#keri forgets what tumblr is for
keriarentikai · 9 months
If you want to know a fun fact about me, here is one:
I got COVID in the summer of 2022 and missed my cousin's wedding. I've been on the cautious side this whole time but I'm pretty sure I caught it the only time I was inside unmasked.
Yes, despite my carefulness, I was inside a small space, unmasked, with about twelve strangers. Why?
Because I totally forgot to worry about getting sick WHILE I WAS IN A PLANE ON THE WAY UP TO GO SKYDIVING.
The irony is that I had defended my decision to jump out of a plane to my mother with safety statistics, including the clear and true fact that getting COVID is way more dangerous than skydiving. I'm a multi-tasker, I guess.
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televinita · 8 months
All The Songs Make Sense
I am regularly sad that Tumblr doesn't have access to this post, because it's one of my favorite things I wrote during my first go-round with Doctor Who/while processing my feelings about Journey's End, so I am transplanting it here. Which I've thought about doing at least twice before, but I don't think I actually ever did, so here goes nothing.
CONTEXT: I had my music library on shuffle, and 3 songs in a row were either explicitly written about the Doctor/Rose or on my ship playlist for them, and so I said...
Wait, wait, I HAVE A NEW GAME.  For the next 20 songs, I will magically relate lyrics to Doctor/Rose. I was this close to turning this game into the fic meme [where you write a tiny story related to/inspired by the song], but since I've never even tried to write Doctor Who fic, it would all pretty much come out sounding the same: me frustratingly working out my issues with Journey's End in terrible, thinly-veiled third person POV.  So instead we'll just pluck out lyrics and comment on them, as I do.
And so this was born, bringing into existence lyrical associations that, in some cases at least, persist to this day.
1. Blackbird - Evan Rachel Wood You were only waiting for this moment to arrive
(cue "Rose's Theme" and an otherwise-empty street)
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
(broken wings, a phrase here meaning Ten II and/or her suddenly clipped joy)
2. I Will Show You Love - Kendall Payne
Well that's just too easy:
Watch your dreams like falling stars, heartache made you who you are
3. In This Life - Delta Goodrem I have faltered, I have stumbled, I have found my feet again I've been angry and I've been shaken, found a new place to begin I think that works pretty well for Rose in Pete's World
4. Do You Want to Play? - Jewel (A CHALLENGE, SIR?)
Don't ever give away what you can't take back
Which sort of implies that Rose is an object, but WHATEVER.  He essentially handed her off - gave her away - and now the next time the universes magically break down and they're reunited, it'll be too late.
5. Taxi Ride - Tori Amos (ohoho!  You think you're gonna throw me for a loop?) We've all been pushed too far today
Almost anywhere in the two parts of the finale, really.
6. Hard Candy - Counting Crows
All the regrets you can't forget Are somehow pressed upon a picture In the face of such an ordinary girl This is where I really wish I was doing the fic meme...not that I actually have an idea, but, you know.  I have a mental picture within the TARDIS. 
7. Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
All of our time spent in flashes of light
8. Awake - Josh Groban (oh, I see we're back to the easy ones) We can't stay like this forever But I have you here today
9. Dignity - Hilary Duff Curses!  The game has defeated me.  This round. (unless we go meta and relate it to my lack of dignity in posting this) [let alone re-posting it]
10. Emily - Jewel One moment here, then gone With no forwarding address
Hard to pass mail between parallel worlds.
11. Ooh Oh - Keri Noble (ooh, oh, challenge?) What if I want you just to walk away From all the pain we have both been through?
*tilts head*  I mean, isn't that what he asks in the end?  Essentially? 
12. What Child is This - Josh Groban *rolls eyes*  Way to make it impossible on the very next selection.  See, in the fic meme, I could have set something during one of the Christmas specials.  But noooo, I had to be lazy. 13. Wait for You - Elliot Yamin (Oh, hell yes.  Just watch me.) Rose -> Doctor You're still in love with me Don't leave me crying
Doctor 2 -> Rose Why can't we just start over again, get it back to the way it was? If you give me a chance, I can love you right 14. Goodnight and Go - Imogen Heap
We'll have drinks and talk about things Any excuse to stay awake with you
The chorus would work beautifully for Martha, but this is about as good as I can get for Doctor/Rose. Still, not terrible; better than nothing.
15. A New Day Has Come - Celine Dion Televinita forfeits this round on the grounds that the song mocks and taunts her and sinks her further into the pit of despair.
16. Telling Stories -- Tracy Chapman Sometimes a lie is the best thing
Lie, a noun illustrated in both the sentence "and I'm him," and Rose's kiss.
17. Stay - Beth Hart When I was young, just a little girl I'd sing to the sun & dream with the world Now I got a suitcase full of memories ...I don't know; is a slight stretch.  I again wish I was doing the fic meme.  Little Rose would be delightful.
18. Still Standing - The Rasmus Wish I could have you by my side Tonight when the sky is burning Think I am going to Turn Left places with this one...
19. What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake (BWAHAHA!  And yet:) Don't want to think about it Don't want to talk about it I'm just so sick about it Can't believe it's ending this way Sorry, that's my reaction to Doctor Who.  Here's the Doctor/Rose bit:
Is this the way it's really going down? Is this how we say goodbye? See, it's slightly different!
