#looking forward to limericking more fun things for today:
larrylimericks · 2 years
Stunt-blue sweats and beanie of green, A disgruntled blueberry was seen “Househunting” with her— They need closets bigger For her merch and his queerness, it seems.
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slowdancingtorock · 9 months
Ireland - Day 11
Today was entertaining if nothing else. After the usual program (roll calls, supervision, etc.) I decided to join one of the groups that went to Limerick for some shopping. I had a blast chatting with my only remaining German colleague and trying to find something for tomorrow's mottoparty. I got myself a very nice shirt and I am really looking forward to the party.
My group was also scheduled for an Irish dancing class and I was genuinely super hyped for it. Unfortunately, most of the students were too hyper and it was very exhausting to get them to focus. So it honestly kinda sucked :(
The other major even was that some of students were caught doing some very stupid, dangerous and illegal stuff and I had to sit with the students while the manager chewed them up. It was uncomfortable but also I had to hold in my laughter because they went really stupidly about it. Anyway, they're in big trouble and now I'm supposed to spread the gossip in the staff room. I will and we're probably gonna have a little bit of a laugh about it. I will totally regret not going to bed right now but there is no time like the present to have a fun conversation about stupid things other people did and we have done as teens.
Wrapping this up as I go to bed my song of the day is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. I am surprised it took this long for it to be my choice. I am surrounded by Teenagers and while they don't scare the living shit out of me, they do have the ability to make you go through 5 different emotions in 5 seconds. Sometimes I feel like I am part of the "they" of the song ("they're gonna clean up your looks") but I genuinely just want them to have a good time and fuck around long enough to find out. I believe they can become great people if they don't get themselves into more trouble than they can handle.
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Home Front, Mission 22: Red Riding Hood
What's the time, Mr. Wolf?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Hello again, ci-ti-zens, and welcome back to Radio Lock-In. Zoe’s still waiting out the super horde in an animal shelter and talking to me via ROFFLEnet, but she and I have a special treat for you today. We are going outside. Not literally outside. While the horde seems a bit smaller than it used to be, two-thirds of way too many zoms are still way, way too many zoms. No. Instead, we are going outside through the power of storytelling.
So start warming up because you are in for a treat... possibly. Anyway, Zoe and I had such a good time bringing you Cinderella that we're going to retell another fairy tale classic, complete with ministry workouts and our own spin on the story. We thought about doing Rapunzel, but being trapped in a tower seems a bit too on the nose at the moment, so instead, we've gone with Little Red Riding Hood. I never cared for it much myself, but uh, Zoe insists it's great and it's actually all about a young girl coming to terms with her burgeoning sexuality. I'd fill you in on the explanation, but we haven't got two hours.
Anyway, it's definitely a story that features two things we are both very sorely missing at the moment: fresh air and delicious baked goods. And with that, let's begin with an imaginary skip down a peaceful forest path. Your riding hood is beautiful and uh, red. Your basket is full of goodies, and you're enjoying the scenery. So saunter along to this track made for the perfect summer day.
[PHIL alternates between different voices for characters and his own voice for narration and exercise instructions]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Ah, the smell of imaginary oak and blackberry jam. But wait, is that a big bad wolf further up the forest path? Let's listen in on the conversation between him and Red Riding Hood, which was written by Zoe and yours truly. Zoe wrote the wolf and I wrote Red Riding Hood, which you'd probably never be able to guess if I hadn't told you. Zoe's wolf speaks first, obviously.
“Hello, little boy, I mean, little girl. Aren't you bored of staying on the forest path like mother New Canton taught you? Life's much more fun if you stray.” “Is that why you're out here in the forest, for fun? Or is it because you went for a walk and got lost and then when the zombie horde descended, you ended up stuck miles away from home, sleeping in a nest made of old jumpers? You know, hypothetically speaking.” “Oh, maybe, but just think, straying off the beaten track could lead you to a shelter full of adorable animals, one of whom is now named Snuffle McCheeseman because he bears a strong resemblance to a man named Phil whom you haven't seen in ages. Also hypothetically speaking, of course.”
