#leonardo 01
liamworths · 26 days
Equipe 6 | Missão: O Bastão de Asclépio
a caminho da missão
com @santoroleo & @andrearicci
Liam estava completamente aterrorizado. Até então, não tinha lembranças de seu passado no acampamento, e pouco se lembrava da missão, mas sabia bem o que havia acontecido da última vez. Não se sentia pronto para isso, e qualquer um poderia confirmar. Por que, então, os deuses o escolheram para uma missão? E ainda como líder? Soube que havia demonstrado liderança em sua época na ilha, mesmo não sendo o líder oficial da missão, mas isso era o suficiente? Seu pai queria que ele se provasse, de alguma forma? Não fazia o menor sentido colocá-lo para cumprir alguma tarefa importante, mas lá estava ele, fingindo-se de forte e mantendo a expressão o mais firme possível. Podia não ter lembranças da sua quase morte, mas sabia bem o que enfrentou nos seis anos naquele vilarejo, desmemoriado e sozinho.
Conheceu os outros dois membros da equipe através de Quíron que os apresentou. Havia sugerido irem de ônibus, para aproveitarem a longa viagem para traçar um plano - e para que ele tivesse mais tempo para se acalmar, mas não contou sobre essa parte. O trajeto era longo, quase 20 horas dentro do automóvel, então ele contrariou toda a sua fama de mau humorado e antissocial e começou a conversa assim que o ônibus partiu. — A gente não teve muito tempo de conversar no acampamento. — Começou, fazendo menção ao fato de que mal se cumprimentaram e falaram sobre como chegariam ao local indicado. — Acho que precisamos nos conhecer melhor para traçar um plano, não é? — Sugeriu. Uma forma de esconder o fato de que não tinha a menor ideia de como liderar uma missão. Deveria dar ordens? Sua decisão era a final? — Bom, vou começar dizendo que meu poder é a manipulação de facas. Eu consigo... sabe... — Movimentou as mãos para demonstrar. — Guiar o percurso delas até o alvo. De acordo com o que me falaram, eu conseguia lançar várias facas, mas das últimas vezes que pratiquei só consegui duas. — Achou importante mencionar, sem esconder nada. — Eu também sou super forte e ágil. E tenho... — Parou para pegar as adagas na mochila. — essas duas adagas, de ferro estígio. Elas são tipo bumerangues, sempre voltam para mim, de alguma forma. Parecem úteis, né? — Se souber usar, completou em pensamento. — Me falem de vocês, agora. — Indicou, guardando as adagas. Falava meio sem jeito, porque não estava acostumado a falar com estranhos, ou ser minimamente simpático com estes. — Aliás, sobre onde estamos indo... Pântano Atchafalaya, não é? Acham interessante pesquisarmos sobre lá?
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unabashedqueenfury · 11 months
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Reign 2013-2017/01-13
Toby Finn Regbo as Francis Valois
Sia benedetto il giorno che nascesti,
E l’ora e ’l punto che fusti creata!
Sia benedetto il latte che bevesti,
E il fonte dove fusti battezzata!
Sia benedetto il letto ove giacesti,
E la tua madre che t’ha nutricata!
Sia benedetta tu sempre da Dio;
Quando farai contento lo cor mio?
Dio ti dia bona sera! Son venuto,
Gentil madonna, a veder come stai,
E di bon core a te mando il saluto,
Di miglior voglia che facessi mai.
Tu se’ colei che sempre m’hai tenuto
In questo mondo innamorato assai;
Tu se’ colei per cui vado cantando,
E giorno e notte mi vo consumando.
Non ti ricordi quando mi dicevi
Che tu m’amavi sì perfettamente?
Se stavi un giorno che non mi vedevi
Con gli occhi mi cercavi fra la gente,
E risguardando tu non mi vedevi
Dentro de lo tuo cor stavi dolente.
E mo’ mi vedi, e par non mi conosci,
Come tuo servo stato mai non fossi.
("Sia benedetto il giorno che nascesti", Leonardo Giustinian, Strambotti, XV Century)
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Pressbook del film Il signore delle formiche
Il signore delle formiche è un film di genere drammatico del 2022, diretto da Gianni Amelio, con Luigi Lo Cascio e Elio Germano
Il signore delle formiche è un film di genere drammatico del 2022, diretto da Gianni Amelio, con Luigi Lo Cascio e Elio Germano il-signore-delle-formicheDownload
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talesofwonder · 2 years
[ dominance ] [talk] [reverse] leo/oscar or peter
[ dominance ] your muse taking the lead and dominating mine. [ talk ] your muse talking dirty to mine.
