#karl foulkes
garadinervi · 1 year
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Rollin Milroy, About Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), Heavenly Monkey, Vancouver, March 30, 2015
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jacquesdemys · 1 year
I would like to end 2022 by sharing five six of the most hilarious anecdotes I read in fashion (related) books this year. (also... find me on GoodReads!)
1) Corey Tippin realizes Karl Lagerfeld is a fucking freak. (The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake, 2006)
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2) The guest who refused to leave when Bernard Buffet’s 30th-birthdy party orgy was about to start. (Bernard Buffet: The Invention of the Modern Mega-Artist by Nicholas Foulkes, 2016)
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3) Pierre Cardin’s stress-induced sweeping compulsion. (Pierre Cardin: The Man who Became a Label by Richard Morais, 1991)
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4) André Leon Talley afraid of Maxime de la Falaise serving him dog-placenta soup. (Loulou & Yves by Christopher Petkanas, 2018)
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4) Cristobal Balenciaga sees a former model wearing an outfit by André Courrèges and comments on the outfit... (The Master of Us All: Balenciaga, His Workrooms, His World by Mary Blume, 2013)
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5) Patti D’Arbanville, Corey Tippin, Donna Jordan, et al. trying to get Helmut Berger’s attention at Yves & Pierre’s place (The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake, 2006)
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6) Guy Bourdin almost setting Karl Lagerfeld’s house on fire. (Karl: No Regrets by Patrick Hourcade, 2021)
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I’m excited to discover 2023′s anecdotes!! 
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coupdetorchon · 7 years
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Noirvember Day 13 - Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
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benchgenderstudies · 4 years
Kamala Harris owes women the responsibility to regulate couture fashion even in spite of Biden.
Dear Vice Presidential Nominee Harris.  cc Media Editors
Rating : PG13/R
A premium cult tactic is controlling women; namely through their body; with the expectation this will indirectly control the men. In the past 4 years we have not seen Donald Trump make any effort to regulate the fashion industry. During the George W Bush Administration OSHA director Edwin Foulke Jr redirected me to market control at the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). A CFDA or NY Labor making no effort to protect the models from the distorted visions of a largely homosexual group of haute couture designers. They are a cult of personality behind Dior and Balenciaga.
Balenciaga began designing such small waif clothes around 14 year old girls reportedly because he could not afford models. The haute couture genre believes it should continue shaping adult women into prepubescent /tween statured females and maybe not pay them either. That alone is dangerous for their health; not that the diet and antidepressant industry are concerned. In that room of silence is a group of models so eager to get-famous-for-nothing.. they'll also protect their sexual abusers, the eating disordered behavior THEY engineer to stay employed and the lead agencies like Foster Fell and Elite who treat their modeling fleet like a brothel; personal use or otherwise.
The models also remain silent about a very anticapitalist condition that their likenesses are used in multimillion dollar campaigns but their agencies continue to embezzle their commercial estate actively and passively. For one, the models.. allegedly with a debt to the agency.. are sent to unpaid events in limos and hotel bookings that add to their debt to the agency. It's luxury goods, There are no free bookings, no free lunches... certainly not by management of an agency owed money.  Women and men and every Citizen need to find fault in the model for not demanding her wages and being vocal in warning the public against the industry. Maybe she wont work again but the lawsuits of “owed debt” now are in the open and suspiciously put under a spotlight. Exactly why the agency does any unpaid work?
This is the trap. Magazines like Cosmopolitan and Vogue have continued to hide so the fashion industry could take its profits and its libido out on  naive girls that they have no respect for. Haute couture is misogyny and it is prescribed anorexia .. whether be or not the only form/ practice of anorexia. Haute couture normalizes anorexic thinness through male designer's false ideals of androgyny WITHOUT account to any physiological knowledge or limits of the female body. The couture designers also draw with a distorted pen and attempt to make models conform to those stretched alien shapes. Karl Lagerfeld is an offender of both and handed the industry's microphone to dismiss anorexia emptily and selecting models by his preferences of narcissism. He's had lots of models that call him a friend but his gifts just a payoff. He can put on a generous face and still be wrong.
Its the model's silence and her low standards for fame.. across this 'work plan' ..providing a reason the public shouldn't have respect for them or for the magazines that picture them. And that brings us to the 8 years of Obama and possible next four years of Biden.. The democrat party will do nothing again? Probably. The socalled ' protector of womens health avoid put the Department of Health and Human Services and OSHA in motion to regulate the fashion industry and charge the CFDA with negligence to unhealthy work conditions, sexual exploitation, and address creating the imagery with teen women in pedophilia; an image of a preteen stature being sexualized in adult imagery.  This debate is not to be offered to the fashion industry as ' fashion doesn't cause anorexia'. It does. It prescribes it on its models and its fans for ITS profit AND ITS attraction of new faces to abuse them. Fashion agencies thieve commercial earnings and refuse enforce payment on work.. from their clients  and leave them with nothing but loyalty to their agencies/men.  
Former Elite Models management admit they knew Terry Richardson’s photography sessions were lewd opportunities for Richardson to be an opportunist' to rape , to molest any model sent to him. Aiding Richardson was his NYU-dropout baby momma normalizing an environment of models treated as “an object” instead of a female. This is the same 'assistant' that knelt in a garbage can, photographed  with the word 'slut' stenciled on her forehead just below her tiara while filating her boss. Some of Richardson’s tactics are actually Alexandra Bolotows trash level opinion of women. I choose be quoted here “Richardson shouldve stuck with inseminating the garbage can while it was empty to improve his quantifying of his family values.” 
For the republicans, the whole base of you... when the time came to 'protect marriage'  the GOP chose money and luxury goods over church and faith. You all poorly invest. Its the bases error to protect fracking. Fracking is their poor investing in family and social health. Choose another field. Strike two.
It seems every time regulating in the validation of government authority is a responsible thing to do.. republicans avoid it. So republicans, have no seat in government if you have no cause to believe in it.,. And for democrats.. Kamala Harris especially: If Biden tries to yield and avoid regulate fashion.. obstruct, make sure the people know. I didn’t vote for him and I didn’t vote for trump. I would’ve voted for you, candidate Harris if you were the headliner. Geezer Biden has to own up to his party's lethargy. Obama and Howard Shapiro(US LABOR OIG) and NIOSH(not SAMHSA) and NY Labor and NY Health have to own up why they believe in the industry of rapists and malnutrition rather than teen employee safety. And why is it GLAAD and The Advocate remain silent in LGBT- couture designers abuse of women just because its 'luxury Eurotrash goods'? The evidence of the 'mental illness case'.. sadism is in question.  If LGBTQ is all about 'being yourselves' then let women be women and not faux transsexual norms still in a closet of the designers own insecurities?  Eternal youth , blah blah blah. Hedi Slimane owned up his model for the thinness was himself. That’s a male physiology; long known to endure lower BMI.
