#just two very lonely immortal bros whatever will they do with their time
promiseofthepremise · 3 years
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this is a gift (it comes with a price)
a vampire au for @halloweenie-event 2021 🦇
Vampire!MJ/ Immortal!Peter | 3 parts | rated E
“Okay, I don’t know what your deal is, Ma’am,” he stands tall, just about her exact height, “but if you hurt that man--”
“Oh, come on,” Michelle scoffs, “if I was actually hurting anyone, it wouldn’t have taken me a month to get your attention.”
“I-- Excuse me?” Spider-Man balks, obviously taken aback, obviously a little intrigued too if her intuition is at all accurate. And it usually is. “What do you mean, get my attention?”
“I mean, I’ve been wanting to talk to you,” Michelle explains. “But you make it awfully difficult for a gal to have a conversation.”
OR: MJ's a vampire, Peter can't quite die, and New York can be a big place when you're all alone.
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demes-tumbled-sims · 5 years
Avyan Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 2: Fisherman, Ahoy!
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“Morning, Lara. Had fun?”
“Oh. You’re Johnny’s roommate.” She gives me a long up and down. I give her a grin; it’s never too early to start making friends, right? Sure, keeping them up is a bit of work, and you’re playing risky business, because people are chumps re: clinging to this mortal coil, but you need to chase what you can. Opportunity only knocks once unless you grab its hand and make it. And when you do that, they become more opportunities. And at the end of the day, everyone (well, everyone you gotta watch out for) wins. She does not catch my thoughts. “Is this going to be a problem?”
Oh, my sides.
“No, no, of course not. I’m not that kind of roommate. You do what you like about Zest. I’d offer coffee, but we’re on the cheap. Come back in...Oh, I dunno, maybe two days.” Today’s my day off, and I’m not at a level of my aspirations where I need a dinner party. So as much as I’d like to say I’m going to get one tonight, it’s time to be realistic. Actually, I’d like to see whether or not there’ll be a kid, so two days is about perfect.
Once she leaves, though, it’s time for me to people-hunt, because I’m going to need more than Zest for this -- he can run around and get me plants because I made puppydog eyes at and/or threaten him all day, but there’s bound to be some things I can make easier.
And that’s when I spot him. An old man. In overalls.
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Fisherman, ahoy! Not as good as one of those neighborhood gardener types, but I flag him down and dash towards him, because any free fish I can get are good fish. I practically shove the welcome wagon aside as I dash out --
“I’ll take care of these guys!” Zest cries after me. They’re a full day late, anyway.
“Hey! Can we talk? I’m Kestral.”
“Oh, sure! it’s not every day someone your age wants to talk to an old man like me. Gino’s the name. Gino Levin.”
“Cool, cool. Hey, listen, Gino -- can I call you Gino?” I have already ditched his last name entirely. “Are you happy? You look like an out-of-towner; you commute to fish?”
“I don’t mind the commute,” He says with a laugh. For an old guy, he talks pretty quickly, with some vim. He could last me a while. “It’s a bit of a challenge, gives me something to do!”
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And boom goes the dynamite. A door opens a little before me. I can get him, and then I’m home free on fishing for -- I dunno, a week, maybe? How old is he?
“A challenge, huh? You can do better than a commute, though!” I start, luring him in. “You need a real purpose, before it’s too late!”
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“Yeah! You’re right!” He got fired up pretty easily. I breathe a sigh of relief.
“I am right! You can --”
“Actually, I’ve got to go. Thanks for talking with me!”
Oh, come on! That’s not even fair!
I head back to the house, where I’ll call up that fisherman, because your girl is going to reel in this catch so she doesn’t have to worry about reeling in a catch! Meanwhile, true to his promise, Zest has been taking care of the welcome wagon.
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really taking care of one of them, anyway.
“Hey!  You’re a pretty girl -- you shouldn’t doubt yourself!” He’s explaining as I try and sort out the mob around me.
“Johnny, you flatter me,” Maaike says, in the tone that suggests that flattery, while somewhat misplaced, is not going to be disregarded. If you like having your ego boosted, just say so -- it’s what I do. To myself.
“Yeah, but I’m being serious! I know you can’t tell, but really!” He really does sound earnest, taking her hand and energetically sweeping her up to her feet. “Now, this is where, if I had a prop comedy thing, I’d tell you beauty is in the eye of the b-holder, but I’d have a B tucked away somewhere and give it to you. It’d be great.“
“But you don’t,” she says.
“But I don’t. It B-left me, so you’ll just have to B-lieve me.” When he says that, she gives one of those bursts of laughter that comes after a long pause, in which a rational person’s brain adjusts to the ridiculousness of things Zest is willing to say with nothing but a bright and earnest smile. “You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re awesome!”
“I think,” says Maaike, “That I’m smart enough to think you’re just trying to get with me.”
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“Nah! Well. Ok. Could you blame me?” He tried to find a way to buoy her up, and snaps his fingers. “I know! I’ll prove it; be my girlfriend!”
“...Well. Very well, then. We are to date!”
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It’s a very short walk to his bedroom from there. I asked him later if that was going to be a real thing -- by which I meant, a lasting thing.
“Well, it lasts as long as it lasts, but it probably won’t be the last.” He shrugged, in the future. “But I do like her, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for something super exclusive.”
he’s probably just caught in the moment. Like I hoped he would be.
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Not that I am not considering Ulrike, myself. An artsy type isn’t bad.
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“So, naturally, I’m expecting to knock out a couple of levels of kitchen work in my first week or so here, become a master chef and mixologist by the time I’m an adult, and just knock it all right out of the park, you know? But it’s not exactly a solo job.”