It went on like that for a bit, but we should skip ahead. So Red Riding Hood decides to take a detour from the path through a bramble patch to reach a beautiful field of wild daisies, carefully squirming away through the undergrowth to avoid being prickled by the thorns. Let's do the same and inch our way through with some inchworms.
Start in a standing position, feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Now bend over and put your hands on the floor in front of your feet as close as you can get, then walk your hands forward until your back is flat and you look like you're at the top of a push-up. Once you're there, walk your hands back to your feet. Perfect! If you were near a bramble patch right now, you'd be getting through scratch-free.
All right, let's do a minute of inchworms. Go! 15 seconds in. Red Riding Hood can see the daisies through a gap in the bushes, but they're not quite in reach. Halfway there. Now she's nibbled on a few wild blackberries and composed a short limerick that begins, "There once was a red hood for riding." 15 seconds left to go. The daisies are almost close enough to touch. Keep going! All done!
And wow, absolutely worth it! Red Riding Hood is surrounded by the biggest and most beautiful daisies she's ever seen. Now she just has to inch her way back to the path and skip along to Granny's. Feel free to continue doing inchworms during this next song along with her, or use it to rest and smell the imaginary flowers.
[PHIL alternates between different voices for characters and his own voice for narration and exercise instructions]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: With sweets and flowers in hand, Red Riding Hood has now reached Granny's cottage. Finding the door ajar, she creeps down the hallway to find a suspiciously furry grandmother who says, "Hello, little girl whose name I definitely remember because she is my granddaughter. Come here and hug me." "How convincing. You are definitely not a wolf trying to eat me, I'm sure."
"Of course not! Would I lie to you and say, try to convince you that the radio studio was haunted until you tossed salt over your shoulder whenever you stepped over the threshold every day for a month?" "Obviously not, and if I'm backing away right now, it's absolutely not because I'm beating you at your own game by say, making you think I'm going to stage an elaborate studio spirit cleansing ritual until you admit your wrongdoing." Um, but of course, Red Riding Hood is backing away as fast as she can.
Let's join her with some backward lunges. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart again, then take a big step backwards with your right foot. Now bend both knees to lower yourself to the floor. Your left shin should stay vertical and your left knee should stay behind your toes. Once you've got as far down as you can, rise back up. Step that right foot forward so your feet are parallel, and then do the whole thing again on your left side.
Ready? Let's do this for one minute. Go! 15 seconds in. "Granny, what a lot of fur you have all over your body. Perhaps you should have that looked at." Halfway done. "An unfortunate side effect of my blood pressure medication, my dear." Only 15 seconds left. "The same medication that seems to have given you fangs and a tail?" And done!
Red Riding Hood has made it all the way back to the front door, but the wolf, who's sensing that she's not falling for his nonsense, gets out of the bed and starts charging forward. Fortunately, I have the perfect song for this moment of dramatic tension. While it plays, you can keep lunging your way backwards or practice your favorite fighting stance as you get ready for a showdown!
[PHIL alternates between different voices for characters and his own voice for narration and exercise instructions]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I have some bad news for you. While we were listening to that track, the wolf ate Red Riding Hood. "So rude." "I agree, my dear. I thought the same thing when he gobbled me up not an hour ago." "Granny, how are you still..." Look, sorry, losing track of the voices a bit there. I meant to say, "Granny, how are you still alive?" I don't know much about biology, but this seems a bit far-fetched, like that time I told my mum that I had a separate stomach compartment for sweets, which is why I could be full from dinner and still want pudding. Uh, but that's not the point.
Right now, we're gonna help Red Riding Hood and Granny get out of their furry food prison with some wolf fighting uppercuts! Begin by getting into boxing stance by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, stepping back with your right foot and bending your elbows to put your fists up, left fist in front of your face as a guard and right closer to your body. Now to do an uppercut, bend your knees, rotate your right shoulder forward and push off with your right calf as you punch upwards with your right arm. Your right heel should rotate and release as you're punching. Now return to your starting position and you're ready for the next uppercut.
