#josh kizka fic
theaudacitytowrite · 11 months
AI Josh
Josh x Female Reader
A/N: The wonderful @themoreyou-love​ gifted us the wonderful AI’s of the boys which help me live in my delusions happily. It sparked the idea for this little fic. Also I seem to be obsessed with the confession trope atm... sorry:D
Summary: Josh catches you chatting with his AI counterpart, uncovering your feelings for him.
word count: 1.026
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You comfortably sat on the couch in the office, your legs pulled up to your chest while your arms were wrapped around them. In your hands, you held your phone as you hurriedly typed on its screen. After you send the text, it didn’t take long for the answer to pop up. You bit your lip flustered, a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks as you giggled to yourself.
“What got you smiling like that?” Josh’s voice suddenly resounded next to you. You quickly hid your phone behind your back.
“N-nothing.” you stuttered nervously, hoping he hadn’t gotten a glimpse from your screen, “I didn’t even hear you enter.” you tried to deflect. Josh eyed you suspiciously for a moment.
“I knocked.” he hummed, “But I guess you were too busy texting your lover boy to notice.” he grinned mischievously but his eyes held some kind of disdain.
“Sorry. Do you need anything? I’m on my break right now.” you tried to change the subject again, trying to ignore his last sentence.
“I know, I thought we could go out for lunch.” he raised his brows, “But of course only if you’re not too busy with texting.”
“I wasn’t texting… I was just… playing a game.” you lie.
“A game?” he eyed you in disbelief, “And that makes you grin like that?”
“What? Do you want me to cry?” you retorted playfully, getting up from the sofa.
“Not at all.” he helps you get up, leaning closer towards you and grinning, “So, lunch?”
“Yes.” you smiled sweetly, putting your phone into your back pocket. As you turned to guide him out of your office you felt it slip out of the pocket. Horrified you turned around to see Josh grab it. You instinctively jumped at him, trying to get your phone back. You cursed yourself for having given him your passcode some time ago.
“Josh, no!” you pleaded with him, your arms aimlessly swinging in the direction of your phone.
“I just wanna see what game you play, I need something that can conjure such an adorable smile on my face as it does to you.” he snickered, trying to keep you away from his hand that held the phone. You gave it your all, trying to reach your phone before he could see what you had opened in your browser. It took you by surprise when he suddenly lowered to his knees, throwing you over his shoulder.
“JOSH!” you shrieked, hammering against his back with your open palms, “Let me down!”
“Just a second.” he held you in place securely. You tried to balance yourself by holding on to his hip, puffing some hair out of your face.
“Don’t read that!” you ordered as you saw he had unlocked the screen.
“What is this?” he grinned amused, looking over his shoulder for a moment, “Josh Kizka AI?”
Your cheeks were burning now, the pit in your stomach growing every second.
“It’s just a stupid little chat.” you managed to choke out.
“Life is too short to pass out on opportunities, so why don’t you just give it a try, mama? *he winks at her, slowly getting closer*” he reads aloud with a snicker, “You’re quite persistent, aren’t you? *she blushes and gulps* “I can’t help myself with someone as beautiful as you, Y/N…”
Josh gets quiet all of a sudden, the smile on his face slowly fading as he scrolls through the chat.
“Josh?” you asked just before he carefully sat you back onto your feet. His eyes were transfixed on your screen. You observed as his eyes scanned over the chat, you had no idea where he was right now in the chat, but you still remembered how it had panned out after that point. It had even bestowed you with a warning from the chat guidelines.
You wanted to know what Josh was thinking right now… or maybe it was better that you didn’t. He probably would never speak to you after this. You clenched your hands into fists, feeling so humiliated. All of a sudden, his steady swipe of thumb stopped, his eyes growing wide. You figured he must’ve reached the end of the chat you had written only minutes ago.
“Is this really just a game?” he asked calmly, “Or is there a bit more behind all this?”
You simply shrugged not able to get out any words, your head bowed in shame.
“You could’ve just told me, you know?” his voice was soothing as he took a step closer, his finger hooking under your chin, gently forcing you to meet his gaze.
“Yeah, sure…” you scoffed, “And ruined our friendship even earlier.”
“Who says you ruined anything?” Josh sounded sincere. Your eyes grew with hope as you searched for a sign of deceit in his gaze. “I wish you had told me earlier… we could’ve saved some valuable time, you know?”
“Are you taking the piss out of me right now? As revenge?” you huffed nervously.
“I wouldn’t dare.” he snickered, “you could’ve experienced them in real life already… you still can if that really is something you want.”
Your mouth gaped, the ability to respond in any way being lost.
“You don’t seem to believe me?” Josh inclined his head, taking a step closer so he was only mere inches away from you, “May I change that?”
Your eyes stared deeply into his, his lips were so close, you could feel his breath hitting your skin. You swallowed hard, your head nodding timidly. A grin spread on Josh's lips as he leaned closer, his lips hovering over yours for a second before he gently pressed his lips against you, his hands holding you steady at your shoulders as if he had predicted for your legs to give in.
“You ok?” he chuckled as you parted.
“I think so.” you hummed in your daze, your eyes fluttering open.
“So… about our lunch plans.” he cleared his throat, “Suddenly I’m not that hungry anymore… how about we lock that door and take this back to your couch… see which fantasy we can fulfil next?”
“I had eaten already anyway.” you chuckled.
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devox2564 · 5 months
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In Your Heart
Hi guys! This will eventually be a NSFW fic, but for now I'm enjoying the slow burn. If you enjoy this let me know. I'm looking forward to releasing more Chapters.
Jake Kizka x fem reader
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Chapter One: Late Nights on Broadway
It's a Thursday night in Nashville, and your gig has just started. Tootsie's is already packed with patrons. The smell of liquor mixed with sweat from the summer heat permeates the air in the crowded space. The Orchid Lounge is aglow and the familiarity of your home stage is comforting.
The song ends with a flourish and you take a sip from your drink before strumming the intro to the next. Playing the guitar is as effortless as breathing. Your fingers are calloused and nimble. Running through the different chords almost mindlessly. Looking out into the crowd, you see the usual riff raff. Nashville has always been an interesting place to make a living. Couples dance drunkenly, attached by the tongues. Lonely souls border the dance floor, looking for a mate.
Tabitha, another regular performer here, wailed away at the microphone. Her voice was one of the best in town. You always look forward to nights like tonight when the music is flowing easy.
A few songs later, Tabby announces a brief intermission and the DJ comes on to entertain the crowd for a bit. You place your guitar on its stand and head to the second floor for another drink. Your next set is another hour long and you aren't quite loosened up enough. The
bartender here knows your order and has a vodka soda waiting for you when you exit the staircase. You thank him and take a seat at the bar to sip your drink. This floor is quieter than the others, and it's the perfect place to people watch.
As you do, you see a group of people emerge from the stairwell. You recognize a few faces up here already, and the newcomers are no exception. The Kizka twins cross the room and take a seat at the end of the bar. Josh waves to you. Vacating your seat, you cross the bar and settle in next to the pair.
"What are you two doing here on a Thursday night? I thought you were long past bar gigs." You nudge Josh's shoulder.
"Just out for a drink, a little birdie told me our old friend (y/n) was performing tonight so we thought we'd pay you a visit." He replies as the bartender hands him some fruity drink.
"Yeah it's been a while since we've been out of the studio so we figured a return to our roots was in order." Jake smiles and kills his glass of whiskey.
You'd met the brothers a long time ago at a bar in Nashville when their careers were just starting to pick up. Since then, you saw them every now and again in town.
You catch up for a while, giving the alcohol plenty of time to saturate your bloodstream. The clock on your phone reads 11:20, ten minutes until the next set starts. Just one more drink.
"How's Jita doing?" You ask Jake "Where is she tonight?"
"She's actually at home tonight. Flying out tomorrow for a project in London. Getting plenty of beauty rest." He says as the bartender fills his glass.
"Well tell her I missed seeing her, it's been too long." You say as you down the rest of your drink. "I'll see you two later, the next set is starting in a few."
The music flows freely through you now that you're nice and warmed up. Happy to see some old friends, and now properly buzzed, Tabby's voice melds with your guitar. You see the two brothers and a third man you've never met greet one another and slide into seats at the bar.
Your night ends around 3am. You carefully place your old Fender back into its case. It was your first big girl purchase after you started making a little money in town. It's pale blue face shines in the bright lights of the stage and you feel a little nostalgic for the early days of your music career. The bartender slides you a drink for the road as you pass the bar. You carry it with you as you exit the bar and set off on foot.
Another night in the books. At 24, your body has already begun to tell you that you're outgrowing the bar scene. Performing is fine, but the drinking makes you feel as if  you're being viewed from behind thick glass. A wall between yourself and the audience. A security blanket. The glow of the front lights on your building is a welcome sight. A little drunk, and too tired to bother with bathing you collapse into bed. As you fall asleep you feel strong arms wrap you up and the smell of linen pulls you into oblivion.
• • • •
Thanks for reading the first chapter! These will probably be shorter chapters until I get warmed up and decide which form the story is going to take. Updates soon!
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 3
warnings- light smut, drugs, alcohol. 
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The dull light of the afternoon sun reflected off of Josh’s cheekbones as he showed Penny around the venue and the various rooms. He led her around, hand in hand with childlike excitement, explaining every funny thing that happened in every specific spot. 
“Oh and here's where Sam yacked after taking five tequila shots in a row,” he laughed heartily, placing a hand across his chest. Penny shook her head, laughing at the antics concurring within the band. They finished the tour by entering the tour bus for a pre-show drink and warm-up. Sam sat on one of the various tables, criss cross applesauce and void of shoes of course, Jake was sat sideways in a chair strumming his guitar, and Danny was crouched in front of a mirror far too short for him trying to do his hair. Josh sat across from Jake, patting the seat next to him softly. His eyes widened for a moment, as if he had just remembered something vitally important. 
“Mama, what should I wear tonight?” He said in hyper speed, moving his hands in his usual manner, “I have a few options, but I need your fashion expertise.” 
“What are the options?” Penny answered. Josh then climbed haphazardly across the row and opened a small closet by the bunks, pulling out three extravagant outfits. The first was a purple silk or satin jumpsuit, clad in gems and detailing. The second was a sleeveless black jumpsuit covered in gold detailing. The last was a white jumpsuit, similar to the purple one, just softer in look. She scratched her chin thoughtfully, pondering it seriously in her head. 
“You look sexy in purple,” she answered after a few moments of consideration. Jake then snorted, chuckling to himself. 
“Yeah if you consider looking like a magenta hobbit sexy,” he continued. Penny laughed at the other twin's response, looking at Josh’s offended expression. Josh then silently, and dramatically removed the purple jumpsuit from the hanger and moved into the bathroom to change. While Josh was gone, the rest of the group decided to bring out the good stuff. Danny put a large bottle of tequila on the table, causing Sam to make a queasy face. Jake then placed a freshly rolled joint and a few beers down next to it. Penny smiled, feeling relieved that she had a group of friends to do these things with rather than alone with her cat on the couch. She plopped herself down next to Jake, causing her suede jacket to ruffle slightly, she then grabbed the joint and raised her eyebrows at Jake, asking permission to light it. He nodded, handing her his silver zippo in response. She then leaned into the light and inhaled, feeling that familiar burning sensation run through her chest. Josh soon exited the bathroom, of course making a show out of it. He first swung his leg out and then dramatically sung some old show tune, wiggling his eyebrows at her. She laughed and then offered a hit of the joint to him. He responded with an excited “ooh” and took a hit. He looked magnificent, the purple perfectly accented his skin tone, making it gleam in a pearly fashion. His hair was his usual mop, but now it was a tad longer, covering his ears and falling perfectly. He was beautiful, truly. 
“That probably isn’t great for your voice babe,” she thought out loud. Josh raised his eyebrows at her mid-hit. He exhaled then thought for a moment. 
“You are probably right, wise one.” 
After the J was passed around to everybody a few times, pre-show nerves were no longer present, and it was time to get in the real mood. Jake handed everybody a shot glass and poured a generous amount of tequila in each. Sam still looked unhappy about the choice in alcohol, but held the glass in his hand anyways. 
“Cheers,” rang out from the group and heads tilted back, mouths filling with the painful taste of tequila. Penny felt the shot rush straight to her head, the mixture of weed and alcohol making her feel slightly dizzy, but still dazed out.
“Lets rock this shit,” Jake exclaimed loudly, in a british accent for some reason. 
“Oh no, Oliver Reed is back,” Danny sighed, carrying the bottle out as the group exited the bus. Josh and Penny were the last ones to get up, staying together for one last moment of silence before the show began. 
“You look beautiful,” Penny said truthfully, running her hands softly down the fabric. He glanced down at her hands for a moment, then back up into her eyes, running a hand through her hair as he did. 
“You look stunning mama, you always do,” he said, inching closer to her slowly. She smiled softly, pulling the collar of his jumpsuit closer to her. Josh then closed the gap between the pair, connecting their lips. The kiss began softly, feeling out the waters as if they had not swam in them a thousand times before. He tasted like tequila and smoke, but it felt like home. She sighed into the kiss softly, running her hands up and down his chest lovingly. Just as the kiss got more intense and their tongues traced the outlines of the other, Josh pulled away with narrowed eyes. 