Couture: Be your person, be your age, be your gender and let others be themselves  BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER you choose them for a fashion campaign. End the Dior/Balenciaga standard , End Couture. Creativity doesnt die with it unless creativity was all in the crass bickering treasured in the fashion media's smear and self-entertaining mud. Female columnists abusing females (models) to declare their 'habitus' isn’t actually professional reporting. Its surely not yet called out a fleet of brands  apparently not very confident or able to design around curves. The so called elite of 'haute couture' are rather remedial stunts still stuck on embellishing stickfigures. The wealthy ought be paying less for couture than strip mall prices.  
If trump wins, well he's got a mighty bad blemish in his claim he loves women. Loves to watch them be abused by his and John Casablanca's part in the fashion industry. If trump doesn’t win.. I'm giving republican fair warning that if fashion isn’t regulated by the first term of Biden by the sharp pointy stick of their heckling.. we can surely see no god is with their word or actions. Certainly hasn't been with them so far either. .. Nor should they show up for further elections. If they don't believe in government , they're disqualified from being in it.. It is the crux of their oath. Serving country before party; despite what they actually do.
Michael Bench , MEP WGSGC
Exercise Physiologist
Gender Anthropologist.
Author of Native Supremacy. & 2nd US Constitution
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astra-and-lilith · 4 years
Lern - Zeit. Danke an das Recherche - Team! Ich lasse im folgenden die Sätze ohne weitere Erklärung stehen, die Symbolik sollte bekannt sein. Heute: Frieda Fromm - Reichmann. "Der Leser wird ausführlich über den familiären Hintergrund Fromm-Reichmanns informiert, die in Karlsruhe geboren wurde und in Königsberg aufwuchs (vgl. Hoffmann 1995). Vor allem die Mutter (deren Mutter gemeinsam mit Clara Schumann Klavier gespielt hatte) vermittelte eine fundierte intellektuelle und musische Bildung. Der Vater war ein sehr religiöser Jude, für den soziale Verpflichtungen wichtig waren. In der Beschreibung von Fromm-Reichmanns schulischem und beruflichem Werdegang wird zugleich die damalige psychoanalytische und akademische Welt dargestellt. Sowohl die neurologische Ausbildung und Tätigkeit in Königsberg und Frankfurt a.M. als auch die psychotherapeutische Zeit bei J. H. Schultz in Dresden und im eigenen Sanatorium in Heidelberg kann man gut verfolgen. Das gleiche trifft für die Arbeit im Südwestdeutschen Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse und im neugegründeten Frankfurter Psychoanalytischen Institut zu. Nicht der Autorin anzulasten ist, daß auch sie keine Hinweise darauf bringt, ob und wie die Kontakte aus dieser Zeit zu Karl Landauer, S. H. Fuchs (Foulkes) und Heinrich Meng nach der Emigration weiter gepflegt wurden. Da der Nachlaß Fromm-Reichmanns wohl bis 2021 gesperrt ist, wird man vielleicht erst dann mehr darüber erfahren." "Ihr Vater ermutigte sie, Medizin zu studieren. Frieda schrieb sich 1908 an der Medizinischen Fakultät von Königsberg ein, wo sie 1911 das Staatsexamen und die Promotion zum Dr. med. bestand. 1914 erhielt sie ihre Approbation. Während des Ersten Weltkrieges behandelte sie als Assistentin des Neurologen und Psychiaters Kurt Goldstein an der Nervenklinik der Universität Königsberg gehirnverletzte deutsche Soldaten. Dies war eine Position, welche eine Frau zu dieser Zeit formal nie genehmigt bekommen hätte – die preußische Armee beschäftigte keine Frauen. Sie wurde deshalb als inoffizielle Leitung an der Klinik angestellt und von der Universität bezahlt. Da sie damals noch orthodox-jüdischen Glaubens war, behandelte sie am Sabbat (Samstags) keine Patienten.[5]" Von 1918 bis 1920 arbeitete sie in Frankfurt am Main, bis 1923 im Privatsanatorium „Weißer Hirsch“ in Dresden und anschließend in Berlin. Während einer Hospitation bei Emil Kraepelin in München begann sie eine Psychoanalyse, die sie 1923 in eine Lehranalyse bei Hanns Sachs am Berliner Psychoanalytischen Institut umwandelte. Im Jahr darauf eröffnete sie in Heidelberg ein privates Sanatorium, das aufgrund seiner jüdisch-orthodoxen Ausrichtung und der entsprechenden Auswahl der Patienten gelegentlich ironisch als „Thorapeuticum“ bezeichnet wurde. Hier behandelte sie auch psychotische Patienten. Das Institut musste 1928 nicht zuletzt aus finanziellen Gründen schließen. "1933 emigrierte Frieda Fromm-Reichmann über Straßburg und Palästina in die USA, wo sie als Psychotherapeutin in der von Dexter M. Bullard geleiteten Psychiatrischen Klinik Chestnut Lodge in Rockville, Maryland arbeitete." "Es wurde berichtet, dass sie einen Schäferhund namens „Moni“ hatte, welcher auch im Sprechzimmer bleiben durfte und bei einigen Gelegenheiten Gesprächsthema war.[7] Ende Januar 1957, nur wenige Monate vor ihrem eigenen Tode, starb ihr Hund, welcher sie zehn Jahre hinweg begleitet hatte.[8]" Fußnote: G.A. Hornstein, 2000: S. 330f. Hier heißt er „Mounie“. "Ihr letztes Projekt war eine von ihr konzipierte Forschungsgruppe zum Thema „Sprache und Psychotherapie“ in Buffalo, an der auch Gregory Bateson teilnahm. Hier sollte ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zwischen Psychiatern und Linguisten stattfinden, der sich umfassend mit den verbalen und nonverbalen Aspekten schizophrener Zustände befasste, um deren Mitbedingtheit durch familiäre Kommunikation zu erkunden.[9][10] Im Frühjahr 1957 erkrankte sie an einer Virusinfektion, von der sie sich nicht wieder völlig erholen sollte. Als sie von ihrer Freundin Edith Weigert eingeladen wurde, kam die sonst immer pünktliche Frieda Fromm-Reichmann nicht zum vereinbarten Treffen. Davon alarmiert ließ sie die Haustüre ihrer Freundin aufbrechen.[11] Frieda Fromm-Reichmann starb im Alter von 67 Jahren am 28. April 1957 im Chestnut Lodge; als offizielle Todesursache wurde eine Koronarthrombose angegeben.[12]" Ende der Zitaten - Sammlung. Quellen:
