shesnake · 2 years
hi i was wondering if youd feel comfortable sharing the titles of the films assigned for your world cinema class? no worries if not!
yeah that's cool
intro strand (focus on technicals and cultural influences on genre) : girlhood, parasite, jigarthanda, ip man
indigenous focus: samson and delilah (with additional focus on aussie Aboriginal filmmakers), vai, waru, hunt for the wilderpeople, kuessipan
gender/sexuality realism strand: in between 2016, close-up, under the shadow, blue is the warmest colour đŸ’€đŸ€ą, a fantastic woman, moonlight
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jayswing101 · 2 years
My turn to ask you some!!
cactus, jasmine, and papyrus
Hello friend!!! Thank you for the asks đŸ„° this is a fun ask game!
cactus ⇱ something you’re currently learning (about)?
Hmm. Like you, I'm learning a bunch of things at once. But some are:
Chinese (simplified) - but my class ends soon and I'm lowkey worried that, like every other language I've tried to learn, I'll just. Stop practicing it and everything I know will disappear
leatherwork!! For the Black Cloaked Envoy cosplay because I will have to make his fancy belt myself probably 😅
I'm also learning more about beading, specifically new finishing techniques and and beading on new materials (also I recently found out about beadimg glover needles and those are life-changing!!)
jasmine ⇱ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Yes!! I have a few. I can't explain why I won't be reading or watching those stories again, maybe because they were so impactful that first time through? Idk! But I definitely loved all of these. Just including a couple of each or we'll be here all day while I try to remember them all 😅
For books, there's:
The Speckled People by Hugo Hamilton
The Night Gardener by Johnathan Auxier
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
Le ventre de l'Atlantique by Fatou Diome
Histoire de la femme cannibale by Maryse Condé
For movies:
The Swan/Svanurinn (2017)
Belfast (2021)
Indian Horse (2017)
Kuessipan (2019)
The Breadwinner (2017)
Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle (2007)
papyrus ⇱ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
The first song to come up is: Hi a Skoellyas Liv a Dhagrow by Gwenno!! I really like the way it sounds? It's got a really unique sound, with the like. Dreamy electronic music? And Gwenno has such a nice voice, and it's also really soft and dreamy in this song. So the whole thing kind of makes me feel like I'm stepping into a modern faerie realm. Plus! The album this song is from, Le Kov, was the first full-length album entirely in the Cornish language!!
Ask me a question grom here!!
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morebedsidebooks · 2 years
2021-2022 Women in Translation Roundup Part 1: Francophone
As I continue through the depths of French literature and the Francophone world I covered a number of talented women writers in the last year.
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  Arcadia by Emmanuelle Bayamack-Tam
Marking the author’s debut in English is this story of an intersex teenager who has grown up in a commune infatuated with its leader.
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 Dimanche and other stories by IrÚne Némirovsky
A posthumously published collection of short stories by a Ukrainian Jewish woman who tried to adopt France as her home but was denied citizenship, arrested, and died in a concentration camp during WWII.
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 Don’t Whisper Too Much and Portrait of a Young Artiste from Bona Mbella by Frieda Ekotto
A novella of two pieces by a Cameroonian lesbian author whose queer work was the first such fiction to portray African women-loving-women positively.
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 The Fury and Cries of Women by AngÚle Rawiri
Gabon’s first women novelist in this book from 1989 tells the tale of a defiant career woman, who at one point finds solace in the arms of another woman.
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  Ketty Nivyabandi
An activist and talented poet often invoking the natural world from Burundi.
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 Kuessipan by Naomi Fontaine
A bestselling poetic book showcasing the interconnected beauty and severity of landscapes, people, history and culture of an Innu community in northeastern Quebec.
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  Layla, An Egyptian Woman by Fawzia Assaad
An autofiction novel of an Egyptian Orthodox Coptic Christian woman during independence and revolution in the 20th century.
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Our Riches by Kaouther Adimi
A slim novel that is an ode to books and the great cultural enrichment around them while simultaneously weaving close to 90 years of Algerian history.
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  Renée Vivien 
An early 20th century British sapphic poet, translator, and Symbolist writer.
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  Suzanne Dracius
With her lyrical words spanning poetry, plays and prose novels Dracius is one of the most versatile and enchanting authors born in Martinique.
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heroslitteraires · 3 years
Histoire d’un peuple.
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Naomi Fontaine.
Kuessipan. 109 pages.
