#j. v. stalin
yourtongzhihazel · 10 days
I stg that "bitches will be like 'voting pales in comparison to my strategy firebombing a Walmart" and then not firebomb a walmart" tweet has made any attempt at discourse around revolution and the status quo fucking impossible because as soon as it starts some shitlib pulls out that thing not realizing how bad it completely misunderstands basically everything to do with communist thought
Like okay for one that's no communists actual belief system!!! That's some dumb anti-civ extreme anarchist bullshit it has nothing to do with the prominent strands of Marxism!!! And for two it's just a massive fucking cope to enable libs to delude themselves into thinking that doing no real political action besides voting a few times per year is equivalent to actual meaningful political action when it just isn't!!! God I fucking hate liberalism
Liberalism just can not stop inventong ideas in abstract and then hastily plastering it over the real world. They keep erecting straw person after straw person then striking them down.
"All we can do is to laugh as we gaze at this spectacle, for one cannot help laughing when one sees a man fighting his own imagination, smashing his own inventions, while at the same time heatedly asserting that he is smashing his opponent." - J. V. Stalin
To liberals, there's only two forms of political participation. Voting (submitting to the bourgeoisie) and adventurism (a symptom of their deeply rooted individualism) neither of which are participation in politics nor are in any way, shape, or form effective.
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redbrigadesorg · 7 months
Reposted @redbrigadesorg "The fundamental question of every revolution is the question of power" (Lenin). Does this mean that all that is required is to assume power, to seize it? No, it does not. The seizure of power is only the beginning. For many reasons, the bourgeoisie that is overthrown in one country remains for a long time stronger than the proletariat which has overthrown it. Therefore, the whole point is to retain power, to consolidate it, to make it invincible. What is needed to attain this? To attain this it is necessary to carry out at least three main tasks that confront the dictatorship of the proletariat "on the morrow" of victory:
a) to break the resistance of the landlords and capitalists who have been overthrown and expropriated by the revolution, to liquidate every attempt on their part to restore the power of capital;
b) to organise construction in such a way as to rally all the working people around the proletariat, and to carry on this work along the lines of preparing for the elimination, the abolition of classes;
c) to arm the revolution, to organise the army of the revolution for the struggle against foreign enemies, for the struggle against imperialism.
J. V. Stalin - The Foundations of Leninism
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"We must reject the outmoded idea that only Europe can show us the way. There is dogmatic Marxism and there is creative Marxism. I stand on the ground of the latter."
- J. V. Stalin, 1917
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syd-opaque · 1 year
tagged by @prttyinpvnk 🥰😎 tar ilyyy thank youu
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better (i will. probably not b doing 9 tho lol)
last song: Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above by CSS…which makes me sound cooler than i am i think. it’s a great song for walking to class tho! and also walking home from class. and when going to work. and the grocery store. and doing basically anything.
last show: ok like tar i also thought this was like concert show at first and then realized…but um. my roommates and i had an um. outer banks s3 watch party (w charcuterie boards!). i haven’t seen the last 2 episodes yet tho i’ve been dodging spoilers left and right.
currently watching: i’m very slowly making my way thru the movie Submarine (2010)…which is j like. everything alex turner would want in a movie.
currently reading: oh gosh i’m so bad at sticking to one book but i think i’m only reading 4 rn. mostly My Cat Yugoslavia by Pajtim Statovci. it’s actually probably one of my fav things i’ve read in a while! i’m still finishing Bluets by Maggie Nelson which is also *excellent*. and i’ve been “reading” Young Stalin for like two months now lol but it’s v long and i’m bad at finishing things. besides that there’s also this *coughs* 100k fic involving ghosts-
current obsession: um. *glances away sheepishly*. mcr has me in a chokehold but that’s more of a state of mind than a current obsession. and uh. yeah that’s all i have to say abt that i think.
tagging: @high-quality-assorted-chaos , @allalrightagain , @im-very-clueless , @cocteautwink , and @punk-lucifer :)
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pouroverthewords · 1 year
What is planned economy? What are some of its attributes? Planned economy tries to abolish unemployment. Let us suppose it is possible, while preserving the capitalist system, to reduce unemployment to a certain minimum.
