carolyn-magazine · 2 years
Brittany Griner is free!! 🥳🎉
Maybe my post from a few days ago worked? 😊
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
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Let's bring her home already!
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Looking Up
We live in an accelerating world. The “electronic superhighway” has changed communications forever; in 2020, the number of unique mobile internet users stood at 4.28 billion. When we walk through city centres and high streets, how often do we look up? Or are we fixated by our phones? Katharina Klopfer (b. 1979) is a German-born architect and photographer interested in the details of urban environments.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
I need to stop drinking liquor just because it stands there!!!!
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strictpunishedhubby · 8 months
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Während mir noch Tränen von meiner eben erst stattgefundenen heftigen Rohrstockprügel herunterliefen, musste ich wegen meiner weiteren Bestrafung meiner Frau den geflochtenen, für mich so widerlichen Klopfer übergeben, um so eine nachdrücklichere Wirkung auf meinen schon malträtierten Po zu erzielen. In meiner Erwartungsangst vor den weiteren Schlägen, immer noch total verheult, bat ich flehentlich, einen Schlüpfer anbehalten zu dürfen. Ich hätte besser vorher ihre Reaktion einschätzen sollen, als ich erschrocken sofort zu hören bekam. "Auf Deinen nackten Po, mit voller Wucht bekommst den Ausklopfer zu spüren! Und als Erinnerung und Ermahnung die nächsten drei Tage jeden Abend um 19 Uhr, bevor ich Dich ins Bett stecke. Du wirst an jedem dieser Abende weinend mit durchgeprügeltem Po im Bett liegen! Es wird Dir dann sehr leidtun mir Erziehungsvorschläge gemacht zu haben! Du bist für mich nur ein kleiner, ungehobelte und ungezogener Rotzjunge! Du hast Deine Bestrafungen so hinzunehme, wie ich es für richtig und notwendig halte, und zwar ohne Deinen anmaßenden Kommentar!
Bekümmert darüber was mich jetzt erwartet, nahm ich zögerlich und voller Sorge vor dem was mir jetzt blüht, den Kochlöffel und den Rohrstock, mit denen ich zuvor schon so heftig auf nacktem Po verdroschen wurde. Ich spürte dabei wie meine Frau es genießt, welche Macht sie über mich hat und auch ausübt, und wie gehorsam und unterwürfig ich ihre Befehle nachkomme. Ich weiß zu genau, wenn sie wollte, könnte sie mich noch wesentlich strenger und härter erziehen, was ich unbedingt vermeiden will, denn ich müsste mich all ihren Strafen fügsam unterwerfen.
Ich nahm ehrfürchtig den Kochlöffel und den Rohrstock vom Hocker, legte die beiden Strafinstrumente auf den Tisch und begab mich kleinlaut und mit weichen Knien schleichend meine zugewiesene Strafposition einzunehmen. Um meine Folgsamkeit Ausdruck zu verleihen, zog ich mir vorsichtig ohne Aufforderung meiner über mich verärgerten Frau auch meinen buntbedruckten Kleinmädchenschlüpfer herunter. Ich wusste doch zu genau, den zu meiner Erziehung zweckentfremdenden Klopfer bekomme ich wieder auf meinen nackten, so schon arg mitgenommen Po aufs heftigste zu spüren! Kaum hatte ich meine hilflose, nackte, rote mit Striemen überzogene Erziehungsfläche zur weiteren Züchtigung präsentiert, als auch schon der Teppichklopfer auf meinen nackten, schutzlos ausgelieferten Po aufschlug. Mein lauter, jämmerlicher Schmerzensschrei war zu hören, gefolgt von meinen zwei Händen die ihn verzweifelt zu schützen versuchten. Schnell zog ich diese erschrocken weg, als ich die lauten drohende Worte meiner Frau vernahm, "Hände weg von Deinem Po, das gibt zwei Zusatzhiebe!" Und was dann folgte war, Dresche, Dresche, Dresche, immer auf meinen nackten!
