#like i wanna rp with a gabe/jack
enlicht-blog · 7 years
// mmMMMMM really wanna rp some of the strike team/bw days
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firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 he's a siren or something seriously
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 :O au where he IS and he's got scales and shit all up his back
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 OOO this.... is his curse
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 is gabe a sailor or just a regular dude
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 ffff Gabe is a pissed off force of fucking nature, the rage of a whole stand of dryads whose forest was burned down and Jack is a half human dryad who gets washed up along the banks of a river where the forest used to be i dunno
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 ooooo i dig it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 **jack is a half human SIREN F U C K
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 LOL gabe is so pissed off and then jack shows up and fuckin hypnotizes him LOL IT'S OKAY I GOT U
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD just fukkin into the trash
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 XDDDD yay gabe angst about whether or not jack actually cares or if it's just bc he's a siren!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 Jack has fallen in love with anger incarnate, and it's a damn good thing his inhuman side has given him enhanced healing abilities, 'cause gabe is not a gentle lover at first You think they're both maneaters? Like, Gabe gobbles up the soul and Jack gets the meat? Maybe Jack's full siren. He starts luring men in to replant the forest, then him and Gabe have a romantic dinner. They have a lovely white picket fence made of bones. I have found this humerus. XD
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 LMAO JESUS THAT GOT KINDA DARK
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 the sweet and horrifying monster AU no one asked for would it be better if the men who burned the forest knew they were killing dryads, so jack only goes after the ones gabe tells him are responsible?
firesonic152 - 06/19/2017 yayyyy jack gets weirdly horny after murder
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/19/2017 XD jack is a monster of many appetites
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 so i started watching buffy the vampire slayer of all things today this is not what i thought i would be doing LMAO Concept for half siren Jack: he doesn't know he's half siren, he just thinks he's really good at getting guys into his bed LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 what happens if someone figures out what he is and accuses him of coercing his partners? what happens if that comes up shortly after he realizes that he might actually be in love with his most recent conquest, one Gabriel Reyes?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 !!!!!! awwww jack is all like "holy shit gabriel is kind of the Best Ever maybe i want more than a one night stand with him" and then whoever-it-is accuses him and he's like oh,,,,,, okay yeah that makes more sense than gabe actually liking me,,,,,,, meanwhile gabe is wondering when tf is jack gonna call
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 ; ;
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 When Gabe finally gets sick of waiting and gives Jack a call Jack is like nO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 okay, so if Jack won't talk, is Gabe gonna push? 'cause if Gabe takes no for an answer, how are they gonna get this resolved??
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 Gabe probably realizes something is wrong, Jack is acting weird
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 . . . how can he tell? XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL good question Oh maybe Jack makes up an excuse like he's sick or something and gabe is like oh no Jack's sick!! Let me go take care of him!! But you see Jack ISN'T SICK XDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 was being mean to jack. 's prolly 'cause jack is no longer trying to set the world's record for most sexual partners w/in a week
AH!! Stupid panicking jack!! XD that one! THAT ONE!
and then he's like 'shit i have to play sick wtf i don't get sick how does this work???' and he makes a complete mess of it
and gabe figures it out right quick and is kinda pissed, but also way curious now 'cause there are tons of easier ways jack could've blown him off, so why'd he make this crappy effort?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 gah my phone died right after i sent that XD kay back!! LMAO ja c k lol what if gabe gets back at him pettily by pretending to believe him and going over the top w the caretaking
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 omg YES. PLS. sicfic EXTREME EDITION XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL awwwww oh no what if jack thinks gabe is trying so hard to take care of him bc of the siren shit qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X'D
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 gabe insists on tucking him into bed and making him soup and getting a heating pad and cold washcloth and everything jack is wincing internally (and a little bit externally)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 he really wants to confess but he doesn't know how and it feels so nice to be cared for (when he pretends that Gabe is doing it for realsies and not bc of the siren shit) also, ngl, when I read gabe insists on tucking him into bed my brain immediately supplied: and tips over face-first into Jack's lips XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 AHAHAHAHA awwwwwww gabe carries on until finally jack just like blurts something out probably lol like I'M SORRY YOU REALLY DON'T NEED TO DO THIS SORRY FOR MANIPULATING YOU all in a rush
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 and Gabe's just: 'Well, it was a pretty poor attempt at manipulation. I knew you weren't sick. Wanna tell me why you were faking it after ignoring me all week, though?' Jack: . . . n  O ?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 But Gabe sitting on the edge of the bed, and thinking maybe Jack was just shy and didn't know how to say that he likes gabe so he put on this big show for attention, and Gabe is a bit flattered by that thought, so he's mostly just amused at this point and thinking that things will be all right. He reaches out to where Jack is wringing his hands, and gently takes one of Jack's hands in his. He's looking back and forth between Jack's downturned face and the contrasting tones of their skin as he plays with Jack's hand.
