#it covers my light switch in my bedroom because it's motion activated and I hate it
dumblildog · 1 month
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my most recent lil painting!
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Livewire (2)
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Part 1
Request: Hey:) I absolutely love this blog. Your imagines are entertaining to read. Can I request a Carol x R? Endgame/post endgame (hate/love) scenario: Everyone is trying to deal w/ their grief, Carol always seems to target R when lashing out/or acting cocky/arrogant. R remains infuriatingly calm & ignores her or responds in genuinely friendly manner but says things that fluster/get under Carol's skin. After they win, Carol eventually realizes that while R drives her crazy, she is crazy about her ;)
Extra: Hey! regarding the Carol x R request in which Carol lashes out at the R a lot during Endgame events, just want to add: R-when being yelled/screamed at responds in a polite/friendly manner, their response either leaves others speechless/makes them want to scream in rage/frustration, not because their response was insulting, but because it was said in that calm friendly manner= basically this person does not feel provoked/threatened in the slightest by the other person's anger or rage lol.
A/N: this part was mainly inspired from a prompt that I read on pinterest maybe a year ago and it popped into my head yesterday so it inspired this entire part. I promise I’ll get back to the request soon. 
“Someone’s pissed off.” you commented from your spot on the couch as Carol came in, completely drenched in sweat as she swatted hair out of her eyes. 
“My hair got in my face and it’s just so much of a hassle.” She groaned, plopping down next to you on the couch. After the incident with her blasting you a few days back, she was mostly quieter and actively trying to be better. You noticed, and appreciated it a lot. 
“I can cut it if you want.” You offered, Carol looked as if you’d just offered her a planet. 
“You know how to cut hair?” Carol asked, crossing her legs and facing you, you pulled your book down and looked at her, nodding. 
“I did a bit of work experience at a salon before life got weirder.” You answered, Carol opened her mouth to ask you but you cut her off. “Take a shower first, you’re making the ship smell like a sweaty gym.”
Carol rolled her eyes and got up, smacking your good arm lightly for the comment, you giggled but got back to your book. 
“Cut it.” Carol groaned, sitting on the couch in front of you with her hair dried after 20 minutes with the blow drier, you’ve never seen it poofier, you couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m serious, please?” 
“Since you’re asking so nicely.” You commented, and got up to get the scissors from the kitchen and a large cloth from your bedroom. 
You put the cloth around her neck and told her to sit on one of the stools near the dining table, she complied, sitting in a relaxed pose as she skimmed the book you had been reading. It was one of your favorites as a teenager, Titan by Ben Bova.
“You know this is actual bullshit right?” She asked, the book still on her lap as she read and you came back with everything you needed, including a small comb. You even switched on a bluetooth speaker you’d gotten from Earth and let your favorite music play on it. 
“Then why are you reading it.” You reached to take it away but Carol pulled it away from your grasp. 
“I don’t have anything else to do.” Carol answered, you rolled your eyes, pondering how to cut it. 
“How short do you want it cut?” You asked, Carol raised both her hands, pulling lightly at her hair until she showed you she wanted it cut so it was only about 3-4 inches long. “That short?”
“It’s too much of a hassle.” Carol complained, reading your book. 
“Alright stop whining, you’re gonna be reading for some time.” You replied, starting with trimming her hair first. 
For about 20 minutes or so, Carol was able to ignore the feeling of your hands in her hair and your soft humming as you cut her hair. When you started to get closer to her scalp, it got harder to ignore. You’d finished trimming the top so it didn’t get in your way of cutting the sides. 
“Um, do you have a razor or a trimmer of some sort?” You asked, leaning away and hoping she did. 
“Should I?” Carol asked, absorbed in your book, finally able to focus on the words without your hands in her hair. 
“It would make my life a lot easier.” You muttered, sighing and trimming the last few ends of the top of her head before gently brushing it away from the back. 
Carol’s breath hitched when she felt your fingers gently comb your hair, she bit her lip and tried to keep focusing on the book. You took your hands away and squatted on Carol’s side, causing her to let go of her lip instantly, making sure you didn’t notice. 
“Don’t move.” You said softly, focused on cutting her hair. 
You put the comb right beside her head, capturing all of the hair longer than about a centimeter, then going to cut it off, trying not to touch Carol directly. For the most part it was working, but sometimes, your hand accidentally grazed her head or touched it directly while holding the comb, causing Carol to fluster a bit. 
Soon enough, that side was done, you moved so you could cut the other side, doing the same procedure but a little neater, and touching Carol a bit less. You noticed Carol flipping the pages much slower than before and smiled a little before moving to the back of her head. 