Pah. Whatever her skepticisms, there’s nothing a good cloudgazing can’t fix.
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Nothing charms and relaxes like lying on the ground with someone! For some reason. But at least Ulrike enjoys describing shapes for a while.
Once the Welcome Wagon goes home, I am left with Gino, who’s looking a little down.
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“Heeey, Gino. What’s up, old man?”
“...What if it is too late? I’m not spring chicken. All you young people, having love lives; having goals. The water never changes… I’m running out of time to be like that.” His shoulders sag and he smiles, full of regret.
Look, I intend a lot of things that happen. But this isn’t one of them. And I can’t abide giving up like that; I won’t accept it!
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“It’s not too late; it’s never too late!”
“But didn’t you say --”
“OK, there is a too late, but you’re alive right here, right now; you have an all.” I lean in and grab his arm just a little gently. “Look. If you’re lonely, come move in with us! It won’t be a grand life or anything (sorry about that, I’ll work on it), but every fish you can catch goes into building a big house for forever! And every angelfish you catch can [i]really count[/i]! Come on; whaddya say?”
“You got yourself a fisherman!”
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And so is added to the house Gino Levin (Oh, hey, I remembered after all), a Jealous, Active Bro. Odd for a fisherman, but what do I know? Like Zest, I’m not going to force him to change all his clothes. Maybe just a dapper suit. For when I have an occasion. Later, I’ll probably get… More proactive, as it were. Because I know that by the time I have kid who is old enough, fashions will have changed and everyone will have been absolutely smashed by the dumb outfit stick.
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But while he has not been catching me an angelfish, I was going forth and conquering. Winning the day. Getting my first promotion, as you do.
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I can spend most of my next morning skilling. What? This is skilling. I have to make drinks, and then the drinks are just sitting around, waiting to be drunk! That said, I’ll be glad when my aspiration lets me step back and practice bartending for a bit; easier to zone out and do for a long while. But while I need to, I can knock them out!
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Not that I don’t, when Zest gets invited out by Maaike, mind going out and spending a while in a nice pub.
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“You know, people say chickens are dinosaurs -- but aren’t you supposed to call things chicken, not the other way around?” What. Dude.
“Hm; you raise a point… Would the logical counter-chicken then be a dinosaur, or do we suppose dinosaurs cowards?”
He’s… kind of got a situation going. Of which he and his talk of dinosaurs remains completely and blissfully unaware.
But that’s his business; my business… Is with a familiar face.
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“Sweet, what a coinkidink!” She waves me down when I come in, and I take a seat across the table from her.
“Aren’t you supposed to live in San Myshuno? I know they have bars there.”
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“OK, while I love, love, loooove a good karaoke machine, you have to go out, experience new things, visit new places! That’s sort of my thought about all sorts of things -- about life, and about love, too!”
Oh. “So, you’re kind of a free spirit, huh?”  That’s what she wants… Do I take a different tack, then? Well, it’s not like me to worry about that; if that’s what I want to do, it’d be better to sweep her off her feet so hard she can’t think.
“Yup! I wouldn’t say I’d want to be a two-timer… But I wouldn’t want to get bored, either!” She smiles blithely… But after a moment, she gives me a glance. “Out to meet more people for your quest?”
“Kinda; I’d see what happens, anyway. Wish that lady would let me behind the bar…” I mean, wouldn’t that be fun? It’d be a step up from the porch.
“That’s lame! I’d like to try your drinks sometime.” She looks at my face for a second and stands up. “Hey, wanna see if I can’t kick your butt in foosball for a while?”
“I mean, I already know the answer; but it’ll be fun to prove it to you,” I answer graciously.
“You’re so mean!” She laughs regardless. “I’ll make you eat those words!”
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We just goofed around anyway; it was a fun match.
“Shame it doesn’t help much!” She commented as she spun a little guy around.
“Socializing helps, socializing helps. It’s all got to happen sometime.” I shrug.
“Well, it does help ms. go-getter not blow a gasket. You know what they say about all work and no play!” Her eyes lit up when she thought about that.
“You’ve got to hustle to make a dollar! Besides… You’re just trying to distract me so I won’t cream you.”
As for what Zest was up to… Mostly just chatting, I think? He might have played some Don’t Wake the Llama. Any hope of flirting with his girl was hard-stopped…
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By his other girl, who sulked -- he didn’t even give her a kiss hello! Because of his girlfriend, who he’s sensible enough to at least not flirt with in front of his side squeeze. Ah, Zest.
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“Booyah! Victory is mine! I warned you! Your girl does not lose!”
It was a good trip.
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eternlmisery · 7 years
Immortal- Welcome Home (Chapter 2/?)
Chapter Summary:  The three siblings finally reunite and the brothers officially meet Sara.
Read chapter on ao3 | Read story on ao3
“The black sheep returns once again…” Said Mick as he walked inside the room; moving towards the library and letting his fingers graze the dusty books on one of the selves. “I have missed you, Lenny.”
“What are you doing here, Mick?” He questioned; moving cautiously towards the other man who flashed him a smirk. His brother looked the same as always; black jacket and those same over-worn combat boots which Leonard didn’t even know how survived all these years.
“Well, I was just gonna ask you the same thing but I’m guessing your answer already.” Mick said and moved towards the shelves with the family albums. He quickly found the one that was marked “1864” and once he opened it, he took something and then put the rest of the album back in its place. “You came here to save your brother; make him good again… and then you saw her.” He showed Leonard the picture he had gotten from the album and the man felt his blood boil.
In the photo was Alexa; curled hair cascading down her shoulders and she was wearing that dress with the small slit on her chest. Leonard remembered taking that very dress off of her that same night when he took that picture with a camera his father had reluctantly let him use.