"Tell me what's going on," he urges. "I won't laugh, I promise." He can hear the smile in his voice, though, and he leans closer to rest his head against Jack's.
Jack is slowly filling up with misery as his magic continues to work its effect on Gabe even though he'd never, ever, ever wanted to do anything so horrible. Especially not to Gabe.
pass. :D
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 QOQ sobs quietly
gabe's confidence falters as jack only seems to retract further and further into his shell instead of opening up
jack slowly removes his hand from gabe's and inches carefully away, looking around skittishly
gabe tries to maintain his smile but it's getting more difficult. "whatever it is," he adds, "it's okay, you can trust me."
jack groans and hides his face in his hands. "it's... this is super cliche, but it's not you, it's me."
"that is the vaguest explanation you could have possibly come up with."
jack sighs and drags his hands down his face. "this isn't real, gabe. sorry. you can go home."
that doesn't clear anything up for gabe LOL
"i... don't understand," he says with a surprising amount of evenness.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 Gabe: have...have i entered the matrix or...?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 LOLLL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD I'M SO SORRY PLS CONTINUE
jack flops back on the bed miserably. "i'm not..." he struggles for words for a moment. "i'm not what you think, gabe. i'm not human. not... not completely."
gabriel has question marks above his head at this point he's so confused that they have manifested in reality
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 Jack stalls for another minute and then finally gets out "I'm half siren and I manipulated you into sleeping with me by accident, it was a mistake, I'm sorry, I'm probably manipulating you right now, you can go now,,,," OKAY PASS XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 FUCK THAT NOISE XD uhm... gimmie a minute ((this is why i don't rp X'D))
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 plug it in, plug it in~! it's gonna take me a couple minutes
Gabe takes a moment to process what Jack's just told him. He understands the words, but... "Wait, wait, wait. That doesn't make sense. You're...? Jack, I've seen you. You're definitely human. Where did you get this idea from?"
Jack draws up his knees and locks his arms around them. He's made himself as small as possible--which isn't terribly small, given his size--and is huddled as far away from Gabriel as he can manage. He's the picture of misery as he talks, face hidden against his knees and voice muffled. He tells Gabe about the person who revealed his heritage to him and explained why he's never had an issue hooking up with anyone who caught his interest. Jack's ears are burning red at that admission--Jack, who had never shown any hint of self-consciousness before. Gabe feels sick at heart watching him. He isn't sure yet if he believes what Jack has told him, but it's obvious that Jack believes it.
"Even if--" Gabe pauses, knowing how skeptical he sounds while Jack is apparently baring his soul. "Even if that were true, do you really expect me to believe that the effects lasted all this time when you hadn't done anything on purpose?"
"I don't know." Jack's gruff voice is almost a whine. "Gabe--Gabriel. Even if it wore off, if I did.... If I actually...." He curls in even tighter on himself. "Please go. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."
"You mean like leaving you here like this?" Gabe asks, deadpan.Jack flinches and looks up at him, wounded and uncertain.
"You can't trust me," he insists.
"I can trust my own judgment. I trust your sincerity right now, and I trust that you're hurting because you don't want to hurt me. You're the one with trust issues."
Jack opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, although he looks as if he'd like very much to argue that.