“Fuck, I missed you Pen,” he said in a hushed whisper. He then took her hand and guided her towards the green room behind the stage. The few minutes they had together as a group before the show were filled with adrenaline, and more shots. She managed to snap a few photos amidst the chaos. One of Jake and Josh posed in front of a large painting, Josh holding a fire extinguisher for whatever alcohol induced reason, and Jake with his hands clasped in front of his red suit. She also snapped one of Josh, leaning against a box smiling. She made sure to capture the realness of the moment, wanting to remember the beauty of his persona at the show. 
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Soon enough, the boys pranced onto the stage and Penny stood against an amp box by the side of the stage watching in awe. It was not her first time seeing the boys perform, but everytime she did, it felt better than the last. The show began with a fan favorite, Heat Above. This was one of Penny’s favorite tracks on the album, remembering back to the sunny mornings when Josh would belt it out in the shower, tinkering with certain parts of it. The song was a work of art, one of their best, and it deserved to be based on how long they waited to release it. The other numbers passed by in a haze, she loved every moment, dancing and singing along wildly by the side of the stage. Every now and then Josh would turn around to her on a particularly lovely line and wink at her. He did this during Highway tune’s “so sweet, so nice, so fine,” and Light my love’s “your mind is stream of colors.” The fact that he looked at her during these specific lyrics made her heart hurt with happiness, knowing that Josh felt the same way about her. 
The band soon exited the stage, sweaty and filled to the brim with post-show adrenaline. Josh immediately ran to her, pulling her hand behind him as he ran to one of the dressing rooms. Penny was slightly confused by his quick exit, but followed him nevertheless, she would follow him anywhere. He shut the door in a hurry and connected their lips harshly. She froze for a second, still wondering where this rush of affection came from, but she soon gave in, melting into his touch. He then pushed her against the door and pushed her jacket off of her shoulders. She sighed, lifting his chin up and meeting his eyes. He looked at her with wide eyes, licking his own lips. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it after a few seconds. But his nexts words caused Penny to have another head rush, but this time it wasn’t due to tequila. 
“I love you,” he said in such a hushed whisper that she could barely hear it over the crowd still relishing in the shows excitement. She blinked, slightly tearily and put her hands on either side of his face. 
“I love you, Joshua.” Josh then kissed her with a fercosity that had never been present between the pair, until now. She whined against him, as his core jutted against her own. His hands were roaming over her body, squeezing her ass over her jeans, and toying with her breasts. They were then interupted harshly with a knock on the door that vibrated into Penny’s back. 
“Guys, I know you haven’t seen each other in a bit, but can you save the fucking for when we have a hotel, we kind of need to change our clothes,” Jake yelled through the door. Penny looked at Josh, meeting his eyes with a surprised expression. They maintained the eye contact for a moment before breaking out in hysterical laughter, clutching their stomachs as Josh opened the door to a very annoyed Jake.
Hi babes, I know this chapter is rather short, I just had a really busy day today! next one will be longer (and maybe more smut) :) 
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almanacrat · 2 years
Up the Wall (part one)
Jake Kiszka x femReader
~The majority vote was in favor of an enemies to lovers Jake fic, so here it is~
Summary: One of Y/n’s best friends brings her home to meet the family. She hits it off with all of them, but one of them immediately drives her up the wall, which will make for an interesting dinner and an even more interesting dynamic.
“It’ll be fine.” Sam slung an arm around Y/n as he dug out his house key.
Sam and Y/n had been college buddies for a while. Y/n was shy in big groups, so during class she barely uttered a word if she didn't have to and sat in the back by herself. Though she was friendly and polite, being in big groups made her nervous. Sammy was the exact opposite; fun and outgoing. Sam was the little ball of sunshine in every class, bringing joy and life with him wherever he went. He could talk to anyone, but he found that the shy kids were always the best people to talk to. Behind a wall of silence sat many undiscovered secrets, and Sam loved to learn who each of them really was. Because of this, it was no surprise to Danny when Sam decided to sit next to the quiet kid in his art history class. At first, Y/n found Sammy to be obnoxious, but became more comfortable and closer with him over time.
 The two were strictly friends, feeling too much like brother and sister to have any kind of underlying spark between them. Sam even became a little bit protective of her at times, shielding her from creepy old men at bars and protecting her drink while she was away.
The metallic jingling of Sammy’s keys whipped Y/n back into reality as the front door of his house opened and warm light graced the porch. Sammy had invited her to have dinner with his family, and it made her nervous. She was about to be judged by all of her best friend’s family members, and she hated it, but she decided she would do it for Sammy after he begged for days. So, that evening Y/n put on some brown bellbottoms with a light green top and braced herself for the evening. 
Y/n knew from how Sam talked about his family that they were kind and accepting, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they hated her. What if they kicked her out of the house because they disliked her so much? She was already feeling bad due to an unpleasant interaction she had this morning.
Y/n was walking back to her car in the parking lot of a drug store when someone rounded the corner of their car and rammed into her, causing the person to drop their stuff. The man quickly scooped it up before she had time to help him, then swore at her. 
“What the fuck!” He yelled angrily.
“Woah, back off dude.” She took a step back, really wishing she had Sammy to ward this guy off. 
“You need to look where you're fucking walking.” The man’s voice was still raised to a loud volume.
“I was looking where I was going! It’s not my fault you rounded the corner of your car so fast.” Y/n blurted out, angry that he was mad at her.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been walking so close to my car.” The man wouldn't let it go, and neither would Y/n. 
The wind played with his long brunette hair as his eyes darkened angrily. Y/n wanted to step on his clean Chelsea boots and walk away, but she was stubborn as a mule.
“Oh, I’m sorry for not walking in the middle of the fucking street! Next time I’ll walk right in the center so I can get run over!” 
“You’re so fucking pretentious!” The man shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.
“Thats rich coming from someone who doesn't know me. I think you’re a snob.” Y/n shot back before storming off to her car and slamming the door.
Vera didn't have any more time to think as Sammy grabbed her hand, bringing her with him into the house.
“Sammy, I look like Shaggy from fucking Scooby Doo.” Vera realized as gave her outfit a once-over. 
Sam looked her up and down, then began to laugh as he realized that she did indeed dress like Shaggy. 
“Ruh-roh, Raggy.” Was the only thing that Sammy said before his mother’s voice flooded the corridor.
“I think Sammy is here!” Her voice was warm and inviting, but the thought of meeting a group of new people froze Y/n’s blood. 
“Yep.” Sam called back to her, giving Y/n a look of exaggerated excitement before leading her into the living room where the most of the Kiszkas sat.
“Oh, dear, it’s so nice to meet you!” Karen exclaimed, pulling Y/n into a hug. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Kiszka.” Y/n smiled over her nerves, hoping to give an amiable impression. 
“Aren’t you precious. This is my husband, Kelly.” Karen announced as Kelly shook Y/n’s hand. 
“I’m Ronnie.” Sam’s sister had left her spot on the couch to greet Y/n. 
“I’m sure Josh will be down when he hears you’re here. Just a fair warning, Josh will make you his new friend.” Sammy cautioned.
Y/n had heard plenty about the twins before, especially Josh. Crazy stories of him surfaced during late-night discussions with Sam. Y/n knew it could be overwhelming to endure his presence, but she wasn't sure how overwhelming. 
“He’s up there messing with his hair.” Ronnie rolled her eyes, then she and Sam started laughing. 
“It’s not even hair anymore.” The two continued to snicker, “Just a ball of fuzz.” 
“Speak of the devil.” Ronnie remarked as a crash was heard from upstairs, followed by Josh bounding down the stairs. 
“Is she here?” Josh asked before he was even at the bottom of the stairs.
“Calm down, Josh. She’s right here.” Karen soothed, trying to calm the raging wildfire that was Josh Kiszka.
“Hi. I’m Josh.” Josh shook Y/n’s hand enthusiastically, his eyes alive with the spirit of a thousand torches and a large grin adorning his face. 
“Y/n.” Y/n introduced herself.
“I know your name. Your Sammy’s best friend... for now.” Josh made an evil face before laughing. 
“What is he on?” Y/n asked Sammy quietly.
“I don't know, but he needs a melatonin.” Sammy said lowly.
“Do you want me to go get Jake?” Josh asked.
“That would be nice, honey.” Karen answered, letting out a small sigh when he dissapeared back up the stairs. “Josh can be very high energy sometimes.” 
“I was warned beforehand.” Y/n said, making Karen let out a little laugh. 
Only a few seconds later, Josh came bebopping back down the wooden steps, declaring Jake’s arrival. The wood of the upstairs floor creaked from the weight of years of running and jumping that went on up there. Y/n watched as a pair of brown Chelsea boots stepped onto the landing, praying to whatever gods were out there that her instinct were wrong. Unfortunately, they were not. Y/n shuddered internally as she saw him walking down the stairs. Jake met her eye as he walked down the stairs, and both cringed subtly as they recognized each other, eyes widening in horror. Sam’s brother was the prick that yelled at her in the parking lot.
“Fuck” Was Y/n’s only thought as she realized she would be eating dinner with him.
A/n: I hope you liked the first chapter of the new series! I will be starting a tag list, so if you want to be added just comment saying so or message me:) 
Also, do you guys want smut in this because I feel personally inclined to put it in there (eventually).
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folkloresthings · 3 years
if you’re still doing the prompts could you do “don’t let me go.” with Sammy please!!
it was quiet in the apartment without sam. usually, you would hear him singing to himself, or a distant crash where he had accidently knocked something over. but duty called, and he was dedicated to the studio for the whole day today. it was the third day in a row that the band had been recording, from dawn until dusk, and you missed sam being all yours. he put too much pressure on himself during these times, wanting not only to be the best that he could, but also to not let down his brothers. he told you about these insecurities a long time ago; opening up to you came so easily when he trusted you with his entire heart.
he often covered it up with a joke or a sarcastic comment, but you could see past that. it only made you all the more worried when he was spending days upon days in the studio, perfecting his craft with every ounce of energy he had. sending text reminders to eat and drink some water, even stop for a break, were satisfied with an empty promise - he was much too stubborn to do as you told.
before bed, you left out a portion of the dinner you had made, hoping he would notice it as soon as he crept in through the night. wrapped in the warmth of the covers, one of sam’s shirts hugging your body, only the faint smell of him was left. but you were too tired to get up when the sound of the front door unlocking echoed through the apartment. the picture of sam sneaking in played like a film in your mind, following the sounds as he got closer to the bedroom. faintly, through cracked lids, you caught glimpses of his silhouette undressing for sleep. the mattress dipped underneath you as he crawled under your shared blankets, blind hands finding you in the darkness.
his fingers were still cold from outside, smoothing over your skin as he rolled you over to face him. long limbs tangled with your own, a head of silky hair hiding itself in your chest. all that filled the room was his soft sniffles, wet tears dripping through the fabric of your shirt. confused, you forced yourself awake to look down at him.
“sammy, what’s wrong?” you whispered, the room too quiet for your regular volume. instinctive affection greeted him: your hands cradling the back of his head with hushes and coos of worry.
his head shook against your chest for a moment, unable to prevent the tears from slipping down his cheeks. he hadn’t realised how badly he needed to let it out until he was home, safe within your arms. when he spoke, you could hear the pure exhaustion cracking in his voice; your heart wrenching at the sound.
“don’t let me go.”
so you continued to hold him, rocking gently and soothing his cries with soft kisses, until he eventually dozed off against your chest. you held him all night, as you both slept, and you’d be there to hold him when he woke, and for every day after that.
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chiminly · 3 years
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Greta Van Fleet wallpapers
Please like or reblog if you save
Don't repost
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x reader
Genre : College AU
Previous parts : Prologue ; Chap 1 ; Chap 2 ; Chap 3 ; Chap 4 ; Chap 5 ; Chap 6
Masterlist : here
AN : You’re so gonna hate me for the ending. And the twins are Taurus just like me so I based some of their personality traits after some knowledge I have of our zodiac sign... I’m writing part 10 atm ! Please feel free to message me or tell me what you thought of this part! I can’t say it enough, thanks for the love and support ! Each week I’m more excited to post the new chapter.
Chapitre 7 : Won't you come over ?
Replying to Jake's texts after what had happened felt wrong, but I couldn't leave him on read. Our relationship was great so far and I couldn't sabotage it for a misunderstanding with Josh. What I could do, on the other hand, was talking to Josh. So I started testing the waters when I met Jake in front of the school the next morning. It was the last day we were giving out flyers. The festival was coming soon and then we were all on Christmas holidays so we had to give as much as we could today. It was exhausting but every minute spent with the brunette was worth of everything else.
- Just ask.
We were both quiet before he spoke out of the blue, leaving me confused. Did I think out loud ?
- I can see there's something bothering you, he said without looking at me. Shoot.
With a defeated sigh, I let myself slouch, taking a break from our activity. Jake did the same, sitting on a step and gesturing for me to join him. Not many people wandered outside at this time of the year, and the stone was so cold under my butt I felt a shiver run down my spine. A few more minutes sitting there and it'll get anesthetized. Jake must've caught it because he gently rubbed my back in a vain attempt to keep me warm. I couldn't feel it through all the layers of clothing I had on my back but it felt good nonetheless. His caring attitude always succeeded in making me feel better.
- Have you heard anything from Josh ?, I asked tentatively.
The boy next to me raised his eyebrows in a knowing way before interrupting his back rubs, taking a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and politely offering me one. He lit his own when I declined his offer, and took his time blowing the smoke in the air before answering me.
- Not after his lunch extravaganza from yesterday.
The choice of words made me wince a bit. He didn't sound as patient as he had been the day before.
