#lin-shan lee
oraclesclocktower · 2 years
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roberta lee/ lee lin-shan from superman smashes the klan icons!!
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brandonshimoda · 6 months
*I read it before
**I read it more than once this year
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Common Grace
Adania Shibli, Minor Detail, translated from the Arabic by Elisabeth Jaquette
Ahmad Almallah, Bitter English
Alison Lubar, It Skips a Generation
Atef Abu Saif, The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary
Brynn Saito, Under a Future Sky
Camonghne Felix, Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation
*Carolina Ebeid, You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior
Chanté L. Reid, Thot
*Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes
Christine Shan Shan Hou & Vi Khi Nao, Evolution of the Bullet
Christopher Okigbo, Labyrinths (with Paths of Thunder)
Cristina Rivera Garza, Liliana’s Invincible Summer
Dionne Brand, Chronicles of the Hostile Sun
*Dionne Brand, No Language is Neutral
Dionne Brand, Primitive Offensive
Édouard Louis, Who Killed My Father, translated from the French by Lorin Stein
**Emily Lee Luan, 回 / Return
Erin Marie Lynch, Removal Acts
Fady Joudah, Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance
Farid Tali, Prosopopoeia, translated from the French by Aditi Machado
Gabriel Palacios, A Ten Peso Burial For Which Truth Is Sign (coming out 2024)
Ghayath Almadhoun, Adrenalin, translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham
Hauntie, To Whitey & The Cracker Jack
Hervé Guibert, To the friend who did not save my life, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale
Hiromi Ito, Tree Spirits Grass Spirits, translated from the Japanese by Jon L. Pitt
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street
*James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work
James Fujinami Moore, Indecent Hours
Jami Nakamura Lin, The Night Parade
Jawdat Fakhreddine, Lighthouse for the Drowning, translated from the Arabic by Huda Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Jed Munson, Commentary on the Birds
Jennifer Hayashida, A Machine Wrote This Song
Jenny Odell, Inhabiting The Negative Space
Jenny Xie, The Rupture Tense
*Joy Kogawa, A Choice of Dreams
Joy Kogawa, A Garden of Anchors: Selected Poems
**Joy Kogawa, From the Lost and Found Department: New and Selected Poems
Joy Kogawa, Gently to Nagasaki
*Joy Kogawa, Jericho Road
*Joy Kogawa, Obasan
Joy Kogawa, The Rain Ascends
Joy Kogawa, The Splintered Moon
*Joy Kogawa, Woman in the Woods
Juan Felipe Herrera, Akrílica, eds. Farid Matuk, Carmen Giménez, Anthony Cody
Kamo-no-Chomei, Hojoki: Visions of a Torn World, translated from the Japanese by Yasuhiko Moriguchi and David Jenkins
Keorapetse Kgositsile, Collected Poems, 1969-2018
*Kiku Hughes, Displacement
Kōno Taeko, Toddler-Hunting, translated from the Japanese by Lucy North
Leila Khaled, My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary, as told to George Hajjar
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Kaan and Her Sisters
**Lindsey Webb, Plat (coming out in 2024)
Lisa Hsiao Chen, Activities of Daily Living
Liyana Badr, A Balcony over the Fakihani, translated from the Arabic by Peter Clark with Christopher Tingley
Lucille Clifton, An Ordinary Woman
*Lucille Clifton, Blessing the Boats
Lucille Clifton, Good News About the Earth
Lucille Clifton, Good Times
Lucille Clifton, Two-Headed Woman
Mahmoud Darwish, The Butterfly’s Burden, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, If I Were Another, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine as Metaphor, translated from the Arabic by Amira El-Zein and Carolyn Forché
Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, You Can Be The Last Leaf, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Maya Marshall, All the Blood Involved in Love
Michael Prior, Model Disciple
*Mitsuye Yamada, Camp Notes and Other Poems
Mitsuye Yamada, Full Circle: New and Selected Poems
Mohammed El-Kurd, RIFQA
**Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear
Mourid Barghouti, I Saw Ramallah, translated from the Arabic by Ahdaf Soueif
Mourid Barghouti, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here, translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
Mourid Barghouti, Midnight, translated from the Arabic by Radwa Ashour
Na Mira, The Book of Na
Najwan Darwish, Nothing More to Lose, translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro, translated from the Japanese by Edwin McClellan
Nona Fernández, Voyager: Constellations of Memory, translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human, translated from the Japanese by Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Flowers of Buffoonery, translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett
The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry, edited and translated from the Arabic by A.M. Elmessiri
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kappa, translated from Japanese by Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda and Allison Markin Powell
Salim Barakat, Come, Take a Gentle Stab: Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Huda J. Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Samih Al-Qasim, All Faces But Mine, translated from the Arabic by Abdulwahid Lu’lu’a
Samih al-Qasim, Sadder Than Water: New & Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis
*Saretta Morgan, Alt-Nature (coming out in 2024)
Satsuki Ina, The Poet and the Silk Girl (coming out in 2024)
Sawako Ariyoshi, The Twilight Years, translated from the Japanese by Mildred Tahara
Shailja Patel, Migritude
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, City of Pearls
Sharon Yamato, Moving Walls
Shivanee Ramlochan, Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting
**shō yamagushiku, shima (coming out in 2014)
Shuri Kido, Names and Rivers, translated from the Japanese by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander
*Solmaz Sharif, Customs
Stella Corso, Green Knife
*Taha Muhammad Ali, Never Mind: Twenty Poems and a Story, translated from the Arabic by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi, Gabriel Levin
Terry Watada, The Game of 100 Ghosts (Hyaku Monogatari Kwaidan-kai)
Victoria Chang, Obit
*Wong May, Superstitions
Chi Rainer Bornfree and Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, The Portal (not yet published)
Elaine Castillo, How to Read Now
Eqbal Ahmad, The Selected Writings
Essays, ed. Dorothea Lasky
Fadwa Tuqan, A Mountainous Journey: A Poet's Autobiography, translated from the Arabic by Olive Kenny
James Welch, Winter in the Blood
Lan P. Duong, Nothing Follows
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Touching the Art
Preti Taneja, Aftermath
Wanda Coleman, Wicked Enchantment
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mmepastel · 2 years
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Gros coup de cœur pour ce livre merveilleux de Jessica J. Lee, édité aux superbes éditions Marchialy.
Qui eût cru que je me serais passionnée pour un récit non fictionnel qui évoque une île dont je ne connaissais rien : Taïwan ?
Et pourtant. La jeune écrivaine, en explorant l’île de ses grands-parents maternels disparus, décrit une île meurtrie, impétueuse, luxuriante, et mystérieuse, extrêmement séduisante. Elle part sur les traces de ses aïeuls, et sa quête est évidemment aussi intime, identitaire ; sa mère est née à Taïwan de parents chinois exilés, mais son père est un britannique immigré au Canada. Elle-même a vécu en Angleterre et en Allemagne. Donc forcément, la géographie qui disperse une famille, ça fait écho, et on sent un besoin de retrouver les fils rompus de ces trajectoires familiales.
Elle a réparti son récit en quatre parties : Dao, île / Shan, montagne, colline / Shui, eau, rivière, fleuve / Lin : forêt, bois, bosquet.
Lisez le début, cela vous donnera une idée de la poésie quasi méditative de sa prose (toujours liée à du savoir, voire de l’érudition, mais jamais ennuyeuse) :
« Le mot chinois pour « île » n’a rien à voir avec l’eau. Aux yeux d’une civilisation qui s’est développée en s’enfonçant peu à peu dans les terres, depuis la mer, l’immensité des montagnes semblait une métaphore plus adaptée : 島 (dao, « île », prononcé « tou » en taïwanais) se construit à partir du lien entre la terre et le ciel. Le caractère contient l’idée qu’un oiseau 鳥 (niao) peut se reposer sur une montagne solitaire 山 (shan). »
Son récit tisse donc des liens entre les mots, mandarins, taïwanais, anglais, et les lieux, les souvenirs, la faune et la flore, le tout avec précision, poésie et délicatesse. Pudeur même. Certains passages décrivants les forêts sont à couper le souffle de beauté. On la sent progressivement faire connaissance avec l’île de ses grands-parents aux destins complexes, tout comme celui de l’île, malmenée par les colonisateurs successifs (japonais puis chinois pour le XXe siècle) comme par les typhons et les séismes fréquents. L’île est une sorte de chaos pérenne, un peu comme sa famille, c’est pourquoi les liens qu’elle noue sont pertinents et touchants. En se familiarisant avec les villes et les paysages, elle se rapproche de sa mère, et renoue avec une partie oubliée de sa famille ; elle complète patiemment le puzzle de son identité. C’est comme une éclosion lente et douce, progressive. Sa façon d’aimer l’île se ressent dans l’attention qu’elle lui porte, s’attardant sur des rochers, observant des failles, plongeant dans un lac glacé après une nuit sous la tente, scrutant un oiseau, identifiant un arbre particulièrement odorant. Cette attention aux détails m’a énormément plu, m’a touchée, m’a donné envie d’y aller (même si l’actualité et mon compte en banque semblent peu propices). C’est une sorte de livre de nature writing mâtiné d’une touche poétique que je qualifierai volontiers de zen (même si je sens que ce mot relève de l’ordre du cliché pour ma part).