Ich war jetzt wirklich der kleine Rotzjunge, so wie meine Frau mich bezeichnet hat, denn es flossen reichlich Rotz und Tränen aus Nase und Augen meinem Gesicht herunter, begleitet von meinem jämmerlichen Geschrei!
While tears still ran down from my violent caning, which had just taken place, I had to give my wife the braided, so disgusting knocker for my further punishment in order to achieve such a firm effecton on my already maltreated bottom. In fear of the nticipation of the further beatings, still totally swollen from howls, I pleaded to be allowed to keep my panties on. I should have assessed her reaction earlier when I was startled to hear. "On your bare bottom, with full force, you can feel the knockers! And as a reminder and admonition for the next three days, every evening at 7 p.m. before I tuck you into bed. You'll be lying in bed crying with your bottom beaten every day on each of these evenings. You will then be very sorry you have made me parenting advices! To me you are just a little, uncouth and naughty snotty boy! You have to accept your punishments as I think it is right and necessary, without your presumptuous comments!"!
Worried about what awaited me now, I hesitantly and worried about what was about to happen to me, I took the wooden spoon and the cane with which I had previously been beaten so violently on my bare bottom. I felt how my wife enjoys what power she has and exercises over me, and how obediently and submissively I follow her orders. I know too well that if she wanted to, she could raise me much more strictly and harshly, which I absolutely want to avoid because I would have to submit to all her punishments biddable.
I reverently took the wooden spoon and the cane from the stool, placed the two punishment instruments on the table and, meekly and with weak knees, sneakily moved to my assigned punishment position. To demonstrate my compliance, I carefully pulled down my colorful little girl's panties without prompting from my wife, who was annoyed with me. I knew too well that the misused beater on my naked, already battered bottom that was used for my education I would once feel very violent now! I had barely presented my helpless, naked, red, welted training area for further punishment when the carpet beater hit my naked, defenseless bottom. My loud, pitiful scream of pain could be heard, followed by my two hands desperately trying to protect him. But I quickly pulled it away again in shock when I heard my wife's loud, threatening words: "Hands off your bottom, that will give you two additional strokes!" And what followed was, threshing, threshing, threshing, always on my naked ones!
I was now really the little snotty boy, as my wife called me, because there was plenty of snot and tears flowing down my face from my nose and eyes, accompanied by my pitiful screaming!
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atamascolily · 8 months
Rorschach Inkblots in Rebellion
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When Sayaka confronts Homura at the end of Rebellion, a series of abstract images--five in all--flash across the screen as Homura explains herself. These are reminiscent of the famous Rorschach inkblots, a series of drawings used as a projective test by twentieth-century psychologists. Given all of the other references in the film to German literature, philosophy, psychoanalysis--from Freud's "Fort/Da!" to Nietzche's "Gott ist Tot!" and Eternal Recurrence" to Goethe's "Eternal Feminine", and the entirety of E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Nutcracker and the Mouse King--it's not surprising that Rebellion would go here, as the Rorschach test was a popular method of measuring the unconscious mind in psychoanalysis and thus fits perfectly with the film's established themes.
However, when I looked a little closer, I noticed that the cards in the film don't match any of the original ten cards in the system (i.e., the ones most commonly associated with the test).
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Card #7 (left) and Card #9 (right) of the main Rorschach series, from Wikipedia.
As you can see from the sample above, the original ten Rorschach cards are either all black and white or all colored, but not both, unlike the "hybrid" cards in Rebellion. Why is that? And what do they mean?
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I did some more digging, and it turns out that although it's fallen out of fashion in the United States since its peak in the 1960s, the Rorschach test is extremely popular in Japan, where it's used for everything from personality analysis to marriage counseling. In addition to the modified Rorschach systems created by Western psychologists like Samuel Beck and Bruno Klopfer, there are a number of uniquely Japanese systems, including the Karo Inkblot test by Yasufumi Kataguchi, so it's possible that these images in Rebellion are part of one of these systems.
However, because the whole point of these inkblot tests is that the subject's reaction should be spontaneous, the cards in these systems are generally not released/revealed publicly, making it difficult to prove their origins way or the other. So what then?