20. Buildings - Regina (slightly edited for repetition) She would ask for time And she would beg for time And he would give her time But time is not given and time is not taken Which clearly sums it up. 
...my music library and I have a special relationship.  Be quiet. 
And finally, just because I really want to share what sparked the game off...
Goodbyes - Jess Anderson Is it so wrong to want to stay now that I've found you?
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absurdthirst · 3 years
Keri, I’m 21 and my parents told me a few nights ago that I should get married by the time I’m 25. I told them if it has to happen, it will happen. Because I’m not looking for a steady relationship and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I don’t think I’ve been on dates because the only times I’ve gone out with a boy, I never bothered to ask them if it’s a date or not.
They say they want me to be independent so I should get married. But, doesn’t getting married make me depend on someone else? I know I’m not too old but I just want to explore my options, different places. And I do not like deadlines like this. What if I meet only toxic guys till I’m 25?
Plus, I’m not very confident or conventionally pretty or skinny. Im also quite awkward. Like, I stammer when I talk to my crush. And I’m just a nerd who writes fanfics on Tumblr. Also, my mum was in her 30s when she had me. I’m her first child. I dunno, marriage has not been a top priority on my list at all. And for that matter, dating too. I just have crushes on people then I forget about it.
This just blows my mind and I actually had to read it a couple of time to really understand that your parents said that. "We want you to be independent so we want you to get married." That's not how that works....like at all.
If you live with them, this is what they probably meant. "We want you to be out of the house by the time you are 25." Which they should have just said if that's the real meaning behind their rush to get you married off. Because that's just the strangest way to gain your independence that I've ever heard in my life.
Plus, what if you never wanted to get married? Why should that be the ticket to your independence? It's one thing to encourage your children's independence and start nurturing that. You absolutely should start to take on more and more independence from your parents and the familial home. Especially if you are out of college and/or trade school and working.
A better goal would have been. "You should have x number of dollars saved up by the time you are 25. Maybe for a down payment for a house." That is a goal that truly has your independence in mind.
That's just wild. We don't live in the Victorian age, you aren't a spinster if you don't get married by 25.
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thebtswritersclub · 3 years
Happy Birthday Aditi!!!!
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The BTS Writers Club is here to wish our lovely admin, @ditttiii a very happy birthday! Here’s all the messages we’ve collected, from admins and members alike for Aditi day (January 14)!
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Aditi! Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for being an amazing Admin. The network would not be the same without you and all that you do. I mean, just look at the layout! You do so much for us and it’s 1000% appreciated. We’re so lucky to have you! Thank you for being with us from the start and being there to help everything grow. You’re such a valued and loved member and a wonderful friend. I love you so much. Even though this past year was an absolute garbage fire, I hope that next year will be much better. You’re going to do amazing things and I can’t wait to see them! 
- Love, Eva @aroseforyoongi
 PS: Please share more pictures of your puppy
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Happy birthday, Adi!!  Babe, you're an amazing person, a marvelous woman and an awesome friend. I wish you the best things in the world, that's what you deserve nothing less. I can't thank you enough for your love and support, always. Know that you'll always have in me a friend and a hype woman. Congratulations, Queen! 
- Danna @unoriginal-username15432
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Aditi! Though we have only known one another for a chunk of a year, I can safely say that you are one of the best people I could have met in 2020 and I am so glad I did! I think you have so much to offer the world in both intelligence and charm and you will go so far! Keep your head up through 2021 and never let anyone tell you you cannot do whatever you set your mind to. Keep writing and relaxing and enjoying life. Also, please remember to rest and sleep! Happy Birthday!!! 
- Dean @eternalseokjin
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Happy Birthday Aditi! You're so sweet and kind and I hope you have a great birthday!!!
- Donna @untaemedqueen 
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I hope you have an amazing birthday. You deserve one. You’re so wonderful, sweet, hardworking, intelligent, caring, encouraging, talented, pretty... I could go on forever. In short, you’re awesome & held in high regard. Thank you for being you & thank yo for being a vital part of BTS Writers Club & its admin team. You’re an html goddess & a goddess of kindness and looks. Your presence brightens my day & I look forward to all of our conversations.
So, to BTS Writers Clubs’ resident Goddess, Happy Birthday! 
- Lillia @moccahobi
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Hello, luv 
I remember the first time we talked. I had come to you asking for advice because I was thinking about posting on tumblr, and somehow we ended up talking for hours that day. Ever since then, you have been such an amazing and precious friend to me, and I am so incredibly glad that I decided to come out of my shell that day. I am so thankful for everything about you and our friendship, and also for you quite literally dragging me into this net to meet so many other lovely people I have the pleasure of calling my friends as well. I wish you all the best, today and every other day, and never forget that I love you very much! 
- Keri @kerikaaria
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happy birthday dearest aditi! i hope that you have the happiest, most wonderful, most magical birthday ever! you deserve everything good and more! sending you all of the love, hugs, and good vibes i can offer!
- Carese @honeyj00ns
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Adiiiiii ily!! my lovely waifuuu!!! you work so hard and are so nice!! i married right  keep doing what you love and remember to treat yo'self!!!!
- Dae @birbdae
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Lovely! It's your birthday and I would be remiss not to let you know that you are so loved and so appreciated! I hope you have an amazing day with those you love (especially Toto), and get something you were hoping for, be that quality time or a nice gift! Happy Birthday Aditi!
