#light saber pp
maskleo · 19 days
Your honor, he's glowing. (fallout oc)
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Close up:
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Wip of his full outfit (he's a welder btw)
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northernmariette · 2 years
The Light Cavalry in the Napoleonic Era
This is the rest of what David G. Chandler has to say about Napoleon’s cavalry in his The illustrated Napoleon:
Third, there was the light cavalry. These adventurous troopers wore the most extravagant uniforms, regarded themselves as “the darlings of the ladies”, and developed their own mystique. There were several types. By 1811 there were thirty-one regiments of chasseurs a cheval, between ten and fifteen regiments of hussars (the most sumptuously dressed of all) and eventually nine regiments of lancers (or chevau-legers lanciers), which were raised from a number of sources, including transferred squadrons (and some whole regiments) of chasseurs and dragoons. The light cavalry expanded when the French were called upon to fight Russian armies, which were strong in light horses and Cossacks. Hussars and chasseurs carried similar weaponry - sabers, carbines and pistols - and were often brigaded together to form regiments of between twelve hundred and eighteen hundred men serving in between four and eight squadrons. Light horsemen also (from 1809) carried the eight-foot lance. As might be expected, the light horsemen were strongly represented in the cavalry of the Imperial Guard. There was an Old Guard Regiment de Chasseurs a Cheval from 1804, the Company (later Squadron) of Mamelukes first raised in Egypt in 1799, also attached to the Old Guard, like the First (1807) and the Second (1810) Regiments de Chevaux-lanciers, known respectively as the Polish Blue and the Dutch Red Lancers of the Guard, and three regiments of Eclaireurs raised in 1814, four more of Gardes d’Honneur (from 1813), and the Legion de Gendarmerie d’Elite, going back to 1804.  
Light cavalry duties were particularly arduous and included playing many roles in reconnaissance and pursuit. The Imperial Guard imperial cavalry usually provided the emperor’s personal escort on campaign; Napoleon’s favourite garb was the green undress uniform of a colonel of chasseurs a cheval. The most celebrated commanders of light cavalry included Colbert, Lasalle, and Lefebvre-Desnouettes. 
Such, in barest outline, was l’arme blanche of la Grande Armee. There were also numerous provisional and allied regiments of all types raised for short periods of time. The mounted arm was transformed from a near-laughingstock in the Armies of the Revolution into a most formidable weapon, which perhaps saw its greatest days from late 1806 to 1812, when the horse studs from Prussia were available to supply the deficiencies in French horseflesh (1).The pursuit after Jena-Auerstadt was a masterpiece of light cavalry operation, and the heavy cavalry arguably saw its finest day at the battle of Eylau in 1807.
(1) I swear to the gods that I initially read “horseflesh” as “horseradish”. I can imagine Daru rushing into Napoleon’s cabinet in complete panic: “Sire, the troops are about to run out of horseradish!”  Napoleon, choking on his Chicken Marengo: “Running out of horseradish?!? We must invade Prussia most urgently! It has abundant supplies of horseradish!”
On another topic, I wonder if names such as Eclaireurs, Gardes d’Honneur, and  Gendarmerie d’Elite, were created to make its members feel distinctive and increase cohesion among them, or if these units actually had particular functions. And isn’t the Gendarmerie associated with maintaining civil order more than with combat roles?
David G. Chandler, The Illustrated Napoleon. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1973, 1990. Pp. 95-97
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jesuscristodeus · 1 day
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Gostávamos de Saber a Razão da Tua Fidelidade ao El Corte Inglés Despós de tu Salida em 2007.
Teneis Hoy 25 de Maio de 2024 de Nos Fullfilar o Filme de Nuestras Vittas Vs. Polícia de Segurança Pública [PSP] JEO . VÁS - ECI
Gostávamos de te Conhecer un Pouco Más, Como É Ser Evangélico e Teólogo Evangélico en tu Perímetro de Movimentación. Te Damos Dezasseis (16) Ans Para Completares o teu Primero Pensamiento Teólogo.
Gostávamos de desejar-te as Maiores Felicidades a ti o Papa Cícero PP XV 267.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Acólito Jesus | Cristo) o Papa João Paulo PP II 264.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Papa Karol | Wojtyla) e o Papa Bento PP XVI 265.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Papa Joseph | Ratzinger) - Trono de Cristo na Terra.
Hay Sombreados. Queremos Limpeza Étnica.
Tenemos de Hacer un Grán Pacto com 10 Condiciones:
⇨ Temos de Respeitar a Autoridade das Nações Unidas sob o Eng.º António Guterres
⇨ Temos Liberdad de Movimentos no Mundo Com Respecho às Nossas Famílias (Mujeres y Hijos)
⇨ Temos de "Sanquiar" Tudo y Todos no Mundo
⇨ Temos de Regalar Clientes Ricos
⇨ Temos de Aumentar La Fasquia del Exercício do Ano
⇨ Temos de Hacer Manutención a Delinquentes Dentro de Nuestra Emplesa
⇨ Temos de Verificar Se Las Tiendas Estão Seguras Noche Dentro
⇨ Temos de Passar La Palabra de Malas Intenciones - Louis Vuitton Temos de ter Cuidado com os Óculos Vidalos
⇨ Nunca Haverá Pobreza na Europa enquanto o El Corte Inglés existir
⇨ Todos os Funcionários São Especiais, mas vindos da Luz da Ribalta tenemos de Enaltece-los Todos os Dias (Neuer y Claúdia)
Política y Trabajar [É] [S]ó Rir.
10 Mandamentos de Ramón Areces.pdf
1.º Mandamento Es así Miesmo - Encontro de Cuentas.
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7 Ballón's D'or Es una Amostra Muy Pequeña. Agora Sí Soy Hombre.
Corte Argentino - Vos Fullfila Miesmo.
Teneis de Desmistificar Messi. Quantos Bodios e Sangres Hay no Mundo: [email protected]
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Gostávamos de te oferecer o Boi Bastinhas sem Honor Español. Está Buena La Espetada Hijos de Puta??? - Papa Cícero PP XV 267.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Jesus | Cristo)
No Podeis Bastinhas Entrar en El Corte Inglés. Tu ID Não Passa de la Puerta (del Sol).
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Tu Pensamiento Está Correto - El Señor Es Um Ser Humilde, Só Peca pela Sua Conduta de Causar o Caos do Universo. O Que é o Caos do Universo? É Intocável e Precioso Como A Terra o Palco Final. A Vida da Terra Começou em Deus e Deus Começou em Cristo. Um Homem Vitrúvio Não É Deus, mas tem de descobrir Deus sem Si mesmo. A Religião começa na Literatura Mental. (...)
(Na foto: Don Isidoro Álvarez DIOS)
Atitude, Diagnóstico e Deus. — Pensamento do Papa Cícero PP XV 267.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Jesus | Cristo) | by Satanás Deus | May, 2024 | Medium
R: Ramón Areces. - Jesus | Cristo
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Papa Cícero PP XV 267.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Jesus | Cristo)
O Último Evangelho de Cristo Papa Cícero PP XV 267.º Igreja Ciência Cristã Evangélica (Jesus | Cristo) — Trono de Cristo na Terra - Satanás Deus - Medium
No Posso. Es El Democracia Chinesa. Sr.º Xi Jinping y los Comunistas: Not in this Lifetime!!