"You don't trust that what I feel right now is genuine. How about I confess something to you?" Gabe reaches out, catches one of Jack's hands and pulls it close to press it against his heart. "I felt something for you before you ever came on to me, back when all I knew about you was what I saw with my own eyes everyday and what I heard from the others. I've had you on my mind all week, wondering when you were going to call, but willing to give you space and not push if that's what you needed to be comfortable. I played your game, I heard you out, and I'm still here. Maybe you don't trust what's going on in my heart, but I do, and I'm the one living with it."
okay quick how do we make gabe immune to sirens so that it's all good for sure?
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 SOBS LOUDLY sorry for disappearing lmao I was actually socializing irl uhhhhhh hmmmm
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 haha no worries! ^^ i've actually been trying to turn that gabe-with-hanahaki thing into a thread ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 ooooo!!!! Still thinkin about siren immunity
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 hrmmmm...
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 I consulted friends and all we could come up with deafness Oh how about Gabe offers to like put in noise cancelling ear things while they have sex to prove he wants it fun sensory stuff :DD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/20/2017 XD but, like, if Jack isn't doing it on purpose, then any old flirting could be his siren song, right? I'm just imagining him and Gabe trying to talk this out, and Gabe suggesting 'well, just don't try to seduce me, I guess' and Jack being all 'But I WANT to seduce you! ;-;' and honestly upset by the fact that he can't do it fairly, and Gabe is just //// FUCK i want him RIGHT NOW
firesonic152 - 06/20/2017 AWWWWW OMG
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 oh how about it's like... jack genuinely likes gabe vs not genuinely liking all those other dudes so maybe those feelings like. are an automatic shut off to his powers?? idk
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 maybe like the siren powers are activated by hunger, you think? and while Jack's sexual appetite motivated all his other conquests, in Gabe's case he's motivated by love? 'cause he's fukkin' smitten like a goddamn loser? sorry it got too goopy XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 AwwwWWWWW yes how do they figure that out tho LOL maybe there's some visual cue that shows up when jack is doing his siren thing and he's unaware of it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 haha what if it was Genji that told jack all like 'lol nice powers bro here's what you're doing' and then hanzo comes along all 'i heard my idiot brother was spreading half truths' oooh...i like the visual cue idea, tho or maybe it's a voice thing? maybe his voice goes a bit smoother, but it's always rough around Gabe, and he gets tonguetied sometimes, which he never did before.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 AWWWWWW sweeeet gabe starts noticing it when jack sweet talks other people into doing shit without thinking about it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD What if Jack, like, just knows stuff about other people--like what would work best to bribe them? But with gabe, he has to discover it or be told. The intuition doesn't switch on, either.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 boiiiiii
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 'cause, like, sirens were supposed to tempt with stuff other than sex, right?
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yeah!!! jack staring intensely at gabriel and when gabe is like "what are you doing" jack grumbles about how he can't figure out what gabe wants gabe grins and pulls jack into his arms and is like "you, you idiot" all smoothly
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 al;jbhf;akl meep. <3
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 <33333 jack works so hard and like takes notes on all of gabe's likes and dislikes and favorite things he has a little notebook of lists there is a very extensive nsfw section LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 when gabe discovers the notebook he scribbles "JACK" on the first page surrounded by cute little hearts jack totally didn't cry (he did a little)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 omg orz please you're killing me
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 >||3c oh earlier i sent a message and it never?? idk posted???
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 what, on here?
