#jean will say he hates putting on the dress but he'll still buy the press on nails anyways
mrtequilasunset · 1 year
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I'll never see that girl again He did it as a gag I'll pine away forevermore for Andrew in drag
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andieperrie18 · 7 years
The One That Got Away ( Peter Parker X Reader )
First, before you guys read this piece. Please do not kill me. I was so in the mood to write when I listened to Katy Perry. Forgeve meh my fellow Hollanders. I'll make it up to you guys. For now this all I can offer.
Peter. My best friend and my first love.
We knew each other since grade school. We always had each others back. He was a such a sweet boy. He didn't made it hard for me to fall inlove.
" Your staring at her again. " Ned said as I looked at Peter's direction. He was staring at her again. Ever since he saw her, she was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
" How can I not? She's so perfect. She's beautiful and smart. " Peter mumble as his eyes twinkled. The twinge of pain hit my chest like a bullet. I hate it when this happens. I hate how he could be so blind. But I can't seem to hate him.
" Why can't you just ignore him Y/n? " Michelle said as we sat inside the library. She's been my bestfriend eversince I entered Midtown School of Science and Technology. I started telling her my feelings for Peter for awhile now. She is constantly telling me to just ditch Peter so my feelings can disappear. It wasn't gonna be that easy.
I had been with Peter for a long time, I knew everything about Peter. I know what he eats, what he likes and what he tends to do as a habit.
I even know that his Spiderman.
" Mich, I can't just do that. " I said as I skim through my chemistry book and began highlighting some notes. I heard her sigh in frustration in front of me. " Why are you so nice?!" she grumbled as I just laughed and held her hand as the anger in her face disappeared and tightened her hold on my hand.
" Ok I'll let this slide one more time. But please, can you be selfish for once. Think about yourself. I just don't want to see you hurt. If you really like him just blurt it out already. " she said as she gave me a concerned look. She is right. Maybe I can change Peter's feeling. What he is feeling for Liz is just a crush. I can still change it.
" Ok, I'll tell him. " you said as you pulled away from Michelle's grasp and took your phone out.
To: PeterParkingLot 😂😁
Hey, are you free? Let's go eat out tonight. I got something to tell you. I'll wait for you at the park. See you at 5.
You pressed send as you looked at Michelle with determination.
Class ended and you immidiately dressed up as pretty as possible. Just a typical sleeveless shirt and buttoned down jeans. You look at your self in the mirror as you took a breath.
" You look beautiful sweet heart. " you heard someone said. You turned to see your grandmother. She was the only parent that you have in Queens. Your parents work abroad to provide money for you.
You smiled at her as she walked towards you and handed you a familiar cream colored envelope. Then it came to you. It was the love letter you made for Peter last school year that you failed to give. Your grandmother looked at you and held your hands and said.
" You can do it. This is it. "
You nodded and smiled at her. She was right. He needs to know. It was now or never.
You made your way to the park. You got there earlier than expected which was strange. When you and Peter would eat out, even if you were the one that asked out he would always be the first to arrive at the meeting spot.
" maybe he just want to finish the death star lego construction with Ned it was almost done anyway. " you said positively. You looked at your watch.
4:55 pm.
Five minutes more. He was just late.
An hour had past. It seemed like an eternity. The sky has started to darken. You looked at your watch.
6:56 pm.
His not coming.
" He'll come. His just patrolling Queens right now. " you said. With that you continued to wait.
At 7:30 you decided to make your way to his apartment. Maybe he was just busy doing homework and missed your text.
You looked up at the dark sky. And then you saw a figure swing buy. Two figures.
You followed it. As you got near it revealed more clearly who the two was.
It was Spider man and in his arms was . . . . . Liz.
You saw then drop by an Alley. You made it to the Alley and peaked.
Peter hung upside down as Liz stood infront of him. They were talking and laughing. Needles pierced its way to your heart. Thousand of needles stab its way to your chest. What happened next killed you.