“Young naïve Sara who just happens to look just like her… and I’m wondering little brother, have you thought of how she tastes; how it would be to drain the life out of her… to tear her to pieces and see the life fade away from these blue vibrant eyes of hers?” Mick taunted Leonard and walked closer to him with his smirk getting bigger each passing moment. “Come on, Lenny… Give into the thirst, let’s do this together! Go and tear that girl apart and perhaps you can have your way with her before we kill her. For old time’s sake.”
“Shut up!” Leonard hissed and rushed to Mick; throwing the man out of the still-open window along with himself. He landed on the pavement and he swiftly stood up; dusting his clothes and feeling unnerved by his outburst. Hot-headedness was Mick’s specialty.
And speaking of Mick…
Leonard glanced around him; realizing that his brother was nowhere to be seen in the property and he began to panic. Usually Mick wasn’t one to pay house visits and most of all to him or Lisa and it was a quite rare occasion to have him in one place.
“Uh, I hate to tell you that Len but you seem to have really lost your edge. I imagine it isn’t hunting season yet and you can’t eat a deer. Man, it must really suck to feed on poor innocent bunnies and rats. ‘No don’t hurt us, Lenny! We just want to eat our carrots!’” Mick said as he appeared behind the man and Leonard rolled his eyes.
“Reconnecting has been really fun, brother but I would really like to know why you decided to come back after all this time. I know Central has a hell of a nightlife but I really doubt you are here for that.” He said and his mouth had that smirk that was dripping sarcasm…
“Can’t I just be homesick and missing my siblings?” Mick questioned and Leonard snorted at that.
“That right is long gone, Mick… So I am warning you; one more person dies and I go stake-shopping.”
“You sure you wanna do that, brother? Because you are gonna need much more than… this to take me down.” Mick pointed at his lone form.
“What? You are saying that my stunning appearance and excellent sense of humor aren’t enough?” In less than a moment Leonard had his brother by the neck and pressed against one of the walls outside the boarding house. “Of course I can just go fetch us both a couple of stakes and we’ll sort this whole thing out right now.” It was Mick’s turn to talk and he did it with a harsh punch on Leonard’s face. The other man just kept smirking; unfazed by his behavior. Soon the two were exchanging punches and Leonard managed to grab a broken tree branch; hoping that it would slow him brother down if he stabbed him with. Mick was punching him relentlessly and he didn’t even think twice as he grabbed his little brother and started hitting him against the trees. Leonard was fighting back though; managing to stab Mick with the branch on the stomach but the older man quickly pulled it out and threw it aside.
“Seems like you have picked up a few new tricks, brother!” Leonard called out as he wiped the blood from his nose. Mick was across him; hands crossed in front of his chest and face cool.
“You should see the one with the hawk. Gave Alexa 2.0 and her little friend quite the scare this morning. You should have seen them screaming when the car started spinning.” Mick spat out as Leonard ran up to the other man; hand going inside his chest and the man released a grunt. “That’s how it’s gonna be, Lenny? You’re not fighting fair.”
“I never did.” Leonard drawled and then suddenly Mick used his hands to break Leonard’s neck and he fell limp on the floor.
“Sorry Lenny, but you are beginning to get on my nerves and my anger issues still need work.” Mick muttered and moved towards the house… And then he was getting knocked down. He glanced up to see Leonard. “Oh, well that was fast. Maybe next time I should stab you or rip off a limb. See what happens then.”
“Or I can break both of your necks, tear off your limbs, and scatter your body parts all across the city and then go on vacation in the Caribbean.” Said Lisa as she walked towards the two looking pissed as hell.
“Lisa! The sibling I actually missed.” Mick called out with a sarcastic growl. The woman rolled her eyes and separated her two siblings; throwing them in different sides.
“Cut the crap, bro. We both know you don’t give a damn about me or Leonard. So I suggest you go and compel the girl who survived your attempt to kill her to forget all about you or I can stake you right now and go do that myself.”
“Wow… things really have changed.” Mick said and got up from the ground that Lisa had thrown him. “I remember when you were a sweet little innocent girl.”
“Well I think that all three of us know what happened to that little girl and whose fault it is.” Both Mick and Leonard exchanged a look but surprisingly it was Mick who spoke.
“By the time I’m done you’re gonna get all of that back, Lisa. We both are.” Mick stated as he started walking away.
“What’s your plan Mick?” Leonard demanded as he stood next to Lisa with a determined expression.
The other man smiled.
“Doesn’t the thrill of the discovery and the anticipation make it all much more fun? I guess you will just have to figure that out on your own.” He said as he quickly disappeared and the two siblings saw a hawk flying in the distance.
Looks like their brother was here to stay after all…
 “Hey, Anna, it’s me.” Ray said as the slender girl’s eyes opened and she burrowed her eyebrows at the young man. “Calm down, your parents are on their way from Philly right now and the doctor let me sit with you until they get here.”
Anna’s hand went to her bandaged neck and she tried to say something to Ray; even though her voice came out as a hoarse grunt.
“Don’t try to talk yet. Whatever happened… whatever animal attacked you; it’s gone now, you are safe.” Anna lifted her tear-filled eyes and looked at him. With a scratchy voice she finally managed to say…
 “Dear diary, the past is like a ghost. No matter how much we want to move on and forget it; pretend it’s not killing us from the inside…
 “Lenny, hide that picture… That bitch doesn’t deserve even your merest shred of attention.” Lisa said and placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder.
“Lis, I am so sorry I couldn’t stop him.” Leonard said with a pained voice as he stood up from the chair and faced his little sister.
“I let Mick go tonight; it’s my fault too.” She stated softly with a tone he hadn’t heard in a very long time.