- Day @baepsaetan
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Aditi, my love, my darling, my honey, ily. You’re such a good friend and a good wine bibi, i love u muchly and appreciate u. I’d like to thank u from the bottom of my heart for being there for me when i needed u, ty for helping me with my writing and helping me be happy, you truly are the best and there’s only one u. Keep shining u star. Keep being u, you literally are so cute and adorable and pretty like words can’t even describe how amazing u are, happy birthday to u ma love, i hope u have the greatest day bc u deserve it! I can’t offer u a hug rn but i can give u a virtual hug (sending u the biggest virtual hug) i hope it sent!  
- Ellie, signing off w a big big kiss for u @jungkooksbroski
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Happy Birthday Aditi!  I hope all your birthday wishes come true on your special day! You have such a hardworking and vivacious personality, it's no wonder why I admire you a lot  I'm glad I can call you a friend of mine and I only want nothing but the best for you
- Gwen @prettyboongi
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happy birthday aditi! although we haven't talked all that much, i'm glad to have met you through the net! you are such a caring and loving person and i hope you have the best birthday today and many more amazing birthdays! thank you for being you and happy birthday!
- Ivory @sunkissedjk
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Aditi, you have the sweetest soul  and the kindest heart, I love our chats and how helpful you are. You've given me so much confidence, right from the get go. You never stop believing in people and will bend over backwards to help them, even when you're ill. You're so freaking talented, honestly, I just can't praise you enough. Happy birthday my lovely hareem queen, hope you have the best day!
- Ley @pars-ley
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Aditi! The beautiful, amazing angel! I'm so glad I have gotten to know you through this net and I'm excited to get to know you better. Thank you for always being available to read my crap and for creating amazing works of fiction. You are one of a kind and the world is so lucky to have you in it! Happy birthday
- Mars @joheun-saram​
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Hey Diti Darling, Apparently it's your birthday. Haps Borth! Ok, I know I give you hard time whenever we talk but that's because I am just a big nervous and confused mess all the time. We don't even talk that much. Even with that, I love you very much, as a chaotic sister. I just love seeing your name around. Every interaction I have with you is precious no matter how confused I come out of it. You are so sweet and so loving. I hope that you keep that light and keep growing. May this next year that approaches you is a fruitful one and bring you happiness in what ways that it can. Look up, smile bright.
-Your ever worried brother, Nep. :33 @dawndrms
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lovely adi!! i'm so lucky to have met you this summer, because i'm pretty sure you're one of the first desi writers i met on tumblr  i love seeing all your posts on my dash, you're really such a sunshine and happy pill on dumblr and i wish more people saw that. your style of writing is so so so enchanting, something i wish everyone would read. in the net, you're a ray of light on everyone and i can tell that bring you so much energy and liveliness wherever you go. have a lovely birthday aditi appi, and to many more!!
- Noor @papillonsgf
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Happy birthday Aditi!! I want to say a massive thank you for everything you do for the net to make it what it is. you are so friendly and helpful, you really make everyone feel so at home there! I'm so happy to have joined and met you. I hope you have a great day because you deserve it xx
- Ru @btsmosphere
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Hey Aditi! I just wanted to say, happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! You've made being in here so special, helping me with everything I needed! I remember the first person to say Hello to me in the net was you! You were also the one who told me I was accepted! Your really special to me! So is your hate for Mee6 Thank you so much for everything! I wanted to give you something special for your birthday so I'll be posting Transvaal Daisies very soon! Once again, thank you for everything
- Tailia @namyoongles
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Hi Aditi!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday  I love how sincere and enthusiastic you are and how you’re always hyping us and all our ideas and i hppe your birthday matches how awesome you are
- Tanooki @crystaljins
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Happy Birthday lovely Aditi! I hope this year brings a ton of happiness, positive growth, success and prosperity! I’m so happy we got to meet over this net. I love love LOVE gushing about Bollywood movies and Indian music with you and I absolutely love how supportive and helpful and kind you are.  You are awesome, beautiful and just so lovely! I’m so happy that we get to celebrate your birthday together (relatively) and I’m wishing you all the best today and onwards! Cheering you on! Happy Birthday! 
- Yours, Triv @purpletigertaetae
We love you, Aditi! Have an amazing birthday!!!!
All graphics and pictures used made with buckets of love by @kerikaaria
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vreugd-madelon · 3 years
A Sky Beyond the Storm Review
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A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir is a 516 page Young Adult Fantasy book. The last in the Ember quartet, coming after; An ember in the ashes, A Torch against the night, and A Reaper at the Gates. All I’ve reviewed before.
The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning. At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family. Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory--or to an unimaginable doom. And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life--and love--he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save--or destroy--all that he knows.
I rate this book 4.5/5 Stars.
It has been a while since I read any other books in this series. I read some summaries, but they never convey all the intricacies of a novel. I did feel that this book has a slow start and it took me a while before I was truly acquainted with all the characters again. But I enjoyed my time reading this story. The plot itself was great, but there were a few things that I’d wish were introduced a bit earlier in the series, like Laia talking to Darin at a distance, among others.
The Characters were impeccable. From Laia to Elias to Helene. Even the Chapters of the Nightbringer and Keris were incredible. I am still mad at Sabaa for what she did to Harper and Darin, there is just no excuse. Every thing else was satisfactory.
