#laika rants
flytomy134340 · 7 months
the most realistic part of She-Ra is that as soon as anyone saw Adora transform into an 8ft tall buff warrior princess with a sword, they instantly fell in love, everyone is gay what a great plot twist
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charrfie · 10 months
Spamton cares so much about other people and I'm tired of pretending he doesn't
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locklylemybeloved · 6 months
hey does anyone want to read the letter i wrote laika when i learned about her in second grade?
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captain-crowfish · 2 months
So APPARENTLY in 2018 some random person edited the Wikipedia page for The Boxtrolls to say it was set in a fictional European country called "Norvenia" but if that was really the case you'd think it would have some sort of confirmation from the big boys up at LAIKA, right??? NO! There's nothing. Nothing that I could find, anyway. But whatever the reason, it's stuck around to this day and it's even been showing up in more recent articles about Blu-Ray reviews and stuff. Of course, I don't have 100% confirmation so maybe I'll go ask the directors or someone involved with the fil when I get the time and confidence, but until then, hold your horses, I really don't think it's legit.
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doodle17 · 3 months
Have you watched any Laika films? (Coraline, Paranorman, Boxtrolls, Kubo, Missing Link)
I have actually watched all of those! And I like all of em too!
Laika films are soooo beautiful... I love them!
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Shaking hands with the narrative rn. Or maybe it’s the universe. Possibly even the veil. Because I could be quite angry with them. But they weren’t lying. It does sure as hell get easier. And a whole lot better.
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iberiancadre · 21 days
I didn't wanna derail your NASA post but it did remind me of a long rant I wanted to make about how the mythologization of Laika the dog ends up implying the USSR as somehow uniquely evil and uncaring about her dying in space, but I just woke up and I can't articulate it well right now
thanks for not derailing! I will not rant about Laika but I will point out that, as sad as it is that she died, it prevented many human deaths. It's yet another double standard applied to the ussr. No matter how cautious they were, the first country going into space was going to kill people without enough experience. Laika's death served a larger purpose, and the experience of it prevented, in part, the death of Yuri Gagarin in his historic flight.
The pretend outrage (because let's be honest, no one is actually getting this mad over a stray dog like 60 years ago having the most meaningful death a stray dog can have) is a strange mix of rabid anticommunism and this weird internet obsession with dogs. I have a dog, and I love her to death, but it's plain weird to act like a dog dying is worse than a person dying. Also none of these people care about the many monkeys and other animals who died in testing for the US space program. Not that I'm getting mad! but why the double standard for both the ussr and for dogs?
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thedevilsrain · 4 months
started typing a long rant about how people take the chance of talking about laika to also be anticommunist when the americans sent like eight apes that died on space and you never see people writing poems and drawing fanart abt them but i got angry so i shut up .
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
uno reverse! do you have any favorite fun facts/infodumps you would like to share? :D
Hoo boy, an open invitation to ramble about something that gets my brain excited? I hope you won't regret this. (Also, thank you, Milk :>)
Today we're going to be talking about Deb Cook!!!
Deborah Cook, as she is usually credited in films, is the head of LAIKA's costume department. She has worked on every LAIKA film that has been made, from Coraline (2009) to the upcoming Wildwood (2025).
The thing about stop-motion animation is that there is a massive amount of planning that needs to be worked out before the actual filming process even starts. Part of this is the costume designs for all the puppets, so that they fit into the world and can be used as vessels for a cohesive story.
Cook does a lot of research into historical elements that can be used in costumes, as well as using computers and collaborating with other people in the art department to create her own version of textiles that are perfect for the character. She takes her job very seriously, and works to consider what each character's personality is so she can create a fitting look for them.
But, the!! The thing is, these puppets are generally about eight to twelve inches tall!! So you can't just go to a craft store and buy any old fabric, because the weave might be too rough, or when a camera is focussed on a piece of clothing so small the colors are distorted. So there is a necessary level of detail that must be adhered to, otherwise the final product will be kind of disastrous. You can't just make tiny jeans out of regular denim, you have to find a fabric that looks like denim, but is light enough that it'll be flexible when placed on a tiny puppet.
Now, there are a lot of insanely talented people who create all sorts of miniatures and have come up with ingenious solutions to this that can be pointed out. HOWEVER, a great deal of these are because of how much work LAIKA has put into that field of art in the last seventeen years.
In Coraline, some of the costumes were made out of a child's sock. A sock. And it worked because Deb Cook is a fantastic and dedicated artist who works really hard to do her best in literally everything. But, now that LAIKA has had over a decade of experience and accolades and new highly clever artists joining them, they have come up with many new ways to use technology to help.
But Deb Cook is an artist and she will go out of her way to make something look as authentic as possible. For the iconic beetle crest on Kubo's clothing in Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), she dyed rice paste, painted the fabric, and then carefully washed it off to leave the image.
