zimms · 15 days
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she's just like me fr
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parvuls · 2 years
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an alternate universe, where bitty’s birthday ends a little bit differently.
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appalamutte · 5 days
a haus halloween kegster in an alternate universe
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What the heck IS the kegster neck touch I'm scared to Google it
so glad you asked dear anon! the kegster neck touch refers to a panel from Check, Please! a webcomic/graphic novel duology by Ngozi Ukazu, (you can read it here!) said panel is near the end of chapter 7 (assist), but here it is for you with Ollie and Wicks circled, CLEARLY NECK TOUCHING, the implications of which suggest they have just kissed, but they're relegated to the background in favor of bitty, holster, ransom and shitty who are main characters.
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despite not being a strong focus in the story, Ollie and Wicks are confirmed to be married or at least own a home together (but pretty much the whole fandom agrees that they got married due to the many hints to their relationship put in by Ngozi). thus, the kegster neck touch is regarded as the first among many indicators of their relationship and holds a special place in the hearts of many fans. I'll put some tags for you to explore :]
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mostlyanything19 · 1 year
I have just the weirdest relationship with Check, Please these days. Every time I think, hey, you never actually finished that comic, I go back and try to pick it back up but I just cannot get myself to engage at all past the point where the focus shifts to all these new characters and new teams and a Lot of just Jack & Bitty stuff. It makes complete sense for the comic to go that way and it is also just the way of thing that as Bitty gets to be the oldest Haus member he spends his time with all these new people bc everyone else has graduated, and also with Jack bc that’s his boyfriend. It just doesn’t grip me the way it did before.
But then here’s the other thing, and that thing is that I was just stupidly attached to these characters for a long time and that has gone nowhere. I just said “whatever” and spent the couple bucks to get one of these little extra books Ngozi has put out in the intervening years and there’s some pictures of the old crew in there and I just got so giddy about them, like. it was like seeing old friends again. and then... at the very end just hidden away quietly there’s this one little unassuming comic strip thing where -- and I had not heard a thing about this, I didn’t know --  where we actually do, at long long last, find out Shitty’s first name? And I almost teared up? I have no idea if I’ll ever read the comic to the end but that there felt so much like something coming full circle, like a little bookend at the close, that I suddenly feel like I have finished it, after all.
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porcupine-girl · 3 months
Someone on a discord server asked if your blorbos would celebrate the Ides of March and you know what SMH would ABSOLUTELY have an Ides of March kegster complete with a cake bust of Julius Caesar for guests to take chunks out of with plastic butter knives.
Togas required for admittance, obviously - except for Jack, who tries to use this as an excuse not to attend (“Look, I’m not wearing a yoga, I’m not allowed downstairs”) but finally gets bullied into wearing a laurel wreath for a bit.
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ohyoufool · 1 month
If omgcp took place today, HOTTOGO would be on the Haus party playlist and Bitty would lead the dance HAMMERED from on top of the pong table every Kegster. It would become a phenomenon known across the greater boston metropolis area.
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asterlark · 22 days
i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that no matter what age ransom & holster are when they get together as a couple, they rework their incredibly long & elaborate secret handshake to include a lil smooch at the end
actually now that i'm typing this out, this is definitely how they end up hard-launching their romantic relationship- which nearly fails before it can even start bc all of their friends have seen them do their secret handshake so many times after they win a game of beer pong or complete a great pass on ice or w/e, they don't see the point of being sat down to watch them do it again now
and even after they finally get everyone together, do the whole handshake, and finish with a dramatic kiss, and everyone sincerely congratulates them, holster gets frustrated bc their friends don't seem appropriately floored by this Brave Declaration of Love, so he asks what their deal is. unfortunately for him & ransom, that opens the floodgates of everyone listing examples of times r&h have openly kissed/ made out/ lovingly embraced/ gazed into each other's eyes in the presence of their long-suffering friends
chowder: ...well, there was that party last christmas with the mistletoe-
lardo: and the thing at holster's birthday kegster-
ransom: [laughing] okay, thanks, we get it!
shitty: yeah, pretty sure you laid one on each other during the big celly at that one princeton game-
bitty: you know i love y'all, but these haus walls aren't the thickest and-
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petedavidsonscock · 1 year
dex crushing hard on bitty is SO important to me.
dex is initially a little weird around bitty because of the whole internalized homophobia thing, and then that passes and dex starts being a little weird around bitty for a very different reason. nursey notices and decides to call dex out on it, but when he says, “Hey, why’re you always staring at Bitty?” as an opener, dex turns so red (even as he denies it) that nursey gets it immediately. dex makes him promise not to tell anyone, which is difficult not because nursey is at all malicious about it, but because he’s laughing too hard at the expression on dex’s face to speak.
nothing ever comes of it obviously except like it gives nursey something innocuous to chirp dex about. oh and then one time at a kegster, bitty is drunk and missing jack and wishes he had someone to make out with and nursey shoves dex bodily forward. it’s not too much of a kiss but afterwards dex has to sit down. nursey tells this story at his & dex’s wedding.