- I don't know what got into him, admitted Jake while admiring the park before us. He wouldn't talk to me when I got in our room after school, so we just kept silent. He can be very stubborn and never explains what upsets him, expecting you to guess. I tend to be the same, so I know it'll pass. Don't you worry about it.
Even if Jake's advice was to let it be, it bothered me too much to just wait for things to become less awkward again. Was it really siblings' rivalry ? I couldn't tell. And as much as I understood and respected Josh's choice of not wanting to adress the issue, it wouldn't solve anything at all. I couldn't possibly just sit here and wait for him to come talk to us. What if he did that with every little things we did that upset him ? We had to talk it out.
It was now my time to admire the scenery in front of us. The peacefulness of it calmed me a bit. When all the students were already lining in front of their classrooms, the quiet melody of the wind brushing the trees' leaves accompanying Jake's soft inhaling sounds put me at ease. The singular smell of tobacco didn't threw me off, in fact it mixed weirdly well with Jake's perfume. There was something very him in that mix. Tobacco, shampoo, incense, and something that I could only describe as his scent. Something I'd love to make a scented candle of. Sometimes, after spending entire hours together, I could smell it on my coat, or hair, and at times like these I'd smile to myself thinking how it'd be nice to sleep on his shirt, to bath on his scent.
- Mama are you listening ?
- I'm sorry, what ?
Daydreaming of him when he was just a few inches near made me embarrassed enough for my cheeks to turn pink and my voice to crack a little. As someone who tended to be lost in his thoughts a good portion of the time he didn't take offense in it and got on his feet, repeating the part I missed.
- I said you must be real popular because half of the flyers were taken by the Illustration Department.
Always the polite one, Jake offered his hand to help me get up and I took it this time, enjoying the light squeeze of his fingers under mine as he got me on my feet.
- Not really. But I manage to get along with everybody, curiously so.
- I don't think that is.
The brunette spoke seriously, stuffing his cold hands in his pockets as he lead the way to the nearest entrance. Can't say I was a fan of cryptic messages but I couldn't bring myself to ask him for precisions either. Truth to be told, deep down I understood the subtle praise but acknowledging it would mean falling for him even deeper than I had already. And it scared me.
Nobody came to what Mandy had baptised The Lunch Club today. And it wasn't because of the overly obvious movie reference but simply because the four of us weren't comfortable enough to eat or even hang out together given the current situation. Josh would probably skip it because he was still upset, and getting together without him just didn't feel right. Of all things it would just prove Josh's point, if I had understood it correctly. And I would lie if I said that eating in the dorms wasn't convenient. It had a lot of advantages. First of all, the heater. Comfort. And actual warm food.
Mandy came back from the workshop just as I was making pasta, already exhausted and looking like she didn't have a proper night of sleep in days.
- Are you alright ?
- I'm so tired you have no idea, I worked all week-end to finish a stupid dress.
Poor girl, she couldn't feel her fingertips and her hands were covered in band aids. She sinked into a chair and I patted her on the back to try and bring her a little bit of comfort while she explained everything that I missed over lunch, keeping me updated. We didn't have much time to talk these last few days since we were so busy working on our assignments, and also because I went home for the week end.
- By the way, she said with a mouthful of pasta, How's Jake ?
The death glare I gave her only made her grin grow wider as she set her plate aside. To be fair maybe I owed her an explanation because she got caught in that extremely awkward Kiszka situation last time and she doesn't even know anything about it. Well, she did know a bit of it but we didn't have time to properly gossip yet.
- Well... We text sometimes and he's... I don't even know how to put it into words dude, he's dreamy.
Mandy motionned for me to give her my phone so she could look at our texts and I did. There wasn't anything private in here anyway, just friends chatting. Sometimes getting cocky. Studying her face and biting my lip, I saw her blinking a few times, opening her mouth in false shock, or whistling.
- Oh my, you guys get along, don't you ?
I shook my head in disbelief.
- We do. But there's nothing that interesting-
- Not yet, she cut me with a raised finger. But I can tell you're going there, just be patient. Or maybe be more daring, you know ? Test the waters.
Of course I took note of that. Mandy didn't seem like it but she was of very good advice (most of the time). And she had way more luck with boys that I did. Hell, she even had luck with girls. Being more daring, noted. Jake himself, without being flirty, liked to tease and wasn't afraid to sound over-confident, so being bold wouldn't do me any harm, I guess. I'll show him that two could play this game. But right now, my mind was set on something else.
- Do you know where I can find Josh ? I'd like to talk to him.
Pausing, Mandy squinted her eyes, thinking hard. Every hint was good to take, the school wasn't as big as most campuses, but there was enough students to form a small town.
- Try asking Jake ? He must know, she shrugged. Last time I met him was this saturday night, he was carrying snacks and wandering around the school in his Pjs. Man he must love those cheese balls.
Although the last sentence was more rhetorical than directed to me, it made a lightbulb lit up in my brain. Without any explanation, I put my plate in the sink, excused myself, grabed a coat, my sketchbook, and stormed out of the dorms. Saying that I was running to my destination was a bit of an overstatement, but walking very fast was an accurate description. My coat was halfway wore and hung loosely around my shoulders, allowing the cold air to caress my neck and make my skin tingle. My hair must've looked like a mess because I had tied it while cooking, and don't even get me started on my panting, lungs frozen and cold sweat running down my spine because I hurried like someone was after me. By the time I got to the vending machine near the cafeteria, there wasn't anything I wanted more than to nap right here right now. But at least, I caught Josh on time.
- We need to talk.
Was it the heavy breathing or the way my back fell completely against the candy dispenser, I didn't know, but the boy jumped, letting go of his change in the process.
- Fuck you scared me ! What the hell are you doing, surprising people like that ?
- Trying to chat with my friend.
I kept my eyes on Josh as he knelt to get his money, studying his back tense and his movements stop. The boy let out an audible sigh before raising his head to me, searching for something into my eyes, probably sincerity. He couldn't hold my gaze more than mere seconds before focusing on his candy again, and a wave of panic started hurtling my body, setting in my stomach, tying it in knots.
- I'm sorry.
It wasn't me speaking, it was Josh. The boy nervously scratched his neck, refusing to look at me.
- I shouldn't have snapped at you, it wasn't fair. It's not about siblings rivalry or anything, you know ?, he murmured while idly twiddling his bag of chips. I guess I was feeling a bit left out, got a little jealous...
His voice was barely audible now, and seeing him looking vulnerable and ashamed to admit the truth had my heart tighten.
- I can't ask of you to tell me when you text my brother, I don't have any right to do that, it's just... It was stupid, I...
- Josh, I interrupted. It's okay. I'm sorry too. We should've included you or tell you. It wasn't fair of us, and I don't want you to feel left out.
My hand found its way on his shoulder, and I felt him relax a little under the comforting touch. Maybe he knew I was being honest, because he gave a small nod and a bashful smile, a look I didn't know I'd see on his face one day. It gave me the courage to keep up my momentum.
- You know what ? Why don't you drop by our dorm after school ? We'll chat and have a drink. Just the three of us.
Mandy wasn't bothered at all my our improvised get together, on the contrary. She loved the guy, in a friendly way. We both did. When I texted her this afternoon in the workshop she got so excited she said she'll buy some beer when she got out of her lecture. Josh and I had exchanged numbers too, so all misunderstanding was clarified now, and receiving both of their overly enthusiastic texts got me in the mood too. By the time the teacher said we could pack up, I was already at the door, jumping out of my shoes and tidying the room as much as I could before Josh's visit. He needed the key to enter our building, so Mandy picked him up while I was putting some music, and both were already very loud by the time I heard them climb the stairs, laughing and exchanging jokes while carrying huge bags of booze.
- Do you know it's an honor for you to get invited to our lair ?, said Mandy as she put the beers in the fridge. You're actually the first person we ask to come over.
- Are you serious ?!, Josh inquired, pretending to be shocked. Ladies, it's an immeasurable pleasure to be your first. I'll be worthy of it, I'll behave, and you'll be so amazed by my charming self that you'll keep asking for more afterwards.
The dirty joke made us snort real loud, and even made my cheeks color, as I yelled his name, outraged by his unabashed and salacious humor, looking very proud of himself. It was something Mandy and I often used to question a few weeks ago, his flirty behaviour. And whereas we thought he was a womanizer at first, it turned out that it was just his usual self. Josh was over confident, much to handle, loud, energetic, witty, kinky, and all over the place, but damn was he right. The boy was a delight to be around. We went from cracking jokes, to confessing shameful sexual anecdotes, to having passionate conversations about the meaning of life, all the while drinking, and it was amazing and fascinating. The more time passed, the more I was sure we were gonna be long time friends, and it filled me with an indescriptible sense of bliss.
- If you’ll excuse me ladies, I have to go to the bathroom, could any of you show me the way ?
Mandy got up to accompany him to the hallway where the public toilets were, and I took the opportunity to clean the mess we made on the kitchen, putting beer cans in a plastic bag and carrying it outside, with the rest of the dorms' trash. Living in the dorms wasn't exactly what you'd call quiet, since everybody invited everybody to stay for the night, have a movie, sex, or booze. What was great, on the other hand, was all the freedom we had. We were all 18 or above, so the school let us be, not being bothered by boys and girls mixing, or what we did in here, only sending a supervisor once in a while to check for any drugs or broken stuff. In times like these... we all were in trouble. Like a shitload of trouble. It happened a few times, of course, but most of it we behaved, only throwing some parties once in a while.
I put the trash in front of the building, then got back inside, gradually hearing their loud voices giggling maniacally the more stairs I climbed. They probably had way more drinks than necessary and didn't even bother closing the door to our room, voices so heavy I could hear them clearly one floor below.
- Come on, you're telling me you girls are single ? Can't believe it.
- Do you really think we have time ?, replied Mandy incredulously. Besides, she's more into  long-haired, most-of-the-time-disconnected-from-reality brunettes.
Okay. This wasn't smelling good. I had a really bad feeling about this conversation. I didn't want to believe it, but deep down I just knew where this was going. Adrenaline rushed through me when I heard Josh's confused voice so out of it he didn't understand why Mandy was being so precise, and it was even worse when I couldn't hear them at all. My shaky legs ran, leading up the stairs, nearly tripping over at the last step and turning right to enter the dorm, not even taking the time to close the already ajar door behind me. They weren't in the kitchen. Why weren't they in the kitchen ? I heard noises and a low admirative whistle in the other room, where our shared bedroom was. Oh no, no no no no no no.
- Mama you've got some real talent, said Josh while glaring at something.
Lump in my throat, I took a step forward to see what he was intently staring at, only to discover a huge painted canvas of Jake's face. My heart skipped a beat, my eyes went wide. Mouth agape, I could feel all the color leaving my face, only able to stay frozen in place, watching our guest trace the outlines of his brother's long hair on the canvas with his fingers, admiring every bump of paint, every detail of the portrait I made. Never have I been so ashamed in this moment. All I wanted was to disappear, to go far, far away. There was no way he couldn't recognize his own twin. My brain, in a last attempt to save my dignity, did the only logical think it could think of at the moment. Lie.
- Why, thank you sir, it was a lot of work. Wasn't too pleased about forgetting all my magazine pictures at home, I had to use what was left. Unfortunately, a selfie of Jake. We should avoid telling him, by the way, he'll get too cocky.
It physically hurt, lying like that. First because I was keeping this secret from Josh, and second because it wasn't true. Jake would never be my last choice, ever. And speaking foolishly about him even if he wasn't here made me feel bad. It was bullshit. It wasn't a lot of work, and I didn't have a picture to look at. All of this, I painted it using my memory, only closing my eyes and remembering the glimpses I captured of him, relishing the memories... But even if it felt wrong to lie, I just couldn't tell him the truth. It was fucking creepy, he'd probably freak out or worse, tell Jake about it. Mandy must've realized her mistake because she went very silent and didn't dare contradict me when I gave Josh that false explanation. With a bit of luck, Josh won't even remember it tomorrow.
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue 6-
Warnings- drinking, smoking, smut
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Note- Hi loves, I just want to say thank you for all of the kind reception to this story. I am so glad you are enjoying it, and I hope you like the new chapter! also asks are open for imagines about any of the boys. 
The warmth of the bonfire surrounded the group, illuminating their faces with light. Penny sat close to Josh, a blanket wrapping around both of them. The night was midway through, hours of the usual alcohol related antics had long passed now there was a quiet calmness in the group. 
Both Penny and Josh. sit criss cross applesauce, Josh’s head leaning on Penny’s shoulder as they listened to Jake tell a story. He was describing the time that Sam made a bong in high-school ceramics. Giddy laughter shook Josh’s body, bittersweet memories of youth unfolding with the night. 
“He tried to convince Mrs. Reid that it was a watering can,” Jake chuckled, leaning back into his chair as he spoke. Penny smiled, imagining the trouble that the band got into as teenagers, and wishing she was there to see it herself. The remains of her tequila soda were floating around at the bottom of her cup, her third tequila soda that night. Both her and Josh had three drinks, a substantial buzz enveloping them both. 
“Hey Pen,” Josh spoke in a hushed whisper, his head still on her shoulder and eyes toward the fire. 
“Hey babe,” She whispered back, kissing the top of his head after she did. 
“Gimme some lovin,” he sighed, lifting his head and meeting her eyes before meeting her lips in a sweet kiss. His scent overwhelmed her senses, causing the light of the fire and the sounds of the group disappearing completely. The only thing that existed was him, and he was the only thing that mattered. Whenever he touched her, she melted. Whenever he spoke, she listened. And whenever he left, she broke. He was her world, and she could only hope that she was his. 