Amazon Pressestimmen Gerda Siebenhühner zu: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann: Pionierin der analytisch orientierten Psychotherapie von Psychosen (Bibliothek der Psychoanalyse)
Wikipedia - Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
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artwalktv · 5 years
Parallel losses push strangers Rachel (MOLLY PARKER) and Lia (ROSEMARIE DEWITT) into self-soothing rituals and self-destructive hazes, only to collide unwittingly on a regional Florida shopping network. BEST NARRATIVE SHORT — INDIE MEMPHIS 2018 magicbulletfilm.com feelingtone.com • • • Written / Directed by AMANDA LOVEJOY STREET Cinematography by MARTIM VIAN Edited by KATE ABERNATHY Music by NIC OFFER (!!!) Production Design by BRITTANY REILLY Produced by AMANDA LOVEJOY STREET & KELLY PENDYGRAFT FESTIVALS Slamdamce Film Festival 2018 Maryland Film Festival 2018 Indie Memphis Film Festival 2018 - Best Narrative Short Florida Film Festival 2018 Walla Walla Film Festival 2018 Tacoma Film Festival 2018 New Hampshire Film Festival 2018 New Hampshire Film Festival 2018 Atlantic Film Festival 2018 Portland Film Festival 2018 CAST MIRIAM KATZ, NICK GILLIE, CLAIRE TITELMAN KARL HERLINGER, JASON HUDDY, CONNOR TILLMAN, ALEXANDRA FRENCH, DIANE SORRENTINO, PHOEBE DORIN (VOICE) Consulting Producer: GIULIA CARUSO Line Producer: GIL MARSDEN First Assistant Director: CHARLIE SCHMIDLIN Sound: BEN ANDERSEN AC: JEFRI MEINTJES 2nd AC: JOSE ESPINOZA Set Decorator: MONICA NELSON Costume Designer: EMILY MORAN Costumer: KATIE DEHOMBRE Make up/Hair: ALEXANDRA FRENCH Gaffer: CHRIS ERNST Grip: ZANE BLANCHARD Grip: CHARLES DAY Grip: JONATHAN HUGGINS Graphics / Title Designer: JASON BACASA Sound Mixer: NICK PAVEY Re-recording Mixer: RONALD ENG Colorist: JORDAN P.H. STEIN Additional Editing: JEN HARRINGTON DIT: DAVID FOULK VFX: PHOSPENE
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Parallel losses push strangers Rachel (MOLLY PARKER) and Lia (ROSEMARIE DEWITT) into self-soothing rituals and self-destructive hazes, only to collide unwittingly on a regional Florida shopping network. BEST NARRATIVE SHORT — INDIE MEMPHIS 2018 magicbulletfilm.com feelingtone.com • • • Written / Directed by AMANDA LOVEJOY STREET Cinematography by MARTIM VIAN Edited by KATE ABERNATHY Music by NIC OFFER (!!!) Production Design by BRITTANY REILLY Produced by AMANDA LOVEJOY STREET & KELLY PENDYGRAFT FESTIVALS Slamdamce Film Festival 2018 Maryland Film Festival 2018 Indie Memphis Film Festival 2018 - Best Narrative Short Florida Film Festival 2018 Walla Walla Film Festival 2018 Tacoma Film Festival 2018 New Hampshire Film Festival 2018 New Hampshire Film Festival 2018 Atlantic Film Festival 2018 Portland Film Festival 2018 CAST MIRIAM KATZ, NICK GILLIE, CLAIRE TITELMAN KARL HERLINGER, JASON HUDDY, CONNOR TILLMAN, ALEXANDRA FRENCH, DIANE SORRENTINO, PHOEBE DORIN (VOICE) Consulting Producer: GIULIA CARUSO Line Producer: GIL MARSDEN First Assistant Director: CHARLIE SCHMIDLIN Sound: BEN ANDERSEN AC: JEFRI MEINTJES 2nd AC: JOSE ESPINOZA Set Decorator: MONICA NELSON Costume Designer: EMILY MORAN Costumer: KATIE DEHOMBRE Make up/Hair: ALEXANDRA FRENCH Gaffer: CHRIS ERNST Grip: ZANE BLANCHARD Grip: CHARLES DAY Grip: JONATHAN HUGGINS Graphics / Title Designer: JASON BACASA Sound Mixer: NICK PAVEY Re-recording Mixer: RONALD ENG Colorist: JORDAN P.H. STEIN Additional Editing: JEN HARRINGTON DIT: DAVID FOULK VFX: PHOSPENE
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: We Went to Frieze, Part Two: Pussy Hat Show Flops, Anti-War Hard On Holds Up
Frieze entrance
Yesterday we discussed the overall look and feel of Frieze and concluded that this iteration of the fair is far superior to previous years. Lots of lively inventive work and short on the kind of soulless work in a frame that can make these events so tedious. Today we take a deep dive into a lot of the art we saw. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
Anton Kern, Installation view.
Paddy: A booth full of a-list artist work, but none of it looked like crap they had left over from an old show. The lighthearted Nicole Eisenman statue heads with peace necklaces look like simplified characters derived from the Simpsons. The Anne Collier photograph to the left pictures a woman’s eye and a lone tear on her cheek. I felt uncomfortable viewing this work—like I was staring at a stranger crying on the subway platform.  
Michael: I didn’t realize these sculptures were Nicole Eisenman until you pointed them out to me! I had no idea she made 3D work, and I actually think they’re better than many of her paintings, which may have fallen into a bit of a rut on account of how prolific she is. At times some can feel a little formulaic to me, like her mark making and form language become muddled by a desire to read as both illustration-like and painterly. Sometimes the result is a painting that feels like dated graphic design. The sculptures don’t have that problem. It’s funny how often that happens with painters—I almost always think they make the best sculptors.
Tala Madani, “The Emblem,” Oil on linen, 2017.
Don’t get me wrong: There’s plenty of painterly, illustration-like 2D work I like. And this year, Frieze had a plethora of examples. Yesterday, I mentioned that Tala Madani painting at David Kordansky Gallery of the naked man crawling away from the viewer. There’s something so fluid yet awkwardly descriptive about the way the figure is rendered with an economy of wet strokes, utterly other from the alien “landscape” he’s crawling across—which is dry brushed and looks like silkscreen ink. There’s a logic to the difference in textures between the organic and inorganic that’s so simple yet rewarding.
