#lewis nixon is a baby boy
balladofthe101st · 27 days
"Only the finest for Mrs. Nixon's baby boy."
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lupoteodoro · 1 month
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better-quality version of these two photos
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shelyue99 · 2 months
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cackling in my rocking chair at the thought of Playtone staff suffering years of work with them bigass slow computers from 1999 to desaturate and recolor the entirety of BoB because it was specifically requested by Hanks and Spielberg, only for fans to recolor what must be every shot by now for the sole purpose of giving the people Nixon's Rosy Cheeks Remastered
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luminouslywriting · 4 days
Heeyyy so I saw that you had a scary surgery?? Ur so brave and get better soon!
I was wondering if maybe you could do a pregnancy HC with any of the BOB boys?? :)
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Nonny, you are so sweet 🥹🥹 thank you!! And yes, I’d love to do this one for you! Reminder that my requests are open and I don’t mind spam! More below the cut, cut for length, light spice sprinkled in:
Dick Winters:
-He’s absolutely thrilled to be a father. The minute that you tell him about it, he’s practically giddy like a little kid haha. -A family is always something that he’s wanted and settling down is honestly a dream to him. Especially with you! -Winters thinks that you’re even more perfect pregnant and definitely gets even more of a praise kink during pregnancy. Service top who???
-Doesn’t coddle you but definitely spoils you a little bit and tries to make sure that you have everything you need/want so that things go smoothly. -Loves getting to talk baby names with you and gets really into your self care routine while pregnant. -Probably cries the first time he holds the baby.
Lewis Nixon:
-A wreck. I’m sorry, there’s just no way that this man is NOT panicking about you having a kid bc he feels like he’s already messed things up before and doesn’t want to do that again. -Might need a little bit of space initially to figure out his feelings and pull himself together. But then once he does, he’s all in. I’m talking going to doctors appointments with you, doing additional reading, and researching best ways to cure morning sickness type of guy. -Send him out for cravings, he likes to feel useful while you’re growing a baby haha. -Waxes poetic about the ability to grow life inside of you and pretty much views you as the center of his universe from this point onwards. -Absolutely has sympathy labor pains, I can’t explain that one at all
-Does not let you lift anything heavy or do anything strenuous the entire time you’re pregnant.
Ronald Speirs:
-Gets this really soft expression the minute he hears the news from you and is almost scared of the thought—but he’s ready and he’s super tender about things. -Definitely develops a breeding kink during this time and is so attentive to anything that will help you feel better, including orgasms. -Shows up one day from work with just a TON of baby stuff and maternity that he’s splurged on because he wants you to feel loved and special
-Loves holding you at nighttime and definitely will never admit this, but he talks to the baby and has so many plans
-Foot massages from him and he’ll try to hold the baby weight for you by holding up your stomach once the pregnancy progresses
-Is so protective and lets a few tears shed when the baby is born—he never left your side the entire time. His love for you has multiplied exponentially.
Buck Compton:
-Is the type of man to laugh excitedly and pull you into a fierce kiss that sweeps you off of your feet
-He’s immediately voting on a little boy and starts referring to the baby as Junior. -Is very attentive to you and wants to put the entire nursery together himself. Gets pretty far in the process too! The paint job could be better, but that’s okay! -Likes sharing showers with you and lotions your stomach afterwards with a sweet kiss to the swell of the belly. -But he also lays awake pretty anxious about being a dad and not being the same as he used to be. He wants this kid’s life to be absolutely perfect. -Gets sweetly emotional throughout the pregnancy milestones, including the baby kicking and the first time he hears a heartbeat.
Carwood Lipton:
-The grin on this man’s face will never be matched. He’s so thrilled and so excited about it! -He definitely treats you like precious cargo from there on out; a hand over your stomach when you’re walking in public, a hand in yours during drives, he’s constantly watching out for you. -Loves the way that your body changes and grows to accommodate the baby and thinks that stretch marks are sexy. BODY PRAISE KINK maxed haha. -Very into compliments and he wants you to know how much he loves you each and every day. -He is already good with kids and so he practices by babysitting his nieces and nephews. Watching him with kids is probably a turn on tbh. -Gets oddly into cooking since you’re tired and comes up with the best craving dishes at your request.
Joseph Liebgott:
-Shocked, bamboozled, shooketh, and the softest dumb smile on his face when you tell him. Asks you a million questions immediately following. -This is also followed by the sweetest sex wherein he praises and serviced you to the point of you literally falling asleep haha. -Literally tells everyone he knows because he’s so excited about the entire thing! -Is taking bets with the men in easy on the gender of the baby (he thinks girl haha)
-Also develops a lactation kink during the midst of all of this lol
-Coaches you through labor with support and a hand hold that nearly broke his hand haha
Donald Malarkey:
-An excited soft bean who immediately kisses your stomach in excitement
-Wants to go shopping with you for ALL of the baby things immediately. Please explain that there’s a whole nine months of cooking to him. -Is literally in shock and amazement at the changes your body undergoes as he learns more and more about pregnancy. He is wowed by you and expresses this daily. -Literally the most gentle he has ever been while you’re pregnant and Lowkey a mother hen who doesn’t want you to fall or do anything like lift something heavy. -Probably has a ton of lullabies memorized from his own childhood and starts dusting them off immediately. -Is the most vocal support during labor and encourages you like your life depends on it.
Eugene Roe:
-A flurry of excitement, French words, and light kisses all over immediately
-He’s already ruminating on baby names and trying to imagine how things will go. That being said, he’s best for morning sickness and pregnancy bleh energy. -Knows a ton of wives’ tales about pregnancy and how to help with natural remedies, which he awaits to try out whenever you’re ready
-Bath sex together during this time
-He gets good at doing your hair for you when you’re feeling especially worn out or tired
-Is so soft and sweet the minute you go into labor and stays by your side until the entire thing is over. 10/10 a great dad.
Bill Guarnere:
-Has to blink several times and ask you to repeat it and make sure that he heard you correctly the first time. But once he’s sure, he’s the most excited person ever. -Calls everyone he knows to tell them the news….and he wants to name the baby after Joe Toye if it’s a boy. -Takes the mood swings with a grain of salt but will try all of your cravings with you. He likes a few of them as actual snacks haha. -Gets creative in figuring out positions for sex so that you can be more comfortable
-Sometimes gets nervous about being a dad and kinda retreats within himself. I promise that one good flash of skin will remind him that everything is fine. -Is a wreck during labor but super calm and chill the minute he gets to hold the baby.