J’ai vu qu’elle a écrit un autre livre non traduit en français hélas, sur ses promenades solitaires avec nage dans les lacs autour de Berlin, et pareil, je souhaiterais vivement le lire maintenant…
C’est sans doute ma façon à moi de voyager aussi…
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
A ‘world music’ arrangement and a soaring vocal by Leaf Yeh 葉穎 on this live version of 取巧 (Clever), from Leaf’s Birth & Death album. (2019)
Handpan: 李承宇 Angus Lee Sitar: 吳欣澤 (Uz Azer)  (he leads the world music ensemble 西尤島.the SiyuLand) Didgeridoo: Brian Lin 慶洲 (Ching-Chou Lin) Drums/Percussion: Vincent Liao 廖文森 Tabla: 謝雨珊 (Punch打擊樂團/Punch Percussion Group, 鼓玩擊樂團 Good One Percussion) Synth/Vocal/Flute: Leaf Yeh 葉穎
Leaf links: StreetVoice,  YouTube,  SoundCloud,  Instagram,  Spotify
Bonus clip: A fun version of the Mission Impossible theme using tuned percussion tubes (called Boomwhackers); 謝雨珊, 薛寶釵, and another girl (Yu Shan Hsieh?) in the group 鼓玩擊樂團 Good One Percussion Group:
Yu Shan Hsieh YT channel has a few more clips from this performance, featuring drums and more tuned percussion. Cool stuff!  =D
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mariocki · 5 years
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中國超人 (The Super Inframan, 1975)
"Rayma, you're fire, water, and thunder resistant - but you can't resist the glacier air which freezes your body now!"
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sywtwfs · 3 years
2021 Grand Prix Entries
ISU documents: Women, Men, Pairs, Ice Dance
Entries by event under the cut. This post will be updated as entries change.
Last updated: Nov. 22, 2021
SKATE AMERICA (Las Vegas, USA: Oct 22-24)
Satoko Miyahara (JPN)
Kaori Sakamoto (JPN)
Yuhana Yokoi (JPN)
Ekaterina Kurakova (POL)
Yelim Kim (KOR)
Young You (KOR)
Kseniia Sinitsyna (RUS)
Alexandra Trusova (RUS)
Daria Usacheva (RUS)
Amber Glenn (USA)
Bradie Tennell (USA)
Starr Andrews (USA)
Audrey Shin (USA)
Nam Nguyen (CAN)
Michal Brezina (CZE)
Kevin Aymoz (FRA)
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA)
Daniel Grassl (ITA)
Shun Sato (JPN)
Shoma Uno (JPN)
Artur Danielian (RUS)
Daniil Samsonov (RUS)
Nathan Chen (USA)
Vincent Zhou (USA)
Yaroslav Paniot (USA)
Jimmy Ma (USA)
Evelyn Walsh/Trennt Michaud (CAN)
Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara (JPN)
Aleksandra Boikova/Dmitri Kozlovskii (RUS)
Alina Pepeleva/Roman Pleshkov (RUS)
Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (RUS)
Alexa Knierim/Brandon Frazier (USA)
Chelsea Liu/Danny O’Shea (USA)
Jessica Calalang/Brian Johnson (USA)
Ice Dance:
Laurence Fournier Beaudry/Nikolaj Sorensen (CAN)
Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus (CAN)
Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto (JPN)
Natalia Kaliszek/Maksym Spodyriev (POL)
Annabelle Morozov/Andrei Bagin (RUS)
Tiffani Zagorski/Jonathan Guerreiro (RUS)
Olivia Smart/Adrian Diaz (ESP)
Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA)
Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue (USA)
Molly Cesanek/Yehor Yehorov (USA)
SKATE CANADA (Vancouver, Canada: Oct 29-31)
Emily Bausback (CAN)
Madeline Schizas (CAN)
Alison Schumacher (CAN)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN)
Rika Kihira (JPN)
Mai Mihara (JPN)
Mana Kawabe (JPN)
Haein Lee (KOR)
Alena Kostornaia (RUS)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (RUS)
Kamila Valieva (RUS)
Alexia Paganini (SUI)
Karen Chen (USA)
Alysa Liu (USA)
Keegan Messing (CAN)
Roman Sadovsky (CAN)
Conrad Orzel (CAN)
Morisi Kvitelashvili (GEO)
Keiji Tanaka (JPN)
Sota Yamamoto (JPN)
Makar Ignatov (RUS)
Alexander Samarin (RUS)
Evgeni Semenenko (RUS)
Jason Brown (USA)
Nathan Chen (USA)
Tomoki Hiwatashi (USA)
Vanessa James/Eric Radford (CAN)
Lori-Ann Matte/Thierry Ferland (CAN)
Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro (CAN)
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han (CHN)
Minerva Fabienne Hase/Nolan Seegert (GER)
Zoe Jones/Christopher Boyadji (GBR)
Daria Pavliuchenko/Denis Khodykin (RUS)
Ashley Cain-Gribble/Timothy Leduc (USA)
Ice Dance:
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN)
Marjorie Lajoie/Zachary Lagha (CAN)
Haley Sales/Nikolas Wamsteeker (CAN)
Lilah Fear/Lewis Gibson (GBR)
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri (ITA)
Diana Davis/Gleb Smolkin (RUS)
Elizaveta Shanaeva/Devid Naryzhnyy (RUS)
Olivia Smart/Adrian Diaz (ESP)
Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko (USA)
Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (USA)
GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA (Torino, Italy: Nov 5-7)
Loena Hendrickx (BEL)
Hongyi Chen (CHN)
Shan Lin (CHN)
Yi Zhu (CHN)
Nicole Schott (GER)
Lara Naki Gutmann (ITA)
Lucrezia Beccari (ITA)
Mai Mihara (JPN)
Satoko Miyahara (JPN)
Yelim Kim (KOR)
Eunsoo Lim (KOR)
Maiia Khromykh (RUS)
Sofia Samodurova (RUS)
Anna Shcherbakova (RUS)
Bradie Tennell (USA)
Yudong Chen (CHN)
Boyang Jin (CHN)
Han Yan (CHN)
Paul Fentz (GER)
Daniel Grassl (ITA)
Gabriele Frangipani (ITA)
Yuma Kagiyama (JPN)
Kazuki Tomono (JPN)
Deniss Vasiljevs (LAT)
Junhwan Cha (KOR)
Dmitri Aliev (RUS)
Petr Gumennik (RUS)
Mikhail Kolyada (RUS)
Cheng Peng/Yang Jin (CHN)
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han (CHN)
Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel (GER)
Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise (ITA)
Rebecca Ghilardi/Filippo Ambrosini (ITA)
Sara Conti/Niccolo Macii (ITA)
Iuliia Artemieva/Mikhail Nazarychev (RUS)
Alina Pepeleva/Roman Pleshkov (RUS)
Ice Dance:
Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus (CAN)
Hong Chen/Zhuoming Sun (CHN)
Shiyue Wang/Xinyu Liu (CHN)
Evgeniia Lopareva/Geoffrey Brissaud (FRA)
Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA)
Katharina Mueller/Tim Dieck (GER)
Carolina Portesi Peroni/Michael Chrastecky (ITA)
Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin (RUS)
Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (USA)
Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue (USA)
NHK TROPHY (Tokyo, Japan: Nov 12-14)
Olga Mikutina (AUT)
Nicole Schott (GER)
Rika Kihira (JPN)
Kaori Sakamoto (JPN)
Rino Matsuike (JPN)
Mana Kawabe (JPN)
Eunsoo Lim (KOR)
Seoyeong Wi (KOR)
Young You (KOR)
Alexandra Trusova (RUS)
Daria Usacheva (RUS)
Amber Glenn (USA)
Alysa Liu (USA)
Nam Nguyen (CAN)
Matteo Rizzo (ITA)
Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN)
Shoma Uno (JPN)
Kao Miura (JPN)
Sota Yamamoto (JPN)
Junhwan Cha (KOR)
Makar Ignatov (RUS)
Alexander Samarin (RUS)
Daniil Samsonov (RUS)
Tomoki Hiwatashi (USA)
Camden Pulkinen (USA)
Vincent Zhou (USA)
Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (AUT)
Evelyn Walsh/Trennt Michaud (CAN)
Minerva Fabienne Hase/Nolan Seegert (GER)
Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara (JPN)
Anastasia Mishina/Aleksandr Galliamov (RUS)
Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (RUS)
Ashley Cain-Gribble/Timothy Leduc (USA)
Audrey Lu/Misha Mitrofanov (USA)
Ice Dance:
Marjorie Lajoie/Zachary Lagha (CAN)
Shiyue Wang/Xinyu Liu (CHN)
Lilah Fear/Lewis Gibson (GBR)
Kana Muramoto/Daisuke Takahashi (JPN)
Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto (JPN)
Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS)
Sara Hurtado/Kirill Khaliavin (ESP)
Alexandra Nazarova/Maxim Nikitin (UKR)
Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA)
Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker (USA)
INTERNATIONAUX DE FRANCE (Grenoble, France: Nov 19-21)
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE)
Maia Mazzara (FRA)
Mae-Berenice Meite (FRA)
Lea Serna (FRA)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN)
Yuhana Yokoi (JPN)
Haein Lee (KOR)