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Ironically, that brings us right back around to projection! Since we the audience have no way of knowing what these images are supposed to mean, we have to construct the meaning out of these abstractions for ourselves, just like a real Rorschach test--which says as much about who we are and what we value as the image itself.
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But let us not forget the greater context. As these images flash across the screen, they are accompanied by Homura's voiceover, declaring, (in the official English translation), "I am now an existence known as 'Evil'". Coupled with the abstract images, it suggests a certain level of moral ambiguity--is Homura truly evil or is this a role she has adopted in order to achieve her goals?
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In a projective test, there are no right or wrong answers, only the limits of our imaginations and circumstances--paralleling the work of literary analysis and criticism. The genius of Rebellion is that, like the Rorschach test itself, the film provides no definitive answers to many of the questions that it raises, leaving the audience to decide how to interpret them--and even goes to the trouble of providing us these visual cues in order to emphasize the point.
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er1chartmann · 3 months
The Wannsee Conference
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These are some facts and curiosities about The Wannsee Conference:
On January 20, 1942, fifteen top officials of the Nazi Party and the German government gathered in a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss the execution of what was called the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question."
The men gathered at Wannsee never questioned whether the plan should be implemented or not, but worked directly on identifying the most suitable systems to put it into practice.
Despite the various euphemisms used in the meeting protocols, the purpose of the Wannsee Conference was always clear to its participants: to coordinate the actions that would lead to the complete elimination of all the Jews of Europe.
The meeting took place on the scheduled day in the offices of the Rsha, Am Großen Wannsee, n. 56/58, with the following speakers:
Dr. Alfred Meyer, Gauleiter, State Secretary and Deputy Minister.
Dr. Georg Leibbrandt, director of the political department at the Ministry for the Occupied Territories in the East.
Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart, State Secretary for the Reich Interior Ministry.
Erich Neumann, Secretary of State, plenipotentiary for the four-year plan.
Dr. Roland Freisler, State Secretary at the Reich Ministry of Justice.
Dr. Josef Bühler, State Secretary of the General Government.
Martin Luther, undersecretary (Unterstaatssekretär) of the Foreign Ministry.
SS-Oberführer [Dr.] Gerhard Klopfer, permanent secretary of the party chancellery.
Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger, permanent secretary of the Reich Chancellery.
SS-Gruppenführer Otto Hofmann, head of the Central Office for Race and Colonies (RuSHA).
SS-Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller, commander of the Gestapo.
SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, head of department IV B-4 of the RuSHA, secretary of the conference.
SS-Oberführer Dr. Karl Eberhard Schöngarth, commander of the SiPo and the SD (BdS) in the General Government.
SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Rudolf Lange, commander of the SD (KdS) in Latvia, representative of the SiPo and the SD (BdS) in the Reichskommissariat Ostland.
SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, director of the Rsha and Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Wikipedia: The Wansee Conference
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raulfernandez · 11 hours
Digga ich hab Deutschland (fake) M&Ms und Kirsch-Banane Klopfer, deutscher geht es nicht
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annahamiltonsstuff · 6 months
Kalli in seinem ersten Fall ist richtig arm dran. Erst die Leiche am Ende des Flurs (wo sich dann auch keiner um ihn gekümmert hat. Nur ein Schulter klopfer vom Ivo) und dann bekommt er noch Prügel von einem verdächtigen.
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contremineur · 9 months
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Gitta Alpár (born Regina Klopfer, 5th February 1900 or 1903 – 17th February 1991), Hungarian opera/operetta soprano and film actress
from here
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sarahbrandner-fans · 10 months
🍀 „Grünes Essen ist besonders gesund. Es macht lange Ohren und kräftige Füße.“ – Das wusste schon Bambis Kaninchen-Kumpel Klopfer 🐰 Bei der Sache mit den Ohren und Füßen sind wir uns nicht ganz sicher, aber eines wissen wir: Der Brokkoli-Rucola-Salat von @sarahbrandner ist eine richtig leckere und gesunde Kalzium-Bombe 🥗 Also nix wie rüber zu unserem health tv YouTube-Kanal, nachmachen und losmümmeln!