Joe Toye:
-Immediately kisses you like you’re his last breath of air. If he was in love with you before, that’s nothing to how he feels now. -Has some insecurities about how he’s going to be a dad with his injury, so hype him up as a dad. -Does all of his own research on the growth of babies and pregnancy. Will recite these facts randomly to you during dinner. -Loved getting to lay with you at nighttime and just talk to you about the kid and all of the hopes and dreams you both have for them. -Probably acutely aware of the cost of pregnancy on your body and is so in awe…he wants more but definitely leaves that in your court since it’s your body. -Also really great with dealing w/ postpartum depression and understands in a different way than most men.
George Luz:
-Goes to make a joke, gets told you’re pregnant, and is rendered totally speechless. Congrats reader. You did that haha. -Immediately starts suggesting names for the baby and starts planning out a whole gaggle of kids on the spot. -Is extremely horny while you’re pregnant and his sex drive rivals yours tbh
-HYPE KING OF COMPLIMENTS and reassuring you that you’re perfect and not a swollen penguin. -Would definitely walk around with a watermelon to feel sympathy for you haha. -Is afraid he’s going to drop the baby but never would ☺️
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malarkgirlypop · 14 days
What the Easy men are ticketed for when driving
Richard Winters:
He has all of his paperwork at the ready the police officer doesn’t even have to ask. He’s very apologetic, but he didn’t do anything wrong. Dick politely chats with the officer, he’s not intimidated by the man but he’s being cautious. When the officer says he made a mistake and lets him go, Dick is very understanding. They even exchange information, talk about meeting up. You feel like a third wheel for a hot sec. He has never had a ticket.
Lewis Nixon:
IM NOT DRUNK!!!! I CAN DANCE, I’LL PROVE IT!!! 'Darling stay in the car', proceeds to fall out of the car while trying to exit. The cop and you exchange a glance. You follow the cop car to the station, you can see Nixon’s little head in the back window. He was indeed drunk. Yeah you should've seen it coming he had to blow into a breathalyser before starting the car, turns out that's why you were there.
Harry Welsh:
Nervous around the cop, tries to make small talk but the guy isn’t having it. You sit there in awkward silence as the cops leaves to fill out the paperwork. Harry got pulled over cause he was trying to show you a trick, but the trick was swerving back and forward across the lanes and wasn’t very impressive. Sheepishly takes the fine, with a mumbled apology.
Ronald Speirs:
Asserts dominance over the cop, uses his killer stare. The cop is jumpy under his cold glare. He’s not smug about it, stating facts about the law making the cop look dumb. The officer can tell he’s fighting a losing battle so tries to rescind the fine. Ron is very happy about this reaching out if the window to give the cop a pat on his arm. "It’s ok, people make mistakes". Leaves the police man in the dust before the interaction is truly over. He was speeding, but it was fine, he had somewhere important to be.
Carwood Lipton:
I feel like he would be the same as Winters. Very calm and collected, hearing out the officer. Obviously it's our baby boy and he hasn't done anything wrong. Even if the cop was a total dick, Lip would be so polite and understanding. I think it would piss off the cop that he wasn't talking back, giving a "Have a good night officer", as the cop marches away muttering under his breath. I'm sure he would turn to you saying, "shall we?" before pulling away from the curb. He did nothing wrong, Lip getting fined. Ha! You wish.
George Luz:
Thinks he is a stand up comedian and can get out of the ticket by telling jokes. Unfortunately for Luz he gets the most grumpy, stoic officer of all time. George crashes and burns with each quip and pun, you sink lower in your seat hoping the ground will swallow you whole, (we all know second hand embarrassment is the silent killer). Finally he receives the ticket and you sit in silence while he re-thinks his entire life. Before making the most ridiculous remark sending everyone into hysterics. He is very proud of himself, "I knew I still got it. He was just a bad crowd." Very pleased with himself he doesn't even care he got a ticket. What was the ticket you ask. Trying to stand and drive. Yeah this isn't his first time either, yikes George.
Joe Toye:
Yeah no this man never gets pulled over. Even if he does, he will evade the police. His brag is that he has never been ticketed. Well, they have never been able to catch him to give it to him. He will never tell you what he does to be chased by the police, the mystery of it all. Bill says its cause he's a shit driver.
Bill Guarnere:
Knows everyone, so when he is pulled over all you get is, "Wild Bill you mad dog, I haven't seen you in years!" Buddies with the whole police force, gets let off the hook way too often. Has broken all the laws, but hey when you know everyone, what really are laws?
Joe Liebgott:
You all might think he's a bad boy rebel with the most tickets out of the lot. But you forget, hes a tried and true cabby. Like Bill he knows everyone, all you have to do is utter his name and you can get a million stories about the man. His brag is that he has never been ticketed, sure he's broken the law, but he never gets caught. Unlike some people *cough cough* Toye. But hey Toye hasn't actually been caught, just been in multiple car chases.
David Webster:
He's offended you think he drives. Clearly passenger seat princess, put some respect on his name. Has been fined for not wearing a seatbelt and standing up through the sun roof singing Unwritten, but that's just a vibe and he has the ticket framed on his wall.
Buck Compton:
The self proclaimed 'best driver of the group'. He's daddy and drives around his baby boy's. He's like the dad that picks you up from Saturday sport, 'who wants to stop at McDonalds?' His car is the vibe, everyone always fights over who rides with him on road trips. Has the best songs and snacks for the road trips, he laughs in the face of tickets, this man is untouchable and has a squeaky clean record. May have tried to do a donut, but he'll never tell.
Eugene Roe:
Pfft, this man getting pulled over. You're dreaming. The most calm driver. He's like my nana, anyone heard of the story the tortoise and the hare, yeah well he's the tortoise. No one wants to drive with him if they need to be somewhere in a hurry, he's too nice and gives way to everyone. This man panics when the police pass him, even when he's doing nothing wrong.
Babe Heffron:
If Gene is the tortoise, then Babe is definitely the hare. Hold on for dear life if you ride with this man. The most chaotic driving of all time. Over taking, under taking, side by side taking? Yeah he does it all. You see orange light, he sees pedal to the metal. Speed limits are just suggestions to this man. The amount of fines and tickets this man gets in a year he could buy a whole other car.
Donald Malarkey:
He's a good driver, but boy oh boy he's easily distracted. If you're sitting in the back showing photos to the rest of the boys, he's turning around fully in the seat to see what's going on. The most common phrase in his car is, "Don watch the road!" He's a fun driver having the best songs and also has karaoke mics in the car that he hands back, but please encourage him to keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road. The ads the are on the side of the road are catered just for him, he can't help himself when he sees something flashy. Has rear ended a car or two, maybe one of them was a police officer, but no one was there to see it.
Skip and Penk:
They don't drive. Skip is clearly a passenger princess and Alex is a backseat babe! Just tell them to please keep all limbs inside the car. Should not be allowed in Malarks car as they are the reason for his distraction but the love it, you will have to pry them out of the car they aren't splitting up!!