“I don’t mean about Mick.” Lisa’s eyes darkened. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop dad… when he-.”
“It’s still not your fault. It’s all her fault and if I had the chance I would make her pay all over again…But my priority now is Mick and it should be yours too.”
 …it always comes back, one way or the other…
 The tired woman sat on her usual table at Jitters and she was suddenly very thankful that the coffee-shop was open 24/7. Her books were spread all over the surface and even though she had to work on her paper... she just could not get her eyes off of that handsome stranger who was looking at her intently. She was playing it cool… until he stood up and started walking towards her.
“Can I help you?” She questioned with her eyebrow rising as she looked at the man. Well he was quite handsome and from the looks of it he had a pretty good body too… Stay cool!
“I believe that you may be just the help I’m looking for right now. I’m Mick.” His piercing eyes were focused on hers as he smirked.
“I’m Laurel.” She said with a smile.
 …and whether we like it or not, it is bound to change everything. And when the past returns...We wouldn’t have wished for our day to be different. Because sometimes different is very, very far from good. And you realize that in dark times, you find yourself making unexpected friends…
 “Lisa?” Sara asked concerned as she saw the brunette standing in her front door. She was still in her clothes from the bonfire party but her eyes were red-rimmed and it looked like she had been crying. “What happened is everything okay? Did your brother hurt you?” The other woman rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“No, no. Leonard would never even think of laying a hand on me.” She explained and Sara remembered the piercing blue orbs of the man when she bumped on him on her way out of the bathroom. She didn’t even had the time to process it was the same man who had come in with Lisa, but Amaya took it upon herself to tell her that he was indeed the hot stranger. “I’m just… I really don’t want to be home right now and… I have nowhere else to go.”
Lisa still stood on the doorway, just in front of the doorframe with her feet not stepping inside the premises of the house. Sara didn’t seem to notice that and she offered her a warm smile.
“You can crash here for as long as you want and my sister isn’t home yet so she won’t be here to bombard you with a million questions.” Lisa didn’t move from where she was standing; looking at her feet.
“Are you sure you don’t mind..?” She asked hesitantly.
“I don’t. Now come in; I’ll go make us both some coffee and you can tell me what happened to you.” Sara stated and Lisa finally walked inside the house and let out a relieved breath at the fact that she could enter the house just by Sara inviting her in.
Little did both girls know that Leonard was across the street and smiling to himself, now knowing that Lisa was safe and she was with Sara in her house where Mick couldn’t come in until they invited him… Which was definitely wasn’t going to happen.
 “You got it?” Sara asked Lisa as she met the girl in front of her locker the next morning.
“Did I get it?” Lisa teased and got a book out of her backpack. Sara let out an excited squeal and grabbed the book. It was “The Tale of Two Cities” and as Sara opened the first page she saw that it was one of those that were published in 1859. “Duh. I’m basically a ninja.”
“Didn’t your brother give it to you?” Sara questioned and bit her lip, not wanting Leonard to be upset that Lisa took something behind his back to give to her. “Oh my god Lisa this is first edition.”
“Yeah I know…Lenny has a huge collection of these; books our relatives had since they first came in Central and he usually doesn’t mind me borrowing them.” She reassured the blonde as they began walking towards their first class of the day; History.
And appeared that the class had already started and Mr. Deveau really wasn’t thrilled when his students were late.  He paced back and forth waiting for the two girls to sit down and then shot both of them a glare.
“Well now that Mrs. Lance and Mrs. Snart have decided to join us I can continue.” He stated and Lisa snorted. “As I was saying, the comet was discovered about 5 centuries ago and it’s the first time it passes Central in 145 years. Now as you all might have heard, the comet will be its brightest after dusk so I imagine most of you will be seeing it in tonight’s celebration…”
Again, Sara wasn’t paying that much attention to her teacher’s words; per usual and was instead texting Amaya who surprisingly sat on the other end of the classroom.
Her brother is the hottie from yesterday, Sara! You at least have to meet him.
Nope, not doing this. Lisa is actually pretty nice and I’m not using her into meeting her hot brother.
Hey, I’m not saying that but I am sensing that this guy will be the change you want.
Oh making predictions now too, teenage witch?
Hey last night I thought I saw a hawk at the party, aka a hawk like the one that almost caused my car to take down a post box. And then Anna was injured. Coincidence?
Yes. Totally a coincidence. Amaya you are in serious need of a night-out and I’m totally dragging you to the comet sighting tonight and maybe you can predict what the hell is happening with Laurel.
Why what is wrong with-.
“Mrs. Jiwe and Mrs. Lance, I suggest you put your phones in your bags unless you want me to ask for your legal guardians to come get them after school.” Mr. Deveau’s voice interrupted them and both girls instantly hid their phones and mumbled apologies. “Now for the first assignment of the year, I suggest you work on teams and this time you will have to work with someone new. So, Mrs. Lance you are going with Mrs. Snart and as for Mrs. Jiwe, she will have to choose someone else this time. The rest of you can choose a partner from the name board.”
 “Her parents are with her every minute of the day but Mrs. L let me stay with her a little bit this morning. She has been asleep since last night but other than that the doctors are saying that she will be cleared to leave by tomorrow.” Ray explained as he handed Sara a coffee and they walked together on the mostly-empty parking lot of the school.
“That’s positive; at least that animal didn’t damage anything vital.” She said and sipped the hot beverage. “Have they figured out what animal attacked her anyway?”
“Nope, but last night she… she woke up the only thing she said was ‘vampire’.” Sara’s eyebrows shot up and she made a face.
“Was she drunk or something?” She asked with concern on her voice even though she knew that Anna was the last person she knew that could be so drunk that she would think a vampire attacked her.
