#alicia drake
jacquesdemys · 1 year
I would like to end 2022 by sharing five six of the most hilarious anecdotes I read in fashion (related) books this year. (also... find me on GoodReads!)
1) Corey Tippin realizes Karl Lagerfeld is a fucking freak. (The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake, 2006)
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2) The guest who refused to leave when Bernard Buffet’s 30th-birthdy party orgy was about to start. (Bernard Buffet: The Invention of the Modern Mega-Artist by Nicholas Foulkes, 2016)
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3) Pierre Cardin’s stress-induced sweeping compulsion. (Pierre Cardin: The Man who Became a Label by Richard Morais, 1991)
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4) André Leon Talley afraid of Maxime de la Falaise serving him dog-placenta soup. (Loulou & Yves by Christopher Petkanas, 2018)
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4) Cristobal Balenciaga sees a former model wearing an outfit by André Courrèges and comments on the outfit... (The Master of Us All: Balenciaga, His Workrooms, His World by Mary Blume, 2013)
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5) Patti D’Arbanville, Corey Tippin, Donna Jordan, et al. trying to get Helmut Berger’s attention at Yves & Pierre’s place (The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake, 2006)
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6) Guy Bourdin almost setting Karl Lagerfeld’s house on fire. (Karl: No Regrets by Patrick Hourcade, 2021)
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I’m excited to discover 2023′s anecdotes!! 
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beepbeepdespair · 6 months
spoilers for a haunting in venice below:
me: haha imagine if the mum killed her daughter. that would be a crazy plot twist lmao
*that's exactly what happened*
me: ...ah
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dpxdc Au - Tim and Danny are Twins, have been through all the introductions and after a few years decide to have The Audacity. 
At some point it hits the two of them, that they really do act alike sometimes. Like, mannerisms and small detail micro expressions, the whole nine, so Danny and Tim decide to take advantage of this.
Parent trap style swapping but all within the same household, they cut their hair and swap clothes, and get in a few practice runs around the halls of Wayne Manor. No one in the family catches them through at least 3 family dinners, so they go for the larger gambit. 
Tim wants to go to high school for a bit and get back into skate boarding with low stakes- Thats what he tells Danny at least, he really wants to spend the time dismantling the GIW from the epicenter in Amity Park. It works out that Tim accomplishes this in record time (explosives didn’t require ethics in his opinion) and does actually get to enjoy his hobbies again for a bit. 
Danny wants to tell off the WE board members and get some proper Red Robin training so he’s not so dependent on his powers when facing human enemies (they were squishier than ghosts, restraint was key)- That’s what he tells Tim when the reality is he’s going to lead a hostile takeover of DalvCo. and well, yeah, actually get some training in. 
No one catches on except for Kon. 
After they’ve swapped back and their missions are debriefed, Tim asks him why he never fell for it? Simply put: “Uh, dude. Your twin doesn’t have a heartbeat half the time, it was pretty easy to tell.” 
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bey0utifulsoul · 8 months
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aaflovedatbounz · 1 month
Wanna Make U Daddy'z Baby ...
I'm Ready !!!
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Same ⏰️.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Uncharted Territory
Lara Croft x Drake!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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Outside the pub windows was the blurring neon glow of London. Inside, the fire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows on the worn wooden beams. You nursed a pint of ale, eyes following the curve of Lara's neck as she sipped her tea.
"Lost in the Amazon again, I see," she teased, her lips quirking in a smile. Her braid swung back and forth as she leaned closer, the firelight highlighting the emerald flecks in her eyes.
It wasn't every day you got to share a fire with Lara Croft, world-renowned adventurer and the love of your life. You chuckled, taking a swig of my ale. "Just trying to decipher a cryptic pirate journal Nate unearthed from his latest escapade. Apparently, there's a hidden fortune of Captain Kidd somewhere off the coast of Madagascar."
Lara scoffed, a playful glint in her eye. "Knowing Nate, it's probably buried under a pile of bad puns and empty rum bottles."
You couldn't help but agree. "Sounds about right. Though I wouldn't put it past him to actually stumble upon the loot by sheer dumb luck."