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Band of brothers masterlist 🤍🩷🤍
Finally! Here’s some direct links to my work so far :)
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All boys: general hc’s:
Platonic BoB x reader - angst. Easy boys reacting to seeing their lady lieutenant for the first time. Easy boys x reader how they react to accidentally upsetting you.
Easy boys x reader the morning after their first time. Easy boys x reader the morning after their first time, part 2.
Easy boys x reader in Bastogne.
Easy boys x nurse headcannons p1. Easy boys x nurse headcanons p2.
Easy boys x nurse headcannons p3. Easy’s reaction to nurse reader getting hurt.
Easy boys x nurse how they react to you finding them hurt. Easy boys x reader enemies to lovers.
Easy boys x reader they see you dressed up for the first time. Easy boys x reader they see your scars for the first time. Easy boys x nurse how they react to you having fun in the water.
Easy boys x reader they take care of your baby alone for the first time.
Easy boys x reader how they react to you going MIA.
Part 2.
Easy boys x reader how they comfort you when you’re overworked
Ron Speirs:
Protective Ron Speirs x reader. Snowy Days, Ron x reader.
British girl x Ron headcanons - Ron being in a relationship with a girl from Britain.
Ron Speirs x nurse! OC multiple part smut - when celebrations reach a high in the eagles nest, who knew their hook up would be more than a one time thing?
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Ron Speirs x ArmyNurse! OC mini series - Margaret ‘Maggie’ Emerson, an army nurse attached to the 506th parachute infantry regiment, finds herself growing closer to her company’s captain, Ronald Speirs. With war drawing to an end, a side to the mystery that is Captain Speirs is revealed. Both Maggie and Ron have a difficult time resisting their attraction to one another.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Joe Liebgott:
Joe Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut. - you, joe and Floyd have some fun on New Year’s Eve in a foxhole. Joe x reader x Talbert smut p2- Joe and Floyd finally give you what you’ve been waiting for…
Untitled Joe Liebgott x reader Drabble. Joe Liebgott x reader angst- the two times Joe doesn’t want to see you and the one time he does.
Joe x reader x Shifty - a request for how Joe would react when he’s in love with you but you’re with Shifty.
Gene and Liebgott Headcannons - when they think they’ve lost you for good but then you reunite with them days later, worse for wear.
Joe Liebgott smut - reader becomes slightly dominant over Joe (request).
Babe Heffron:
Babe Heffron x oc smut- Babe and OC spend some well deserved time together.
Eugene Roe:
Quiet Confessions, Eugene x reader smut - as the title described, quiet confessions between Gene and reader. Sympathy for the Enemy, Gene x oc - oc struggles with hating the enemy, especially when some of them are just boys. Gene comforts her when the inevitable happens. Vocal Gene x reader smut- Requested by a reader! Gene is obsessed with you and expresses this through being vocal in the bedroom… Friends to Lovers, Eugene x reader smut - you and Gene are friends for the longest time until one night that changes with a steamy exchange whilst walking home…
Gene x reader headcanons - just some headcanons on how your friendship turns into a relationship throughout the time during the war you spend together.
Gene and Liebgott Headcannons - when they think they’ve lost you for good but then you reunite with them days later, worse for wear.
Floyd Talbert:
Floyd x reader smut - Floyd and your tension reaches a boiling point after two years together. Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut - threesome.
Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut p2. - threesome continued!
Talbert + Christenson headcanons.
James ‘Moe’ Alley:
Alley x oc was nurse! Jenny. Headcanons of their developing relationship throughout the war.
part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. part 5.
Skip Muck:
Skip x reader - mutual pinining - friends to lovers arc. Lewis Nixon:
One night stand, Nixon X Reader - after a long night of boozing you and Captain Nixon wake up besides each other, shocked by your actions of the night before.
Chuck Grant:
Chuck x nurse reader headcanons.
Chuck Grant x reader smut.
Alton More:
More x nurse reader headcanons. Shifty Powers:
Joe x reader x Shifty - a request for how Joe would react to being in love with you but you’re with Shifty. Pat Christenson:
Christenson x reader fluff - pat comforts you after Grant is wounded. Christenson + Talbert headcanons.
Dick Winters:
Dick x reader headcanons - on how Dick steals Sobel’s gf.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
BoB reaction to you changing in front of them for the first time
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genre; suggestive fluff
warnings: a little dirty, suggestive
description: Their reaction to you (their s/o) changing in front of them for the first time.
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Dick Winters
His immediate reaction is to look the other way, he doesn’t want to be rude or disrespectful your privacy at all and will ask you if you would like for him to leave. He would be SHOCKED when you tell him that you want him to watch you change. He would be like slowly turning his head back to you with his face beet red, but he would be watching the whole time, he could literally not take his eyes off you and after its needless to say that he was impressed and also a little excited.
Carwood Lipton
I think he’d also try and look away as soon as she saw you changing, maybe even put his hands over his eyes just because you caught him so off guard. I think out of instinct he would just head for the door before you stopped him, “Stay, please” If you felt his heart in that moment it would’ve jumped out of his chest. He could’ve sworn he had a minor heart attack watching you change, like he was nervous but also so excited? Boy was grinning so hard for the rest of the day
Lewis Nixon
His eyes get so freaking big, like when he sees you changing, a smile just appears on his face and his cheeks get all rosy, “You want me to stay?” He would ask you just out of respect for you and would be even more shocked when he hears you say, “Watch, keep your eyes on me” Man if his smile could get any bigger in that moment it did. He would he watching you the whole time in complete awe. He’d probably get excited watching you and would ask for some assistance to the problem once you got finished changing. Let’s just say that wherever you guys had plans going to, you guys were DEFINITELY late.
Joe Toye
When he sees you changing the biggest smirk appears on his face and his eyes turn dark so quick, you could definitely feel his eyes on you the whole time and when you looked back at him he would make you so nervous with his gaze. He could not take his eyes off you even if his life depended on it, and the look on his face was almost priceless, Once you were fully naked while changing he would ask you, “Do a turn for me baby, let me see all of you” In his deep raspy voice OMG. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t extremely turned on by seeing you change. Before you could start changing back into your new clothes he was all over you, kissing and hugging all over your body.
Joe Liebgott
Seeing you change just made his day 100 times better then before. He would lean back into his seat and just watch you undress very closely, “You want some help taking off those, sunshine?” Ugh and let me tell you how you would notice an extreme difference in his voice too, it’d be so much deeper and sexy after seeing you change. He would help you take and put back on your clothes, kissing at least one part of your body before putting on each of your clothing, and reminding you how beautiful you are. The whole point was to turn him on but you end up being the one going crazy tbh. (dw tho he definitely will help you out if you ask )
Bill Guarnere
“What are you doing?” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth while giving you a smirky smile. He won’t even give you time to answer before he’s behind you, kissing your neck and shoulder up and down while caressing your almost naked body. “Why don’t you change later huh, come sit with me?” Before you gave into his words, you wanted to tease him at least one more time, so in return you make him sit down, not able to touch you, while taking off the rest of your little clothing left as slow as possible. By the end he was 100% frustrated and had a huge problem in his pants. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable because you won’t be able to walk after he’s done with you.