We're going to give the wolf what for, first with 30 seconds of right-handed punches, then 30 from the left. Let's go! 15 seconds in. Give that wolf what for! Halfway there, and Granny's joined in with some well-placed jabs. Now switch sides to put your left leg behind and get ready to finish the job with your left fist. Only 15 seconds left. The wolf is ready to let you free, just keep going! And done. Back out the way you came? Disgusting, but better than the alternative. Take a minute to wipe that pretend wolf slime off, or um... or keep practicing your punches in preparation for any future wolves during this next song.
[PHIL alternates between different voices for characters and his own voice for narration and exercise instructions]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Great job! Red Riding Hood has all dried off and the wolf has passed out from what has got to be the world's least pleasant meal. Red Riding Hood and Granny could slip away, but Red has an idea. Which, in case you think means ‘oh, we have sick minds,’ it’s actually part of the original story.
So Red's idea is, "Grandma, let's fill the wolf's stomach with heavy rocks so he can't chase any more people and eat them." "Are you serious? Where'd you come up with these cockamamie ideas? What's next, we build a house of gingerbread and cook small children for fun?" "That's... oddly specific, Grandma, but no. I just know how our story is supposed to go. Trust me, I know a lot about this particular tale. I once played a wolf in a children's troupe. I am an expert." So the two agree to fill the wolf with rocks, and we'll be helping them out with some squats.
Stand upright like before, with your arms out in front and your feet hip-width apart. Now sit backwards as if you were gonna sit into a chair, taking care that your knees stay behind your feet, just like you did when we were lunging. Go down as low as feels comfortable, and then stand back up, and there you have it.
Ready? Begin. 15 seconds in. Picture yourself picking a big rock out of the pile and lifting it up with each squat. Halfway through. Pile those rocks in the wolf's stomach. He'll be feeling that when he wakes up. 15 seconds of rock piling left to go. Take that, wolfie! Done! You've dumped every rock in sight into the wolf. Now all you have to do is wait to see what happens next, either by shaking out your legs or by squatting your way through this next song.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Great work. Now if we were in the original version of Red Riding Hood, the wolf would chase after Red and Granny across a river, where the rocks would weigh him down until he drowned. Well, as Zoe points out, you really can't be that mad at a talking wolf for doing what talking wolves do. So our wolf, after waking up with a belly full of rocks, realizes that eating people is way too dangerous a lifestyle choice and decides to go to culinary school to learn how to cook plant-based food instead, eventually becoming an acclaimed vegan chef who releases several cookbooks about big, bad, bold flavors, the end.
It's nice being able to rewrite a story like this so it works out better for all the characters involved. I think with so much outside our control right now, it's good to remember that our imaginations are still our own and in them, we can make everything work out for the best. We may not know what comes next in our world, but I believe the spirit of optimism and invention can still help us all reach our own happy ever afters.
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xinasvoice · 3 years
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Well, I did it, I wrote the story from my Truth or Dare dream. For my dear bestie @remus-lupin-is-my-type who was pathetically in pain from surgery and thus a very motivating muse. Here, I’ll post the first bit, since that is apparently what the cool kids on tumblr do nowadays. 
It’s a 10k oneshot, definitely explicit. Have fun!
An Explicit Truth A truth or dare game reveals that Remus has never kissed anyone, and, for some reason, Sirius is livid about it.
“Of course you pick Truth.” Sirius rolled his eyes.
“After seeing what you did to poor James, I think I have a right to be wary,” Remus replied smoothly.
“Eh, this is nothing!” James said, tossing his head, which was currently adorned with his full rack of antlers. The partial animagus transformation might have looked impressive if it wasn’t for the slightly damp toilet paper fluttering from the ends. Remus was fairly sure James had no idea it was there. No one had said anything to him yet. “And now we know my rack actually can fit into a bathroom stall! That could be useful!”