“This is gonna be a bit more tricky.” You muttered, dragging over another chair so you could sit. 
You sighed and leaned forwards so you could see better, practically breathing on Carol’s neck. Carol clenched and unclenched her jaw when she felt your breath tickling her neck, she suppressed a shudder and flipped the page. 
You did the same procedure as you did on the sides but on the back of her head, your breath on her neck as you barely touched her head. She could practically feel your voice as you hummed to the song that was playing. Carol’s jaw was clenched almost the entire time, your breath on her neck flustering her more than ever. You were just a friend to her, a really attractive friend who she practically lived with.
Finally, the back of her head was done, you pulled away, admiring your work before noticing half of the strands were still uneven. 
“Almost done.” You commented, deciding to keep sitting while cutting the rest of her head. 
This time, you gave up on using the comb and used your hands instead, deciding it was simpler. You gently put your hand on the back of her head, using it to even out the hair. Carol’s breath hitched and jaw clenched again when she felt your hands in her hair. 
The next 10 minutes were pure torture for Carol, you noticed she hadn’t flipped a single page ever since you’d started using your hands instead of thecomb. 
You shrugged, continuing to cut her hair, you couldn’t help but start singing when one of your favorites came on. Carol felt your voice and warm breath on her neck whenever you sang, her skin hypersensitive whenever you touched her, she stopped counting the amount of times she had taken a deep breath to try to calm herself. 
Finally finished, and completely oblivious, you kneeled in front of Carol, trying to make sure the sides were even. You reached out with both hands and gently pulled on the hair on the sides, making sure it was even. 
“Wha, what are you doing?” Carol asked softly, completely flustered as her jaw clenched again. 
“Making sure it’s even,” You replied, repeating the motion on the sides of her head before going to the top. “Go back to my ‘bullshit’ book you’ve been reading for the past hour.” 
Carol glanced at the clock, you were right, it had been an hour since you were making her impossibly flustered. You repeatedly ran your hands through her hair trying to make sure it was even. 
You found one strand that wasn’t even And held it out on top of Carol’s head, almost like a unicorn horn. You smirked when you saw Carol get flustered but still hurried up with cutting her hair. 
Finally satisfied with the work you did, you smiled, Carol looked amazing with the haircut, stunning actually. Still squatting in front of her, you started running your hands through it, trying to style it. 
“Now what are you doing?” Carol muttered, trying to focus on the book, your warm hands running through her hair making it harder than ever. 
“There.” You said, leaning back with a happy smile as you looked at her, the haircut looked great. You lifted up the mirror you had gotten and flipped it around to show her. 
“Wow, this is really good,” Carol commented, running her own hands through it, it felt so light. She put the book on the side table and cocked her head to the side, measuring it. “Don’t you think it’s too short?”
“It looks perfect.” you answered, getting to your feet and untying the cloth as Carol got to her feet. Carol finally got enough courage and got over her blush and pecked you on the cheek before going to change. 
“Thank you.” She said before heading off to change, hips swaying more than usual. 
“Of, of course.” you stuttered, wondering if the gesture was friendly gesture or something else. 
‘I've been pretending all my shots are blown
Cover my heart up never let it show’ 
Music played gently in the background as you cleaned up, overthinking everything that Carol just did, wondering if it meant something more.
Tag list:  @capcarolsdanver​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @5aftermidnight​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
Part 3
Part 4
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themurphyzone · 7 years
Secret Santa Ch 5
LOL I couldn’t resist the Milanda I hope you’re happy.
Ch 5- Lydia
It wasn’t that she hated Bradley. She just held a really, really, really strong dislike to his sour attitude toward everything.
“Do you want to work on page two or page four of the packet?” Lydia asked. “I don’t mind taking the short answer if you want the multiple choice, then you can look over what I wrote when you’re done.”
“I’ll take the short answer,” Bradley said, not looking up from the answer. “I can never read your writing because it’s so sloppy.”
It took all of Lydia’s self-control to not screech at the bluntness of that statement. Even if she heard it from Amanda a million times before. At least she was nice about it though.
Before she could put too much thought into it, there was a loud pop by the door. The pencil sharpener broke off the wall, sending a cloud of shavings in Milo’s face. “Sorry!” he called out.
Bradley rolled his eyes. “This is what he gets for not switching to mechanical.”
Lydia pushed her pencil against the paper hard enough to snap the lead.
“You’ve procrastinated on this long enough,” Amanda said, pacing around Lydia’s bedroom. “You are coming up with that gift idea right now. And there will be no foreign dramas, no musical theater, and no recruiting for the next school production until you have that idea. Am I clear?”