Yeonjeong Park (KOR)
Alena Kostornaia (RUS)
Anna Shcherbakova (RUS)
Kseniia Sinitsyna (RUS)
Starr Andrews (USA)
Mariah Bell (USA)
Karen Chen (USA)
Keegan Messing (CAN)
Kevin Aymoz (FRA)
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA)
Romain Ponsart (FRA)
Gabriele Frangipani (ITA)
Yuma Kagiyama (JPN)
Shun Sato (JPN)
Deniss Vasiljevs (LAT)
Dmitri Aliev (RUS)
Artur Danielian (RUS)
Andrei Mozalev (RUS)
Jason Brown (USA)
Vanessa James/Eric Radford (CAN)
Cheng Peng/Yang Jin (CHN)
Yuchen Wang/Yihang Huang (CHN)
Camille Kovalev/Pavel Kovalev (FRA)
Coline Keriven/Noel-Antoine Pierre (FRA)
Ioulia Chtchetinina/Mark Magyar (HUN)
Rebecca Ghilardi/Filippo Ambrosini (ITA)
Iuliia Artemieva/Mikhail Nazarychev (RUS)
Aleksandra Boikova/Dmitrii Kozlovskii (RUS)
Alexa Knierim/Brandon Frazier (USA)
Ice Dance:
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN)
Adelina Galyavieva/Louis Thauron (FRA)
Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA)
Evgeniia Lopareva/Geoffrey Brissaud (FRA)
Juulia Turkkila/Matthias Versluis (FIN)
Jennifer Janse van Rensburg/Benjamin Steffan (GER)
Allison Reed/Saulius Ambrulevicius (LTU)
Annabelle Morozov/Andrei Bagin (RUS)
Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin (RUS)
Tiffani Zagorski/Jonathan Guerreiro (RUS)
Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko (USA)
ROSTELECOM CUP (Sochi, Russia: Nov 26-28)
Olga Mikutina (AUT)
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE)
Loena Hendrickx (BEL)
Viktoriia Safonova (BLR)
Madeline Schizas (CAN)
Eva-Lotta Kiibus (EST)
Rino Matsuike (JPN)
Elizabet Tursynbaeva (KAZ)
Ekaterina Kurakova (POL)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (RUS)
Kamila Valieva (RUS)
Maiia Khromykh (RUS)
Mariah Bell (USA)
Brendan Kerry (AUS)
Roman Sadovsky (CAN)
Michal Brezina (CZE)
Morisi Kvitelashvili (GEO)
Nika Egadze (GEO)
Matteo Rizzo (ITA)
Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN)
Keiji Tanaka (JPN)
Kazuki Tomono (JPN)
Mikhail Kolyada (RUS)
Evgeni Semenenko (RUS)
Mark Kondratiuk (RUS)
Maxim Naumov (USA)
Camden Pulkinen (USA)
Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (AUT)
Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro (CAN)
Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel (GER)
Ioulia Chtchetinina/Mark Magyar (HUN)
Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise (ITA)
Anastasia Mishina/Aleksandr Galliamov (RUS)
Daria Pavliuchenko/Denis Khodykin (RUS)
Iasmina Kadyrova/Ivan Balchenko (RUS)
Audrey Lu/Misha Mitrofanov (USA)
Ice Dance:
Laurence Fournier Beaudry/Nikolaj Sorensen (CAN)
Adelina Galyavieva/Louis Thauron (FRA)
Maria Kazakova/Georgy Reviya (GEO)
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri (ITA)
Natalia Kaliszek/Maksym Spodyriev (POL)
Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS)
Anastasia Skoptcova/Kirill Aleshin (RUS)
Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva/Egor Bazin (RUS)
Sara Hurtado/Kirill Khaliavin (ESP)
Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker (USA)
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2020-21 Program Music Choices
Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael Marinaro (CAN) will be reusing their 2019-2020 free skate.
Audrey Lu / Misha Mitrofanov (USA) - FS: “Ancient Lands” by Roman Hardiman
Daria Pavlichenko / Denis Khodykin (RUS) - FS: "The Black Swan" soundtrack, Choroegraphy by Alexander Zhulin.
Alina Pepeleva & Roman Pleshkov (RUS) - SP: "Io Ci Saro" by Andrea Bocelli (debuted at Russian Cup Final); They will be reusing their free program from the previous season.
Katie McBeath/Nathan Bartholomay (USA) - FS: "The Blower’s Daughter" performed by Christina Aguilera & Chris Mann, Choreography by Cindy Stuart
Vincent Zhou (USA) will be reusing his 2018-2019 free skate.
Yaroslav Paniot (USA) will be reusing his 2020-2021 free skate.
Keiji Tanaka (JPN) - SP: BGM "11170 CH edition 0706" Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version
Mark Kondratiuk (RUS) - SP: Jesus Christ Superstar
Lucas Tsyuoshi Honda (JPN) - FS: "Blues for Klook" by Eddy Louiss / "The Prophet" by Gary Moore. He will be reusing his his 2020-2021 short program.
Vladimir Litvinsev (AZE) - SP: Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-sharp minor ("Bells of Moscow"), Choreography by Sergei Rozanov
Koshiro Shimada (JPN) - SP: “Giving Up” by Donny Hathaway; FP- Charlie Chaplin Medley (including “Limelight” and “Smile”); Both with choreography by Stephane Lambiel
Sihyeong Lee (KOR) -  SP: Polovtsian Dances from ‘Prince Igor’; Choreography by Yeaji Shin
Matthew Markell (CAN) - SP: “Per Te” by Josh Groban. He is doing his own choreography. 
Roman Sadovsky (CAN) - FS: “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol, Arranged by Maxine Rodriguez, Choreography by Mark Pillay
Conrad Orzel (CAN) - FS: “Who Wants to Live Forever” by Queen, Choreography by Jeffrey Buttle
Nikolaj Majorov (SWE) - SP: “Sound of Silence” by Disturbed; FP is to a martial arts theme.
Alexei Erokhov (RUS) - SP: "Fallin' " by Alicia Keys, performed by Nicola Cavallaro
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA) - FP: Daft Punk Medley
Leonid Sviridenko (RUS) - SP: "Sturm I: Fear" by Dardust
Ilya Yablokov (RUS) - FS: "Walk Away" by Maxime Rodriguez and Xavier Mortimer
Eric Sjoberg (USA) - FS: Interstellar Soundtrack, Choreography by Misha Ge
Artur Danielian (RUS) - FS: Scheherazade
Nam Nguyen (CAN) will be reusing his free from the 2020-2021 season.
Ice Dance
Eva Pate / Logan Bye (USA) - FD: The Hunger Games Soundtrack
Charlene Guignard / Marco Fabbri (ITA), Natalia Kaliszek / Maskim Spodyriev (POL) and Elizaveta Shanaeva / Devid Naryzhnyy (RUS) will be reusing their 2020-2021 free dances.
Molly Lanaghan / Dmitre Razgulajevs (CAN) - RD: “Spice Girls”; FD: Tango
Loïcia Demougeot & Théo Le Mercier (FRA) FD: "Lonlon (Ravel’s Bolero)" by Angelique Kidjo, Coreography by Benoit Richaud
Anastasia Arkipova (UKR) - SP: “Entre tu amor”
Ayaka Hosoda (JPN) - SP: "Leyenda" (Flamenco); Choreography by Misha Ge
Yeonjeong Park (KOR) - SP: Ballade No.by Chopin, Coregraphy by David Wilson; FP: Hymne A L'amour, Coregraphy by Pasquale Camerlengo
Starr Andrews (USA) - SP: “At Last” by Etta James; FP: “Bigger” / “At Last” by Beyonce; Both with Choreography by Derrick Delmore
Violeta Ushakova (USA) - FP: “Circles”, Coreography by Olga Ganicheva
Amber Glenn - FP: “Rain In Your Black Eyes”  Ezio Bosso, Remixed & Choreographed by Misha Ge
Rika Kihira will be reusing her short program from the 2020-2021 season.
Anastasia Guliakova (RUS) - FS:  "Don't Say You Do" / "Real Boy" by Lola Blanc, Coreography by Tatiana Prokofieva
Audrey Shin (USA)  FS: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, Choreography by Drew Meekins
Madeline Schizas (CAN) - SP: "My Sweet and Tender Beast" waltz (female vocal version) by Eugen Doga, Coreography by Asher Hill
Alexandra Feigin (BUL) - SP: Charlie Chaplin; FP: Firebird; Coreography by Nikita Mikhailov
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE) is keeping her short program from the previous season.
Mia Kalin (USA) - SP: "Waltz of the Flowers" from The Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Stanislava Konstantinova (RUS) - FS: My Love, The Devil You Know by Kovacs; "Take The Lead Tango" by Bonnie Greenburg
Alexia Paganini (SUI) - SP: "La Cumparsita" by Gerardo Matos Rodriguez and Gerardo Matos Rodriguez
Mariah Bell (USA) - SP: Music from Chromatica by Lady Gaga, Choreography by Cordero Zuckerman; FP: Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell, Choreography by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Karen Chen (USA) is keeping her free program from last season.