George Luz
You just made him the happiest man on the planet. You’d be painfully slow the whole time, maybe even throwing your shirt at him for him to catch. He would have his eyes on you like a baby with candy right in front of him. “You’re real gorgeous, y/n, beautiful.” He would stare at you in pure awe. He’d definitely have to hold back his excitement the whole time, maybe even putting a pillow in his lap so you wouldn’t see the raging tent in his pants. He would be so respectful though, just watching you in peace unless you asked him something. after he would try to ignore it like it didn’t turn him on but later that night be ready for some pay back LOL
Eugene Roe
His reaction would also be to look away, “Y/n, do you want me to give you some privacy?” You could tell just by the tone in his voice that you made him flustered. “No, watch me change” He would get so red when you said that, it’s almost like a switch flipped inside of him when you said that though because then he started staring at you with dark sexy eyes, not taking them off you for one bit. “You’re so easy to look at darling” AHH OMG HES SO AMAZING. For the rest of the day he’d be clinging on to you, holding and kissing your body gently, he would be so sweet and perfect just reminding you how beautiful you are to him too 😭
Bull Randleman
He would be suprised to see you just changing in front of him like that. He would get up and walk towards the door, to give you your privacy until you ask him, “You sure you don’t want to stay and watch?” You would say in the most sulky voice ever. He would run back to his seat so fast, eager to watch you change into your pretty clothing. “Are you sure? I can leave if you want me to.” HES SO RESPECTFUL OMG, Like you actually would make him nervous, the way you were taking off your clothes he’d be ready for your every move, once you were finish, he’d clap jokingly before wrapping his arms around you, “I’m so lucky to have you”
Floyd Talbert
He’s been waiting for this moment the entire relationship, literally. “You want some help with that, hon?” He’d say with a cocky-ish grin on his face. “No, just watch me, okay?” You’d really be torturing this man by making him watch and not help you, like he just thinks you’re so beautiful, and him not touching or feeling you is literally driving him crazy. “You’re so damn beautiful y/n” He would be enjoying every single second of it too. He keep on giving you praises until you were fully changed into your other clothes. “Next time let me help you,I could make it a lot quicker” he’d whisper into your ear before leaving the room.
Skip Muck
His jaw would literally drop seeing you change so casually in front of him for the first time. “Do you want me to leave, or?” He would be as still as a ghost almost, literally unable to move in shock. “Watch me” His heart rate would pick up so fast when you said that. Like almost giving him a heart attack LOL, he would keep his eyes on you the whole time, and it was easy to say that you turned him on. He would have his hands in his lap trying to hide his problem without trying to make you feel uncomfortable. You would notice this and ask him, “Do you want some help, baby?” he was completely gone after that, you literally had him in a trance for the rest of the day.
Don Malarkey
his first reaction was to turn his head and put his hands over his eyes, his cheeks were almost as red as his hair when you told him that you’d like for him to watch you change instead. He would watch you change respectfully but also hoping that he would get to see more of you as you changed. He just cannot believe his eyes right now. “You look good, pretty” ugh i love him sm. He just thinks you look absolutely gorgeous in that moment, he feels more than lucky that you’re his. When you’re finished he will be more than happy to praise you on how beautiful you are to him. Like he’s so sweet about the whole thing omg
Babe Heffron
His eyes would pop straight out of his head. “What are you doing?” He’d feel so much excitement just from watching you change. Like mans is just in LOVE with your body. He will remind you the whole time of how gorgeous you are to him. The whole plan was to make him nervous but he’d probably end up making you the nervous one LOL, “Do you know what you’re doin to me doll?” He would say, smirking up at you with dark eyes. He wouldn’t even let you fully finish changing before coming up to you and attacking you with kisses, he absolutely cannot get enough of you or your body.
Shifty Powers
When you start changing he covers his eyes IMMEDIATELY and will ask if you’d like him to leave and give you some space. When you tell him that you’d like him to stay his heart speeds up so quickly and he gets so nervous. He thinks you are so beautiful he is just speechless, even though you said he can stay, he tries to be respectful and turn his head anyway, (not for long though because he just can’t help himself at all) “You look nice y/n” He’s so respectful and cute about it too. When you’re finished he will have the biggest blush on his face and a slight smile, looking at you like you’re the prettiest person he’s ever seen.
Frank Perconte
Are you trying to give this man a heart attack? Literally because when he sees you just taking off your clothes right in front of him he becomes so shocked and speechless (in the best way ever though) “You want me to go?” “No, just watch” Okay now you’re really trying to give him a heart attack now. He would not leave his eyes from you for not one second. By the time you were done changing he was already kissing on you and hugging on your body, let’s just say that if you guys had any sort of plans or places you guys needed to go to, you guys cancelled that day.
Ronald Speirs
He would stare at you blankly at first, not knowing what you were doing until you took all of your clothes off, he would get the message totally wrong, and start taking his clothes off too LOL, thinking that you were trying to initiate something. Then you would explain to him that you just wanted him to watch instead and he would be so confused. “Why watch you put on clothes if i’m going to be taking them off of you later?” AHHH OMG you would look at him questionably before giving in and taking all of the little clothes that you did have on, off. Lets just say you didn't put any clothes back on until later that day ;)
Make sure to like and reblog if you enjoy! :)
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footprintsinthesxnd · 4 months
Tagged by: Thanks for the tag @sharkboyandlavalieb
Name / Alias: Jess or Jessie
Country: England
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, P, GK, MOTA:
All of them. Very excited for the rest of Masters of the Air
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries:
BoB: ✂️
Pacific: 🐶
GenKill: 🎶
MOTA: ✉️
Ultimate ship (if any): I’ve gotta go for Winnix. They’re my original boys although Buck and Bucky are a close second.
Favourite fic: I can’t pick one so I’m gonna list a few
- ‘Epiphany’ series by @mads-nixon it’s a series between Lewis Nixon x Y/n and please get your tissues ready before reading it because Mads has broken me many times.
- ‘Come Away With Me’ by @malarkgirlypop. Kate knows i have a ridiculous obsession with Gene Roe and she fed that obsession.
- ‘This is for You’ by @malarkgirlypop because there is not enough Webster fics out there and this one absolutely made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
- ‘Change Partners’ by @ronsparky. We get Speirs dancing, what more could a girl want.