Lydia pushed a pillow against her face, refusing to see anything but the comfort of darkness. “No.”
She felt something fluffy and soft smack her on the bottom.
“You are to think, breathe, and sweat gift ideas until I say otherwise,” Amanda said.
Lydia groaned and flipped over so she could see Amanda clicking her pen as she waited.
“To free up your motor functions, you’ll think and I’ll write the list,” Amanda explained.
And so the most painful half-hour of her too-short life had dawned upon her with the force of a thousand burning suns.
“Scented candles, not too heavy but not too light,” Lydia said. “Ones that perk the senses, but not enough to overwhelm.”
Amanda finally set the pen aside, her eyes flicking as she scanned the list. “Lydia, these are all things you like,” she sighed. “We don’t know for sure if Bradley likes scented candles, various Broadway soundtracks, Love Handel, or I quote ‘the cute boy with the braces in the third row of Mrs. White’s class’.”
Drawing her knees up to her chest, Lydia pouted. “What? Chad’s cute. And I’m not the only one who has a thing for boys who have a penchant for finding trouble.”
“We are focusing on gift ideas for Bradley!” Amanda said furiously. “Don’t change the subject!”
“Wait, I have a brilliant idea!” Lydia exclaimed, grabbing her phone. “This isn’t over, by the way.”
Lydia 4:32 pm
I need your help stat
Her phone buzzed a few minutes later.
Melissa 4:36 pm
Lydia fell against her pillow, ignoring Amanda’s disapproval of the only idea she had.
“What? You ruled out all my other options. I’m allowed a last resort.”
She had zero luck in figuring out what Bradley liked. He spent all of second period sulking while Mrs. Murawski attempted to polish her desk and teach the class the carbon cycle at the same time.
Lydia heard the stories of Bradley’s inexplicable attraction to the self-serve ice cream machine on the yacht. While she hadn’t witnessed his flirting firsthand, she had seen Mort emerge from one of the lower rooms while hauling Bradley up, both covered in melted strawberry ice cream and rainbow sprinkles.
As she walked down the hall to her locker, she was too engrossed in her thoughts to notice where she was going. Her head slammed into something hard and metallic, and she fell on her back, groaning in pain.
When her vision cleared, she found Milo kneeling beside her on the floor. “Lydia, I’m so sorry!” he said quickly. “What’s your full name? How many fingers am I holding up? Where were you on the night of May 23rd?”
The hit hadn’t been hard enough to give her a concussion at least. “Lydia Brooks,” she said, the throbbing settling into a dull ache. “Holding up three fingers, and May 23rd is my older cousin’s birthday, so probably out celebrating at a restaurant.”
“Okay, you pass,” Milo said, helping her up with a grin. “Though I could’ve sworn it was two fingers.”
Lydia poked the masking tape wrapped around the fingers on Milo’s right hand. “Your pinky is in there too. Didn’t notice?”
“No, I guess I didn’t,” Milo chuckled. “So, about that gift box-“
“I wasn’t planning on texting Melissa to meet me in the theater room so I could substitute a tuba case for the gift box! What makes you think that?” Lydia laughed nervously.
“You know you don’t need to resort to illegal methods to obtain your Secret Santa present, right?” Milo asked. “Besides, it wouldn’t have worked anyway since Melissa’s standing right behind you.”
“What?” Lydia shrieked, turning around to find herself face to face with Melissa. “Hey girl! What’s up? Um, so about the whole gift box thing, I was joking! Just a silly inside joke between me and Amanda, so we cool?”
She finished with an awkward grin.
Melissa had brought her best unimpressed face to the conversation. And Lydia was no match for it.
“Okay, I admit it! You caught me! I need help!” Lydia clung to Milo’s sweatervest, sinking to her knees in desperation. “And I’m not talking about professional help here!”
“Relax,” Melissa said. “I just so happen to have the seat next to Bradley in computer lab. Did you know he likes to look up kittens on the Internet? Guess he has a soft spot for animals.”
Lydia nodded. “So I can just get him a card with a kitten and maybe a cat pun! Thanks, you’re the best! And the tuba case in the theater room? I don’t know what I was thinking with that! Jeez, you’d think the president of the theater club would have a level head!”
“Yeah, you’d think,” Melissa said dryly.
“Perfect,” Bradley grumbled. “This is how I always wanted to go out. Trapped behind the bleachers by an overturned parade float of an obscure band alongside a theater kid.”
Lydia tried to push the paper mache aside, her feet scrabbling against the concrete. When that didn’t work, she tried checking for a gap at both ends. Unfortunately, her phone had died a few minutes ago so she had no flashlight to check for spaces large enough to peer through.