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yeah lol i was just plunging the siren one back into angst by wondering if like. when their relationship is going to shit jack gets desperate and accidentally uses his powers on gabe without really thinking about it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 D= WHY WOULD YOU NO WONDER IT DIDN'T SEND FOR SHAME!! we'd have to either re-work the trigger for his siren magic or have it so that he went and learned to actually use it, though. 'cause that's still a different impetus than just hungering for the D lol
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 hmmmm i was thinking like they've been getting emotionally distant for awhile but still having sex just for the sake of it but then gabriel is like "i need to take a break jack i can't do this" and like a combination of jack having practiced his powers for the needs of his job to get what he wants and just the primal Thirst triggers
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 ; ; i have a sad
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 oh nooo
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 you caused it
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 I'M SORRY BUT not that sorry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 jeezus XD
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017
jack doesn't realize what he's doing until he becomes aware of the fact that he's been talking the entire time while gabe has been uncharacteristically silent
jack by now knows why he hadn't used his powers on gabe before, when he didn't know about them. it was because it was about more than just sating a hunger. the fact that he's doing this again - with gabriel - is a scary slap in the face about the state of their relationship
he's also scared by how much he doesn't want to stop. this is wrong for so many reasons but the worst part is that he just wants to let it happen. thankfully though, he gets too caught up in his internal monologue and stops talking. gabriel slowly snaps out of it.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 oh god does gabe realize? or does he just think it was nostalgia and that he was missing Jack? so he's all 'well, maybe things are okay after all and i was just tired before' or something. so they sleep together, and it's almost like it was when they started seeing each other. Gabe is more tender than he has been for a long time. but Jack knows why. He knows that he went and messed with Gabe's head, confused him, and even though he stopped, the effects lingered.
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 SOBS LOUDLY jack had lured him back with a song about how they used to be
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 i'm upset
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 ASFASVSDHDFH when gabe falls asleep, jack has to get out. gabe's arms are wrapped loosely around him and he feels sick. he goes and curls up on the couch in his office.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 s toP orz
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 IDK HOW TO FIX THIS SDGSFBDFNVN
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 I do. Gabe is now magically immune. The bad stuff was a nightmare Jack had about his powers going wrong. He wakes up and Gabe comforts him by complaining about all the annoying shit Jack does until he's more mad than upset, and then Gabe gives him sleepy kisses, assures Jack that he still loves him, tells him to shut up and go back to sleep, and wraps an arm around him to hold him close on the soft mattress beneath the covers.
Jack eventually gets comfortable with what he is, enough that he can turn on the charm, flirting with Gabe, and humming, which should work pretty well, but only bounces off Gabe. He can focus his bedroom eyes and hum and sway his lean hips as he crosses the room to sink down onto Gabe's lap, and Gabe will smile and settle his hands at Jack's waist ad lean up as if to kiss him and whisper against his lips: "It's still your turn to take out the trash."
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 afasvdsbdfhfdb even tho this is a cop out it's so cute that i don't care what if they're able to reconcile bc the song was literally just about "let's be in love again" and gabe is like oh goddd mistakes have been made we love each other idk how we forgot that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 what's love got to do, got to do with it? what's love but a secondhand emotion? orz
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 akcjnasasxknj cries
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 yah TT^TT XD i'll take the fucking cop out fix idgaf tonite
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 you know what me too LMAO jack trying to use his magic to get out of chores and failing is hilarious
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/21/2017 XD and continuing proof that he hasn't actually mindfucked gabe or whatever so he has to work, but at least he knows that his boyfriend loves him for realsies
firesonic152 - 06/21/2017 yay!!!!
firesonic152 - 06/22/2017 we never fuckin WE NEVER MADE A "VORE ME JACKIE" JOKE WHAT A MISSED OPPORTUNITY
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crownedwrath-a-blog · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: R.eaper76 and R.eapfist are my two major OTPs but I’m open to just about anything so don’t be afraid to approach me. I’m not accepting more for either of the two ships I mentioned just now because of various reasons.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: As long as they’re both over the age of eighteen they should be able to decide for themselves, therefore I’m completely fine with relatively large age gaps. Not to mention this is fiction, so do whatever the heckie you wanna do.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yes and no? I’m selective when it comes to rping in general but when it comes to shipping, if we’ve interacted already and you see our characters have some chemistry together then just hit me up, maties.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: As long as they’re not masturbating or having sex then I don’t consider it NSFW yet.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:   @crownedpride my main ship, @furydevoured @visorshot @silver-haired-76 my Jacks, @dontcallmejoel @bulletlocked @southern-charm my Jesses, @soldierofhorus my Pharah, @acceptedmyself @odxchi @wakairyuu my Genjis, @simple-geometry my Hanzo and @velvettspook my Gabe. Probably some others, let’s be real.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Yes. I cannot stress this enough but yes.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I’m a literal ship whore so heck, whenever I fucking can.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: Ship obsessed by far, my dudes.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: R.eapfist. It used to be R.eaper76 but after I wrote some R.eapfist with my respectable main, boy did I fall in shipping hell over them, lmao.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Just make sure we’ve interacted already then just pop in my IMs or send me an ask about it. I don’t bite, I promise!