LEGBA, mĂ©moire d’encrier Ă©dition.
Kuessipan : mot innu signifiant « Ă  toi » ou « Ă  ton tour ». Ce sont des lieux, des visages connus et aimĂ©s. Des chasseurs nomades. Des pĂȘcheurs nostalgiques. Des portraits. Des vies autour de la baie qui reflĂšte les choses de la Terre. Les liĂšvres. La banique. Les rituels. Les tambours en peau de caribou qui font danser les femmes. Des enfants qui grandissent. Des vieux qui regardent passer le temps. Des saumons Ă  pĂȘcher. Des Ă©pinettes. Des barriĂšres visibles et invisibles. Des plaisirs Ă©phĂ©mĂšres. De l'alcool qui Ă©clate les cervelles. Des souvenirs. Des voyages en train. Et surtout l'Ă©vidence que la vie est cet ensemble de morceaux Ă  emboĂźter pour que naisse la symphonie.
Mon avis :
TrĂšs jolie et en mĂȘme temps trĂšs dure rĂ©alitĂ© que vive les amĂ©rindiens. Chaque paragraphe est comme une image d’une photo qu’elle laisse gravĂ©e. Tout est tellement bien Ă©crit et expliquer en peu de mots. On voit les pensĂ©es des personnages, les actes que certains font dans la joie ou dans le tragique. Se lit rapidement, j’aurais voulu en connaitre plus.
Avez-vous déjà lu de cette auteure?
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literaturaycine · 3 years
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Kuessipan (2019)
4/5⭐          Dirigida por:  Myriam Verreault  
Lo que mĂĄs puedo resaltar de este largometraje, son las actuaciones y los personajes en sĂ­, me fascina que por fin estemos saliendo, como industria cinematografica de la agobiante “belleza que vende”. Los actores de este largometraje no son estereotipos idealizados y eso vuelve a la pelĂ­cula una obra de arte muy respetable. La trama es preciosa, es como un extraño que no te juzga, no te grita y simplemente te hace bienvenido en su casa. El concepto de libertad siempre es algo que me afecta muy personalmente, por eso no pude evitar sentir conexiĂłn inmediata.
Una amistad peculiar, una famila cĂĄlida, un pueblo estancado y herido, pero aĂșn vivo. Esta pelĂ­cula tiene muchos factores que valen la pena. 
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deprotagonisten · 3 years
Recensie Kuessipan ★★★★1/2 - vanaf 23-9 in de bioscoop en op @PiclNL Jeugdige onbezonnenheid die plaats maakt voor volwassenheid. Willen groeien terwijl iedereen stil lijkt te staan. Kies je dan toch voor jezelf? #Kuessipan
De dramafilm Kuessipan gaat over twee Innu vriendinnen die elkaar in de jeugd beloofden om altijd samen te blijven. Eenmaal ouder blijkt dat lastiger dan vooraf bedacht. Houdt de belofte stand? Wat wij van Kuessipan vinden, lees je in onze recensie. Continue reading
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havaforever · 3 years
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KUESSIPAN -  AprĂšs la trilogie bien remuante sur trois femmes “à part”, formĂ©e de Benedita, Annette, et Titane, je m’en suis retournĂ©e en salle pour savourer un autre film sur une femme exceptionnelle, mais par opposition mĂ©ditatif. Kuessipan joue sur de la vie des Innus de “La RĂ©serve” dans les grands espaces au Canada. Le film montre ces lieux peu connus ou est implantĂ©e une population minoritaire originaire de ces terres encore un peu sauvages.
Pour son premier long mĂ©trage de fiction, la rĂ©alisatrice quĂ©bĂ©coise Myriam Verreault a donc choisi d’adapter le roman “Kuessipan”, paru en 2011 et Ă©crit par Naomi Fontaine, une jeune romanciĂšre de 23 ans, membre de la nation innue d’Uashat. Myriam et Naomi ont associĂ© leurs forces et leurs talents pour l’écriture du scĂ©nario, un livre dont elle se sont souvent Ă©loignĂ©es, mais sans jamais en trahir l’esprit. 