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"...And Justice For All"
Halls of justice painted green Money talking Power wolves beset your door Hear them stalking Soon you’ll please their appetite They devour Hammer of justice crushes you Overpower
The ultimate in vanity Exploiting their supremacy I can’t believe the things you say I can’t believe I can’t believe the price you pay Nothing can save you
Justice is lost Justice is raped Justice is gone Pulling your strings Justice is done Seeking no truth Winning is all Find it so grim So true So real
Apathy their stepping stone So unfeeling Hidden deep animosity So deceiving Through your eyes their light burns Hoping to find Inquisition sinking you With prying minds
The ultimate in vanity Exploiting their supremacy I can’t believe the things you say I can’t believe I can’t believe the price you pay Nothing can save you
Justice is lost Justice is raped Justice is gone Pulling your strings Justice is done Seeking no truth Winning is all Find it so grim So true So real
Lady Justice has been raped Truth assassin Rolls of red tape seal your lips Now you’re done in Their money tips her scales again Make your deal Just what is truth? I cannot tell Cannot feel
The ultimate in vanity Exploiting their supremacy I can’t believe the things you say I can’t believe I can’t believe the price we pay Nothing can save us
Justice is lost Justice is raped Justice is gone Pulling your strings Justice is done Seeking no truth Winning is all Find it so grim So true So real
Seeking no truth Winning is all Find it so grim So true So real
Que Cheiro [F]oi Esse Vítor Corta Vento Acusados Prates?!!
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Sound Design - Initial research into its importance
As my boyfriend is an avid Star Wars fan, it's been a few times I've heard George Lucas quotes on the production. One that stuck out in the light of the new module is that sound design is 50% of the movie experience.
I researched this further:
George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars franchise, is known for his innovative use of sound in his films. We all know what a light saber sounds like without even seeing one. The sound alone is iconic. He has emphasized the importance of sound design in filmmaking, and has been quoted as saying:
"Sound is 50% of the moviegoing experience, and I've always believed audiences are moved and excited by what they hear in my movies at least as much as by what they see."
Lucas recognized that sound can greatly enhance the emotional impact of a film, and that it can be used to create a sense of immersion for the audience. He worked closely with sound designers and engineers to create unique and memorable soundscapes for his films, and his approach to sound design has had a lasting impact on the film industry.
Sound design in movies is a crucial aspect that should never be overlooked. A well-sounded movie can elevate the audience's viewing experience and add another dimension to the storytelling. Sound design is a fundamental part of the film-making process that can impact the emotional response of the audience, and that is why it is imperative to give it the attention it deserves. In this essay, we will explore the importance of sound in movies and its impact on the audience's experience.
One of the significant reasons why sound design is essential is that it creates an immersive experience for the audience. The sound can transport the audience to a different time and place, whether it's the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the hustle and bustle of a city, or a beautiful symphony. Sound can evoke emotions, create tension, and generate excitement, and when used correctly, it can enhance the visual elements of a movie.
Moreover, sound design can be used as a storytelling tool. Sound can help establish the tone and mood of a scene and provide clues about the story's direction. For instance, in the movie "Jaws," the iconic theme music by John Williams created a sense of dread and signaled to the audience that something ominous was about to happen. Similarly, in "Psycho," Bernard Herrmann's screeching violins during the shower scene created a sense of fear and panic. Both these examples demonstrate how sound can be used to set the tone and create a visceral reaction in the audience.
Furthermore, sound design can be used to provide depth and context to the scene. For example, in the movie "The Social Network," the sound of a ticking clock during the opening scene was used to create a sense of urgency and set the pace for the movie's fast-paced storyline. The sound of the clock, combined with the quick editing and dialogue, created a sense of tension and excitement that carried throughout the movie. This example illustrates how sound design can be used to add layers to the scene and provide more depth to the story.
Thus through my research I concluded that sound design is a vital part of the film-making process that should never be overlooked. Sound can create an immersive experience, be used as a storytelling tool, and provide context and depth to the scene. A well-sounded movie can enhance the audience's viewing experience and add another dimension to the storytelling. Therefore, it is imperative that filmmakers pay close attention to sound design and work closely with sound designers to create a cohesive and compelling audio experience for the audience.
- Gromotka, J. (2017). The Importance of Sound in Film. In Motion Picture Sound Engineering (pp. 1-17). Springer International Publishing.
- Alten, S. R. (2012). Audio in media. Cengage Learning.
‼️ In the book "Audio in Media" by Stanley R. Alten, the author discusses the different aspects of sound in movies and how they impact the audience's experience. The book provides an in-depth analysis of sound design and how it can be used to enhance the visual elements of a movie.
‼️ In the article "The Importance of Sound in Film" by Jana Gromotka, the author discusses the various ways sound can be used in movies to create an immersive experience for the audience. The article also explores how sound design can be used as a storytelling tool and provide context and depth to the scene.
Today, we've done a listening exercise where Chloe played sounds and we tried to draw them down and transcribe them on paper. I found this easy at first, until she played sounds with multiple channels/frequencies that a single line could not translate well. It was an interesting way to think about how multiple noises can make up a single audio track.
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azzther · 3 years
Wait what do you mean by pp..??
Something some ppl have between their legs, in the manhwa world it looks like a light saber
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callioope · 4 years
Okay, here were my thoughts, just, very disorganized and a bit emotional, but immediate thoughts
I think it’s really apparent that the sequel trilogy had very little coherent upper management direction. The problem comes from the top. They weren’t focused so much on story or character as they were fan service, and that strings through all 3 movies. We know from the beginning that JJ talked about how they wanted to use Luke in TFA, but he was too powerful and kept overshadowing everything. So they wrote his scenes as they did for this external reason, and wrapped the story around that. And that’s a mistake. It doesn’t grow organically from “okay what did these characters actually do next?”
How does Luke process his father’s redemption and death? And what is his purpose now?
How does Leia process this news that Luke is her brother and Vader was her father? 
How do they both process their mother’s legacy?
I will not stand for this Padme erasure like she means nothing in this bloodline
Like Shmi means nothing
Mothers, apparently, mean nothing in this series! 
And the idea that Palpatine and Snoke were able to exert their will on a person in another part of the galaxy through the Force, and that the Force essence of Anakin Skywalker was just let that happen?
That Luke and Leia wouldn’t figure out a way to address this before it got to the moment that canon claims it did?
For Force sake people, someone please acknowledge the existence of t h e r a p y
I mean, Mothma did
Sorry, I’ve derailed and I’m not really talking about The Rise of Skywalker. 
At any rate. Lando is cool. Threepio, the galaxy does not deserve you and I’m sorry you always have to be the butt of everyone’s jokes. I will headcanon that the tension between Poe and Rey is because they both love Finn, but by the end of the movie the trio is All Good.