“Quit being so dramatic,” Lydia snapped. “Do you have any of our classmates’ numbers in your phone? Besides, Milo’s there. He’ll get us out.”
She knew Bradley was rolling her eyes at her even if she couldn’t see him that well. “I texted Melissa. She said Milo is busy trying to get the crowbar away from a mischievous capuchin monkey. Figures. We’re completely reliant on the most dangerous kid on Earth.”
“Maybe we wouldn’t be so reliant on them if you didn’t just sit there moping about it,” Lydia growled. “And what beef do you have with Milo? Just because Murphy’s Law happens from time to time doesn’t mean it’s the culprit behind every little bit of bad luck.”
“Let me think,” Bradley shot back. “What caused us to be stuck on the deserted island? What caused the sentient blob the day we had Mrs. Baxter? But most importantly, what caused Carla’s destruction?”
Lydia didn’t reply.
“Murphy’s Law! And by extension, Milo!” Bradley declared. “If it hadn’t been for him, then Carla would still be bolted to the wall!”
Wait. Lydia had been expecting him to focus on Milo, not have a fixation on a machine. There was something seriously wrong here.
And then it hit her.
He was lonely. Guy seriously needed a break.
Truth be told, she was starting to feel bad for mocking the Carla incident behind his back.
She was going to feel awkward for this, but there weren’t enough people around to make her embarrassed. “Hey, I’m really-“
A soft cry interrupted her.
She glanced around, though unable to see much. To her surprise, Bradley stood up, his phone light on to serve as a flashlight. He motioned for her to keep quiet, and she nodded, listening carefully for any more sounds.
A louder cry sounded from beneath a low hanging beam.
Bradley angled his phone light down, the beam falling upon a small, ruffled kitten with a dark gray coat. The kitten mewed again and rubbed up against Bradley’s leg. Lydia clutched a steel beam, trying her best not to faint from the cutest kitten she’d ever seen in her life.
To her surprise, Bradley bent down and picked the kitten up. “Are you lost, kitty?” he asked softly. His voice lacked the sharp edge she had grown accustomed to, and she almost fell over in shock.
The kitten wriggled and twisted, before resting her head in the crook of his elbow. Her amber eyes blinked up at Bradley.
If someone told her that Bradley was a cat lover a week ago, she would’ve laughed in their face. Heck, earlier she was only using it to her advantage because it was the only gift idea she thought Bradley wouldn’t completely treat with a hundred percent contempt.
And even then ‘get something with cats’ was a bit vague.
A grinding noise sounded from the side of the parade float, breaking the kitten out of her relaxed state. She mewed frantically while Bradley gently stroked the top of her head to calm her down.
The truck shifted enough to allow them space to squeeze through, and they emerged to a round of cheers from their classmates. Milo’s hair was messed up and half of his sleeve was missing, but like everyone else he was happy to see them safe and sound.
“Sorry, it took so long,” Milo said. “A capuchin monkey stole my crowbar. Then Zack activated the confetti cannons and it blasted Chad in the face so we had to calm him down while he ran around in circles.”
Over to the side, Chad was clutching his left eye. “I can still feel the paper,” he muttered.
“Where did the kitten come from?” Melissa asked. She was one of the few girls who hadn’t crowded around Bradley to get a better look at the kitten in his arms.
“She’s a stray,” Lydia replied. “Took an instant liking to Bradley too. They just clicked.”
Melissa nudged her. “Just squeal to high heaven about the cuteness already.”
Lydia shrugged. “Not right now. I need time to think for my dramatic monologue. These things take practice.”
The discovery of the kitten had put Bradley in such a good mood that he didn’t protest Milo stroking her fur. “Are you keeping her?” he asked. “She’s a total cutie!”
“I’m not heartless. What do you take me for?” Bradley rolled his eyes. “Besides, my parents were already considering letting me adopt a cat.”
Milo grinned. “That’s great! Early Christmas presents are the best! Especially when they’re unexpected.”
“So what are you planning to call her?” Lydia asked.
Bradley looked down at the kitten, who stretched and nuzzled his face. “Pepper,” he said.
Everyone stared at him.
“What? You people can’t seriously expect me to name everything Carla.”
The next day, Lydia bought a red bow and a card that had a cute picture of two kittens chilling in a stocking above the fireplace.
She was confident Pepper would have a loving home. Seriously, whoever could butter Bradley up by merely existing had some major points in her book.
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raybansandcoffee · 7 years
Thank you for that reply! People often think I'm being a baby or lazy cause I just wanna sleep but in reality I can barely function my head hurts so bad. Its hard not to have energy to do basic things. Regular ibuprofen also never works -- I take it for cramps sometimes. Do you have any tips you don't mind sharing?