- ‘Doing Alright’ by @holdingforgeneralhugs. I love this fic so much and I’ve read it so many times. We love Lew and a cute dog.
- ‘You Matter Too’ by @softguarnere this is very fluffy, lovely Lipton fic. Another one that I’ve read multiple times.
There are so many fics that I love so I could list way more too 😂
What are some ways you interact in the fandom?:
I make fics and moodboards so I mainly interact with people through comments and reblogs through that. I also interact with others in their own comment sections of other users fics and art etc. And also through hbowar discord chats.
Favourite colour: Blue
Current favourite song: Does the Masters of the Air theme song count because that has been on loop 😂 I’m very obsessed with the ‘D-Day Darlings album at the moment and my favourite song is ‘Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer’
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?:
It’s a can of peaches, Sir!
Complete this sentence: "Where the hell is __ company?!"
Other accounts or socials?:
This is my main account which was originally multifandom but let’s be honest it’s HBOwar now 😂
My only other account is my Top Gun account which I’m trying to be more active on @callsignspitfire
List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation:
@major-mads for being the best collab buddy and putting up with my ramblings about Gale Cleven. I can’t tell you home much our collab means to me Mads and I love our OCs so so much. I feel like they are canon at this point 😂 she’s the Bucky to my Buck
Tags: @major-mads @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @liebgottsjumpwings @l13bg0tt @bucky32557038ww2 @hesbuckcompton-baby @iceman-kazansky @coco-bean-1218
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lewis-winters · 6 months
for the touch prompts: no. 3, cold hands in warm hands for winnix?
Lewis comes to just as Dick finishes mopping the sweat off his brow.
"… mmMah?" he asks, more a sound than an actual word. But it's more than he's said for several hours, so Dick will take it.
Pressing a kiss to his feverish forehead, Dick hums in reply. "Feeling better?"
There isn't an answer right away. Lew has to adjust to being awake first, blinking up at Dick and the dim light illuminating their room, before smacking his lips together and frowning at the taste. By the time he's ready to speak, Dick has a cup of water in hand, guiding Lew to sit up some and take a sip.
He does, with some difficulty. "My throat's all achy."
"Your tonsils are swollen."
"I figured," he croaks, lying back down. "Sorry."
"No need to be sorry," Dick says, guiding him back down to the bed and tucking him in. Already, his eyes are drooping, weighed down by an acute exhaustion. But even in the throes of illness, that smart mouth remains, and it quirks a small smile up at Dick.
"I thought you were my mother for a moment there," he says. Dick thinks he was aiming for playful and sardonic with that quip, but with the infection stripping him bare it lands, instead, on the quiet admission of something almost close to grief.
Gently, Dick goes back to wiping sweat off his brow, running fingers through his hair. "Your mother, huh?"
Lew hums, closing his eyes at the sensation. "Dunno why," he mutters. "'S not like she'd ever taken care of me like this."
No. From what Dick knows of Doris Nixon, he doesn't think she did, either. But who knows, really? Dick's own mother had once said that she would always come, were he to call. Yet now, she hands the phone off to Anne on the rare occassions when he does, and barely acknowledges his existence outside of excuses she gives to her neighbours at church, when asked about his whereabouts. A mother's disposition isn't quite as steadfast as even mothers lead you to believe. Who's to say Lew's feverish delirium hadn't been drawn from memory? Who's to say Doris Nixon hadn't been so worried about her sick baby boy, in years past, that she'd deign to take over his immediate care, even just for the night? Dick hopes that she did. Hopes that it's true. It's a nice memory for Lew to have, and Dick always wants Lew to have nice things.
He tells him as much. Lew just laughs, a short burst of sound that's trying very hard to be upbeat.
"I don't think she'd've been as good at it as you," he says, earnestly, snaking one warm, clammy hand out of his blanket cocoon to grasp at Dick's. "C'mere, c'mere. Must be killer on your knees."
"I don't wanna fall asleep on you," Dick says, despite moving already, toeing off his slippers and awkwardly getting a leg up and over Nix's body because the other man refuses to let go of his hand.
"'S alright," Nix murmurs, dreamily, as Dick settles behind him, tucking his knees into the back of Nix's, and shifting closer until Dick's chest is against his back, and his arm is sandwiched between the crook of Nix's head and his pillow. All through this, he holds Dick's hand, going so far as to hold it against his feverish face and sigh. "'S cold."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry," says Nix in the palm of Dick's hand, snuffling closer as if searching for more cool, more relief. "… Thank you."
Dick smiles, helplessly. "Go to sleep, Lewis."
Lew doesn't answer. Just shuffles closer and does as he's told.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 11 months
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Day Two: Favorite CO (don't know if he counts but I can't resist him)
Captain Lewis Nixon "Only the best for Mrs. Nixon's baby boy.' "It's my dog! She is taking my dog!"
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lupoteodoro · 24 hours
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Easy company reactions to you telling them you’re pregnant 🫢
Easy Company Reaction: telling them you're pregnant
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Notes: I suck at writing fluff, but I tried my best, yeah :) I hope you and everyone like it. Oh and I made a really pretty moodboard for this post but tumblr won't show my post on the tags if i use it. Fuck you tumblr!
– Dick Winters - (Please, give this man 5 seconds to process what you just said.) “You’re pregnant.” he repeated your words, “We’re having a baby.” He was saying it slowly without breaking his gaze with yours, as a way to wake up from the shock and to realize what you just told him. He then hugged you and kissed your forehead. It didn't take much for him to immediately start preparing the nursery. 
– Lewis Nixon - (Your luck is that he is rich.) You told him right after you declined a cup of whiskey from him. “What? You are what?” he almost spilled his drink, “Holy shit… I mean, that’s amazing news honey!” He looked a little dizzy and almost tripped when he went to kiss you. After that he literally ran to tell Dick and save him the spot as godfather of the child. 
– Carwood Lipton - (Literal silent panic.) After a few seconds of total silence he walked over to you and hugged you like it was the last time he was going to hug you in his life. He held you close and said: “It’s going to be fine, we got this.” You could tell he was a little worried but he just needed time to process all of it. He was so stressed the next few days, he wanted everything to be prepared and perfect.
– Ronald Speirs - He gave you one of his typical intense gazes. For a moment you thought he was angry but then when he walked across the room to reach you, grab your face and look you deeply in the eyes, you could see he was on the verge of tears. “I’m going to dedicate my life to you and to our baby.” he said, as he landed one of his hands on your belly. The next day you found a little list of names in his office. 
– George Luz - He almost choked on his food. “Cut the crap. What? Are you serious?” After he realized you weren’t kidding he ran to pick you up, spin you around and kiss you. He looked like a kid on Christmas from how happy he was. You had the spend the evening trying to convince him to not name the child some really stupid name. “If It’s a boy can we name him after me? And can we take him or her to play baseball?” he asked at least. 