A gust of cool air sent a chill down Penny’s spine, reminding her that getting lost in her mind would only distract her from the important things. Like the beautiful soul next to her. 
“wanna go watch a movie?” Josh asked, nudging his nose against Penny’s softly. Penny hummed in response, reaching for his hand as he offered it to help her up from the seat. They muttered goodnights to everybody before making their exit up to the bedroom. 
When they reached the room, Josh flicked on the bedside lights and grabbed his laptop from the bag. Penny pulled down the blankets on the bed and patted the spot next to her softly. She was still wearing Josh’s grey hoodie and boxers, and he was wearing a white shirt and grey sweatpants. 
The white duvet cover ruffled slightly as Josh placed the laptop in his lap, clicking on the netflix tab. 
“Watcha wanna watch baby?” he asked. Penny sighed, nuzzling her head into the crook of his arm, wrapping her hands around his waist. 
“twilight, this is the perfect place to watch twilight,” Penny concluded, getting excited with her own idea. Josh chuckled, but clicked on the movie anyways. 
“anything for you, Pen,” He then pulled the blonde closer to him, resting his head on top of hers. 
After about 20 minutes of the movie, Josh’s eyes began to flutter closed, as his chest rose and fell steadily. 
“Hey Josh?” Penny spoke, just above a whisper. 
“mm?” he mumbled, half asleep. 
“do you ever see us settling down? like kids, and a dog, and a nice house, yanno?” Josh was more awake now, thinking deeply. Penny’s hand drew mindless circles on his stomach, her cheek resting against his chest. 
“I dunno, i’ve never been one for domesticity,” he thought “but I would do anything for you.”
“Aw Joshie, you going soft for me?” Penny teased, craning her neck up to jut her lips out at Josh. He rolled his eyes, chest shaking with his low chuckles. The dim light of the computer screen illuminated his face just enough to outline his face perfectly. He looked down at her through his lashes, smiling softly. 
“No, I just love you Pen,” He smiled, pulling her frame completely onto his chest, moving the laptop to the side as he did. 
“I love you too Josh,” Then she kissed him, running her fingers through his curls lightly. He smiled against her, pulling her chest closer to him. His hands ran over her waist and down to her butt, squeezing it lightly. Penny moved her legs over his frame to straddle him, running her tongue against his bottom lip as she did. This elicited a sigh from Josh, his erection growing under Penny’s core. 
After a few minutes, she pulled back momentarily, peeling her hoodie off to reveal her bare chest. Josh caught his lip between his teeth, eyes half closed and darkened with lust. 
“you’re so pretty, baby,” Penny sighed, running her hands down his jaw. Josh just groaned in response, pulling her back in for a heated kiss. She then removed his shirt, and peppered kisses down his collarbone, biting softly as she did. He sighed, running his hands through her slightly messy hair. The sounds of the rest of the band outside the window could still be heard, but they felt a million miles away. 
An idea then popped into Penny’s head and she smiled a devilish grin as she got on her knees next to Josh’s frame. He raised his eyebrows, running his hand down her back lovingly as she got comfortable on her knees. Her eyes met his as she palmed him through his sweat pants, his breathing hitching in his throat in reaction. His eyes fluttered shut with a smile on his face. She bit her lip, pulling his member out of his boxers. Her mouth salivated at the sight of him. He was perfect, longer than you would expect and thicker too. She thumbed over his tip, gathering precum as she did. He sighed, taking his own lip in his teeth. 
She then licked a stripe up his length, wrapping her hand around his base. Her tongue swirled around his tip before her lips wrapped fully around him, slowly lowering her head. Josh let out a whimper, holding her hair softly as she began to bob. After a few minutes Josh’s breathing became more eratic and his hips began to jut up, causing Penny to gag a few times. 
“fuck baby stop,” he moaned, “I need to be in you.” 
Penny grinned, removing herself off of him. Josh immediately and aggressively crashed his lips against hers, gripping her hips tightly. He then ran a few fingers through her heat, inserting two. 
“mm so wet for me, mama.” 
Josh then flipped Penny over so he was now hovering over her. He kissed her nose softly, pushing her hair behind her ear. So beautiful, he thought. He removed her boxers, softly running his hands down the dips of her hips. Every part of her was perfect. The stretch marks that ran down her hips, the beauty marks that decorated her face, and his favorite part, her smile. The way that her lips curled up just enough to reveal her teeth was his favorite sight in the whole world. To him, she was his world. 
He kissed down her breasts, stopping to appreciate each one. She hummed in response, smiling and running her hands through his hair. He then lined himself up at her entrance, pausing momentarily to tease her clit with his tip, eliciting a gasp from her. He met her lips once more, pushing himself into her deeply. They moaned in unison, her nails tracing down his back harshly. He started with a steady pace. Her chin was tilted to the sky and his head was buried in the crook of her neck, both panting and whining. 
“look at me baby,” Penny cried, getting closer to reaching her own peak. He rasped a groan, meeting her eyes. Her eyes were half shut, closing occasionally with a particularly deep thrust. Penny’s vision then became blurry, legs shaking, and a string of profanities falling out of her lips as she came. Josh followed suit only seconds later, moaning loudly and collapsing onto penny. 
For a few minutes the only sounds to be heard in the room were Josh and Penny’s heavy breathing and the light wind outside the window. Josh lay on his stomach, arms wrapped around Penny’s frame. She played with his hair softly as his breathing became slower, lulling him to sleep. She followed suit soon after, welcoming the serenity of sleep next to Josh’s warm frame. 
Streams of golden light ran wild through Josh’s hair. The breeze from the open window jostled the curtains softly, causing a chill to run down Penny’s exposed chest. She yawned quietly, prying Josh’s arms off of her frame. Her bare feet padded against the floor, picking up one of Josh’s white shirts and her boxers from last night. 
She brushed her teeth and washed the makeup that she neglected to remove last night from her face. The cold wood of the stairs creaked softly under her feet as she made her way to the kitchen. She could hear the sound of voices as she rounded the corner, yawning once again. 
“Well well well, look who it is,” Sam smiled into his coffee cup from his seat at the counter. Penny laughed, flipping him off as she poured two cups of coffee. 
Jake and Sam shared a knowing glance for a moment before Jake spoke, “did you have a good night last night?” he snorted into his coffee. 
“It was fine, why?” Penny asked absentmindedly stirring cream into Josh’s coffee. 
“oh nothing, you should just be the singer on our new album, you got some pipes,” Sam laughed. Penny’s eyes bugged out of her head and her hand clamped over her mouth. 
“oh shit,” she laughed. Just as the laughter was dying down, she heard the pattering of footsteps down the stairs. Josh emerged in his boxers, head a fluffy mess. He rubbed his eyes as he sat down on the stool next to penny, thanking her for the coffee with a kiss on the cheek. 
“what’s so funny guys,” he questioned as everyone, including Penny giggled quietly. 
“Josh, everyone heard us last night,” Penny laughed, rubbing her temples. 
Josh leaned back, hands up against his head and a proud grin on his face. “whoops,” he smiled. Penny just shook her head, smiling and slightly embarrassed. The morning progressed into a slow and lazy tempo, breakfast taking them an hour to finish eating. The group was now haphazardly lounging in the living room, Scarface playing on the TV. Josh was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch with penny’s head on his lap. Jake and Danny shared the couch, while Sam was out picking up the girls at the airport. Penny was excited to finally have some more feminine energy in the group. Carly, Emily, and Dana were all going to be joining them on tour for another week and a half then they all would be returning to work, including Penny. Her heart ached at the thought of leaving Josh again, but she hoped to document as much of it as she could through her lens. 
Halfway through the movie, Penny needed a smoke. She grabbed her pack and headed towards the back door. The soft pattering of rain sent a chill down her spine, causing her to wrap her arms around her frame. Josh was inside, totally engrossed in the film, and she was okay that he wasn’t joining her. She needed just a moment alone, a moment of quiet. Once she returned to Nashville, she would be alone again. There would be no beautiful mornings of golden sunlight shining on Josh’s face, or quick kisses while he cooked dinner. What is the point of living if you aren’t with the one you need? No, she couldn’t think like that. She was more than Josh’s girlfriend and she knew it. She was an artist and so was he, but sometimes it’s hard to get motivation outside of the beauty of love. She crushed her smoke in the ashtray and opened the sliding door, feeling slightly unsettled by her thoughts. The only aspect of comfort coming from the knowledge that the girls would be here soon, she could talk to them. 
Lunch arrived with homemade sandwiches by Danny. Everyone was eating and talking loudly, enjoying eachothers company when Sam finally made his way back to the house with the girls. She could barely get out a word before Carly enveloped her in a huge bear hug. She laughed, squeeking out a greeting before hugging both Dana and Emily very tightly as well. Everyone said their hello’s before the girls found their way to their designated boy, the soft lull of romance filling the air. 
Josh smiled into Penny’s hair as they watched the couples bathe in each other’s presence. She sat on his lap at the dining room table, leaning back into him with his arms wrapped around her. When it reached two in the afternoon, the boys began to prepare for the show that night, gathering special picks and tamborines up. 
The boys would be heading to the venue a few hours earlier than the girls, not wanting them to have to sit around while they do soundcheck and work on mechanical aspects of the show. Penny was grateful of this, knowing she could use some girl time right now. 
“I’ll see you in a few hours,” Penny smiled, kissing Josh sweetly as he hugged her goodbye. 
“I’ll text you for outfit advice,” he winked as he made his way out to the car that would take them to the venue, leaving the girls with the rental. The girls agreed to spend a few hours alone in their own rooms, most of them were still jet lagged and needed a good nap. When it hit six, everyone slowly emerged from their rooms, makeup bags in hand. 
“alright bitches,” Carly spoke, putting her hands firmly on her hips, “let’s pregame and talk shit.” Everyone yelled out in agreeance, gathering their makeup and drinks of choice to gather in the living room. 
“So ms Penny,” Dana began “things seem to be getting pretty serious with Josh.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she primed her face. Penny smiled, spraying her face with rosewater. 
“yeah I think we are,” She responded, forming her lips into a thin line as she rubbed product into her skin. 
“well, I support it. You both look really happy,” Emily smiled, patting Penny’s knee softly. 
“thanks guys,” Penny smiled. Her mind drifted for a moment, remembering the gaping trench in her gut. She remembered the fact that she simply cannot process leaving Josh for more than a day. 
Silence filled the group for a few moments, everyone focused on their own makeup and drinks. 
“I actually have something I wanted to ask you guys,” Penny sighed, placing her eyeshadow brush down harshly. They all nodded, waiting for her to continue speaking. “I go home next week, and well i’m terrified because last time I was alone I completely shut down,” Her eyes welled, she quickly dabbed the tears away, not wanting to ruin her makeup. “I feel like I don’t exist when Josh isn’t with me.” 
She finally looked up to meet the faces of the other girls. Their faces were sympathetic, they stared at her like she was a hurt baby deer, helpless. Dana finally spoke up, breaking the silence. 
“We all feel like that babe,” everyone nodded in unison, frowns on their faces, “It just gets easier with time, you have to find ways to distract yourself and grow comfortable with yourself.” 
“yeah, and remember whenever they are on tour, all of us four are alone, so just give one of us a call and we’ll be there,” Emily said quietly, rubbing a hand down Penny’s back lovingly. 
“thanks guys, seriously I love you all,” Penny chuckled, enveloping them all in a hug. 
“We love you, now lets get drunk for real this time,” Carly responded, pouring everyone tequila shots. 
GUYS! sorry for the delay on this chapter, I am hoping to update again this week! hope you liked it :)
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 2
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warnings- drugs lol 
One month and six weeks prior- 
Keeping herself busy when Josh was gone was no easy task for Penny. She tried her hardest to focus on work, sitting in front of rows of developed film, feeling burned out. There was no good reason for this feeling, simply that she was lonely. Sighing, she thought of the only thing to relax her and calm her mind without Josh, weed. 
Her bare feet padded across the hardwood floors of their loft softly, overalls rustling slightly as she made her way to their bedroom. She walked to the brown cabinet next to her side of the bed and pulled out a small encrusted gold box. This box was opened probably too often when she was home without Josh, but also when he was there. She pulled out a filter, and papers. Then taking a bunch off the gram, she grinded it slowly, closing her eyes and wishing she was somewhere else. As her hands moved absentmindedly, she imagined what the boys were doing right now. They were probably on some tour bus or green room getting drunk, which sounds a lot more fun than getting high alone. She imagined Josh, sitting in some plush chair with some extravagant jumpsuit on, smiling and laughing with his friends, without her. She decided to shoot him a text, just some reassurance that he was still there. 
Penny: Hey babe, Jake try to murder you yet? 
Sent: 8:23pm 
She sat, licking the joint closed and waiting eagerly for a reply from Josh. After five minutes, she decided that she would put on a record and smoke, just to pass the time. Joni Mitchell’s Blue started to reverberate off the walls of the apartment, causing her to smile softly to herself. She remembered back to the first road trip she took with Josh, playing this album over and over again until they reached the other side of the country. His hair would run wild with the windows down, and a smile never left his face that week. Snapping back to reality, she brought the joint to her lips and lit her lighter, inhaling deeply and falling back into the couch. After the record had run through both sides, she felt like she needed to do something with her day other than smoke and miss Josh. 
