#its just The Rot 😭
snailfen · 1 year
rivulet experience Update: morb orb
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swordmaid · 6 months
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a girl who is a noir detective man and a guy who is a femme fatale
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spaciebabie · 9 months
"but spacie, i have no followers why should i reblog things" let me answer this question using myself, a person who has been using tumblr for almost a decade now, as an example. pre 2022 the most followers i ever had was like 125. most of them were dead blogs. killed in the porn ban or just people who had left for whatever reason. out of the people left who were still active, i had like 3 people at the most interact with my blog on a monthly basis. for years b4 this, i had ZERO FOLLOWERS but upon making my blog i saw all the other ppl who had been using this website longer than me talking abt how important it was ta reblog shit, and throughout all these years on tumblr, even when i had no followers i reblogged things. b/c i understood that it was integral ta the way this site functions.
now mind you, just b/c i had no followers didn't mean ppl wouldn't stop by and reblog things from my blog. every couple months id have a new person find me and reblog something. maybe they'd reblog a lot of stuff! the point is that id go months without any interaction at times and i STILL reblogged things because i knew people could find me and see something they liked on here. eventually people who frequently checked my blog ta see what i would reblog followed me!! im sure there’s ppl who dont follow me that ta this day who still reblog the stuff on here!! the point is that it genuinely doesnt matter how many followers you have. sure, it certainly helps, but ppl can still find and interact with the things on your blog without you having thousands or even hundreds of followers. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reblog things.
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wolviez · 2 months
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im not connecting shit
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hyper-cryptic · 10 months
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tiny comic i'm probably not gonna finish but wanted to show anyways pft. @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington
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matchacowbee · 2 months
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Look at these fuzzy little bouncing creatures and tell me you don’t get a tickle vibe from them
I have a personal headcanon that these don’t attack the player and just tickle them instead heheheh
um anyways here’s matcha in the sdv caves :3
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click for better quality!!
sorry the coloring got weird.. whoops ><
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jorrated · 5 months
My inability to stop reading/ watching something whenever I really get into may be a blessing in studies. But it absolutely will ruin my life in anything else
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ball-of-butter · 4 months
i remember being genuinely scared to ship mareven because im a toddler that uses tiktok so my first intro to mareven shippers were just crazy maven stans who romanticise his mental illness. i remember one so vile i had to comment hate on it because they were bringing my bae mare into this like mare get behind me rn. and then they doubled down saying her rejection to maven made him more mentally unstable LIKE it was her responsibility???
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
headcannon michael was a tinkerer in general, but more so understress (hence Helpy, PanManStan, #1 Crate, Mr.Hugs, ect) so whenever Glamfreddy's circuts are a bit overworked he'll go to his greenroom and just start building stuff lol
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ghostlyfirn · 28 days
do u ever think to yourself Man i kinda miss this previous fixation i had and was so incredibly insane about. i miss the attachment. But the current fixation i'm incredibly insane about is preventing me from like. Doing anything . that isnt related to the current fixation .
like.. i miss my older attachments. but damn my current hyperfixation has me in a goddamn chokehold. and even if i try to consume content of said previous attachment it just DOes not work and i move right back to my current fixation
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allylikethecat · 1 month
the gatty size difference gives me sooo much brainrot
especially this
Omg he just scoops him up 😭 Matty's legs flailing like a child omfg
lol also tell me why I was like "Oh look, it's On a Friday Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George and Fictional!Matty is in troubleeee" hehe thank you so much for sending this to me because it is SENDING ME like omfg I love love love their size difference it's just AH because Matty is to tiny but such a big personality and George is so large and comes across as so even keel?! I like to think he just looms over Matty like a body guard lol
Thank you SO MUCH again for sending this because I am !!! this is really making the plot bunnies go !!!
Thank you again! I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!