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montrealmadison · 4 months
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what is UP party people. it's been a long time since our last kegster, huh? little bit too long, if you ask me.
ransom and holster manifested themselves in my apartment last weekend to help me plan the most righteous of celebrations for the fact that this blog just hit 400 followers. in order to do that, i’m opening fic requests from now until the end of march! i’d like to aim for these to top out right around 1,000 words, but i have been known to, uh, ramble. so we'll see if i stick to that.
if you wanna get down to motherfucking clown with us, you gotta follow the bylaws:
who are you bringing upstairs with you? 😏 pick an omgcp character and/or a ship (can be romantic or platonic, whatever floats your boat!) that you'd like to see a fic about.
any wellie worth their salt knows that the vibe is the most important part of a kegster, so we gotta make sure the playlist is on point. pick a number (1 through 80) so that i have a song to write to.
picking numbers between 1 and 40 will get you something off of ransom's certified bangers mix (choose these if you want more fun, fluffy, happy vibes). picking numbers between 41 and 80 means we'll switch it up a little to bitty's chill cleanup mix (go here if you want angst, hurt/comfort, or bittersweet vibes).
tub juice is already mixed up for your, um… enjoyment? but if you're looking for something specific to drink (smut, an au, kent parson going to therapy) you can include as much detail as you want in your prompt. otherwise, all you need to include are your characters of choice and your number.
submit everything through my ask box and i'll post your request within a week! anons must be signed so i know who to thank. if you have an ao3 handle, please include it so i can gift it to you properly when i post it there.
any questions, please let me know! i look forward to getting nursey down off the roof again celebrating with y'all this month. ❤️
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parvuls · 1 year
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I am once again analyzing the haus layout and mourning all the little nooks I haven't seen in fics. jack has his own walk-in closet?? (so does bitty, btw)
so many opportunities for bitty helps jack pick a tie/shirt and they get locked inside getting togethers
so many opportunities for year 2 au's with secret zimbits relationship where one of them has to hide in the other's closet to avoid getting caught
post-kegster game of hide and seek where jack and bitty both end up hiding in the closet (this may or may not be a real thing that happened to me)?
so many jokes about being in the closet
like, at least one scenario I can think of where shitty talks to jack through the shared wall of their closets, pretending to be the haus ghosts
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neilsfoxess · 4 months
In an omgcp phase again, and one of my favourite nurseydex headcanons has to be that dex is gay, comfortable in his sexuality, and simply doesn't feel the need to come out to anyone in the house (he doesn't talk about his personal life so why would he mention his sexuality?)
and then this leading to assumptions of homophobia/he's seen kissing a boy at a kegster and everyone freaks that he's experimenting/all of those kind of tropes
like fics where nursey panics that dex is using him to solve a gay panic crisis when he comes onto him when dex has been with more men than nursey has, purely because dex dresses and acts like the straightest white boy alive
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Dex : [pulls back the shower curtain to reveal the Stanley Cup] Dex: Nurse! Nursey: Ch’yeah? Dex: Can you come to the bathroom, please? Nursey: [arrives at a near run] Dex: Is that the real Stanley Cup? Nursey: That’s precisely what I’m trying to determine. Several days ago, whilst browsing auction sites on the Dark Web, I came across a listing for the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup, aka Lord Stanley’s Cup. I was skeptical as to the Cup’s provenance, so I bought it. Dex: Why would you buy it if you were skeptical-? Nursey: The Cup has humble beginnings. It started off as a mere bowl. In 1927, long narrow bands were added and then replaced by uneven bands in 1947. The original bowl is in the vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. The Hall also keeps a near-perfect duplicate on hand. “The Presentation Cup,” if indeed this is the genuine article, is here. Dex: Wait a second, are you interested in hockey history? Nursey: What I’m *into*, Dexton, is the possibility that the Cup was stolen. It travels under the constant supervision of its keeper, so opportunities to nick it are mad rare. If it is the real Cup, I shall return it to the National Hockey League with all due haste. If not, we have a new tub juice bowl for kegsters. Dex: And the reason it’s in the tub is? Nursey: C and I were measuring water displacement to determine the Cup’s density. Now it’s just drying. Dex: Mmm Nursey, realizing Dex is dressed for taking a shower: It can dry elsewhere.
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appalamutte · 2 months
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please vote and reblog!! i'm writing a fic and this is a throwaway line but i started thinking about it and, well, now i need to know what the general consensus is
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transwicky · 6 months
AIGHT I'm still on this.
My REAL thoughts on OllieWicks DPair:
They are sloppy at first. They don't know each other well, and are having a hard time clicking on the ice.
Then the kegster neck touch happens and they start dating and then suddenly they start doing better on the ice.