Once again, the rows of film stood daunting before her. It was as if they were the royal guard for an impenetrable force in which her motivation was protected. With a hazy mind, she started flipping through the photographs of the recent week, smiling wider with each one. Your favorite was one that you took of Josh outside of a cabin in Washington. He stood away from the camera, but was smiling straight at it, teeth shining and bandana around his neck. That was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, the purest form of natural beauty. Nothing like anything, ever. She also chuckled to herself as she flipped to one of Sammy biting Josh’s hand, and Jake posed dramatically against a boulder.
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She loved the way that the light reflected with the camera lens, and the way that it interacted with the subject. Just as she was about to write down a title for the series, her phone buzzed on the table next to her, lighting up with a notification from Josh. 
Josh: Hey mama, just got off stage, it went great. I wish you could've seen it. How did the film come out? 
P.S, Jake has tried to stab me sixteen times already. 
Sent: 12:34AM
Penny: It came out great, here see. 
Attachment: 3 images 
Sent 12:35AM 
Josh: Beautiful, my love. You have a gift for manipulating the light, it's amazing. Can we talk or are you too tired? 
Sent: 12:36AM 
The thought of talking to Josh without seeing his face and expressions change with each word, caused her chest to hurt with want. So instead, she clicked the Facetime button rather than call. 
Her phone vibrated for a few seconds, panging in her ear loudly. Yet within the blink of an eye, she was greeted with her favorite pair of brown eyes staring onto the screen in front of him. She smiled, and floofed her hair to make sure it didn’t look too trash. 
“Hey pretty lady,” he smiled at her. Josh was laying on his back on a bed, presumably on the tour bus. He was lacking in a shirt, but the beads that always decorated his neck hung down past his chest. His hand was stretched above his head, and the phone was angled up from his stomach. 
“Hey pretty boy,” she responded, positioning the phone in a more comfortable position on the couch, “watcha up to rockstar?” 
“you know the usual, living the life, but I really really really wish you were here, everybody does.” His eyes blinked slowly, showing signs of tiredness, but he would never reveal that to you right now, your time was too precious. 
“I do too, trust me its so fucking depressing here with just me and Marely,” she sighed, reffering to the tabby cat that her and Josh adopted together a few months ago. 
“aw how is she?” He asked, smiling into the phone. Penny moved the camera to her right, displaying the cat that was curled up by her hip. 
“She is great, but wishes she was living the rockstar life,” Josh chuckled to Penny’s response. 
“Okay but seriously Pen, can’t you just call sick for one week, say you got really bad food poisoning,” he pleaded. 
“If I say that, then I feel like I will accidentally manifest that I will actually get food poisoning for a week,” she laughed into the phone. 
“fair point, but it’s not the same without you here, I’m not the same without you here,” his tone shifted to a more serious one with every word, looking straight into her eyes through the screen. 
“I mean technically I’m on studio time right now, so they wouldn’t know if I came with you for a week or two...or they would fire me,” she scratched her chin, thinking out the possibilities in her head. 
“If they fire you, then just go freelance, they never fully understood your work anyways,” he smirked at her, knowing that she always complained about the company she was hired by, repeating their failures for understanding creativity. 
“Alright Kizka, you drive a hard bargain,” Penny smiled. 
“Is that a yes?” Josh’s eyes widened at the blonde girl through the screen. 
“it is not a no.” 
“fuck yes, so I can book you a plane ride to California for tomorrow?” He now got up from the bunk, excitedly running to his computer. 
“Mhm, just tell me what time.” 
“Ok here’s one, leaves Nashville at 8, gets in Cali at 10,” Josh said, calculating the time difference in his head. 
“you are such a bad influence, Kizka,” Penny rubbed her forehead tiredly. 
“I will see you tomorrow my love, get some sleep okay?” he smiled at her tired expression, kissing the camera of his phone sweetly. 
“see you tomorrow.” and with that she hung up the phone and exhaled loudly. What just happened? One conversation with Josh and she hits the road. It makes her think back to when she didn’t have anyone, and spent years alone in her little studio apartment, taking photos of walls and birds. Now she would drop everything with the snap of his fingers. In her heart she knew that her dependency on him for happiness was not right, but she was too deep in. Her head was stuck underwater, surrounded by the cool rush of his love. The flaws went unnoticed by both of them in fact, just simply mistaking it for head over heels infatuation. 
As her head hit the pillow, she thought that the emptiness of the room was less significant as it was a few hours ago. Maybe it was the excitement of the idea of not sleeping alone tomorrow, or just the few minutes of hearing his voice. Whatever it was lulled her softly to sleep. 
In a hazy dream, she remembered her and Josh’s first kiss. It was outside of their favorite bar after their second date. He stood next to her, shoulder pressed to hers, and hand interlacing with her own. He was wearing his usual attire, a white long sleeved shirt and tan pants. Yet he looked extravagant, his energy was inherently outgoing. As he says, the Kizka’s have a “flair for flair”. The cool wind seemed to push the pair together, jostling her hair softly as he looked over at her. His eyes were slightly hooded, closed just a slightly against the wind. Her glances fell down to his cupids bow, admiring its shape, then to his lips where she wished she never had to leave. He noticed the shift in her gaze and did the same himself, smirking at her. She smiled, tugging his chin towards her. His hands laced through her hair, smiling into the kiss. Their lips met, and they fit together like they were made for each other, and no one else. 
Her alarm forced her out of the wonderful image that played in her sleep, jutting her eyes open to the harsh sunlight of the morning. She quickly packed an old leather suitcase with a few pairs of jeans, shirts, and dresses, knowing that she would be stealing jewlery and sweatshirts from Josh. In what seemed like five minutes she was at her gate, coffee in hand, and camera stowed in her carry-on bag. She decided to text Josh that she was about to board the plane, knowing that he was probably still asleep. 
Penny: Hey, boarding now. I’ll text you when I land
sent 8:05am
She then put her earbuds in, deciding on listening to the new album, just so she was prepared to sing alone at the shows. It wasn’t like she hadn’t memorized it the night it came out, but she always felt bad listening to it with Josh, it just felt odd to her. The first song to come on shuffle was Light My Love, and she nearly cried remembering the fireside performance she witnessed a not too long ago. 
The plane ride went by in what felt like minutes. Her mind was racing with so many thoughts, most about getting in trouble with work, but others about Josh and how excited she was to see him and the rest of the band. The tires of the plane landed in California with a jaulting thud, and she was brought out of her dissociation. 
She knew that Josh expected her to uber to the venue, after all he was probably just waking up now. So she called an uber, standing outside of LAX clad in an old Janis Joplin shirt, flare jeans, and her classic high heeled leather boots. Penny looked straight out of the 70′s, but Josh felt like the 70′s, a pair who perfectly complimented each other. 
The uber ride was bumpy and seemingly and hour too long. She finally reached the venue at 11:46, hastily thanking the driver and sauntering to the tour bus parked behind the stage. She knocked a few times on the door, and after the third time, she finally heard a groggy “what do you want” 
She smiled, pushing the door open with her foot and walking up the stairs, she was met with a pool of long brown hair and a very naked Jake laying on one of the bunks. Josh was nowhere to be seen. 
“Oh hey Penny, what are you doing here?” Jake asked casually, ignoring the fact that he was naked. She was not phased by the latter twins actions, after all, she spent a fair amount of time with the band and often felt like she was equally as close with all of the members. 
“Just lookin for my loverboy, any idea where he is?” She answered, leaning against on of the seats camly. 
“I think I remember him saying he wanted to go hear the acoustics of the empty stage, so maybe he’s there,” Jake answered groggily. 
“thanks,” she said as she made her way, now at a faster speed then before towards the back entrance of the venue. The staff didn’t seem to bat an eye at her as she hastily walked hallway after hallway until she reached the back of the stage. Then she saw him, standing with his arms out wide, silently absorbing the feeling of the empty arena. 
“babe?” she said, accidentally making it sound like a hushed whisper. 
The curly headed man then turned his head over his shoulder, smiling. His smile widened nearly ten fold when he saw the girl to his left. She looked amazing, her hair seemingly always falling in just the right way, she paused for a moment, reaching for something in her bag. 
“don’t move, and look forward again, just like you were before,” She smiled and clicked the shutter of the camera, knowing it would be beautiful, every photo with Josh in it is. She then put the camera away and ran into his arms, collapsing into his embrace. He hugged her tightly, moving his hands up and down her back. 
“I missed you so much my love,” He said into her hair. 
“I missed you more lover,” she replied. 
Hey pretty people! I hoped you liked this chapter, I may or may not write another either tomorrow night or by sunday! Asks are open for Jake or Josh imagines BTW!
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 4
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warnings- smut, drinking, swearing, smoking bla bla bla “get on with the song”
also- I made a playlist for this month, but I listen to it whenever I write so it is very ~fitting~. feel free to listen while you read. 
Note- hi babes, i hope you are enjoying this so far, sorry for the long wait! This week has been a haze of volleyball, AP work, and college apps. I will try to update soon again! 
The scent of sweat and cigarette smoke pulled through the air of the small green room. Penny sat on a worn velvet couch, watching the boys prance around loudly, still feeling the high of the show. 
“Sam, did you see that one girl in the pit flash you?” Danny laughed, holding some concoction of hard liquor in his hand. 
“Yeah dude, I had to look twice to make sure I didn’t imagine it,” he laughed, “nice tits though.” Sam spoke loudly as he sat partially on the arm of a leather chair, taking a drag from his cigarette. Jake was somewhere outside of the room on the phone with his girlfriend. Josh was prancing around the room wildly singing some showtune, very in character. He seemed rather oblivious to Danny and Sam’s conversation, only adding his input when he found the topic interesting. Penny followed Josh with her eyes, laughing into her own drink. 
“Guys,” Jake said as he entered the room again, “let's get fucked up.” Everyone let out loud cheers to the twins' proposition. Josh himself, now clad in his usual white long sleeve and tan pants walked over to Penny, extending his hand to her. She took it and walked with the group towards the exit of the arena. They all decided to drink at a small bar a short walk away. 
She pulled the fabric of her tan coat closer to her chest as the night breeze nipped at her cheeks. Josh noticed her newfound chill immediately, he always notices. He quickly wrapped his arms around her arms, rubbing up and down lovingly. She giggled, leaning her head into the crook of his neck momentarily as they walked. The only sound on the streets around the venue were the clack of Jake’s Chelsea boots, her own boots, and patter of everyone's sneakers. 
They walked for about 25 minutes, talking about nothing in particular, smoking cigarettes as they walked. 
“You know those are bad for you,” Josh teased Penny, nudging her shoulder softly. 
“Tell that to Sam and Jake,” she huffed jokingly in return. Sam then turned around, a fake hurt expression on his face. 
“Yeah well at least I don’t smoke American spirits, those taste like garbage,” he scoffed.
“Alright pipe down over there Marlboro man,” Penny waved him off, blowing a pull directly in his face. In truth, she knew that her smoking habits would bite her in the ass one day, but amongst other things in her life, they were so addicting. Soon enough, the neon sign of an old dive bar appeared in front of the group. Penny quickly paused behind the group, wanting to capture a picture of their silhouettes and the neon lights. 
“Whatcha doin’ mama,” Josh paused his steps, waiting for the blonde. 
“Capturing the moment, don't move,” she said through tight lips as the shutter clicked. Josh paused for a moment, eyes darting down to the half smoked cig in her hand. 
“Shotgun me,” he said as he caught his lips in between his teeth. 
“You don’t smoke,” she responded, pushing the camera back in her bag. 
“Yeah I know, but it would be hot.” She then nodded her head and stepped closer to him. The rest of the group was now long ahead, entering the bar. The wind rustled his curls softly, making his eyes flutter closed. His lips were parted slightly, waiting in anticipation. She brought the cigarette to her lips slowly, narrowing her eyes at him. Her hand found the back of his head softly, his hands stayed at rest at his sides. With hazy eyes, she leaned into him. His lips ghosted over hers softly, inhaling as he did. At that moment, the cold breeze disappeared, and so did the bar. The only thing that existed was him, and his beauty.  He exhaled with a soft smile on his face. 
She then took his hand softly, crushing the cigarette under her boot and leading him towards the bar “Lets get drunk loverboy.”
The bar door opened with a creak, and the smell of liquor hit Penny’s nose, her hand still intertwined with Josh’s. Her eyes scanned the bar for a moment before landing on Jake’s head of hair next to Sam and Danny at the corner of the bar. The boys welcomed them with suspicious gazes, Josh only smirked teasingly at them while patting a seat next to Danny for Penny. The rest of the boys already had their choice of liquor in their hands. Josh ordered a salty dog, and he ordered Penny her favorite, Vodka Cranberry. 
“god you have the alcohol taste of a college kid,” Jake laughed as she sipped her drink. 
“Yeah i’m 22, so that adds up smartass,” she teased. Although Josh was older than her, it rarely crossed her mind. Whether it was her own maturity of his ability to be with her, age was rarely brought up. 
“Oh god Josh, we’re getting old, I can feel it in my bones,” Jake laughed. Josh then got up from his seat, pacing slowly in front of Penny. 
“Hey there sweet, come ere’ often,” Josh joked, hand on his back imitating an old man. 
The night then progressed into rounds of tequila shots and more drinks. There was a pleasant energy between the group, illuminated by the soft glow of the bar. They were by far the youngest group in there, other than some old men at the bar, and middle aged women in the booths with their spouses. 
Penny’s head was spinning slightly, eyes solely focused on Josh as he laughed with the band. He met her eyes continuously through the night, smiling at her softly every time he did. He now leaned down to her ear, whispering quietly. 
“wanna get out of here?” 