Long fingers clenched around the younger man’s neck as Leonardo pushed him harshly against a nearby wall. The bantering had been going for long enough and as entertaining as he had found Oscar’s antics for the past minutes or so – his patience was running dangerously thin. Leonardo could feel the struggle. The other man’s hands on his arm, trying to force him to release the vice grip around his neck. It was pointless the moment the distance between the two was reduced. Chest against chest, one knee parting Oscar’s legs apart so that Leonardo could use his free hand to roughly grope and squeeze the younger male’s crotch. It wasn’t a pleasant grip. It was rough. Squeezing both the neck and Oscar’s balls and cock under his grasp. Only to see his face devoid of all color – that defiant stare coming from Oscar – the thing Leonardo wanted to see the most.
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“I warned you.” Their lips brushed gently against one another, the promise of a kiss that would never come. Leonardo limited himself to run his trimmed beard over Oscar’s cheek, a mere momentarily distraction from the hand that unbuckled Oscar’s pants and slithered inside so that his long fingers could capture the hardened member of his … whatever Oscar was. “You talk too much. Do you want me to force you down on your knees and fuck your pretty face, boy?” The fingers around the throat eased up a bit, giving the younger man the chance to regain his breath for a second or two. One wrong word and the grip would return. More unforgiving than the last. “One more peep and I’ll fuck your face so hard I will dislocate your jaw.” It was actually a tempting idea. “So be a good little bitch for me, will you?” Brown eyes roamed down Oscar’s body as Leonardo lazily stroked the other man’s member. “Face the wall. Stick your ass out. Keep your mouth shut and I’ll contemplate fucking you silly. That’s what you want, isn’t it…?” What every brat wanted. “To be fucked by someone who knows what they are doing? Nod… if you understand.”
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cyanhydrangea · 4 months
Gift [Bayverse Leonardo x Reader]
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Summary: You give Leonardo a gift
"Leo", you paused your book-reading and placed your book down, calling your book-reading buddy beside you.
Leonardo reply your call with a "hmm?", still focused on a book he read.
"Do you think one additional regular sized table would make your room cramped?"
Your specific question avert the fearless leader attention from his book.
"I don't think so, why?"
You replied with a "huh" and "nevermind" and you continue to read your book.
Leo gives you a puzzled look as he didn't get an answer but decided to brush it off.
Three days later he gets his answer though.
You're holding what it seems like a miniature--no, a scale model of a Zen Garden, a.k.a Japanese Rock Garden. It's quite big as you're holding it with both of your hands.
"Here, it's a gift for you", you motioned Leo to take the scale model in his hands.
"For me?" Leo's still surprised, unsure to take it from you.
"I mean, I'd rather build a real Zen Garden for you if you don't live in the sewers. It would be a nice place for you, your brothers, and master splinter to meditate"
His heart melts hearing that.
"Thank you", Leo take the model from you and asked "I assume you build this yourself?"
You proudly said "yes, of course" and Leo compliments your model, "It's beautiful"
"I'm glad you like it. Hope you find a perfect table to place it on in your room"
Oh he definitely gonna place it in his room and treasure your gift everyday.
Date Written: 11/01/2024
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natimiles · 7 months
Chronology and random facts in Ikemen Vampire
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Because I was bored one day and now I can't stop thinking about it
First, their births and deaths (DD/MM/YY): Jean: ☀️ 06/01/1412 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 30/05/1431 (19yo) Vlad: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 1431 — historically 💀 1476 (45yo?) Leonardo: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 15/04/1452 — historically 💀 02/05/1519  (67yo?) Faust: ☀️ 1480 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 1540 (60yo) Shakespeare: ☀️ 26/04/1564 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 23/04/1616 (almost 52yo) Isaac: ☀️ 25/12/1642 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 31/03/1727 (84yo) Comte: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 28/05/1696 — historically 💀 27/02/1784 (87yo?) Mozart: ☀️ 27/01/1756 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 05/12/1791 (35yo) Charles: ☀️ 15/02/1739 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 04/07/1806 (67yo) Napoleon: ☀️ 15/08/1769 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 05/05/1821 (51yo) Vincent: ☀️ 30/03/1853 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 29/07/1890 (37yo) Theo: ☀️ 01/05/1857 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 25/01/1891 (33yo) Arthur: ☀️ 22/05/1859 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 07/07/1930 (71yo) Dazai: ☀️ 19/06/1909 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 13/06/1948 (39yo)
Fact I: From what I found online, France started using electricity around 1870-1880. It intensified after 1881, after the Exposition Universelle (Universal Exposition) in Paris, when they lit up the Eiffel Tower. 