– Joe Liebgott - “Tell me you’re not joking. Princess, you just made me the happiest man alive.” He quickly ran to hold you by your waist and gave you a breathless kiss, “Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad.” He was so excited but as his last words kept repeating in his head a sudden grip on his chest started to grow. He then told you that he was scared of not being a good father. You guys talked it out and the next day he came home with a baby suit saying “Sorry ladies my daddy is definitely taken.”
– Bill Guarnere - You had to sit him down to tell him. “You’re not kidding, right?” He immediately got up, “Holy fuck, we are going to have a mini Bill or Billie!” (good luck bestie) The shocked expression grew in a second into the biggest smile you have ever seen and he almost trip when he reached you for a kiss. He called everyone to announce it like the proud dad that he is. “Guess the fuck what… I’m going to be a dad!!”
– Joe Toye - “W-what? You’re pregnant?” He had never hugged you so tightly in his life but when you met his eyes you felt his anxiety. Joe was scared that he might not be prepared but he had been waiting for that moment for so long and he was not gonna let his insecurities take over his happiness. He is always so stressed that you and baby may get hurt, so he doesn't let you do anything at home during your pregnancy. 
– Donald Malarkey - “Are you shitting me? Honey, I-... I don't know what to say. I mean, you are pregnant. We are going to have a baby!” he playfully picked you up between exciting giggles. He immediately ran to the store to go buy diapers and baby bottles (don’t worry he came back.) Him and Skip spent the next 9 months singing and telling jokes to your belly.
– Warren “Skip'' Muck - “Oh my god, you’re pregnant?” You showed him the test after he asked, “Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” He started jumping around and then washed you with kisses. He ran to tell Malark and Penkala and immediately asked you if both of them could be godfathers. Every day he talks to your belly: “Hey bud, It’s me, your dad. How is it there? Is mommy’s belly comfortable?” (I’m crying, he’s the cutest.) 
– Darrel “Shifty” Powers - (This gentleman, I-) You sat him by your side when you told him. “Really?... You are?” He instantly held your hands and grew the sweetest smile, “I can’t believe you're carrying our baby right now.” After that he kissed you like you’re made of glass. From there on he tried his best to stop smoking because of you and the baby, and when it's time to go to bed he wishes the baby a goodnight and kisses your belly and then your lips. 
– Eugene Roe - He was speechless for some seconds until you called his name, he then got closer to you. “Honey, I could not be more happy but It’s up to you if…” You made clear you’re ready and that you wanted the baby, you then saw his shy smile bloom and gaze at the floor before meeting your eyes again and kiss you tenderly. He found the best doctor and scheduled every appointment at least once a month to make sure everything was okay. After all he is a medic, you could not be in better hands. 
– Edward “Babe” Heffron - At first impression he did panic a little. “W-what? Are you serious? Oh my… what are we gonna do?” You even saw his sweat rolling down his forehead, so you had to sit him down, relax him and make sure everything was going to be okay. He took a deep breath and then a little childlike smile grew, “I’m going to be a dad.” He spent the whole weekend celebrating. He even started referring to the baby as if he was already there: “What about the three of us going to a nice restaurant?” 
– David Webster - His heart even skipped a beat. “Are you certain?” he asked you a little unassertive, “We are having a baby, I can’t believe it.” You notice the excitement grow by his voice. He then grew a big smile and hugged you, lifting you up. He spent the whole time reading books about babies, baby care and giving birth. He was ready for the child theoretically, but Lieb always made some pretty dark humor jokes to make him scared. But in the end it turned out fine. 
– Frank Perconte - You couldn't tell if he was happy or scared. He was so excited but he was sweating, for a second you even thought he was going to faint. “It’s amazing! A baby!” he told you after kissing you a million times, “It’s like having you and me mixed in a bowl, it's awesome!” He then took a deep breath and said: “Yeah, I think I need to sit down a little.” He was having a mix of emotions, but when things cooled down he started preparing everything. The next day he came home with two packs of diapers and so many clothes for the baby.
– Denver “Bull” Randleman - As the mature man that he is he stayed pretty calm. “There isn't anyone in this world that I wish more to have a family with than you.” He gently brushed your hair before pulling you for a peaceful kiss. Bull never felt more responsible over something in his life. He did everything in his power to make sure you were comfortable and safe, after all he loved you and you were carrying your and his child. 
– John Martin - You had to sit Johnny down before telling him. “A-are you sure?” He tried to act calm but you could see how nervous he was and still trying to keep his serious expression. You asked if he was happy and his eyelids instantly loosed and he got down on his knees to hold your hands, “I am, baby. I’m sorry I was just taken by surprise. I-... I love you, if you’re happy I’m happy.” He gave you a passionate kiss and one of his rare vulnerable smiles. May no one stress you, hurt you or look at you in a wrong way or he will riot. 
– Floyd Talbert - (Oh, this is going to be fun…) Right after you told him he paralyzed for a second. “I-i… hum, well,” He started stuttering but then tried to put himself back together by walking over to you and gazing into your eyes, “Well, that’s great news.” You’re not expecting to take it so well but after all he wasn't that surprised that you were pregnant. He was so excited for the baby, he wanted to teach him how to play guitar and play sports. One night he said: “Hey love, after he or she is born can we go make some more?”
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otherperson12 · 2 years
Random Band of brothers headcanons pt.1
change my mind
George Luz craves for people acceptance so he jokes with everyone to please them
Bull stay hungry after every army meal (big boy needs big meals) but he keeps sharing of his plate with everyone
Eugene Roe smokes a lot (at least five cigarettes at day, one in every meal)
Frank Perconte hates bugs and is the responsible of keeping the barracks clean (he is obsessive).
Carwood Lipton knows how to knit
Skip, Penkala and Malarkey smokes weed with Chuck and then asks Bull for food
Bill makes the best real italian pasta, he cooks and very well
Bill used to box with his brothers and then with Toye and Liebgott in the army
Dick Winters is a religious baby virging boy (is the mockery of the other officers)
Popeye is skinny but likes to fight (he ends at med bay)
christenson, tipper, chuck and shifty are a choral quartet. (Christenson is a musician, plays piano, guitar and banjo) sometimes Toye joins them
Every time Luz makes a funny comment or something stupid, Martin is like: "what am I doing here...".
Donald Hobbles (my sweet baby boy) is ALWAYS hungry and tries steal food (he is very clumsy)
Sisks, at first, was shocked by blood and all of that but then he understood that is part of war
a large part of the company goes to the brothels together and shares the same whores
Malarkey cooks but doesn’t taste too well and anyone has the heart to not eat it because he is standing with big puppy eyes waiting for everyone to eat his food
Skip is a fucking stealer (takes everything from the poor malarkey)
EVERY TIME that the comapany has their passes Floyd is like: “I’m gonna need more condoms”, Roe gives him five and Tab uses them all
Joe Toye is very ashamed of his lack of education and when no one sees him he practices his reading.