“How?” Peter asked, his tone less skeptical and more curious, as if he had complete faith that James was already plotting something. Which wasn’t such a stretch, really.
“I’ve got one for you, Moony,” Sirius said, around a rather large handful of popcorn, which he was currently attempting to eat while lying down with his head in the middle of their little circle of four. He did like to be the center of attention. It was endearing, and also rather convenient, because it made it much easier for Remus to excuse the fact he tended to pay more attention to Sirius than would usually be considered platonic. Sirius had turned the twin lamps of his eyes on Remus, who resolutely ignored the way the sparkling mischief there made his stomach swoop. He was used to swooping by now.
“What’s the weirdest kiss you’ve ever had? And I’m talking weird, like you turned around and found out Professor Slughorn had been staring at you the whole time, or your tongue turned into a vegetable mid-snog.” Go right to AO3 or...
“Hey, that wasn’t funny!” Peter protested. “My wand was broken—”
“Quiet, Wormtail!” Sirius imperiously waved him into silence. “Remus has a Truth to cough up.”
Remus was already shaking his head and smiling. “You just completely wasted a Truth, Padfoot.”
“Cocky bastard,” Sirius sighed. “If none of your snogs have been as weird as poor Peter can lay claim to, then you still have to tell us about the most marginally strange one. Or, if you insist that they have really all been just utterly exquisite, then you’ll have to tell us about one of those.”
“No, I won’t, because I’ve never kissed anyone. Unless you want me to tell you about my granny kissing me on the cheek or—”
Remus never got to finish because Sirius had lurched upright in a small explosion of popcorn, his face shocked. “What?”
“What?” Remus raised an eyebrow. “I’ve never kissed anyone. You know this.”
“I do not!” Sirius shouted. “You would have told me!”
Remus felt his other eyebrow go up. “Not being kissed is by definition a non-event and therefore not something I would tell stories about. Were you expecting me to update you every Sunday evening? ’Nope, no one has kissed me yet.' Honestly, who does that?”
Both Peter and Sirius pointed to James, chorusing, “He does.”
James winced. “It’s not my fault, guys, I’ve been trying, but she just won’t even look at me, no matter how many times I throw notes and stuff at her in class—”
Sirius made a dramatic shushing motion with his hand. “This is not the moment, Prongs!”
He turned back to Remus, obviously ready to continue the argument, but Remus was tired of having his blush-resistance—an ability carefully cultivated over many years of exposure to these three—tested.
“Peter!” he said loudly, covering up Sirius’ continued grumbles that someone should have told him, “Truth or Dare?”
Remus nodded approvingly at this wise choice. His dares were always a bit more reasonable than ones from James or Sirius, and Peter had already used up several of the Marauder’s-Rules limit of ten Truths per game.
“Finish your transfiguration homework right now—”
Remus had to raise his voice to be heard above James’ and Sirius’ sudden, loud chorus of “Boooooring!”
“—and at the bottom, add a detailed love note to Professor McGonagall…”
Sirius and James shut up immediately.
Remus grinned and finished, “…in ancient Elvish.”
James crooned with appreciation. “Ooooh, that’s good, Moony. It’s hilarious and difficult.”
“I am so getting detention,” Peter groaned, but he went to get his copy of Tolkien’s languages primer and his homework. They all ended up crowding around him to provide laughing suggestions. Once the deed was done, the game passed to James, who chose Dare, as usual.
“Compose a limerick,” Peter said and James cackled with delight.
“Oh, boy are you in the right place!”
“It has to be dirty or funny or both,” Peter specified.
James rolled his eyes. “Well, of course, Wormtail, who do you think you’re talking to?”
He made a show of cracking his knuckles and then held his hands up in the air, eyes closed. They all waited obediently while he drew dramatic patterns in the air in the manner of one conducting music. After a minute or two of this, he said, “All right, mates, I’ve got this.”
He cleared his throat, eyes still closed, and began to recite. “There once was a pretty young redhead—”
“Of course,” Sirius snickered, leaning in to confide in Remus’ ear. “Who could have predicted that.”