tagged by: @ryu-no-kokoro tagging: idk who did this so whatever
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Looking For Long Term Partner
Get To Know Me Hello! My name is Krystal. I am looking for a long term rp partner who is willing to do m/m m/f and f/f. I have been rping for multiple years and I write 1-2 paragraph replies. Sometimes it's more, but mostly it's 1-2 paragraphs. I'm not the best a grammar, but I try. I live in TX so I have a CST time zone and I do work from 8-5 but I try to reply any time I can. If I'm going on vacation or something or I'll be gone for a bit I try to let my partners know. Also, I'd love to have someone who is willing to double. It's good for character to have friends. OC/Fandoms I'm looking for both!! Fandoms Overwatch Genji/McCree (McGenji): I prefer to play Genji and I'm obsessed with this Mythical Creature AU where Genji is a land dragon and McCree is a werewolf. I'm also open to other plots. Jack/Gabe (Reaper76): I prefer to play Jack but I'll do Gabe. I've never played as Gabe so he warned. I love the whole bad boy meets good boy modern college au. I'm also open to other plots. League of Legends Lux/Ezreal: I wanna play Lux. Any plot is welcome. Maybe like a summer thing where Lux goes out of town and meets Ezreal and he shows her the world? Darius/Garen: I'll play either. Any plot is welcome. I'd love to do something at the Academy maybe? Lux/Katarina: Again, i’d like to play Lux, but I'll happily play Kat as well. I'd love to do like a Greaser Pink Ladies plot, or classic bad girl meets good girl plot. Marvel Pepper/Tony: I wanna play Pepper. I have a very specific plot I'd like to do. Pepper comes to see Tony in his lab and he's not paying attention and she knocks something over and it scares him triggering a PTSD episode and he attacks her. Then they have to rebuild their relationship. I want it angsty! Maria Hill/ Pepper Potts: I'll play either. I'd love to do a domestic plot where Pepper is still working for Stark Industries and Maria is still an agent. Maybe they don't see each other much? Not sure yet but I'd like to flush that one out. OC/Tony: I'm willing to play as either the OC or as Tony. I do have a plot for my OC and Tony so if you're interested let me know. Other Ships: I do a lot of Marvel RPing so message me if you're interested. I will do OC/Marvel Character as well if you're interested in that. Harry Potter: Draco/Harry: I'll play as both. I'll do most plots. I'm not picky. BTS: Rapmon/Jin: I'll play as either. I'd love to do like a domestic rp where like they are married and have adopted a kid or a dog. OT7: Let's do it! We can divide the boys and put them all together in one big plot!! OC I have multiple OC’s so I am able to mold them to just about any plot. So, I'm all ears in this situation. Below are a few cool ideas we could do if you're interested. Kingdom -Royal/Knight -Royal/Royal -Royal/Servant -Knight/Medic College -Tutor/Student -Roommates to lovers -This is the 3rd time you've had to ask me to stop snoring in class and you're starting to worry about my sleep schedule Other Basic Tropes -FWB to Lovers -Fake dating especially at weddings out of town -Switched bodies -Soulmates Other Information: Please be 18+. I do smut and I'll play as a top, bottom, or switch. I like to write smut that is plot based. So, be 18+. All character should be 18+. I don't care if you take a break from our RP just let me know. Also, if it's not working please let me know. I will rp controversial plots that are dark and twisted but you should discuss them with me first. Anything not listed below is fair game. So if you don't see it listed below ask if we can do it. Odds are I'll say “sure” or “oops I forgot to put that on the list as a no”. I will not do this: -Age Play -Furries -Beastiality -Bathroom Fetish - Mpreg Controversial Things I'll Do: -Rape if it's a fade to black. Also it can not be my MC raping your MC. -Incest message me about my incest ships if this interest you -BDSM -Knotting -A/B/O Contact Info. Email: [email protected] Kik: Nortonk56
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(( okay I guess I kinda have no dog in this fight, so to speak, ‘cause i don’t RP as Gabe or Jack so I haven’t thought as much in detail about their characters
but I just wanna say something
Gabe and Jack were/are BOTH good leaders, IN DIFFERENT WAYS.