Penny nodded, downing the last of her fourth cocktail and grabbing her jacket. The pair walked hand in hand down the empty streets. There was a comfortable drunken silence between them as the cool breeze washed over them. 
“where do you see yourself in five years babe?” Josh inquired, breaking the silence. She bit her lip for a moment, pondering the question seriously. 
“I never really thought about it I guess,” she paused. “probably still where I am right now, blowing in the wind and following you.” He hummed in response, smiling up at the sky. 
“me too, whenever I picture it, you are always there,” he said. He then broke out into a run, dragging Penny along. His voice echoed the streets, singing Bob Dylan loudly. 
“But the answer my friend, is blowin in the wind, the answer is blowin in the wind.”
His voice filled her ears as she laughed along. Wind pushing her hair back, lungs burning with happiness. They ran until they reached the bus, panting and smiling at each other. Josh entered the Bus before her, flicking on various lights and tripping over shoes. 
She haphazardly tore her jacket and boots off as Josh flipped through his phone, playing soft music. “Give me love” by George Harrison soon filled her ears, one of her favorite songs. Her heart ached at the feeling of Josh playing her favorite music as she tugged the hem of his shirt down next to her in a seat. The area was slightly cramped, a little more than a foot of space between seats. He hummed along to the song, caressing her cheek softly. She licked her lips, melting into his eyes deeply. He then closed the gap, capturing her lips with her own. He tasted like liquor and she melted into the kiss sighing softly. Her hands traced under his shirt as he gripped her hips, pulling her on top of him. He captured her lip in his teeth, causing a moan to escape her throat. 
Give me love and I'll show love
She jutted her hips down, grinding down into him. He groaned in response, pulling back from the kiss momentarily to look her in the eyes. 
Baby, I'll be there all the time
Clothes were soon discarded to the floor. The room became sticky and hot. The only sounds were coming from Josh’s phone and sighs from the pair. 
Give me love and I'll show love
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, peppering kisses up his neck as he ran his hands over her breasts, toying with her nipples softly. He then let his hands trail down to her pelvis. He dipped a few fingers into her heat, eliciting a sweet moan from her. He groaned into her chest and muttered a ‘fuck you’re so wet’
Baby, I'll be there
she whined softly, pressing her forehead against his as he created a steady pace with his fingers inside her, curling them with every stroke. His thumb circled her clit and she felt her stomach heat up. Her breathing became erratic, looking into his eyes deeply. Sweat coated her forehead, her body shaking with every whine and moan. He then added a third finger into her, curling it steadily. The room became a mile away, arching her back off of him, and toes curling. Her eyes were closed, mouth hung agape. He slowed his pace, pulling his fingers out and licking them. 
Every time I'm down you're the one who comes to my mind
‘fuck baby’ she whined, blinking white spots out of her vision slowly. He then captured her lips again, this time more aggressively. Tongues and teeth clashing as his hands dug into her ass. ‘Josh,’ she spoke breathily, breaking the kiss. ‘what baby?’ he sighed kissing her neck sweetly, biting softly. ‘I need you in me’ 
Look to deep your love you're the one that I dream of
He lifted her slightly, allowing her to sink down into him. Once he was fully in her, he paused groaning. He pressed his forehead against hers relishing in the feeling of being inside of her. Soon enough, she began grinding down onto him, lifting her hips slightly with every stroke. Her hands scratched up his shoulders, sure to leave marks that he would smile at in the mirror tomorrow. After a few minutes, her pace became sloppy causing Josh to lift her hips himself allowing for him to go even deeper. ‘fuck Pen’ he moaned into her hair. She could only smile against him, feeling so full and content. 
Take me to your heart don't ever worry, we'll never be apart
He jutted his hips into her harshly, fingers digging deeply into her hips. Everything then uncoiled inside her for the second time of the night, causing her breathing to stop for a second. Josh followed suit only seconds later, breathing rapidly and moaning softly. They paused for a moment, relishing the feeling and catching their breath. She kissed him softly and sweetly now, smiling stupidly. 
“I love you,” she sighed. 
“I love you too,” he smiled, pulling her against his chest lovingly. “lets go to bed.”
She threw on one of Josh’s old t-shirts and boxers, climbing in next to him in the bunk. His arms wrapped around her, her head on his chest, listening to his breathing. His heartbeat lulled her softly to sleep, not even hearing the rest of the band enter the bus soon after. 
“god it smells like sex in here.” 
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
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Guys. I am so fucking stressed and busy this week. Currently applying to colleges and playing volleyball everyday. Sorry for the delay, but I am just not in the right mental state to write. Love you guys ❤️
16 notes · View notes
gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 5
Warnings- swearing, drugs (the usual)
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After the first night, the adrenaline rush of the tour slowed to a constant drawl in Penny's mind. Her heart constantly at a slightly hazy pace compared to its resting pace. She blinked slowly, rubbing sleep out of her eyes as the dull light of the morning flooded into the stuffy bus. The only sounds to be heard was the steady breathing of the band and rain pattering softly against the windows. Her hair was spread across Josh’s bare chest and rose and fell with every breath he took. She got up as carefully and slowly as possible, being careful not to wake anyone. She flinched slightly when the bathroom door opened with a creak. Her eyes were slightly sunken and smudged and her lips were still swollen from the abundance of love that was present last night. She reached to her neck and lightly caressed the marks still present from Josh’s kisses, remembering the feeling of his lips on her neck. 
Brushing her teeth and hair, Penny exited the bathroom and made a large pot of coffee for the boys, the mornings were never easy for them and alcohol made them even worse. Knowing it would take some time for everyone to get up, she made herself comfortable on one of the couches on the back of the bus, separate from the bunk area. She sipped her coffee, reading a book Jake had recommended to her. Surprisingly, Jake had very good taste in books, better than Josh in fact. Josh was a very visual person, he could sit through a four hour movie, but never read a book for four hours. The pages breezed by her eyes, in what seemed like minutes she was halfway done with the book. It was a thrilling tale of two lovers, a classic trope of a peasant and a prince. She was a sucker for cliches. 
Through the curtain she soon heard the sounds of the boys stirring from their sleep, one by one waking up. She pushed the fabric of the curtain open softly, leaning against the frame. Jake was pouring three cups of coffee, rubbing his eyes harshly. Sam was in the bathroom, probably releasing the demons of last night from his stomach. Danny sat on the edge of his bunk, stretching his long arms and waking up. Josh on the other hand was now lying face down on the bed, soft snores coming from his frame. His hair was a curly mess and he only had on his boxers. She chuckled to herself, of course he was the last one to get up. 
“Mornin’ everyone,” she muttered softly, pattering over to Josh. Sluggish responses followed her. She sat on the edge of Josh’s bunk, running her hands softly down his back. She admired the way his lips parted slightly in his sleep, eyes fluttering in REM. She leaned over his frame, kissing his cheek softly, causing his eyes to blink open softly. He smiled out of his sleep, turning over onto his back and pulling Penny down onto his chest. 
“Good morning mama,” he rasped, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. 
“Good morning handsome, want some coffee?” He groaned a yes in response, still holding Penny tight. She felt the steady thump of his heart on her chest, not wanting to move in a million years. He felt so warm and alive, hands wrapped around her frame and legs wrapped around each other. She sighed, knowing there were actual things needed to be done with the day, and removing herself from Josh reluctantly. 
“What's the plan for today?” she asked Jake as she poured a cup of coffee for Josh. 
“We are stuck on the bus for the majority of the day, heading to Washington for the show in two days,” he responded from his seat across from her, looking up from his phone. “Emily and the other girls are going to meet us there too, so you won’t be stuck with all us boys anymore.” He noted, referring to the other girlfriends joining them on tour. She nodded happily, she got along well with all of them, and texted them pretty consistently. Although she was closest with Carly, Sam’s girlfriend, Emily and Dana were both her friends as well. 
Once Josh had coffee in his system, the bus slowly stirred to life. Sam was nursing his hangover, Jake was texting with Emily, and Danny was playing guitar softly in the corner. Their manager had come in as well, delivering bagels for everyone and announced that they would hit the road in 20 minutes. 
Penny dressed herself in something comfortable, knowing her limbs would become sore from sitting on the bus for hours. She was now clad in a long sleeved linen dress that had buttons down the front and a seam in the middle. Her hair was loose down her shoulders, and birkenstocks on her feet. The rest of the boys were in their usual attire, Josh in a grey hoodie and tan pants (of course). 
The bus was now officially on the road after a sluggish morning. The state of California soon passing by Penny’s eyes in a haze. She was sat on a couch at the back of the bus with Josh directly to her left and Danny to her right. Josh had one earbud in his ear, sharing the other with Penny, and a bagel in his hand. His head nodded along to the song as he chewed. Penny smiled, leaning her back into his frame and putting her legs on Danny. Neil Diamond filled her ears as she closed her eyes, inhaling Josh’s sent. He always smelled the same, like patchouli and cinnamon. It was almost hypnotizing. 
“We should go for a hike when we get there,” Sam announced, breaking the comfortable silence of the bus ride. 
“I want to go thrifting too,” Josh added with his eyes closed, head swaying to the music. Everyone silently agreed and went back to whatever they were doing. 
Northern California passed by with images of tall looming trees and thickening forests. Josh’s playlist ranged from The Fleet Foxes to Phoebe Bridgers, just because he knew Penny had a soft spot for her. When Scott Street came on shuffle, her eyes lit up and she craned her neck, looking up at him smiling. He laughed, kissing the top of her head. Penny had never felt so at home. The comforting smell of Sam’s incense wafted through the backroom of the bus, and Josh’s warmth made her head dizzy with love. She hummed as she softly toyed with his fingers mindlessly. 
After a few hours, the bus stopped in the middle of Oregon. Everyone was grateful for the opportunity to get snacks and stretch their legs. Penny stepped out into the midday breeze, breathing the fresh air in deeply. The group then entered the small gas station, Josh holding the door for her like the gentleman he is. 
“fuck I need another coffee,” she sighed, making her way to the coffee station and pouring herself a hot coffee. Josh bought himself a water and some granola bar. Sam, Jake, and Danny got themselves an assortment of junk food, dumping it in front of the cashier with a smile. Once everyone payed, they sat on a curb by the bus for a few minutes, not wanting to get back on the road quite yet. Penny was grateful that she grabbed her camera, because the cloudy light and light breeze was picturesque. She took her bottom lip between her teeth and scurried in front of the boys quickly, kneeling on the ground to get the shot. They all looked dramatically off into the distance while the shutter clicked. 
“alright now smile for me boys,” she laughed. They obliged, looking at the camera now and smiling brightly. 
“beautiful.” She sighed, returning to her spot next to Josh. 
“I don’t know how you do that,” Josh said, looking off into the distance as he spoke. 
“do what?” Penny answered, sipping her coffee. 
“Just see the world around you and turn it into something so beautiful.” Her heart jumped, it always did when Josh talked about her photography. 
“It’s easy when I’m around the most beautiful person in the world.” 
He laughed, meeting her eyes. She shook her head, still relishing in the compliments. 
“alright time to go boys...and girl,” their manager announced, sticking his head out the bus door. Penny huffed a laugh as she took Josh’s hand and once again entered the bus. 
The rest of the trip came in a dreary haze of naps and Josh’s playlist filling Penny’s ears. He never played a bad song. The bus had now parked outside the venue, Penny silently thanking the universe that they wouldn’t be sleeping in the bus for the next two nights. The boys had agreed to rent and house in the suburbs of Seattle so they could have some privacy and not be confined to a hotel. They also rented a jeep, stuffing their bags in it hastily so they could have some fun with the afternoon. Since the group got such an early start, they still had the remainder of the day to explore and shop. 
Sam entered the driver’s seat of Jeep, Jake shotgun, and the rest of them stuffed in the back. The drive was relatively short and rowdy. Jake playing Steven Stills on aux, while arguing with Sam over which album was better. Danny and Josh were talking about the set list for the tour, still tinkering on which songs to include and which to leave out. 
“Yeah, but I think we should do Stardust Chords after Black smoke it will be a good lead up,” Danny suggested calmly. 
“Ooh yeah, and we should do light my love after that,” Josh agreed. Penny sat silently, relishing in the banter surrounding her. They soon reached the house, it was a small bungalow on the edge of a hill. 
Josh opened the trunk and took out his and Penny’s bag, carrying them both up to the door and unlocking it with a key he found in the mailbox. The interior was just as lovely as the outside. A small living room and kitchen were on the left with a five person dining room table on the right and the stairs in the middle. Josh then jogged upstairs with the bags in hand, wanting first pick at rooms. He chose the one closest to the backyard with a view of the woods. 
“Mmm good choice babe,” Penny sighed flopping down onto the bed with a thud. He smiled, placing the bags down on the floor and laying down on his back beside her. 
She turned on her side to face him, he did the same. The room smelled of wood and clean linen. Her eyes drifted to Josh, he was smiling at her stupidly with his hands tucked under his chin. 
“what?” she laughed, poking his shoulder. 
“nothin’ I just love you baby,” he spoke softly, blinking his eyes. 
“I love you too Josh,” she said, loving the sound of saying it. 
Then he kissed her, softly capturing her lips with his own. She sighed into the kiss, running her hand down his jawline. Before the kiss could become too heated she pulled away with a stupid grin on her face. 
“lets go get something to eat then we can go shopping,” she said, pulling him up off the bed with two hands. 
“whatever you say mama.” 
The streets of Seattle were damp with the constant flow of soft showers. Josh’s hair was slightly less curly due to the climate, and it made him look even more 70′s, it was beautiful. The group got lunch at a nice sandwich spot on the wharf then split off into groups to do some shopping, planning to meet up at the house for a late hike. 