Paddy: I also thought there was a good showing of sculptural paintings. For example, there were a bunch of small Llyn Foulkes paintings at Spruth Magers that resemble those on view at the New Museum a couple years ago that stand out. Most of these are the repurposed second hand store paintings he collages and builds up their surface, but there was also a Mickey Mouse painting. Foulkes sees Disney as the root of all evil, so sometimes the political message of work veers into dopiness, but the sheer technical virtuosity of these works gives them a faux-naive feel. In other words, the simplistic message seems important to understanding the paintings.
Left: Kiki Kogelnik, “Express”, 1972, oil and acrylic on canvas. Right: Kiki Kogelnik, “Untitled (Still life with hand), 1964, enamel and india ink on paper. Simone Subal Gallery.
Paddy: This booth of Kiki Kogelnik paintings falls into the trend of wacky figuration we identified yesterday in part one of our post. Kogelnik is considered to be Austrian’s most important pop artist, though like many pop-artists, she sometimes disputed the label.
The majority of the works in this booth come from her “Women” series, which pictured women as they were portrayed in commercial advertising. Knowing this made me wonder if the current trend of figuration might be informed by similar interests. Millennials are likely to be influenced by Instagram and Facebook, but the end result is similar—pictures of people looking happy.
Jeppe Hein, “Please Participate”, 2015, Neon Tubes, transformers, 303 Gallery
Michael: I don’t think I have ever had such a visceral immediate reaction of hatred to an artwork as this one. Is this like a parody of bad inspirational meme decor? What the hell is “SVING” and why do I need to do it after yoga?
Paddy: It’s so bad. This work was centered in the vortex of bad text art at the back of the fair and at some point, I think both of us had ended up walking in circles trying to figure out how to escape the area. It needs to be quarantined for the protection of fair visitors.
The best Jeppe Hein works I’ve seen take a jab at the “white cube” while simultaneously evoking the universal. Olafur Eliasson and Dan Graham are often cited in reference to Hein, and when his works fail, typically it’s because they are retreading well worn territory of 70’s art making. This cringe-worthy work fails in the same way an Eliasson might fail—striving for a universal by offering up prescriptive verbs associated with being content and self-aware. The problem, of course, is that it removes all the day to day bullshit that all this self-care is meant to deal with. It’s so simplistic a message it’s offensive.  
Michael: This is what I imagine would hang over the reclaimed wood counter at the gluten-free macaron bakery that opens to signify a neighborhood has gentrified to the point of being uninhabitable to all but the least self-aware. Or, in 10 years, their genetically engineered dogs with self-cleaning hair.
Karl Holmqvist “untitled” at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise
Michael: Gavin Brown’s Enterprise’s blindingly-bright booth is a bit of a head scratcher. It’s dominated by these massive Karl Holmqvist marker paintings with phrases like “HUG A HIPPIE; IT’S ALL THAT” and “HUG A HOE; HE’LL LIKE IT!” I’m not sure what to make of this and I am not sure anyone else did either—including the gallery staff, who at times seemed almost embarrassed by the booth?
Paddy: This is reminding me how little of the text art on view succeeded. Are these paintings supposed to thwart identity stereotypes and preach a message of acceptance? I assume these paintings are made with marker as a gesture to the protest signs we’re all spending our weekends making now. Fair enough, but they don’t translate well to an art fair environment. Protest signs are democratic by nature—these are just vessels for the uber rich to park their money.
Michael: It’s a shame these dwarfed Verne Dawson’s recent series of small oil paintings. Each of them is a bleak scene of low income quasi-rural-quasi-suburban sprawl. At first glance they seem to reference pastoral romantic landscape painting. Then it becomes apparent that all is not right: there’s a subtly acerbic clash of colors, the brushstrokes feel violent and unresolved, and the landscape is marred by highways and hastily-painted trailers. They’re a little hard to look at despite the fact that they’re great paintings. They feel very of this era—I think they reflect the unease (guilt? horror? sociological curiosity? alienation?) with which “our America” has been forced to look at “other America” since the election.
Paddy: While I agree this booth is a head scratcher, I actually think think those Dawson paintings held their own against the Holmqvist—no small feat considering the difference in scale. (Dawson’s paintings were no more than 18 inches wide while Holmqvist had an entire installation.) We both drew a lot of out of those Dawson works—but the other works in the booth, a series of crude renderings of Japanese homes received virtually no attention from us. I had to look up the photos to remember what they looked like, I have no image of the label and can’t find them anywhere else online. Those were the works that were forgettable—as is evidenced by the fact that we forgot them.
Cheim & Read, “Pink”, installation view.
Jenny Holzer, Truism on a marble bench
Paddy: In honor of the Women’s March and the sea of pink hats, Cheim & Read put together a booth of works defined by the color. I support the impulse here, but the result is a clear miss. For one, at first glance, the booth looks like a boutique outfitted for spring. Very little in this booth looks like it’s worth the money they’re charging for it.  For another, the text based works they had available—all by Jenny Holzer—either suffer from sentimentality or were simply too aggressively weird for viewers to feel anything but awkward. (I’m speaking specifically here of Holtzer’s tattoos, which contained messages like “I find her squatting on her heels and this opens her so I get her from below” paired with “I have the blood jelly”.) I overheard a sales consultant hilariously straining to spin Holtzer’s truism on a bench positively. “This one— “It is in your self interest to find a way to be very tender”—[pause] is a more uplifting message.” She smiled awkwardly.
Michael: So many of the Holzer tattoos left even me (notoriously immune to the gross-out) feeling icky. There’s lots of references to sex acts with questionable levels of consent, predatory stalking, menstrual shame, violence, and death… these deserved a much more seriously curated booth of feminist work beyond the “everything is like, totally millennial pink!” theme here. Of course, Louise Bourgeois’s fleshy bas relief of giant nipples was the booth’s stand-out highlight. Hung at head-level, they suggest the adult viewer could just open wide and get a squirt of breast milk, which is both funny and disgusting. Cheim & Reid missed a curatorial opportunity here. Starting with Holzer’s tattoo pieces and the Bourgeois, they could have seized on the body horror aspect of Trump (“Grab em by the pussy,” etc…) and run with that as a curatorial thread rather than fuzzy pink hats. This is actually an almost offensively reductivist approach to contextualizing feminist art.
Paddy: I totally agree with you. The whole point of this booth is to activate people against the misogyny of the Trump administration. Pink isn’t a concept—it’s a color. It’s unsurprising then that most of the work felt neutered.
(Left to Right) Ha Chong-Hyun, “Conjunction 01-2-8,” oil on hemp cloth, 2001; Chung Sang-Hwa, “Untitled 88-7-28,” acrylic on canvas 1988; and Park Seo-Bo, “Ecriture No. 68-78-79-81,” pencil and oil on hemp cloth, 1968.