“Bet you he’ll incorporate ‘giving head’ by the end,” Remus replied, stoutly ignoring the heat of Sirius’ breath on his ear. He was so good at ignoring things.
“Ahem!” James opened his eyes to glare at them over the top of his glasses. “Silence during the presentation of my masterpiece, please!”
They all giggled but allowed him to continue.
“There once was a pretty young redhead,
who looked lovely even with bedhead.
She will not come near me,
but I love her so dearly—”
He stopped suddenly, eyes wide with panic and darting from side to side. Clearly, he had forgotten whatever final line he had composed. “…Fuck.”
“So say the stains on your bedspread,” Remus finished with signature deadpan.
“HEY!” James lurched forward, tackling Remus to the ground. Meanwhile, both Peter and Sirius collapsed into laughter.
After a brief tussle, the game continued, and by the time Sirius had finished hunting down and devouring all the popcorn that had fallen on the floor earlier (“What? I’m a growing boy!”), James had been made to go down to the common room to recite the limerick to Lily’s face, last line hilariously included. His antlers also gained a few layers of ornamentation, some intentional, like the several pairs of “lucky” socks, and some, like the cobwebs and torn pieces of bed curtains, less intentional. None of this deterred him in the least.
“Dare,” he told Sirius, his eyes full of challenge.
Sirius tugged on his lower lip thoughtfully, and then glanced at Remus. It was a very quick thing, but Remus—having been watching the lip-pulling with expertly camouflaged interest—saw it.
“Right. Prongs, you are dared to kiss Remus—”
James burst into movement before Sirius could even finish talking—their dares usually had several contingencies, to prevent chickening out—and lunged across the circle, grabbing Remus’ hand and kissing the back of it.
“Hey!” Sirius shouted, slapping both hands onto the floor.
“I did it!” James yelled back with equal energy. “I did the dare! Peter, Truth or Dare?”
“I wasn’t done daring!” Sirius protested.
“Too late! I did the dare, I kissed Moony! Peter!”
“Argh, Prongs! That’s not the game! Come on, someone has to do it!”
“Thank you, James, darling, that was everything I had ever dreamed of,” Remus said, voice dripping with sarcasm. He made a show of wiping off his hand and then crossing his arms over his chest. “You two are both so sweet to me.”
Sirius and James had stopped arguing aloud by now and had taken their disagreement to the nonverbal world of glares and significant looks. Remus was capable of deciphering their brotherly eye-code some of the time, but it was a bit beyond him today.
“Um…” Eventually Peter made a timid attempt to intervene. “James? I-I choose Truth.”
“Right you are, Wormtail.”
James smirked at Sirius one last time and then turned away, leaving Sirius to growl in frustration and slump back against the foot of the nearest bed, sulking.  
The game lurched onwards, but Remus was starting to feel done with it. Sirius kept glancing over at him at random moments, scowling, and looking away. Remus wasn’t sure what this fixation was about, but he didn’t like it. It wasn’t his fault he hadn’t kissed anyone yet. He honestly didn’t understand how the others even managed to find time to date at all, what with the way the professors were piling on the homework lately. Although, he supposed the rest of them didn’t have to deal with being partially or fully unfunctional for several days every month.
Besides, aside from a brief obsession with Ahmud in Ravenclaw, Remus had only ever wanted to kiss one person, and that had never seemed likely to happen.
Or at least, that’s what he thought, right up until it was James’ turn to choose a person again, and he chose Sirius, and Sirius chose Dare. Read the rest on AO3! 
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mi6-cafe · 7 years
MI6 Cafe Monthly Post - July
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We had a wonderful June! We read some great 15-minute challenge posts, the MI6 Cafe Readalong started Moonraker, Lin streamed The Spy Who Loved Me, and Team Q Branch and Team 00 assembled! 
