#karamatsu talks
flowerakatsuka · 14 days
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finally got around to making a dynamic chart for kuroba & the sextuplets! they deserve a government stipend for dealing with these guys on a regular basis. ( further info about their dynamics under the cut! )
some of kuroba's relationships with the brothers changes over time so here's a bonus chart + explanations!
OSOMATSU : thanks to how the rest of the sextuplets first met kuroba, they initially perceived them as being extremely serious and intimidating. this eventually gets smoothed out after they have a meal together at hybrid oden, with osomatsu breaking the ice by making a joke and making kuroba crack up. the two enjoy hanging out and drinking together when they get the chance. they talk pretty casually with each other, especially when the subject of sex is involved. osomatsu finds it pretty amusing that kuroba can say some fairly raunchy shit with a completely straight face. once he finds out they're older than him, he starts calling them kuronii-chan ( or kuronii-sama when he's in trouble them. )
KARAMATSU : first of the sextuplets to meet & get close to kuroba. they " first met " when kuroba spots karamatsu sadly trudging through the rain and they invited him into their shop to dry off, he's been a frequent loiter ever since. kuroba doesn't really mind since they find him oddly endearing and enjoy getting to chat with him, ( that and there's something familiar about him that they can't really place. ) they also have a tendency to nonchalantly go along with his typical shtick. they're a comforting presence for karamatsu, with how kind and reassuring they are towards him. he's very glad that they were able to become friends. he's definitely not into them, though. it's normal to find your friends attractive and fantasize about a relationship with them, there's nothing else going on there.
CHOROMATSU : they're both pretty awkward around each other at first. choromatsu is aware that kuroba is a kind person, but still finds them kinda intimidating for various reasons ( mostly because they're objectively more put together and genuinely passionate than him. ) neither really knows how to talk to each other, typically defaulting to small talk that always falls flat.
ICHIMATSU : even after things were smoothed over with the other brothers, ichimatsu can't help but still feel anxious around kuroba. they feel horrible for scaring ichimatsu that badly the first time they met, but hasn't had much luck when trying to apologize about it. they don't want to make him uncomfortable so they keep their distance from him, despite wanting to get to know him better.
JYUSHIMATSU : definitely their other favorite brother besides karamatsu. there's a lot about jyushimatsu that reminds kuroba of their own little brother, keshiki, so they tend to dote on and be a bit more lenient with him. he thinks kuroba's neat and comes to visit them at work from time to time, trying to get them to come hang out with him. they try to play baseball with him occasionally, but they aren't athletic at all despite being relatively strong. their training sessions don't last very long because of that, much to jyushimatsu's disappointment.
TODOMATSU : kuroba finds todomatsu's cutesy act off-putting, which baffles him considering the fact they have no issue with karamatsu's goofy ass shtick. admittedly, he's kind of jealous of how they treat jyushimatsu, ( and later ichimatsu, ) and wants to get doted on, too. however, any attempts he makes at trying to appeal to kuroba usually ends with them giving him the cold shoulder. they definitely don't hate each other, though, it's more like siblings that have a tendency to get on each others nerves. ( they also have moments like this with keshiki so they do essentially regard him as a little brother. )
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KARAMATSU : after spotting karamatsu during their high school reunion, kuroba finally realizes that he's actually the same person they had a crush on during their 2nd year and proceeds to have a major crisis over it. it doesn't help that karamatsu doesn't seem to remember them, even when it's revealed to him that they went to school together. kuroba's crush coming back with a vengeance complicates things further and starts to strain their relationship the more it weighs on them, all the while karamatsu's completely oblivious to anything being amiss. ( this gets resolved eventually, but i'll save talking about that in another post. )
CHOROMATSU : choromatsu mistakes kuroba as a fellow fan of nyaa-chan when he sees them making a special flower arrangement for her upcoming concert, but his excitement to meet a fellow fan is quickly undercut by them telling him that they were actually hired to make it and don't know much about her. even though he left the interaction embarrassed and disappointed, kuroba tries to use this new information to their advantage and find something to talk about. they come back to choromatsu after listen to nyaa-chan's music, finding it cute and fun, and tries to strike up a conversation about it... only to find out he doesn't really care about her music, now leaving them both disappointed. they do eventually find a topic they find interesting enough to chat about together : idol outfits. choromatsu is glad to have someone to talk about them with, but the way their conversations go sometimes does make kuroba raise an eyebrow, ( like him questioning why they wouldn't want to wear cute outfits like the ones they talk about, saying he'd wear them if he was a girl. )
ICHIMATSU : ichimatsu's impression of kuroba slowly starts to improve over time, especially after he witnesses them feeding a cat even after it tried eating the shop's plants. once kuroba finds out he likes cats, they starts sharing pictures of stray cats that come by the shop with him. eventually, they start calling him " ichinyan " now that he seems less skittish around them. they also try to help yanagida reconnect with ichimatsu, which he's a little less keen on.