I’m happy to share some of the things that I do or have tried. I’ll share with you tips but if you want any details on the different treatments I’ve tried (botox, acupuncture, different pain injections, etc.) I’m happy to give you info on that too, just ask :). My neurologist is super non-traditional and has tried a lot of different things with me, not all of them have worked but he’s always willing to try which is incredibly helpful.
So my go-to tricks are usually from this list (it’s a big long so it is after the jump but because every migraineur is different I want to let you know why they work for me in case you have a different symptom - I’d hate for my suggestions to make a migraine worse):
- Dark cool room: I have had black out curtains which are AMAZING! They help keep the room cool which is always helpful to me. I have my air conditioning cranked right now because it’s been hot and humid here all week. We were in the midst of a heat wave which was NOT my friend. I have a lot of light sensitivity so I try to have the room as dark as possible. If I can’t get it dark I wear sunglasses if I need to function and see or a sleep mask if I don’t.
- Ice Packs: Some people say heat helps them, I find it does the opposite. Because migraines are technically a vascular headache the blood vessels leading to your brain expand, heat makes that worse. I have a variety of sizes from the kind that goes over your eyes to one that is basically like a velcro headband that can put pressure on my head while applying ice around the entire thing - It’s amazing! I also have one that is large enough that it can cover most of my back, so I use it on my shoulders and neck. My pain radiates from my left temple/top of my left head down into my neck and shoulder. And then they all just feed into each other.
- Water!: I don’t drink nearly enough but I also can’t stress how important it is. Evie’s experience at the neurologist being dehydrated is based on personal experience for me, unfortunately so was the panic attack that followed. I tend to get dehydrated easily when I’m sick. The case that I was basing Evie’s experience off of involves a prescription for prednisone pills that tapered off throughout a week. No matter how much water I drink if I’m on steroid pills I end up dehydrated and awake for like 72 hours. I have tiny veins, to begin with, so the bruises from that IV were HUGE. It’s important to make sure you drink as many fluids as possible (water, sports drinks, juices). I do have an app called My Water that I have a notification on that goes off every 30 minutes that reminds me to drink water, it can be set from every 15 minutes to every few hours all at your discretion. It pushes notifications to my Apple Watch as well which is helpful and has been wonderful the last two weeks as I’ve gone through this rough patch. It wakes me up just enough to take a few drinks.
- Caffeine and Sugar: I have had a variety of doctors have a variety of opinions on this but it works for me. I love coffee (thus the raybansandcoffee username) but I have had to cut back over the years because too much caffeine can be a trigger. But when a migraine is coming caffeine and sugar can help me kick the medicine into gear faster. I have a hard time with the over-the-counter migraine medications though most of them have caffeine in them. I take prescription strength naproxen (Aleve) along with Imitrex and an anti-nausea medication at the onset of a migraine. I had a friend who was in nursing school test a theory on me. I’m a Diet Coke addict. It’s my life. Fake sugar is also a migraine trigger for me, though Diet Coke has never caused problems on its own, it’s things with a higher amount of fake sugar mainly aspartame (NutraSweet). She told me to start drinking regular Mt. Dew at the onset of a headache and it sort of helped. I switched the energy drinks I use, stopped using sugar substitutes in coffees because NutraSweet itself would cause a headache. Sucralose or Splenda hasn’t caused as many issues with me which is the sugar substitute used in syrups at Starbucks, I had a friend that was a barista research that for me. I tend to avoid the substitutes just to be safe, my brain likes it, my waistline maybe doesn’t, haha.
- Sleep: I know that’s obvious and sometimes hard to achieve. Often times the pain is bad enough that you are left awake from it and the caffeine in the over-the-counter medications. If your migraines involve a lot of nausea I suggest asking a doctor for an anti-nausea medication, mine also helps me sleep which helps relieve the pain. If you don’t like prescriptions or don’t have access to health insurance Benadryl is a great alternative. My anti-nausea is an antihistamine that is a stronger medication than Benadryl but often times if I need to be awake early the next day for work I substitute it. Benadryl’s active ingredient is used to treat nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness and has worked well for me, it also is a sleep aid. Follow the directions on ANY medication I suggest and always, always, ALWAYS talk to your primary care physician or nurse because I am not a medical professional just a person with a lot of history with migraines.