Now the wait begins for A Spark Within the Forge.
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Do you have any questions? Send me an ask here on Tumblr or tweet me. Are any books that you want to recommend? Be sure to let me know! If you wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee!
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cassianjerons · 5 years
fandom compliment 💕
so since today is the birthday of one of my favorite people on this hellish website and they decided to help host a fandom compliment day in honour of it - because that’s the kind of wonderful and thoughtful human rust is - i am going to attempt to do them justice by sending some kind words to all the wonderful people who shaped my fandom experience over the past two and a half years in all kinds of beautiful, thoughtful, hilarious and amazing ways. 
i never made some overdramatic “i am leaving the fandom” post, because for one that’s not me, but also because i might have been able to quit the show, but i don’t have any interest in quitting on the people. and this feels far more productive anyway. 
oh, and if you hadn’t realised yet, hello again, it’s the artist formerly known as @vicbartons! so let’s do this thing:
(under a cut, because this is going to get really long and quite possibly soppy)
(also go and send rust @rustandruin some love for their birthday while you’re at it, because they deserve it)
@aarobron lucy! my football buddy! seriously, if you happen to have sold your soul to a football club like the two of us have, lucy is the one you want to talk to about it. but aside from the fact that this girl is a wealth of football knowledge, she also happens to be hilarious and smart and passionate, which makes her a freaking joy to talk to at all times. 
@aarondingel haley is an absolute angel of a human who is full of love and support for the people she cares about. she’s thoughtful and kind and there is no one else in this world i would rather vehemently disagree about fiction with than her. bantering, chatting and laughing with her has been one of my favourite things about being part of this fandom and let’s not forget about how she always fills my dashboard with all kinds of gorgeous gifs. 
@aceliv rhia has the kindest soul and the biggest heart and never fails to brighten up my dashboard with her positive energy, which is worth a hole damn lot on an average day, but even more so in a fandom that at times tends to drown in negativity and upset. 
@bartsugsy this fandom and i personally would be so much poorer if it weren’t for lo’s wit and humour and her talent at boiling everything we love about emmerdale and robron into perfect text posts. her blog is always a joy to read and at the end of the day that is down to what a wonderful, thoughtful, kind and caring gem of a human lo is. 
@capseycartwright lorna is honestly an inspiration in about a hundred different ways and seeing her learn and grow and achieve her goals over the past few years from afar has been absolutely wonderful. she’s smart and thoughtful and witty and compassionate. honestly, lorna comes across as the type of person, who you hope to run into when you're sad and drunk in a club bathroom because there is no doubt in my mind that she would have tissues and good advice at hand for you before calling you a taxi. and don’t even get me started on how freaking talented of a writer she is. 
@charitydingle kayleigh is cool and witty and fun and kind and just a joy to follow. also, she loves charity and everyone who does is a goodun in my book.
@dingleminyard so. much. freaking. talent. all of coralie’s gifs and edits are art and we’re lucky to have her around.
@dingletragedy sophie! quite possibly my mutual with the best taste in music? maybe so. chatting with her is always a blast because she’s not only witty and lovely but also incredibly talented and being able to follow along as she started dipping her toes into writing over the past few months has been an absolute joy, especially because of how brilliant she is at it. and not to get too soppy on main, but after seeing her struggle every now and again in the past but also work so damn hard, i just hope that she is at least as proud of herself for graduating uni at the moment as i was when i saw that pic of her and her flipping finished dissertation this past week. 
@escapingreality51 amelia is an inspiration tbh. seeing her struggle with her mental health and bad brain days but always getting back up again, fighting, and turning her feelings and experiences into some of the most emotional, heart-felt, real and beautiful writing i have ever seen is incredible and i hope that she is incredibly proud of herself for all of it. seeing her grow and achieve her goals has been the most gorgeous side product of following her blog, though just having her kind, calm and caring presence on my dashboard would already have been enough. she’s the kind of person i would never hesitate to come to with a problem. she’s also the kind of person to write fanfiction that will make you want to fall in bone-shaking, devastating, can’t keep your heartbeat under control kinda love. 
@forgottenwounds there are few people on this site i have talked to as much over the past two years as erin and i wouldn’t want it any other way. discussing things with her never failed to make fandom more fun to me and because she’s not only fun and a sucker for details, but also incredibly smart and opinionated in the best of ways, i rarely leave our conversations without feeling a little bit smarter than before or having gained a new perspective on things and it’s the absolute best. she also happens to be a badass at work, putting in tons of love and effort and time into making the word a bit of a better place and i respect the hell out of her for it. 
@frecklysugden lauren is kind and funny and caring and i wish she would wake up every morning seeing herself the way i and so many others see her, because she is a ray of sunshine and smarts and wittiness and deserves to take on the world and make it her own. she also happens to be able to write stories that will feel like a punch to your gut in all the best and worst ways and have you crying happy or sad tears into your pillow at two in the morning, because you just couldn’t resist clicking that “next chapter” button just one last time before going to bed. also, sidenote: quality taste in music. that feels a bit tagged on now after all the soppy stuff, but it needed to be said. 