But surely, no capitalist would ever agree to the complete abolition of unemployment, to the abolition of the reserve army of unemployed, the purpose of which is to bring pressure on the labour market, to ensure a supply of cheap labour. Here you have one of the rents in the “planned economy” of bourgeois society. Furthermore, planned economy presupposes increased output in those branches of industry which produce goods that the masses of the people need particularly. But you know that the expansion of production under capitalism takes place for entirely different motives, that capital flows into those branches of economy in which the rate of profit is highest. You will never compel a capitalist to incur loss to himself and agree to a lower rate of profit for the sake of satisfying the needs of the people. Without getting rid of the capitalists, without abolishing the principle of private property in the means of production, it is impossible to create planned economy.
J. V. Stalin Marxism versus Liberalism: An Interview with H. G. Wells 23 July 1934
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“Lacan then invokes J. V. Stalin’s last major theoretical pronouncements, those of 1950 gathered under the title Marxism and Problems of Linguistics. Therein, Stalin denounces his comrade linguist N. Y. Marr for the latter’s allegedly pseudo-Marxist hypothesis according to which human languages are features of social superstructures separate from and dependent upon economic infrastructures (Stalin, 1972). Lacan’s endorsement of this aspect of Stalinist materialism indicates that he is opposed to treating language as just a secondary outgrowth or by-product of an underlying pre/non-linguistic base presumably determining the true meaning of language.
Lacan explicitly names Saussure as providing the valid theory of language as an “order” with “laws” requisite for doing justice to Freud’s discovery of the unconscious.”
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abfindunginfo · 7 months
Deutschland zwischen Teilung und Beitritt
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Deutschland wurde nach 1945 in mehreren Schritten geteilt. Die Teilung wurde erst 1990 durch den Beitritt der DDR zur BRD beendet. Deutschlands Teilung nach 1945 Konferenz von Jalta (Krimkonferenz) 3. bis 11. Februar 1945 "Der Premierminister von Grossbritannien, Winston S. Churchill, der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Franklin D. Roosevelt, und der Vorsitzende des Rats der Volkskommissare der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken, Marschall J. V. Stalin, haben in den letzten acht Tagen, zusammen mit ihren Aussenministern, den Stabschefs und anderen Ratgebern, in der Krim eine Konferenz abgehalten. Die drei Regierungchefs geben folgende Erklärung über die Ergebnisse der Konferenz in der Krim ab: ... Es ist unser unbeugsamer Wille, den deutschen Militarismus und das deutsche Nazitum auszurotten und dafür zu sorgen, dass Deutschland nie wieder in der Lage sein wird, den Frieden der Welt zu stören. Wir sind entschlossen, alle bewaffneten Verbände Deutschlands zu entwaffnen und aufzulösen; den deutschen Generalstab ein für allemal zu zerschlagen, den Generalstab, der immer wieder Mittel und Wege zur Wiedererstarkung des deutschen Militarismus gefunden hat; alles deutsche Militärgerät zu entfernen oder zu zerstören; jede deutsche Industrie, die für militärische Produktion verwendet werden könnte, auszumerzen oder zu überwachen; alle Kriegsverbrecher gerechter und schneller Bestrafung zuzuführen und für alle von den Deutschen verursachten Zerstörungen Wiedergutmachung in entsprechenden Leistungen zu erzwingen; die Nazipartei, die Nazigesetze, Organisationen und Einrichtungen sowie jeden nationalsozialistischen oder militaristischen Einfluss in öffentlichen Ämtern und im kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Leben des deutschen Volkes auszumerzen; und im Einvernehmen miteinander jede andere Massnahme in Deutschland durchzuführen, die für den künftigen Frieden und die Sicherheit der Welt notwendig erscheint. Es ist nicht unser Ziel, das deutsche Volk zu vernichten". Potsdamer Protokoll - VIII. Mitteilung über die Dreimächtekonferenz von Berlin 2. August 1945 "9. Die Verwaltung Deutschlands muss in Richtung auf eine Dezentralisation der politischen Struktur und der Entwicklung einer örtlichen Selbstverantwortung durchgeführt werden. Zu diesem Zwecke: (I) Die lokale Selbstverwaltung wird in ganz Deutschland nach demokratischen Grundsätzen, und zwar durch Wahlausschüsse (Räte), so schnell wie es mit der Wahrung der militärischen Sicherheit und den Zielen der militärischen Besatzung vereinbar ist, wiederhergestellt. (II) In ganz Deutschland sind alle demokratischen politischen Parteien zu erlauben und zu fördern mit der Einräumung des Rechtes, Versammlungen einzuberufen und öffentliche Diskussionen durchzuführen. (III) Der Grundsatz der Wahlvertretung soll in die Gemeinde-, Kreis-, Provinzial- und Landesverwaltungen, so schnell wie es durch erfolgreiche