kate7h · 1 year
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Izuocha Week 2023
Bonus day - Locked away/skeleton keys
Y'all decide which prompt it's for~
Happy with how this turned out! (aside from that background...) Also I love clip studio, why didn't anyone tell me how great it was??
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izuochaweek · 1 year
🌾🎋Welcome to Izuocha Week 2022🎋🌾
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Izuocha Week is the seven-day-long event celebrating Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako of My Hero Academia! In addition to the regular ship week, there will also be a special, optional event celebrating White Day!
Izuocha Week is the seven-day-long event celebrating Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako of My Hero Academia! In addition to the regular ship week, there will also be a special, optional event celebrating White Day!
This will be our SIXTH iteration of the event, and we simply cannot believe it’s been so long— the mod team are more in love with the series than ever, so we’re very excited to announce this year’s prompts! We sincerely hope y’all are ready to come together and celebrate this sweet relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic!
💫🍙April 9th-15th, with a special (optional) Bonus Day on March 14th🍙💫
Prompt List: 
Day 1: Holding On/Letting Go
Day 2: Monochrome/Kaleidoscopic
Day 3: Lyrical/Soul
Day 4: Shelter/Storm
Day 5: Stasis/Metamorphosis
Day 6: Luna/Aurora
Day 7: Pale/ Diamond
💫Bonus Day (March 14th): Locked Away/Skeleton Keys
Remember, you can interpret these prompts however you’d like! They’re here to inspire creativity. It’s also not a requirement to use them, either, so if you come up with something fun and unique, please, submit it to us! 
Make sure this tag is within the first five tags so we can find it! If for whatever reason your work is not appearing in the tags, feel free to submit or message us the link to your post, so we can queue and reblog it! 
If this is your first time participating, or you need a refresher, please read through our rules and guidelines for this event HERE! These are important, so make sure you’re familiar with the do’s and don’ts. 
This year’s Banner is made by the lovely @vixensheart
🌾🎋 It would be an honor to have everyone participate, and spread the joy throughout our close-knit community! 🌾🎋
Join our discord!
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izupie · 1 year
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>> Selkie--- (1)An oceanic creature of North Sea folklore, said to seldomly transform from seal to human by shedding their magical seal skin. Selkies never part from their seal skin.** **Except this Selkie. This Selkie gave up her coat to save someone. Which would be fine if he then hadn't taken the seal skin with him, not knowing the true nature of what had saved him, and accidentally left Ochako trapped in human form. Now she has to get her magical coat back without revealing her true identity... but Izuku is making it very hard to leave, and being human has its perks.
Collab fic between @izupie and @encyclopika
---Read on AO3---
Word count: 7,661 Chapters: 1/? Rated: G
Tags: AU , Selkie!Ochako , Fisherman!Izuku , Secret Idenity , Fish Out Of Water , Mutual Pining. For Izuocha Week 2023: Prompt: Storm
Cold winds clustered over the ocean to the cusp of the horizon. They pushed and pulled the surface into a mosaic of white-tipped waves over the deep blue-gray depths. As the cold breeze rode the waves up to the shoreline, they made it clear that winter was still clinging to the sea. 
Izuku could taste it - the heavy, dense water saturated with salt. The taste stung his throat harshly. Swallowing did little for his poor throat, the burning climbing up into his sinuses. He could feel winter’s selfish winds, always there to spoil spring when the sun wasn’t looking. He shivered, and tucked himself under something soft and warm and heavy on top of him.
The minute his brain registered that couldn’t be right, he coughed harshly. He found he could taste the ocean mostly because it was in his mouth. 
Not only that, but he’d been lying on the sand, face down with his head turned to one side, his cheek now sore from the pebbles mixed in the sand. Putting his hands under himself, he lifted himself up. On his hands and knees, he spit onto the beach, feeling harsh little grains mix with the last bit of moisture he had left in his mouth. He coughed again, the sand and dust having reached his throat at some point while he was unconscious. By the gods, what he wouldn’t do for a whole pitcher of water!
As the coughing subsided, he leaned back on his knees until he was sitting on his legs. Ahead of him were the dunes and rock that separated the beach from the grassy hills upland. Thankfully he knew where he was, but the question that eluded him was how he got there.
The warm cover gave way in this position, and fell from his shoulders onto the sand in a lump. Right. He hadn’t dressed too warmly for his fishing trip - the sun had been bright upon his leave yesterday, beckoning spring. He didn’t have anything that heavy with him - not enough to hit the ground with such a heavy thump like that. Izuku twisted around and grabbed it from behind, catching a handful of soft fur.  
He held it in front of him to get a better look. Deep, cool grays melted into creams and white as a backdrop to a smattering of perfectly circular black dots across the pelt. The fur itself was dense, soft, and just a tinge oily. Really, there was no better pelt to be wrapped up in on a cold night, and Izuku recognized it immediately.
“A…seal skin…” he muttered to himself. “But what…?”
Read the rest on AO3
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axbluexstorm · 1 year
The Seams of Earth [Izuocha Week 2023]
ao3 link
Rated TEEN, warnings in chapter note(s)
Izuku wakes up with harmful thoughts. They're a plague that festers throughout his morning, until he reaches a breaking point during class. His friends notice his snappy mood as he leaves for the bathroom. They get worried after he spends a little too long in there.
He's already left campus, off to break something.
In which Izuku starts his day off with the urge to destroy without reason, but channels it into things at least mildly heroic. Without permission.
Ochako chases after him in a worried fit.
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urarakamysocksoff · 1 year
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izuochaweek · 1 year
Hi! First, I wanna let you know that on the event announcement post (where it says like read our guidelines HERE!), I think you meant to attach a link to the "HERE!"??? I just wanted to point it out incase you missed or anything! And two, can somebody do this event on ao3? I post my fanfics on ao3 and was wondering if I could still participate? Is there a tag or collection to use? Sorry if this was too much!! Thank you!
Hello there! You’re perfectly welcome to use Ao3, I’m pretty sure the majority of our participants post their works primarily on there! You’re free to use an extra tag like IzuochaWeek2023 on Ao3, but if you would like for us to post it on the blog, all you have to do is link it here in a tumblr post and use the tags as stated in the announcement!
(Also re:guidelines LOL whoops let me fix that. Thanks for letting us know!)
—Mod Dani
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