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spearxwind · 9 months
God i miss my bf so much he needs to come back from his trip immediately or im going to go insane (he's still gonna be out for a little over a week) :(
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acanthemp3 · 4 months
i cant go more than 3 years without some cruel and unusual fate befalling the exact same molar and we're finally putting it out of its misery as soon as this surgeon can get me in (in like a month) gruesome details in the tags bc i love to overshare
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folkloregirlfriend · 8 months
i am in a miserable place
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kruinka · 1 year
tell us more abt ur romfan au 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
omg than k u for enabling me so. this is what i want to draw
-isagi kicking ass (comically) -first meeting kaiser sae rin nagi -full body designs kaiser sae rin nagi isagi -shirayukimiya and the seven dwarves -individual kaiser sae rin nagi -kurona isagi hiori nanase besties REAL -kaiser backstory comic -sae pre angst -sae intimidating -crying rin -rin pre angst
but i feel like u are here for the kaiser lore instead so
sorry if nothing makes sense😭
in my silly little brain there is kaiser angst and his father is the pope (thanks mitzi) -kaiser but hes more fake and more bastard than canon the setting is divine power does not do well with magic ESPECIALLY in this nation bc it is a blessed land (real not clickbait) -the royal familys defining trait?? is golden hair that never fades and every 20 years someone with this golden blood will be blessed with stigmata -stigmata in this case means the deity of this land has chosen u to be the next ruler -so breaking news!! kaiser does not have stigmata he only has social stigma bc his mother was a naive witch that fell in love with the king -he still has the golden hair but its also "tainted" with blue from the bloodline of a witch so the hair colours are all natural babie🤩🤩🤩 -anyways his mom thought they would be fine if they just lived quietly in a corner of the palace but nope she dies lol -cue evil queen who does not like the concubine so she plots an assassination -michael kaiser, age 6, motherless -idk how to go deeper into explaining his backstory but i do have an image in my head that i feel like would be better if i drew it out instead -but ofc kaisers world view is now flipped -living quietly and hoping for peace doesnt work so he will live as if he were dead while plotting his grand murder spree -and also two years before the family die kill murder -one of his half siblings received a stigmata -but kaiser kills him anyways bc how would u keep ur faith when all ur life u have been mistreated by those who call themselves children of god -and then the stigmata appears on him and hes just 😟😟 -after claiming the throne he kicks out a bunch of ppl and starts establishing diplomatic connections with the magic tower (cue ness) -bc it is very obvious that its a good thing. to establish connections. but holy kingdom vatican city here doesnt do that bc they are held back by traditions and bias -so after that hes just known as a blasphemous child sitting on the throne -but theres a party of intellectuals and new nobles who support him so like kaisers not dead YET -stuff is messy, his bad rep spreads and rumours get twisted so now hes not only known as Tyrant Who Scammed God (partly real) -hes also somehow a Sadistic Villain That Hypnotizes You With Magic (also partly real)
now in the main story hes all 🤪😏😏but thats how he acts when there is something he wants (scammer mode) -deep down hes 😐😔😠emo irritated and thinks hes a bad person (he is a bad person) -he probably does feel guilty for killing his father and not being able to protect his mother -and like tries to convince himself that what he did was right but sometimes he thinks of his mother and wonders if this is what she wouldve wanted :/ -and sometimes he doubts his ability as a ruler bc his half sibling was the chosen one and not him -being compared to and discriminated throughout ur whole life does something to a man huh -so the insecurities and jealousy issues still apply🫶 -but he is actually quite capable bc what else would u do in ur free time other than study -if u were stuck in the palace and ur mom is dead and ur father is pathetic -i want kaisers character arc to be him actually having a proper meltdown now that his life is no longer Constantly In Danger -and at the end of the arc he finally feels happy to be here something something i havent thought of this part yet
ok so this is very long and its still just kaiser and idek if anything makes sense but i also have stuff for rin and sae and isagi going on in my head
idk if the old romfan rant i posted can still apply to the au thats in my head bc i changed some roles around
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bunnihearted · 6 months
#journal dump bc i have too much on my mind#1) i HATE my neighbors. theres never one quiet moment. they stomp around and slam cabinets all the time it feels like#2) ​i've been reading more recently even if concentration's hard bc of noise. but i also feel like there r too many books i wanna read#but yeah. too little time. so instead i cant settle on a book and kinda dont even read as much as i want to. a stupid problem really#3) it's crazy to say but i wish i had a part time job. sitting at home 24/7 for 5/6 years has been SO terrible for me.#everything feels meaningless. every day is the exact same. im not LIVING. im rotting away and all my issues get worse. im also so fkn bored#and i dont wanna sit at home and do assignments (even if thats what i technically should be doing)#i want a job to go to which takes me away from home + gives me money#then i can come home and sit and rot and ENJOY it. bc now my lazy time is only smth negative and bad for me :/#ofc i hate the mere thought of having some soul sucking utterly pointless job and our capitalist society is a slave hellhole. but.. as it is#im not even able to enjoy ANY of my time bc all my time feels bad. plus im only getting poorer and poorer so i cant afford to buy anything#4) im so fkn bored and going crazy from eating the exact same food every single day for the third month now. im sick of it#everything tastes so bland and disgusting. it's genuinely making me depressed 😭 i wanna eat REAL food. im so tired bc no nutrition :((#i cant do anything except wait for my appt w the doctor next week and hope they put me on a waiting list for surgery.. but ong im sick of it#5) i miss my sisters :/ we live in the same apartment but its like i've completely ceased to exist to them#except when they need to be passive aggressive to me. lol. i miss them. but they just dont wanna talk to me :/#but tbh. most of all... i just want my health issue to be over so my body can function normally again.#i can face anything in life if i can come home to a cup of coffee nd some chocolate ^-^ <333
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