Jack’s mentality and command style suited the more public side of Overwatch. They were organized like soldiers, and that shows through in the Uprising event in how Jack gives orders - it’s clearly militaristic [and despite the negative connotations of that word, that’s not necessarily a bad thing]. And the people under his command - esp. the named characters - are used to that setup; they go through military training of different kinds, but there are commonalities. They’re used to that kind of environment. AND, importantly, they have ‘clean’ records; they cannot be called into question over their pasts, which is a crucial thing for Overwatch’s public face. Jack’s position plays to his strengths and his type of leadership. He was a good choice to lead the Overwatch that the public knew about.
Gabe’s mentality and command style suited Overwatch’s hidden side, Blackwatch. They had to be more covert, and not just because their missions were special ops. The 2 named characters we see in BW [aside, of course, from Gabe] are: a former member of one of the deadliest, most enduring gangs in at least the whole of America; and the disowned second son of a very powerful yakuza clan, heavily enhanced with cybernetics in a time when omnic-human relations are very tenuous and anti-omnic sentiment is definitely not a thing of the past. They CANNOT operate in public; people wouldn’t trust them, and it would adversely affect Overwatch’s image and thus their freedom to operate [as we also see]. Gabe’s command style, as we hear in the Uprising event, is firm and there is a sense of urgency, but he’s calm. He doesn’t bark orders because he doesn’t need to, and because it would likely endanger the types of missions Blackwatch deals with [stuff like recon and various under-the-radar objectives]. Gabe’s position also plays to his strengths and his type of leadership. And again, he was a good choice to lead Blackwatch.
Having different command styles does not make either one better than the other, only more suited to different positions.
It isn’t because Jack is white, or a ‘better’ leader, or just a ‘sweetpea good-ol’-farmboy’.
It isn’t because Gabe is Latino, or wasn’t a good commander, or was ‘unstable’ or just a ‘gruff snippy borderline-abusive edgelord’.
They were both leaders. They were both GOOD leaders who had positive effects on their subordinates.
That is all. ))
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revclverheld · 7 years
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What the actual fuck guys?????? I???? What??? WH Y?! I dunno how to handle this. Holy cow. Didn’t expect that to happen at any point! But it somehow did... and wow, I am a tiny bit overwhelmed... and so thankful for everyone who’s here! DAMN! I am out of words and honestly way too stupid to make this post really great in any way so ehhh, let’s turn this into another Bias list or something. Under the cut because, long post!
I’m your huckleberry
@ceocu - Anders. What shall I say. I am very happy that it all worked out like this, that we have a story going on and share headcanons like mad, and that we talk OOC in general. I am so happy about how our muses click, and about everything that’s going to come for them two. Thanks so much for staying and still roleplaying with me, friend!
@commandergabrielr - You are such a nice person and so friendly. Your Gabe is precious and I am always grinning about him being head over heels when it comes to Jesse, and how much Jesse has just fallen for him. I am happy about all the little RPs we are doing, even though most of them only get so far and then are dropped but, we keep the story going and that’s what matters! Also, as I said, you are a precious lil’ bean and I am enjoying it a lot to talk to you!
@mcdizincr - Even though we are a little slow on RPs at the moment, I am still happy about the little interactions that are going on and you are a very nice mun! I am happy that you are still around and follow me, even though it’s a little bit quiet! Your Angie is amazing and I like the friendship thats ging on between Jesse and her!
@anathesniper - You follow me since a long time already, and even though we don’t have like, one big RP going on, we sometimes still work on little things and I am happy about that. Your Ana is great and I like it when she’s all sassy with Jesse, and Jesse just wants to hide somewhere haha! :D You also seem to be a real cool person yo!