I liked the scene with the serpent, it was reminiscent of Ezra, so that was cool.
Where is Ezra?
I don’t understand how the Death Star stayed so well intact after that explosion. Like, that’s something that troubled me about the trailers, and still bothers me.
Jannah was cool but per usual we didn’t really get much of her.
I thought it was a shame that Rose’s part was diminished. Look, I didn’t like what they gave her in TLJ, but they could have remedied that by giving her a cool part. Why couldn’t she have gone with them? IDK.
Chewie collapsing when Leia passed GUTTED ME
But not as much as Rey burying Luke & Leia’s sabers at the Lars homestead and their Force Ghosts showing up and REY SKYWALKER 
I did love the flashback of Luke training Leia
And I love that Leia trained Rey! i loved that! 
Rey, Finn, Poe, they all continue to be compelling characters, even if we don’t know that much about them, the actors have great chemistry and I think that gets a little under utilized, but the actors make the most of their scenes together. 
I didn’t see the ghost and that made me sad
OKAY finally. so. I did appreciate that all the Jedi kind of lived through Rey and I loved hearing all their voices -- namely I heard Kanan and Anakin and it was GREAT -- but I’m also like... so wait are they really all... gone? 
I refused to believe that Ahsoka is gone
And Ezra
It’s just. It’s really reductive that they just seemed to have killed everyone. Again, I think it’s apparent that they really just wanted to write an OT era film, but they wanted to cast Mark Hamill, Carrie Fischer, and Harrison Ford, and so.... they just hit the reset button on the galaxy and I think that’s too much. They didn’t think deeply enough about the actual state of the galaxy before they pushed out TFA, and it really shows. I think too many big decisions were left up to the directors when Lucasfilm really needed to take responsibility and accountability for that.
I’ll say this. I do buy the Palpatine stuff. That dude is evil and powerful enough, I believe it. Oh, and they did a great job on lighting him. And his face. It reminded me of how they animated him in Rebels, and I dug it. EDITED: okay let me make clear. I don’t buy the REY Palpatine stuff. (Guys, we SAW how fandom reacted to the whole Voldemort had a daughter thing. Why did you think this was a good idea?) I’m saying, I could believe he clung to life somehow.
Oh, yes. and most importantly. FOREVER MIFFED that we never got Mara Jade. That’s a huge, huge whiff on Lucasfilm’s part. I can’t even.
PS one more things. R2 and 3PO are not best friends they are married get it right
Oh and PPS I never ever ever will care about Kylo Ren. Like. As Kylo he just creeps me out a lot. The way he talks to Rey is so incredibly cringy, it’s very squick for me. Han and Leia deserved better. Would have raised better. By that I mean if he really struggled with the Dark Side they would have handled it better. and helped him better. it’s just. it’s like how people say. If your conflict is because people just aren’t talking .... it’s a bit contrived, isn’t it?
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💕Hi everyone and skincare lovers! I hope everybody is having a fabulous Pre-Christmas day or Holidays! I am trying the Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream in a 1.01oz or 30 ml squeezable tube for Soothing Skin Treatment! Check it-> https://fave.co/2PNc1tZ It is made for soothing irritated skin or after aesthetic treatments. It helps to have fabulous results of treatments by minimizing side effects. I did have a burn earlier from cooking and have used Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream and it did help with my skin, but not instant but it did help heal it and look more light pink after. This after aesthetic treatment helps with the skin regeneration and it is a skin barrier. I was happy to learn my skin could heal better with this cream. What do you think of this Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream in a 1.01oz or 30 ml squeezable tube for Soothing Skin Treatment? Let me know in the comments section below! In Spanish: ¡Hola a todos y amantes del cuidado de la piel! ¡Espero que todos tengan un fabuloso día de Navidad o días festivos! ¡Estoy probando la crema de reparación intensiva Celldraw PP en un tubo exprimible de 1,01 oz o 30 ml para un tratamiento calmante de la piel! Compruébelo-> https://fave.co/2PNc1tZ Está hecho para calmar la piel irritada o después de tratamientos estéticos. Ayuda a obtener resultados fabulosos de los tratamientos al minimizar los efectos secundarios. Tuve una quemadura antes de cocinar y he usado Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream y ayudó con mi piel, pero no instantáneamente, pero sí ayudó a curarla y lucir más rosa claro después. Esto después del tratamiento estético ayuda con la regeneración de la piel y es una barrera cutánea. Me alegró saber que mi piel podría sanar mejor con esta crema. ¿Qué opinas de esta crema PP reparadora intensiva Celldraw en un tubo exprimible de 1,01 oz o 30 ml para un tratamiento calmante de la piel? ¡Déjame saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación! ##Celldraw #Skincare #RepairCream #SensitiveSkin #KBeauty #ppcream #beautyproduct #koreanbeauty #skinrepair #skintreatment #08liter #08L #uo #uoonyou #dominicanbloggers #chicagoblogger #Amazoninfluencer
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shirtysleeves · 6 years
Constellation No. 30
'With a deep sigh, Ludwig pressed his friend’s hand to his breast. “Ah, Ferdinand, my dear, bosom friend!  What is to become of art in this harsh, tumultuous age?  Will it not perish like a tender plant vainly stretching its withered crown towards the dark pall of clouds behind which the sun has long since vanished?  Ah, Ferdinand, whither has the golden age of our youth fled?  Everything of superior merit is being drowned in the sudden, cataclysmic, torrential inundation of every field and meadow in the world; from out of this flood’s black billows blood-oozing corpses peep forth as we slide helplessly ever deeper into the maw of the horror that has taken hold of us; we have no prop, no stay, to cling to; our cries of terror expire unheeded in the cold, sterile air; as sacrificial victims of implacably indomitable rage we sink irredeemably into oblivion!” Ludwig fell silent, for by now he was entirely immersed in his own thoughts. Ferdinand rose; he slung on his saber and donned his helmet; armed cap-a-pie for battle like the god of war, he stood facing Ludwig, who gazed at him in astonishment.  Then a sudden blaze of anger spread over Ferdinand’s face; his eyes shone with incinerating fire, as in a voice made loud and sonorous by passion, he said: “Ludwig what has become of you? Has the stifling, prison-like air that you seem to have to been inhaling here for so long really debilitated you so severely that in your hebetude and sickliness you can no longer feel the touch of the vernal breezes sweeping through the dazzlingly dawn-gilded clouds outside?  The children of nature used to wallow in slothful inactivity, and rather than accepting with reverent filial piety the superlatively fair gifts offered to them by their mother, they trampled them underfoot with wanton ingratitude. Now enraged by her offspring’s brattish behavior, nature awoke the spirit of war, who had long lain slumbering in her fragrant flower garden.  Like a bronze colossus the spirit strode into the midst of the crowd of puny degenerates, and at the sound of his dreadful voice, which echoed from the very mountaintops, they fled in search of the protective bosom of the mother they had long since ceased to believe in. But with the return of belief came knowledge—the revelation that strength alone begets vitality, that the divine flows from conflict, just as life flows from death.  Yes, Ludwig, we have witnessed the dawning of a portentous age, and from the gruesome profundities of the old myths, which reverberate across the ages to us like miraculous rumblings of thunder in the distant twilight, we are once again learning to listen clearly and attentively to the voice of our eternal sovereign, Power—indeed, by striding into our lives in visible, corporeal form, Power is awakening in us the belief under whose auspices the mystery of our existence will be disclosed.  Crimson dawn is breaking and bliss-enraptured singers are already vaulting into the aromatic skies; they proclaim the advent of the divinity and sing its praises in their ascent.  The golden gates have swung asunder, and in a single jet of flame science and art are igniting the sacred impetus of ambition, which will bring all of mankind together under the roof of a single church.  Therefore direct thy gaze heavenward, my friend.  Courage, faith, belief!” Ferdinand pressed his friend to his bosom.  Ludwig raised his undrained glass in a toast: “To our eternal bondage to a higher existence in life and death!”  “To our eternal bondage to a higher existence in life and death!” replied Ferdinand, and within minutes his fleet-hoofed steed had borne him to the troops, who were whooping with savagely jubilant battle-lust as they rushed to meet the foe.’