And now it’s July. And you know what that means: 
007 Fest is our month-long celebration of all things Bond. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate--whether you love classic Bond or Craig Bond, rare pairs or 00Q, canon-verse or AUs or crossovers, writing or drawing or knitting or any other kind of awesome fannish activity, this Fest is for you! As always, all ships are welcome! 
(Note: you do NOT have to be signed up for the 007 Games to participate in 007 Fest! The Games is just one of tons of awesome ways to participate. ^ ^) 
We have several events this month, and you can feel free to jump in for any or all of them. 
007 Fest Calendar of Events
1 July: Short Story/Doodle Day. To get started with 007 Fest, we encourage everyone to make their first fancreation. It could be a couple of haiku or a limerick, a 100-word drabble, a doodle or sketch, or anything else your fancreating self enjoys making! We’ll be running fancreating sprints in the fandom Slack in case you want to drop by to write, draw, cheerlead, brainstorm, or just celebrate the first day of the Fest! 
2 July: Bond Girl Day. Celebrate your favorite Bond Girls! 
6 July: Trans Characters Day. Whether you have trans or nonbinary OCs or headcanon Bond characters as trans or nonbinary, this is the day to celebrate them! 
10 July: Polyamory Day. What’s your favorite OT3? OT4? OT-more? Whether the relationship looks like a V, a triangle, or some other polygon, this is the day to celebrate all polyamorous ships!  
14 July: Villain Day.  Whether you love Blofeld and Goldfinger, Le Chiffre and Silva, or Pussy Galore and May Day, this is the day to celebrate those great Bond villains in Bond canon! 
18 July: Crossover Day. Kingsman, London Spy, Nancy Drew, Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who--ANY and ALL crossovers are welcome! This goes for all of the Fest, but today is the day we particularly celebrate them! 
21 July: Characters of Color Day. Whether you love classic Bond or Craig Bond, there are some brilliant characters of color to celebrate!
24 July: Ace/Aro Characters Day. Ace/Aro Bond characters, Ace/Aro Bond OCs, Ace/Aro Bond relationships--ALL the Ace/Aro Bond celebrations! 
27 July: AU Day. Coffeeshop AU? Frankenstein AU? Different first meeting AU? Today is the day to rec, post, and share the love for AUs!     
24-31 July: 00kitties vs. Inceptionkitties competition. If you’ve got a cat, check out this fun way to participate in fandom!   
Additionally, we have some themed weeks: 
Week 1, 2-8 July: Headcanon Week
Week 2, 9-15 July: Rare Pair Week
Week 3, 16-22 July: Angst Week
Week 4, 23-29 July: Fluff Week  
Useful 007 Fest Links 
007 Fest Calendar of Events: all of the info above in handy google calendar form 
Watch Party Calendar: As you might expect from the name, this is the calendar for watch parties! In addition to hosting Bond movies, you can also host Bond-related movies, such as spy movies, Bond parodies, movies or shows with Bond actors in them, etc. You can also host themed chats. If you want to host something, message @spiritofcamelot or @castillon02 to get your showing added to the calendar! If you’d like some stats on what times have been popular in the past, check out our watch party planning post. 
The 00Q Slack: This is where we hold our group chats! We love meeting new people, so if you’d like to join then send a message to @castillon02, @spiritofcamelot, @ao3-brihna, or anyone else who you know is already on the Slack, which should include everyone signed up for the 007 Games! Note that although it says 00Q on the tin, all 007 Fest events are rare-pair friendly. ^ ^ 
Anonymous Prompt Exchange: Need prompts? Check these out! Have prompts? Feel free to add them in! (If you were around for LJ, this is the 007 Fest’s version of a kink meme!) 
31-Day Prompt List: Created by @timetospy, this is a list of 31 dialogue prompts. Pick and choose, or try to do all 31! 
Prompt tables: 3x3 prompt squares with various themes, including the “collab” prompt table which challenges you to take prompts from others!   
Rare pair prompt tables: 3x3 rare pair prompt squares. Don’t see your rare pair on here? That’s okay--you can make your own rare pair prompt table! And if you really want a challenge, then you can randomly choose from the Big Damn List of Rare Pairs below the cut of the rare pair prompt post.    