Fact II: We know we are in the 19th century in-game, but don’t know which year exactly (not that I remember). Which means: our story is around 1870-1899, because there's electricity.
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With all that information, I have so many comments and questions!
1. Imagine how freaked out Jean was when he went to the mansion! He died soooo young! And like 450 years BEFORE there was such a technology as a freaking lamp. Well, almost all of them died before the electricity… 
2. Vincent, Theo and Arthur come from the future. They actually were alive in the same years that the story passes. I guess they never leave Paris or they would’ve encountered themselves? I don’t know how this paradox would work. Dazai is also from the future.
3. I never thought Comte would be the “youngest” pure blood. I don’t remember them saying anything about it.
4. Napoleon probably met Charles before. As a fact, I googled it and found a little story about it, but apparently it’s not proven: “They met by accident near the Place de la Concorde, the same place he had killed the last king a decade earlier. Recognizing Charles, Napoleon asked if he would do the same to him if it came to it. Apparently displeased by the affirmative answer, Napoleon asked how he could sleep at night, to which Charles said, ‘If kings, emperors, and dictators can sleep well, why shouldn’t an executioner?’”
5. Arthur not only knew Shakespeare’s work, but he wrote a poem about it — and it’s so hard for someone who has english as a second language to read. It’s named “Shakespeare's Expostulation” (published in Songs of the Road) and it’s Shakespeare complaining about the attribution of authorship of his works to Francis Bacon.
6. It would be so awkward a meeting between Jean and Charles. Not related to any particular information in this post, just thought of the irony and got sad.
7. Dazai (and probably Arthur) knows what a car is. It must be weird for him to ride a carriage.
8. Aside from Jean, Theo is the youngest. Isaac is the oldest (not counting Comte).
9. Not related to this post specifically, but did you know Isaac Newton never dated anyone? He died a virgin. Now think about what an awkward snowflake he’s in-game.
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the-pretty-boys · 4 months
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via Instagram Stories (23-01-2024)
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mushangaa · 4 months
silence is gold
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2024/01 (full view)
discourse is silver, silence is gold
I drew a gold bg with copics for something on non-tmnt acc and that got me in a mood. I went "huh, neat, liquid gold would be so nice" and then got hit with inspo and here we are. More input under the cut.
So, stay with me for a hot minute, this is not little Present Day Leon, this is Future Leonardo, but in baby, sorta. I just went with the notion of dripping gold and drew Leo and he became progressively more unsettled and then I was like "yeah no that is the Leo who had to go through live without his older self being there to pick up the pieces." Also F!Leo is, in my story, canonically deeply unsettled and lowkey terrified by larger bodies of water - so rule of the thumb could be that if I draw a Leo not having a good time with H2O it is probably F!Leo in his youth. Which will make sense once I get around to explain it organically in like.. what.. Chapter 2 maybe. (they say, having not even fully drafted Chapter 1, while already dreaming of Chapter 3) But while we are on that topic, one thing I could ramble about is that all the kids mystic powers are more rooted in elements, and here I had to play a bit fast 'n loose with both the 4 element and 5 element systems because I have six kids to account for so I hope I can be forgiven that Wood and Air exist both in this one. But yeah so Leo's mystic powers are related to water, the element fits him and in my head it makes the most sense to link his powers up to water, especially the portals when I think about how still waters and mirroring water surfaces are linked to doorways to other worlds, the afterlife, and so on. Imagine Leo just pulling the humidity right out of the air to manifest his portals or something like that. Manifesting swords outta thin air due to water. Also idk okay I just think, with water being so versatile, being wild and calm capable of changing on a dime, treacherous, nurturing, dangerous but without it we could not even exist. I always just linked Leo in general to water but that association runs all the way back to the 2003 series (I need to rewatch the 1987 series to see if the association hits me there too tbh)
But yeah, in general, I have a lot of concepts and little things that pop up while I focus on the core story and the element thing will come up here 'n there, but it ain't the main focus. I just think it is funny to mention how Leo's powers are absolutely based in the element water and F!Leo is terrified of water. (which will come up and become a rather important at some point both the why and what that meant for him and his powers or the lack thereof) I also have another picture in the works of Leo in the water, but it is little Leo who has no water based trauma so he is having a better time in the drawing than his counterpart.