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i dont think you undersyand yhese arw my favorite tjings in the whole widr world .
im sp obsessrd with tjem.
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amitywrights · 10 months
I've been rewatching Osomatsu-san and have been keeping track of the times the brothers have said each other's names/nicknames because I have always wondered about it so yeah this is very self-indulgent TT_TT but I will be sharing it below.
1. Included are Seasons 1-3 and The Movie (2019), however I did not include AUs apart from F6 and Girlymatsu, and skipped over recap episodes as well as ending songs and previews
2. I did not include times when their names was said but it wasn't pertaining to them specifically so things like "Osomatsu-kun/-san" as titles or "Karamatsu Girls"
3. I did not count the times where a brother would refer to them as a whole like when Karamatsu would say "brothers" or when Totty says "niisan-tachi" (brothers)
4. The term "niisan"/ "chounan" (older brother) and "suekko" (youngets child) are counted only if they are used as a non descriptor so things like "I'm the eldest", and "Todomatsu, the youngest" do not count. However, they sometimes translate as nicknames based on context so things like "Share with your big bro" and "Come on, little bro" count, I hope this made sense lol
5. This is not 100% accurate 'cause I might miss some, especially when they aren't put into the subs but I did my best to compile it :DD

Season 1
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Season 2
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Season 3
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Final Tally!
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Link if you wanna see better
That out if the way, let's award some NEETs yeah?
Below will be the ranking of: Who's name they said the most/least, and who said their name the most/least :DD (Apart from themselves ofc)
Said the most: Todomatsu (80)
Said the least: Jyushimatsu (50)
Said his name most: Todomatsu (45)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (13)
Said the most: Jyushimatsu (51)
Said the least: Ichimatsu (20)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (51)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (22)
Said the most: Todomatsu (55)
Said the least: Osomatsu (29)
Said his name most: Todomatsu (70)
Said his name least: Ichimatsu (13)
Said the most: Jyushimatsu (59)
Said least: Osomatsu & Choromatsu (13)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (68)
Said his name least: Karamatsu (20)
Said the most: Osomatsu (40)
Said the least: Choromatsu (23)
Said his name most: Ichimatsu (59)
Said his name least: Choromatsu (34)
Said the most: Choromatsu (70)
Said the least: Karamatsu (31)
Said his name most: Osomatsu (80)
Said his name least: Karamatsu & Jyushimatsu (37)
Has the most names: Choromatsu (19)
Has the least names: Todomatsu (6)
Mannn I love this, hope you guys enjoyed the data as much as I did lol. If you find mistakes feel free to correct!! And also, ask questions if you have them :DD
My thoughts in tags! Add your thoughts as well I wanna see how mad you guys go with this info
#Osomatsu san#Ososan#Osomatsu#Karamatsu#Choromatsu#Ichimatsu#Jyushimatsu#Todomatsu#AHHHHH I DID IT#First off the way the totals keep increasing had me rolling lmaoo#I thought Kara's 199 was a lot but Totty came in with the 287#I love how 'Totty' was used once and all of them ran off with it TT_TT#“Ichimacchan” is a blessing#Alsoo I ranted about this already but aaahhhh Oso using Suekko (little/baby brother) on Totty#The nenchuu skit in S2 is so funny when I realized that Ichi only said Choro's name once and it was as a skit#Choro only had that much for Ichi bc of whenever they would go around and say the next person in birth order#KARAMATSU my sweet boy has not ONCE used insult as nickname TT_TT he calls out Oso but never seen 'Shitty Eldest' from him#“Shitty older brother” in a sentence yes but not as a name#Oso has an oniichan count of 6 and for some reason it seems very comforting that he refers to himself as such when talking to his brothers#He could use more formal words like 'Ani' or 'Niisan' as words for older brother but he sticks with his little niichan TT_TT#Most of Jyushimatsu's name count is from season 1 Jyushimatsu Festival ep lmaoo I had such a hard time keeping track of it#Choromatsu has so much names that I wanted to smack my laptop 😭#Like 9 of them stem from the accident and rising episodes#Also by the way the fandom uses their insult nicknames (Shitty eldest. Shittymatsu. Dry monster.) they don't actually say it that much#Speaking of shitty eldest even with how they always tell him he's such a bad brother and stuff#The most used name for him is still 'Osomatsu-niisan'#They love their niisan and i will run away with this#Totty loves his Choromatsu-niichan 😭 like boi 70 times#will add more tags later
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nomipine · 4 months
I tried translating this bit in Pokomatsu. It made me curious what the top 1 and 2 are talking about 👀
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dreamsfulblues · 20 days
So I got a little more OsoSan merch but these are my highlights because duh it’s obvious why
Little Karas trying to hang/sit on my stuff
My brilliant brain came up with the idea to let one cling on Bruno’s zipper for dear life
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And the other is just chilling while sporting that silly smirk
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Got some more of the little guys but not all because some won’t stop falling 😭
They hanging on my Karamatsu money box (what do you mean I have too much stuff of him I don’t know what you are talking about- )
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I love these stupid anime men
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blogmatsu · 1 year
Karamatsu and Ichimatsu probably did spend most of their highschool together.