Liebgott took Eugene's scissors to cut the boys' hair. (Doc is like: where I put my fucking sizzuhs…)
Roe takes everything (medical stuff, blankets, extra socks for other, etc) from Perconte and Frank always tries to avoid him
George hates showers (me too, George, me too) so Lip (as the responsible mother she is) has to drag him to the showers like a 7 years old kid
Nixon buys everything for Dick (like a sugar daddy)
No one can beat Toye at arm wrestling (maybe Bull)
EUGENE ROE AND LEWIS NIXON EPIC CHESS GAMES (and george luz is the commentator as if ir were a baseball game)
heffron got his first real binge and bar fight thanks to bill guarnere
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Fire On Fire: Chapter 26 Part 1
(Ch. 25) ... (Ch. 1)
II Gallery II Symbol Guide II
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Summary: Just a girl stretching her wings.
WARNINGS: The usual espionage stuff, Lewis Nixon's functional alcoholism lol
A/N: Sorry y'all, Ik it's been a hot minute!! I've been Going Thru It™ again lol, as one does, but I'm back again momentarily! We'll see how long this lasts
Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @mccall-muffin @lieutenant-speirs @emmythespacecowgirl @holdingforgeneralhugs @parajumpboots @hxad-ovxr-hxart @sleepisforcowards @indigo-luvers @ax-elcfucker-blog @chaosklutz @mads-weasley @vibing-away @eightysix-baby @ithinkabouttzu
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Contemporary: December 1st, 1944. Resistance Safehouse, Signy-l’Abbaye, France.
Alix was always uneasy when it stormed but especially at night.
The downpour battering the rooftop overhead, the howling wind and deafening thunder, the pattering droplets pelting the tree leaves outside in the darkness, all of it was to the enemy's advantage. 
It could mask the sound of approaching footsteps, swallow the screams of any victim, even disguise gunshots.
If an attack was coming, it was bound to come during a storm.
So naturally, when she thought she heard a rattling coming from the back door, Alix stopped her pacing and dropped into a crouch, her usual dagger in one hand and a throwing knife in the other as she crept behind a small, sturdy end table and waited.
The moment the door creaked open, the spy sprung from her hiding place as her training kicked in. Forcing the intruder to the nearest wall, a knife pressed against his throat before he could blink, Alix was about to remove his hood with her other hand just as he spoke with a voice still somehow as languid and droll as a Sunday morning:
"Oh good, you're still sharp."
The OSS assassin instantly took a step back and sheathed her knife.
"Goddammit, Nix," she groaned, releasing a breath she hadn't even known she'd been holding.
"You scared me half to death. How’s Joe doing?” 
“Well hello to you too,” her case officer deadpanned as he tossed back his hood and began to unbutton his coat, clearly somewhat miffed.
"Don't worry, I'm fine, you only almost skewered me is all." 
“Yeah, sorry about that," Alix commented over her shoulder as she checked the door lock. "Anyway, how are my boys? How's Joe and Skip and-"
But turning around, she was in an empty room again. With a roll of her eyes, the spy weaved her way back from the hall and into the living room where Captain Nixon was making himself comfortable--albeit dramatically-- in his usual armchair, a thick folder in his hands. 
"So, what's the dope?" Alix piped up brightly and her handler barked out a laugh. 
"Well Liebgott seems to've designated himself protector of the pack, by the look of things. Wherever they go, he goes too. I don’t know if you asked him to do that or…?” 
“I didn’t,” Alix replied as she struggled to wrap her head around why Joe would even bother. 
“Well regardless, I come bearing gifts," he announced, leaning forward to plop the folder onto the coffee table, sending a cloud of dust billowing towards the ceiling. 
“If that's another after-action report, vaffanculo," Alix remarked, taking a seat on the sofa across from him.
"I've already typed up at least ten of them for you today, Nix, and my hands are cramping. You want it done, do it yourself." 
"Oh c’mon, relax," Nixon scoffed, taking a swig from his flask and lowering his voice to an exaggerated stage-whisper dripping with sarcasm. 
“What is it, Runt, ‘that time of the month’ or something?”
“Just finished actually, not that you care,” Alix bit back and her handler visibly recoiled. 
“Didn’t need to know that,” the thirty-something replied, making a face reminiscent of Gio's when the family doctor had given him castor oil for his stomach troubles.
He'd looked about as green in the gills as the Captain did now and Alix rolled her eyes with a snicker.
Men could be so juvenile. 
“Then don’t ask, Nix."
“Well it’s not another AAR, alright,” Nixon said airily with a lazy, one-handed mock-bow.
“So you’re welcome.” 
“I don’t recall ever receiving a Thank-You for typing all your shit in the first place," Alix pointed out, stretching her legs lazily as she lounged on the couch. 
He took another long gulp of his whiskey before continuing,
"You see, Runt, the great thing about being an authority figure is--"
"Yeah, yeah, get your kicks," the spy remarked with a roll of her eyes before cutting straight to the point, leaning forward in her cushioned seat so she could better scrutinize her handler.
"So level with me, Nix: Why're you here? You wouldn't be bringing me a folder that big for no reason and if it's not AAR's...?" 
Alix trailed off, some of her long raven tresses escaping from her ponytail as she shook her head.
Gesturing with his flask and sending small droplets of whiskey sloshing onto the moth-eaten throw rug, Captain Nixon motioned wordlessly for her to open the folder.
Obliging, Alix neatly lifted the folder's cover and was momentarily stunned. 
Inside was a mountain of paperwork, topped by a red passport with Cyrillic lettering embossed on the front of it, a permanent propiska or residency permit from Moscow as well as additional travel papers. 
"So," Nixon asked, barely containing a satisfied chuckle like a proud parent watching their child open Christmas presents.
"How's your Russian sounding, Runt?" 
"Probably better than yours," Alix quipped easily as she lit up a cigarette, still waiting for Nixon to elaborate. 
Her case officer cracked a grin at her joke. 
“Good because you’re going to need it. You've got an assignment."
"In Russia?" Alix was aghast and instantly dropped the folder back onto the coffee table as though it was a hot coal but Nixon barked out another laugh. 
"Not unless you have a death wish."
With that, he took another swig of his whiskey before continuing amiably, 
"No, your newest assignment is going to be much closer to home. How does Paris sound?" 
"Paris?! That's swell!" Alix whooped, swinging her legs off the shoddy sofa and sending her book clattering to the floor in her elation.
"Thought you might like that," Nixon chuckled. "You've read up on Major Kieffer, right?" 