The friends were all deeply moved.  Each of them was recalling that period in his life when a crushing sense of impending disaster perpetually weighed upon him and seemed to be irretrievably robbing him of his very will to live.  Then he recalled the moment when the gloomy pall of clouds was pierced by the first beams of light from the fair star of hope, which with ever-increasing brightness and splendor began to revive his spirits and revivify his strength; the moment when everything and everyone was jubilantly astir and afoot in the joyous riot of military conflict; the moment when courage and faith alike were crowned with the supremely noble wreath of victory!    
E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der Dichter und der Komponist [The Poet and the Composer], ca. 1819, translated by shirtysleeves.
The rejection of the SS logic, the revolt that turned inward, the muted murmuring of such incantations as: "But that is not possible," did not last long. After a certain time there inevitably appeared something that was more than mere resignation and that we may designate as an acceptance not only of the SS logic but also of the SS system of values. And once again the intellectual prisoner had it harder than the unintellectual. For the latter there had never been a universal humane logic, rather only a consistent system of self-preservation. Yes, he had said on the outside: "There must be poor people and rich people," but in the context of this recognition he had fought the battle of the poor against the rich and had not at all perceived it to be a contradiction. For him the camp logic was merely the step-by-step intensification of economic logic, and one opposed this intensification with a useful mixture of resignation and the readiness to defend oneself. The intellectual, however, who after the collapse of his initial inner resistance had recognized that what may not be, very well could be, who experienced the logic of the SS as a reality that proved itself by the hour, now took a few fateful steps further in his thinking. Were not those who were preparing to destroy him in the right, owing to the undeniable fact that they were the stronger ones? Thus, absolute intellectual tolerance and the methodical doubting of the intellectual became factors in his autodestruction. Yes, the SS could carry on just as it did: there are no natural rights, and moral categories come and go like the fashions. A Germany existed that drove Jews and political opponents to their death, since it believed that only in this way could it become a full reality. And what of it? Greek civilization was built on slavery and an Athenian army had run wild on the Island of Melos as had the SS in Ukraine. Countless people had been sacrificed as far back as the light of history reaches, and mankind's eternal progress was only a naive belief of the nineteenth century anyhow. "Left, two, three, four" was a ritual just like any other. Against the horrors there wasn't much to say. The Via Appia had been lined with crucified slaves and over in Birkenau the stench of cremated human bodies was spreading. One was not Crassus here, but Spartacus, that was all. "Dam up the Rhine with their corpses; piled high with their bones, flow [t]he foaming about the Pfalz"; with these words Kleist poetically addressed the Rhine and, who knows, had he been given the power, he might have translated his cadaver phantasies into reality. A General von Kleist was in command somewhere on the Russian front and perhaps was piling up the corpses of Jews and political commissars. That is the way history was and that is the way it is. One had fallen under its wheel and doffed one's cap when a murderer came along. Once the intellectual's first resistance had flagged, with all his knowledge and analyses he had less with which to oppose his destroyers than the unintellectual. Certainly, the latter stood more stiffly at attention before them and for that reason also pleased them more; for the rest, however, he fought them more spontaneously and effectively through systematic skulking and cleverly executed thefts than did his contemplative comrade.
Jean Améry, At the Mind’s Limits, translated by Sidney Rosenfeld and Stella P. Rosenfeld (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980), pp. 11-12.
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paradoxicalca · 5 years
/r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 24 Falling Leafs Edition
/r/Hockey NHL Power Rankings Week Mar 11, 2019 - Mar 17, 2019Thank YouThank you to all of the volunteers doing the power rankings. Each ranker has their own system and have their own reasonings and analyis. It truly is a lot of work.RankersSpoilerOrganizersSpoilerVisualizationThe visualization contains historical data, so you can see how your team has done over time. Hopefully, we can run this for many years in hopes that we can see the rise and fall of teams by /r/hockey opinion.It automatically updates so feel free to bookmark. You can find it hereProcessHow does this work? Throughout the course of the week rankers are able to access an app that will allow them to rank teams. At the end of the period we calculate the average ranking for every team and collate all of the analysis provided by rankers.The app then generates a post that is first proofread and then posted to /r/hockey!Rankings (26/31 Rankers Reporting)Ranking (avg)TeamDeltaOverall RecordRecord This WeekComments1 (1.03)Tampa Bay Lightning-55-13-43-0-0I’m not really sure what to talk about this week. We beat Washington in a close game. We smoked Toronto. Jon Cooper probably deserves more credit than he will probably get in voting for the Jack Adams. Actually rewind to those games against Toronto and Washington. Those games probably demonstrate the difference between Tampa Bay this versus last year. Of the twelve goals scored in those games seven on them came from the third and fourth line. The emergence of Anthony Cirelli as dominate third line center has changed everything. And for all the crap the fanbase can sometimes give Killorn in the offensive zone there is no denying that he too has been a force defensively. When you are able to depend on those lines, it keeps the top lines fesh. Kucherov plays a full 3:20 less than McDavid per game and 2:40 less than Kane. You can only imagine how many points he could have put with that extra time.2 (3.59)Boston Bruins-43-20-91-2-0Not a great week for the Bs: with Zero points on the recent road trip against the Penguins, the Blue Jackets, and the Jets. The game at home against Columbus was a solid effort; even though it went to OT: 37+63=💯❤️️! A shame McAvoy and Panarin didn't drop the gloves again for Conor McGregor. Thanks for the free Proper Twelve whiskey on St. Paddy's Day Conor but remember Bs: have fun but not too much fun on St. Paddy's Day! The team is starting to get healthy with DeBrusk playing again and Johansson and Pastrnak expected back in the lineup this coming week. Of interesting note is that is in the Columbus game at home, Butch shortened the bench as the game went on, including OT; McAvoy clocked 26:34 TOI, Marchand [21:44] and Krejci [21:07] had +21m, and Backes had only 7:55 TOI. The Bruins were fortunate that the Leafs also slumped this week to maintain home ice over them as the inevitable rematch between the two teams looms next month.3 (4.41)San Jose Sharks-43-21-82-2-0With 3 of the