Michael: At the other end of the color spectrum (or rather, off it), New York’s Tina Kim Gallery teamed up with Seoul’s Kukje Gallery to present a booth heavy with the big names of Dansaekhwa (a movement of monochromatic abstraction that arose in postwar Korea). I’m fascinated by Dansaekhwa for a few reasons. The use of cheap materials, emphasis on non-objective “labor,” and resistance to “beauty” makes the work feel like a bit of a sneaky protest against South Korea’s brutal 1970s dictatorship. I love the idea of seemingly inoffensive abstraction as a subtle rebellion against authoritarianism (how very different from Ray Bradbury’s vision of the art world in Fahrenheit 451!). The genre’s prisoner-number-like titles and dreary palette contribute to the dystopic vibe.
Ha Chong-Hyun, “Conjunction 15-150,” oil on hemp cloth, 2015 and “Conjuction 14-135,” oil on hemp cloth, 2014.
And seemingly, the art market loves Dansaekhwa too (there have been countless retrospectives on the movement at commercial galleries in recent years). It makes sense: everyone wants an excuse to frame collector-friendly abstraction with a good guilt-free backstory, particularly if it exists just outside the Western art history canon. I was a little taken aback by how many of the Ha Chong-Hyun works were from the 21st Century (I’m sure his older work’s been snapped up by collectors by now) and how it didn’t feel at all out of place with his peers’ work from decades ago. I like the idea that these artists (now quite elderly) have kept up this somber practice for longer than I’ve been alive and now they’re finally getting recognition (and seriously big paychecks) outside of a small-ish Seoul scene.
Yan Pei-Ming, “President-elect Trump,” 2017. At Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Michael: Speaking of anti-authoritarian impasto monochrome paintings, pussy-grabbing, body horror, and protest booths, I feel we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention Yan Pei-Ming’s horrifying portrait of Trump (one of the few on-the-nose political works we liked). This is America, directed by David Cronenberg.
Paddy: We can’t escape Trump—not even on an island art fair for the rich.
Gerd Stern, “Hard On for Peace,” 1963 at Carl Solway Gallery.
Michael: Actually, this is my favorite political work. In the Spotlight section of solo booths, Carl Solway Gallery had a really nice Gerd Stern retrospective with this “Hard On for Piece” slightly tucked away in a corner. I laughed out loud when I saw this, because it’s such a direct way of messaging desire—even for a goal as noble as the anti-war movement.
When one of the people working the booth noticed me taking a picture, he remarked “Pretty impressive, eh?” and seemed to imply that the sculpture was a cast of the artist’s actual erection, gesturing across the booth towards the real, live, in-the-flesh Gerd Stern. The artist, for his part, just shrugged “What can I say? I was a younger man in the 1960s!”
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2q8D6Mt via IFTTT
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garadinervi · 1 year
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William Gibson (poetry) – Dennis Ashbaugh (illustration, etching), Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), (100 p. : ill.; 41 cm. + 1 computer disk (3 ¾ in.)), Kevin Begos Publishing, New York, NY, 1992, Edition of 95 [each copy is unique] [Victoria and Albert Museum, London]. Printed by Sun Hill Press. Typesetting by Golgonooza Letter Foundry. Bound by Karl Foulkes
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garadinervi · 1 year
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From: Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) [William Gibson, Dennis Ashbaugh, Kevin Begos Publishing, 1992]; in Rollin Milroy, About Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), Heavenly Monkey, Vancouver, March 30, 2015
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Rollin Milroy, About Agrippa (A Book of the Dead). A Bibliographic History of the Infamous Disappearing Book, Heavenly Monkey, Vancouver, 2015, Edition of 50 [Books On Books]
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garadinervi · 1 year
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From: Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) [William Gibson, Dennis Ashbaugh, Kevin Begos Publishing, 1992]; in Rollin Milroy, About Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), Heavenly Monkey, Vancouver, March 30, 2015
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benchgenderstudies · 6 years
The Unfashionable era of couture models
By Michael Bench, MEP, GCERT
Unrealisitic images of thin runways models pinned to the edges of grocery isle magazine racks are more than an insult to the senses.A Celebrity wrinkle cream on every other page, guaranteed good sex advice despite no guarantee of sex, and top abdominal exercises are constant. Its like the fashion and womens media are as ineffective in personal guidance as the Congresspersons in WashingtonDc.
Year in and year out: the same rhetoric interrupted by new empty nutrient comfort food and new diets.If the female public of America and Europe find  the abandonment of credit limits a peachy reckless therapy; they abided the trickery. Retail therapy they call it; and out in the malls they went. Loyal to their sense of fashion, not reason.Their closets brim full of clothes they don't wear.Sometimes they don't fit by excuse and othertimes;
most other times; the fad diet fed to them on the glossy paper of Cosmopolitan or Vogue; Womans World or Tabloids have them binging exercise one day and clung to the bed in PJs the next.  Diuretics and stimulants all in one. The wealthy mix in the cocaine and the poor find their sack of crack or meth. Women face media manufactured body dissatisfaction as though it should be a norm. Media told them as much in the 80s and 90s' . Female teen body dissatisfaction was so frequent it was considered a norm according to the mainstream media.(Brumberg) As frequent were Macy's ads for overpriced  couture and the latest synthetic body odors from France. Jacques love jism: Odore Mi Spoog'.
People are as lame to buy fitness as they will buy love or sex. Americans throw money at problems and the french are
more than happy to catch the funds; sans ethics. Sans concerns the fashion models ; gullible and or idiotic; will falsely norm small emaciated females the preferential look. We can skip all past the debate whether fashion models instruct eating disorders. They do. It’s a fact. Fashion models of couture and their handlers and designers expect a size no matter the female. Is it not the talent agent determining function and looks already?. The designer designs around the living being. To be alive she will be alotted her figure, not his.  Dare he not say he designs clothes for females and instead for Douglas Fir 2x4s. Lumber has consistent linear physique; Not humans. Are we hearing each other Hedi Slimane and That Corpsy Pilgrim figure.. Whats his name? Oh yeh. Karl Lagerfeld. The guy who achieved a corpse's body to die for before he actually died. I stress a typical rhetoric we hear of models. The young girls say their  role models on the runway have a body to die for; and in small ways that model really is dying for it.  
Little has the united states government done to end the  predatory consumer defining of gender roles of women. Women stay botched in their comfort with self.From religion to fashion. Did I mind if gays were able to be married? No. Did I mind if gays were in the military. Not at all. The evangelical, white  and rapist male constituency in the military is far more a concern than gays could ever be as threats of morality against other personnel.
