#kp ff
wildelydawn · 2 years
Dirty and Sweet, and You’re My Girl. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Listen. I was writing about Kim in a skirt, and I just thought, "Well, you know who'd look damn good in a skirt? Pete." Thus, this was born.
This work is inspired by my muse, The Woman, aka Riehlla, who, in "Naughty Thoughts (Squid Game)," writes about apron/kitchen sex. Go check out her work. Tell her the Mistress sent you. 🖤🖤🖤
Plot Summary:
After leaving the Main house, there was no need for Pete to dress in stuffy suits all the time. Vegas enjoys Pete’s new style: dress shirts with the buttons open, wide legged slacks, the earcuffs.
And sometimes, Pete wears a skirt. And Vegas is totally fine with that.
Warning: this story contains feminization, gender play, crossdressing, breeding kink, unsafe sex, implied voyeurism, implied impregnation, clothing kink, boys in skirts, and other sensitive topics. If these are sensitive topics to you, kindly scroll by.
Read the story on Ao3!
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demiromanticmickey · 2 years
hi friend! You got a link for this KimChay grishaverse fic??
I sure do! Enjoy~
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answermywearyquery · 1 month
Sweet Death
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Pete/Vegas Additional Tags: Post-Canon, soft, (But in a VegasPete Way), Mentions of Suicide, Fluff, (i think), Vegas' Canonical Suicidal Tendencies, They're So In-Love It's Not Even Funny
"How would you kill me, if you had to?" Vegas asked, his voice soft, almost reverent, while his fingers played with Pete's hair, like he was asking a perfectly reasonable question and wasn't being a weirdo.
(Or: Post-canon, Vegas and Pete discuss how would they kill each other.)
✨Read on AO3✨
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: free choice!
[This is my final contribution to the KinnPorsche 2nd Anniversary Event, it has been so amazing! Thank you for everyone who made anything or was just there to talk and reblog, I haven't had this much fun in ages!]
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trexalicious · 3 months
And shit like this is why people hate the French...
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manonisamelon · 2 years
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malaayna · 2 years
I still kinda can't believe that Brennan named his character Hob
He might as well called him Fairy McFaeFace ffs 😂
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onlyonewoman · 4 months
It's damn nice both KP and LITA showed condoms and especially the fact that it seemed to be a given for both Vegas and Payu. Like, YES, safe sex ftw! We also love to see some damn good kissing and moanining (and a big shoutout to Kinn and Porsche for one of the best handjob scenes in the history of LGBTQ+ shows, goddamnit!) But as someone who likes anal sex every once in a while, THE LACK OF LUBE makes me roll my eyes so far back they're about to tumble down my spine. Look: just show a damn bottle along the rubbers, okay? We're entering some damn sensitive territory here, you know and while fingering isn't necessary, especially Rain is most definitely an ass virgin (sorry for not recalling Porsche's or Pete's cases) and while we love some face to face fucking, the position is just NOT PRACTICAL, PAYU! (Yes, it's hot and I adore it, but ffs, the actual, physical gymnastics here isn't realistic.) At least Pete's legs were up and resting nicely in those chains (good job, Vegas!) but what the hell was Kinn doing by that window? Porsche's legs were about as wide as a Chan's at ease position and we all know how relaxed HE was! It takes some fucking effort, you know! Porsche needed to bend some, at least and once again - where. was. the. LUBE!?!?? (Sure, we can all ASSUME it was there, but that's not the point!) The point is: It's perfectly good, fine and doesn't "ruin" the mood/scene to grab a bottle of lube or adding five seconds of adjustment to the position!!! Just because fingering (mostly) isn't needed, it doesn't mean you're all the way in within two sec, especially not with an ass virgin! There's no natural lube there, it can hurt. Show off the lube, make it a little real here, it's DRY down there and now that we've passed the "somewhat dangerous/mean/socipathic/violent/etc guy at least cares about consent and not spreading the clam" milestone, can we please add some much needed lubrication and perhaps a position that fits the occasion? All that aside, this old ass queer loves to see couples who have chemistry, who cuddle, grabs hold, kisses, moans, lets go and doesn't look like they're doing an assignment. I love the handholding, the pillow talk, the spooning, the way they really touch each other while fucking - and outside it. (Yes, vegaspete is a bit of another story, but the hospital scene was really cute!) Just... my dear, horrible, obnoxious, criminal, stupid, stuck-up, kinky, self-loathing, violent, scheming, over-the-rainbow-gay-or-bi sons: Stop. Tearing. Your. Lovey's. Assholes. Okay? /Love from an old auntie who knows what she's talking about
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I remember there had been speculations that the Yorks (either the parents or girls) had contributed to FF or Endgame. Having read the 2 books, do you think it's possible? And is there anyone from the inner circle of the BRF that did in your opinion? From the Sussex side, their staff definitely did as they seemed friendly with Scobie at the beginning and Meghan's friends as well. But it seems not even Harry's friends ever did so I can hardly see a close friend/family member of the BRF leak to him
Such an interesting question, anon - you really made me dig deep into my memory! (I haven't picked up Finding Freedom since it first came out, though I've been meaning to check out the paperback since it got a new epilogue after Philip passed away.)
