#legit nothing I could have done smth about
eleni-cherie · 27 days
how to get over someone who was perfect except that he lived in another country & couldn't handle long-distance texting (yeah I know I already did a post about it when it happened hut I'm still not over it 🥲). like I legit don't think I'll ever meet someone like him again. he was the first guy in 8 years I vibed so amazingly w + he was hot as hell. fck I'll die alone
and that idiot didn't even live that far away. legit takes 1.5h by plane to get there ugh
it always has to be a fcking Italian. 8 years ago a guy from sicily, now a guy from torino. I hate the universe. why connecting me w guys who either turn out to be shtty or I can't have?
anyway, back to remind myself my boys bts would've never dropped me like this & if they can keep in touch w fans during busy schedules, tours & military, so could a dude who supposedly likes me 🥲
at least I meant enough for him to take time to explain & apologize instead of just ghosting me
anyway sorry I just needed to vent for a sec 🥲
forgot to mention that he was an alex turner fanboy and loved tae's solo album when i showed him :') and we'd listen to 90-00s metal we grew up w due to both our mums.. fck my luck really
and the fact I finished begins ≠ youth by binge watching 8 episodes right after he dropped me surely didn't help w my melancholy either 🧍🏼‍♀️I mean, I knew what would happen, I read the books and webtoon but it still fcked me up. my poor boyssss 😭 so yeah, everything sucks rn
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Thinking on the whole "Aldera allowed BK to bully Izu" and how Inko is so...uncaring for such fact may be accidental or not...
There are others schools out there...why Izu had to stay in Aldera? Legit. Why? If Inko is so poor she cant afford a new school it would be smth but...the fact she doesnt even try, she is so out of reality...its concerning.
Also...Aldera has (or should have )parents meetings(parents and teachers meeting one another) are the teachers the best actors in the world to convice Inko "your son happy here" or she just dont care?
Another thing: BK is from a rich family...he could have gone to a big school but stay on Aldera. Reason? "To make his hero origin story look good"
1) why? Where this idea comes from? Is AM from a poor background and reach stardom from day to night?
2) does others heroes care for "proper hero background"?
Inko is a bad mom in canon...ironically, bashing fics got it wrong. She doesnt light cigars on her son nor let him starve...she just...do nothing.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
This. This is where I see Hori's lack of exploration into Izuku's childhood to be a massive problem. Inko is never seen to try literally anything to prevent Izuku's bullying.
A common defense I hear of her is that, "Izuku hid it from her so she had no idea" and while that may be the case later let me ask; does anyone seriously think a four year old can hide being hurt constantly? Let alone being exploded?
So there is two options here:
She could have been too poor to change Izuku's schools / move homes. If this is case - Explore that HORI! That could have been common ground for IzuOcha to bond over!! Not only that but it would have gave Inko a sympathetic reason why she didn't go this route. Hori should have coupled this with a few brief shots of her in the manga showing her trying to speak with teacher, Mitsuki etc... That could have shown a sympathetic and good prominent mother figure.
She saw Izuku being hurt for being quirkless and viewed his suffering as inevitable so did not try to do anything to prevent what he was going through. This is the option that makes Inko look the worst - but also lines the most up with canon in my view. There's metas out there saying that, despite the Midoriya's living in an apartment, they are rich / well off by the interior Hori designs for them (maybe not as much as Bkg but comfortable.) So no monetary boundary to moving. There's the fact that Inko is quick to say "I'm sorry Izuku" and cry on him when he's being diagnosed as quirkless which... It feels like Inko is now expecting the worst for him/ Izuku's future in this diagnosis - which would explain her inaction. (Note - she only tries to protect him after Izu gets a quirk too, by threatening to take him out UA, which lines up with this theory.)
With the Bakugou part - that's just Bakugou's stupidity and ego coming out full swing.
Logically speaking, it would make more sense to go to be best school - rather than whatever Aldera is - to maximise the chances of getting in UA. But Baku is so up his own ass he believes he is innately the best.
First, who lets their child pull this sort of shit when they genuinely want the best for them? Why doesn't Mitsuki sit Bkg down and tell him he's being an idiot? She's done it before. And should do it here.
Second, I WISH this bit him in the ass. I wish he got lower down the scoreboard then third on the term rankings. Or even, failed the entrance exam, got expelled by expellzawa - just anything! Because then it would show Bkg is his own worst enemy.
Third, maybe Baku pulled this deliberately because he knew Aldera would let him get away with being a POS. If Bkg went to a top school do you think they would let him get away with being an abusive turd? Short answer no. If they expelled him - game over for his dream of heroism too. Baku probably knew Aldera would likely fudge things for him to help him get in UA to make themselves look good.