Eliska Brezinova (CZE) -  SP: "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics, Coreography by Misha Ge
Shan Lin (Ashley Lin) CHN - FS: "Papa Can You Hear Me?" performed by Barbra Streisand, Choreography by Lori Nichol
37 notes · View notes
vdo4ever · 5 years
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The Legend of Zu (2018)
0 notes
dreams-of-fate · 3 years
Mobile Muse List
Cdrama Muses
lian song / eternal love / fc: li dongheng, lin gengxin, & xu zhengxi / primary 
ji heng / eternal love / fc: liu yuefei & zhang xinyu / primary 
li jing / eternal love / fc: zhang vin vin / primary 
bai qian / eternal love / fc: yang mi / primary 
donghua dijun / eternal love / fc: vengo gao / secondary 
ye qingti / eternal love / fc: xu shao ying & shawn dou / secondary 
su moye / eternal love / fc: dylan kuo /  tertiary
zhi he / eternal love / fc: wang yifei / tertiary 
zhe yan / eternal love / fc: baron chen / tertiary 
xize / eternal love / fc: zheng yecheng  / private 
shao wan / eternal love / fc: chen yuqi / tertiary 
shen ye / eternal love / fc: liu haoran / secondary 
zhao yunlan / guardian / fc: bai yu / primary
chu shuzhi / guardian / fc: jiang mingyang / tertiary 
mu ni huang / nirvana in fire / fc: liu tao & tiffany tang / primary 
lin chen / nirvana in fire / fc: jin dong / secondary 
xia dong / nirvana in fire / fc: zhang lingxin / tertiary 
xiao liyang / nirvana in fire / fc: zhang yan yan & zhao yingjuan / primary
concubine jing / nirvana in fire / fc: liu mintao & lu shan / tertiary 
wen qing / mdzs / fc: meng ziyi / secondary
jiang cheng / mdzs / fc: wang zhuocheng / tertiary 
jin ling / mdzs / fc: wang yuan / secondary 
wen ning / mdzs / fc: yu bin / request 
nie mingjue / mdzs / fc: wang yizhou / primary
yu ziyuan / mdzs / fc: zhang jingtong / request 
lan qiren / mdzs / fc: huang ziteng / request 
meng shi / mdzs / fc: tan yixin / request 
lan wangji / mdzs / fc: wang yibo / request 
xufeng / ashes of love / fc: deng lun / tertiary 
runyu / ashes of love / fc: leo luo / tertiary
yuanji / ashes of love / fc: sa dingding / tertiary 
yuan chun / princess agents / fc: li qin / primary 
chu qiao / princess agents / fc: zhao liying / secondary
yan xun / princess agents / fc: shawn dou / tertiary 
gu tingye / the story of minglan / fc: feng shaofeng / tertiary 
xun zhao / hope all is well with us / fc: liu tao / tertiary 
Kdrama Muses 
wang yo / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: hong jonghyun / primary 
choi yoon / the guest / fc: kim jae wook / primary 
wang wook / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: kang ha-neul / secondary 
wang won / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: yoon sunwoo / tertiary 
hwangbo yeonhwa / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: kang ha na / secondary 
wang mu / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: kim sanho / tertiary 
kang gilyoung / the guest / fc: jung eunchae / secondary 
hae myunghee / scarlet heart: ryeo / fc: lee da in / tertiary 
jang manwol / hotel del luna / fc: lee seyoung / tertiary 
kim shin / goblin / fc: gong yoo / tertiary 
yoon jongwoo / strangers from hell / fc: im siwon / tertiary 
Jdrama Muses 
sasaki rena / tantei no tantei / fc: kitagawa keiko / request
 choi dongsun / oc afflicted with the guest / fc: seo kangjoon / secondary
yoon haeju /  oc afflicted with the guest / fc: jung chaeyeon / secondary 
sohma asa / fruits basket oc / fc: mizuhara kiko / request
chun chun / xianxia oc based in eternal love / fc: zhang ruoyun / secondary 
xia xia / xianxia oc based in eternal love / fc: zhu zanjin / tertiary 
qiu qiu / xianxia oc based in eternal love / fc: li qin / tertiary 
dong dong / xianxia oc based in eternal love / fc: guo qilin / tertiary 
li fei / historical oc / fc: ju jingyi / secondary 
zhou lifen / historical - xianxia based in eternal love oc / fc: liu mintao & lu shan / primary 
su rong / historical - wuxia based oc / fc: zhang jingtong / primary 
shao xiaosi / historical - wuxia based oc / fc: hu bing / secondary
shuo kai / fandomless oc / fc: darren wang / secondary
xuan huiliang / fandomless oc / fc: bambi zhu / secondary
wang qingzhao / historical oc / fc: fan bing bing / secondary 
qian huizhong / historical oc / fc: leon lai yi / secondary 
guo li ge / historical oc / fc: bai lu / secondary 
xiao lou / historical oc / fc: li xian / secondary 
jin yan / mdzs oc / fc: janice man / secondary
zhang changling / mdzs oc / fc: leon zhang / secondary
zhang zongying / mdzs oc / fc: zhou dong yu 
6 notes · View notes
vm4vm0 · 3 years
Production | Rigend film
Director | Rima Yoon, Doungju Jang Writer | Lay Zhang Producer | Alex Bell Roh AD | Eunah Kim, Sunhyu Lee, Eunjeong Choi, Eunji Koo
Local Producer | Lai Xu (Dong Yang Xu Cheng Film Produce Company) Local Synergy Company | Hengdian World Studio Dong Yang Zhongyouyihe Film Culture Produce Company Local Synergy manager | He Xiao Jian Local Production Crew | Lu Tian Hong, He Zu, Zhao Jia Xin, Zhang Li Jian Local Director Crew | Sun Wen Zhi, He Zhi Tao
D.O.P | Inmo Yun(ATOD) Youngchae Lim, Jaehwan Ryu, Kwangmo Kim Jimmy Jib | Youngjung Kim Hyunin Kim Local Camera Crew | Shi Wen Hui, Li Shao Bo, Wei Cheng Jun, Liu Chang Chun, Jing Hui, Luo Zhen Dong, Zhu Rong Ji, Li Zhu, Ma Jing Wei, Zheng Pi Chen, Liu Bin, Ma Yong Hao, Song Yu
Aerial Photography | Hong Jian Aerial Photography Making Photography | KIM DAUN@STUDIO DAUN, ZHANGYIXING STUDIO
Gaffer | Junhee Park (TEAM JJUN) Gangmin Jeong, Deokyeon Park Local Lighting Crew | Yan Zhi Yu, Yan Xin Lei, Hu Ming, Yi Xi Ma Xiu Bin, Zhou Zhong Yuan, Jian Dan, Wang Rui Peng Gao Shan, Chen Xu, Wang Jiang Fan
Art | Gwiock Shin (A:WE) Heeju Park, Gyeongryeon Dong, Minzy Kang Local Art Team | Lou Yue Cheng, Chen Wei, Ren Hua Jie, Kou Ming
Key Staylist | Sungsig Lee Assistant | Jisun Oh, Zhou Wen Li, Liu Cheng Kai, Dong Yu Jie, Yan Fa Bao
Key Make-up | Juha Kim Assistant | Liu Chun Jing, Liu Yao Rong, Liu Chun Shuang, Wang Yue, Chen Jun Fei
Key Hair stylist | Hochan Son Cast Visual Director | May Kim Cast Make-up Artist | Hyunji Kim
Translator | Hu Wei Qing, Na Na, Zheng Wan Lin, Zhao Chao Lin
Martial Art Team | Sun Wen Jing, Liu Zhen Sheng, Yuan Kai Li Hou Yi, Wei Qi, Hou Yu Shen Zhou Jie, Ma Qing Yuan, Guan Wei Zhou, Zhu Jin Peng
Local Field Team | Wu zhu, Wu Song, Liu Wen Bo Wang Lu Xun, Han Lin, Zheng Xu Liu Jie, Xiao Rui Yi, Wang Chao Xing Li Fei, Zhang Yu Lin
Transport Team | He Jian Guo, Jiang Yi Hui, Jiang Hai Lei Zhang Jun, Zhang Li Jian, Zhao Jian Lu Chang Liang, Zhao Wan Tian, Pan Zhi Wu Xiao, Bai Zhi Jun, Li Jin Cheng Wang Zhen Ping, Wang Yin Zhong, Lu Zhou Bao Han Kun, Wang Chuang Ming, Jiang Yi
Graphic Design | Sebyeol Moon, Hanwoong Yoon
Edit | Rima Yoon (Rigend film)
2D | Eunah Kim, Sunhyu Lee, Eunjeong Choi, Eunji Koo
2D | COMMA Seungin Park, Hyungil Choi, Yeojin Seo, Seungjin Kim
VFX | NEVV Jaeyoung Kim, Seho park, Sangyeop Baek, Seungseon Yu
VFX | DEXTER STUDIO VFX Supervisor | Yonggu Song Executive VFX Director | Jongik Kang Executive VFX Department Director | Seockhee Joung CG Supervisor | Daeseok Chae Asset Supervisor | Youngsu Lim Matchmove Supervisor | Dongho Cha Animation Supervisor | Sungoh Moon Rigging & Simulation Supervisor | Taehoon Kim Lighting & Rendering Supervisor | Taeseob Kim FX Supervisor | Jaegu Ha Comp Supervisor | Jihyung Jung VFX Producer | Goeun Seo, Sungwoo Ha VFX Line Producer | Mijin Jang VFX Coordinator | Younae Hong Concept Art Lead | Heewan Kim Concept Art Artist | Jinha Kwon Asset Lead | Yuna Kim Asset Artist | Jin Lee. Dayoung Lee, Juri Park, Hyemin Yuk Animator | Yeojin Jung, Gyoungmin Lee, Jihyang Yoon Crowd Artist | Hyena Jang, Yongseok Kim, Eunbin You, Yeju Jeong Mocap Artist | Jonghun Kim, Eunhee Seo Rigging & Simulation Lead | Minho Lee Rigging & Simulation Artist | Hee Yun, Youngmin Lee Taewoo Lim, Sungryoung Park, Hansaem Jang, Soyoung Seo Lighting & Render Lead | Seungmyeong Choi Lighting & Render Artist | Hansang Kim, Hyeji Eom FX Lead | Hyejeong Kim FX Artist | Saegyeol Lee, Jeongwook Han Lead Compositor | Cheong Kim Compositor | Yeseul Park, Yeonji Park, Sarah Jang, Sihyun Youn Matte Painting Lead | Soojung Huh Matte Painting Artist| Yumin Oh