Remember that Finding Freedom was written by Scobie and Carolyn Durand. Scobie gets the lion's share of criticism, recognition, and credit for Finding Freedom and Durand practically disappeared from royal commentary after the book was published so something definitely went down. I think the way they "split" the work is Scobie sourced the Sussexes, Kensington Palace, Meghan's friends, and Sunshine Sachs because his background is actually entertainment news. Durand sourced Buckingham Palace, Clarence House, and a few of Harry's friends like Guy Pelly and the van Straubenzees because she has the more "establishment" cred.
I don't actually know if that's true. The only evidence I have is how HarperCollins presented them in their biographies for Finding Freedom - they called Scobie the expert on the "young royals" (William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan) with "strong access to the Sussexes' working world" and they say Durand has contacts at BP, KP, and Clarence House and has produced interviews with many members of the royal family, including Harry. (Here's the link.)
To your question about if Harry's friends would talk to the press, yes. According to Scobie in Endgame, BP/KP/CH have lists of royal friends and associates that may be willing to speak to reporters, and whom the palace will make available to the reporters when they're writing on books or commemorative articles for birthdays/milestones. Since it sounds like Scobie and Durand did make the BRF aware that they were writing Finding Freedom, the palace probably gave them some names from Harry's list of friends and that's how they were able to talk to some of those guys, if they did.
Whether anyone in the inner circles of the BRF spoke to them for Finding Freedom, we know Jason Knauf definitely did since he was part of the lawsuit. Sara Latham probably could have given some background. (Based on some of the info from the lawsuits and some of the things Scobie said in Endgame, I think they had started doing research for something that would become Finding Freedom in 2018. The lawsuit revealed that Scobie and Durand were working with/through Knauf to get clarification from the Sussexes and Knauf would only have been involved if he was working with the Sussexes, so it had to have been before William split their offices and sent the Sussexes to work out of BP in late 2018/early 2019.)
I did always get a feeling like maybe Eugenie contributed. If she did, then she probably did it on deep background, where any info she gave couldn't be published or attributed to her, but Scobie/Durand could have used her info as lines of questioning for other people or subjects for further research. She was really the only one hanging out with Harry. Beatrice didn't seem to be around Harry much anymore in those days. (It was alleged that she was incandescant with rage, to borrow from William, that Meghan teased/leaked the pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding and that made her rethink a lot of things.)
I don't see Andrew being involved. He doesn't strike me someone who liked Harry personally. Maybe they were close when Harry was a kid but they seem to have distanced since Harry had gotten older (it's probably some spare v spare resentment) (plus there's the whole thing about the Sussexes supposedly stealing Eugenie's wedding timeline and supposedly that was very upsetting) so I can't see him doing an interview. And also, probably by the time Scobie and Durand were sitting down to actually write Finding Freedom in Summer/Fall 2019, the Epstein scandals had blown open again and made Andrew PNG'd so no way in hell someone woke like Scobie would include anything he had to say.
But Sarah, possibly. She and Durand are both affiliated with Oprah - Sarah has been on the talk show a few times, she had her own show/docuseries with Oprah, she's been in the magazine, and Durand is a contributer to Oprah's magazine and website. So they have that connection and that could've been how Durand was able to talk to Sarah, possibly even for info or background on Diana. (I don't see anyone on the Spencer side being Scobie's source, no matter how much Harry talks about his mother's family being his favorite people since some shit went down between Harry, Meghan, and Charles Spencer, my only evidence being his glaring absence from Archie's christening.)