You both fell silent, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. Dating Lara meant a life far removed from the quiet bookstore job. Her adventures brought danger and excitement. Yet, there was something undeniably thrilling about holding her hand as she recounted tales of dodging booby-trapped temples and outsmarting ruthless mercenaries.
"Are you coming, (Y/N)?" Her voice broke the stillness, her gaze softening. "To Madagascar, I mean."
You hesitated. The thought of Lara facing another treasure hunt alone gnawed at your soul. But you also knew she craved these challenges, that her curiosity and thirst for knowledge were as vital to her as air.
"Not this time, Lara," You give her hand a squeeze, not wanting to let it go. "That's Nate's turf. You know I wouldn't want to steal his thunder."
A flicker of disappointment crossed her face, but she quickly masked it. "Of course," she said, her voice light. "Besides, I don't think that island could handle two Drakes running amok."
"True enough. Though I might send Sully along to keep him out of too much trouble."
Lara laughed, her giggle was the only thing that made your existence feel like it was something. "Do that. And tell him to pack plenty of wisecracks and rum."
The rest of the evening unfolds in a warm haze of conversation and shared laughter. Reminiscing about past adventures, from misadventures exploring lost Mayan temples with Nate to Lara's encounter with a mythical serpent in the Peruvian jungle.
As the fire dwindled to embers, Lara leaned her head against your shoulder. "You know," she whispers in your ear, "the flight to Madagascar doesn't leave until the morning"
"That's still a couple hours away" you gaze meets her.
"I think we can find one or two ways to make the time fly" she gives you a wink. "My flat's not far from here"
"Lead the way" you gather up your supplies and take her arm in yours.
And with that, you and her slip out into the night, your footsteps blend together into the London streets. One little night together, a bit of wine and a whole lot of mischief.
You are (Y/N) Drake, brother of Nathan Drake, and boyfriend to the bravest, most extraordinary woman in all the world.
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steadypet101 · 4 months
CW: Long post
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"Valentine's Day art collection (sort of)"
Happy Valentine's Day! Here are the pen traced versions of my two favorite gay hedgehogs, and here are my TMNT Mutant Mayhem first two couples with my ocs. (I would've drawn Miffy and Reagan art, but I haven't drawn their bases just yet, I'm so sorry about that.)
So anyway, I have a short little story for these three. But since we all know how the first top part goes, I'm going for the bonus Sonadow.
"Nose to Nose" - Sonic grabbed Shadow quickly in a flash by his arms, making the dark hedgehog yelped in surprise. Suddenly, his nose touched the speedy blue hedgehog's nose. Still surprised by this, Shadow is speechless by this, which makes Sonic smile.
"Oh, come on, Shads. Don't act like you never wanted a nose to nose," Sonic said coyly.
"I don't. But just to humor you, I'll go along," Shadow said with a smirk on his face.
The hedgehogs then rubbed their noses together, making their hearts soar.
"I love you, faker," Shadow said.
"I love you, too, Shadow," Sonic said happily.
Shadow chuckled. "I love you more."
"I know you do."
"Alinardo adorkable kiss selfie" - "Come on, Leo! Let's take a selfie together!" Lea called out to Leo from peaking her head through the curtain into his and his brothers' bedroom after finishing cleaning up his twin katana blades with a rag.
He smiled as he put his blades in the corner of his space. "Okay, we'll go and take some with my phone," he said as he stepped out of the room.
"Yay!" Lea cheered. She watched Leo take out his cell phone from his belt, open up a camera app, and gesture the girl to come. She placed her hand onto his shoulder and prepared to smile for the camera. Just then, Lea pulled Leo closer to her face and began to kiss him on the cheek. Blushing, the leader in blue smiles for the camera with his adorkable smile as he takes the photo.
After the photo was taken, Lea took the phone and took a look at it with a smile. "Aw, Leo! We look so cute together! You especially look so cute with that smile."
Still blushing and smiling, Leo has a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Y-you think I have a cute smile?"
"I don't think, I know," the human replied.