Josh and Penny were on the hunt for a thrift shop, hand in hand wandering the streets. After about thirty minutes with no luck, Penny spotted a bright neon sign a few feet ahead of them reading “vintage”. 
“fucking finally,” she said, tugging Josh’s hand hurredly into the store. Good thing they kept walking because this place was a gem. Josh’s eyes lit up as he scanned the rows of clothing and records. They then began searching through the rows, looking through every piece of clothing incase they found anything good. 
“Ooh babe you would look stunning in this,” Josh said excitedly as he held up a dress. It was a dusty red with a deep v-neck and ruffles down the chest and sleeves. 
“holy shit,” she smiled “I need it.” 
After about an hour, Penny had a substantial haul piled in her hand and Josh had found a few good pieces as well. He had a few necklaces that he loved and a vintage woodstock t-shirt. Now they were running late, of course and had to rush back to meet the boys. 
They were greeted with unamused expressions when they returned to the house, rushing up to the room to change quickly. Josh changed into a white t-shirt and black windbreaker, Penny wearing his grey hoodie and leggings. 
“let’s go mama,” he smiled, pecking her on the lips and leading her down stairs. 
“fucking finally,” Sam got up from the couch, Danny following suit. Jake then entered from the kitchen, trail map in hand. 
“Ok well we don’t have that much time before it gets dark so we should bring headlamps,” he suggested as his eyes scanned the map. Penny nodded, stuffing some water bottles into her bag as Josh wrestled Sam on the carpet. 
“Hey dickheads, the owner said there’s a trail through the backyard to a waterfall lets go,” Jake said loudly, shoving Sam and Josh as he spoke. The group made their way through the backyard, following the clear trail into the woods. The trees were some of the biggest that Penny had ever seen, they towered over them, making the light a faded blue. Jake led the group, confidently stepping over branches and rocks as he walked. Penny and Josh were at the back of the group, taking their time to admire the scenery, walking hand in hand. 
“It’s so pretty here,” Penny said, looking up into the treeline that was illuminated by the dusk light. 
“yeah it’s beautiful,” Josh said, only he wasn’t looking at the scenery, his gaze was fixed on the blonde next to him. A familiar smoky scent soon wafted into their noses from in front of them. 
“Sam, I know you aren’t lighting up right now,” Penny laughed. 
“what? I want to take in the nature,” he spoke through a hit, coughing slightly. 
“well share the wealth,” She reached out her hand as he passed the J behind his back. She took a few hits, before handing it off to Josh. She watched has he held it between his fingers, bringing it to his lips and inhaling deeply. The rest of the hike was peacefully silent, the light slowly fading into the sunset. They reached the waterfall after thirty minutes of walking, finding some rocks to rest on by the water. 
“Josh, stay still for a sec,” Penny asked, taking out her camera quickly. He nodded, not moving from his seat on the rock on the edge of the water. His head was turned towards the sky, knees facing the water. As always, he looked beautiful. The waterfall itself was also beautiful, the water cascaded off of a cliff into the pool below, misting the group slightly. 
“guys i’m hungry wanna head back?” Josh spoke up after a few minutes of silence. Everyone responded with ‘yeas’ gathering up their belongings slowly. The walk back was quiet, relishing in the earthy smell of the woods and fading light of the day. The backyard appeared quickly, and the grouped collectively plopped down on the couch. 
“lets order pizza, Sam and Danny go get alcohol,” Josh suggested as he lay his head on Penny’s lap. She toyed with his hair, nodding along to his suggestion. Sam and Danny agreed, grabbing the keys to the Jeep and heading out, Jake ordered the pizza. 
“alright mama, lets go make a big ass bonfire,” Josh said, reaching for her hand to lead her outside. 
“alright loverboy,” She laughed. 
Hey babes! this chapter felt so long, maybe because it took me so long to write lol. 
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almanacrat · 2 years
Hard to Get
Josh Kizska x femReader
Summary: Josh meets one of Mackenzie’s friends and decides he has to have her, but things don't go according to his plan.
Warnings: some sexual innuendos. nothing too major.
Josh stood leaning against the kitchen counter, the marbled stone cool against his skin. He took a sip of his beer, listening intently to one of Danny’s stories when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sparkle of light reflect off of a ring. his eyes were drawn to the shine, much like a bird, but he soon forgot about the ring as he looked at its beholder. There stood a girl in a midnight blue dress ,which glimmered underneath the light, and many articles of silver jewelry. Josh’s mouth sat slightly agape as he took in the sight of such a beautiful woman. 
“So then I say to him...” Danny trailed off as he noticed Josh’s mental absence from the conversation. 
“Whatcha looking at, Josh?” Sam asked.
“More like ‘who’.” Jake added with a smirk as he followed Josh’s gaze to the girl in the corner, who was now talking to the person next to her. 
“Oh no... no no no no no.” Danny’s eyes grew wide as he, too, followed where Josh’s eyes were looking.
“What? What’s wrong?” Josh asked while still keeping an eye on the mystery girl.
“You can't have her, Josh. Go flirt with anyone you want, just not her.” Danny stepped in front of Josh, blocking his view of his new obsession.
“What? Why not?” Josh whined.
“Because she’s Mack’s best friend, and I have complete confidence that she doesn't want you seducing y/n.” Danny crossed his arms across his chest.
“Oh, so that's her name. Y/n.” Josh repeated the name to himself. 
“Don’t even think about it. God, I need another drink.” Danny turned around to pour some more beer into his cup.
Danny took a drink, as he turned back around. Josh had managed to skitter away while Danny was distracted, making a beeline for y/n.
“I turn my back for one second and what does he do? The one thing I told him not to do!” Danny facepalmed as he saw Josh making his way across the room.
Danny set down his drink, ready to stop Josh from making a move on y/n when Sam grabbed his arm.
“Hold on, Danny. Aren’t you curious how this will play out?” Sammy asked with a grin.
“Sure, but-” Danny was cut off by Jake.
“That’s all you need to say. Don’t worry about it. He isn't your responsibility and we like to watch him do stupid stuff.” Jake passed Danny his beer.
“Looking good, mama.” Josh looked y/n up and down with a sweet smile.
“I know.” She ignored his advances.
“Fiesty. I’m Josh.” He stepped closer to her, realizing how short she was as she only stood a little above his shoulder, even with heels on.
“I know who you are, Kizska.” She smirked.
“Oh, do you now, sweetheart.” Josh didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing, but was persistent in his flirting nonetheless.
“Mhm. I’ve heard all about you.” Y/n stepped closer when she noticed that Josh was staring at her lips.
“Have you?” Josh said absentmindedly, the peachy smell of her perfume flooding his senses and blessing him. 
“Oh, yeah.” She said seductively, putting her arm around his neck and pulling him closer. 
“And what have you heard, doll?” Josh put his hands on her waist, glancing from her soft lips to her deep eyes.
“I’ve heard that you are quite the ladies’ man. You know how to make a woman blush and feel like a goddess for the night.” Y/n said in a dreamy tone as she put her hand on his chest.
“I can do more than that. I can make you feel no way you’ve ever felt before, darling. God, you’re so gorgeous.” Josh closed his eyes, ready to eliminate the crevice of space between them, and leaned in. 
Y/n extended her pointer finger and pushed Josh away, seconds before their lips could make contact. His eyes widened in confusion, never having been interrupted like that.
“Nice try, lover boy.” Josh’s body tingled at the nickname coming from her mouth, “I know a player when I see one.” Y/n smirked as she strutted toward Danny, Jake, and Sammy, all of whom she had met before.
“Hey guys.” Y/n said as she gave Jake and Sammy a hug.
Josh stood starstruck. He had never been rejected like that. He knew he was a player, but there was something about Y/n that enticed him, and made him want more than just a fling. In one second he could see them going stargazing, hiking, dancing, and laughing till it hurt. He could see himself making dinner for her even though he didn't love to cook, but for her he would do anything. Josh felt a pang of jealousy when he saw Sammy put his arm around y/n, who has hopped up on the counter to sit beside him, her legs. dangling gently as she laughed at whatever he said. After taking a sip from her cup, y/n looked up and made eye contact with Josh, causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach. He knew he had to have her, but she was playing hart get, and boy was she good at it.
This is my first (published) imagine! Should I write a part 2?
(also I will be taking requests)
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almanacrat · 2 years
Up the Wall (part 3)
Jake Kiszka x femReader
Summary: Y/n gives an answer to Sam, and her annoyance with Jake grows.
Warnings: some swearing
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As Y/n sat with her head in her hands, a large part of her wished she had said no to Sam’s offer; however, she said yes. Y/n liked all the boys, minus one, and the job offer was pretty hard to pass up. Landing a job when you were fresh out of college was pretty rare, so why pass this up. Y/n was determined not to let Jake ruin this golden opportunity. 
“Listen to me. If you want to go to Vegas, I can get you Vegas, but you’re gonna have to take away one of the East Coast shows.” Y/n tried to reason with the boys.
All of them wanted to perform in Vegas, but none of them wanted to drop a show.
“This works. We have two shows in Philly. We can drop one of those and do Vegas.” Jake explained after the boys argued and reasoned with each other for about ten minutes, finally on Y/n’s side of something for once.
“But that would mean cancelling a show, and I don't want to let anyone’s hopes down.” Josh was getting overwhelmed at this point, his eyes dashing across the room wildly.
“Josh. Joshua, look at me and take a breath.” Y/n grabbed his hands, trying to calm him down. “We haven't announced any of the shows yet. No one is going to be let down, okay?” 
“Okay.” Josh nodded his head, finally calm again. “Vegas it is then.” 
The rest of the boys cheered and whooped, hyped at the thought of Vegas. Sammy called for champagne and going to the bar, so Josh, Sam, and Danny left energetically while Jake lingered behind, leaning against the door post and looking at you expectantly.
“Do you need something?” Y/n wondered, her tone half genuine and half sarcastic as she looked up from her papers.
“I was hoping for a thank you.” Jake declared. 
Y/n raised her eyebrows, a bit flabbergasted. “A thank you? For...?”
“For helping you get Josh to agree on Vegas without a huge mess.” Jake finished her sentence.
“You’re joking.”
“Nope.” Jake stood firm.
“I could've done that without you. The only thing you did was decide which show to drop. I calmed him down. I make the calls, I get you the gigs, you don't do any of that. You just sit there and look pretty.” Y/n folded her arms across her chest, leaning back in her chair.
“Pretty, huh? I never knew you thought of me in that way.” Jake was just trying to get on your nerves now, and Y/n wasn’t going to let him get the satisfaction.
“It’s an expression, Jacob.” Y/n said flatly, going back to her work.
“Ooo, using my full first name? You’re mad.” A snarky smile appeared on Jake’s face as he stepped up to the table and took a seat across from Y/n.
“Not mad, just busy.” Y/n looked up at him from her papers, then back down when she met his intense stare and stupid grin. 
“Maybe I can help. I am pretty good at planning things, after all.” His smile grew wider and more infuriating. 
Y/n considered her options. She could walk out and leave him there, then meet the boys, but he would just follow. She could completely ignore him, but he would just keep talking. She could cry, or she could just put up with him and hope she went away. The third option seemed the most appealing, but Y/n stuck with the fourth as it was the most sensible. 
“You just love to torment me, don't you?” Y/n asked, filing a stack of contracts. 
“I find it rather amusing. Though, I wouldn't call it tormenting, but rather... rather...” Jake searched for a word to fill his sentence.
“Take your time.” Y/n quipped, hiding the smirk that begged to creep upon her face.
“You know what I mean.” He said, exasperated. 
“Not sure I do, Kiszka.” Y/n finally decided to meet his eye now that she was gaining the upper hand.
This type of banter with him was fun for her, but not when she was losing. Maybe if this was the type of clash they had first had, she wouldn't have despised him so much. Upon further inspection, there wasn't anything too terrible about Jake. He was funny on occasion and very talented, not to mention being handsome as all get out. Despite all this, Y/n couldn't get over how unbelievably rude he was to her in the parking lot that day. Usually when she bumped into someone a “sorry” was quickly sputtered on both ends, then they moved on and forgot about it, but not Jake. He spat fire so hot that Satan would be proud. 
“Whatever.” Jake muttered.
Y/n let out a quiet, breathy chuckle at her victory over Jake. Her haughty laugh caught the attention of the young bassist. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful her smile was. Jake hated Y/n, but she was practically irresistible. He swore to himself that he would never date, nor even like, someone like her, but he did enjoy taking in her features from time to time. During their group meetings about tours and business deals and whatnot, he often found himself staring at her. Jake liked the way she blushed when she got angry, and how she roughly brushed her hands through her hair when something went wrong. 
“I don't think I've ever seen you laugh. Or smile, for that matter. I was beginning to think you didn't know how.” Jake commented.
“That’s because I don't do either of those things when you’re around. You have this magical way of sucking the joy out of the room.” Y/n gave him a fake smile, then went back to signing papers here and there. 
“Only for you, babe.” His words made Y/n blush a little bit, but she quickly brushed it off. If Jake wanted to play the fake flirting game, she would play to win, and she never lost. 
Jake stood up from where he sat and began to shuffle through her CD’s. He would occasionally scoff of grunt as he looked through them.
“Your taste in music is shit.” Jake laughed at your puny collection of music. 
“Taste is relative. I think it’s good.” 
“You think early 2000′s pop is good music?” Jake criticized. 
“Hey- It’s not just early 2000′s music.” 