FOOD FACTS - CLEVER KOCHEN MIT SARAH BRANDNER | Neuen Folgen jeden Freitag um 17 Uhr auf dem Youtube Kanal von Health TV.
Click here to watch the full video.
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michaelgruberfan · 11 months
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Michael with I believe the Miss Saigon cast for “Broadway Now“ taken from Marina Chapa Klopfer’s facebook page (X) Michael is with Jen Bullock, Guy Currier, Chris Thomson, Mirla Criste Thompson, Rosa Curry, Michael McElroy, Tito Abeleda, Enrique Menendez, Lydia Gaston, and Marc Oka
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silent-calling · 1 year
Warning, graphic content contained herein
Cherokee County, NC: Man shot multiple times exiting mobile home by SWAT Team, news media covers up police shooting.
Jason Harley Kloepfer, age 41, opened the door with a police drone in hand after being hailed multiple times from police outside his home. Upon asking "who's there?" Klopfer was shot repeatedly, falling back into the trailer as his as yet unnamed female companion calls out repeatedly "he's been shot!"
Now I'm not ACAB, but what in the flaming fuck prompted this interaction and overreaction? The cops had a surveillance drone in his house, which they absolutely had a live feed to at the time of the event. Who in the hell presumes it to be a gun?
I hope every one of those officers sees jail time for attempted murder. It won't happen, I'm aware, but I hope it happens.
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elektralaurent · 1 year
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andreasgaertner · 2 years
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Ich bin der Klopfer.
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seelenvogel · 2 months
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Der Körper ein Instrument der Lust
Aber den weiblichen Körper wie ein Xylophone zu benutzen, Mann bringt den Schlegel ja mit.
Den Schlegel über die Lippen ziehen, vielleicht wird er hier ja noch benässt, geschmiert.
Von dort den Platz wechselnd, auf den Bauch und dort den Schlegel zwischen den beiden hohen B R U S T - Tönen sanft hin und her fahren. Anschließend den Schlegel etwas kräftiger aufschlagen lassen, die Töne werden dadurch intensiver hervorgelockt. Zum Ausklang wieder sanft hin und her schwingen lassen. Jetzt den Schlegel wieder nach unten ziehen, sich langsam erheben, den Schlegel neu ansetzen. Die Töne von der H A N D sind sehr intensiv.
Langsam den Tonträger dort vor und zurück bewegen. Das kann auch wieder zu neuen Tonnuancen führen, die etwas tiefer und anhaltender vom Klang sind.
Aber wir sollten es nicht übertreiben, wir gehen jetzt wieder auf den Klangkörper L E N D E, hier ein zartes hin und her schwingen, kurz nur, dann ein paar kräftige Schläge folgen lassen, um wieder in die nachhaltenen
Schwingungen zurück zu fallen.
Der Wechsel in den inneren Bereich folgt. Dafür nimmt "Mann" Platz zwischen den S C H E N K E L N des bespielbaren Bereiches, um auch hier wieder links und rechts den Schlegel sanft, aber dennoch nachdrücklich rüber fahren zu lassen. Den Wechsel in die Mitte zulassen, um hier auf dem H Ü G E L
der V E N U S den Schlegel wieder kräftiger zum Einsatz zu bringen.
Kräftige, satte, sowie gezielte Schläge peitschen wie ein Gewitter mit Macht auf dem H Ü G E L nieder.
Der Nachhall dieser Schläge, ist deutlich zu vernehmen. Aber noch ist Mann nicht am Ende seines virtuosen Spiels. Er nimmt die Schenkel auf und drückt sie nach vorn, so das sein Schlegel wieder mit L I P P E N allerdings in senkrechter Form zusammen kommt.
Der Schlegel gleitet locker darüber weg, auch hier hat sich Nässe gebildet, diese Lippen öffnen sich nicht von allein.