À Sept-Îles, sur les bords du Saint-Laurent, la population innue est donc “parquĂ©e” dans des rĂ©serves. Deux enfants, Mikuan et Shaniss y ont grandi, la premiĂšre dans une famille unie, la seconde sĂ©parĂ©e de ses parents violents et alcooliques, y sont devenues insĂ©parables. Mais au sortir de l'adolescence, leurs chemins semblent emprunter des chemins diffĂ©rents. Mikuan, Ă©prise de littĂ©rature, ne rĂȘve que de quitter une communautĂ© qui l'Ă©touffe tandis que Shaniss s'y est retrouvĂ©e piĂ©gĂ©e par un compagnon toxico et l'enfant qu'il lui a fait.
En toile de fond, un trĂšs large et Ă©mouvant propos sur l’amitiĂ© dans sa plasticitĂ© Ă  rĂ©sister au temps, aux changements, et au dĂ©veloppement familial des protagonistes en question. Mais ce fil conducteur se fait par moment plus discret au profit d’un propos classique mais toujours extrĂȘmement juste et bien senti sur la diffĂ©rence, l'adolescence, la beautĂ© des langues, les difficultĂ©s et la puissance que donne l’appartenance Ă  une communautĂ© autochtone, et le poids des traditions que cela coute aussi
Kuessipan n’est pas un film «sur» les innus, c’est un film «avec» des innus dans le but parler de toutes ces choses si sensibles Ă  propos desquelles le dĂ©bat est sans cesse Ă  renouveler, que ce soit Ă  l’échelle du groupe, ou au niveau du combat de chacun. La façon dont chaque individu choisit de prendre sur lui la part de l’hĂ©ritage collectif, n’est Ă©voquĂ©e que lorsqu’il s’agit de s’en Ă©manciper, et nous laisse sur notre faim. On peut aussi regretter que les traditions dont il est question, et la façon dont elles constituent ce ciment indĂ©lĂ©bile dans la communautĂ© Innue ne soient que survolĂ©es.  
L’ensemble reste prenant, Ă©mouvant, authentique et Ă  tout moment instructif. Avec cet opus, une nouvelle preuve est apportĂ©e qu’un film de fiction peut nous apprendre autant de choses sur un sujet, voire davantage, qu’un documentaire pur et dur. En nous intĂ©ressant Ă  l’évolution de l’amitiĂ© entre deux jeunes filles fort diffĂ©rentes l’une de l’autre et en posant les bonnes questions quant aux limites entre ce qui ressort de la protection de la culture d’un peuple et un repli identitaire, Kuessipan devient un tĂ©moignage incontournable. 
NOTE 15/20 - Une belle chronique, Ăąpre et sensible, de deux amies amĂ©rindiennes : l’une s’accroche aux traditions innues, l’autre veut s’adapter au QuĂ©bec moderne. 
PoĂ©sie des images, dĂ©licatesse du style : Myriam Verreault, la rĂ©alisatrice, a un passĂ© de documentariste et capte avec finesse les flux sous-jacents de sentiments: la mĂ©lancolie, la quĂȘte d’identitĂ©, et quelques bribes sur les rites de passage. Son film est une ode Ă  une culture menacĂ©e, mais aussi une belle leçon d’amitiĂ©.
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aschenblumen · 3 years
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Myriam Verreault, Kuessipan (2019).
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aliciabululu · 4 years
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Estoy atrapada en un no-lugar. . . Los libros atmosféricos, poéticos, bellos y sórdidos me impresionan. Cómo las fotos capaces de retratar con belleza la decadencia. . . Cuando leí «Sabía leer el cielo» me quedé con un extraño vacío. Ahora, Naomi Fontaine envuelve aquello que quedó amputado. . . «Me habría gustado que las cosas fueran mås fåciles de decir, de contar, de plasmar sobre el papel, sin esperar nada a cambio, solo que se me entendiera. Pero ¿quién quiere leer palabras como droga, incesto, alcohol, soledad, suicidio, cheque sin fondos o violación? Ya me duele y todavía no he dicho nada.» . . Bocados vibrantes sobre la vida en una reserva inuit o innu. Fontaine relata lo sombrío con una excelente luminosidad. . . «Kuessipan». Naomi Fontaine. @pepitaseditorial os amo. #instabook #instalibros #librosrecomendados #innu #kuessipan #librospoeticos #libros #prosapoética #lectora #leoycomparto #leoporququiero #librosymaslibros #mejoreslibros https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1xLJHHOGB/?igshid=gx52tuxol02n
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lettrescetera · 4 years
«À ton tour»
#Kuessipan : «À ton tour»
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Dans Kuessipan (2017), on a l’impression que Naomi Fontaine nous introduit Ă  son monde comme on introduit un nouveau conjoint Ă  sa famille.Elle nous partage une partie intime de sa vie qu’elle prend le temps de nous montrer dans sa complexitĂ©, avec autant d’honnĂȘtetĂ© que de sensibilitĂ©. L’auteure nous prĂ©sente les personnages de son monde, qui survivent comme leurs traditions. Elle nous montre la

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libraryofsports · 5 years