We don't know enough about AM in canon but I do presume that he was from a poorer background due to this view of Bkg's otherwise Bakuboo would not have cared about being seen as "coming from poverty."
TLDR - Inko sits by and does nothing for her son while he was quirkless and being severely bullied because Hori writes her poorly. But there's no nice implication as to why this is the case.
Bakugou is an arrogant idiot who is his own worst enemy - or would be if Hori making him the strongest plot armour all the time.
And AM needs his origins explored - where's the underdog rising to be the number one hero origin story, Hori?
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sucheonapologist · 2 years
excuse me, are you accepting requests? If so, i’d like to see you make headcanons on how the lookism main casts would react to their partner having awakened powers🤭 like telekinesis or smth-
Ooooh sounds fun!
Daniel Park
At first he thought that you were joking because it's not Sciencetifically possible (even though he has two bodies).
But when you lifted a spoon and bend it in mid air, he legit thought vivi's forbidden cookies effects still didn't wear off.
" Am i on drugs? "
" No, you're not. "
Daniel then opened up about him having two bodies and asked if hes an awakened one too; which you shrugged and suggest to run some test.
Which he failed.
"Man, you're one strange awakened one."
Jay Hong
When you told him about your awakened abilities and showed your ability up front, a light bulb appeared at the top of his head.
Since Joy's birthday is near, he asked if you could do some 'Magic tricks' in her birthday which you feel offended for some reason.
I mean come on, why on earth would you waste your talent for such thing? When you're supposed to be out there to save the world from evil and not be a clown for someo— Never mind you're getting paid for 69 billion.
Totally worth it.
Zoe park
Her eyes sparkled as you did her make-up with your telekinesis! Who wouldn't be amazed when your s/o has superpowers?
After you were done with her make-up she asked if you could do it on her live stream which you declined saying that would attract unwanted attention from bad awakened ones that would come after you.
She was saddened as you explained how hard the awakened life is and apologize for not knowing.
After that, you two were happily making canapés in her kitchen.
Mira Kim
It was winter and you two were walking in the park in 4am admiring the Christmas decorations.
As you two sat in a bench you thought it was time where you confess to her about your awakened abilities.
Her reaction was similar to daniel thinking that you were joking to make her laugh.
You took her wrist and a strong gust of wind lifted the both of you. Mira panicked a bit but you reassured her saying it's your power.
You two were dancing in mid air while you were whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She fell for you harder.
But alas, your sweet moment was ruined when you saw a glimpse of zack with a thunderstruck face.
Zack Lee
He was laughing at you when you told him you were an awakened one who works for an organization with incredible abilities that protects the world from bad awakened ones who don't use their great powers for greater responsibilities.
You were offended by his mockery and so, you made a plant shape fist appear beneath him and hit his jaw.
"What the fuck was that for?! Why'd you hit me!! "
"Hit you? No i didn't, i would never! This fist shaped plant that appeared out of nowhere did! " you said with a mocking tone.
His eyes gleamed like a child when you lifted him up with wind.
He wanted to tell the others but you refused saying that your powers should be kept a secret because it would attract the bad guys.
Vasco understand that because he watches super hero shows and would get hyperfixation whenever it's superhero related.
You adored his reaction and he would often question your life as a "superhero".
A/n: I'm sorry for not responding to everyone's request and neglecting them for a long period of time. I was just so busy in school because high school is a bit hard... I hope you guys understand that! And i apologize again for that again.
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milgramprojectfan · 5 months
While I’m waiting for Kotoko’s MV to drop so I can continue my overview passion project, here’s Milgram, but Danganronpa? Comment if you have any better ideas for their Ultimates
(Someone’s probs done this before, but idc. Im not going anywhere with this so if someone wants to use my ideas just tag me in your post lol)
Jackalope obvi as Monokuma
Es as the protagonist, and Ultimate Warden
Haruka as something like the Ultimate lucky student maybe? Maybe Ultimate Taxidermist or smth he doesn’t have a lot going for him
Yuno as the Ultimate Companion, but she’s secretly the ultimate Sugar-baby? Weird ultimate but it fits her story lol. Ultimate Model or Pop Idol would fit her too but idk
Fuuta as the Ultimate Competitive Gamer? Graffiti artist? Online Harrasser? Social Justice Warrior? There’s a lot he could be tbh
Muu the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy or some nothing talent she just paid for cuz she’s rich (or is she?). She’d definitely be a big antagonist.
Shidou as the Ultimate Doctor
Mahiru as the Ultimate Influencer or maybe Matchmaker. Maybe Model?