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28/01 Leonardo🤝Mitsunari: unoriginal/no names for their cats 🐈
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felixblankspace · 1 year
〔» •••〕 ↷ ❝ The Time Difference Saga ❞ ↺
────── ── ─ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 ψ(`∇´)ψ ── ─ ──────
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Time Difference is going to be a series of fanfic(s) about (Rise) Leonardo Hamato / (UY) Miyamoto Usagi telling the story in two separate lines; Present, Future and a little twist. Present is more of a love story with a lot of fluff and a bit of angst. While Future is a more bittersweet love story with no emotional maturity to be reasonable and open with your feelings (?) In total the saga is going to have 3 fanfic(s) + extras and each fic is going to have a different content and is not going to be for everyone. I really like leosagi in the Miyamoto / Leonardo way and I will try to make the characters less ooc possible taking in consideration than this is a Rise oriented adaptation. I'm reading Usagi Yojimbo, theres changes in the canon timeline and basically de-age Usagi in order to make him more appropriate but, I make him live his early history at the age of 15 - 16 and in the present timeline he is 17 years old + he is a teen dad (and he does not know-) (he have his affair with Mariko post- adachihara btw) I really like how Usagi is in the comics and is gonna keep a lot of that. All TW and Ratings will be put in the respective fic but as a general recommendation please be at least 16 before reading the SWF fic and only +18 for anything else. This also will be in Spanish and English :D
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────── ── ─ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐜(𝐬)(❁´◡`❁) ── ─ ──────
Now we move to the fanfics and its states of progress ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 
This is work in process please be patient with me (?
Time Difference - Diferencia Horaria
Status: Published - COMPLETED (unedited)
Rating: Teen And Up Audience ( +16 Recommended )
Art: TDS Art - Tag
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(*) More Tags Will be Added
01 .- A New Place - Un nuevo Lugar 02.- The Turtle and The Rabbit - La Tortuga y el Conejo 03.- Meditation - Meditación  04.- You Need to Sleep! - ¡Necesitas dormir! 05.- Meeting the Family - Conociendo a la Familia 06.- Pizza! - Pizza! 07.- Samurai Tourist (or something like that) - Samurai Turista (o algo así) 08.- Being Together - Estando Juntos 09.- Not so Many Explanations - No hay Muchas Explicaciones  10.- Usagi Adventures (and Drunken Fellings)  - Aventuras con Usagi (y Sentimientos en Alcohol) 11.- I missed you  - Te extrañe 12.- Us and I - Nosotros y yo  13.- A Glimpse into the Past (or the Future, it's up to you) - Un vistazo al Pasado (o al futuro, depende de ti) 14.- Shared Feelings - Sentimientos Compartidos 15.- As you Are - Tal y como estas 16.- Our life Together - Nuestra Vida Juntos 
Extras (It can have explicit content, please read the tags):
1.- I Waited a Lot - Espere Demasiado 🔞
If One Of Us Die - Si Uno de Nosotros Muere
Status: In Process (unpublished)
Rating: Explicit (+18 Only)
TW: Graphic Depictions Of Violence - Canon Major Character Death - Explicit Sex Descriptions
· · ─────── ·No Fic for now· ─────── · ·
In Process
Horny Extras:
In Process actually (?