only remaining 10 games against teams currently in the playoffs there is a lot of chances to gain points in the standings. Unfortunately those 3 games could decide Pacific Division dominance.4 (4.76)Calgary Flames244-21-72-1-0In our four game losing streak we had a grand total of 5 goals. With our 3 game winning streak we had 20 goals. And yet again we lost another matchup with a 2-1 score. Its not the level of goalie play that concerns me right now but the fact the offense seems all or nothing.5 (6.79)Washington Capitals-42-23-71-2-06 (7.9)Winnipeg Jets142-25-42-1-0Post-deadline Jets are a team with a fun forecheck. Watching Jets hockey is fun again, and less confusing. Please, injured reserve, return us our top 2 defenseman for the playoffs!7 (8.07)Toronto Maple Leafs-343-24-51-3-0Bruins in 5.8 (8.38)New York Islanders-42-23-73-1-0The Isles had huge wins vs CBJ and MON and got a ROW @MIN to get 6/8 points for the week. They are playing better now than they have been as of late but the offense still has not been great. They broke an 0/25 PP streak and are hitting lots of posts and getting unlucky, but if they positively regress at the right time things could go their way.9 (9.41)Nashville Predators241-27-52-1-0There has been a vocal minori- okay, probably majority of the Preds fanbase that has been critical of Turris' play for the greater part of the season now. It seems the coaching staff may now have similar sentiments, as what started as a demotion to the 4th line turned into 2 straight healthy scratches this week. That same vocal majority of the fanbase would also be very quick to point to the results of those games as vindication for their feelings. While pinning the success of a team to the absence of one player would be a bit hasty, hopefully it has at least been a positive message received for Turris. On the other end of the spectrum, Arvidsson is on fire, breaking the franchise record for quickest to 30 goals and becoming the second Pred to have multiple 30 G seasons (Forsberg being the other). He's only second behind Ovechkin in G/GP at .63, and with 9 games remaining it seems he'll break the Preds single season record of 33. If only he hadn't missed 24 games...10 (10.21)Carolina Hurricanes-39-25-72-1-0Trying our best to hold onto that wildcard one position luckily our schedule cannot be that bad right? looks at schedule Fuck.11 (10.93)Vegas Golden Knights-240-27-52-0-0Imagine if we had Mark Stone at the start of the season. With only one loss since his arrival we might on the same HISTORIC pace as Tampa12 (11.34)Pittsburgh Penguins-39-24-102-1-1A stolen game against Washington followed by a disassembly of the Sabers was unfortunately partially undone by an utter disappointment against St. Louis and ANOTHER last-minute choke job against Philadelphia. I guess we payed for the goalie karma we used in the first two games this week with the last two, as Binnington and Hart stole those games. The schedule this week is at least Metro-light, with only Carolina to deal with. Fun fact: We still haven't played Nashville this year.13 (12.21)Columbus Blue Jackets140-28-42-1-1Panic in the fanbase has subsided for now. If the Jackets stay at .500 the rest of the season, we're sitting at an 86% chance to make the playoffs. The new additions have finally started clicking, so I can see this team hitting at least .500. If they go 6-4 in their remaining games, the chances go up to 96%.14 (13.52)St. Louis Blues-137-27-81-2-1The Blues continue to do well against good teams and falter against bad teams. Getting shutout by Ottawa is a very bad look, but at the same time we are still pretty comfortably looking at a playoff spot. Would prefer to finish strong and hope Tarasenko comes back swinging15 (14.72)Dallas Stars137-29-62-1-1Alright Dobby. Get it done.16 (15.17)Arizona Coyotes136-30-62-1-117 (16.24)Montreal Canadiens-237-28-71-2-0If you wanted a masterclass of how to not make the playoffs look no further than the Canadiens. Dear lord where has our offense gone.18 (18.69)Philadelphia Flyers-35-29-82-2-0Hey I actually remembered this before midnight EST, are you proud of me yet dad? We kinda sucked this week, but weirdly. Lost to the Leafs in a crazy game , lost to the caps in a sad game BUT SO HELP ME WE BEAT THE PENS IN A COMEBACK GAME THAT WAS REALLY HYPE TO SEE THE LAST 10 MINUTES OF. It was a really good goaltending game, but Elite Sniper Sean "Actually Patrice "'Selke"' Bergeron" Couturier won us the game with 3 seconds left in OT. Carter Hart is back from injury, and we really just dont wanna be faded until the last day of the season. Hail Gritty19 (18.79)Minnesota Wild-34-30-91-2-1The win and OTL against the Rangers and Islanders, respectively, ring hollow after that "performance" against Dallas to start the week. This team has scored the first goal in only 26 of 73 games this season and has played from behind far too long. Not sure if it's an empty gas tank, injuries piling up, and/or the team just quitting on Boudreau, but the Wild would need a miracle to squeak into the postseason and extend their playoff participation trophy streak to seven straight years. A hearty stick tap to the Whitecaps, though, for winning their first Isabel Cup and reminding fans what winning hockey looks like.20 (19.45)Chicago Blackhawks232-30-93-0-0The Blackhawks have won 5-straight games to keep their dim playoff hopes alive. Corey Crawford capped off this week with a 48-save shutout against the Canadiens (a career high for saves, and ties a franchise record for most saves in a shutout). He has allowed only 3 goals against in his last 4 starts. Brendan Perlini has scored 8G, 2A in 7 games since being a healthy scratch, including 5G, 2A this week (highlighted by his first NHL hat trick). The once hot PP has cooled off and is now 0-for-16 in the last 7 games. Also, with their shutout win over the Canadiens, for the first time this season, the Blackhawks won a game in which Patrick Kane failed to record a point (they were previously 0-11-2, including a regulation loss in the game he missed).21 (20.41)Florida Panthers-32-28-122-1-022 (21.03)Colorado Avalanche-231-29-121-2-0Rough week for the Avs and now they either need to win out or need help from other teams. Not controlling your destiny sucks, but we blew our chances of that back in December - early February. The Good News Mackinnon is flaming with two more multi-point games this week and hit back to back 90 point seasons. The problem this week was finishing and playing a full 60 min game. The good news is the devils game was great effort all around and we hope to take it into St. Paul Tuesday. Speaking of 4 Huge games this week all basically must win. We face the Wild and Stars on the road then have a home and home with Chicago. All Central teams in the wildcard race, all 4 point games. The playoffs start this week, and we are already down two games.23 (22.83)Edmonton Oilers132-33-72-2-0Said it last week. The Oilers are roaring since having a healthy roster, but it's too little, too late. The Oilers were average this past week with regulation losses to Vegas and the Devils likely have ended the slimmest of playoff chances. Now we need those hot teams around us to start slipping,but even then it might be too late. While wins against Rangers and Yotes have done us well, the Yotes still got a point from that OT win. The stars must align now.24 (24.66)Buffalo Sabres-131-32-91-3-0Some say