4 notes · View notes
shijiujun · 4 years
2020 Because of You: Episode 2
This episode CRACKED ME UP even though there was ZERO ROMANCE in this well other than Dad and Lin Xun’s mom in the past and even that was documenting their split sighs but IT WAS STILL HILARIOUS I NEVER APPRECIATED HOW HANDSOME 2ND BRO IS? WOW HE IS HANDSOME OKAY WHAT IS HIS NAME... ah okay his english name is Will Chang lmao okay yes Will is ridiculously handsome too altho no one can top Lee Si Kang atm
The Korean & Chinese language switcher: Wow, I still have NOT gotten used to that like YJC is speaking and thinking in Korean and everyone else has Google Translate installed in their brains I still cannot wrap my brain around that even tho I can understand half the Korean without subs BUT STILL
No CP scenes in this one: BUT we do get YJC being all cute and going to Lin Xun’s house to give him a gift THIS OPPA HAS IT BAD FOR LIN XUN OKAY I TOLD YOU GUYS I RECOGNISED THE LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT LOOK but anyway he doesn’t get to see him, and then we get Lin Xun being all sad and also yelling at his not-Dad (DEFINITELY NOT HIS DAD OKAY OTHERWISE IT’S INCEST ALR) for being a rude asshole over the phone
Fights between the brothers: EXCELLENT and quite funny AND I NEVER EXPECTED 2ND BRO TO BE THE MEDIATOR?!!!! like YJD is the one kind of speaking up for big bro and asking third bro to calm down NEVER EXPECTED I THOUGHT IT’D BE THE OTHER WAY ROUND
4th son saga: OKAY so like I love how Dad made the leap that Lin Xun is his son like it was a pretty far leap like he was SO SURE THAT Lin Xun’s mom HAD to have his kid never mind they haven’t seen each other in a gazillion years and thus starting his three sons on a wild good chase for Lin Xun
So in episode two we get:
We start off with Lin Xun and his mom in a wheelchair who’s terminally ill, and if you guys read the character profiles you’ll know that Lin Xun’s mom used to be lovers with the brothers’ Dad, and they were childhood friends - Anyway, Lin Xun’s mom tells him to call the old lover when she dies
And we fast forward to Lin Xun packing up his mom’s stuff, because also if you read the character profiles (otherwise this info comes as a bit abruptly XD) his mom dies while Lin Xun is saving YJC (because his phone dropped when they rode off on his motorbike and the hospital called him then, so he missed the call - all of which is kind of unexplained in the 2nd ep) 
ANW Lin Xun is berating himself for saving the korean oppa because otherwise he would have been able to see his mom for the last time
So he finds the slip of paper with the Dad’s number written on it (I call him Dad but HE IS NOT LIN XUN’S DAD argh) and so he calls the number and Dad picks up and it takes him like two sentences to figure out that Lin Xun is calling on behalf on his mom and he asks Lin Xun to get his mom to talk to him (he doesn’t know that it’s her son he’s speaking to at this point)
And Lin Xun passes on the message: “She asked me to tell you that you lost, after all” - And cue flashback to Dad and Mom splitting and they bet each other that they would never see each other again until either of them dies and of course Dad is like wtf she was the love of my life kind of and she’s dead I’m grieving and in disbelief and he yells at Lin Xun to get his mom to talk to him
Lin Xun basically yells at him for yelling and mentions on the way that that’s his mother and when Dad hangs up his SHOOKETH HIS FIRST THOUGHT IS... SHE HAS A SON... AND THAT SON IS MINE... never mind that they haven’t seen each other in forever, he doesn’t know how old this son is etc. etc.
He’s smiling so cutely to himself like LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?!!! CALLED IT
but dad’s secretary calls and unfortunately he has to go back to the office to meet the Dad before meeting Lin Xun
Cue all three brothers reuniting at the office and LMAOOO 3RD BRO IS LIKE WHAT YOU DOING HERE and big bro is still Korean mode so he’s like why aren’t you talking to me in proper formal Korean to show your elders respect NEVER MIND that in Chinese we don’t have that kind of differentiation in language and tense/form and he’s like you should at least call me big brother right?
THIRD BRO BRINGS OUT THE RECEIPTS: “When I was kidnapped and the kidnappers called you, you just hung up on them! What did you mean huh?!” I AM DYING OF LAUGHTER
Anw 2nd bro mediates and then they go see Dad and LMAOOO okay going to make a The Untamed reference between Dad and Jin Guang Shan because they both have plenty of women hanging around them but DAD IS A BIT MORE SUAVE THAN THAT
2nd bro’s mom is living very happily off the alimony she gets from Dad and is now has a Thai bf
3rd bro’s mom refuses to divorce Dad until she can get one-third of his assets
Dad’s reaction: That’s very good, glad to see she’s (2nd) happy and that she (3rd) has determination LMAOOOO love it
And big bro’s Korean mom is dead :( and obviously big bro is pissed about that, thinking that she’s dead because of Dad
CUE first, second and third bro going, one after the after: “DOES MY MOM KNOW” or in big bro’s case “DID MY MOM KNOW!?”
So Dad promises the sons that whoever can bring Lin Xun back to him, he’ll grant them a wish including his current position and wealth, then passes them Lin Xun’s file and photos
Then OOOH LOOK AT BIG BRO YJC GOING: *in korean* Lin Xun? It’s him? 
NEXT EP WE HAVE: CP3 breaking into Lin Xun’s house and going through his mom’s diary (argh dumbass cp pls be nicer than that!!) and we have CP2 trouble in paradise with CP3 Yue Rong’s older sister going after CP2 Xiang Shi, and CP2 2nd bro is like where did he go?! And we get a cute shot of YJC and LX 
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kuwentista · 5 years
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Dark and destructive were the words used to describe a witch named Yurim. Banishment was the judgment passed by his own clan and community. Upon his death, Yurim’s still beating heart was transferred into the body of an unsuspecting human. Enter Eun, a well known international musician who suffered from a debilitating heart disease. A transplant was the answer to save his life, however, the complications that followed the surgery left Eun in need of home care. A live-in nurse provided by his record company was tasked with his full recovery. That’s when Eun noticed peculiar changes in himself – Affects on the people and things around, especially when he experienced great emotions, like anger. Was he crazy or worse cursed? Then there was the black dog constantly circling his property in Seoul. All of that was the least of his concern – The nurse who supposed to care for him was actually an assassin sent to end his life by the same coven who banished Yurim many years before Eun’s time.
*Also called ‘The Witch’s Heart’. This verse is a branch of SANGUINE and crosses with the Serendipity, Night Shift: Bordello, and The Meaning of Forever verses. 