Still, homosexuality had a concealed secret for the sake of clothing sales and legitimacy not even they would address. GLAAD hasn't raised a finger to denounce haute couture female emaciation.  The haute couture upscale fashion have skeletons in their closet; for 3-4 hours a day. Then the skeletons came out of the closet and design dresses for anorexics they credit themselves for . "Vickie'deSpewdin-Ateagain  by Phillipe So'ure". I suppose a dress could be named in the same way a guitarist names his instrument. Taking credit for a whole person as if to be owned is a distorted sense of identity. A practiced sense of distortion by fashion's stars mad under the hat.  Designers favorite anorexics are the  fit-models. A real coveted secret stored in hospital rooms when out at shows or shopping.  Skeletons, these gay skeleton fashion designers have poor sight as expected. Inside and out neither france or united states wanted to correct. Foolish. Very.
I knew from the start it was OSHA sitting on its ass. Since 2007 I tirelessly addressed it to Edwin Foulke Jr and his successors. At that point, the private sector was continually referred control under the GW Bush administration  OSHA; and US LABOR OIG guilty by association;  refused to update its occupational roles and regulations to meet with the technological and arts products of the time. The predominently homosexual male fashion designer has a 'vision' of beauty  with as excessive a reacharound as Kevin Spacey to child actors. Dresses are built around a model, she doesn't make your expectations .. for a gay male, of a female with a sexual and physical ambivalence toward wellbeing in parallel.  Who knew? In the most extreme cases, being objectified keeps females fed? Legitimately of course. I'm not suggesting a  life lived on cum is a nutrition better than starving to death.
Fashion models have made a mockery of women of their offseason size and many other sizes.  When not living to be on camera, the females were born to have a particular frame. The brain in the frame has an excessive loyalty to her fame that she will allow the public to endure unreasonable envy; the waif is a face of shame. She's the idol for industry: generic Adam Venits, Ed Westwicks, and  Weinsteins want her for  coerced female. A puny sex object  I can't at all suggest Weinstein&Co  effect the fashion industry. A lobby or more is out there that are and have legal liability for endangered minors and onsite work abuse.. Back to the puny sex object:  We're talking about the ease of intimidation and making an ideal of her miniscule frame as a supermodel of sex symbols. And smaller still. She goes along with it; She feels important with little effort except long hours, smirking and getting dressed. Women who live like Barbie dolls. Except; I can't call living at the whim of hair dressers, seamstresses and cosmetics techs personal growth at all. Toxically pampered adults are what fashion models seek employment.For reward,  become industry loyal liars.
In Protection of their fame, we all read the same excuses in the interviews. Regulation can't happen because the Body Mass Index is unreliable, they claim  Did you know that's a lie? In detecting underweight pathology the the Body Mass Index is absolutely appropriate. The Body Mass Index Scale errs only in athletic hypertrophy. It can't guess if excessive mass is from fat or muscle if a persona is of a conditioned state with sufficient strength.  A fashion model determined normal or underweight is likely still to have under conditioned her muscular strength. The role of traditional classism mocks a strong female. Being strong and having tone are two separate matters. A distorted concept of waif is as distant to healthy fit  female as strongman is from male pornstar or male runway model. We're not talking about body building at all. Having a sixpack abs and good muscular definition says nothing about cardio endurance, functional strength or proprioreceptive balance. All three factors make for a good preparation toward competition and survival. No, what we see to be called models are very small specimens of people that require a minimum of resistance exercise for the tone they have'. Good tone under ectomorph low adiposity looks more impressive than the work put into it. But will it save his core in a car accident?
With the designers, these models are the industry's skeletons from the closet. A small body with small muscles will have noticeable yet limited small results. Males of the actual mesomorph and endo mesomorph ( powerlifting) are very big but they don't have lasting tone beyond a week. The methods to achieve that tone are askew from fitness eating and conditioning especially. Most of the people seeking fitness advice are broken people in their goals. They want an athletes' respect before knowing to do the work of merely the active adult promised no assurance of professional sports aspirations.
Models represent a broken truth with advertising health. They aren't it. Media doesn't sell fitness; They sell sex from what was believed a harlequin novel physique. The large burly barbarian soon became a more realistic size, and beyond reasonably anatomical. Remember, our first photographs of what sexual men and women looked like were distorted by the artists illustration. Because of the artists of the model these days, womens and mens senses of normal fitness are still inaccurately portrayed in the wants of the camera.  Magazine covers and any other body in a photograph specialize conditioning as a model. Ss specialized as a body builder for different reasons. As specialized as a downhill mogul skier doing standing vertical box jumps and sprints up stadium stairs. If a fashion model cared about the masochistic effort she put into a runway show, a sensible female with values would be training for marathons some other sport and at least able to fuel fully each day. We see the corrupt gamble of fame without the competition for functional skill. Walking in a straight line with a cold pout is dimwittery.  Life cannot be lived in front of the camera as an ideal. The public are being lied to.
The fashion model's body as prepared for the photographer is only sustainable for days and hours. It's not a daily sustainable body even for the very smallest and leanest of body types. To say otherwise is at most a prospecter of an unreasonable disciplined regiment likely to fail eventually. Definitely more than a young person self identifying a fashionista can manage without advanced study in physiology and biochemistry. Remember, the real miracle stories are driven by compensation.An unusual unhealthy brain chemistry.  Active people are active because of their brain reward system. Lazy on the outside starts with lazy on the inside. The fat brain is a primary affliction slowing weightloss and  weightloss can only remain a goal until such time as an active lifestyle is fulfilled going through the motions til a fit weight. Then starts training or personal dissatisfaction in the truthful letdown.
 In short if there is a point of prospecting a body sculpting supplement for profitable venture, I would expect the entrepreneur would eventually be arrested. The  temptations to dabble in modified methamphetamine derivatives and steroids would run the gamut of possession with intent to deliver charges to practicing medicine without a license from a motel room loaded with synthol-plus in syringes.  The quest to make money becomes a desperate need of money during long searches. Desperation sacrifices ethics and without ethics a freelancer takes advantage of any sucker for better or worse. Habits of easy money die hard even among the best of downtrodden researchers.
An inactive United States government has allowed antidepressant/anxiolytic sales, ambiguous sport supplements , suicide risks , unvetted child endangerment in fashion media, ambivalence of New York state's ill functioning labor department and completely unconcerned with the ongoing pharmaceutical pollution. Such antidepressants leaving 28-37 % of females enter  the water table after excreted from the body resulting in triggered autism genes in frogs and sterility in fish. To purposely  alarm you: those frogs and fish are very much the embryo stages that anti abortion  zealots honk about while passing Planned Parenthood clinics. I'm not saying some antidepressants aren't necessary. Causing their need with a deadbeat OSHA, NIOSH, CDC, and private sector's invalid CFDA indoctrinating children to fraudulent fashion images is gross negligence. The United States government has been deliberately void of ethics since 1998 in the regulation of the fashion model industry.