@acceptedmyself - I have to admit, I wasn’t a very big fan of McGenji at the beginning and still am not the biggest fan ever but, I just really love the way your Genji acts around McCree. I mean, they both are not in a love-situation yet but, you know where they’re at ;) I always find it a bit difficult to interact with Genjis but yours is really fun to write with and I am enjoying the dynamics between the two. I am happy that you still follow me after such a long time and even though I sometimes take ages to reply, you stay and wait patiently. Thank you a lot, you’re a really cool person!
@ryu-no-hakai - You’re just a precious lil’ sugar pea, really :D Not only your Hanzo is, but you as a person are as well! One can clearly see that you enjoy McHanzo as much as I do, hehe. Whenever we chat OOC it’s really great and I am sorry if I sometimes just don’t talk much, that’s not your fault! Also I am sorry that I take ages to reply or sometimes even never reply... I am a bad person. But don’t forget, you are awesome and very nice!
@deathsuite - I dunno if you’re still around, it’s been some time since we last RPed or even talked OOC. Just wanted to let you know - I miss you and our RP. if you ever decide to come back, I’ll be here.
@witnessxher - You’re not much active at the moment as well, I guess? But I am still enjoying all our things we do (if we do them XD) and you are a amazing Ana! Can’t ait to talk to you again OOC and IC, and have Jesse and her go on adventures together. You are a very, very nice person and sent me such nice words that one time where I felt bad, I am still thankful for that! <3 Thank you so much.
@oldsoldixrsneverdie - We don’t talk much OOC actually, but I really enjoy the things that are happening between your Jack and my McCree. Also, your Jack is perfect and spot on and I enjoy your portrayal a lot. You also are one of the first 76′s that are really interacting with me and I am so glad about that! Thanks for sticking around, even though I am hella boring and eh... Thanks man! You are awesome.
@scarslookgood - We don’t RP I think? But I still enjoy seeing you on my dash! If you ever wanna do something in the future, just let me know. You seem like a very nice and hella great person whenever we talked OOC!
@flashofyellowlight - You are a very, very nice person! Thank you for still following me, even after all the months :D. I always find it cute when we talk OOC, you seem to be really nice and a lovely person. Stay like that, it does suit you!
@de-los-muertos - Hey! You haven’t been around for much in quite some time, I hope you are alright! I am a bit worried that something happened? I hope you are well and will come back at some point, I really enjoy our interactions between Gabriel and Jesse, and you are a really nice person when chatting OOC. Just wanna let you know I am still here and waiting, just in case you wanna drop by again! <3 Take care!
If I forgot someone on this list - I am really sorry about that. there are so many awesome people, I just cannot keep track. Here’s a little shoutout to other awesome blogs that follow me - but same as above, if I forgot someone, I am very sorry about that, please don’t feel personally attacked or something. Let’s just talk more! :)
@eideticexperiment @hanzo-motivates @himmelsdoktor @odxchi @withhcnor @tornhonored @simple-geometry @gryphonsated @deathforsaken @mercurexveine @repentiing @deathwoken @fragcr @hero-ur @wifeused
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sxngre-blog · 7 years
I WANT 2 BRANCH OUT!!! strach some musckles. 
i wanna rp w a hanzo like, desperately, and a gabe, and an ana, and a jack, and (cups hands around mouth) i want. interactions.
i feel like i scare away a lot of hanzos bc jesses not formed a good opinion of him but  i want 2 do them... RIGHT ya know
craving....... Bonding... mczo not required lmao.
just thinkin bout all the Good Stuff I wanna do and talk about and have fun with!!
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Overwatch - Reaper76
Hey there! People call me all kinds of names and you can choose what you like, but Max or Maxxi works out fine! I am 21 and I am only looking for people available for an 18+ roleplay. I am in eastern time but I'll rp with anybody from around the world as long as you can do a good literature rp.
I love all kinds of AU's and plotting so be sure to tell me what you like and we can talk about it! I prefer rping as Jack but I can do a very good Gabe as well.
Don't be shy to message me even if you just wanna talk about reaper76! I am in love with these two so much!!!!
Please see my tumblr https://reaper76-is-where-its-at.tumblr.com/ to message me!
(P.S. I'll totally rp Aokaga too!!!)
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