Verse Inspiration.  [EST. 24th November 2019] Set in various locations. Main setting - South Korea. Exclusive. NSFW 21+
Seoul, South Korea; New York, USA
Eun Ye-jun [ Jeon Jeong-guk ]  ➝ international musician/composer
Seoul, South Korea; Hong Kong, mainland China
Ji Bai [ Li Wei/Lin Jing ] ➝ a 500-year old vampire who has an appetite for revenge  
Hong Kong; Mainland China; parts of Asia; parts of Europe and the Americas
Qing Shan [ Xiao Zhan ] ➝ exorcist; traveler, freelance... anything, mostly photographer
Various parts of South Korea
Park Ha-yan [ Lee Dong-wook ] ➝ brewery owner
Namgung Seung-yong [ Christian Yu ]  ➝ a 298-year old witch who bonded with a dragon’s yeouiju; supernatural bounty hunter
Yurim [ face undisclosed ] ➝ dark and destructive witch whose heart is now housed by eun’s human body
Soldier [  ] ➝  tba
Bangkok, Thailand
Zero Niran Srisuwan [ Net Siraphop ] ➝ uni student majoring in film and photography; part-time worker at a 7/11; intern at a tv production company, lonely whale
South Korea
Shin In-bok [ Jung Ho-seok ] ➝ musician, artist; shaman possessed by a joseon princess
Seoul, South Korea
Choi Dal [ Park Ji-min ] ➝ descendant to yurim; home health aide/nurse by day, healer witch by night
Kim Jari [ Jung Jaewon ] ➝ trickster/dokkaebi; maybe even with a hint of bacchus masquerading as a young rich heir
Seoul, South Korea; Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam; Kingston, Jamaica
Evie Nguyen [ Karrueche Tran ]➝  choreographer/ medium ( although she hasn't come to terms with this yet )
Seoul, South Korea; New Orleans, USA; Monterey, Mexico
Axel Colón [ Peter Gadiot ] ➝  security consultant
Bangkok, Thailand
Pop Kraisee Saeli [ Prem Warut ] ➝ uni student; cashier, aspiring musician
Fae Kingdom & mostly Seoul, South Korea
Hyun-ki [ Lee Jae-wook ] ➝ Member of the Royal Guard
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kocsociety · 4 years
tag index
find your favorite works by your favorite creators with ease.
AMBER’S TAGS: all [x] groups: time blip [x] 
AMELIA’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: legacy [x] ; music box [x] ; krown [x] soloists: jupiter yoon [x]
ANASTASIA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: spektral [x]
ARYNN / NICOLE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: reverie [x]
ASH’S TAGS: all [x] groups: asteria [x]
AVERY’S TAGS: all [x] groups: lost boys [x] ; dead air [x] ; renace [x] ; sonorize [x] ; melliminx [x] soloists; nocturne [x]
BEATRICE’S TAGS: all [x] additions: nika (oneus) [x] groups: artemis [x] ; tempe5t [x] ; twilight [x] ; remiscene  soloists: lisbeth [x]
C’S TAGS: all [x] company: del sol entertainment [x] groups: s.devil [x] ; nonet [x] ; lucid [x] ; luce [x]
CAITLYNNE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: black dawn [x]
CAS’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: milkyway [x]
CAJ & GAB’S TAGS: all [x] company: vulkan entertainment [x] duo: caeli & terra [x] group: solar flare [x] ; pa5tel [x] soloists: promise [x] CECE’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: bluestars [x] ; lightning [x] : starlight [x] ; penthouse [x] ; athena [x]  soloists: wang byul [x]
CECE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: winter nights [x] soloists: jangmi [x]
DANI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: lee siwoo (kard) [x] ; park jie (lasha) [x] ; choi gwin (good day) [x] ; lee kunhee (akmu) [x] ; hwang junho (day6) [x] ; jeon johee (txt) [x] ; moon jinwoo (wanna one/pentagon) [x] ; park areum (ateez) [x] groups: serpents [x] , colossus [x]  soloists: lee taeyong [x]
DAVID’S TAGS:  all [x] company: neostar entertainment [x] duos: moonwalkers [x] ; honey moon [x] groups: empyrean moon [x] ; dark moon [x] ; moonlit [x]  trainees: neostar trainees [x]
DAWN’S TAGS: all [x] company: mighty entertainment [x] groups: mighty girls [x] ; hellions [x] soloists: choi sori [x]
DOMINIQUE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: witch way [x] ; d.light [x] ; pstl [x] ; cupid’s arrow [x] ; girl’s vibe [x] duos: nv [x] trainees: sunbank media trainees [x] soloist: seohee [x] company: sunbank media [x]
ELI’S TAGS: all [x] company: moonlight entertainment [x] groups: cherie [x] ; dreamscape [x] ; allure [x] trainees: moonlight ent. trainees [x]
ELLE’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: 1UP! [x]
ELLE’S TAGS: all [x] entertainment co.: euphoria label [x] groups: yvxi [x] 
ELKIE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: royalty [x] ; ply dte [x]
EXIE’S TAGS: all: [x] addition: kang haneul (bts) [x] company: cosmo entertainment [x] groups: blue haze [x] survival show: treasure [x]
FLO’S TAGS: all: [x] company: story entertainment [x] groups: glamour [x]
FS’S TAGS:  all [x] company: dalddalgi entertainment [x] groups: pinkstar [x] survival show: raceneon [x] trainees: ddalgirls [x] ; moonboys [x] ; flower girls [x] ; starboys [x]
G’S TAGS: all [x] groups: goldenmoon [x]  soloist: hana [x]
GI’S TAGS: all [x] groups: no rest [x] ; sollis [x]
GIZMO’S TAGS: all [x] groups: heist [x] ; blonde boys [x] ; cloud9 [x] soloist: allure [x]
GRECIA’S TAGS: all [x] duos: 199X [x]
HADIJA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: majesty [x] ; glow [x] ; glamour [x] ; renaissance [x] ; la femme [x] ; c2h [x] 
HANNA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: eden [x]
HYE’S TAGS: all [x] duo: st. vincent [x] soloist: rei [x] ; noen [x]
IKAMI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: iris (oneus) [x] groups: 100billions [x]
J’S TAGS: all [x] groups: red sun [x]
JAVI’S TAGS: all [x] soloist: LEO [x]
JENN’S TAGS: all: [x] groups: mayday [x]
JI’S TAGS all [x] additions: nct faith [x]
JIJA’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: cherry [x]  additions: sadie (got7) [x] ; rae (blackpink) [x] ; mimi (itzy) [x]
JULIAN’S TAGS: all [x] company: eclipse entertainment [x] groups: dream land [x] trainees: 
K’S TAGS: all [x] additions: angel (the boyz) [x] ; talia (nct) [x] ; bomi (ateez) [x] ; misun (seventeen) [x] ; sophia (txt) [x]
KAI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: clio (astro) [x] ; lex (ateez) [x] ; yeonie (seventeen) [x] ; nana (txt) [x] groups: takeover [x] ; zenith [x] ; vunity [x] soloists: ary [x] ; lynn [x]
KARA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: vivid [x] ; inter-stellar [x] ; krown [x]
KAYLA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: co-ex generation [x] ; pink slipper [x] ; spy ring [x]
KIANI’S TAGS: all [x] soloists: ros3s [x]
KYE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: evenfall [x]
KYLA’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: scarlet [x]
LAYLA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: black moonstones [x] additions: nct blossom [x]
LEAH’S TAGS: all [x] groups: black rose [x]
LEXI’S TAGS:  all [x] additions: kim minji (loona) [x] ; jia (itzy) [x] ; park nari (blackpink) [x] ; kang sunhye (stray kids) [x] ; rory (nct) [x] groups: sugar crush [x] soloists: choi jieun [x]
LILAH’S TAGS: all [x] groups: color coded [x] ; venus [x] ; honey bunch [x] ; pushing daisies [x] LILI’S TAGS:  all [x] company: newmoon entertainment [x] groups: moonflower [x] ; paradox [x]
LOVE’S TAGS: all [x] group: luvbug [x] duo: ego [x] soloist: seul [x] ; barbie [x] ; molan [x]
LUMEN’S TAGS: all [x] duos: ex-ray [x] groups: mirage [x] ; kerosene [x] ; ghoosts [x] ; liar [x] ; breaking newz [x] ; tarot [x] ; cracked crowns [x]
MADI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: roh nabi [x] companies: posterity ent. [x]
MAX’S TAGS: all [x] groups: eidolon [x]
MELISSA’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: daydream [x]
MIA’S TAGS: all [x] additions: miran (stray kids) [x] groups: monochrome [x] ; delirium [x] ; solaris [x]
MINA’S TAGS: all [x] groups: may+be [x]
MIRANDA’S TAGS: all [x] additions: neon (hotshot) [x] groups: sparkles [x]