“No, no. Anna doesn’t usually get drunk… Maybe it was the pain medication.” Ray tried to reason.
“Yeah, unless Dracula is running around Central and trying to feed on innocent girls.” Sara said and gave Ray a playful nudge. She knew that her friend was usually a ray of sunshine (thus why she found his name to be so fitting), but what happened with Anna really seemed to shock him. “Don’t worry. Anna is getting better right now and you were her knight in shining armor. And when she gets better maybe she can repay you for your chivalrous behavior.” She winked at him and Ray almost choked on his coffee.
“Well that ends today’s conversation.” He said and gave Sara a quick hug before starting to walk away. “I’m gonna go and see if Anna woke up!”
“Give her my best and a sloppy kiss!” She teased and Ray groaned as he got in his car. Sara was left alone again and only then she noticed that on the other side of the parking lot; near the woods, stood Lisa talking with her brother. She felt her mouth go dry at the sight of the handsome man with the black leather jacket talking to Lisa and just when she thought of walking over to them and asking the woman what they were gonna do with the assignment, her phone rang. She took it out of her back pocket and saw that it was Laurel. She accepted the call and just as she looked up to see if Lisa had spotted her… both her and her brother had disappeared.
And then after telling Laurel that it was okay that she forgot to leave her any money for takeout and completely against her better judgment… she started walking towards the direction of the old Snart boarding house.
“Hello?” She called out as she rang the bell (??) on the front door but got no answer. Then as she was about to knock on the front door she realized that it was open. She debated about going in thinking about how wrong it would be to barge in unannounced in the home of a girl she barely even knew… but she thought that if the door was open. That probably meant that either Lisa or her brother were home. So she walked inside. “Lisa?”
She noticed the girl’s backpack on a stool by the door so she kept walking. The house was maybe the most breathtaking place Sara had walked inside of in her entire life. It was almost entirely made out of wood and the furniture made her think of a different era… everything was so authentic and old and truly unique.
And then she heard a slight squeak from the front door. She immediately turned to see if it was Lisa but soon in flew a hawk; a freaking hawk like the one Amaya was talking about that same morning and she whirled to see where it landed she was face-to-face with a man. Her eyes widened as she took a step back; her reflexes kicking in, as she heard the door close behind her.
The man seemed unfazed and a smirk appeared on his lips as he looked at her from top to bottom. His face was unfamiliar but something in the way he looked at her and that smirk was oddly similar to Lisa…
“Hi, I’m Mick, Lisa’s and Leonard’s brother.” He said and crossed his hands in front of his chest. She cocked her head to the side and looked at him closely. He didn’t look anything like Lisa or Leonard. All three had handsome characteristics but in Lisa’s and Leonard’s faces, there was always that coldness… In contrary Mick’s whole face and form were of a warrior; firm jaw and eyes that had a burning fire behind them. But all of them had this… brokenness; one could say… that always lingered behind their smirks.
“Lisa didn’t mention having another brother besides Leonard.” Sara told him with challenge written all over her expression.
“Well, Lisa doesn’t like to brag and I���m not exactly her brother.” Mick explained as he walked inside the living room and Sara followed a few steps behind him; growing more agitated and worried every moment that passed. “I am adopted, but still, pretty hurtful that sis didn’t mention me.”
“I’m sure she would have mentioned you if we talked more.” She looked around the room; looking for another exit… in vain. “Do you happen to know where she is, because I want to ask her about the history assignment we’re partnered together in?” Mick was about to answer when he spotted the book that Sara held in her hands. His eyes lit up and he took it from her; inspecting it.
“That’s a hell of a book.” He said as he turned on the first page and his fingers touched the inscription. “Lisa gave you this; didn’t she? She must have stolen it from Lenny and man he’ll be pissed.”
“If this book is of that much importance to your brother maybe I should give it back to him.” Sara told him and Mick let out a laugh.
“Oh, you interested in meeting ‘Captain Cold’?” He asked and Sara’s eyebrows furrowed at the nickname. “That’s what I used to call him when we were kids. Back to the point now; back off from Lenny, little girl cause it’s only gonna end in heartbreak.”
“Last time I checked my name wasn’t little girl and you didn’t have the right to tell me what I can’t and can do.” Sara told him and he smirked appreciatively.
“I’m just saying this for your own good. My brother is still healing from his previous heartbreaking love story and I would have for you to be the rebound.” Sara didn’t answer so he kept talking. “Alexa broke his heart and he is still picking up the pieces and you wouldn’t want that to be the next guy you date, right?”
“I haven’t even spoken to him once, so give the pep-talk to someone who has even the slightest relationship with him.” The sound of a door opening was heard and suddenly Mr-blue-eyes walked inside and… froze.
“Why are you here?” He questioned with his blue orbs focused on Sara.
“Uhm… I just came by to ask Lisa what we are doing for the history assignment.” She looked between the two siblings. “But I can go.”
“No, stay.” Said Mick, just as Leonard said
“That would be better.” Sara glared at him and Mick handed her book, slow enough for Leonard to see what book it was and his jaw to clench at the sight. Sara started walking out of the house and Leonard followed her; leading the blonde to the front door.
“I’m sorry about my brother; he is just… not the most social person.” Leonard drawled and Sara swore that she left her knees go weak at the sound of his voice. He looked at the book she was holding in her slender hands again.
“I can give it back to you, you know.” She said with a smirk. “You don’t have to look at the book and slowly die inside every moment that passes.”
“Keep it.” He said with a smirk and leaned against the doorframe. “I’ve read it about ten times already.”
“Okay. Thank you, Leonard. I’m Sara by the way.” She stretched out her hand for him to shake and a few seconds passed before he accepted it and shook it.