@inloveamateursatbest claudia has great taste in tv. let’s start with that, because that is what has lead me to have some of the best, most thoughtful and most fun conversations on this hellsite with her. just talking to her about stuff often makes me feel a little bit smarter and there is no one i would rather scream about skinny, blonde, nightmarish male characters who are hiding a massive heart under layers and layers of insecurities and issues with than her. that aside, she also happens to be an incredibly kind and thoughtful human, with a heart full of wit and gold. what more could you really ask for?
@inthedreamatorium keri and i have sadly never talked much, but she is just one of those hilarious, warm and wonderful presences on my dashboard that i don’t want to imagine my tumblr experience without. 
@josephtate the first thing i think about when i think of fiona, is how her fics always manage to feel like a hug or cuddling up under the covers with some tea and a good book, all warm and soft and homely. and it’s the most beautiful. she also happens to be way cooler than i could ever hope to be and just a really kind, lovely, talented human with a wicked taste in music and food. 
@justleavemebreathless the gifs! the video edits!! how can a single human be this freaking talented?? and then she also has the biggest heart and is this supportive and positive and lovely?? sounds fake, but it’s not and this fandom is better for having jacqueline in it. 
@lesgayliennesdangereuses kate always feels like one of those really rare “best of both worlds” kinda humans. quick-witted and sharp-tongued, but also incredibly kind and thoughtful. critical and intelligent, but also passionate and hilarious. she doesn’t take shit, but still always shows compassion and heart. basically, she is the kind of person who can go back and forth between shitposts about robert and aaron’s horrible fashion choices and thoughtful, educational posts about social justice issues or sexuality with an ease that’s impressive and wonderful.
@letthe3000rain the blog where sarcasm and not taking shit from dumb anons were born. everyone should have a blue on their dashboard as a palette cleanser from all the insanity of fandom and as a witty voice of reason that reminds you that some things maybe shouldn’t be taken so damn seriously. also to excessively discuss the affair era, because that ish is important. 
@littlelooneyluna nicole is an absolute wizard with words! the emotions she can pull out of you with just a few lines of dialogue is not only astonishing and wonderful but also an inspiration to everyone who’s ever tried their hand at writing themselves. and that’s before you even touch on the fact that she is one of the kindest souls around, never shy to compliment and support anyone who might need it. 
@longlivethefreakinme camille is a funny and supportive angel of a human and i wouldn’t want to imagine my fandom experience without her in it. last but not least, because she shares my love for robert and victoria’s relationship and her blog is always one of the best places to go to for anyone in dire need of a good affair era fix. especially when she stumbles down an emotional rabbit hole again and takes you right down with her in the best way. 
@luststricken hannah is an absolute babe, with a plus taste, who makes my fandom experience better just by existing. she’s a wonderful ray of sunshine who fills your dashboard with quality gifs as well as the perfect mix of positive attitude and banter. that and we all need a friend who supports our irrational hatred of a certain adele song that everyone else is weirdly obsessed with, even though it’s overplayed and she has literally dozens of better ones in her repertoire, you know?
@prettyboysugden lucy knows what she’s about and i respect the hell out of her for it. she stands her ground no matter what, but beyond that, she has an incredibly big heart and a kind soul and if that’s not the perfect mix i don’t know what is. oh, and have we talked about her damn writing yet? because dear god, it’s gorgeous. 
@robertisbisexual malorie is as outspoken and true to herself as i can only hope to be on my very best days and it impresses the hell out of me tbh. smart and witty and a force of nature, she’s the kind of person you want on your dashboard when everything and everyone around you seems to be drifting off into bullshit territory once again. nevertheless, mal never fails to be kind and thoughtful and considerate. oh, and because all of that apparently wasn’t already enough, she’s one hell of a writer as well. (she’s also a demon who loves to torture me personally with pictures of a certain freakish looking taxidermy faux pas, but i love her anyway.)
@robertjacobsugdens i have rarely met someone on here who was as well-spoken and thoughtful and just astonishingly smart as alex is. when alex takes on a topic of discussion, you can be sure that she isn’t going to half-arse things, but that instead she will show you a different perspective or teach you something you didn’t know before or maybe get you to look up a thing or two on wikipedia, because hearing her talk about things and issues she cares about makes you want to know more about them as well. aside of that, she also happens to be incredibly funny and witty and one hell of a writer. like, dear god, you do not want to know the number of times i have reread each and every one of her AUs…
@sapphicsugden siri always inspires me to try and be a better writer. that’s the first thing that comes to my mind when i think of her, because she is just that ridiculously talented. the way her writing takes you on an emotional journey with every carefully chosen word and phrase is mind-blowing and wonderful and deserves to be screamed at from rooftops tbh. but beyond that, siri is one of the most supportive, intelligent and kind-hearted people i have had the pleasure to meet on this website. 
@smittenwithsugden first of all, happiest of birthdays, pauline! i hope it’s an amazing one. now on to the compliments. pauline’s was one of the first emmerdale blogs i stumbled upon and also one of the first fanfic writer’s whose work i read, so i should just take a second to thank her for introducing me to this wonderful mess in the first place. in a lot of ways, she also feels like one of the fandom’s mums. she is the queen of organisation: translating clips, keeping track of directors and writers, planning events left and right and spreading positivity and love while she is at it. her blog is just this wealth of information and support and it’s a gift!