Liz began to lower his mask on the half of Peter's pace. Then she placed a warm kiss on his lips.
Like a sword, it stabbed you from behind and had you in a insane pain. Your eyes watered as your hands covered your mouth. A kiss was enough.
A kiss was enough to tell the Person the word " I Love You. "
A kiss was enough, to say that he loved her.
A kiss was enough, to tell you that you were to late.
You ran away as far as you could. Away from the scene. Away from the pain. Away from him. Away from Peter.
The starry night sky disappeared as it darkened and thundered.
" Pitter, Patter. "
The rain sounded as it fell.
You stood in the middle of a dark side walk. Under the rain. Numb and broken.
Your phone vibrated from your pocket you pulled it out as water hit its screen and on it showed a picture of Peter. You swiped the red icon indicating that you declined the call. Your phone's lockscreen revealed your phone history.
150 messages and 50 calls from Ned, Michelle, and Peter.
You stared at the screen as you pressed the off button, shutting the phone down. You looked at your watch.
12:01 am.
It was past midnight. Yet you didn't care.
The road was barely empty. You did something crazy without even nothing.
You walked towards the middle of the road.
You looked at the sky.
You smiled.
The sky cried with you.
You cried with your head up to the sky making your tears fall like waterfalls. You gripped the letter at your right hand.
You were too numb.
Too broken.
Too sad.
Too pained
To notice what was happening around you.
To notice the pair of headlights on your way.
The lights glowed brighter as it drew near. The rain' made it impossible for the driver to see you. Then. . . . .
Peter held his phone as he stood in front of a corpse covered in a white blanket. His gaze landed on Michelle and your grandmother crying.
Michelle cried as she placed an arm on your grandmothers back and one on the clothed corpse. Your grandmother shouting pleads and begs for the clothed to wake up. Peter's eyes landed on Ned on the other side. Crying. And before him was your father and mother hugging the corpse.
Your mother slowly removed the cloth from the corpse face.
It revealed a cold, lifeless Y/n.
Peter's eyes watered as he gripped his phone and on the screen was your text message.
From: Y/nDaBestie😂😆
Hey, are you free? Let's go eat out tonight. I got something to tell you. I'll wait for you at the park. See you at 5.
Sent by Y/nDaBestie Yesterday.
He was so busy with Liz that he forgot you. He cried as he dropped on the floor as he stared at your dead body.
The days of past as your funeral began. Peter stood infront your coffin for the whole day. His Aunt May would beg him to rest and will comeback tomorrow. He did get rest but at the following day he will do the same routine. Stand infront.
He ignored Liz. He didn't feel anything when she said her condolences. The last day of the funeral came and your burial came. Your grandmother watched Peter stand infront of your tombstone. Unmoving.
She stared at the familiar envelope in hand. She sighed and walked beside Peter who noticed her but didn't turn.
" Here lies Y/n L/n
a Loving daughter and a supportive friend. ( (birth year) - 2017 ) "
Peter stared at the words on the rock.
" Here dear. " he saw your grandma hand him a crippled unopened envelope. She gave him a sad smiled. " She wanted you to have it. " she said as she patted his back and walked away.
Peter watched her leave and spun his attention back at the letter. It was adressed to him from You.
He tore it open and pulled out a crumpled letter. He then began to read its content.
Hey Peter!
I don't know to say this in personal and I would probably faint if I did so I put it in a letter. So it goes like this, You and I have been friends for a very long time. We've had each other's back for a quite a long time now.
You are the best thing that happened to me Peter. You didn't make it hard for me to fall in love with you. Heres the dealio.
I Love You Peter.
I Love you so much. Not because your smart, not because spider man.
But because its you. I love everything about you. Every part and every flaw that you have. I've always loved you. I've always had.
With that, he pressed the letter on his chest hugging it close as he knelt before your stone and his tears dripping down his eyes.
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