Alix cocked an eyebrow. 
"You mean Hans Josef Kieffer? The head of the Parisian Sicher…Sicher…"
"Sicherheitsdienst," Nixon added helpfully. 
Alix took a grateful stab in the air with her cigarette and replied, "Yeah exactly, that.”
"Looks like somebody read the notes after all," her case officer snarked and the spy rolled her eyes bemusedly. 
"Oh don't act so shocked," she scolded with an expression of mock-reproach. 
"I do pay attention when I type, you know." 
"Could've fooled me" was the sardonic reply and Alix hurled one of the deflated-looking throw pillows at his head, which the older intelligence officer batted away with his free hand. 
Alix took a drag of her cigarette, speaking on the exhale and letting the smoke dissipate with her words. 
"So you going to fill me in on the op, Nix, or do I have to do everything myself?" 
Now it was Nixon's turn to roll his eyes. 
"You can read, can't you?" he remarked dryly but Alix crossed her arms doggedly. 
"You know as well as I do that nothing important goes on paper, Nix." 
"You got that from me, you little shit," he grumbled, taking a final drink before screwing the cap of his flask shut with a slight rattle, muttering something about using his own words against him.
Once the dark-haired man had retrieved a handful of caramels from his rations to snack on, the time had finally come to divulge much-needed information.
"Alright, so here’s the dope," he began, popping a candy in his mouth before steepling his fingers like one of her mother’s gossipy friends at tea.
"Kieffer's birthday is in 3 days and being a public official, it's kind of a big deal so his cronies are throwing him some glitzy gala or whatever to celebrate, some sort of masquerade shindig, you know the type."
The captain took a brief pause to gnaw through his second caramel before continuing,
"By the sound of it, it’s going to be a real Who’s Who of upper-crust Krauts so of course Donovan being Donovan, he got you– Well, ‘Tanya’– an invitation.” 
Crumpling up the wrappers in his fist, Nixon gestured vaguely, 
"You put on a mask, you dance, you take out some Krauts on the fringes while no one's looking, conduct an interrogation or two...Piece of cake, really."
Alix narrowed her eyes, her mind racing with suspicion. This sounded too easy. 
“So what’s the catch?" she burst out. There's always a catch." 
"See, this is why I wanted you to just read through the folder," Nixon remarked through a mouthful of his third caramel block.
"If I wanted the third degree, I'd go back to HQ."
"Stop stalling," Alix pressed, beginning to bounce her knee with such anxious vigor that she could hear the floorboards creaking their complaints. "What's the bad news?" 
"You can read about it later," her case officer replied cryptically as he finished chewing.
"The Gestapo have an APB out for you so the first order of business is disguise. Everybody-- and I mean Everybody from the SD to the Milice-- is looking for you. Krauts are sick of you flitting away."
He lit up a cigarette, the worry lines creasing his forehead making him appear almost twice his actual age.
"One million Francs to the man, woman, or child apparently, who brings in Der Schwarze Schmetterling– The Black Butterfly." 
The Gestapo wanted her badly enough to give her a nickname? 
Alix wasn't sure whether to be flattered or horrified. 
“And with Le Fantôme making it his personal mission to hunt you down, your cover needs to be rock-solid. No one’s ever seen him face-to-face but he's still somehow gotten hundreds of Allied agents arrested!"
“Then how do we even know he exists?” the spy retorted skeptically. “Sounds like agitprop to me.” 
“Guy's all over Kraut radio. Unfortunately, he’s very real–" 
Her case officer took a strong puff of his cigarette as though attempting to summon some strength from the smoke. 
“And he’ll be at Kieffer’s birthday shindig somewhere, you can bet on it."
"Well, that's just great." Alix remarked facetiously. "Eight different agents in the program and they chose the one with the bounty on her head to go in solo. This oughta be a real cakewalk." 
"Hey!” Her case officer's voice rose with indignation and he sat forward immediately, brotherly concern written all over his face. 
“Who said anything about you going in alone? You really think I'd abandon you in a goddamn pit of vipers?"  
"Maybe I'm a discard" was Alix's automatic reply but the unexpected scrunching of his brows instantly made her regret it. 
“Well you’re not," her case officer snapped, hands gripping the chair’s arms, but Alix could still detect the faint pang of hurt in his tone at her mistrust. 
After all, Captain Nixon had visited her weekly. 
He had kept her updated on the outside world, brought her playing cards from Don so they could play Go Fish and even broke up the monotony by bringing her newspapers when he could grab one.
Even typing his AAR's, she realized, had its purpose: to keep her busy and in the know.
Yes, he'd made a joke out of the task, his perpetual smugness never wavering, but it had a purpose after all.
He had been playing a role, helping her to stay informed without even realizing it, through the guise of simply being too lazy to do it himself.
She must have grown on him some after all.
Alix knew she should probably apologize for doubting him but the memory of him scaring her half to death earlier quickly changed her mind.
No, fuck that, she thought wryly. It'd be a cold day in Hell before she'd apologize to Lewis Nixon.
"So who's my partner?" she asked instead.
"Fresh meat," was the dismissive reply as he reached for the folder. "Now--"
He began rifling through its contents, the rumbling undercurrent of laughter in his voice telling her that her doubts were water under the bridge.
"--if you're done being a pain in my ass--"
Without even a second's hesitation, he plucked a packet from near the bottom of the stack and tossed it over for her to catch before sitting back in his chair with his usual cryptic smirk.
"-- We can get down to business.” 
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suugrbunz · 1 year
𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 31 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 !!
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Richard Winters— good old-fashioned lover boy by queen
Lewis Nixon— linger by the cranberries
Ronald Speirs— gimme shelter by the rolling stones
Harry Welsh— can't take my eyes off you by frankie valli
Carwood Lipton— once in a lifetime by the talking heads
John Martin— vicious by lou reed
Edward Shames— lua by bright eyes
Floyd Talbert— small talk by call security
Bill Guarnere— electioneering by radiohead
Joe Toye— kiss me more by doja cat
Don Malarkey— pushing up daisies by the academics
Lynn Compton— crazy little thing called love by queen
Eugene Roe— needle in the hay by elliot smith
Babe Heffron— it's all too much by the beatles
Shifty Powers— subterranean homesick blues by bob dylan
Joseph Liebgott— cry baby by cage the elephant
George Luz— stay with me by miki matsubara
Bull Randleman— how far we've come by matchbox twenty
Skinny Sisk— our house by madness
Frank Perconte— toothpaste kisses by the maccabees
Skip Muck— born in the usa by bruce springsteen
Alex Penkala— don't go breaking my heart by elton john
David Webster— cemetery gates by the smiths
Edward Tipper— st elmo's fire (man in motion) by john parr
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