- A good old fashioned orgasm: Yup, it sounds weird and every movie and TV show with a wife who ‘had a headache’ is lying…sort of. The orgasm is the key to it, haha and unfortunately that’s not always guaranteed. So whether it’s through sex or self-pleasure sometimes it works. I know my body well enough to know if sex is going to make it better or worse and when it makes it worse it makes it A LOT worse. The dude in my life flat out refuses to try and help in that manner because there were a few occasions where it made it worse and we went from being happy and snuggly after a round of good sex to me on the floor of his bedroom in the fetal position. That’s not a sexy thing to do, trust me. Haha. It’s a risk that I’m not usually willing to take anymore because of that. But I have friends who swear by it so I have to put it out there.
- Massage therapy and aromatherapy: Always be open with the therapist that you have migraines and let them know if you currently have one. I have gotten massages for about 3 or 4 years as part of my care. Either to prevent or relieve. Hot stones can be amazing but I have to be careful as does the therapist. If it’s too hot or too close to my neck it can cause an increase in pain. Cool stones can do a lot to relieve the pain I experience behind my eyes. A lot of massage therapists use aromatherapy, be careful if you have scent issues like I do you need to make sure that it’s not something that will aggravate your migraines. I’ve found safe scents for me are lavender and peppermint. Peppermint can work wonders when it comes to nausea too so I suggest keeping a roll on of that in a purse or backpack. I have one that is a blend specifically for migraines that I bought on Amazon that I used to keep in my desk at work when I was in a traditional office.
- Find support: This is the hardest one. I am lucky that I have family who is loving and caring and a few of them have a history with this shitty condition. It took a while for them to understand just how bad they would get and a lot of people, friends and family, thought it was an excuse and that I just didn’t want to go to work. It took them noticing the signs with me and seeing me fight through a lot of it to realize that I wasn’t lying. The key physical sign for me is my pupils dilate and get super huge…on my right side. My left side is trying to compensate for the pain my brain is in as well as the sensitivity to light and gets small. Yup, I have unevenly dilated pupils, it’s creepy and weird and sometimes I look like a drug addict. But once they were able to see the signs I’d have my brother or a parent say ‘how’s your head feeling’ because they’d see how huge my pupils had gotten. My friends learned to understand that when I was well I’d be there for them without question and happy to go out and have fun but if I wasn’t I did the bare minimums in life. I worked and slept. I found a counselor that was willing to listen to me about all of the things going on in my life and help me talk through some of my anxieties as well as how to approach life and new situations when my migraines cause problems. I am on my third neurologist but he is amazing! It took a lot of trial and error to find what would work for me but he kept trying. It’s also nice to know a few fellow migraineurs because we can compare notes and keep each other upbeat when the days get long…I mean fuck I’m approaching 16 days in a row with migraines. If I didn’t have a community of people to support me and a few to listen and not say “Have you tried going gluten free it worked for me and I used to get like 3 migraines a year” - on a side note I’d rather have a migraine every day than give up gluten, we all make life decisions that is mine. Haha. I am never going to tell someone I know what will work for them because what works for me doesn’t work for others and vice versa. 
So if you don’t have any friends who also experience then know you can ALWAYS come to me. I will listen, offer advice where necessary and requested, and just be here to listen if you need someone to. If you don’t want to share it publicly feel free to PM me off anon and let me know that you don’t want it public and we can communicate back and forth that way. I also have my messages turned on so you can do that as well. Hell if you want my email or my KIK I’ll hand it over. It’s tough to find support when you’re always afraid people are going to judge you, think you’re lazy or in the case of the last week of my life a junkie who just wants drugs. You can also follow my main blog @iowagirlwrites. I tend to blog a little bit more about my health conditions (chronic migraines, anxiety, depression and a history with agoraphobia) over there. I also try and find humor in my migraines and often blog there about that too. I don’t want to overwhelm my readers here with a lot of bummery stuff but I also want them to know that I’m human and I go through shit and that I’m always willing to talk. I’m much older than a lot of my readers as I’m in my early 30s (what can I say Harry is cute and won me over easily when he was a wee 19-year-old). I’ve been through a lot of what my readers are going through and survived. So I am always here for them, sort of like a big sister or friend or something. I didn’t have a lot of people to turn to when I went through the worst of my health so I want people to know they can come to me. 
I hope something I’ve suggested helps you. If you have something you’re thinking about shoot it over and I’ll let you know if I’ve tried it and how it worked for me. I hope your migraines don’t give you too much crap.
But know I’m going to take something to try and get rid of my migraine or at least put me to sleep until morning.
xx AM.
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mabelmadnessss-blog · 7 years
Impulse 9 - Regretful Violence
Impulse 8 - Sentiment
"Son of a-" The Joker released his grip on her and stumbled backwards. Harley had exploited his weakness for her and weakness is dangerous... It can get you and others killed. He'd have to learn to control that, especially around her.