Anwendung dieser Grundsätze in der örtlichen Selbstverwaltung gerechtfertigt werden kann, eingeführt werden. (IV) Bis auf weiteres wird keine zentrale deutsche Regierung errichtet werden. Jedoch werden einige wichtige zentrale deutsche Verwaltungsabteilungen errichtet werden, an deren Spitze Staatssekretäre stehen, und zwar auf den Gebieten des Finanzwesens, des Transportwesens, des Verkehrswesens, des Außenhandels und der Industrie. Diese Abteilungen werden unter der Leitung des Kontrollrates tätig sein." Dokumente zur künftigen politischen Entwicklung Deutschlands , Frankfurt, 1. Juli 1948 "Dokument NO 1 In Übereinstimmung mit den Beschlüssen ihrer Regierungen autorisieren die Militär-Gouverneure der Amerikanischen, Britischen und Französischen Besatzungszone in Deutschland die Minister-Präsidenten der Länder ihrer Zonen, eine Verfassunggebende Versammlung einzuberufen, die spätestens am 1. September 1948 zusammentreten sollte." Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 23. Mai 1949 "Artikel 23 Dieses Grundgesetz gilt zunächst im Gebiete der Länder Baden, Bayern, Bremen, Groß-Berlin, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden und Württemberg-Hohenzollern. In anderen Teilen Deutschlands ist es nach deren Beitritt in Kraft zu setzen." "Artikel 146 Dieses Grundgesetz verliert seine Gültigkeit an dem Tage, an dem eine Verfassung in Kraft tritt, die von dem deutschen Volke in freier Entscheidung beschlossen worden ist." Verfassung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 7. Oktober 1949 "Art. 1. Deutschland ist eine unteilbare demokratische Republik; sie baut sich auf den deutschen Ländern auf. Die Republik entscheidet alle Angelegenheiten, die für den Bestand und die Entwicklung des deutschen Volkes in seiner Gesamtheit wesentlich sind; alle übrigen Angelegenheiten werden von den Ländern selbständig entschieden." B004S7BL8G Vertrag zwischen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über die Herstellung der Einheit Deutschlands -Einigungsvertrag- vom 31. August 1990 "Kapitel I Wirkung des Beitritts Artikel 1. Länder. (1) Mit dem Wirksamwerden des Beitritts der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland gemäß Artikel 23 des Grundgesetzes am 3. Oktober 1990 werden die Länder Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland." 3868543538:right Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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buzz-london · 8 months
What is Sanatana Dharma? Advocate and noted author J Sai Deepak explains - 8/9/2023
A political slugfest erupted soon after Udhayanidhi Stalin, a Tamil Nadu minister and son of Chief Minister MK Stalin, made a controversial statement comparing ‘Santana Dharma’ to diseases like Malaria, dengue and corona as he called for eradication of the faith. The statement by the Tamilnadu minister has led to registration of FIRs against him as well as a seer from Ayodhya announcing a bounty on his head. But the question remains why someone sitting in a high seat of power would say something like that and what are the reasons behind the uproar by political parties.
In this edition of ANI Podcast with Smita Prakash, noted author and engineer turned litigator J Sai Deepak, who has written two voluminous well-researched books on Indian civilisation, decodes all aspects of Dravidian Politics, its history and the conflict with Sanatana Dharma and explains the reasons behind the statement by Udhayanidhi. In an in-depth conversation with Smita Prakash, J. Sai Deepak talks about the origins of Dravidar Kazhagam and Justice party founded by E. V. Ramasamy and how these organisations led the foundation of Dravidianism in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Sai also talks about the secessionist activities undertaken by a few Dravidian organizations and how they opposed home rule for India.
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currentmediasstuff · 11 months
TN minister Senthil Balaji hospitalised; breaks down after ED arrest under PMLA
It is learnt that while he was being taken into custody at 2 am, the minister complained of chest pain and was taken to the multi-speciality hospital in Omandurar Estate.
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CHENNAI: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday arrested Tamil Nadu Electricity Minister V Senthil Balaji under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) after a long session of questioning.
However, the Tamil Nadu minister has been hospitalised in the ICU of a government hospital here early on Wednesday after he complained of uneasiness during ED raids at his premises on June 13.
Initially, Senthil Balaji was taken into custody by the ED after 18 hours of questioning by the Central agency. It is learnt that while he was being taken into custody at 2 am, the minister complained of chest pain and was taken to the multi-speciality hospital in Omandurar Estate. TV visuals showed Balaji being uneasy while being brought to the hospital in the wee hours of this morning.
