#les 7 vies de lea
arlyn-nylra · 8 months
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My heart my gut desires the impossible It shrivels up in shame
The heaviest screams I know are the ones that stay inside ‘Cause I’m not allowed to want you
Body trapped in amber like an insect I haven’t finished, finished waiting
Body trapped in amber like an insect I haven’t finished, finished hoping
My heart my gut desires the unfathomable It’s bleeding out in pain
My heart my gut is yearning The unspeakable I shut up
The heaviest screams I know are the ones I keep locked up ‘Cause I’m not allowed to need you
The most inane lie I’ve known is the one that I am living I try to fight the ache
I’ll be spelling out your name ‘til it’s raining dying embers
I’d be hiding it deep inside ‘til my bones are lying naked
‘Til my, ‘til my bones lie there naked ‘Til my, ‘til my bones lie there naked
Our Secret // The 7 Lives of Léa
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pearlycomplaints · 10 months
Les 7 Vies de Léa was SO incredible. I started watching it hoping I could improve my French listening and ended up DEEPLY obsessed with the show. It’s a gorgeous mini series. I only wish we could see everyone living their best lives just like Léa wanted for them. DO. IT. FOR. HER.
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bbchlow · 1 year
Léa is so unhinged, she travels through time and then spends the entirety of the show telling everyone she encounters that she's a time traveler. I love her so much 😭😭
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Inktober - day 30: The 7 Lives Of Lea (2022)
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jadealatus · 1 year
Anyone else just finished watching The 7 lives of Lea, saw the ending and frantically looked for more after the ending or a season 2? Because damn..
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mikimeiko · 2 years
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Les 7 vies de Léa | Limited Series (2022)
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veinsglisten · 2 years
The 7 Lives of Léa *SPOILERS ALERT*
I’m thinking about the ending when Léa sacrificed herself I saw some posts saying that her sacrifice was a bit questionable like giving her so much hope and will to live just to kill her off in the end but what I recall from the last episode is that she initially didn’t want to sacrifice herself she chose herself she knew she had to let Ismael die and when she was in Ismael’s body she was high on drugs I guess she just wanted whatever that would happen to happen but then she realized if Ismael died, her parents would carry the guilt their entire life she wanted to rid her parents from guilt and in the final moment she also wanted to save Jonathan from guilt that’s why she saved Ismael so I guess it’s not like she planned to sacrifice herself but she went with her intuition in the end? it’s really a metaphysical moral dilemma to be honest and you know with time travelling stories like this, things are just destined to happen in some sense? I lowkey thought there would be a happy ending that maybe Karine was already pregnant with Léa by then I’m thinking if there will be season 2 about Ismael saving Léa, making Lea exist and be born despite her parents’ separation
if only people could reincarnate as each other and better understand each other’s pain and struggle and know everything one has to deal with the world would be more peaceful somehow? lol but people are just entitled to their own lives and actions I guess it is what it is and who am I to say anyways?
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attywoo · 2 years
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Raïka Hazanavicius for NOMA Talents
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saintpurpleandgreen · 2 years
Someone should make a Les 7 vies de Léa video game 
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widowedvestalis · 2 years
Les 7 Vies de Léa, ah mais incroyable
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gothicwalks · 2 years
Les 7 vies de Léa 👌🏼
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sspacewavess · 2 years
mais ismaël faut arrêter de pécho tout ce qui bouge 😭😭😭
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r3viv1r · 2 years
A mi profesora reemplazante de inglés:
1. Espero que nunca, NUNCA, leas, escuches o te cruces con este poema porque como se dice hoy en día "me hago caca".
2. Si por alguna de esas razones de la vida encontrás esto, por favor no me lo hagas saber (O si. No se. Si estas interesada... creo que tenes mi numero, creo que tenés hasta mi DNI!!!)
3. *guiña el ojo mientras hace un chasquido con la boca mientras sonrie seductoramente*
4. *se acomoda el pelo detrás de la oreja y se hace la linda*
5. La primera vez que te vi fue una vez que llegué temprano y la teacher titular te estaba mostrando el lugar. Me dijo que te parecías un poco a mi y yo dije que eso sería un re halago. Pensandolo bien ahora, capaz no debería haber dicho eso, siendo sincera ese comentario estaba destinado a ser un pensamiento más que una oración. Pero bueno.
6. Odio que me hagas leer en voz alta porque por lo general me sale re bien pero con vos de profe me trabo toda y pronuncio para el orto.
7. No puede ser que a vos te guste lo mismo que a mi.
8. A veces me dan ganas de decirte "wacha, deja de ser tan perfecta!" porque sos fan de harry potter, tenés el pelo corto, usas lentes, tenés toda la pinta de hippie, sos poeta y encima te gusta marilina bertoldi (aparte,claramente sabés inglés asique las pelis van sin subtitulos). Después me acuerdo que yo también soy fan de harry potter, tengo pelo corto, uso lentes, tengo toda la pinta de hippie, soy poeta y me gusta marilina bertoldi (Y se inglés), por lo tanto, tan perfecta no podrás ser.
9. A flor también le encantas.
10. ¿Formamos un poliamor?
11. Lo primero que supieron los chicos de vos es que sos re linda, info que claramente fue brindada por yours truly.
12. La primera clase que tuvimos con vos me cagué´de risa en tu cara. Ya venía tentada desde antes y cuando entraste estallé, estaba rojísima y lloraba como una idiota. Te pedí salir un segundo y me dejaste, estabas confundidísima. Te pido perdón, capaz fue un poco irrespetuoso.