Ready Now - Estamos Listos
Status: Not Started (in planning)
Rating: Mature & Explicit (in a more funny manner idk) (+18 Only)
TW: Explicit Sex Descriptions
· · ─────── ·No Fic for now· ─────── · ·
Nothing for Now... (∪.∪ )...zzz
────── ── ─ This is Over for Now ── ─ ──────
Latest update: 03/09/2023
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
A B C D or even Z list? by u/narcwatchkiwi
A, B, C, D or even Z list? Hi All,I'm genuinely curious about how the A, B, C, D list works. Was MM ever B list? Apparently the B list includes actors like Nicholas Cage, who is very famous. Apparently the D-list includes reality and celebrity game show stars, but apparently MM was rejected from reality TV shows, and celebrity game shows 'Strictly Come Dancing' and also 'Made in Chelsea'. So, she might not have even been D list...I found this definition below.“A-list” actors are exceptionally successful, their (celebrity) extends beyond the silver screen, and their name guarantees a box office hit. Some “A-list” actors include: Will Smith, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, and Johnny Depp...“B-list” actors are usually television actors or less successful movie stars. Some “B-list” actors include: Nicholas Cage, Katherine Heigl, David Morse, Samantha Morton, and Pierce Brosnan. “B-list” actors usually never headline a film by themselves; this means the supporting actors are usually fairly notable too.A “C-list” actor is a character actor that’s known by face and not by name. They are usually still good actors, but they receive less (celebrity) than an A or B-list actor.“D-list” actors are the lowest on the celebrity hierarchy; they appear on celebrity game shows and reality television.So I looked up Z-list...Z-list celebrity"Usually an ex-reality show star or marginally talented has-been actor/entertainer who hasn't grasped that their 15 minutes of fame expired at least 26 months ago. Often seen on game shows, Home Shopping Network, Dancing With The Stars, infomercials at 3:00am, VH-1, truTV, even worse reality shows, or Where Are They Now? blurbs on Facebook.They aggressively pursue facetime on TV for interviews or insert themselves into Hollywood galas to which they have not been invited. Occasionally they will create personal drama, no matter how embarrassing, believing that no publicity is bad publicity.- Urban Dictionary.Oh dear!Taxi driver involved in the Harkles 'Near catastrophic car chase' post link: https://ift.tt/8MtPCDh author: narcwatchkiwi submitted: November 01, 2023 at 04:12AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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Dal 08 Settembre Il signore delle formiche di Gianni Amelio
Ennio (Elio Germano): Questo processo è davvero lo specchio del nostro Paese nell'aspetto più retrivo, più meschino, più criminale. È per quello che devi combattere.
Ennio (Elio Germano): Questo processo è davvero lo specchio del nostro Paese nell’aspetto più retrivo, più meschino, più criminale. È per quello che devi combattere. Il signore delle formiche, il film diretto da Gianni Amelio, si ispira alla storia di Aldo Braibanti (Luigi Lo Cascio), il drammaturgo e poeta, condannato alla fine degli anni 60 a nove anni di reclusione con l’accusa di plagio,…
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talesofwonder · 2 years
[ MORE ] (Troy / Leo)
[ MORE ] for the sender to beg for ‘more’ while the receiver touches them. Continues from here for plot purposes / thought it would be fun as well It wasn’t every day that he had a camboy giving him a live show. It wasn’t all that different from what Troy originally did – the only difference was that instead of countless faceless guests, he had one very real viewer in front of him admiring every inch of his body. Leonardo remained controlled for the most part. His fingers tapped the flat surface of his glass, the golden Bourbon and ice rocks swirling against the glass. His other hand was on his leg – relaxed and doing absolutely no attempts to reach out and grab the younger man. Troy was a gorgeous sight. Not just the looks and his body but the way he acted and moved. A true performer that knew exactly what to do in order to get his viewers all riled up – making them go crazy by sending tokens for him to keep going. Do more. Show more. Moan more. Leonardo had found Troy one night through a friend that told him about this hot babe that would make all of his dreams come true. Troy had impressed him in a matter of seconds – rolling his ass in front of the camera and fingering himself – which in turn made the CEO quickly become one of his highest tippers. From tips to DM’s, they agreed on meeting face-to-face so that Troy could show him how talented he really was. Which brought them to this. To the camboy dancing in front of him in his underwear and running those strong hands down his impressive physique. A spank here and there succeeded in pulling something close to a smile from Leonardo – at least until the older man reached out and pulled Troy closer to his body. There was this intensity in their eyes. Their gazes said all the things they wanted to do with one another while their mouths kept quiet. There was no kissing – no matter how close they were at that stage. Leonardo barely processed the question – like what you see? – only so slip his hand underneath the camboy’s underwear and push one finger inside him without a care. Leonardo heard the moan. A lewd one danced against his ear as Troy’s fingers clenched over his shirt. And the louder the moan, the deeper he would push his finger, thrusting it relentlessly against the younger man’s prostate. More. There it was. The begging. The need. The lust lingered in those gorgeous blue eyes.
