#it hasnt come up yet
monsoon-of-art · 19 days
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music is very important in merfolk culture, in some cases it can even be used to perform magic!
im unsure whether or not Ingo is a good singer. But he's a loud singer. and this was definitely a shock
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warderfromtheborder · 6 months
Destiny: the year of Very Well Structured Things In Sets of 2
Defiance+Wish: The Sovs Mara and Crow, the Eliksni Misraaks and Eramis, and the Regular Ass Humans Devrim and Petra(PV counts as a regular-ass human she isn't a figure of prophecy or royalty in the reef she's a cop who's been promoted too much out of necessity)
Deep+Witch: The Truncated Heros Sloane and Eris, the Osmium OGs Xivu and Savathun, the Concerned Boss-Parents Zavala and Ikora, and the Wriggly Enablers Ahsa and Drifter (okay you got me) I mean the Nonhuman Guides Ahsa and Immaru
Lightfall: Osiris with no Sagira and Nimbus with no Rohan and Caiatl with no Recognizable Dad and the Witness with no Disciples and Chioma with no Maya and the Vex with no Chill the Living People of Neomuna with no Meatspace to live in. (The dreaming city curse will never end and the people on Neptune will never get to leave the matrix Im sorry but that's the way it is)
The story and themes for this year of Destiny are SO GOOD the writers have done SUCH A GOOD JOB. If making a tighter relationship between the expansion narrative and the seasonal narratives was one of the goals this year they fucking knocked it out of the park, I can't put any of these arcs into its own box because they have been knit together so sturdily. It's all one great narrative, one Very Big narrative, they haven't done it like this before!
(And Im so mad people couldnt stop shitting on Lightfall they are stoping themselves from seeing how good the WHOLE NARRATIVE IS they are probably gonna say come march/near TFS launch "uhh yeah the seasons were good i guees but maybe they shoulda worked harder on Lightfall I mean who even likes Nimbus" and for their Ignorance and Haterism I am sentencing them to reading part two of The Two Towers while they get attacked by Paper-Tube Ninjas and a broadcast system shouts at them 'YOU CANNOT HAVE THE VICTORIES IN RETURN OF THE KING IF FRODO AND SAM DIDNT KEEP WALKING ALL THE WAY TO MORDOR' for 100 hundred years.) (The link there is I didn't get the Point of that part of Two Towers when I first read it and assumed the whole would have been better without it. Obviously...I was wrong, and so are these clowns who think Lightfall has a bad story)
The name of the game this year is Resolution, Catharsis, Armistice, Acceptance. The structuring is so simple and so elegant and so well executed, the 2s, the 3s, the mirroring and the inverting and the unfathomable gloriousness of the victories personal and community and galaxy wide. There is no way to overstate the bitterness of Amanda's death, the relief of exhalation when Sloane retreats, the VINDICATION of Eris's vengeance.
You remember when Zavala 'discovered' Crow's former identity? How that was the crowning on-screen narrative jewel in destiny up to that point? What I am saying is EVERY ARC THIS YEAR IS AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN THAT BEAT AND DESERVES AS MUCH RECOGNITION FOR THE ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT OF SO MANY COMPLEMENTARY COMBOS PACKED INTO ONE EXPANSION STORY.
If Shadowkeep was the first sign of symptoms, if Beyond Light was trying to irradiate the disease, if Witch Queen was a tug of war with scar tissue, then Lightfall is the world after recovery and making peace with what will Never Be The Same, and the home and family that has been changed forever but is still Your Home and Your Family. We don't stop fighting but we also don't stop loving and growing and caring.
One last thing for my fellow Sjur copium addicts out there: Sloane's retreat was mirrored and inverted by Eris's victory, so for the complementary-ness of the story to continue, Amanda's death and Crow's subsequent emotional anguish over losing the person he fought with but who also saw him for who he really is will need to be mirrored and inverted by SOMEONE who Mara fought with but who also saw her for who she really is and I expect you will agree this is SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE reasoning that Sjur's comin back home.
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bisexualnatalies · 2 days
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shes still wearing the heart necklace . guys ........... shes still wearing the heart necklace
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trainingdummyrabbit · 7 months
cn yku maybe., draw an ayin..