“Uhm no… I’m Sara.”
“You just look… Pardon me, you just really remind me of someone. I’m Leonard.”
“I’m Leonard, although I guess that Lisa took it upon herself to tell you that.” He said and Sara smiled. “I’m… I’m sorry for your friend who got attacked last night… Hope she is feeling better.”
“She is actually; thank you.” She didn’t mention the fact that Ray told her that Anna claimed a vampire had attacked her. It wasn’t every day she talked to someone that hot and she really didn’t want to screw it all up. “So Leonard, will you be coming to the comet celebration tonight?”
“Not sure yet.” He answered and stood up properly. “I’ll tell Lisa that you came by. Goodbye, Sara.” He shut the door before rushing back to the living room where Mick had settled on one of the couches with a beer. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the one who thinks about everything?” He teased and took a swig from his beer. “Remember Lenny, I’m the muscle, you’re the brains.”
“Yet you seem to have a plan and it involves keeping Sara away from me somehow.” Leonard noticed and he walked over to pour himself a glass of bourbon. “I’ll ask you again; what is it?”
“And I’ll give you a vague answer again. The point is that sooner or later Sara will find out about Alexa and when she does your dreams about fucking her will go out the window.”
“The reason why I came back is because you decided to kill half of Central and the only thing I want is for you to get it together and stop acting like a dick.”
“I learned from the very best.” Mick said and threw the beer bottle on the floor. “Plus, I did promise you an eternity of misery so now I’m making good to that promise.”
Leonard took a deep breath and placed down his glass. He hadn’t seen Mick in so long that he had almost forgotten his brother’s promise on the night that all their suffering began.
He remembered the scared look on Mick’s face; well he was mostly referred to as Michael back then, and how he begged for him to not do that to him…
To not damn him with that same curse.
“I’ll see you at the comet sighting tonight brother!” Mick called out as he started walking towards the front door. “And I’ll sure be keeping an eye out for Sara and that other girl who cried vampire!”
“I already took care of that so I’ll be greatly saddened that you’ll have to skip tonight’s celebration.” Leonard told him as he ran towards him and blocked the exit.
“You really think that your vampire tricks will work as they should when you are only feeding on poor small animals?”
“If you don’t want to see that right now I suggest you leave.” Leonard said as someone pushed him out of the way and entered the house.
“Why do I always have to separate you two?” Lisa questioned and she set a bag of groceries next to her backpack. Both of her brothers looked at the bag with amused looks. “Hey, don’t look at me like this. We can’t afford to raise suspicions.”
“Sara stopped by to ask about your history assignment…” Mick said with a grin and Lisa’s eyes widened.
“What did you do to her? Did you kill her; kidnap her… don’t tell me that you compelled her to sleep with you.”
“Even I don’t go that low. Women beg me to sleep with them, sis. Plus, I have my eye on someone else in that department.” Mick winked at his siblings as he exited the house. “I’ll see you tonight.”
 “Hey!” Called out Lisa as she waved towards Sara and Amaya who were sitting in a bench on the town square, looking at the other citizens of Central who were also holding candles and were waiting for the comet to appear on the clear night sky. Once the girls spotted her they stood up and walked over to her, giving her quick hugs to avoid burning her with the candle.
“There seems to be an awfully big crowd for one small comet.” She observed and Sara hummed in agreement. “Sara, Len told me that you came by the house while I was buying groceries today.”
“Yeah, again sorry for barging in like that; I should have given you a call first.” She tried to explain as Amaya looked at her with a very amused expression. Her best friend knew exactly what she was thinking; well more specifically who.
“It’s okay and I apologize if Mick gave you a scare. He can be… really forward.” Lisa told her as Sara lit up her candle with her own.
“It’s okay.” Sara answered with a sincere smile as she saw Leonard approaching the group. He was dressed in all black and his face was yet-again troubled. As soon as Lisa spotted her brother she faced him with a raised eyebrow. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and Lisa gave him a quick nod.
“I have to go; a few pipes malfunctioned in the house and… I have to go help Mick.” She said and gave both girls hugs before walking away from the crowd and disappearing into the night.
Amaya looked between Sara and Leonard and bit her bottom lip.
“I have to… I saw Helena back there and I just have to ask her about her and Jonathan, so bye!” She said and gave Sara a wink before running off and leaving her alone with Leonard.
He looked at Sara; her blonde hair neatly made in a French braid and dazzling eyes glistening under the night sky and Leonard swore that he had never seen a more beautiful sight. Even the nights he spent with Alexa were no match with just looking at Sara. There was something so pure and unique about her that made every fiber of Leonard’s being burn. But he knew that if he got involved with her it would only lead to heartbreak and death.
“Wanna get out of here…I despice big crowds.” He said and Sara grinned.
“Okay, lead the way.” Soon enough they had arrived in the boarding house and both of them sat atop a tree. “So, what’s your story?”
“My story?” Leonard questioned as Sara smirked.
“Well I don’t have much of a story; not anything interesting anyway.” He responded; not wanting to talk to Sara about his tragic life story and the woman who was responsible for all of his problems.
“That’s not true; Mick did mention your past relationship which left you broken-hearted.” She said and Leonard felt his blood grow cold.
“It was a long time ago.” 145 years ago to be exact.
“Still, it must have hurt and these wounds aren’t easy to heal.” She pointed out and leaned her head against the tree.
“Trust me; I had a lot of time.” Leonard answered and Sara didn’t pressure him more; not wanting to scare the man off. She just nodded and observed as the comet could now be seen in the distance. “What is your story Sara?”
“It’s gonna take you a lot more than this to find out.” She said with a smile and Leonard smirked back. Sara was a challenge… and Leonard was all in. Chaos or not.