So, after all of that, and the meticulous attention given to every thread, you must remember that they have to animate all this. That means rigging in skirts and weighted sleeves and armature in capes. Each and every piece of clothing, in addition to needing to be replicated or else durable enough to be used for the two or so years required to make a stop-motion film, must be controlled down to the tiniest motion. In addition, the costume department she manages has to be able to make repairs or tiny alterations when something is damaged or an animator needs to get at the inner workings of a puppet.
There are so many more things that need to be considered in stop-motion versus live action, since the majority of the materials and designs are made from scratch in the studio.
And yet, despite all this, the woman hasn't won any awards
SO. That was my insane, unpolished rant about how much I love Deb Cook. Sorry and/or thank you if you made it this far, and if you want to learn more here are some resources:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
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six-of-ravens · 1 month
daily update:
for some reason since last night my brain has decided to get Big Mad about something that happened like 6 months ago. just basically trying to Constantly Distract Myself lol. Idk why my brain is this fucked up but I blame it on the weather, the wild swings between sunny and warm spring weather and dark cold winter are brutal on the mental health lol.
also i haven't left the apartment since Monday (except a quick trip down to the mailbox today) so that might be why my brain is acting up. my anxiety gets real bad if I don't leave the house for more than 1 day in a row (lockdown was a FUN time in this brain) and I think for lack of anything real to be anxious about my brain is just going "hey remember that asshole from July? let's be mad at him again!!"
on the plus side, was actually able to be productive at work today! the past 2 days were just a lot of spinning my wheels while the PM for this project works herself into a tizzy, because I don't know what I need to do (if anything) and I can't handle her ranting anymore. Apparently the boss is getting pretty tired of her too tho so I think he had A Talk with her about not skype-spamming with her whole thought process. Also, she always intersperses her updates with "I have other things to work on too!" type comments which are driving everyone insane bc like yeah, we all do too! so just fkn get this last list of revisions sent over so we can finish this!!
so yeah, work is a...joy. right now. at least we got to work from home today too lol, we got waaaaay more snow than they predicted.
i did take a 3 hour nap after work today tho (necessary, bc last night I was up until 2am and my brain would not get off this spiral) and had those good good adventure-quest dreams, so.
oh also I finally checked the mail and my laika pin from pangur-and-grim arrived!! she is baby 🥺 she lives on the pin jacket now:
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anyway, plan for tonight is to try and decompress by listening to music and maybe writing. i also *still* haven't really started Fellowship bc I just haven't been in the brainspace for it (though maybe I should try...having to intensely focus on a book with very small print might be what my brain needs)
also, going from reading children's books with like 18pt font to a dense fantasy novel with like 8pt font is quite the change. highly intimidating!
I have made progress on ToTK and FFIII though, in totk I beat Master Kogha and then finally got my purah pad upgraded with the sensor, travel medallions, etc etc. I can't believe i missed all of this stuff at the beginning of the game lol. in FFIII I'm back at the Nepto Temple, which is one of my least favourite levels due to having to use Mini which makes your weapons useless. Ah well, the quests after this are interesting at least.
oh and finally, I got some sprouts in my garden! I'm kind of amazed at how much stuff has already sprouted, most notably the lettuce (but also a half-dozen other random things):
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flytomy134340 · 7 months
thinking about Izzy's mood swings and realised that this was most likely the first time that he's been allowed to process his feelings at his own pace aboard a ship.
think about it, under blackbeard he HAD to constantly be on his guard, he didn't have time to process feelings because they were constantly moving on to the next thing but now, with Stede, the crew lets him do what HE wants. spent most of his time drunk and cursing out a headless unicorn? fine by us. wanting to wallow in your own sorrow and self hatred?? knock yourself out, just do it in one of the rooms where you can't harm yourself. the crew even respects his need to be alone, thus them leaving him his new leg by the door and not sticking around to see his reaction.
no one (so far in season 2) is forcing ANYTHING of Izzy, and i think that's why Izzy has been having a better time on the ship and actually bonding with his crewmates and captain. don't mind me or the seas of tears that are coming from my eyes ;^;
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charrfie · 17 hours
Reminder that giant monopolistic corporations and subscription services and paywalls are bullshit and that at any given opportunity you should be preserving the media you love by any means possible
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samadryad · 1 month
mean rant about a stranger's take
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idk maybe I'm bitter and too outside the oc tumblrverse to get it but this feels too pandered to the "if you don't reblog you KILL INDEPENDENT ARTISTS ON TUMBLR" crowd to meaningfully comment why your indie comics don't get off the ground. it gets close though. the reason why fanart DOES is because it's in a unique little hub (HASHTAGS) that guarantees your audience knows and can get behind your comics and whatever. for the love of god it's not your follower's fault, it's the platform.
like making comics sucks and always have sucked when it comes to success rates. maybe its a more volatile market these days with webtoon or whatever but it's still this stagnant thing that's notoriously hard to break into.
social media works for fanartists. like it's sooo basic. it isn't the layusers fault, it's just by design. it sucks. you get used to the attention when you just start out with fanart, but by the time you feel confident enough to make your own stuff, anything below your fanart numbers feels like a failure (and what's worse you might even guilt and ostracize your fanart audience for not reblogging ur OCs). it sucks but you can't expect your followers to all be immediately on board with a new less accessible different thing. ESPECIALLY if all you've been drawing the past year has been one fandom.
