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Aura boreal #lbmc #mczen #maryjane #soyluz #imlight #play #boy #pictureoftheday
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yomba · 7 years
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#Yomba #Godson #Positivemind #Positivelife #Positivevibe #Blessed #Oneblessing #Avision #Asinglethought #Afeel #apassion #TheloveofChrist #ToloveJesus #Iamblessing #IMlight #Iamoffaith Everything that rises to GOD in the form of Prayer, comes down to us in the form of Blessing. Mateo 18:19
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dreamlaser · 3 years
VI CIOFF World Folkloriada from dreamlaser on Vimeo.
Together with IMLIGHT, we presented a large-scale audiovisual show for the opening ceremony of the World Folkloriada, which took place in the Ufa Arena.
Folkloriada in numbers: ▪️57 countries; ▪️2700 artists; ▪️500+ performances; ▪️3 million viewers around the world; ▪️2 world records!
Our crew was responsible for the design and production of the visual content, all video engineering of the ceremony, as well as the technical production of the projection mapping and the laser show.
The show consisted of 3 parts: «Earth. Soul. Folklore». Each part was represented by an image of a bird: the Samrau from Bashkirian folklore, the Firebird from Russian folklore, and the Phoenix that is common in the mythology of many countries across the world. In total, we produced 12 original content performances and 6 of them - with animated characters.
Special thanks to the director Ekaterina Rafai, IMLIGHT, and everyone who took part in this project.
#multimedia #creative #contet #3dmapping #projection #laserart #CIOFF #ВсемирнаяФольклориада #dreamlaser
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