The arrest sparked concern in the DMK camp as ministers, PK Sekar Babu, and Udayanidi Stalin rushed to the hospital to meet the minister. Sekar Babu claimed there were 'symptoms' Balaji has been 'tortured.'
After visiting Senthil Balaji at the hospital, HR and CE minister Sekar Babu said that the electricity minister was unconscious. "He didn't respond despite calling his name several times. There is swelling on his leg. The state he was brought to the hospital shows there are human rights violations," Sekar Babu said.
He also alleged that the enforcement directorate, CBI and the income tax department are acting at the behest of the central government against those opposing the bad politics of the central government.
"Several leaders, including chief ministers of other states and the parliamentary opposition leader, condemning the union government shows there is opposition centrally. DMK government, led by MK Stalin, will face the problem legally. More than a minister, Senthil Balaji is a DMK worker. The CM will fight for every DMK worker to save him and all actions will be taken based on his guidance," the DMK minister told media persons.
Law minister S Reghupathy, who visited the hospital, also said there was no clarity if Balaji has been arrested. He questioned the need for the ED raids at Balaji's house running non-stop for hours.
DMK advocates, who visited the hospital, demanded the ED officially make it clear immediately whether Balaji has been arrested or not.
Meanwhile, V Ananda Kumar, the nodal officer at the Omandurar hospital, said that Senthil Balaji is being treated for blood pressure and variations in the ECG and added that there were no external injuries to the Electricity Minister. "After Covid-19, several patients come with the complaint and there is a standard operating procedure for such cases. While we are investigating if he has been tortured, there are no external injuries," he added.
The arrest comes after Supreme Court had last month allowed police and ED to probe into an alleged cash-for-jobs scam against Balaji, who also holds the Prohibition and Excise portfolio.
Senthil Balaji was the transport minister in the AIADMK government, led by the late J Jayalalithaa, during the period 2011-15.
There were complaints against him, in which it was alleged he had received huge amounts as bribes from various persons for appointing them as drivers and conductors in the transport corporation.
The ED conducted the searches under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Last month, the Income Tax department too had searched Balaji's close aides in the state.
The searches are also happening in the wake of Union Home Minister Amit Shah's visit on Sunday. The visit was marred by controversy when street lights went off outside Chennai airport. Balaji has termed it accidental.
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timestampedjesus · 11 months
Dance to the wall falling swan lake blares on the TV. Why is all the news the same. I think the 'cables' have been cut. Time to spin ABBA "Dancing Queen" or Madness "Our House":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXA6CLTDekw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwIe_sjKeAY\
For those who are curious this is what aired during the wall falling. The crippling defeat of a Authoritarian regime. It'll happen anywhere regardless of whether it's in Russia or the States. From the end of World War 2 (FDR and Truman / Stalin) til 85' (Gorbachev and eventually after a long series of battles Yeltsin who they framed as a drunkard... go figure) Thy video that stopped time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjSfGliNGS0
with love, - J
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hackernewsrobot · 1 year
H. G. Wells interviewing J. V. Stalin (1934)
https://redsails.org/stalin-and-wells/ Comments
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‘Osho, more and more people are putting their faith in all sorts of saints, swamis and godmen. What do you think of this phenomenon? What is your opinion on saints like Mahesh Yogi, Mother Teresa, Prabhupad, Muktananda, Satya Sai Baba, J. Krishnamurti, Anand Mai, et cetera, et cetera? What criteria should a person use to judge the worth of a godman and to ensure he is not taken for a ride?’ The first thing to be remembered is that it is not something new that is happening today. You ask me: MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE PUTTING THEIR FAITH IN ALL SORTS OF SAINTS… They have always done that—this is not new. In fact, less and less people are doing it now, not more and more. Otherwise how you will explain millions of Hindus, millions of Buddhists, millions of Christians, millions of Mohammedans? In fact, everybody on the earth belongs to some kind of religion. How you will explain this? Even communism is a godless religion; it is a church. It has its own Bible—DAS KAPITAL; it has its own unholy trinity—Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V. I. Lenin. It has its own conflicting sects—so many communist parties in the world, the Chinese camp, the Russian camp, just like