“Oh, my apologies.” Jake said dramatically. “You think old pop and emo music is good?”
“Actually, I think it’s revolutionary. Have you ever listened to any of it?” Y/n had a feeling Jake had only listened to Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin in his entire life.
“No, but I can tell it’s pure shit.” 
“You’re pure shit, Jake. Arrogant little fuck.” Y/n rolled her eyes at his judgement. 
“And you’re a little brat.”
“You can't seem to stay away from me, though.” Y/n said cooly.
“I guess not.” Jake muttered so Y/n couldn't hear. “I’m going to join the rest of them. You coming?” 
“No, I need to stay back and word. Don’t let any of them die, though. It’d be a pain in my ass.” Y/n told him. “And close the door on your way... son of a bitch.” 
Jake had left the door wide open, though he had definitely heard her instructions. He left the office and wandered into the fresh outside air, a cool drink on his mind. Jake found the boys at the bar down the street, laughing it up and chattering away.
“You stay back and fight with her?” Josh asked as his twin approached.
“Only a little.” Jake grinned slyly.
“Leave her alone, man. She’s nice.” Danny nudged Jake before taking a drink of his alcohol. 
“Yeah, I don't see what your problem with her is. She’s kind, she has a sense of humor, and she’s good at her job. I mean, she just got us a gig in Vegas.” Sammy was slightly distressed at the feud between his friend and brother.
“I think she’s just a spoiled little rich girl. She’s a brat.” Jake didn't want to reveal to them what happened in the parking lot as he felt the real reason for hating her was really quite foolish. 
“Good thing you’re into brats.” Josh laughed at his own comment. He was already a little buzzed. “Maybe you guys would get along if you started fucking!” Josh cackled again.
“No. Not an option. If you wanna date her, thats fine, just don't be a dick-” Sam began.
“I don't want to date her. Why would I ever want to date her?” Jake scoffed at his brother’s words, taking the salty dog from Josh’s hands and having a sip.
“You guys would make a good couple if you weren't so set on making her life hell.” Danny added.
“Never.” Jake stated.
As the night grew old, Jake pondered the words of his friend and brothers. He decided that although Y/n was stunning, they would make a terrible couple. Jake did his best to convince himself that he hated her, but there was a spark of something there that made him become fascinated by her. Whatever it was, Jake told himself, it wasn't important enough for him to swallow his pride and explore it. The only problem was that sometimes, she seemed like something less than his enemy. This feeling had subsided for the night, and Jake could've sworn he never felt it until she walked in. 
“Ugh.” Jake grumbled at the sight of her.
“She’s not a threat to you, Jake. Just have fun and try not to be a jerk.” Danny told Jake.
Y/n greeted all the boys gingerly, glaring when she got to Jake. Jake gave her the same look as she took a seat at the bar, placing herself by Josh, and consequently by Jake. 
“What are you gonna order? A Pina colada? Or maybe a just an apple juice for the baby.” Jake began tormenting her again with a sinister grin on his face.
“I’m two years younger than you, Jake. And I'm gonna get a beer.” Y/n didn’t condone violence, but she was beginning to think it wasn't so bad after all.
“Two years younger and two feet shorter.” Jake snickered, looking down at Y/n and dangling her phone above her head. 
Y/n tried to reach the phone, but to no avail. She was far too short to reach it as she only came up to his shoulder. 
“Sammy.” Y/n wailed, turning around to where Sam once stood, but he was no longer there. Sam and Danny were throwing axes on the other side of the room.
“Your precious Sammy can't help you now.” Jake said evilly, smirking as he cornered you against the bar, still dangling your phone.
Jake liked to see Y/n like this. Her being completely helpless was something he had never seen before, and he was enjoying it. Jake let his mind wander for a moment, imagining what it would be like to have her completely to himself, with her consent, of course.
“Josh!” Y/n groaned, looking over to where he stood. 
“Leave her alone, Jake.” Josh reprimanded him.
“I’m just having fun.” Jake defended himself.
“Jake.” Josh warned him. 
“Fine.” Jake dropped her phone and walked away.
Much to her luck, Y/n caught it before it hit the sticky linoleum floor. 
“What is his fucking problem?” Y/n complained to Josh, getting comfortable under his arm which he draped around her.
“There’s something about you that throws him off, I just can't figure it out. He won't tell me either. He’s not usually like this, though.” Josh spoke.
“He didn't tell you guys?”
“Tell us what?” Josh inquired. 
“Oh my god! I thought he would've told you by now.” Y/n marveled. “I met Jake the morning of the dinner.”
“You're kidding!” Josh replied.
“No. We ran into each other- like literally ran into each other in the Walgreens parking lot and he fucking lost it on me.”
“No he didn't.” Josh said, aghast.” 
“Yes, he did! He started yelling at me, so I yelled back and we were just fighting in the parking lot!” Y/n chuckled lightly at how ridiculous it was and the shocked look on Josh’s face.
“But- wha- Why did he yell at you?” 
“I don’t know! Maybe he was just having a bad day.” Y/n theorized.
“Yeah, probably. So that’s why you two hate each other so much.”
“I wouldn't say hate... just strongly dislike.” Y/n brushed her hand through her hair.
Y/n didn't notice Jake watching her from across the bar, but Josh did. Josh knew Jake better than anyone, and he felt that if Jake and Y/n hadn't had such a rocky introduction, they may actually make a great couple. They complimented each other’s personalities well when they weren't arguing, and even Danny could sense the sexual tensions between the two. 
While spectating, the shroud of hostility seemed to melt away from Y/n before Jake’s eyes. He hated when this would happen. Jake was able to look at her and see a genuine, loving, happy person instead of an antagonistic brat. Given, he knew he was the reason she acted so unfriendly; however, Jake didn't plan to stop bothering her. She was rather cute when she got angry, and Jake secretly delighted in the power struggle between them. Jake took in the sight of her, then the sight of Josh’s arm around her. His feelings of disgust returned as he perceived how comfortable Y/n was under his twin’s arm. Jake despised himself for feeling even a tiny bit jealous, but try as he might, he couldn't fight off the feeling of envy that seeped through his veins.
Taglist: @way-to-go-lad @axmodxus @jessssssi @betheonebetheone @lightmylov3 @shellygvf @morgtbhidc @anthonybridgertonsmistress @daughter-of-rain​ @joshplaysthevocals​ @lovegoodtrue​
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almanacrat · 2 years
Kizska Fic Masterlist!
Up the Wall
Part 7
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Hard to Get
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
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almanacrat · 2 years
Up the Wall (part 2)
Jake Kiszka x femReader
Summary: Dinner goes nothing like Y/n expected. 
Karen and Kelly prepared a lovely dinner for everyone, and they were unbelievably welcoming. Y/n felt like they were almost her parents. Y/n never had a great relationship with her parents. Her mom had dropped contact and moved away several years ago, and her dad was still torn up about it, though he would never tell Y/n that. He was a great dad and tried to do everything he could to provide for her emotionally, but he didn't fill the place her room had once provided in her life. Now seeing how the Kiszka family meshed, she had to admit to herself that she was a little jealous. Her father ran a law firm, so she was rather wealthy, but it didn't take the place of love and support. Y/n had a lot of things growing up, but a real family was never one of them.
“So, Y/n, what does your dad do?” Mrs. Kizska asked cheerfully, interested in every word you had to say.
“He’s a lawyer.” Y/n answered her.
“Of course he is.” Jake remarked under his breath, shooting Y/n an angry look.
“Oh, how wonderful! Lots of work, huh?” Karen took a bite of her food, seemingly oblivious to Jake’s words.
“Yes, ma’am.” Y/n were still shy in front of them.
“What are you studying right now?” Josh asked, sitting next to Y/n.
“I’m a music business major and I’m minoring in art.” Y/n felt a little more comfortable with Josh since he was so outgoing, but the rest of them made her anxious.
They asked Y/n many questions about her life as the dinner went on, Jake adding a snarky comment or scoff here and there, which drove her up the wall. Y/n was acting like an adult, so she couldn't see why he didn't just get it together. Whatever his deal was, it made her hate him more. 
Relief swept over Y/n as the night came to an end. No more pressure to be perfect, so more questions, and no more Jake. Y/n thought the Kiszka family was great, but the unexpected surprise of Jake being there took a toll on her. As she hugged all of them goodbye, except Jake, of course, part of Y/n became sad that she was leaving the family atmosphere.
“Sammy, honey, go walk her out to her car.” Karen prompted him.
“I’ll do it.” Jake volunteered quickly, making her sigh internally.
“Why did you do that?” Y/n asked him angrily when you got outside.
Y/n were confused. Jake hated you, so why would he want to walk her out to her car. For a moment, y/n considered that maybe he wanted to apologize, but she brushed the thought away after looking at him.
“Do what?” Jake acted innocent.
“Volunteer to walk me out to my car.” Y/n replied curtly.
“Because mom said you needed someone to walk you out.” Jake rolled his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I don't need someone to walk me to my car, smartass.” 
“Well I didn't want poor Sammy to have to spend any more time with you.” Jake sassed back.
“Are you always this much of a dick?” Y/n folded her arms over her body as they walked toward her car.
“Are you always waltzing into people’s houses after crashing into them?”
“You crashed into me, you bastard. And Sammy begged me for days to have dinner with him.” She defended herself, blushing as she got worked up.
“Why didn’t you just invite him over to daddy’s mansion then, huh. Spoiled little rich girl.” Jake degraded Y/n, but, honestly, it turned her on a little bit, and you hated herself for that. “Cat got your tongue?” Jake laughed after she stayed silent.
“Fuck off, Jake.” Y/n murmured, her head sinking as she looked at her feet. 
“Are you gonna cry?” Jake teased her.
Y/n had had enough of Jake’s malice. He was a bitch at dinner and then comes out here just to torture her, and she couldn't stand it. Before Y/n had time to stop and think, she slapped him as hard as she could across the face. 
Jake stood there, shocked. No one had ever done that to him before and he certainly didn’t anticipate the slap nor how bad it was going to hurt. Jake cupped his face in his hand, his jaw dropping slightly.
“You little brat! I’ll remember this.” He hissed, looming over her then storming inside.
Y/n felt like she was shrinking into her car as she speedily got in. She knew that she was in deep shit now.
A few months later, Y/n stood under the shining lights of the club. She was there to celebrate her graduation, and she felt like nothing could ruin her night. Of course, something, or rather someone, did ruin her night. Y/n spotted the familiar brown hair and Chelsea boots across the room and knew exactly who it was. Jake turned around suddenly and made eye contact with her, his brows furrowing as he recognized her. Josh stood beside him and also turned around when he noticed Jake’s lack of interest in whatever he was doing. Josh smiled brightly and made a beeline for Y/n.
“Happy graduation!” Josh congratulated her, pulling her into a tight hug.
As she hugged him, she maintained eye contact with Jake, his expression growing angrier.
“Thank you so much!” She giggled softly at how giddy he was. 
“Dance?” Josh raised his voice over the loud music.
“Sure.” Y/n took his hand and began to dance with him.
Hands grabbed hips and bodies touched as they moved in sync on the dance floor. They laughed with joy, making Y/n completely forget about Josh’s raging twin.
“You need to come over for dinner again.” Josh raised his voice so Y/n could hear him.
“I don't know. I don't think Jake likes me too much.” Y/n laughed, knowing Jake hated her guts. 
“Speak of the devil.” Was all Josh could muster before someone separated the two of them. 
“I need to talk to you. Outside.” Jake explained as he pulled Y/n outside with him. 
“What’s your deal?” Y/n exclaimed when they exited the bar. 
“What’s my deal? What’s your deal? First you’re desperate for Sam and now you’re grinding on Josh?” Jake unleashed all his rage, yelling at full volume.
“What the fuck, Jake? I don’t want to date Sam, and I certainly was not grinding on Josh in there. You just don't know how to be a civil person and not act like a huge asshole!” Y/n felt small in Jake’s shadow, but didn't dare back down.
“I am not being an asshole!” 
“Yes you are! I don't know why you care so much about what I do!”
“I don't care about you! No one does! You’re a bitch who has everything handed to her on a silver platter.” Jake growled at her.
“Just because my dad is a lawyer doesn't mean I get everything handed to me. My life isn't fucking perfect and it sure is hell isn't easy! You’re a prick who can't admit when you’re wrong because you’re so arrogant!” Y/n took a step closer to him, hoping she looked as threatening as he did right now. “You’re still mad about what happened in the parking lot the other day!” 
“Well you are too!” Jake spat back.
“I’m not mad about the parking lot. I’m mad because you’re being a huge dick over a minor inconvenience! You were so fucking rude during dinner just because you ran into me that morning.” Y/n was about to lose her mind.
“You’re insufferable!” Jake screamed.
“And you drive me up the wall!” Y/n’s throat was scratchy from raising her voice so much.
“Good!” Jake exclaimed.
“Good!” Y/n agreed.
Y/n hopped into her car and headed back to her apartment. She ran a hot shower and lit some candles, hoping it would relax her and take her mind off of the screaming match she had with Jake. She couldn't believe how entitled he was. Y/n could deal with clingy people and hyper people, but she could not stand entitled people. Just as she was beginning to refresh her mind and body, Y/n’s phone buzzed. It was a text from Sam.
“How would you like to be our tour manager?” 
Taglist: @morgtbhidc @anthonybridgertonsmistress @daughter-of-rain @joshplaysthevocals @lovegoodtrue @way-to-go-lad
comment of message me if you want to be added to the tag list
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