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“How much more…?”
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fyeah-tmnt · 9 months
Welcome to my blog
("About me" can be found under the cut)
This blog is feminist, pro-queer/neurodivergence and is queer/autistic-owned, as well as being anti-terf and anti-racist
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TMNT 1987
TMNT 2003
TMNT 2012
Rise of the TMNT (includes the movie)
TMNT live actions (includes the TV serie)
TMNT 2007
TMNT 2009 (Turtles Forever)
TMNT Michael Bay Serie
TMNT and Batman
Rise of the TMNT Movie
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem
Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo
Splinter, April, Casey (cass and cj)
Donnie-Mikey duo
Donnie-Leo duo
Donnie-Raph duo
Raph-Mikey duo
Leo-Mikey duo
Raph-Leo duo
Turtle Tots (includes depiction of them as baby/kids/preteens) & Turtle Pile
Comics, Toys, Games, Merch, Headcanon, Fanart, Fanfic, Meme, Quotes, Mashup (crossovers), Cosplay, Recipes (believe it or not)
Fans' favourites: They are all queer, They are all neurodivergent, Donnie's autistic moments, Cain instinct (lmao)
Holidays: HALLOWEEN, Christmas, Valentine's, April Fools
Challenges: Risebruary, Risetober, whumptober, AI less whumptober, inktober, cringetober, goretober, TMNT-tober, comfortember, promptober, turtle-tober, Febuwhump, Platonic Affection , tMAYnt
Ramblings (mostly tmnt-related), Contribution (i either created or participated in these posts), funny tags (whenever i screenshots one of y'all's dumb tags that i find hilarious)
There's also ASKS for whenever i reply to your asks, or when i reblog asks i sent to people, but they also can be found under "my own posts" of course I use this tag for uncredited stuff. if you recognize the artist, please reach out
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You can call me Max or Mikan. i’m a french-canadian adult. i have a main blog called Libertea-and-Icedcoffee, if you want more details about me, it's on the pinned post of my main blog :) <3
i speak french (natively), english (advanced), my local sign language (intermediate), spanish (basic, still learning), and haitian kreyòl (basic, still learning).
please be aware that i never post/reblog s3x related content (on neither of my blogs). the closest i could get to nsfw would be swearing, violence or depiction of drugs (w33d, t0bacc0 and alc0h0l), mostly from fanarts, fanfictions or headcanons that i have or reblog about.
i refuse to use proper capitalization (especially on “i”) and grammar.
My pronouns page:
Français, English, Espanol.
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(Last updated: 2024/04/01) (YYYY/MM/DD)
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Dassault Aviation receives request for 42 Rafale fighters for the French Air Force
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/01/2024 - 18:26in Military
At the end of December 2023, the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) granted Dassault Aviation an order for 42 Rafale combat aircraft, known as "lot 5", for the French Air and Space Force.
"On behalf of Dassault Aviation and the 400 companies involved in the Rafale program, I would like to thank the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the DGA and the French Air and Space Force for their renewed confidence. We are ready and determined to use our skills as a main contractor and integrator of complex systems to serve the sovereignty of our nation. This military industrial sovereignty is an exception in Europe. It guarantees the superiority of our combat aviation. It is also an asset for diplomatic influence and an economic force in the export trade," says Éric Trappier, President and CEO of Dassault Aviation.
Rafale is a technical, operational and commercial success that continues to position France on a world-class level in combat aircraft.
Rafale was designed to evolve by successive patterns in order to adapt the latest technologies to the user's needs. Standard 4, especially focusing on connectivity, is under development. Standard 5, which is currently preparing for launch, will bring new capabilities in collaborative combat.
France has ordered 234 so far through orders in 1993, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2023.
Rafale was also sold outside France to the United Arab Emirates (80), Egypt (55), Indonesia (42), Qatar (36), India (36) and Greece (12). Croatia acquired twelve oldest Rafales from the French Air Force.
The order book, in addition to the new "lot 5" contract, guarantees production activity for the next ten years.
Tags: Armée de l'air - French Air Force/French Air ForceMilitary AviationDassault AviationDassault Rafale
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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