The Body mass index is appropriate for regulating fashion with the additional caveat of restricting the waif from industry as a liability of her size to be convinced of loyal industry silence. Cara Delevingne knows all about that. By my evaluation  19.2 BMI is the only sufficient  low limit at a frame size of US 8.  Since we haven't seen OSHA make a move on regulating the fashion industry, we know that Dorothy Dougherty either doesn't know anything about current topics or has her hands tied by congress or the president. Since either branch doing something  would evidence a competent government, both parties need to be sorted out. Obama was useless on the matter and so was GW Bush and Clinton.. I'd certainly eject Bob Casey and Pat Toomey. I know those two have no interest in legitimate incumbent clout. Bob Casey has been stagnant since I called on him in 2007. Ask him how much effort his staff put forth researching OSHA and the regulation of fashion model anorexia from February 2014 to July. He didn't even have his secretary's file a GAO research request.
The Executive branch defends anorexic fashion ideology. Neither David Michaels or Edwin Foulke Jr moved on it. Infact. David Michaels wouldn't respond to me at all. How about that? Hey, well, inturn , my turn of disrespect on the united states government and the parties within calls to exempts the entirety of Pennsylvania and Oregon from federal income taxes for ten years. To be subsidized by the democrats and republican House and Senate reelection funds. Don't waste my 10 years, us gov. Disrespect will follow promptly. My disrespect will rewrite the flag. My title has been robbed at the time before France's regulation to put United States in the Free World leader role it taunts now emptily. There's no leaders in that government; Pray do Jong Un cull the garbage in congress dancing about their sugar plums and incumbency dreams for all they only serve themselves.  Whether a healthcare bill could come from Democrats or not, they're a compromised source too stupid to know not to involve republicans. Conservatives can't be salvaged and certainly not while the need for single payer was the only legitimate option.  Lets look toward today.
Trump wants America to be great again. Ok, Regulate fashion immediately per my regulations. Regulate fashion because at a much earlier age this Donald Trump already knew fashion modeling was dangerous for Ivanka.  In cowardice or favor he refused to damn the couture gay designers  at the same time he damned transgender Americans in the military. What is the protection purpose boundary here with anorexia? Its Obvious: the Deliberate oppression of female health with negligent nonfeasance to eliminate a domestic and foreign threat in textile consumerism.
Big Macy's and Nordstrom's Lobby has a big endangerment-of-minors class action lawsuit whether intending to speak up for themselves or not. France's snail is cooked whether they got to regulation before United States or not.    Dr Bryn Austin and Katherine Record may be my cohorts of demanding reasonability. They aren't up to being my  peers  I won't accept merely copy and pasting France's late and ineffective regulation. The models aren't only being hired as undersized. They're being coaxed to remain and become undersized. Haute Couture and any other form of disordered eating or exercise addiction in fashion is the vision of the designer. It's his dysmorphia. Anorexia can occur for other reasons such as over strict-abusive guardianships, distrust,  and over religious parenting. In cases where the minor or young adult doesn't have a sense of secure habitat, she might opt to stop eating. Sexual abuse can cause anorexia and concurrent depression. We have to consider in each case of anorexia nervosa a coresident matter of Narcissist Personality Disorder and Stimulant addiction issues before all else. Without prejudice this differs with Dr. Austin and Katherine Record. They might presume a nonvictim blaming course of approach with statistics presuming a probability of rape or family abuse.  
What is fashion modeling but a pageant. The methods of body modification are as old as the corset but the result is still anti anatomical health.  Mothers with unhealthy perspectives of body perfection cause eating disorders in their daughters surrounding the pageant circuit. One girl was fed tapeworm eggs by her mother, in Mexico,  to cause her to lose weight. The hospital staff delivered all her babies despite finding none of them were human and the pregnancy was a bad case of constipation.
In no way am I saying fashion causes all cases of disordered eating. What Is being charged is in the past 40+ years fashion media and fashion models have engaged in unhealthy behavior and delivered recommendations in interviews for any reader and especially minors to  expect of a fictional body.  Why would the model lie to her fans? That so not nice.
Coin a term "Pretty Little Liars" for prime time , and I retort. Pretty? Couture models and Victoria Secret Angels? On the inside: ugly enough to put a bag on their head and banish from the universe. Expect the same from Las Vegas showgirls vying for top dancer. Prostitutes and well dressed couch surfers short on appetite for intellectual work or its tedious lessons of modesty till and after success.  Where competition and vanity intersect, you'll find damaged goods overwrapped.
Michael Bench is an author, athlete, and researcher actively staying abreast of
case law of Gender Anthropology and Sports Medicine.//
(forward to editor)
Dear editor, enclosed is a sour editorial by a premier exercise physiologist demanding the heads of the most recent three
OSHA directors, Elaine Chao , and George Washington University's Milken School for not pressuring David Michaels to promptly
invest time regulation at the time France addressed fashion model thinness. At this time.The parity of France's Ministry of Health  would be
The US Health and Human services Department Secretary.  Former Secretary Price did not respond to me nor has OSHA secretary Dorothy Dougherty since April.  During the Obama administration, NIOSH, GAO, New York Department of Health, New York Department of Labor, Pennsylvania FBI , Governor Wolf , Pennsylvania, AG Kathleen Kane's Office, Eric Schneiderman and Tom Perez made no effort to clarify if in doubt what regulations were being discussed.  The matter of FBI being inept is telling of their own corruption. The Newark FBI were involved in addressing the Johnson and Johnson Morcellator case ; a cancer removal device that actually accidentally circulated cancerous material in the bloodstream after severing it from its original growth area. The FBI's refusal to address the fashion anorexia matter is a clear matter of New York and federal conservative politics allowed to abuse and profiteer on subtle womens abuse.
I consider by the text enclosed the United States government to be a dormant fixture while republicans and democrats prove incapable the basic functions of cabinet duty per the times at hand.  I've been addressing OSHA since 2007. Obama's administration will be indicted for negligence for their victims of duty refusal are still victims as can be said of New York State. M Patricia Smith deliberate circumvented regulation of the fashion industry of 2009 and was promoted to US Labor Solicitor where such calls to regulate likewise were ignored. Without a doubt the terms of promotion rewarded an insider for the abuse of children and exploitation of their appeal to be called ' the next sex symbol' or analog in their superstar models shadow.     M Bench
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benchgenderstudies · 7 years
“OSHA stalled for ten years since Edwin Foulke+David Michaels relying on prochild abuse CFDA.”Michael Bench
Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington DC 20210
 Dear DAS/ OSHA Director Dorothy Dougherty
I congratulate you on your appointment to the OSHA secretary position. Of equal importance of this accomplishment raises the purpose I contact you declaring a necessary regulation of the fashion model industry. Since 2007 I have called on OSHA to this duty and Edwin Foulke Jr immediately deferred to the Council of Fashion Designers of America. He deferred to the private sector. The CFDA has not shown a timely interest to establish credible regulation or itself a dependable body. I refuse any suggestion of self regulation valid.  