MONAE’S TAGS: all [x] soloist: nana [x]
MORGAN’S TAGS: all [x] groups: desamor [x]
MOZ’S TAGS: all [x] groups: gxrl gxng [x] ; giru [x] ; pariah [x] ; sucker punch [x] ; sugar rush [x]
NESS’S TAGS: all [x] additions: nct venus [x] company: nova entertainment [x] groups: valentine [x] 
NOAH’S TAGS: all [x] soloist: cirus [x] trainees: hush trainees [x] project: the butterfly project [x] 
RINA’S TAGS: all [x] soloist: lev [x]
RIVER’S TAGS: all [x] groups: dionysus [x] ; leo boys [x] soloists: daisy [x] ; willow park [x] 
SHAN’S TAGS:  all [x] company: cage entertainment [x] soloists: hush [x]
SOO’S TAGS: all [x] groups: birds of prey [x] ; cast [x] soloists: aurora [x]
TAYLOR’S TAGS:  all [x] groups: triptych [x] ; promise [x] ; vice [x] trainees: hbh trainees [x]
TEE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: genesis [x]
TINFACE’S TAGS: all [x] groups: sinister [x]
TREVOR’S TAGS: all [x] additions: trevor (onf) [x]
VENUS’S TAGS: all [x] group: bliss [x]
YUURI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: kiki (seventeen) [x] ; bomi (nct) [x] ; lin (exo) [x] 
2 notes · View notes
writinggeisha · 5 years
Ah Cy…lovely
Ah Kum…good as gold
Ah Lam…peace
Ai…love, affection
Annchi…angelic peace
Bai…crystal clear
Baozhai…precious hairpin
Bi…green jade
Bingqing…clear as ice
Biyu…jasper; semi-precious stone
Caihong…a rainbow in the sky
Chan juan…the moon; graceful; ladylike
Chang…free; uninhibited
Changying…flourishing and lustrous
Chao-xing…morning star
Chen the…morning
Chenguang…morning light
Chu Hua…chrysanthemum
Chunhua…spring flower
Chuntao…spring peach
Chyou…sweet autumn
Cuifen…emerald fragrance
Da Chun…long spring
Da-Xia…long summer
Dai-tai…leading a boy in hopes
Daiyu…black jade
Dandan…cinnabar red
Diu…one who is down to earth and is a practical person
Dongmei…winter plum
Ehuang…beautiful; august
Eu-fùnh…playful phoenix
Eu-meh…especially beautiful
Fang…fragrant; sweet-smelling
Genji…who is most valuable as gold
Gho…responsible and inspirational
Guan-yin…goddess of mercy
Heng…constant; steady; persistent
Honf…sign of good luck
Hop…agreeable; consistent
Howin…a loyal swallow
Hualing…flourishing herb
Hui ying…bright; intelligent
Huian…obliging and quiet
Huian…kind peace
Huifang…kind and fragrant
Huifen…wise and fragrant
Huilang…wise jade tinkling
Huiliang…kind and good
Huiqing…kind and affectionate
Huizhong…wise and loyal
Hwei-ru…wise and intelligent
Jia li…good and beautiful
Jiahui…nice person
Jiao…dainty or lovely
Jiayi…household fitting
Jiaying…household flourishing
Jilpa…a teacher of life
Jing…crystal; sparkling
Jing…small bird
Jingfei…still fragrance
Jinghua…situation splendid
Jinghua…leek flowers
Kuai hua…mallow blossom
Lanfen…orchid fragrance
Lanying…indigo lustrousness
Lanying…blue glitter or blue quartz
Lì húa…beautiful pear blossom
Li mei…beautiful plum blossom
Li ming…beautiful and bright
Li na…beautiful and graceful
Li qin…beautiful stringed musical instrument
Li rong…beautiful lotus
Li wei…beautiful rose
Lian…the graceful willow
Lien… lotus
Liena…a woman as beautiful as a lotus flower
Lifen…beautiful fragrance
Lihua…beautiful and flourishing
Lijuan…beautiful and graceful
Liling…beautiful jade tinkle
Liling…white jasmine tinkling
LiMei…beautiful plum flower
LiMing … who is pretty and bright
Lin…beautiful jade
Ling…compassion and understanding
Linqin…beautiful zither
Liqiu…beautiful autumn
Lixue…pretty and pure as snow
Luli…dewy jasmine
Méh-è…beautiful posture
Méh-fùnh…pretty or beautiful phoenix
Mei…beautiful plum
Mei Lien…beautiful lotus
Mei Xiang…beautiful fragrance
Mei Xing…beautiful star
Mei Zhen…beautiful pearl
Mei-yin…very beautiful or beauty.
Meifen plum…fragrance
Meifeng…beautiful wind
Meihui…beautiful wisdom
Meilin…plum tree
Meiling…beautiful and delicate
Meirong…beautiful countenance
Meixiang…plum fragrance
Meixiu…beautiful grace
Meiying…beautiful flower
Meizhen…beautiful pearl
Mey…gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Ming Yue…bright moon
Ming-huá…tomorrow’s flower
Mingmei…bright and beautiful girl
Mingxia…bright glow through the clouds at dawn
Mingxia…clear halo
Mingyu…bright jade
Mingzhu…bright pearl
Mu lan…magnolia blossom
Mu tan…tree peony blossom
Na…elegant or smooth
Ngo-Kwang…beautiful; august
Ninghong…tranquil red
Niu…a girl
Nuwa…mother goddess
Nuying…female flower
Pangfua…clouds in the shape of flower
Peijing…admiring luxuriance
Peizhi…admiring iris
Qi…fine jade
Qiànrú…nice smile
Qiaohui…skillful and wise
Qiaolian…skillful always
Qing…dark blue
Qing…yuan clear spring
Qingge…clear pavilion
Qingling…lucky years
Qingyuan…a clear spring or deep water
Qingzhao…clear illumination/understanding
Qinyang…sunshine of my heart
Qiuyue…autumn moon
Renxiang…benevolent fragrance
Rong…beautiful; elegant
Rong…honor, glory
Rou…gentle, mild
Rùfen…nice fragrance
Ruiling…auspicious jade tinkling
Ruolan…like an orchid
Ruomei…like a plum
Shaoqing…young blue
Sheu-fùh…elegant phoenix
Shihong…the world is red
Shu fang…kind; gentle and sweet
Shuang…frank; open-hearted
Shuchun…fair; pure
Shui…one who is like a water
Song…pine tree
Suyin…plain and unadorned sound
Tao…peach; symbol of long life
Ting…slim and graceful
Tu…jade element in earth cycle
Tung-Mei…winter plums
Ushi…the ox
Wan…gentle; gracious; beautiful; lovely
Wei…valuable; precious
Weici…preserving love
Wenling…tinkling sound of refined jade
Wenquian…refined matter
Xia…rosy clouds
Xia…glow of the sunrise or sunset
Xia…the summer lotus; pure and elegant
Xiao chen…early morning; dawn
Xiao hong … rainbow
Xiaodan…little dawn
Xiaofan…little and ordinary
Xiaohui…little wisdom
Xiaohui…morning sunlight
Xiaojing…morning luxuriance
Xiaoli…morning jasmine
Xiaolian…little lotus
Xiaoling…morning tinkle
Xiaoqing…little blue
Xiaosheng…little birth
Xiaotong…morning redness
Xiaozhi…little iris
Xifeng…western phoenix
Xin qian…happy and beautiful
Xingjuan…arising grace
Xiu…fine; beautiful
Xiu Mei…beautiful plum
Xiulan…beautiful orchid
Xiurang…elegant countenance
Xiurong…beautiful glory
Xiuying…beautiful flower
Xueman…snowy grace
Yan…swallow bird; gorgeous
Yanmei…Beijing plum
Yanmei…flattering and seductive
Yanyu…Beijing jade
Yenay…she who loves
Yet Kwai…beautiful as a rose
Yi jie…happy and pure
Yi min…happy and smart
Yi ze…happy and shiny like a pearl
Ying…clever or eagle
Yingtai…flower terrace
Yu…jade or rain
Yu-jun…from Chongching
Yuanjun…Yuan River ruler
Yubi…jade emerald
Yue wan…happy and gentle
Yue ying…happy and smart; kind
Yue you…happy and friendly
Yuèhai…beautiful moon
Yuèqín…moon-shaped lute
Yunru…charming seeming
Yusheng…jade birth
Yüying…jade flower
Zhaohui…clear wisdom
Zhilan…iris orchid
Zhu… bamboo
Zi…graceful; beautiful
Zongying…taking heroes/flowers as a model
7 notes · View notes
redscorpiozzh · 2 years
Tu corazón puro es incomparable por @双子孤星752
Estimado Xiaozhe:
¡Hola! Hace mucho tiempo que no sé nada de ti, ¡espero que estés bien!
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Soy tu fan transeúnte. Te he estado siguiendo desde tu personaje Xiao Lin Shu de Nirvana in Fire. Gracias por dar forma a Zhou Zishu en Shan He Ling y traer a tan buen Axu al mundo. Axu y tú inspiraron mi creatividad y escribieron muchos artículos conmovedores. Axu es tan bueno como lo eres tú. Cuando vi que te estigmatizaron y te trataron tan injustamente, ¡decidí defenderte y hacer todo lo posible para ayudarte a restaurar tu inocencia!. No es necesario que sepas quien soy.
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Fui testigo de estos cuatro meses como espectador. El peso del abismo me hizo asfixiar. Sólo tú puedes saber el golpe devastador que sufriste estando en el centro de la tormenta. ¿Sabes? Creo que cualquier otro en tu situación no hubiera sido tan fuerte como tú. ¡Gracias por sobrevivir con valentía, porque mientras hay vida, hay esperanza!. Tampoco espero que vuelvas a ser el mismo que eras, porque después de la catástrofe necesitarás mucho tiempo para recuperarte y sanar tus heridas.