Also setzt er wieder seinen Schlegel ein, um die Ouvertüre zum Öffnen der klangvollsten Töne zu inspirieren.
Ein sanftes Klopfen, ein Streicheln, wieder einzelne Klopfer und dann folgt ein kräftiges Stakkato. Die begleitenden Töne werden wieder deutlicher und in diesem Moment dringt der Schlegel ein in die Tiefe der Klangwelten. Tiefer und tiefer, zart und hart, weich und kraftvoll lässt er seine Schläge erklingen.
Der Background, jetzt in Stereo, erhebt sich in ungeahnter Fülle, lustvolle, sinnesfreudige Ouvertüren erklingen und lassen das anschließende Crescendo zu einem Finale allererster Güte erklingen. Der Maestro setzt noch einmal den Schlegel an, ja, noch einmal, zucken seine Schläge wie ein Feuerwirbel um
auch das letzte, spritzige Feuerwerk zu installieren. Das Duett was folgt, die Ouvertüre des furiosen Abgangs...
Sonja Berner
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Taschenbuch: 280 Seiten . . . .
ISBN: 9783746713717
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shammah8 · 3 months
The Biology of Belief We are made with the capacity to believe, and what our heart believes is written in our cells. We cannot separate our beliefs from our physiology.
What we believe in our heart touches every cell, organ, and system in our body. “Cells possess a uniquely ‘tuned’ receptor protein for every environmental signal that needs to be read.”23 In addition to identity receptors, our cells have “energy” receptors that respond to what we know as spirit. What we believe in our heart is communicated to our cells by emotions and the “energy” released through our faith. Faith is a spiritual connection with God’s spiritual kingdom.
Cell receptors embedded in the cell membrane are a special class of proteins called Integral Membrane Proteins (IMPs). They open and close based on the signals they receive. Certain receptors respond to the physical environment, as mentioned previously. However, other receptors respond only to what scientists call “energy,” including spiritual energy. The idea that only physical molecules can influence cell physiology has been proven wrong. Biological behavior can also be controlled by energy fields.24 What we believe in our heart is released through faith and communicated to our cells. Believing for healing is not merely asking God to give us something in prayer; it is receiving healing anointing. We can receive healing power from the prayers of others or directly from the Divine Healer in our own heart. Regardless of the means, God created us with the capacity to yield to healing, not just pray for healing. When we open our heart to the Healer, our cells open their gates to receive Him as well.
What we believe in our heart is released through faith and communicated to our cells.
Belief and Health We have all heard of the “placebo effect,” in which patients taking “sugar pills” in medical trials improve when they believe they are taking real medication. The American Medical Association defines a placebo as a “substance provided to a patient that the physician believes has no specificpharmacological effect upon the condition being treated.” In medical research, placebos are given as a control treatment to some subjects while other patients are given an active drug. In these trials, the subjects don’t know if they are taking the actual medication or a placebo.
The placebo effect has been considered an annoying artifact in clinical trials. However, the therapeutic effect of placebos is not just an artifact; it is a demonstration of the power of belief. As it turns out, what we believe in our heart is a powerful “medicine,” even if the treatment itself is faulty. We can believe in sugar pills, bogus remedies, or a wrong diagnosis. Belief is what counts!
A man whom his doctors referred to as “Mr. Wright” was dying from cancer of the lymph nodes. Orange-sized tumors had invaded his neck, groin, chest and abdomen, and his doctors had exhausted all available treatments. Nevertheless, Mr. Wright was confident that a new anticancer drug called Krebiozen would cure him, according to a 1957 report by psychologist Bruno Klopfer of the University of California, Los Angeles, entitled “Psychological Variables in Human Cancer.”
Mr. Wright was bedridden and fighting for each breath when he received his first injection. But three days later he was cheerfully ambling around the unit, joking with the nurses. Mr. Wright’s tumors had shrunk by half, and after 10 more days of treatment he was discharged from the hospital. And yet the other patients in the hospital who had received Krebiozen showed no improvement.☕DR J CLARK 🍀
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