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havcolyte · 5 years
RWBY Vol6Ep3 Info Dump? Theories? Lore? World Building? Eh, Read yourselves
So spoilers if you haven’t watched it. On my like 3rd viewing, and looking for various World of Remnants to Build off on. Things that I wanna get out of the way first. (All speculation and have NOT been officially confirmed)(Also I like theory Crafting, may do more if I feel like it)(I'm covering quite a bit of topic. I'll List them in the Tags or something) +++++++++++++++++++++
OZMA'S FIRST REINCARNATION AND MAIDENS Ozma’s first reincarnation is the Old Wizard story from one of the WoR about Maidens- O.Wizard and the first Reincarnation looks the same- I’m paraphrasing but, Ozpin mentioned that their Souls are combined when convincing Oscar. For me that means that for them to be one in the same, it makes sense for Personalities and their Mindset to be somewhat similar. Since I figure if you put a madman like Tyrian(Just pulling an extreme example of what a madman is like) and Ozma's nature...they would not mix well and would clash. Like all the time. So I'm going with the assumption that Souls, mindset etc needs to be of somewhat similar tones.
- Why I think the first Reincarnation is the Old Wizard. They started that short-intro with him an almost broken man. Keep in mind that before that, Ozma had a, disagreement is putting it lightly, with his Lover and Mother of his Children, Salem. That disagreement brought about a fight between them that resulted in the Death of Ozma. Off-screen death's imply that the Children also died. So we remember a man who has lost everything. It'll be a wonder if he didn't find somewhat of similar tones. So Ozma's soul would reincarnate of someone who has lost everything or is weebit mentally drained.
- So Maiden's WoR story. I'm pulling out of Harry Potter Head canon that Magical users have an extended (not immortal) lifespans since Albus was like past a 100 Years, and that's without the Sorcerer's Stone that Nicholas Flamel has (which made a cameo in Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindlewald btw. Uhh Spoilers? Sorry.). Anyway, Story was that O.Wizard was staying in that hut in isolation for centuries. I mean heck if someone lost their children, wife, kingdom and lose all purpose, and you'd stay alone too for awhile. O.Wizard became bitter and didn't care for a lot. Now go watch the WoRemnant about maidens, Okay, back? Sweet. 
- So I'm one of the peeps who believe that Ozma's and Salem's kids actually died during their battle. Dark, I know. But eh, Collateral happens regardless. They just happen to pay the price due to proximity. Anyway, So O.Wizard bitter, alone. Gets his purpose build back up by these 4 Sisters. I'm fully going to say random citizens of the world. Who happen to want to help people. O.Wizard gets reminded of his purpose by the God of Light, gets motivation from the Sisters, and figures, If such Kind Souls can exist, maybe they humanity does have a chance. Gifts his powers to the 4 Sisters/Maidens. (and some voodoo that when they die their powers goes to the one they thinking about) (Which btw still exploitable by 'bad' people, like what if you get killed by an enemy and starts cursing their name as you die...Rant for another time. Anyway.)
- So running on the theory that Magic helps extend life, s'why O.Wizard lived so long. O.Wizard now has a 'regular', by Remnant standards at least, lifespan. Second and Third reincarnation of Ozma is seen him still trying to, uhh walk straight? I'm putting that as, He realized that reincarnation is or has become a common thing when he dies. He realizes that its a Curse, as he Ozpin put it. It settles down in his head that, he WILL be reincarnated, he WILL have to Unite Humanity to be Judged? (wtf is Ozma's purpose. Help Salem, Unite Humanity, Bring the Gods back to Judge them? Damn you God of Light, what you want. and dammit Ozma, Can you at least Listen before saying Yes?! Pyrrha Nikos Parallel when she accepted Ozpin's idea waay back in season 2)... Uhh Anyway, so he gets kinda down on his dumps starts drinking and whateves before finding the strength in him to get back into his mission. This is his Third Reincarnation as seen in the episode.
- Total theory with NO current evidence to support. So I figure during his second or third reincarnation Ozma met people wielding the powers he granted the Sisters/Maidens. I wanna say that lifted his spirits and kept him going. +++++++++++++++++++++ SILVER EYES STUFF
- So anyone notices his Third Reincarnation, the one with his Wife and Kids, That his Kids have SILVER EYES?! Right, so back to speculating. I'm going by each Reincarnation that Ozma retains whatever magic he has left that he didn't give to the Maidens. If we go by the World during the time of the Two Brother Gods, Everyone can wield Magic. It was gifted to them. But I'm gonna doubt that they continued to Gift every single Generation of people. No, I'm thinking they gifted a group or the first generation of people. They had kids, and so on and the Line of Magic continued to pass on. (Pureblood Harry Potter stuff comes to mind too. THE BLOODLINE!? Anyway.)
- So Ozma's Third Reincarnation had a family and, I'm going by visual indications, that his Kids inherited 'something'. We've never really seen what Silver Eyes could do. Other than Ruby freezing Dragon Grimm..or burning's Cinder's Left side and arm out....Eh it does something only those who have that trait can do. And apparently Salem's group, Hazel specifically, mention that they have been dealt with before. (IT'S SUMMER ROSE! The only other Silver Eyed person we've seen so far!) (Well Dead...But she exists!)