And also, a quick aside about Sarah. I do think Sarah is one of Piers Morgan's sources for the royal family. I think Piers has a few sources in the BRF (including Camilla) but Sarah might be the most loose-lipped one.
Sorry, anon. You were probably looking for a quick and simple answer, and yet I've given you another essay to read.
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selfox · 4 months
Any drakgo fic recs?
Hello ^^” a bit unexpected, but here.
From the obvious authors: Gothicthundra, bcbdrums and gofordrakgo 👌👌👌
I dug out some of the old ones from when I first got deep into KP in 2019.... Unholy... 5 years... 💀 Anyways
Thwarted by HematiteBadger on ao3
Two Lights Are Rising by CaptainLeBubbles on ao3
Various and Sundry by oldandnewfirm on ao3, unfortunately unfinished
Love is strange master by Eienvine
Series called S plus D equals K by neosaiyanangel it is both on ao3 and ff.net
Maslow by Ninnik Nishukan on FF. Net
I'm still checking if things I've read are still around and checking out new ones. Glad to see that they are and fandom is thriving
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k8martins · 4 days
the aces were playing a game tn and it wasn’t basketball
KP and JY missing shots, forcing shots, not making that pass to wide ass open players (Kate and Hayes, and AC).
idk what’s going on with the starters in defense but, I’ve noticed they start locking in for some reason whenever Kate comes in 😂.
nah them not passing to kate be pissing me off cuz she’s always ready bruh.. they need to lock in all the time cuz seattle was up 10 like the whole game ffs
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wildelydawn · 2 years
This is What We Do Baby, We Nightmare You. | A KinnPorsche: the Series FanFic.
Look, I'm feeling a lot of things and I just needed a laugh. I know there's no chance this will happen, but one can wish.
I made a really silly playlist to go along with this: here it is.
Plot Summary:
As Porchay watches Tankhun press the right numbers into the touch screen to disable the security system in Kim’s place, he realizes Arm, Pol, and every other single person in that household is an idiot.
Tankhun, as a mafia leader, would be ruthless.
(Or: Tankhun learns about what Kim did and helps Porchay take revenge.)
Read the story on Ao3!
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khunspikesficrecs · 6 months
Hola, Khun Spikes! I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your blog ✨️ I found new favorites of KP ffs because of you 🥰 So here I am, wanting to know if there are any parent VegasPete with their cute son, Venice fics that you like and want to recommend? Thank you again ☺️ 
Thank you!!! unfortunately at the moment i don't have many new recs in the VegasPete raise Venice department! Here are some from the top of my head.
Five Year Itch (the divorce and remarriage fic)
For the Love of Venice
And Here are some Nanny-Bodyguard Pete fics that I have already reccomended but are probably relevant to your interests! It bears repeating that Nanny-Bodyguard Pete is a great genre and we need More.
Bood Upon the Snow (archive locked ) https://archiveofourown.org/works/43299609
To Care for the Heir (WIP)
What I will do now is ask my followers: what are your favorite VegasPete with baby Venice fics? let Khun Spikes know and help this anon!
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theblogtini · 1 year
Can we get your thoughts on the article and also what you think about someone saying they should reconcile to protect the institution?
I just think it’s incredible (but not surprising) that Roya got friends of Harry and William to say (anonymously of course) that some of them are considering going on record to dispute Harry’s stories and that they have “tons of shit” on him.
BP and KP don’t have to say or do anything, there are more than enough people who know the truth.
And I think that anyone who says the royals could reconcile are silly. You don’t apologize to your abuser. And honestly… the royal family doesn’t have anything to apologize FOR.
All Harry has done in the book is confirm EVERY rumor. All the things that they said the palace wouldn’t “tell the truth” about … his truth CONFIRMS the tabloid reports. It was far more than “where there’s smoke there’s fire” - they were just 100% right.
Perhaps the tabloids got TINY details incorrect but they were either so tiny that it doesn’t matter bc it doesn’t change the facts, or they were correct enough that it doesn’t change the facts. The meat of every story was true. FFS we even knew she wanted an emerald tiara all this time.
What Harry wants is for someone to say “we’re sorry you felt “less than” all this time - you are equal to your brother.” And that won’t happen because a) no one ever meant to make him feel “less than,” that was just his warped perception and b) he ISNT equal to his brother.