Kazui as the Ultimate Salaryman idk I can’t think of anything else
Amane as the Little Ultimate Animal Caretaker
Mikoto would probably forget his Ultimate, but I don’t want a Toko/Jill situation so he’d die first like Rantaro 😭
Kotoko as the Ultimate Vigilante, like if Maki was super upfront about her talent. I also see her being the main antagonist
Ok so I think 11 people isn’t nearly enough to make an interesting story… so… I’m adding some more (plus pictures to show what they look like). I think some of them would be like plus ones, so there’d be a talent vs no talent dynamic
Haruka’s mom as like an Ultimate Caregiver (but she sucks at her job), maybe Haruka could be her plus one?
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Yuno’s sugar daddy as the Ultimate CEO (also this is legit the only picture I could find 😭)
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Fuuta’s victim as the Ultimate Student or smth idk we don’t really know her. Maybe some sort of gaming or internet ultimate would fit
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Rei as the ultimate Amateur Investigator
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Shidou’s wife as the Ultimate Florist? That or Ultimate Housewife which… isn’t really a good ultimate. Could be Shidou’s plus one
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Mahiru’s Boyfriend has no personality so he would just be a plus one to Mahiru
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Kazui’s wife as the ultimate salary woman? Honestly no clue, maybe another plus one situation
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Amane’s mom as the Ultimate religious zealot
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We don’t know much about the other two’s victims, so I’m just gonna add those two main bully girls of Muu, (Aa and Sayu are their names apparently). Since they were friends at one point, I could see Muu bringing one as a plus one and just paying for one of them being the ultimate lucky student.
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For the plot I’d say everyone would come to the prison under different pretenses (like Muu’s gang would think it’s a super prestigious academy, Muu and her bf think it’s a couple’s retreat, Shidou and his wife think it’s a place to get treatment for her, etc.) Then Jackalope reveals the real purpose and traps them in the prison. I’d say a minimum of like three people would have to die per trial for there to be an acceptable amount of survivors.
Some plot things I think would happen, Mikoto probs would die first (just cuz he’s messy). Then after learning the rules Kotoko would murder one or two people she deems evil (maybe Yuno’s Sugar daddy and Amane’s mom or smth), cuz only the first death matters. Then I think she’d do that a couple trials, before someone fakes their death (probably Muu) and gets Kotoko executed. Also I think it’d be interesting if pretty early on Es would be revealed as the Mastermind, and the perspective would switch to Rei. I think for the third trial, like how in the og games there’s a double kill, there’d be a HUGE blood bath that like cuts down all of the just extra space characters.
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orangejuice707 · 1 year
𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆, 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔? 🧐
The piting of 2 women (esp as love rivals) in many stories is not only bad but it shows how the creator AND the fandom sees them as one dimensional asf .( Where the Mc is always good regardless of what they have done and the villainess is always wrong. )
I will elaborate
These days some rivalry tropes are just
Mean girl vs naive girl
The mean girl (or rather quiet girl ) is usually the Mc (portrayed as smart , better than naive girl ) and idk if it is just me or they seem to hate the "naive girl" in every scenario .
The naive girl is often portrayed as "evil" and even when they don't do smth evil...THEY ARE STILL EVIL FOR WTV THE FUCK THE FANDOM THINKS SHE IS .
I am gonna go with an example of an "evil" one here. Rashta from the Remarried Empress is portrayed as a villainess , homewrecker , scheming person who is greedy for power .
But she was literally a slave. By chance she got the position of a concubine in a society where people looked down on her . She was climbing up the societal ladder on her own so that she doesn't live the fate of a slave again. Nobody actually liked her (other than Sovieshu) .
I will say that she has her own faults but the fact that people say that she is a homewrecker as if Navier and Sovieshu were a happy couple 💀 before she came .
Navier used to ignore Rashta everytime she used to approach her(in a nice way) which is not bad but iirc Navier told Sovieshu "Oh yeah she is not my love rival because you are not my lover" and I was like "okay that's cool" but some panels later she is legit reminiscing her past about him and what not .
Now ik this wasn't a typical "love rivalry" but the fact that makes me even SADDER is that the male lead of the story is as one dimensional as Navier .
Like iirc Navier was hellbent on being an empress and what not . It was almost as if she was the "cold villainess" . She had only one goal and nothing else .
Heinrey the ml is a sunshine boy and he falls for Navier (that also by changing letters when she was still married to Sovieshu 💀 ) . The funniest fact is that Navier marries Heinrey on the condition that she gets to be the empress of the western empire and not because she loved him as much he loved her💀 .