Harley gasped as he pushed her backwards to shield the tender spot between his legs. She took this opportunity to turn and run, run back to the Asylum to get the Guards, Hell, anyone that could detain him. Running as fast as she could, Harley managed to get to the front door steps, she quickly turned around to give him a quick glance but when she did he was gone.
The Joker was nowhere to be seen, he wasn't crouched down on the cold floor where she'd left him. A gasp escaped her lips when she turned back and saw the green haired clown towering over her with a wide grin spread across his face. Within moments she felt her bike helmet rapidly connect with the back of her head.
Harley's hands shot out in front of her body, hoping to break the fall but when her skull connected with the harsh surface of the ground, she was consumed by darkness.
Joker crouched down over her body. He quickly picked her body up from the steps, blood trickling down her face. The impact of her head hitting the steps added to the already damaged area from earlier, meant that she was out cold.
Leaning her body against his, he reached down and grabbed the keys from her waist band, pausing for a moment to decide what to do with her.
She's a good lil' fighter. She has potential, with the right mentor...
It was decided, she now belonged to him. His to teach, train and turn into the woman that she was born to be. His own little pet.
Harley's limp body was now laying on his lap, the helmet that had caused her unconsciousness now covered her head. J didn't want to add to the already battered area on the back of her skull and if she woke up, all she would see is darkness anyway.
Flicking her visor down, he started to engine and tore down the streets of Gotham, despite the situation, he still couldn't believe how easy it was to escape, literally strolling out the front door. "Ooohhhhh-haha!"
After riding for about half an hour, they arrived at his most recent hideout. It wasn't to shabby, the place he called home was an old hotel, disused with bricks crumbling on the outside.
He parked the bike beside the front door. Lifting Harley up carefully, he carried her towards the door. Once they were inside, the Joker moaned in delight, almost forgetting how beautiful it was. The hotel had been transformed into an old fashioned gentlemen's club. Leather chairs and sofas, dark burgundy walls, polished tables and a huge chandelier decorated the entire area. Rooms branched off from the main reception area, including a lounge, library, dining room and entertainment area.
Tossing her keys in the small bowl at the reception desk, he walked over to the grand staircase, graced with a deep red carpet. Gently walking up them, he reached the top and turned to his left towards the Master bedroom.
There were small Victorian oil lamps that lit the way to his room, the dim lighting adding the vintage atmosphere. Finally outside his room, he lent his back against it and pushed it open with his body as his hand grasped the door handle. The Joker paused and sighed deeply. "Glad to be home."
Walking over to the bed in the center of the room, he admired it. The four poster bed was a dark oak colour and absolutely massive, with silk purple curtains hanging from each post. The covers were a quilted emerald green with pillows to match; beside it were two large bedside tables, still keeping with the theme of dark oak.
Carefully placing a still comatose Harley in the center of the bed, he lent over her body and switched the lamps on. He climbed onto the bed next to her to remove the helmet, trying to be as gentle as possible. But when he lifted it up, he saw the extent of the damage that he had inflicted on her, a huge gash on the right hand side of her forehead, another on the crown of her head with purple bruises engulfing her neck and her wrists. But despite all the damage, she was still as gorgeous as the first day he had laid eyes on her.
The Joker placed the helmet at the bottom of the bed, returning his eyes to her. Her hair was thick and matted with dried blood, some blood sat on her jawline were the helmet had kept it from flowing down her face naturally.
J bit his lip playfully, trying to stifle giggles that were beginning to erupt from his throat. Getting up from the bed in one fluid motion, he approached the en suite bathroom. Switching on the light, he caught his own reflection.
Giving himself a wide grin and a quick wink, he walked over to the vintage bathtub which was so deep, you could swim in it. He reached over turning both taps on and adding bubble. Letting steam rise from the water and watching the tub fill, he let out a satisfied growl and walked back over to Harley.
He started to undress her, wanting her to clean and comfortable to sleep off her unconsciousness. He was unbuttoning her blouse when noticed a small burn mark under her left collarbone. It was old but it hadn't seen medical attention, the scarring was so deep that the skin around it had puckered slightly.
Mmm, more secrets Doc?
After stripping her down to her underwear, J picked her up and walked over towards the tub and he placed her in. Supporting her back with his arm so that she didn't slip below the surface, he got a sponge filled with soap and started to clean her body. The Joker rubbed smooth movements over her face, scrubbing away the dried blood with his fingers.