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ill do u one better ✌
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kaialone · 1 month
Thinking about the fact that A.B.A's creator (I wanna call him Dr. Paracelsus to differentiate him from key Paracelsus) could very well still be alive out there somewhere, cause he wasn't said to have been killed, he was just taken by a military organization (?!) for his skills-
And while I don't think they ever confirmed a connection, it feels like almost too obvious that he'd be in some way tied to the creation of Frasco II, given that it's called Frasco II
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I need to know more
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sinfulhares · 3 months
I'm so tired of sites self-destructing, PLEASE I am begging there to be just ONE art site that isn't a flaming pile of shit that could go down at any moment
I'm not leaving until the ship goes down, but I would like to hear potential places where people are also posting art
Personally I'm most active on Kofi and Bluesky because these are the only sites that I'm sure won't come crashing down anytime soon but god it's so tiring to have to keep rebuilding because everything turns to shit over the dumbest, most lack-of-common-decency bullshit from people who should never be in power to begin with
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
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swagstar · 1 year
nightcord is about mental health but also what heavily affects it - the upbringing. you have 2 characters at complete diffrent ends of the spectrum - kanade who was unconditionally loved by her parents, who supported her interests and loved her no matter what; and mafuyu, who has a parent who doesnt give a shit about her interests or what she likes, only about what they want for her.
you really see an effect of that - kanade heavily echoes the love her parents gave her. she loves and loves and by god does she love. she emits so much love and care to the poeple close to her, especially mafuyu, that the only way i can describe this is motherly. not in the sense that kanade babies mafuyu but that she unconditionally loves her no matter what. even at mafuyu's lowest points she was there for her. no matter what mafuyu said or did she was always there to say "mafuyu im here for you. mafuyu i care about you. mafuyu ill help you find yourself no matter what.".
And seeing what kanade grew up with its heartbreaking for her to find out how mafuyu's parents really are. before speaking to mafuyu's mother she was determined that maybe she has to just tell her what mafuyu's she'll change her mind. maybe if she tells the truth she'll change her mind. maybe, maybe, maybe. when she finally speaks to her and finds out how mafumom really is its heartbreaking for her to fully realize what mafuyu was going through. its terrible to see that kanade got a taste of the trauma that mafuyu experienced. it really shakes her world view - not that she's innocent but that parents, compared to hers, can be so terrible and unloving. it boggles her mind that parents who are supposed to unconditionally love and support their child, be there for them no matter what, can be this terrible.
its immensely interesting to see these 2 perspectives clash and what kind of effect kanade and mafuyu have om eachother with these diffrent pasts
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midwestvalleygirl · 6 months
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idlenight · 10 months
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Got around to making one of these, with the stats of my most recent Retribution playtrough.
So here is a quick overview of River Becker aka Sidestep.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
it’s that time of the creative process where i get super scared of what everyone will think of it and begin to psych myself out thinking that “no one will watch this, it’s too boring, i’m too argumentative, i have no idea how to succinctly represent this concept in its title to let people know what they’re in for when watching… and i really just hope no one hates me.” so i need to boss up no more sad shit within the next couple of days and stop chickening out lol
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
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words cannot even begin to express how much i adore this man
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iknaenmal · 9 months
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silly goober
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sherokutakari · 9 months
Broke: it takes Crowley a long time in s3 to actually take his sunglasses off again
Woke: Aziraphale is actually the one to remove them
Bespoke: s3 starts and he's just. Already not wearing then. He's too apathetic to the goings on around him to bother with his usual armor. He's already been stabbed in the heart back and it didn't protect him, so why even try.
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hinata-boke · 1 year
ill probably take a break from 1hqadays for a little while to focus on zine stuff and remaining comms, but rest assured ill continue at some point!
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castielfucks · 28 days
I wish more people realized that when someone is seeking diagnosis, it's not because we are trying to collect diseases like infinity stones. it's not to be quirky or interesting.
diagnosis is the guide to resources and community. knowing how to help yourself, being able to understand yourself, connecting with others with similar experiences so you dont feel crazy or alone, finding the right places to look for relief and support, learning about accommodations that can make your life not only easier but liveable.
and for all these reasons, people are allowed to be excited for their diagnosis, theyre allowed to lean into it and advocate for themselves with language they didn't even know existed for the way they live. it is entirely normal to be happy and relieved after finding out that not only is there a name for your experience, but also people groups communities just like you ready to talk about it and support each other.
diagnosis opens up entire worlds for people, that's a good thing. and we need to stop shaming anyone who wants/seek it.
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