We’ve got 31 Days of Bond to look forward to, and we hope everyone will have tons of fun this month! 
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ANNOUNCING OUR WINNERS: The 2011 DiabetesMineâ„¢ Design Challenge
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/announcing-our-winners-the-2011-diabetesminea%c2%a2-design-challenge/
ANNOUNCING OUR WINNERS: The 2011 DiabetesMineâ„¢ Design Challenge
A huge thank you and congratulations to all who participated in our 2011 open innovation contest! Yet again we feel this effort is an example of "crowdsourcing" at its best — culling the brightest concepts from across the community to help improve life with diabetes.
Jeffrey Brewer, President and CEO of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), recently stated:
"This contest has created a great deal of buzz within the diabetes industry, really helping to push the evolution of medical devices."
We're very proud and excited about that.
This year we received nearly 100 submissions — dozens of those from university students, studying Medicine, Entomology, Nutrition, Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Interactive Media, Architecture, and more. We had many more international entries this year than ever before! We also saw lots of participation from medical professionals and entrepreneurs at startup companies around the U.S. And there were many researchers, patients and parents involved, too. Kudos to all!
Participating educational institutions included (in alphabetical order):
Academy of Art University
AUT University, New Zealand
Brooklyn College
Carnegie Melon University
Fanshawe College
Georgia Institute of Technology
IED (Instituto Europeo di Design)
Johns Hopkins University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Northwestern University
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Pune University, India
University of Brasilia
University of Cincinnati
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
University of Limerick
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
University of Pennsylvania / School of Medicine
VSMU (Vitebsk State Medical University) in Europe
Once again, quite the nice lineup!
The challenge for our Judging Team each year is to balance the sometimes competing concepts of "great design" versus "innovation." How do we rate aesthetics over functional feasibility of an idea, and its real potential to come to market soon? And what about breadth of impact: Do we honor a great solution for a small niche, or look only for things that broadly impact as many people's lives as possible? Our solution in the last years has been to split the Grand Prize awards into three rough categories that span the gamut of these concerns.
We had so many stand-out entries this year that we're adding two honorable mentions as well. Be sure to read all the way to the end of this post.
Without further ado, I am pleased to announce this year's winners:
Prize package: $7,000 in cash, plus complementary consulting with IDEO Design Health & Wellness experts, and one free access ticket to the September 2011 Health 2.0 Conference
Pancreum is a futuristic modular three-part "wearable artificial pancreas" that takes the combination of tubeless insulin pumping and continuous glucose monitoring to the next level. Its creators have also added a third component that delivers glucagon as an antidote to low blood sugar. The "brains" of the system reside in the Bluetooth-enabled CoreMD, designed to "create a flexible, open platform, and common architecture design that would allow for medical devices to be more affordable than what is available in the market today."
The judges agreed that Pancreum is an awesome futuristic concept. One noted: "It deals with major design flaws in all of the current pumps and is the first design I have seen that brings together a dual delivery system along with CGM in an integrated and turnkey fashion."
We're looking forward to learning more about how the delivery of insulin and glucagon subcutaneously is achieved. The good news is that Pancreum appears to be already in development, and certainly has the potential to have real impact on people's lives with diabetes.
Congratulations to electronic and software engineer Gil de Paula and his team at Pancreum, LLC, for their winning design!
BLOB is a small, portable insulin-delivery device unlike anything we've seen before. It can be carried in a pocket or worn on a neck-chain, and even incorporates a coolant for those who live in warmer climates.
The judges felt that this was a simple, elegant solution to a real-world diabetes problem: schlepping your insulin around and injecting it discretely.
In particular, it would be useful for type 2 diabetics who take set amounts of insulin — even as a possible alternative to the simple patch pumps being developed for that market. Why wear something adhered to your body all time if you could serve the same purpose with these little, pocket-sized "blobs"?