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royaltyspeaking · 13 days
Tom Skyes said Kate might not be seen for a year or TWO 🤨. You know i remember the whole kp antics when the queen passed and how eager and desperate they were to update their social media titles, first to Cornwall and then to Wales. It was really disrespectful imo. Like who cares about social media account ffs. Anyways, that prince and princess of Wales titles are really cursed isn't it? 😐
To be fair, I think the social media thing was just an intern going through a checklist. Like, I seriously doubt that William was worried about his official Twitter handle changing (especially when he had to have known it would change again in like 24 hours).
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300iqprower · 11 months
Some random non rankup-specific mechanic ideas i've had for FGO:
Staggered: Lower-grade immobilize debuff, like a weaker stun. Reduces an enemy's per-turn-actions by 1 for as long as they have it. If inflicted on a allied servant, one of their command cards dealt that turn will be unusable
Turmoil: Chance to inflict NP Seal every turn.
Despair: Chance to inflict NP Seal and Skill Seal every turn.
Enrapture: Chance to charm each turn (Dispels early if the unit that inflicted it leaves the field)
Make lethal damage qualify for activating "if Instant Kill is successful" effects
Unique Imperial Privilege: All servants with imperial privilege have core and unique effects to make up for the per-chance nature. They will always have the Attack-Defense-Heal at somewhere between 60-80% chance to activate, but after that have a huge variety of effects with chances as low as 20% that have effects specific to what kind of ruler they were in life.
--- Also just ffs if you're gonna have random chance activation dont make it so the effects have absurdly high scaling make it so there's just a fckton of them that's like the basics of balancing RNG in RPGs, through quantity over quality.
Stop being so coy about NP Damage Resist the cat's outta the bag you idiots we all saw you give it to KP, now make better use of it because enemy NP damage has only become more bullshit as time has gone on.
Delay-until-use buffs: Like instead of having a set number of evade charges, you gain evade for 1 turn the next time you are hit before damage. Basically the opposite end of things, where you have the flexibility of using it early but you don't have the ability to also to spread it out over multiple turns.
NP Transformation: Under certain conditions such as being afflicted with a specific debuff(s) or having a certain level of overcharge, a servant's NP becomes a completely different one, not just a different color. EX: if Cu is solo with overcharge, his NP switches from Gae Bolg to Riastrad
And on that note, just Skills that different/additional effects when solo in general. You don't even normally have multiple servants in a grail war give us more tools to have awesome solo situations, they shouldnt exist purely because of massive oversights in how certain skills like guts work or how certain servants' overall kits ended up.
Special Target Focus: Trait-specific target focus, much like Special ATK and DEF skills.
Make Instant Death Resist affect the damage dealt by Instant-Kill NPs as well since it literally cannot proc on bosses
"Apply to Master": Buffs that are not reliant on any one unit continuing to be on the field. So long as you the player are there it remains active for its intended duration. Would be unusable during special story fights where Ritsuka (and any possible substitute such as a crypter) is not present in canon.
Put in more class advantage manipulation. This isn't a specific idea i'm just fcking tired of having to so heavily group servants by class. Why is Roland the only Paladin who's realistically a good teammate for Charlie. If not this, then at least you could add the next thing
Pair Up/Mounts: We have at least a couple dozen "best friends/lovers" pairs of servants, 2 centaurs, multiple dogs one of which straight up has a rider infused with it, and what is literally the horse of an already existing servant. You would think there'd be some sort of inherent bonus for fielding relevant duos together but no, you can field Red Hare and their master together and there's no synergy whatsoever. Bullshit. Give us an inherent Riding mechanic or make certain automatic buffs based on fielded units standard. You can save the game-changing stuff for things like Jason having a dedicated kit for it (even though he actually doesnt and that one skill isn't enough on its own but that's a whole other matter) but ffs I should not have trouble using Red Hare and Lu Bu together, or have to rely on the summer variant of Akuta to get her to work well with Xiang Yu
Just let us pick our turn 1 cards already or at least add a fcking shuffle option instead of making people burn AP and sit through the same fcking intros and loading screens over and over for CQs and major boss fights over pure RNG.