The united states delay in recognizing the problem of fashion was a larger blunder in ignoring the health problems of Americans. There is a trail of medical bills for drug rehabs, street drug stimulant abuse, suicide attempts and grief counseling, unnecessary antidepressants treating physical immuno -depression caused by crash diets, body dissatisfaction and anxiolytics, alcoholism, and overshopping leading back to the fashion industry. Crash diets cause women to lose a dependable activity linked relationship with their clothing size due to supplements and "thinness tricks'. The united states government is not waiting on further data from Scientists. The united states government is waiting to mature a respectable identity that its seated plutocrats prioritize above self-involved two party dramatics
If the anorexic look prescribed by Haute Couture designers is truly 'Feminist", then he only appeals the female body when she is most like himself. The arl Lagerfelds and Hedi Slimanes sexualized the under-developed female body as a cudgel of consumerism.
Are there penalties for 'anime' pornography that depict underage sex? If yes I will refer to the anorexic status as sexualizing an emulated underage female.. sometimes without clothes in promotions.
 If it was not already known, most couture designers are gay males. When the female no longer maintains the nymphoid, emulated male, lean appearance she's tossed out. She's no longer beautiful for the industry when she's mature enough to not be androgynous .. when she's 100% recognized as woman. Haute couture is not Feminist for it shuns the female body through most of her lifespan. On this I must also raise a clear prognosis of body dysmorphia card against gay males. Conditionally employing females to abuse their identity  just appearing in their runway shows is unethical. The French government also has fiscal duties to pay for concealing the practices of the couture genre of fashion. The Donald Trump administration should not delay an aggressive move on this point of foreign policy.
The models are not contacting OSHA for protection for they are willing participants. Fashion models of couture are mental invalids; some form of attention needing creature positioning themselves in front of youth with addictive personality traits. They tolerate the intolerable for money. The addictive personality rewards itself through fame and the people drawn to modeling must be deemed suspect not only for eating disorders but also complicit psychological traits of masochism. While new models are entirely subject to personal morality, their exposure to the industry's absent sense of limits cannot continue. It’s a corrupting force.
Fashion media employees  are also empty of morality. The Vogue editors will let unhealthy industry practices continue and then make huge profits on their tell-all book. Former Australian Vogue Editor Kirstie Clements is one of those grifters.  An International Business Times piece about Clement's book " The Vogue Factor" by Nadine Deninno revealed the runway model thinness is not even the most severe conditions of the industry.  Does New York City health board or New York Labor bother to look?
One model during a show revealed to Clements that her flat mate was a fit model and in the hospital most days with an IV in her arm.  This is the exerpt :
 is a “fit model,” which are models used directly in designer ateliers to act as the mannequin while designers work on creations in the studio.  This flat mate, according to the model, is “in hospital on a drip a lot of the time,” referring to intravenous therapy, to keep herself nearly two-dimensionally skinny.
Clements wrote: “That the ideal body shape used as a starting point for a collection should be a female on the brink of hospitalization from starvation is frightening.” She added that a “dubious achievement” of this nature, “all in the quest to fit into a Balenciaga sample” size, comes with severe side effects such as mood swings, extreme fatigue, binge-eating and self-harm.
The designer is present. His most near model is sickly and she is sickly from his preference in sizing. That’s all there is .. Fashion causes disordered eating. Fashion caused this consumer strain of  body dysmorphia. Women are being distorted by madmen having no concern of a females wellbeing. Much of the disordered eating crisis is the usual female target audience as far back as 1600s Europe.  Upperclass fashion was also a form of body modification. In most states you must be 18 or have parents permission by 16 to get a body piercing. The fashion based anorexia is a form of uneducated body modification in a form it cannot be: on terms of someone else's ideals. Is it sexual ambivalence or conceit? What it is is cheap. Cheap on sample dress fabrics to an unrealistic frugality.
I don't actually attribute being cheap to their real delusion.,It’s the "I'm going to leave a pretty corpse and I don't care about eating till I'm dead" type of stubborn narcissism fuel. Across the luxury industry are parrots who pad their identity through movies. Billionaire heiress Daphne Guinness is one of them. None other than Karl Lagerfeld himself , quoted " curves are out', can be seen exhibiting his personal style as a pilgrims corpse for most of the past decade.  If Homosexuality isn't directly an affliction, then among homosexuality are couture sadists. An obsessive self contentment creating the ultimate non female .. or dead female from a live fame glutton.  I don't register that as karma. She followed other models into the industry with too positive an opinion of the work.
Refer to the quote just a bit earlier. If the studio fitting model is the ideal stature for the designer, realistically we have starvation tactics hurting the girls that needed employer assistance the most. There are smaller girls so conforming to the smallest dress doesn't hurt them as much as an average size 8 or 10 model having no assistance from her industry agency who agreed to get her the job. Her looks got her in the door. What is being propositioned for employment…. are. not. her. looks. Not even DNA models of New York can see past their own company name to protect their models. Absurd. Its called Phenotype. They signed it. They have to protect it.  
I request your immediate assistance to regulate the fashion industry. All who seek to discontinue or obstruct that regulation among you or in the private sector are to immediately be charged with child and public endangerment. Please inform me of their identity for I will have sharp words with them. I am making this most immediate in your career at OSHA for it needs the most attention. No other human can better expertly decide that for this nation. Enclosed are tentative list of recommended regulations  to extend 1910.262 for including the fashion model career to regulation. Any career not being covered by OSHA is a Citizen not being protected by OSHA. Department of Labor OIG and Government Accountability Office have already failed for any legitimacy from 2009-2013.
I at this time will also report M Patricia Smith , Former US Solicitor and Former New York Labor Commissioner for willful failure of duty to protect youth from the fashion industry, willful neglect and contributing to the neglect of minor-employees during her time as Labor Commissioner circa the year 2009. Her lack of oversite led to girls as young as 14 being exposed to the corrosive atmosphere fashion modeling is made of.
David Michaels , and Edwin Foulke Jr, .. your predecessors, each are faulty to those matters. FBI will now again be called upon to arrest David Michaels for said charges whether they like it or not.
   Michael Bench, MEP, GCERT
(thanks for the help FBI, East Pennsylvania. no help at all . with national security that myopic I’d rather hire DPRK”)
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