13. Me pasé la primera hora intentando descifrar si eras torta o no. Tres clases más tarde puedo asegurar que si, y si no lo sos, te iría muy bien de torta.
14. No se. consideralo.
15. No se si la edad es un problema para vos, pero para mi no.
16.Posta tenes todas las de ser.
17. Que se yo
18. 18 cumplo en unos meses *guiña*
19. Bueno
20. Vos tenes mi número
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vpweek2022 · 2 years
VP Week 7 Languages
VP Week isn't just available in English, its details are currently available in 7 other languages as well - This includes within our Carrd: https://vpextravaganza.carrd.co/
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German: Wir sind aufgeregt euch VP Extravaganza bekannt zu geben, eine Woche Feier wir Paar #VegasPete Das Event geht vom 11 September - zum 18 September. Wir haben die Prompt Liste unten angefügt, BITTE lest euch die Details/Regeln hier durch.
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Spanish: Estamos emocionadas de anunciar VP Extravaganza, una semana celebrando la pareja de KinnPorsche #VegasPete El evento es del 11 al 18 de Septiembre. Hemos adjuntado las instrucciones de ideas a continuación, POR FAVOR lea http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co para detalles y reglas.
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Vietnamese: Chúng tôi xin vui mừng công bố VP Extravaganza, tuần lễ tri ân cặp đôi trong bộ phim KinnPorsche #VegasPete Sự kiện diễn ra từ 11/09 - 18/09. Chúng tôi đã đính kèm thông tin dư��i đây HÃY đọc kỹ http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co để biết thêm Chi tiết/Thể lệ.
Chúng tôi đã chọn ra 4 Cấp độ Đề tài như sau Cấp độ
1: SFW - Phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi
2: NS-FW - Dành cho người trên 18 tuổi
3: Dark - Đen tối
4: Các chủ đề khác
nhóm này được áp dụng chung cho các bạn edit video, giúp các bạn dễ tham gia sự kiện hơn.
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Italian: Siamo felici di annunciare la VP Extravaganza, una settimana di celebrazioni per la coppia #VegasPete di KinnPorsche! L'evento si terrà dall'11 al 18 Settembre. Qui troverete i prompts, per favore LEGGETE http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co per conoscere i dettagli e le regole!
Abbiamo creato 4 livelli di Prompts:
Tier 1: SFW Tier
2: NS-FW ("Vietato ai minori")
Tier 3: Dark
Tier 4: Temi - questo livello è quello generale, per gli editor di video, così che possano partecipare più facilmente.
Note: In ogni modo siete tutti liberi di usare qualsiasi livello vi piaccia in qualsiasi modo vogliate. Per maggiori dettagli, controllate la card linkata qui sopra.
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Chinese: VP 一周同人良会”活动,庆祝黑帮少爷爱上我(KPTS)里的cp#VegasPete。 活动时间为 9 月 11 日至 9 月 18 日。 请阅读[http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co]以获取详细信息/规则。
4,主题:此类适用于视频编辑者可以随意参加。 每个人都可以选择喜欢的任意分类。 更多详细信息,请查看上一条Carrd链接
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Portuguese: É com muita animação que anunciamos a VP Extravaganza, a semana de celebração do casal #VegasPete, da série KinnPorsche. O evento acontecerá dos dias 11 a 18 de Setembro. Abaixo todas as informações - Por favor leia http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co para os detalhes e regras.
Nós criamos quatro níveis de ideias/temas:
Nível 1 - SFW (Safe for Work) - Sem conteúdos gráficos/+18
Nível 2 - NS-FW (Not Safe for Work) - Com conteúdos / +18
Nivel 3 - Dark
Nível 4 - Temas - nível geral para editores de vídeos, que podem participar mais facilmente.
No entanto, é permitido a todos escolher qualquer um dos níveis que quiser, da forma que quiser. Para mais detalhes, consulte o Carrd no link informado acima.
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French: Nous vous annonçons la VP Extravaganza, une semaine pour célébrer #VegasPete de KinnPorsche. Elle aura lieu du 11 au 18 septembre. Nous avons joint les sujets de création ci-dessous. SVP référez vous au http://vpextravaganza.carrd.co pour plus de détails et les règles.
Nous avons créé 4 niveaux de sujet de création.
Niveau 1 : SFW - contenu à caractère non sexuel Niveau
2 : NS-FW - contenu à caractère sexuel Niveau
3 : Noir Niveau
4 : Thèmes - ce niveau est général pour les éditeurs.rices vidéos afin qu’iels puissent participer facilement.
Cependant tout le monde peut utiliser le niveau qu’iel préfère comme iel le préfère. Pour plus de détails référez vous au lien carrd ci-dessus.
It is our hope that many fans are able to participate so we thank who have volunteered thus far to translate and make this event assessible to more fans.
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clopeaftersex · 2 years
les 7 vies de lea
the 7 lives of lea, such an underrated french tv show, beautiful visuals, intriguing and very nice plotline with really relatable characters
I personally related so much to Lea, i dont have any projects in life even if im in university rn, i suck at everything i touch and i dont know what i like, i seem to dislike everything but at the same time i feel so empty, i dont feel alive, like lea im searching for something to live for. But for me, i didnt find it yet
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isgull-moved · 2 years
who's your donna fc??
hello!! that's rebecca williams, she was most recently in les 7 vies de léa / the 7 lives of lea on netflix :)
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