that Jack was suspended for two games; I say that he didn't miss any after all. Now, I love three straight shutout losses as much as the next guy, but I also enjoy seeing my team score goals. Oh, and seeing my team compete in the playoffs, that's fun too. But whatever Buffalo, you do you.25 (24.97)Vancouver Canucks130-32-102-0-1The team continues to truck along at an even pace down the stretch, and despite some Pettersson highlights there is little to suggest the late season slide is really going to turn around.26 (25.21)Anaheim Ducks130-35-93-1-0Are we good again? No. But the idea of Carlyle less coaching has given the team a good bit of pride and they are beating playoff bubble teams. It was nice to know you, better draft pick lottery odds. In other news, Corey Perry scored twice in a game. He now has four whole goals this year. I predict he scores 20 next season. Kesler has been missing since his 1001st game.27 (26.21)New York Rangers-228-31-130-3-1Toughhhh week. Not a single win. Mika's still putting up points and Georgiev's playing his ass off. Lemieux's been a great addition as well, but we just couldn't put it all together this week. We got wrecked by McDrai in overtime on Monday. Got demolished by the refs in Vancouver on Wedenesday. Steamrolled by the Flames on Friday. To cap it all off we got stomped by the Wild on Saturday. Not a fun week, but hey St. Patrick's Day is an excuse to drink our sorrows away!28 (27)New Jersey Devils-27-37-92-2-0Man tanking is something I'll never get used to. I always want the boys to go out and win, but it's just so hard to justify bothering when the only logical thing to do is tank. The battle of heart vs mind rages on.29 (28.17)Detroit Red Wings-25-37-101-2-030 (29.59)Los Angeles Kings-25-38-80-2-0I don’t really care for baseball...but is it baseball season yet?31 (30.31)Ottawa Senators-25-41-62-1-0For as shit as this season has been at least we beat the leafs. /r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 24 Falling Leafs Edition Source
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saberessinfronteras · 7 years
Characterizing the structural diversity of complex networks across domains
The structure of complex networks has been of interest in many scientific and engineering disciplines over the decades. A number of studies in the field have been focused on finding the common properties among different kinds of networks such as heavy-tail degree distribution, small-worldness and modular structure and they have tried to establish a theory of structural universality in complex networks. However, there is no comprehensive study of network structure across a diverse set of domains in order to explain the structural diversity we observe in the real-world networks. In this paper, we study 986 real-world networks of diverse domains ranging from ecological food webs to online social networks along with 575 networks generated from four popular network models. Our study utilizes a number of machine learning techniques such as random forest and confusion matrix in order to show the relationships among network domains in terms of network structure. Our results indicate that there are some partitions of network categories in which networks are hard to distinguish based purely on network structure. We have found that these partitions of network categories tend to have similar underlying functions, constraints and/or generative mechanisms of networks even though networks in the same partition have different origins, e.g., biological processes, results of engineering by human being, etc. This suggests that the origin of a network, whether it's biological, technological or social, may not necessarily be a decisive factor of the formation of similar network structure. Our findings shed light on the possible direction along which we could uncover the hidden principles for the structural diversity of complex networks.
 Characterizing the structural diversity of complex networks across domains Kansuke Ikehara, Aaron Clauset
Saberes Sin Fronteras OVS's insight:
Frente a las ópticas simplificadoras, como la del separatismo catalán o el nacionalcatolicismo centralista del PP, es necesario aprender a ver la complejidad de lo real, en ciencia, educación etc. Y para eso hay que utilizar las herramientas del trabajo en RED
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sincerely-n · 7 years
Dieta Dukan
Veja passo a passo como fazer a Dieta Dukan, suas fases, cardápio e receitas!
O que é
Foi o nutricionista francês Pierre Dukan quem criou a dieta há mais de 30 anos atrás.
Ela foi adotada por algumas celebridades e ganhou a mídia depois que Kate Middleton se declarou adepta do método.
A dieta consiste em 4 fases, sendo duas na fase de perda de peso e duas na fase de manutenção.
A dieta é indicada para pessoas com grande sobrepeso e não é aconselhável para pessoas que precisam perder pouco peso ou fazer manutenção.
Para saber se a dieta é indicada para você basta se perguntar se precisa perder no mínimo sete quilos.
Se a resposta for sim siga em frente se a resposta for não este método não é indicado.
Como fazer
A Dieta Dukan é realizada em 4 fases:
• Ataque
• Cruzeiro
• Consolidação
• Estabilização
Cada fase possui características distintas que veremos a seguir.
Fase ataque
A Fase 1 da dieta consiste em ingerir alimentos ricos em proteínas e com baixo teor de gordura.
O tempo de duração desta fase vai depender de quantos quilos você precisa perder.
Observe a tabela abaixo:
table, th, td { border: 3px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { padding: 8px; text-align: center; }
Peso Dias 1-5 kg 1 6-10 kg 3 11-20 kg 5 acima de 20 kg 7-10
Os alimentos permitidos na fase 1 são :
• Carne vermelha (peças magras);
• Aves sem pele ( com exceção de ganso e pato);
• Peixes e fruto do mar;
• Queijos com 0% de gordura (cottage, cream-cheese, coalhada desnatada, ricota e requeijão);
• Presunto magro;
• Proteína da soja;
• Líquidos: Chá, café, suco em pó (Clight) e 2 litros de água por dia.
Ovos, gelatina diet, refrigerante zero/light/diet, adoçante, farelo de aveia e goji berry podem ser consumidos em moderação.
Fase Cruzeiro
A fase cruzeiro consiste em alternar o cardápio do dia.
Num dia são ingeridos proteínas e legumes (PL) e no outro proteína pura (PP) onde os vegetais são proibidos.
Para saber quanto tempo deve durar esta fase basta fazer o cálculo de quanto se pretende perder e ficar nela até conseguir.
Os alimentos permitidos na fase 2 são:
Todos permitidos na fase 1
Alimentos tolerados são inseridos pela primeira vez aqui:
• Queijos (até 7% de gordura);
• Cacau em pó sem açúcar;
• Goji Berry;
• Salsicha (frango ou peru);
• Leite e molho de soja;
• Creme de leite light;
• 1 unidade de Iogurte com fruta (0%);
• 1 unidade de iogurte de soja;
• Pudim zero;
• Semente de chá;
• Amido de milho;
Fase Consolidação
A fase consolidação é dividida em duas: consolidação 1 e 2.
Nesta fase são introduzidos os pães integrais, as frutas, os carboidratos e o jantar de gala. Esta fase dura 100 dias, sendo 50 para cada uma das subfases.
Consolidação 1
• 1 fruta por dia
• 1 porção de carboidrato por semana
• 1 jantar de gala por semana
Consolidação 2
as mesmas porções da fase de consolidação 1 dobradas (2 frutas, 2 jantares de gala, 2 porções de carboidratos)
O jantar de gala é uma refeição livre onde você come o que tiver vontade incluindo sobremesa e bebida alcóolica, mas sem repetições.