The mutant turtle couldn't help but grinned widely.
"Hey, think you can send me this photo to my phone?" Lea asked as she gave Leo back his phone. "I want to save it and use it for my home wallpaper."
"Sure. I'd would love to," Leo said warmly.
"Susietello surprise kiss selfie" - Susie was studying on the dining table in the Turtles' lair when Donnie was approaching towards her. "Hey, Sue. Want to take a selfie with me?" Donnie asked as he took out his phone.
"Well, I'm a little busy at the moment, but I guess I can relax my brain for a bit," the human friend said as she closed her textbook and set it aside.
They both walked towards the opening of the lair, and Donnie had his camera ready. Meanwhile, Sue was planning how to make this selfie photo more memorable as she was fixing her pastel green hair and her glasses.
"Okay, ready?" the purple clad turtle asked.
"Ready," Sue answered.
The two get close together with the timer set. As Donnie smiled for the camera, he felt a hand on his head and a small kiss on his side of his head. It was Sue, and his facial expression changed from a photogenic smile to a surprised one. The camera clicked, and they both took a look at the photo. Donnie's heart was fluttering when he saw the proof of Sue kissing him.
"Uh, did-did you just?..." he stammered timidly.
"Yeah, I did. I thought this photo would be nice instead of our usual peace signs and making silly faces each time we take selfies," Sue smiled warmly. "Sorry about that."
Donnie couldn't help but blush at this. He smiled back to her. "No. This is perfect. I love it. Thank you for that. I really mean it."
"You're welcome, D. Anything for my best mutant turtle friend ever."
They shared smiles towards each other and began to head back to the lair. Donnie couldn't stop thinking of Sue's actions to the camera. He didn't expect that to happen, but it did. He was surprised, but he was happy that his human crush kissed him. Wish it would be on the lips, though, but oh well. There's always next time.
Wow, that's a lot of typing. Anyways, sorry if my stories were crappy. I hope y'all like them all. I'll edit them a little later.❤️🩷❤️🩷
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moodsandmatters · 1 year
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tokuvivor · 1 year
DuckTales Character Songs! (Part 2, cont’d.)
@glowyjellyfish @shychick-52 Same list still, so tagging them again.
Doofus Drake
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me by Christopher Fitzgerald and Kimiko Glenn from Waitress
This song basically sums up Doofus’ unhealthy obsession with Louie.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
Superman (It’s Not Easy) by Five for Fighting
Superheroes can get all the love and adoration from the public in the world, but that doesn’t change the fact that at their core, they’re still regular people, and it’s hard for them to be heroes. And that’s hardly lost on Fenton, DuckTales’ resident intrepid scientific intern, aka Gizmoduck. He loves helping the people of Duckburg (and sometimes even the world), but deep down, “[he’s] more than a bird, [he’s] more than a plane, [he’s] more than some pretty face beside a train. And it’s not easy to be [him].”
Goldie O’Gilt
Goldfinger by Shirley Bassey from Goldfinger
Sure, the titular Bond nemesis may be a man, but come on, this song fits Goldie to a T.
Magica de Spell
Queen of the Night by Whitney Houston from The Bodyguard
The context of this song could easily be changed to fit Magica’s storyline, especially prior to The Shadow War!, when she didn’t have her physical body back, and was just, well, a shadow. Many of the lyrics in the song can also be contextualized in a shipping way, if you choose to go that route.
Fergus and Downy McDuck
When You Need Me by Bruce Springsteen
This song is a good parent-to-child message, and I think it works really well in the context of Scrooge’s occasionally distant relationship with his parents.
M’ma Cabrera
Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
This song just exudes powerful, badass female energy. I don’t know, I just think it fits M’ma really well.
And that’s it for Season 1-originating recurring characters. Next time, on to Season 2!
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souurcitrus · 2 months
Events that occurred in 1989, in Earth-18104. This is the start of the age of heroes, so each year will be a different post, some with more important events than others (and most of them focus on the X-Men, since I read more about them).