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Jamie! What are your thoughts on KimChay? I have to say that I was completely ambivalent about KimChay until this last episode. During this whole show so far my brain has only attached to KP while the side couples, as hard as I tried to like them, just didn’t spark much of anything and that has nothing to do with the actors or character or the storyline itself, it’s just how my brain works unfortunately. After the bar fight with Kim and Chay I’m kind of intrigued by their dynamic now. It’s not as fluffy and innocent like it was before. They’re almost like KP in reverse. With Kinn and Porsche it started as enemies of a sort. They were at odds with each other and then slowly they got to know each other, they let their walls down and it added much needed sweetness and tenderness to their relationship. Kinn was mesmerized by Porsches resilience and then completely disarmed by his genuine charm and kindness. He was screwed before he even knew it.
I see the opposite direction with KimChay and now my brain finds it somewhat interesting. Which I, myself, find interesting.
Kim seemed charmed and somewhat fascinated by Chay when he first met him and as he got to know him, you could see an affectionate bond happening. Obviously Chay is young and translated his intense feelings as love - even though I don’t think Chay is prepared for what really loving Kim will feel like once it happens - but because of his deception from the start, I don’t think Kim allowed himself to really acknowledge how deep his own feelings for Chay were. Normally I watch their scenes once and then ff through when I do a rewatch but I found myself rewatching that bar scene a few times. Like finally some meat! Gimme more!
It was hella interesting to see him so emotive in that scene. For once he didn’t have a handle on his emotions and we’ve up until now only really seen a very quiet and controlled Kim - aside from when he stormed the warehouse, of course. This is the first time in their interactions that I saw some real passion between them. I also think, just like KP, Kim will be even more drawn to Chay once he starts standing up for himself and being a little more stubborn like his brother. Obviously Theerapanyakul brothers can’t resist the sweet yet bratty contradictions of the kittisawasd bros.
I’m still very much on the fence about VP for my own specific reasons but, I’m kind of excited to see where KimChay lead and I’m super happy that I’m now looking forward to more scenes between them.
- Crazy Theory Anon 👋🏻
Sometimes I read your messages and wonder if we're the same person 🤨😂. It's like you pluck thoughts out of my head. But yes!!! Let’s discuss these two because we really haven’t yet.
I felt the exact same towards Kimchay. I found Chay absolutely precious in their scenes (and sometimes so cringe I had to watch through my fingers 😂) so in that way those scenes were always charming to me, but the dynamic was so entirely a kid with a celebrity crush it just didn't compute in my brain as a romance tbh. That's why I mentioned needing angst to 'age up' Chay in my eyes - not literally of course, but in a way that would allow him to exist on a more level playing field with Kim.
Talking about them like KP in reverse is fascinating to me and I didn't think about it that way. "Normally I watch their scenes once and then ff through when I do a rewatch but I found myself rewatching that bar scene a few times. Like finally some meat! Gimme more!" Literally we are the same person lmao. This is exactly me as well. I don't tend to watch their scenes more than once but I've watched this bar scene a few times now. And I watched the 'Kim being a badass motherfucker' scenes from ep 10 - but those weren't particularly Kimchay scenes.
You are right in that Kim is normally sooooo controlled. Tbh he's probably the most stone-faced/ controlled out of all the characters normally. Like he's better at that than Kinn! So when the switch flips and he shows those emotions? Sweet jesus. He can actually be genuinely scary (and I approve 😌). And I like the idea that characters like Kinn and Kim have it pretty together until faced with that one character they are just weak for no matter what - like they are utterly undone in the face of the Kittisawasd brothers. That is a trope I can get behind.
I agree that Kim is going to be more drawn to Chay this way - and not because Chay is becoming a different person or anything, but Chay telling Kim off and standing up for himself does put them on more equal footing. It was very necessary. Imo, it will allow Kim to see Chay more as an equal than a love-struck boy with a crush (something Kim enjoyed of course but I'm sure something he saw a bit cynically).
"Obviously Theerapanyakul brothers can’t resist the sweet yet bratty contradictions of the kittisawasd bros." RIP Kinn and Kim truly 😂. This is a very accurate statement. Both Chay and Porsche are so incredibly sweet and loving. They love with everything they are - body and soul. But they are also sassy little fuckers and capable of giving as much as they're getting. We've seen a lot of that in Porsche and only a little in Chay - but I seriously can't wait to see more 😌. Best of luck to you, Kim 💀😂.
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