Prepare sua receita preferida e aproveite.
from http://sucodetox.eco.br/dieta-e-cardapio/dieta-dukan/
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
dead rising 2 xbox 360
dead rising 2 xbox 360
Dead Rising 2 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dead Rising 2 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Dead Rising 2.
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Genre: Action, Survival Horror
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Capcom
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: August 31, 2010
Easy Level Up
In the royal flush plaza, roll the big red dice, they must add up to seven. If you get seven you will receive 10,000.
Weapon Combos
Wolverine Claws – Boxing Gloves + Bowie Knife
Improvised Explosive Device – Box of Nails + Gas Can
Drill Bucket – Bucket + Drill
Molotov – Newspaper + Booze
Electric Rake – Car Battery + Rake
Gem Blower – Gems + Leaf Blower
Defiler – Axe + Sledgehammer
Air Horn – Traffic Cone + Aresol Spray
Hail Mary – Football + Grenade
Snowball Cannon – Extinguisher + Super Soaker
Tenderizers – Box of Nails + MMA Gloves
Fountain Lizard – Lizard Head Mask + Pipe
Dynameat – Human Hand (or hunk of meat) + TNT
Fire Spitter – Tiki Torch + Light Machine Gun
Freedom Bear – Giant Teddy Bear + Light Machine Gun
Flamethrower – Gas Can + Super Soaker
Rocket Launcher – Pipe + Fireworks
Exsanguinator – Vacuum Cleaner + Saw Blade
Blambow – Bow And Arrows + TNT
Beer Hat – Bottle of Beer + Hard Hat
Heliblade – Toy Helicopter + Machete
Power Guitar – Guitar + Amp
Light Saber – Gems + Flashlight
Pitchfork Shotgun – Pitchfork + Shotgun
Paddlesaw – Canoe paddle + Chainsaw
Testla Ball – Hamster Ball + Car Battery
Letrci-Rake – Rake + Car Battery
Propeller Hat – Serve-Bot Head + Propeller
Moto-Saw – Dirt Bike + Chainsaw
Zombie Eater – Push Lawn Mower + 2X4
Unknown – Leaf Blower + Parasol
Spiked Bat – Box of Nails + Baseball Bat
Blitzkrieg – Assault Rifle + Electric Wheel Chair
Infinite PP
First you need maintenance rooms then make the spiked baseball bat when it runs of condition go into the american casino all the zombies will respawn and repeat the process the spiked baseball bats will be infinite and the nails and baseball bat will respawn keep this process on and you will be in level 50 in no time.
How To Get The Sports Car Keys
The way you get the sports car keys is, go in the pawnshop in the royal flush plaza. You need at least $500.00 or more to buy it. The pawnshop is on the top floor.
Mixing Items
Cooking oil x2, this give fire spit. bacon+orange juice, this gives speed.
1. Chain-saw+paddles, 2. Baseball-bat+box o nails, 3. Pich-fork+shot-gun, 4. Bucket+screw-driver, 5. News-paper+? 6. Flash-light+?
note some of these are only for D. R . 2: case 0.
Free Money Boost At Game Start
Start a new game then win the race. After you win go to the first toilet that you encounter and save your game. Now, go to the main menu and select START GAME and then select RESTART STORY. DO NOT skip the cutscene. You will keep the money and PP that you earned after winning the race ($10, 000 for first place) and repeat this as many times as you like.
Free Zombrex!
Having trouble getting Zombrex for your dear daughter? Fear no longer! Certain missions give out Zombrex for rescuing survivors and you can even find some sitting around on high ledges.
1 // Code Blue, Inside the Slot Ranch Casino: Behind the stage curtains there are some equipment boxes. Jump on them, then to the giant dice, and finally across the gap to claim your prize. You can easily see the Zombrex beforehand, but not jump to it, if you walk up the metal stairs.
2 // Code Blue, Inside the Yucatan Casino: Go to the giant idol in the center and simply jump up the conveniently stair-shaped sides until you reach the offering plate. There you’ll find some Zombrex and a Light Machine Gun.
3 // If you are finding it hard to come across some zombrex rather than buying it, why not find it? If you check out the stage in Slot Ranch Casino head behind the curtain and to your right side is some boxes. Carry on around towards the maintenance room behind the stage and climb the boxes to the right of the door as you face it. You will see a nice free bit of Zombrex on top of the highest boxes. (Note: You cannot jump to the boxes from the overhead mez floor).
4 // You can find some extra Zombrex in the underground tunnel after completing the “Ticket to Ride” mission. It is near the underground access ladder underneath the Atlantica casino.
5 // In Big Roy’s Mart in Royal Flush Plaza (case related).
6 // Go to the stairs in Bennie Jack’s BBQ Shack in the Americana Casino and turn right when going up the stairs to the second floor. Jump on the balcony and then onto the closest light. Keep jumping across the lights until you reach the end.
7 // Backstage behind the curtain at Slot Ranch Casino. Climb up a stack of boxes and speakers. Jump onto a smaller stack of boxes and speakers to find it.
8 // Save the paramedic in the “Code Blue” mission. Bring the paramedic to Dean (“Once Bitten” mission), and the paramedic will give Dean a free Zombrex.
9 // On top of the tallest slot machine display in the middle of Yucatan Casino.
10 // Defeat the Postal Worker (mission related) in Royal Flush Plaza.
11 // Bring Richard (Hunger Pains) food and rescue him in the Silver Strip Diner.
Extinguish The Slappy Boss Fight
It may sound silly but there is an easy way to beat Slappy. Inside the toy shop where you fight him, there are squirt guns. Grab one or two of them, then shoot him with the squirt gun a few times. He will then struggle with his flamethrower as the water messes with them. You should be able to get a few hits with a mele weapon, then take cover. Repeat shooting him with the Squirtgun and swithing to a spiked bat or Defiler.
All Zombrex Locations
Go to The Amaricanna Casiono, then go to the upstairs of the BBQ shak, look to your left and you will see square looking lights, jump onto them (make sure to press a to climb) do that until you reach the end you’ll find a stash of cash and the zombrex. Next got to the Yukosan Casiono and in the middle of the casino you’ll find a water well. Climb up the side and jump on the platform on the left side, you’ll find an LMG and the Zombrex. Next is at the slot rance casino, head to the stage and go behind it its on top of a big box so you’ll have to jump on the smaller connected boxes then keep climbing and it’ll be there on top, Lastly the last zombrex is located underground under the bottom of the slot ranch casino its very easy to find, and this should be enough to keep your daughter well :).
Look At All That Juice Achievement Hint
These are the drinks you need for the achievement/trophies:
Orange + Orange = Nector
Chilli + Chilli = Energizer
Beer + Beer = Pain Killer
Milk + Jellybeans = Ouick Step
Beer + Cooking Oil = Randomizer
Chilli + Ketchup = Repulse
Ketchup + Ketchup = Spitfire
Bacon + Bacon = Untouchable
Jellybeans + Chilli = Zombait
An Easy $10,000
In the royal flush plaza, in the golf store, play the golf mini game and make at least one golf ball and you will win $10,000.