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Durante la tormenta, debes haber visto toda la fealdad en el corazón de algunas personas. Resiste en tu corazón y vuelve a ser el joven que no se ha involucrado profundamente con el mundo, que trata a las personas con sinceridad, un joven lleno de cicatrices. Pero quiero decirte que en esta era de deseos materialistas, ¡tu corazón puro es simplemente incomparable! ¡Tantas personas están dispuestas a tomar la iniciativa, a levantarse para ayudarte, sólo por que se han enamorado de tu carácter, un carácter que es más precioso que el oro!
Por favor, debes creer que donde hay oscuridad, hay luz; donde hay fealdad, hay belleza. Cuantas manos quieren empujarte al abismo, tantas más manos amorosas están dispuestas a levantarte. Incluso en agosto, cuando acababa de ocurrir el incidente, todavía había muchas personas dispuestas a seguir esclareciendo los hechos a pesar del riesgo de ser prohibidas. Incluso en un noviembre desesperado, hay personas que intentan mantener tu imagen positiva de diversas maneras. Incluso si toda la plataforma te prohíbe, hay maestros como Li Xuezheng dispuestos a presentarse y pedir justicia y equidad por su cuenta. ¡Incluso si tu pasado ha sido destruido, hay quienes están dispuestos a esperar a que lo reconstruyas desde las ruinas!.
Por lo tanto, no pierdas tu confianza en la bondad y la gratitud. ¡Esta rara habilidad de percepción es la fuente de tu nueva vitalidad y la fuente de inspiración para tu carrera como actor. Espero que cuando te vuelva ver, sigas siendo el pequeño Zhe que llorará cuando lea las cartas escritas por la audiencia para Axu.
Como el hombre fuerte que ha sido durante 30 años de tu vida, naturalmente entiendes la verdad de que “el hombre fuerte se salva a si mismo” mejor que nadie. Mira a los que han sobrevivido a la catástrofe durante 10 años después de tocar fondo. Este poderoso corazón les permite soportar el confinamiento y combatir en el mundo exterior. Entonces, si tienes tiempo, lee más libros. Hablar con los sabios llenará tu corazón y te hará más fuerte. Lo suficientemente fuerte para sobrevivir a la situación que enfrentas, lo suficientemente fuerte para romper la jaula y recuperar tu libertad.
Xiao Zhe, en cierto sentido, de hecho las personas no son libres, han vivido encerradas en la jaula por mucho tiempo sin saberlo. Por eso nos sentimos atraídos, contagiados y admirados por la viveza de tu vida. Ya sea ahora o en el futuro, espero que puedas obtener tu libertad en el mundo que deseas. ¡Siempre seré un fiel espectador de tu maravillosa vida!
Me detengo aquí. Les deseo a ti y a tu madre una vida segura y tranquila. ¡Chang’an (paz perpetua) para siempre!
Tu audiencia leal.
Autor en Weibo: @双子孤星752
0 notes
peonyrice · 3 years
20 Things to do & love about Hong Kong right now
What’s not to love about Hong Kong? Our designer Pauline, shares her top 20.
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What inspires you in Hong Kong?
So so much, daily sightings – heritage buildings, architecture and Art, HK is a very abundant place for art. From street art and random sightings in old neighborhoods to discovering a whole range of local independent artists who work in different mediums. And of course the international art scene that is also present here. If you need a change of scenery you can jump in a cab or bus and you are on the beach in half hour.
A lot is getting lost here in the way of the the old Hong Kong as we know it – neon signs, buildings, makers, crafts so it’s incredible if we are lucky enough to see it even for a moment, so it’s important to me to get a sense of that now. 
1.     Favorite place in Hong Kong?
So so many – endless list. I am in love with this city.  Being so close to the outdoors with an unexpected view of the mountains, city and sea all together in a perfect light. Lush Nature sitting right next to the density of high rise. That’s pretty unique. Walking distance too.
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2.     Favorite food?
Has to be discovering traditional Cantonese and ethnic foods that remind me of being an immigrant Chinese with a childhood in England not really knowing where they came from. Love seeing that little old lady or man selling something homemade -  Hakka bun or dumpling or a village shop selling local honey in a  pop bottle. Happy local bites have managed to stay and most of it is quite healthy. You feel the love that went into making it.
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My favorite area for this is Sham Shui Po – an older district – total gem sitting next to the hole in the wall food spots with it’s electronics, secondhand markets and off course fabrics. In contrast there’s lots of cool new places also popping up. Art & Coffee. Interesting to see how neighborhoods are changing in this new era. Another place worth a mention - is Dignity Kitchen - a Singaporean social enterprise that serves up yummy Singaporean food housed in a renewed heritage building at 618 Shanghai street -  i love their Pandan cake!
3.      Favorite Drink
Freshly squeezed sugarcane juice. Nothing beats the thirst but this. Better than any bubble tea. Bring your own container or bottle even better. Look out for the few drink vendors selling it and the traditional Chinese herbal teas which are great for cooling and keeping your body heat in check during the summer months. My fav spot is Kung Lee Sugarcane Store on Hollywood road, Central, intersection near Lyndhurst. It’s a family business spanning a few generations.
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4.     Favorite mode of transport
Has to be the Star Ferry, 5 minutes on that after a long day – just takes every thing away. It’s very therapeutic. That really hasn’t changed for me since the early mid 90’s traveling here for work.
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5.     Favorite place to shop
More of a browser than a shopper these days. I have everything I need. Love all the antique shops along Hollywood road in my neighborhood with all their unique offerings. Unfortunately many are no longer operating since this tough year. I look out for special exhibitions to learn more about Chinese antiques. My fascination with craftsmanship done the old way. There’s always little surprises down the side streets. Love all the nostalgic & random stuff. Sometimes there’s a few treasures to be found.
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6.     Favorite HK artist
I love dimension and have an obsession with typography and textured works. I have been quite intrigued by the local artist Michell Lie and her Chinese brushwork inspired pieces mixed with some contemporary elements. There’s a beautiful fluidness in her work that i can just get lost in for a short while. Currently exploring ceramic artists in the city.
7.     Favorite place to explore
Old industrial neighborhoods around HK – the Mills are fantastic – repurposed textile mill now focusing on the history of HK textiles, sustainability, supporting local projects. Such a great place to hang with it’s shops, exhibitions and museum.
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8.     Favorite temple in HK
The Chi Lin nunnery in Diamond Hill, very different from the other traditional temples you see in South China, I feel very calm when I am here and it’s not far to get to. If you need a couple of hours out. It’s perfect and there’s a lovely landscape oriental garden next to it too. For a further out trip– Tsz shan Monastery is quite special and a must .
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9.     Favorite sighting
Often you will see parts of movies or TV series being shot. People don’t really bat an eyelid to it. It’s great to see a part of the neighborhood lit up with lights, cameras and crew and you know there’s some action going down.
10.  Favorite place that doesn’t feel like HK
Some of the Hikes –Cape d'aguilar, Cape Collison, some of the further out little islands that you can only access by boat. The landscape and vegetation here is so diverse.
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11.  Favorite night time spot
Has to be the peak – but anywhere with a clear night view of the Harbor I am happy with. A sunset hike via the many paths to the peak is perfect way to soak in the city.
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12.  Favorite fashion discoveries
PoHo neighborhood has lots of small design boutiques, some fashion, lifestyle and accessories. PMQ is another fab little area full of small boutiques and workshops. Love checking out the side streets in Central too and some of the other districts. The side alleys are the best places to discover something. Mongkok behind the ladies markets has a few vintage stores i love rummaging around in too.
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13.  Favorite Lifestyle store
Still has to be G.O.D .. love all the little nuances and humor in the heritage inspired products.  Small items that are perfect memories of HK.
14.  Favorite season in HK
September on wards till March. Weather’s cooler and you can get out to do more hikes…and not turn up in places sweaty. Many people do not realize HK has seasons, complete contrast to other 4 season countries as winter here is like 1 month of 12 degrees and people running around in Puffas.
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15.  What do you love most about HK
Convenience. This city was built on that. I haven’t had to drive since I left the UK more than 20 years ago. Most places can be walk-able, if not jump on the MTR which is super clean and efficient or bus or grab a taxi. Most places are 15 mins to under 2 hours away. You can be in 3-4 places a day if you plan right. Shops in some districts are open late 7 days a week. It’s really a city that never sleeps. …. And I am never too far from seeing water.
16.  Favorite day trip
Jumping on a ferry to one of many the islands – 30 minutes and you would have landed elsewhere. Can’t decide which I love better.. have so much to discover still on Lantau, Cheung Chau, Lamma, or go inland to the islands around Plover Cove. You can never get enough sunsets.
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17. Favorite Smell
Can’t decide if it’s the Kowloon or Hong Kong Candle created by BE Candle and Tiny island maps. But I love both for a different daily mood and the Terrazzo holder.. all locally made. Love that.
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18.  Current favorite hang out place.
Central market just finally finished get renewed. It was a 4th generation building old modern style market that first came about in the 1850’s . Super cool with a well curated bunch of shops and food hangouts.
19.  Favorite thing to do in HK
Eat, hang out with friends, visit a museum, see an exhibition somewhere hidden. Just be inspired.
20. Favorite place to decompress?
My 24/7 Gym or has to be home. After all the running around - the new way of working and the past pandemic year made me appreciate being still and chill.
0 notes