Congratulations to designer and type 1 diabetic (from Uruguay) Lucianna Urruty for her innovative thinking!
diaPETic impressed the judges by bringing the engaging elements of gaming into a young person's diabetes world. It is an iPhone/iPod touch application that helps a glucose meter to "acknowledge the user as a human being." It's currently designed specifically for teenage girls, but other characters could easily be created for boys and younger children, etc.
The application works a bit like the popular WebKinz and Club Penguin sites for kids, but combined directly with diabetes management: the user creates a pet avatar that interacts with them to encourage glucose testing and suggest strategies for control. Users gather points that can be redeemed for "accessories" for their avatar. The fun is in "unlocking" new items, and your avatar can morph into a new animal over time.
The judges felt that this app embodied an impactful idea to motivate behavior change using the latest interactive technologies. It is spot-on with key health trends: the importance of acknowledging patients' psychological needs, creating truly engaging consumer-oriented tools, and honing in on behavior change — which so many companies are struggling to address now!
Congratulations to designer Emily Allen on this winning concept!
Now, on to our category winners:
Most Creative Idea
Prize = $2,500 cash
Your votes selected Colored Tubing, an idea that's drawn from colored drinking straws! What if pump tubing also changed color when insulin passed through it, so that PWDs could easily detect clogs or air bubbles?
A few years ago, we had two entries suggesting colored insulin for similar purposes, but the idea of tubing that changes color is actually more practical. Plus, "We need more color in the solutions for this disease," according to patient-judge Bernard Farrell.
Congratulations to D-Mom Molly Johnson of Somewheretheresacure.org for this original idea!
(btw, our CDE judge Gary Scheiner has some in's in the industry and would like to push Molly's concept further "up the food chain," as it were; cross your fingers.)
Kids Category Winner
prize = $1,500 cash, entrants ages 17 and under
Our kids' winner this year is Rapid-Absorbing Glucose Patch, a transdermal glucose patch that makes it easy to swim or do sports without worrying about carrying emergency sugar in case of hypoglycemia. Its creator Stefan P. apparently likes to swim at the beach, as do we!
Stefan lives in Washington state and just turned 14. He was diagnosed a few years ago at age 11. He plays on a year-round soccer team, and and usually uses PowerAid to avoid and treat lows during sports. "But I had the idea it would be nice to have (the glucose) right there in a patch, like a nicotine patch, especially when you're swimming because you can't carry anything with you then," he explained over the phone this weekend. "My dad helped me research it over the internet, and we found out they're working on these fast-acting skin patches for medicine."
On his idea specifically, Stefan explains: "You could activate it by pulling out a plastic pull tab, like on initial use of a phone battery pack. This could avoid painful shots of glucagon, and if swimming, it could potentially save someone's life. And that's what I think would help make diabetes easier to live with."
Congrats to you, Stefan! And best of luck in the 9th grade 😉
Community Honorable Mention
The community also gave a nice nod to Hanky Pancreas, a series of fashion accessories for women who wear insulin pumps or CGMs. These definitely address the psychological side of living with diabetes, especially the issues of self-consciousness, self-esteem and social acceptance. They can make diabetes technology more fun to live with — right now! We understand that a men's collection is in the works as well.
Congratulations to designer Jessica Floeh!
Judges' Honorable Mention
Our group of 10 judges would also like to recognize Sanguine Diabetes Manager as a "best-of" submission in the diabetes data management arena. This clever program represents data in a much more user-friendly way than we've seen before, and stresses interoperability of data as a key tenet. We'd love to see these concepts integrated into existing logging programs if possible. Maybe Sanguine's creator could join forces with SweetSpot.com or something similar?
Congratulations to Interactive Media major Damon Muma!
Again, CONGRATULATIONS to all! Your creativity is our lifeline.
Many thanks to the California HealthCare Foundation for making this competition possible.
Winners will hear from us shortly.
Please tune in here in the next weeks for more in-depth information on the winning designs and the people behind them, along with a look at some of our favorite "runner-up" entries.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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