#letsplay undertale
amoebeau · 9 months
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can you believe it guys. undertale anniversary. just a week away! undertale anniversary is in a week! woohoo!
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wildlyfreemoon · 7 months
dan and phil should play deltarune now that the gaming channel is back
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vampylily · 8 months
i watched so many dan and phil videos while baking today. their bantering will never get old.
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necroticblue · 10 months
a new fun idea for @amazingphil and @danielhowell: read homestuck in its entirety! fourteen and a half years after it started! it's gonna be fun trust me! : )
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colourfulchaoscat · 4 months
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canidaedreams64 · 6 months
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barrymccaulkinem · 1 year
I should really play Deltarune after totk but I know if I'm able to get to the end (idk how it stacks up to Undertale difficulty wise) I'm going to really want the rest right then and be frustrated. and then when it finally does come out I wont be able to generate an interest for like a year or more but having played the first 2 parts would make it so I understand (and therefore remember) all the spoilers I would see
so you see my dilemma
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rufwooff · 2 months
I want to watch dunmeshi. READ MANGA EVEN. And rewatch the last of us. And rewatch the letsplay of the last of us (both parts). And continue reading OnePiece. And download some more fnf mods. Ooohhh and rewatch spiderverse. AND CHAINSAW MAN. AND BERSERK. UNDERTALE. FNAF. and rise too, yeah, ofc.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 5 months
It took watching a letsplay of the Undertale Yellow Genocide Route to make me realize why Sans bleeds in regular Undertale
He took Determination
In UTY, Martlet injects herself with a vial of Integrity to boost up her abilities before succumbing to the impure soul irregularities (the nature of these irregularities are still unknown to me, but I don’t think it was just plain Determination)
UTY is not canon in the slightest, but the scene made me realize that Sans likely injected himself with pure Determination for his battle against the player in Undertale
And that’s why he bleeds •<•
I’m sure many others have thought of this explanation already but many others haven’t lol so here it is
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starrynightsistube · 3 months
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HELLO HELLO HELLO!!! I will start doing these art dumps whenever I have lots of art I haven't shared. This time, I will share some art I made for my Undertale Yellow Letsplay series!! (Note: This isn't everything I've drawn, mostly just the best of) ((ALSO SPOILERS TO UNDERTALE YELLOW ITSELF)) Who could this be?? This isn't Undertale Yellow!?!? Well...I can't say much at the moment since it pertains to the lore of the letsplay. I was going to make multiple little talk sprites for them, but they were taking too long. I do plan on making a revised design so I might do more talk sprites in the future.
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Here are some Miscellaneous sprites for jokes or serious bits. Featuring @rotatingdynamite character!! (The green square). Probably my favorite one of these is the Clover holding the Arizona Tea cause I had like an obsession with Tea during the recording of this series. I no longer drink Arizona tea now. Shame.
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GOD OK IM LIKE PROUD HOW MOST OF THESE CAME OUT! Ceroba is one of my favorite characters from UTY and I've wanted to draw her after I originally beat the game. Admittedly I haven't drawn fox's before so drawing the snout in certain directions doesn't...look right. BUT IM GETTING BETTER I SWEAR
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Here were some early sketches of Ceroba I drew during Episode 2 development. Little outdated from how I draw her now, but I still love how these came out.
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The remaining stuff here I can't..explain since I think it's best I leave you with the intrigue of what they could be. OOoooOOooooOO
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THUS ENDS THIS LITTLE ART THREAD!! Thank you if you have made it this far. If you are at all interested, or even want to see what didn't make it into this thread. You can check out the series on my Youtube Channel
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sbtorms · 3 months
I like so many things that it's hard to keep track there's rpgs like Undertale/Deltarune (obviously) and OFF... there's other games like Tetris, Among Us, Mario, Sonic, FNF (and music/rhythm games in general)... thanks to FNF, I kinda like the exe/creepypasta shit, and even before I watched a fair bit of horror game letsplay stuff when I was younger I also just like general OC creation stuff I also like old cartoons, for example, Phineas and Ferb (which i'm currently binging) and MLP (which I haven't checked out the show itself in a LONG while, and everything i've missed and learned about definitely surprised me)
i like pixel art, and art in general i like music
and occasionally, i'm reminded of old childhood things i used to be really into, like Nazo: Unleashed for a super random example
it's fun looking back on old things, isn't it?
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capricioussun · 5 months
@weia-yo said: what got you into undertale?
It kind of was just...unavoidable? Or maybe inevitable is a better word. My sister had been following it during the kickstarter, she already knew abt Toby Fox and was really excited for it. The year it came out, when she was home for christmas, she got my mom to play it. I was busy having serial colds so I was pretty out of it for most of that time, but it blew up on my side of tumblr, too, so I'd been seeing tons of fanart.
I didn't really get into it at the time but I'm not exaggerating when I say I took One look at Papyrus and was like YOU 🫵 and while the obsession didn't fully take root then. Years later, I think about 2018, 2019, I still have the picture from the conversation I was having with Nattie when a comic with Papyrus came across my dash and I stayed up all night reading it and catching up, and thusly drawing Papyrus and Samus standing side by side bc of their "matching armor".
The comic was handplates, lol, but then, it was unavoidable. I watched letsplays and read wikis and dug through tags. I started a side blog to rb only undertale fanart that I'm pretty sure is still up somewhere, but yeah. When it finally sunk its teeth in I was toast and it's been melting my brain ever since <3
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amaitte-42 · 2 years
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i've never drawn Muffet berore, i realised some time ago when i watched Charlie Barley's letsplay of Undertale So I make up for it now!
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colourfulchaoscat · 4 months
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sunset-mp4 · 1 month
Oh sweet! Have you ever played Undertale yourself? I’m starting my first playthrough tonight.
unfortunately no (never had the right kind of tech TTwTT) I just watched a shitton of letsplay's as a kid (primarily iHasCupquake, gamegrumps, and some random people I don't remember). and those easter egg videos.
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awsugar · 1 year
would you guys believe me if i told you ive been on tumblr consistently since 2009 and ive never listened to welcome to nightvale and ive never played undertale but i did enjoy dan and phils letsplay...
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