The stories are not complete or are summarized, and are inspired by other medias, like the movies, comics and series, but don't follow Marvel Canon or the time-line established so faithfully, and include stories of my OCs.
The (N) at the end of names serves to indicate character births and the numbers are their ages. I will include more events as I write more about the characters.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
1989 -
• Wade Wilson (18) joined the US Army Special Forces, but despite his superior skills, he was kicked out for not following orders that conflicted with his moral code.
• (April)
• Harry Osborn (8) met Peter Parker (8) at school, initially being friends with Flash Thompson (10), he disliked Peter, taking his distant behavior as snobbery. However, he realized that Peter was just shy and distracted by his Aunt May's health problems.
• Soon the two became best friends and Harry began to defend Peter from school bullies. In addition to Peter, he also became friends with Mary Jane Watson (8), who attended the same school as them and was Peter's neighbor.
• Helen Cho (24) met her future husband Phillip and the two began dating.
• A few months later, when Phillip found a job in the United States, Helen agreed to go with him, and the two moved together to Arizona, where they bought a house in Tucson and integrated well into the existing community.
• (Rise of the Fantastic Four)
• Brilliant aeronautical engineer Reed Richards (26) was working on an experimental faster-than-light rocket called Marvel-1 that he intended to use to explore an Earth-like planet called Spyre located 44 light years away.
• Unfortunately he had no money to finance his research and had to ask his old college "rival", Victor Von Doom (27), for help.
• A successful businessman, Victor agreed to finance the mission, which would be made up of four members: himself, Richards, Air Force pilot and childhood friend of Richards, Ben Grimm (27), and Dr. Susan Storm (24).
• In addition to the four of them, Susan's brother, Johnny Storm (17), wanted to join the mission, feeling that something was waiting for him outside. Despite Susan's protests, he underwent grueling training and became Ben's co-pilot.
• (July 8 - Launch of Marvel-1)
• Once in space, the rocket experienced a cosmic radiation storm. Although prepared for them, the ship was met with an unexpected intensity of radiation and its shielding was unable to contain it. The ship crashed back to Earth.
• Emerging from the ruins of the spaceship, they discovered that the radiation had mutated their bodies and given them remarkable new abilities.
• Reed gained the ability to stretch his body and limbs, Johnny was able to fly and engulf himself in flames that he could control, and Sue was able to bend light around her body and become invisible.
• Victor also absorbed some of the foreign substance. As a result of his exposure and cutting into a piece of metal, he began to transform into a metallic humanoid, capable of controlling electricity.
• Ben gained incredible strength and durability, but his body was tragically transformed. He now had orange, rock-like muscular skin.
• All four moved to the Baxter Building, where Reed began studying his powers and tried to find a way to reverse the process. Ben was initially bitter about his mutation into a monster and was often angry or depressed. Johnny was often rebellious, leaving Sue to act as team mom.
• Meanwhile, Victor von Doom lost millions as a result of his failed space mission and his company's stock plummeted. His investors cut off his funding and he was on the verge of bankruptcy. He attacked the investor who ruined him by electrocuting him in a parking lot, now calling himself "Doctor Doom".
• A few weeks after the Marvel-1 incident, the quartet was caught by the government and contained in a government quarantine facility for those exposed to cosmic rays under the command of Reed's colleague, General Walter Montgomery.
• Doom broke into the facility and used the machine Reed was building to restore Ben to human form, knocking him unconscious while he captured Richards.
• Having demonstrated the effectiveness of her new powers, Sue managed to convince General Montgomery to release the remaining Fantastic Four and allow them to face Doom.
• Even in human form, Ben went with the Storm to save Reed.
• The four faced Doom with great difficulty until Ben managed to transform into the Thing again, while Johnny and Sue combined their powers to envelop Doom in an inferno of intense heat; Grimm and Richards douse him with cold water, inducing thermal shock and freezing Doom in place.
• After Victor's defeat, the four decided to use their powers to better humanity and founded the Fantastic Four, the first group of superhumans of the New Age.
• Unbeknownst to them, Doom's frozen body was being transported back to his homeland of Latveria, when the dockmaster's electronic manifest briefly suffers electromagnetic interference.