@sugdensquad​ millie is the person in this fandom who got me into reading wips. who had me desperately waiting for a new update the second i had finished her latest chapter of fic. who dragged me deep into her stories with her insane ability to slowly build a narrative and dig deep with characters and the way she takes all the things you love from canon and somehow manages to make them so much more. who had me reading tens of thousands of words in a single evening when it had been months since i’d last managed to actually finish a book. because that’s how talented she is. and on top of that she also happened to be a wonderful bean when i got talking to her much later on. 1000/10. would recommend. 
@thesnowyswan rae has the most supportive and loving energy around. she’s also unafraid to dig deeper and tackle big questions and issues and reading her takes on things, be it through the lens of her fanfic (and goddamnit she is one hell of her writer and reading her work never fails to inspire me) or in her posts always gets me to think more deeply about stuff myself and see things from a new perspective, and i appreciate the hell out of her for that. she’s the kind of person i would always trust to go to for advice, knowing that i would be getting a thoughtful, kind and compassionate answer no matter the issue. 
@wycombewanderer husna feels like a breath of fresh air amidst fandom craziness. the way she always comes across as calm and collected and eloquently speaks on all kinds of issues and topics and never fails to teach me a thing or two on the way is not only impressive but also something i massively appreciate. beyond that, she also just has a genuine, warm and kind energy about her that makes my fandom experience far more enjoyable than it would be without her around.  
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
my og ate !! 😤💖💕💘💗 and yes u were right ,,, i was rly nervous to converse with u in tagalog because some of my filipino friends here don't really? talk in tagalog to me? and usually the filipinos i do find on here usually don't either so i was a bit shy ;///; but i'm so glad u were comfortable with it and i'm def more comfortable talking to u because of that !! i also want to apologize that i kinda went away for a bit? i wasn't able to message because i was also kinda having a hard time with life ;~~~~; i went on a hiatus on tumblr for like a month so i can bring my life back together,,,, but i'm back now and i'm so glad u still accepted me ;;; n u're still talking to me now T___T i know u just messaged rn hehe so i'll reply but pls don't forget that people appreciate u, including me! like i'm super grateful i messaged u on here n u were so willing to be friends ‼️✨ i hope that now we'll be able to talk a bit more n i'm also thankful that u trust me with ur thoughts about life here in the US because i can def relate to some of them 💕 n i may not be much help but i can do all i can with my words of comfort and support :(((( so if u ever need to rant or vent, message mo lang ako and kahit mag mura ka na dahil sa hirap ng buhay tatanggapin ko 'te sige lang gora lang keri ko yun! i love u n remember u're worth so much more than what u're going thru n i'm with u in hoping it'll all be okay in the long run. 💗
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Things to consider to have a lively crowd
Me: Ano ano ba ang kailangan i-consider para magkaroon tayo ng masayang guests or crowd sa ating event?
Client: Syempre una sa lahat dapat magaling ang Host.
Me: Pag hindi po ba magaling ang host? Hindi na po masaya?
Client: Oo.
Me: Tama ka naman po dyan, pero hindi po una ang Host sa iko-consider natin
Client: Ay hindi ba yun ang una? Paano?
Ito po ang pag kakasunod sunod ng mga dapat ninyong i-consider sa inyong event lalo na kung gusto ninyong sumaya ang inyong guest.
1. Comfortable Seats - pag dating po nila sa ating venue yung iba sakanila galing pang malalayong lugar, bumyahe pa, pwedeng nag commute sila or may sariling sasakyan, pero lahat sila pagod sa byahe, kaya dapat pag dating nila may komportable silang upuan, nasa own choice ninyo po yun kung ang venue ba ay aircon o out door, pero sana po i-consider ninyo kung maiinitan ba ang mga guests ninyo, baka po kasi may ma-heat stroke or what dahil may mga guest pala tayong highblood at binilad natin sila sa arawan, kaya isipin nyo rin po kung saan sila magiging komportable.
2. Snacks/ Food - importante po ito dahil ang mga taong gutom? Umiinit ang ulo 😅 madami na po kaming naexperience na event na may mga nag rereklamong "matagal pa ba eating time, gutom na kmi" or "iinom ako ng gamot pwede na ba kong mauna kumain?" So kailangan i-consider rin po talaga natin ang ating mga guests. Yes may program pa tayo before ang ating eating time pero mas okay if during waiting time nila may mga snacks tayong ibibigay para may kinakain sila kahit papano, like mga pic-a pic-a, donut, cracklings, puto/kutsinta, sapin sapin or anything na keri nating i-serve to them.
3. OTD Event Coordinator - para may mag a-assist sakanila sa pag dating nila, hindi yung pag dating nila sa ating venue, walang mag aasikaso, di nila alam saan sila uupo, anong gagawin nila, saan ibababa yung gifts nila mga ganun, so kung may OTD Event Coordinator tayo may mapag tatanungan sila ng mga concerns nila.
4. Sounds and Lights - kailangan po attentive and witty ang ating DJ, kaya niya mag bigay ng magandang mga sounds effects para pag nag jo-joke si Host may mga effects tayo, kailangan maganda ang dating ng sounds ng musics para mas feel ng guests natin ang ating program, lalo't higit kailangan maganda ang dating ng sounds ng mic, hindi putol putol or hindi ngongo si Host, kasi kahit gaano kagaling at ka-energetic si Host if pangit po ang sounds natin? Wala rin po, di rin magiging masaya ang guests natin.