- So when Ozpin or Oscar mention meeting Ruby, their first response is 'You have Silver Eyes' or something. For the former, I think it's Ozma just realizing that his bloodline still lives on. (The one that had magic at least) And for Oscar...Well, farmboy meets older cute older girl and notices her oh so Captivating Eyes. (Not really a shipper in this sense, just trying to figure out why he, on his circumstances would notice this trait)
- ..Yeah not much Silver Eyes stuff, just that it was a magic Bloodline trait that passes on abilities. Those with Silver Eyes would have the most concentration in their genetics/bloodline to use more abilities, and it shows more when their Eyes are Silver. (Totally getting a Shirou/EMIYA vibe from the Fate-Type/Moon Series when he uses his Magecraft. The more he uses it, the more the side effects turn his eyes the same shade of Silver.) (Also not getting into that, I could, but not here.) +++++++++++++++++++++
FAUNAS AND WHY THEY EXIST....AND THE WORLD OF REMNANT? - Okay right of the bat, I'm gonna say it. Salem did not get lonely and there are Animals around since she was the last of Humanity./shuddersWas watching RWBY Rewind and that creepy theory came up. (Never again.)
- That out of the way, So back to World of Remnant stuff. The Brother Gods, together created the First Civilization. (Not related to Assassin's Creed in any way) I'm going on the off-handed comment that the God of Darkness when he was assaulted by the army that Salem brought.  "My own Gift to them. Used against me."
- So creation isn't an exclusive ability. Since God of Dark brought Ozma back...and the whole back and forth of dying and not dying in front of Salem thing (Which if you've seen someone you love die, multiple times in the span of like minutes, I'm gonna be upset too)
- The Brother Gods were/are? at odds with each other during the First Civilization. One made stuff during the day. Then at night, the other just stomped it out. Very obvious but Dark God made Grimm. Light God made Humans.
- Then one day, blah blah blah, they decided on balance. To create something together. That is the First Civilization. One who which everyone could wield Magic. (See Silver Eye stuff above about magic bloodlines if you skipped to here. Why you would do that, I don't know. Anyway.)
- Life, Death, Balance. etc etc. And they Brother Gods lived on the world with the First Civilization. Respecting each other's domain and the Rules they set about the World.
- Kinda obvious that people would flock to the God of Light. I mean, hey. God of Darkness with Grimm spewing about doesn't exactly scream worship. or at least Safe worship. So people would flock and worship the God of Light.
- So when Salem came about and spoke about her plight with Ozma's death, he brought him back on her request.
- Ooo did God of Light get mad about balance and stuff. God of Dark was like, "Bro, This my first follower. Why you gotta diss in my home Bro." (I totally do not mean any offense, and I don't even know that accent. Just watched TV and stuff. And I also found that to be a hilarious exchange.)
- God of Light be like "Dude...She came to me first, Bro" Then "..Bro..Sorry man. Let me fix that" and then proceeds to destroy Ozma...again..In Front of Salem. (Yikes.)
-The Brother Gods are accepting that the Humanity they created,  the First Civilization is their best works together. A humanity that could wield Magic.
- Fast forward to Salem bringing the army together, facing the Gods. And lost. See quote about God of Dark gifting Magic.
- Also fast forward to God of Light Speaking to Ozma in that Between the Realms place. From here I believe that the God of Light recreated Humanity. With an addition of the Faunas. Yeah, that's it. That's how Faunas are made.
- Still here? Well. More Speculation then. Ozma was not reincarnated immediately. Nah. Given the time unknown time between Salem wandering around with Grimm and seeing Humanity tell tales about the 'Witch'. I believe that the God of Light recreated Humanity and the Faunas. After some time, he decided to bring back Ozma about the new task about judging Humanity again. Without the aid of the God of Darkness, Magic could not be spread as wide. (Oooo maybe God of Light blessed people with Silver eyes too?! That came to mind as I was typing this. Anyway.) +++++++++++++++++++++
AURA, SEMBLANCE & DUST - Soo...World of Remnant went all Super Smash or Thanos Snap. Whichever. See above about Faunas and Remnant. - So humanity is living in a world populated with Grimm as well. How they fight? Well no magic. Basic weapons...What else...
- Oh right. The destroyed bodies, the ashes of the First Civilization. You know, the one that could wield Magic. Oh what happened to them...They turned to...Dust...
- Ahh all in good fun of World Building. That bit about Dust being people. Total Speculation....Tho it makes sense as a kind of Fossil Fuels tho....Oh what do you run on? Dead Dinosaurs from ages past. What about you. Oh you know, Dead people from the last Civilization. (Idea from RWBY Rewind about this particular snippet)
- Anyway, So Humanity had to survive. and all they had from the God of Light was just themselves...So they did good. They weaponize themselves. Aura is the manifestation of their Souls. Semblance is their expression of self. - Not much there actually. A lot of it y'll could read of the RWBY wiki I think. (I could expand but I won't for now) +++++++++++++++++++++
THE KING OF VALE AND THE RELICS - So...How did the King of Vale Unite the warring continents/faction. Oh by utterly annihilating them.
- Hmm how did one person do that? Could he have High Aura reserves like a certain Blonde Knight or a Broken Semblance that affects any and All weapons that can be magnetized.
- Oh i got it. How bout the Relic of Choice as a Crown and the Relic of Destruction as a weapon.
- Yikes.
- So Relic of Destruction is kind of self-explanatory. But Choice. My thoughts are that it can take away, influence or seize control of Freewill. Taking away their 'Choice'
-Sounds like a total Telepathic Control or something from DC or Marvel Comics.
- So the King of Vale got 'Crowned', hehehe. And his weapon of choice is one that can wipe out an army in a Swing. (I mean what else can it do. If we go by the Concept of Destruction, then it can do waay more things.)
- With the powers of the two Relics combined, the Academies of Remnant were made, blah blah blah, etc etc. Current RWBY World. +++++++++++++++++++++
Made this just to get all the theories in my head out. 
It's not even close to all the head canons, theories I'd come up with.
But I'll do it again, when motivation comes again.
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