• After the debut of the Fantastic Four, Phineas Horton (83) was furious to learn that their youngest member, Johnny Storm had taken on the mantle of the Human Torch, thinking it was an insult to the original Torch.
• Nick Fury Jr (41) was approached by Commander Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, who informed him that the government was reactivating the super soldier program, in part motivated by the fact that humanity needed to be prepared for an inevitable genetic war with the growing mutant population.
• Fury had the chance to take charge of everything. He agreed and began tracking different individuals who were super powerful or had special abilities, a new version of the old Avengers Project.
• Phillip Masters (61) discovered that by sculpting clay found near Wundagore Mountain he was able to take control of their bodies, for many years he claimed this was due to the clay being radioactive.
• At some point, Phillip returned to his homeland and obtained a large quantity of clay to begin a criminal career.
• Kyle Gibney (5) was raised by his mother, Sarah Gibney, and his stepfather, who he believed was his biological father.
• In reality, his father was the criminal Sabretooth, so Kyle was a second-generation mutant and his mutation appeared when he was still very young.
• Because his mutation is stronger than his father's, Kyle had "wild" mannerisms and habits since he was a baby, such as running on all fours. When he turned five, his fangs began to emerge, much to his mother's horror.
• (September)
• (Cyclops)
• When Scott Summers (13) woke up several months after falling into a coma, he was under the care of the Essex Clinic in New York City. There was a large band over his eyes, preventing him from seeing and releasing his energy rays.
• He was visited by Charles Xavier (52), who assured him that there were no witnesses to the awakening of his mutant ability in Nebraska and that the damage to the hospital was attributed to a gas explosion. He informed him that he was a mutant and invited him to join his special school.
• Scott accepted, hoping to meet his brothers one day. He was taken to Graymalkin Lane and given a special visor made of ruby ​​quartz by Moira MacTaggert (54), which allowed him to see and control his powers.
• (Puppet Master)
• Now calling himself the Puppet Master, Phillip Masters' (61) first criminal operation was to place the Thing, Ben Grimm (27), under his control. Doing so, he ordered Ben to come to his apartment, unaware that the Invisible Girl was following.
• The intruder's presence was betrayed thanks to the keen hearing of Alicia Reiss (23) and the Puppet Master knocked Susan out.
• Disguising Alicia as Sue Storm, he sent her with the Thing to the Baxter Building, forcing him to attack the rest of the Fantastic Four; fortunately he was freed from the manipulation of Masters, who had taken control of the State Prison and staged a mass escape.
• The imprisoned Sue Storm managed to set off a warning flare and with Alicia's instructions, the Fantastic Four attacked the Puppet Master in his home. However, while the heroes were occupied by one of their robotic dolls, he escaped with Alicia.
• While the Fantastic Four prevented the prison break, the Puppet Master attempted to use a puppet of himself that he believed would make him king of the world. Alicia intervened and snatched the doll from his hand, throwing it to the ground, giving the Fantastic Four the chance to arrest him.
• After this incident, Alicia Reiss became close friends with the Fantastic Four and also began spending a lot of time with Ben Grimm. She tried to show him her inner beauty, but Ben's depression over his transformation into a monster made this struggle difficult for him.
• Eventually, the pair began dating and Alicia put her sculpting skills to work creating replicas of the group and their adventures.
• (October 7, Saturday)
• Captain America's body is discovered by SHIELD, frozen in a state of preservation. After waking up, Steve Rogers (69) was kept at one of SHIELD's bases in New York, until he was ready to face the new world.
• (October 31st)
• (Iceman)
• Bobby Drake (12) continued to train in using his powers.
• Upon discovering that his classmate Judy Harmon liked him, Bobby thought the best thing to do would be to invite her to the movies, even if just to become friends.
• When the movie ended, the two were confronted by the school bully, Rocky Beasely and his gang. Fearing for Judy's safety, Bobby used his mutant powers to freeze Rocky in a block of ice, trapping him from the waist down.