5. Event Host/ Emcee - kailangan witty rin ang host natin, kayang mag segways, kaya rin gumawa ng games ng biglaan, kaya mag bago bago ng program upon situations na mangyayari sa mismong araw ng event natin at high energy, pero sabi ko nga po kanina need magaling rin ang sounds and lights, kasi yung sounds ang una sa nag papahype ng emotions ng mga tao. Tandem po talaga silang dalawa, si Host at si sounds and lights.
6. Not KJ Crowd - kailangan rin po hindi Kill Joy ang ating mga guests, kasi kahit gaano kagaling ang Host, kahit gaano kaganda ang sounds, kung ayaw po talaga nila maki-join? Wala rin po 😅 kaya mas okay if may mga kaibigan or kamag anak tayong kakausapin na makisama sila sa mga games at makisaya sa mga ganap natin sa ating event para maging masaya lahat.
Yan po ang mga reality sa ating event na hindi alam ng madaming tao 😊 kaya sana po maging mabusisi tayo para hindi mapulaan ang ating event 🥰
Maraming salamat po! Sana ay nakatulong sainyo ang aming blog na ito 😉
- Ms. L
If ever you have any suggestion topics? Questions or need help just contact us on the provided details below ⬇️
Facebook Account: Elle Untal
Facebook Page: @ezuraeventsmgt
Instragram Account: _ezuraeventsmgt
Tumblr: ezuraeventsmgt-diaries
Mobile Numbers
Globe: (+63) 997 603 8522
Sun: (+63) 943 129 9047
And don't forget to 👍 Like and 👥 Share this post!
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keriarentikai · 11 months
So far today I've had an emergency vet appointment (my dog will be fine, it's totally my fault and I suck) and I'm going to the dentist to get cavities filled at 11:30 - let me be clear, the dentist is, like, my number one boogeyman (even though my new dentist was extremely nice at my last visit, A+++; didn't even judge when I explained my issues)
Anyway I hate everything and if Twitter is dying I need a new (old) outlet for my angst
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televinita · 4 years
Music Shuffle Meme 19
Put your music library on shuffle, post the next 10 songs that come up and say what each one means to you.
1. Far Far - Yael Naim Brought to me by Pretty Little Liars, "every day she writes words and more words" was my working blog tagline at one point. My D&D name is Televinita the Needlessly Verbose.
2. Try - Colbie Caillat Such a good song. Important for young girls but good for everyone to hear. I leaned on it hard when Tumblr was still a battle zone where random people would rip you apart for saying the wrong thing in the tags. (wait a second, why should you care what they think of you?)
3. A Sorta Fairytale - Tori Amos This is how I discovered my all-time favorite album, Scarlet's Walk. One of my college friends titled her blog after this song, and I realized it was familiar and I'd heard it on the radio before, but it had quickly been buried under the sweeping popularity of "Silent All These Years." Looking it up online led to nirvana. Weirdly, this song almost never comes up on shuffle compared to others from this album, and I keep forgetting about it, even though it's one of my favorites.
4. Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park Here from a...Twilight soundtrack?? That is definitely not where I first heard of it, but IDK where I did since I also definitely do not listen to this band. All I know is i reference this title constantly when I'm talking TV. "Give me the shippy bits, leave out all the rest," etc.
5. My Eyes - Dr. Horrible soundtrack One of if not THE best number from said soundtrack. I just always appreciate songs in my (low, limited range) register.
6. My House - Flo Rida Welcome to MY house (of shame). I'm so embarrassed. But it's so catchy. The radio made me do it!!
7. Ready to Run - Dixie Chicks Awww flashback to Runaway Bride soundtrack! One of my first CDs, one of the random ones my mom bought me when I was 11-12 in an effort to get me to graduate from kids music on cassette tapes. It wasn't bad, honestly, and now I kind of wish I hadn't sold it. This was one of the only songs I kept -- it was my favorite. (Also my first Chicks song, I now realize!)
8. Simple Things - Keri Noble Seven years. Seven years I have been meaning to make a Rachel/Kurt/Blaine/Santana photoset out of the lyrics to verse 1: some people love New York / leave everything to be there / their dreams get lost or found / get left behind or go somewhere.
9. Stay (I Missed You) - Lisa Loeb From my "loved it on the radio once and then forgot it existed for 15 years" collection. This song messes me up because I always think Lisa Loeb was a member of TLC, but then it doesn't sound like them at all and I'm like WHO IS SHE?? before I remember. Every single time.
10. Original - Smash Cast (ft. Katharine McPhee) Probably my favorite song ever to come out of this series. It is just exactly my style of classy pop.