Their communication on the ice is flawless and it surprises everyone, including themselves.
They have insane chemistry on ice, and between them and Holster and Ransom, it drives Dex (and Nursey) insane that they just can't get along well enough to click like that on the ice.
But nobody even suspects that they're dating bc they're so chill about it. They don't do major PDAs, especially around the team (their fist bumps are their silent I love yous).
Chowder finally asks how they click they so well bc they don't act like Holster and Ransom and Wicky stares at him while Ollie raises an eyebrow and goes "Well, we're dating, first of all. Also we have sex regularly."
Chowder's entire world is Shook on that bc the two everyone said are the Token Straight Bros are DATING and ARE NOT STRAIGHT and he has to re evaluate his entire life.
He's the only SMH member that isn't shocked they got married.
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
3:00am, haus kitchen
@darthlivion/@transwicky - tumblr apparently ate your ask, but luckily I copied it into a google doc! have some olliewicks words for your table 💜🦗
want your own ficlet? my followers can prompt their own with these guidelines
The Haus is still for once.
The kegster had wound down around one in the morning, the last hangers on gently but firmly ushered out the door by the lethal combination of Bitty’s implacable Southern manners and the looming presence of Ransom and Holster, standing just behind him. Even the most devoted partiers caved in the face of such a menacing one-two punch. (Everyone also knows that Bitty’s the scarier part of that combination—Holster and Ransom are just the muscle.)
Jack had been in bed by ten. Shitty and Lardo had disappeared to the reading room around midnight. Holster had piggy-backed Ransom up the stairs to the attic just before the Frogs left, Chowder held up between the ever-bickering Nursey and Dex as they stumbled back to their dorm. He and Ollie were the only ones crashing at the Haus tonight since tomorrow was their designated Bake Tester/Bitty Bonding day. Ever since Bitty had moved in, Ollie and Wicky and Bitty had to schedule their trio bonding time. It was depressing, having to schedule what was once as easy as calling across the hall from their dorm to his, but now they were guaranteed first crack at Bitty’s baked goods.
Ollie himself had conked out on the couch before the frogs left. Normally Wicky would be right there with him, buried in a blanket nest on the floor, but he’s too fucking wired. He wishes he could say it’s the result of whatever Shitty had dumped in the tub juice this time around, but he knows better. He’s not thinking about the why though. He can’t. If he looks at it too closely, he might explode.
So he cleans instead.
Wicky picks up solo cups and empty cans and soggy confetti (who let Shitty have access to a bunch of party poppers?). He sops up puddles of mystery liquid and gathers lost hoodies and hats and socks (Socks? Who is going barefoot at a kegster?) to put in the box of the porch once the sun comes up. The set of car keys he finds, he pins to the corkboard—Ransom or Holster will know whose keys they are and can get them back to their owner. Wicky wipes the stickiness off the kitchen counters and table and sweeps the floor. He’s just bagging up the trash when a soft, concerned Wicky? comes from the doorway.
He spins to see Ollie in the doorway, looking adorably confused as he hides a yawn in his shoulder.
“Thought you were asleep, Ollie,” he says, quietly so he doesn’t wake the rest of the Haus.
“I thought you were gon’ sleep. What’re you doin’?”
“Just too amped from the party, I think. Got a jump on the clean up. Figure Bitty would appreciate—”
“Wicky.” Ollie cuts him off, mid-ramble. “Was it— Are you—” he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Should I back off?”
Wicky’s mouth goes dry. Apparently Ollie doesn’t want to let him continue to ignore the root cause of his restlessness. Rude of him, but it sort of sounds like—
“Back off?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. You were right there next to me on the dance floor.”
Wicky gulps. “You— you weren’t just…”
“Jesus fucking christ, Wicky. I wasn’t just anything when I pulled you against me by the back of your neck. I wanted you pressed as close as possible. I thought you wanted that, too.”
“But it clearly made you uncomfortable enough that you’re cleaning at three in the morning, so. Do you want me to back off?” Ollie repeats, meeting his eyes squarely.
“Just, to confirm, or whatever. You were flirting with me tonight?”
“I’ve been flirting with you for weeks, Pace.” He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Or trying to anyway. I couldn’t really get a read on whether you were flirting back or not. Tonight was a chance to see if you would.”
In the quiet that stretches between them, Wicky can’t hear anything but the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears. Ollie has been flirting with him. For weeks. Flirting with him.
“I’m really gonna need you to say someth—mphff.”
Wicky cuts Ollie’s words off with a kiss. He pulls Ollie as close as possible, deliberately mirroring their positions from earlier tonight. He’s got one hand on his waist, the other cupping the back of Ollie’s neck, holding him firmly in place. He’s not sure how long they kiss for, only that it feels fucking amazing, his best friend matching every movement of his mouth. It feels sheets warm from the dryer—safe and comfortable, lived in.
He kind of never wants it to stop.
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