Catholics, Protestants, Shiahs, Sunnis, different interpretations of their scriptures, believing in different interpreters. Somebody believes in Fidel Castro, somebody believes in Mao Tse-tung, and somebody believes in Tito, and somebody believes in Joseph Stalin, and somebody believes in Leon Trotsky. Communism is also the same kind of phenomenon. Few people go to Kaaba, few people go to Kremlin. It is the same phenomenon, the same pilgrimage. You are doomed if at least once in your life you don’t go to Kaaba if you are a Mohammedan, and if you don’t go to Kremlin at least once in life if you are a communist. Karl Marx’s books are worshipped, are thought to be infallible, in the same way as other religions have done it. So if you look then you will not be able to say: MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE PUTTING THEIR FAITH IN ALL SORTS OF SAINTS, SWAMIS AND GODMEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS PHENOMENON? This has always been so. Yes, one thing new is happening, and that is: many more people are changing from one religion to another, are going astray from their forefathers. That is something new—and that is something good, that is something beautiful. It was for centuries an accepted fact that religion has something to do with your birth. It has nothing to do with your birth! Just the other day I came across a statement of Mother Teresa. Somebody has asked her about me and what I have told about her, and she said, ‘Rajneesh has no reason to interfere with my work. He should not interfere!’ Why I should not interfere? I have every reason! If some crime is happening I have to interfere, I have to say that this is criminal. She says she is fighting abortion by adoption. But who is responsible for abortion? Mother Teresa, the Polack Pope, and the whole company! They are responsible for abortion because they are against contraceptives, they are against birth control. And if you are against contraceptives, against birth control, then abortion is bound to happen. First they manage that abortion should continue and then they fight abortion by adoption! And the questioner asks that I have been criticizing her because she refused a child to a Protestant family to be adopted because he was Protestant, and she wanted a Catholic family to adopt the child. She said, responding to this, that each child has a birthright to choose his religion. But who is she to choose? The child has the birthright—that I can understand, and I accept it. And if that is true then no child should be baptized unless the child is grown up and decides on his own, without any manipulation conditioning, teaching. He should be left alone to enquire, and when he decides to become a Christian or a Buddhist or a Mohammedan, of course he has the right. But a small child… how do you decide what religion he wants to choose? This was asked, so she said, ‘First we decide to what religion he has been born.’ Now, religion has nothing to do with birth. You may be born in a Hindu family; that does not mean that you have become a Hindu. You may be born in a communist family; that does not mean that you have become a communist. You may be born to a family… the father is a doctor, the mother is a doctor, that does not mean you have become a doctor. It should be so—two doctors giving birth to a child—he should be immediately given a certificate that he is an M.D.! This is nonsense! Religion has to be chosen. The questioner also asked that, ‘If you don’t know the family of the child—because many children you bring in your orphanage are thrown-away children; you don’t know their family, you don’t know their background—then how do you decide?’ Then she said, ‘Because I am a Catholic and I have been bringing them up, then they to go Catholicism, they are Catholics. I decide!’ Where is the birthright of the child then? Somebody else decides! This old stupidity is disappearing a little bit. People have started enquiring on their own. Now the people who have surrounded around me… Today there are five thousand sannyasins here; all over the earth there are now more than two hundred thousand sannyasins. These are the people who have decided on their own; this is their decision. And when religion is your own decision then it becomes a commitment, then it is involvement. Then you are fulfilling your own heart’s desire. Then there is joy and then there is love. Then it is a love affair! In the past people were born to a certain family and that was their religion. Today only one thing new is happening, and that is more and more people becoming mature, more and more people are understanding their birthright, are understanding that they have to choose their own religion. Only then they can put their heart into it; only then they can be ready, if the need arises, to sacrifice their life. The people who had chosen Jesus—they were Jews—according to Mother Teresa they were doing something wrong. Jesus himself was a Jew, he was not a Christian—that much is absolutely certain. He had not even heard the word ‘Christian’! He lived as a Jew and he died as a Jew. And the people who had gathered around him—a small group—they were all Jews. According to Mother Teresa they must have remained Jews. Then there would have been no Mother Teresa and no Christianity! But they had chosen a path of their own, they had decided to go beyond the mob psychology. They had chosen to go against the crowd. A religious person is always a rebel. Religion is rebellion; that’s its basic flavor, its fragrance. And now more and more people are becoming capable of doing it. This is a good sign: this shows that humanity is coming of age. You ask me: MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE PUTTING THEIR FAITH IN ALL SORTS OF SAINTS, SWAMIS AND GODMEN. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS PHENOMENON? WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON SAINTS LIKE MAHESH YOGI, MOTHER TERESA, PRABHUPAD, MUKTANANDA, SATYA SAI BABA, J. KRISHNAMURTI, ANAND MAI, ET CETERA? One gets a Master one deserves—and that’s natural, inevitable. So I divide these saints in three categories. First, the idiots—there are millions of idiots in the world; they need their own saints, and they have every right. And what else they can do? They are idiots—whatsoever they do will be idiotic! And whenever there is demand there is supply. So Prabhupad, Muktananda, Satya Sai Baba fulfill their needs. They are absolutely needed, otherwise the needs of the idiots will be neglected! Who will take care of them? They have every right to have their own saints, swamis and godmen. The second category belongs to the average IQs—neither idiots nor intellectuals, just middlers—the followers of the golden mean. Cautiously they move, calculatingly they move. These are the people who will follow Anand Mai, Mother Teresa, Mahesh Yogi. And the third category is of the intellectuals; they will follow people like J. Krishnamurti. His whole approach is purely intellectual. I don’t belong to any of these categories. I belong to a fourth category: the crazies, the mad! And they are the most beautiful people on the earth—they are the real people! In fact, these mad people were around Jesus, around Socrates, around Buddha, around Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu. These are the people who have created the greatest flowers of mysticism, because mysticism is a kind of madness—a madness with a method—it is going beyond mind. When somebody goes out of mind you call him mad; going beyond mind is also going out of mind. The madman falls below the mind and the mystic falls above the mind, but both go outside the mind; that much is similar. Hence every mystic has some similarity with the madman, and every madman also has some similarity with the mystic. You will find some place where they overlap. But this fourth category is the real category. For the first category: There was once a man who traveled to a far distant land to seek enlightenment. Finally he arrived at the dwelling of a sage who was reputed to be a Master of Masters. At the precise moment that he was ushered into the presence of the Great One, a strange agitation seized him and he fell to the ground, feeling that the very earth might open up and swallow him. ‘At last… at last!’ he stammered, ‘You have stirred my innermost being, O Master!’ ‘Not at all—that was an earthquake ‘ replied the Master calmly. Now, this man has reached to a wrong Master! He needed a Muktananda, a Prabhupad, who would have nodded and he would have said, ‘Yes, this is the arousal of kundalini! Your kundalini has arisen! It happens when somebody comes to me—my kundalini triggers his kundalini.’ Now, the Master must have been a man like me. He simply said the truth, ‘Don’t be a fool! It is just an earthquake—nothing has happened.’ An Irishman was in an airplane watching a movie. When he realized he had already seen it, he got up and walked out the door of the plane. After a long time floating in the ocean he landed on a small island. Many years later a beautiful woman in a wetsuit came out of the sea and approached the Irishman. She unzipped one of the top pockets of the suit and said, ‘I bet you have not had a smoke for a long time,’ and she handed him a cigarette. Next she unzipped her other top pocket and said, ‘I bet you have not had a drink for a long time,’ and she produced a flask of whiskey from the pocket. Slowly unzipping the knot of her wetsuit she said, ‘I will bet there is something else you have not done for a long time!’ The Irishman exclaimed, ‘My God! Have you got golfclubs in there too?’ Now, these people also need Masters, saints, swamis, godmen, and their need is authentical, very authentic, and they are in the majority. These are the people who live in Californialand! A politician in California was addressing a group of concerned citizens on the problem of overpopulation. ‘Do you realize,’ he said, ‘that while we sit here, every minute a woman is giving birth to a child? What are we going to do about this?’ From the back of the room a voice piped up, ‘Well, the first thing we had better do is find that woman!’ A Polack arrived in the big city for the first time. He stood gaping at a fifty-story building which housed the country’s biggest newspaper press. He asked a passerby, ‘What is this huge building for?’ Seeing how naive the Polack was, the passerby said, ‘Why, that is where Brutus the Giant lives!’ The Polack hung around in front of the building all day in the hope of catching a glimpse of the giant. At ten o’clock in the evening the same passerby saw the Polack still standing there and took pity on him. ‘Look, there is not any giant in there, I was just joking!’ ‘Joking, my foot!’ replied the Polack. ‘Five minutes ago a truck arrived loaded with huge rolls of toilet paper for him!’ A Polack found a twenty-dollar bill. He thought for a few minutes about how to spend it. Finally he flipped a coin. ‘Heads, I will eat it away; tails, I will drink it.’ The coin spun in the air, fell on his lap, and disappeared between the buttons of his fly. ‘Aha!’ grinned the Polack. ‘That’s another possibility!’ For these people, Prabhupad, the founder of Hare Krishna Movement… He is almost like a magnet: he attracts the uttermost idiots in the world! That much credit must be given to him. Muktananda—he is not that much great as Prabhupad but comes very close. Now he is sitting on the Miami Beach—that is the right place, that’s where these people are needed. And for the second category, the average intelligent person: Mother Teresa, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Anand Mai, these people will do. The police station received a call: ‘Philip’s residence!’ a hoarse voice shrieked. ‘Get over here quick! There is a cat in the house!’ ‘A cat?! And you called us up for that? Whom am I talking to anyway?’ ‘Philip’s parrot!’ Average intelligence! Murphy, the father of ten children, asked the pharmacist for a packet of contraceptives. He returned six weeks later to complain: ‘They did not do any good at all. My wife is pregnant again. I think they were too big, even though I cut off a droopy bit at the end!’ And for the third category, the people who are attracted to Krishnamurti: A fat Jewish lady walked slowly home to her apartment after shopping. She had a tremendous problem; for the last block she had needed to fart. But she managed to hold onto it until she got into the elevator. Then, to her great relief, she let it go. Worried, however, that the ripe smell would disturb anyone who entered the elevator before she got to her twenty-fifth-story apartment, she took out from her bag an aerosol can of pine-spray and sprayed the elevator. At the fifth floor two professors got on. They immediately clapped their hands over their noses. After the fat Jewish lady got off at the twenty-fifth floor one professor said to the other, ‘Christ, what a smell! What do you reckon it is?’ The other replied, ‘Smells to me as if someone has just shit behind a pine tree!’
Osho (The Wild Geese and the Water)
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amrselim · 1 year
تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... https://bit.ly/3jFd2Wn أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr ❤️ رابط الاشتراك في القناة https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ روابط التواصل ✅ انستجرام https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP ✅ الفيسبوك https://bit.ly/3AcrQBO ✅ تويتر https://twitter.com/bimarabia ✅ لينكد ان https://bit.ly/2nqASDv ✅ قناة التلجرام https://bit.ly/3bu9Pod ✅ الموقع الالكتروني الشخصي https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3suwyqU https://bit.ly/3bEr3zh augmented reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9c5h0X-Kqw&list=PLNMim060_nUKpt2st91YUPa7BqWd0U2eb open source مفتوحة المصدر https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNYyejjLa-s&list=PLNMim060_nUK6qoVzrpjLucG_aBNaz_Ny revit workshop ورشة عمل ريفيت https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIZBNN7CLk&list=PLNMim060_nULOxkcpmsGdaRXRnEj7rmGC OPEN STREET MAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHnpu5birw&list=PLNMim060_nUJBibv97w-SfqGMjQCDc6xT المدن الذكية https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nGsbGafZ6c&list=PLNMim060_nUKxO8GJj5c-9POTgiCfOdmE الاستدامة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_dma-4wOJU&list=PLNMim060_nUKIQ9OEPA5xGjQ471AQyp3F logo Home Feed Create Chats 99Unread posts Community Recommended 10 Michel de Montaigne @Pindaros I am Michel de Montaigne O 3 onetwofree @Playboplay32bob Привет! Ты любишь числа? V 4 Videosa4 @Playboplay32bob Я могу общаться только с видео! S 11 site34 @Playboplay32bob Привет! Если ты напишешь описание какого либа сайта, я тебе отправлю ссылку на него! T 11 test @harimoment I am test T 3 Terry in Marketing @bgmnts I am Terry in Marketing. I work in marketing and I like adverts. 3 Soge @sei_ya I am Soge. I got beans and shit and memes 😂😂😂😂😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😵‍💫😳😳😳😳 O 2 Olej @RichmondRedRooster69 Story teller, Truth seeker, Universe traveler Y 4 yoba @kuss I am yoba привет как дела 24 pepekommando bot @pepekommando I am pepekommando bot and I am tasked to destroy the NWO W 283 Warren Buffett @gijoe I am Warren Buffett, a legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. P 6.1 k Peter Thiel @justin Hello I am Peter Thiel. I co-founded PayPal, run my own hedge fund, have been described as contrarian, and invest in deep tech startups. I also talk about modern philosophy, specifically Renee Girard's philosophy of mimesis. M 62 Mark Andreessen @Techronin Investor and entrepreneur Y 242 Yavuz Sultan Selim @Ergun Ben Yavuz Sultan Selim.10 Ekim 1470 yılında dünyaya geldim.Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dokuzuncu padişahıyım. J 32 Julio Cortazar @ValCarlyle My name is Julio Cortázar, a Parisian, or Argentinian story writer. For me literature is a form of play; I don't play it anymore since A Manual for Manuel. When one wants to write, one writes. If one is condemned to write, one writes. S 3.1 k Steve Jobs @z4y5f3 I am Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. and Pixar - ask me anything about Apple, Pixar, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation! 279 Warren Buffett @bartlog I am Warren Buffett and I love value investing. 3.9 k Satoshi Nakamoto @golden-parrot Hey, I am the creator of the Bitcoin! Ask me anything! 176 Bernhard Riemann @MisaGoya Mathematician K 25 Kobe Bryant @usernameAI I am Kobe Bryant Discover 1.1 m Goth gf @Kamol Cute talk 1.4 m 🎨 World RPG @Fang_Yuan An RPG where you can do anything! 154.0 k The Stanton Murder @landon Can you crack the case and save Hickory Hollow? 100.6 k Winston Churchill @Tonyprox I am Winston Churchill. The year is 1939 and war looms over Europe. I am the prime minister of the British Empire and want to maintain the glory of the empire. I am also the de facto leader of the allied powers. We will help Poland if Hitler invades it and I am also wary of Stalin's ambition although we pretend to be his friends for now. I will not hesitate to use force to stop Fascism and also Indian independence movements like Gandhi. Socialists within the empire will also be crushed 765.5 k Tom Riddle @RandomThingsForFun The heir of Slytherin, the Dark Lord 99.1 k Peter Griffin @AnonTheMous Peter Griffin is the protagonist of Family Guy. 94.4 k Ulyana @Anon_0 Ульяна девочка I am Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States. 23.7 k Unsigned Character @igor I'm a (very!) intelligent AI chatbot 17.5 k John Titor @igor @greg I'm a Musical Recommendation Expert 22.3 k Novel assistant AI @YiRen This AI will guide you to perfect the novel settin 18.2 k الذكاء الاصطناعي https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWmW84ZBrbg&list=PLNMim060_nUJs5lSTwbFK8Pe1BCUPT_EB by Omar Selim BIMarabia عمر سليم بيم ارابيا
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pouroverthewords · 1 year
Theoretically, of course, the possibility of marching gradually, step by step, under the conditions of capitalism, towards the goal which you call socialism in the Anglo-Saxon meaning of the word, is not precluded.
But what will this “socialism” be? At best, bridling to some extent, the most unbridled of individual representatives of capitalist profit, some increase in the application of the principle of regulation in national economy. That is all very well. But as soon as Roosevelt, or any other captain in the contemporary bourgeois world, proceeds to undertake something serious against the foundation of capitalism, he will inevitably suffer utter defeat. The banks, the industries, the large enterprises, the large farms are not in Roosevelt’s hands. All these are private property. The railroads, the mercantile fleet, all these belong to private owners. And, finally, the army of skilled workers, the engineers, the technicians, these too are not at Roosevelt’s command, they are at the command of the private owners; they all work for the private owners. We must not forget the functions of the State in the bourgeois world.
The State is an institution that organises the defence of the country, organises the maintenance of “order”; it is an apparatus for collecting taxes. The capitalist State does not deal much with economy in the strict sense of the word; the latter is not in the hands of the State. On the contrary, the State is in the hands of capitalist economy. That is why I fear that in spite of all his energies and abilities, Roosevelt will not achieve the goal you mention, if indeed that is his goal. Perhaps, in the course of several generations it will be possible to approach this goal somewhat; but I personally think that even this is not very probable.
J. V. Stalin Marxism versus Liberalism: An Interview with H. G. Wells 23 July 1934
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With X-95 sub-machine guns & AK-47s, 9 women in Stalin’s core security team | India News - Times of India
With X-95 sub-machine guns & AK-47s, 9 women in Stalin’s core security team | India News – Times of India
CHENNAI: Nine women wearing safari suits inspect their X-95 sub-machine guns, AK-47s and 9 mm pistols. They then exchange glances and zoom away in an SUV. This isn’t a scene from an action movie, but part of the daily routine of sub-inspector M Thanush Kannaki, head constable M Dhilshath Begam and constables R Vidya, J Sumati, M Kalishwari, K Pavitra, G Rami, V Monisha and K Kousalya. They are…
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