This makes him nothing more than a love interest lmao.
Funniest part is the fandom supporting Navier and trashing in Rashta everymoment (like bro a character can't be wrong and/or right everytime lmao)
I don't give a fuck abt sovieshu .
I could have added more webtoons where similar tropes are followed but I am too tired lol.
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hvtqo · 1 year
diona | rainy night
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⇢ ˗ˏˋcharacters: diona, diluc [other mondstadt cast]
⇢ ˗ˏˋgenre: angst
⇢ ˗ˏˋ tw!: death of a parental figure; a long, long internal monologue regarding grief and failure; parental negligence; anger.
⇢ ˗ˏˋnote: this is not a ship fic pls don't turn it into smth weird. i wrote this awhile ago (like legit years ago) and i just found it, idk, it made me tear up a bit. when i wrote it i was wondering how diluc would be if he got to be a sort of father/big brother figure for dio.
diona heard the news of draff's death. absentmindedly and unable to grieve properly, she finds herself going to the dawn winery in order to find answers.
↓ read under the cut ↓
When Allan pushed through the Cat's Tail door that night yelling and shaking with a nervous look on his face, Diona's ears stopped being capable of audition. Perhaps her heart registered what the young hunter was saying, because the hitting inside her ribs became stronger, until it was all she could feel. The bar fell silent. Nobody dared move. All the cats' hairs bristled and Margaret dropped a cup as she carefully glared at Diona, but the child did not notice the glass breaking.
Deep, deep down she knew it would happen some day. But... did it have to be today? Diona pressed her hands around the piece of rag she was holding as if her sanity depended on it. As if that insignificant slice of cloth was the only thing keeping her here. Heartbeat going louder and louder, like a desperate bomb. She couldn't blink, and she couldn't breathe.
Allan's words rumbled inside her skull like the faint whisper of a midnight breeze.
“Draff is dead.”
Draff is dead.
Daddy is dead.
Diona could not make sense of it still.
Two days had passed since Draff was wounded by a boar.
“He died of blood loss” she heard the people of the village saying. They would turn their faces when she passed in front of them, as if that gesture would keep her from hearing their words.
Adults are so stupid, she thought every time. “If that young hunter could've been faster... Perhaps Draff would still be here with us”.
Diona did not blame Allan. There was nothing he could have done, anyway. If he had been faster and carried Draff to the cathedral, the nuns would have just been able to prolong his death with bandages and prayers. Diona would have been summoned and Deaconess Barbara would have told her “little one, what I am about to tell you breaks my heart... I am so sorry”.
No difference.
Diona's heart would be troubled nevertheless. She would feel the same void inside her chest, growing towards her stomach.
She would repeat the same words to herself when trying to think about what happened: stupid old man. The day finally came. You left me. Stupid old man.
Diona had not shed a tear. She knew what death was, of course. She was not a toddler. She understood the implications of being gone. And she knew it would happen eventually. If Draff's alcoholism did not kill him, it would be a beast. Diona should have had expected that the real cause of his perish would be a combination of both factors.
She looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to turn bright orange, coloring the clouds in low toned palettes of pink and purple.
I hate you, daddy.
And as if he had heard her thoughts, the sky roared. The rain came down faster than a breath leaving a man's lips for the last time. The villagers of Springvale begun carrying their stuff inside their homes, covering their heads, and taking their children to their warmth embrace. They quietly and carefully glanced at the cat girl sitting over the roof of her house, but none dared speak.
Diona hated the rain. It made the fur of her ears and tail feel sticky and unclean. It also left a scent on her clothes reminiscent of daddy's. A smell of wilderness and sweat.
Diona sighted. Her eyes were stuck on the small taps of the drops vibrating over a puddle. She was cold, but she did not care about the sensations of the rain falling on her skin. Even if a part inside of her was yelling to get inside the house and cover herself, the bigger, more stubborn part that dominated her actions lately, decided to jump down the roof and walk the road towards Dawn Winery.
Her steps worked by themselves, without her fully knowing her real intentions. Why was she going to Dawn Winery in the middle of a storm? What did she expect to find there? Answers? That place could not give her answers.
She knew it was her all along —daddy was dead because Diona failed to take care of him. She should have ended the wine industry sooner. She should have agreed when Klee said to go bomb Dawn Winery.
“I don't want to destroy the industry in that way, Klee” she told her as many times as Klee came up with the idea.
“Well, then Klee doesn't know what you could mean by ‘destroy’.”Diona would try to explain to her that the term was not being used in a literal sense.
But how could a child make another understand that what she really wanted was the comfort of her father's embrace? How, when not even she could explain that to herself?