I also have beef with the "gimmicky and marketable" thrown at the end there bc it reads as SOOOOOOO jealous. like the most generous interpretation I could give them are those cutesy instagram mass produced animal comics. the worst interpretation I can think is talking about something like laikas comet LOL. visual novelty isn't everything but it's a lot for imaged-based platforms. like it doesn't have to be your favorite art style ever to be thoughtful. what happens next's art being like a mishmash of warrior cats abd hamilton fanartist styles that makes the characters (read: kids who are all about that kind of thing) feel all the more immersed and idk makes the audience feel more seen.
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locklylemybeloved · 6 months
its laika day. so yeah pardon me if i randomly burst into tears. its the hay fever.
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
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Making palismen for my friend’s inserts was super fun, so sometime after doing that I made a hypothetical Palisman for Laika, along with ones for Raine and Darius(Bell was taken from @/notllorstel, not actually @ing them cause what if they perceive me /lh)
(if you're curious, Dynamo uses they/them, Alto she/her, and Bell any pronouns)
As per usual, rambles under the cut haha
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For this little hypothetical world, Laika was extremely lucky to get their palisman, so was Raine. Thanks to Eda's extremely close friendship with them, they were given the opportunity to "request" one of their own, and they managed to bargain for the same opportunity for their sister. While they both knew what they wanted for their funky little staff buddies, Laika had troubles with theirs "coming to life." For palismen to bond with their witch and be active, the witch first has to say their deepest desire, what they want in life. Laika had no idea what they wanted out of life, and for awhile their little buddy simply stayed still until a late night where when angrily ranting to themselves, they said they just wanted to be themself throughout life. Then poof! Little ghost buddy sprung to life.
Dynamo, just like their appearance, acts very silly and clown like, mischievous and whatnot. Just like Laika, they love performing, and have helped with shows before. Alto is a slight bit more serious, and unlike her witch Raine, she also enjoy performing. She and Dynamo have put on tiny plays before, and she's also quite protective of the little ghostly ghoul. Bell is mischievous themself, being carved by Darius themself during Hexside. They and Dynamo often playfully make fun of the pining couple, pretending to be swept off their feet by the other and so utterly swooned. Dynamo is only able to be with either of them for a short time nowadays however, since they can only see Bell during the private beach visits Darius and Laika have, while only being able to see Alto if Laika swings by the Bat Queen's forest(Raine had sent their palisman there after being coven head, not wanting a grim fate for their little bat buddy)
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mythicandco · 11 months
hi! yes!! hello!!! I am in FACT real (I think. I hope. please.) and so is this introduction! my name's Mythic! or Starrie. or Icarus. or Bookie. or... or really anything, you can make one up if you want. I use any pronouns (go wild! if there's some neos you think would fit me, please feel free to use them!!), but my main ones are ce/cer/cerv (again, see my pronouns.page for the full list).
I'm queer, and currently in a state of flux with Everything, being the confused dragon deer moth eldritch computer house thing that I am, so I do not know how romance works! or gender. but I do have a partner! and I love it very much- hi Reggie<3
I am mentally ill in the sense that if you mention anything that even vaguely, unintentionally references one of my hyperfixations I will drop everything I'm doing and start ranting about it for the next three days. in the sense that if I hear you say "do you understand?" I will quote the entirely of The Mandela Catalogue Vol.2 argument from memory or start sobbing incoherently about some sickly white boy named Adam Murray. you have been warned.
DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A BIGOT, PROSHIPPER, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I am literally neurodivergent and a minor /ref and will not tolerate that shit, full stop. I don't block people often otherwise, but if I do I probably have a good reason for it- and even if I don't, it's nunya! (business, that is.)
my writing/creative sideblog is @froggyworlds and there's all sorts of weird cool shit over there- AUs, art, rambling, all that good stuff. check it out!
main fandoms that I will be really really excited if you know about: - Amphibia - The Stanley Parable - Generation Loss - The Owl House - Gravity Falls - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream - Iron Lung - Wings of Fire - The Glass Scientists - M*A*S*H - Doctor Who - Meraki - Duck & Raven at the End of Time - Planet9 - Poison Family - Laika - Cloud Dragon - Questionland - Dino Pals and many more, probably! I don't remember them all off the top of my head but if you mention it I'll sit up and point and go "OH YEAH THAT ONE!!!!1!"
might update this post with some blinkies or banners or something later, but for now, take this
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