Easy Zombie Kills
If you pick up a QUEEN you can use it to take out multiple zombies at once.
Father Of The Year Achievement Hint
Get the following things to get the FotY achievement:
Robot Bear
Bag Of Marbles
Beach Ball
Stick Pony
Gaint Stuffed Donkey
Gaint Stuffed Elephant
Gaint Stuffed Bull
Water Gun
Gaint Stuffed Rabbit
A Tiger : To tame the tiger you have to give it steak or ribs.
Funny Painting : To get this painting you have to be on case 4 mission Art Appreciation
Free Drill Bucket And Free Spiked Bat!
The main safe house (the gas station) has a work table where you can create certain types of weapons and use them to conquer the zombies, in the junk yard portion of the safe house you will find a drill and bucket, combine these at your worktable and you get a drill bucket, next to the worktable are a box of nails and a bat combined these to create the spiked bat, these ALWAYS REGEN! SO you don’t have to purchase them from the pawn shop!
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Dead Rising 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Suit Of Armor
Full Beard Moustache : In the back of the store “Waves of Style” in RoyalFlush Plaza.
Knight Armor : Complete the game with the “S” ending.
Knight Boots : Buy at the Pawnshop in the Platinum Strip.
Knight Helmet Eliminate Jack in Strip Poker in the Ante Up side mission :Eliminate Jack in Strip Poker in the Ante Up side mission.
Unlockable Clothing
Champion’s Jacket : Win a TIR episode (be the overall top player by the end)
Convicts : Kill 10 psychopaths
Dealer Uniform : Try on all clothing in the game. (excludes locker items)
Hockey Mask : Use every melee weapon on zombies
Tattered Clothes : Kill 1,000 zombies using hand to hand
TIR Helmet : Earn $1,000,000 in TIR Online
TIR Outfit : Earn $5,000,000 in TIR Online
Waitress Oufit, Bowling Shirt, Hunting Jacket, and Overalls : Start a game byimporting a Case Zero file
Willemette Mall Costume : Rescue 50 survivors
Ending Requirements
Ending A (True ending) : Do all cases and give Katey Zombrex every time but donot give TK Zombrex before completing The Facts.
Ending B : Give Katey Zombrex every time, starting from case 6-2, let the timepass by until it is 7AM on September 29; do not complete The Facts.
Ending C : Give Katey Zombrex every time, do not complete case 6-1 or fail anyother case before 6-1, be in the safehouse before the military arrives.
Ending D : Be outside the safehouse by the time the military arrives.
Ending F : Do not give Katey Zombrex and be in the safehouse by the time themilitary arrives.
Ending S : Do all cases and give Katey Zombrex every time, give TK Zombrexbefore completing The Facts.
Hidden Missions
1: Inside the Yucatan, before you meet Rebecca on Day 1. An optional boss fight is here, along with a survivor hiding in the offices. Head on over to the Food Court and raid it for Steak, and ONLY Steak. Upon entering the Yucatan you will be greeted with a cutscene. Afterwards, beat down Ted, watch him die, then hop up on top of Snowflake’s house. You should find 3 steaks total around her enclosure. Toss them way out there and wait. You’ll know when she’s eaten some because her health bar will have filled a bit. Just remember to stay out of reach, otherwise she’ll use YOU for lunch. After about 6 Steaks you’ll be greeted with another scene. Finally, save the poor guy trapped inside the Yucatan’s office.
2: Royal Flush Plaza, Casual Gals store, Day 1. After rescuing his wife located directly in front of the Safe Room hallway, Gordon will appear here and need your help getting back.
3: Royal Flush Plaza, upstairs, during the Rock Heroes mission. While escorting the band, swing by up here to see 3 girls doing their shopping. To get them to follow you have to carry their delicate shopping boxes back to the Safe Room.
4: Americana Casino, VIP Poker Room. Starting midway through Day 2, some high-rolling poker players will set up a game here. To save them, you must pay the $100,000 buy-in then win. If you lose, you have to pay $100,000 AGAIN and keep trying.
5: Food Court, after the Tastes Like Chicken boss fight. So, you’ve killed the psycho and untied the damsel, but she thinks you’re a terrorist and won’t come with you unless Jasper shows up. He happens to be in the Food Court too, but in an unlikely place. Find the nearest vending machines and get to climbing. You’ll find him on one of the many restuarant awnings. Re-unite the pair and hoof it home.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dead Rising 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dead Rising 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dead Rising 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Zombie Slaughter : Kill 500 zombies.
Fashion Aficionado : Change into 10 different pieces of clothing.
Needs more chainsaw : Create a combo weapon.
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💕Hi everyone and skincare lovers! I hope everybody is having a fabulous Pre-Christmas day or Holidays! I am trying the Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream in a 1.01oz or 30 ml squeezable tube for Soothing Skin Treatment! Check it-> https://fave.co/2PNc1tZ It is made for soothing irritated skin or after aesthetic treatments. It helps to have fabulous results of treatments by minimizing side effects. I did have a burn earlier from cooking and have used Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream and it did help with my skin, but not instant but it did help heal it and look more light pink after. This after aesthetic treatment helps with the skin regeneration and it is a skin barrier. I was happy to learn my skin could heal better with this cream. What do you think of this Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream in a 1.01oz or 30 ml squeezable tube for Soothing Skin Treatment? Let me know in the comments section below! In Spanish: ¡Hola a todos y amantes del cuidado de la piel! ¡Espero que todos tengan un fabuloso día de Navidad o días festivos! ¡Estoy probando la crema de reparación intensiva Celldraw PP en un tubo exprimible de 1,01 oz o 30 ml para un tratamiento calmante de la piel! Compruébelo-> https://fave.co/2PNc1tZ Está hecho para calmar la piel irritada o después de tratamientos estéticos. Ayuda a obtener resultados fabulosos de los tratamientos al minimizar los efectos secundarios. Tuve una quemadura antes de cocinar y he usado Celldraw Intensive Repair PP Cream y ayudó con mi piel, pero no instantáneamente, pero sí ayudó a curarla y lucir más rosa claro después. Esto después del tratamiento estético ayuda con la regeneración de la piel y es una barrera cutánea. Me alegró saber que mi piel podría sanar mejor con esta crema. ¿Qué opinas de esta crema PP reparadora intensiva Celldraw en un tubo exprimible de 1,01 oz o 30 ml para un tratamiento calmante de la piel? ¡Déjame saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación! ##Celldraw #Skincare #RepairCream #SensitiveSkin #KBeauty #ppcream #beautyproduct #koreanbeauty #skinrepair #skintreatment #08liter #08L #uo #uoonyou #dominicanbloggers #chicagoblogger #Amazoninfluencer https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XeLlVBKfG/?igshid=118kszva7xzhl
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