Diona stopped when she arrived at the Statue of the Seven and looked towards the chimneys and walls covered in ivy of Dawn Winery. The place seemed almost peaceful under the light of the moon and the aggressive sounds of the rain. She took a breath in and ran towards the mansion, her wet clothes sticking to her skin, her tail brushing the grass and her lips trembling as her throat swallowed the tears. Diona did not make it past the entrance —she touched the door and could not knock it.
Her knees bended and the concrete hit her bones with force. That second she perceived the tears starting to fall. Her heart throbbed with the violence of lightning and her cheeks burned.
She left out the loudest scream she had ever held inside her throat. The scream that had been waiting there to be free since the first day she saw Draff take a sip of wine. The heavens carried her feelings and sent them back even louder.
“Did you hear that?”
Adelinde nodded. “It sounded like a scream”.
“Yes” Diluc agreed. “And it come from outside the door”.
Diluc strode towards the entrance of the mansion with a confused look on his face that only got wider when he opened the door to see a pink haired girl knelt in a defeated pose.
“Diona?” he got down on one knee and reached out to touch her shoulders, but Diona pushed him with aggressively. Her small hands felt weak as she punched his chest. “Di– Diona, what–”
She wouldn't stop. Diona kept punching Diluc as if he was a mere thing. One. Two. Three. Desperate hits of her feeble knuckles against his thick skin, grunting, pressing her teeth, tears covering her face.
“It's your fault!” she yelled, once and once again. “It's your fault!”
Diluc grabbed her hands with force yet gentle enough to not hurt her, and Diona struggled to free herself combatively.
“Diona, calm down” Diluc said, “please let me get you inside the Winery”.
“NO!” the strength in Diona's voice was like that of a lioness'. “It was your fault!”
For a second she looked at him in the eyes. Pools of sadness filled her irises but Diluc could not find hate inside of them, despite her words. Instead, he saw himself. He saw his own eyes when he was fourteen and Crepus left. He felt the desperation and anger that filled him, the resentment towards himself and the world. For a second he held a breath.
Diona's lips trembled and then the tears rolled down her cheeks again. Diluc felt the hands he was holding lose vigor. She let her body fall over his chest and held on to him, grabbing the folds of his shirt toughly. Diona buried her face in his chest and cried there.
“You did it” she was saying, this time softer. “You killed my daddy”.
Those words felt like a cold sword piercing his heart. Not because of the slight accusation of murder, but because of the feeling they carried. Because that's what he had been telling himself for years.
Wary, he let his arms fall around Diona. She was freezing. Diluc felt her small body quivering, but unexpectedly, Diona did not push him away. Instead, she buried herself deeper in him. He had been planing to visit Diona and give her his condolences, but now that she was there... he considered that his intended plan would have been a bad idea.
When he felt her cries were getting weaker, Diluc whispered calmly, “let's get you inside”.
He carried her gently and closed the door behind them by kicking it. Diona did not move, but she kept shivering and she let out a small hiccup. Diluc felt her arms get tighter around his neck, and gave Adelinde a glare that she quickly understood. The maiden rushed to return with warm towels in hand and helped him make their way up the guest's room.
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quillsink · 2 years
Ink help we're literally moving out TOMORROW (today) and it's 0445 and Idk what to do I've packed all I can but there's still so much SHIT and I've been packing for about an hour and a half but it's not enough
first off, resist the urge to just give the fuck up. i know it’s tempting to go oh well i can’t do it all so i might as well not do anything. now this is your brain being a little bitch. doing a bit is better than doing nothing—i use this for legit Everything. if you can’t shower washing your face is better than no hygiene at all. the little things count k?
so, u got this n ur gonna get all u can do done!!
see if you can get someone to help you, a family member, a friend, anyone willing to help out!
listen to music while u work—this works wonders for me, energetic albums, rock and punk give me energy to fuckin bounce off the walls of my room (but i use it to tidy my closet lmfao)
make sure you are hydrated and are eating properly. get yourself a snack and set regular like 20 min timers and have some water. we’re often a lot more dehydrated than we realise and it can seriously affect your energy levels.
give yourself rewards! let’s say “if i pack this section of the closet, i get a piece of chocolate!” do NOT set time intervals that is a gateway to doing nothing and just waiting out the time, set goals rather than time for this!!!
think, would it make your future self happy if u did this? prioritise the happiness of future you over current you. one of my life principles and it’s worked wonders.
you got this, mate, aight? i hope i could help out, you can DO this!!! get those headphones blast punk drink some water get smth to eat and get to work!!
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