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goodbye junior year and hello summer ‘18
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goodbye junior year and hellooooooo summer ’18!!! it’s so nice to have you here.
i’m super indecisive if i should capitalize words on here or if i should keep it ~trendy~ and lowkey with the nothing-is-ever-capitlized-because-thats-whats-in-vibe. like, say e! news or ryan seacrest or ellen or JAYLEN BROWN (my future husband ???) or james corden or marshmello looks at this and is like “she doesn’t capitalize her words?? gtg”. i PROMISE i know what i’m doing. the no capitalize vibe is just in right now. ya know?
lmk why i just explained that all. too late to delete it all though so :)))))
ANYWAYS what is UP right now i’m chillen on my rooftop in beacon hill tanning and writing and eating strawberries anddddd honestly… living my best life ??? also gucci gang just started playing so
gucci gang
gucci gang
gucci gang
gucci gang
it’s may 5th  and summer is in FULL SWING ladies and gents. my last class was last tuesday and i really can’t get over how i’m going to be a SENIOR in the fall. but i’m going to a dream school in a dream city and i wouldn’t change it for the world. let me tell you all about it?? it’s like we’re on a first date right now. i wonder where we are? a rooftop bar? a rooftop restaurant? can you tell i like rooftops? amazing. you already know me so well.
so my name is kimberly perry but kim perry works a LOT better when i’m singing to pretty girl rock by keri hilson, obviously. my name’s kim perry, i’m so very tall oh my it’s a little bit scary (5’10.5’’ to be exact 4 all my fans) (i’m kidding lmao??) i go to emerson college in boston for broadcast journalism and it’s honestly the perfect school for me, i would deadass get emotional this past semester walking through the boston common to my 8am’s thinking about it. like?? being thankful at 8am??? that’s when you KNOW.
i actually transferred to emerson for my sophomore year and have been here ever since. i didn’t do too hot in high school so i went to a college near my hometown for my freshman year, worked my ass off and got in to the best journalism school in the country. not to be cheesy and deep already, but that experience of working so hard to get into emerson really showed me that if you work hard enough for something and have the passion for it, it’s going to come to you.
sorry, so emotional on our first date ?????
so the past two years life has been on that higher frequency. being able to not only go to emerson but live in boston for college is something i really can’t express. this city is super special to me, and i’ve met so many people from all over the city that i really can’t imagine my life without. i can talk about those people on our next date, though. don’t worry. it’s not that deep yet.
over the past two years though, i’ve been able to have amazing experiences and moments that i literally makes me stop and go "wow, i’m so happy"??? whether that’s with my friends on campus or running on the esplanade during the sunsets or meeting celebs through incredible internships or climbing four flights of fire escapes to get to a rooftop at mit even though there was a door we could of gone through (lmao sorry mom and dad), it’s all been oh so good.
and it’s crazy because this past semester was the last time i’ll be going to school in boston until jan 2019!!! that’s RIGHT, la i’m coming for you!!!
i’m going to be living in los angeles this fall with a program my school offers and honestly??? i’m H Y P E D x 1,000,000,000. maybe a billion? a trillion?
like, i’m trying to be a mix of ellen and ryan seacrest. maybe throw a little bit of cardi b and there u have it. kimberly ann perry !!!!! (but don’t forget if we are singing pretty girl rock at a karaoke bar it’s KIM).
this summer is going to be cute as hell, going to beaches, swimming in my pool, making that $$$$, having a lot of fires and ALWAYS smores, driving with the windows down and just L I V I N G how a 21 year old should. this is the last summer before i graduate (????) so it’s deff going to be a special one.
oh, what is this website? a place for me to write (i <3 writing), a place for me to post photos, a place for me to post that bomb resume so all of you fancy people can hire me and love me forever, and honestly just a creative outlet for me to have fun. i chose tumblr over the hundreds of over websites because 
a) creative
b) bringing it back. can i do that? it’s happening either way
c) it’s fun
d) honestly i just want to have fun so 
e) tumblr it was
i know you prob wanna get the check now, but i hope you liked our first date??
so, what are we?
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absurdthirst · 3 years
Hi keri….
So I joined tumblr because I love to write and communicate with people
Why when people have big account they think that they can act shit with people without really knowing what is going on in there life? Ignoring them, don’t respond to dm and talk shit about them etc…
I’m really alone … irl and now online too when it was the only place that I had people… people are ignoring me online now and treat me like shit, I don’t feel good at all I feel that I’m going to do something really bad, I feel alone and sad and empty
I am so sorry hun, I really am. I don't understand why people start getting a big head when they receive a moderate amount of "success" on this hell site. It's Tumblr, it's not like we are actually anything more than nerds with keyboards. I don't get it.
Hopefully it's more than they are busy than just ignoring you. I have to admit that at times, I can get hyper focused and forget to respond to someone and then be like 😳 when I realize how long it had been since I received the message.
Please don't do anything bad. I wouldn't want you to do that at all. And if you ever want to, feel free to come into my inbox as well. 💖
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kerilikeshockeyboys · 9 years
There’s a boy here who I think looks a lot like Jeff Skinner and I still have no interest in him. Maybe I AM the gayest?
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keriarentikai · 2 years
Things that have changed since I was last on Tumblr regularly:
- I have two adorable niblings
- I don't NOT have a Sterek-related tattoo
- I lost some beloved figures in my life, including the dog my most-read fanfic is about
- I got a puppy
- I'm back in contingent labour in academia but managing zero research
- ??? That's it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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keriarentikai · 1 year
Sometimes, at the age of 40, you learn something just entirely new about yourself and it’s like, what???? This is still happening????
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keriarentikai · 10 months
A really weird time to discover that you're irrationally weirded out by the thought of eating cake pops is after you have just made cake pops
Like...... I made some balls of goo and now I'm supposed to put them in my mouth???? I don't know about that
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