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pallas-cat · 2 years
today was A Day but i VANQUISHED a bunch of neuroses that could have made me fail a project badly and i have so fucking little sleep in my body so treating myself to an early af night in and just...fucking finally trudging thru the mysterious island lmaoo
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morebedsidebooks · 3 years
Kuessipan by Naomi Fontaine
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« Celui qui Ă©tait beau ; celle qui prie pour mieux qu'on se sente ; celui qui fabriquait des tambours en peau de caribou, de ses mains vieillies par le sapinage et les chemins Ă  bĂątir ; celle qui nous nourrissait de pain frais sur lequel le beurre fondait et de macaronis longs aux tomates et au bacon ; celui qui a migrĂ© vers la nouvelle rĂ©serve lorsque d'autres refusaient ; celui qui fumait ; celle qui Ă©tait lĂ  Ă  mon gala, Ă  ma graduation, aux premiers jours de mon enfant ; celle qui a vĂ©cu le XXe siĂšcle sans jamais parler un seul mot français, mais qui dans notre langue avait toujours trouvĂ© le mot juste pour nommer telle modernitĂ© ou telle menace Ă  sa libertĂ© ; celui qui a vu naĂźtre tous ses enfants sous les tentes ; celui qui n'a jamais vendu sa terre ; ceux qui autrefois ont arpentĂ© le pays, d'un ocĂ©an Ă  l'autre, pour ne jamais rester au mĂȘme endroit ; et ceux que nous sommes devenus. »
 “He who was beautiful. She who prayed that others might feel better. He who made drums from caribou hide, with his hands rough from stripping pine boughs and building roads. She who fed us freshly baked bread with melted butter and spaghetti with tomato and bacon sauce. He who moved to the new reserve when others refused. He who smoked; she who was at my prom, my graduation, during my child’s first days. She who lived through the twentieth century without ever speaking a word in French but, in our language, always found the right word to name every modern thing and threat to her freedom. He whose children, all of them, were born in tents. He who never sold off his land. Those who once travelled the country, from ocean to ocean, never staying in the same place—and the people we have become since.”
Meaning “your move” or “your turn” In the Innu language, Kuessipan by Naomi Fontaine is a bestselling poetic book showcasing the interconnected beauty and severity of landscapes, people, history and culture of an Innu community in northeastern Quebec.
These profound fragments of verse making up the prominent Francophone writer and teacher’s slender debut 2011 novel came about as she says “it’s my turn to talk, my turn for my people and I to talk about our community.” In English Kuessipan debuted in 2013 translator David Homel taking on the task. And Homel once again lending talents for Fontaine’s pieces included when British literary journal Granta published its 2017 fall issue #141 Canada, and also in 2018 the hardcover anthology The Good Lands: Canada Through the Eyes of its Artists both marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation. Notable years as well for filming on a live-action film of Kuessipan from director Myriam Verreault.
Fontaine a co-writer with the movie elaborating from its source material, focusing more narratively on an intricate coming-of-age story. Successfully at that, the picture has picked up awards and nominations in Canada and at various film festivals. Audience interest too propelling the it into the top 10 in the box office in in Quebec with the fall release of 2019, eclipsing other promoted US films.
Manikanetish, her second novel from 2013, about an Innu teacher is further set for English release soon in 2021 translated by Luise von Flotow. Fontaine is not just saying something but, reaching many audiences.
Little wonder when describing her work beautiful doesn’t exactly seem a word quite good enough. Kuessipan is one of those titles I’ve purchased in French and English because there is a spirit to the writing that has me coming back time and again.  
  Kuessipan by Naomi Fontaine is available translated in English by David Homel, in print and digital from Arsenal Pulp Press
Also watch a trailer for the 2019 film Kuessipan here
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jayswing101 · 3 years
Thank you @candicewright for the tag!! 😊💙 this was very hard because. Films?
Rules: Post ten gifs of your ten favorite movies (no giving away the title) and tag ten people.
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Tagging @helianthusaster @daemoninfluff @schweetheart but only if you'd like to do this!! 💙
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