• Horrified by what happened, the boys and Judy fled the scene, leaving Rocky behind. Bobby tried to free the boy, but he had never tried to unfreeze objects; so he ran home to tell what had happened.
• Not long after, the local sheriff showed up to take Bobby into police custody. Believing he would get a fair trial, Bobby surrendered to the police. When the story hit the news, Professor Xavier and Scott went to visit Bobby to invite him to join their group.
• With the help of Fred Duncan, Xavier managed to meet with Bobby and promised him that he would use his powers to erase the incident from the memory of everyone in the city, showing that a mob angry with Bobby was forming outside the prison.
• Bobby asked Xavier to make sure Rocky and Judy weren't hurt and agreed to join his school. Xavier fulfilled his part of the deal and talked to Bobby's parents who at first didn't want to send him to Westchester, but in the end agreed to keep their son safe.
• Upon arriving at the Graymalkin residence, the first thing Bobby did was use his powers, happy to finally be somewhere where he could be himself.
• (November)
• (Sister Margaret's Home - OC)
• At some point, the facility where Helen Cho (24) was working was attacked by Purifiers and she was trapped under rubble after an explosion. While most of her colleagues died, she survived and was rescued by mercenary Tereza Márquez (174) OC, also known as Sanguinária, who pulled her from under the rubble and rescued her while facing the Purifiers.
• When she regained consciousness, Helen recognized Tereza and was initially afraid of the woman, but she promised to take the doctor back home if she helped her with something important.
• Helen accepted. First she tended to Tereza's injuries, who had been hit by a carbonadium blade, and then she was taken to Sister Margaret's Home for Wayward Girls in Manhattan, a house of mercenaries.
• There, Francine Cavalcante asked her to help her husband Antônio who was aging rapidly because of the loss of the Seed of Life given by the Inner Circle.
• Unfortunately, Helen cannot help Antônio, as there was no way to reverse the effects of an object she did not understand. Antonio was already old and without the seed keeping him young, he had a few more years before his body aged and he finally died.
• She asked Tereza to give her a sample of the Seed, however, only Santiago cultivated the seeds.
• After hearing the news, Francine rudely kicked Helen out of her house and forbade Tereza from returning, blaming her once again for the loss of her family. Tereza apologized to the doctor on her sister's behalf and kept her promise, taking her back home, before warning her not to tell anyone what had happened.
• Later, Helen was invited to work for SHIELD in their science department, recommended by Márquez.
• Over the next few years, Helen often helped Tereza when she was injured and the two even became close friends. Helen became one of the only people Tereza had genuine respect.
• (November 9)
• The Berlin Wall is demolished.
• Loki, the God of Mischief, makes a deal with Thanos to retrieve the Tesseract in exchange for a Chitauri army to conquer Earth.
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brandon-dah · 5 months
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chiefbeefy · 1 year
more doodles of reggie and her girlfriend bestie (plus reggie’s brothers bc they’re cool)
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alicia —> @technicallyoneofakind
drake —> @deathisawelcomealternitive
ace —> @sswitchblade03
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grimroninreviews · 2 years
wasteland by brent faiyaz review:
1. (villain’s theme)
2. loose change (9/10)
3. gravity w/ tyler the creator (10/10)
4. heal your heart interlude (8/10)
5. (skit: egomaniac)
6. all mine (10/10)
7. price of fame (7/10)
8. ghetto gatsby w/ alicia keys (8/10)
9. wasting time w/ drake & the neptunes (7/10)
10. rolling stone (7/10)
11. fytb w/ joony (7/10)
12. (skit: oblivion)
13. dead man walking (8/10)
14. addictions w/ tre amani (10/10)
15. role model (8/10)
16. jackie brown (8/10)
17. bad luck (10/10)
18. (skit: wake up call)
19. angel (10/10)
ranking: A tier
a great album from brent faiyaz
if you like: dvsn, giveon, sir, sonder, daniel caesar, xavier omar,
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ftl-radio · 2 years
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bey0utifulsoul · 8 months
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savagebeautyqueen · 2 years
I still prefer the unreleased version of Fireworks, as opposed to the one on Thank Me Later
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