As everyone reminisces about their highschool days, Karamatsu and Ichimatsu's conversation seems pretty isolated in the corner over there.
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They probably would have a lot of things to talk about because of how much of their memories involve each other.
That's why when it comes to talking about highschool, Karamatsu chooses Ichimatsu to have this conversation with. (Except that it seems like Karamatsu is the only one more willing to reminisce about their past together than Ichimatsu is.)
Like the time him, Ichimatsu, and Jyushimatsu pranked Osomatsu by stealing his pants.
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Or when they were teamed up during the festival.
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Or when Ichimatsu and Todomatsu blatantly used him as a fort in a snowball fight.
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Or how they used to always eat lunch together on the school stairwell.
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(that ended sadly though.) (Ichimatsu why'd you abandon him? :(( )
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So yeah, Karamatsu and Ichimatsu were really close back then, and spent most of their highschool hanging out together.
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They have a lot of memories they share with each other, even if Ichimatsu refuses to talk about them now.
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werm-whole-skwerm · 7 months
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miss-atena · 8 months
Hey it's been a while... I'm still in matsu brainrot, but I'm not really active on any social media due to mental health and shit... so, uh, sorry for not posting or saying anything, my brain is fucking me up in the head real bad.
But to not seem like this is just pessimism, have art!
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I'm working on reworking my oldest ososan au, a crossover au with OsoSan and Homestuck, so stay tuned for that, one day lmfao
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chockmatsu · 1 year
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"trust me, me, you're gonna love her. she's the cutest and most stylish and the loveliest and just the most beautiful karamatsu girl you've ever laid eyes on."
"and you really are happy together???🥺"
"more than you can ever know."
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lordofthesillystraws · 4 months
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holy shit i forgot about these!!!!!
trying to draw in this style was so fun
i feel like my usual art style still shows through but hey, i tried
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degen-ari · 1 year
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i am in fact clinically insane 👍💜💙
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arsene-fixates · 9 months
you should think about karamatsu kisses ☺️
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art by @/raininmytea
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dorinahv2 · 1 year
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When u draw ur oc’s with Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu haha Seb wants baseball yes Mai get glitterbombed
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fairyprince7 · 2 years
idk where totty is but I have all the other 5 from that old app
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spacecadetomoly · 1 year
Merry Xmatsu!! Christmas messages from the Sextuplets. (Translated into English)
The official Osomatsu-san Twitter account is doing a thing where you can get a Christmas message from one of the sextuplets sent to your DMs. All you gotta do is go here and retweet the sextuplets you want a message from (the cut-off date for a message is 12/25/22, so if you're reading this at some point in time after that day, then sorry you missed it): https://avex-p.ownly.jp/story/23373
However, if you don't have a Twitter account or if you're too lazy to do that (or if you're reading this in the future on a day past 12/25/22) I'm just going to go ahead and post all the messages you can get here along with an English translation of what they say. Merry Christmas everyone!
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What’s up with everyone getting so excited~?
Well, I’m not particularly lonely, but…
Hey, you there! Come have a drink with me right now!
You got a boyfriend?
Oh! That’s great! Let’s go!
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Hmm, Christmas is when angels descend.
Hey Karamatsu Girls!
Are you enjoying yourselves and feeling happy?
Today I am your Santa Claus…
Hey, can’t you hear me?
I’m yours today…oh, wait a minute…
…Huh, it looks like the angels are interrupting us tonight.
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Good grief, I don’t understand why everyone is getting so excited just because it’s Christmas.
What? The red hat I bought? Yeah, it’s all the rage this year.
The stockings I hung up? I just thought they would be a nice addition to the décor!
………..Seriously! I-I mean it! I’m not looking forward to it at all!
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Merry Christmas? What? I’m not interested. Christmas is just a bunch of crap. ……… ……… ……… (I need to go buy some really nice cat food)
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Yay Christmas!
We’re going to eat delicious food, play baseball, and have a great time!
Let’s eat delicious food and play baseball! Yay!!! I’m so excited!!!!!!!!
I’m really looking forward to it!
Hustle, hustle, hustle!
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Christmas is so nice~ the town is so beautiful, and the girls are so cute…
Christmas plans? I’m thinking of having dinner with my part-time job mates, then going for a drive and taking in the night view.
What? Really! Really, really.
There’s no way I’m spending the holiday with those scum brothers~
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trinkerichi · 1 year
i really really like princess daisy now. but only the version i made up in my head that has nothing to do with any of her actual portrayals.
i've done this several times now. where a franchise introduces a girl just as a prop to ship with a main character and i go "that one's my favorite" and project a personality onto her
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