After her skin was clean he dipped her below the water, letting it cascade over her face and consume her hair. Unable to get a good position to wash her hair, J let her drop below the surface for a moment longer while he removed his shirt. Now dressed in only his Arkham sweatpants, he lowered himself into the tub, pulling her up onto his lap.
He inspected the cut on the crown of her head, trying to avoid it with the shampoo. Massaging the soap into the ends of her hair, he untangled it in the process. Rinsing and applying the conditioner, he sat there for a moment, wondering why he had gone to all this effort for some ignorant, workaholic, snobby Doctor. But the truth is, he liked her. In his own little way, not the flowers, chocolates and lovie-dovie way, but he felt kindness towards her and he had tinge of regret when he struck her unconscious. He'd never regretted violence before but with her he did.
She made him feel things that he'd never felt before, urges no other woman had brought out in him, impulses that would land him in trouble if he continued to be close to her. But at this moment, he just didn't care.
"That should do." Joker muttered rinsing her hair. Lifting her out he wrapped a towel around her small bruised body. J took her back to the bed and placed her back on the sheets. He quickly changed into some dry sweatpants and left the room, not wanting to be around her anymore.
Not worth the trouble I tell ya.
He needed space to collect his thoughts and regroup with his henchmen and business contacts. After all no rest for the wicked.
Hours had passed and it was now almost 7am. The Joker had been in his study since he left Harley, catching up with his businesses and his jobs on the side. Because of his long vacation at Arkham, his income wasn't as regular as it has been. Sure he had his clubs, but he missed the thrill of ripping off mob bosses, or the odd bank robbery, but what he missed most was the cat and mouse chase between him at Batsy.
It was time to meet his old friend again and continue the game they've played for so long, but he'd have to train his little Harlequin up first. She would be his secret weapon.
J had organised a meeting with his Henchmen this morning, a little debrief and report on their activities since he'd been gone. Most of them lived in their own accommodation but this hotel was as much their homes as it was his.
"Gooood Morning Fellas." Joker chirped. All of his men had gathered in the dining room, taking their assigned seats like the knights of the round table. "Morning boss." They all said, like pupils to their head teacher.
"Glad to see everyone's looking well. Now today's meeting is an opportunity for you to tell me about any changes that may have happened in my absence. You know how I hate to find out second hand."
The Joker was sitting at the head of the table, looking across at his Henchmen. Usually when he'd been away, they often went on their own little missions, just to keep up spirits and keep everyone in their proper place.
"Well Boss now you mention it.." His second in command, Hutch spoke up. He got his nickname after they were on a job, he was the getaway driver and as they fled the scene he drove into someone's back garden... Straight into a rabbit hutch. He'd come along way since then, being in service for the Joker for 5 years to date.
"Go on Hutch." J encouraged.
"Well, Penguin has renovated the Iceberg Lounge, it's been pulling in our regulars from the clubs. We've tried to compete with him but, without you boss, we haven't been able to come up with any good ideas to claw back the customers."
"Ah, it seem we'll have to show ol' Pengy how we deal with competitors in Gotham. I appreciate honesty boys. I suggest for now we do things by the book, since my escape we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves now, do we fellas?"
"No boss." The said all together.
"I'll come down to the King of Diamonds tonight and we can take it from there. On another note, anything from old Bat-brain?" Joker growled.
"No boss, though the word on the street is, he's just put Crane away again. He's formulated a new toxin which can cause fear to the extent that the victim tears their own flesh off their bones, until death."
"Sheesh and they say I'm nuts." The Joker let out a shriek of laughter, Crane had always been a nut bag, but this was intense, not even the Joker toxin could compete with that.
"Boys it seems we have some clearing up to do around here... Things have slipped since I've been away, time to restore order to Gotham."
All his men nodded. The Joker had this power over people, he was the Clown prince of crime in this city and it was evident that the other Rouges had forgotten who really was in charge.
Hutch shifted in his chair and cleared his throat. "Err boss, the boys and I have been wondering... Well, how did you escape Arkham? We thought we were breaking you out next month? You usually send word if plans change."
"Things took an unexpected turn..." He muttered. "Speaking of which... Nobody is to enter my room under any circumstances. If you do, I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you. Understood?"
"Yes Boss."
"Good. Hutch, contact Jerry and send him over here ASAP."
"Okay boss, on it." Hutch nodded.
"Meeting over Fellas." Joker left the room abruptly, remembering the little blonde in his room.
"I wonder what's up there then?" Spoke Will, the newest Henchmen.
"None of our business, don't make the mistake of being curious Will." Hutch was watching as Will's eyes grew in curiosity. He was only young, 20ish and still new to the game, but he knew that tone of voice and what it meant.
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