#lydia was only there because her and bunny are cousins)
butchdykenormallen · 1 year
neww dialtown ocs. technically benrey my old self insert
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Benrey Darlene
-transmasc bisexual
-suit jacket from his dad
-found sunglasses in the trash
-parents divorced
-great frends with tear and lydia
-transmasc queer
-not soft
-nice when you get to know him
-very easy to be close with, but he will not try and be close with you unless he trusts you
-name is pronounced like tears from your eyes (not tear in clothing)
-extreme daddy issues
Lydia Smiths
-genderfluid lesbian
-gym trainer
-very energetic
-constantly watching soap operas and novellas
-loves cheerios
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tcm · 3 years
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Being overweight is a traumatic experience both physically and emotionally. There’s depression, lack of self-worth, loneliness and the fear that no one will love you because of your size. Even if you lose weight, it’s still hard to believe in yourself due to past limiting beliefs. Over the years, filmmakers have explored this sensitive subject, including John Waters (Hairspray, 2007), Jane Campion (Sweetie, 1989) and P.J. Hogan (Muriel’s Wedding, 1994).
Oscar-winning actress Anne Bancroft came up with the idea for FATSO (1980), her only feature film as a director, at AFI’s Directing Workshop for Women in the mid-1970s, where it was developed as a short film. The first film produced by her husband Mel Brooks’ Brooksfilm, FATSO is a comedy about Dominick DiNapoli (Dom DeLuise), an overweight New York shopkeeper whose late mother always fed him as a child whenever he was upset. Now, his eating is out of control. He still lives at home, and his nagging sister (Bancroft) and her family reside downstairs in a two-family brownstone, while Dominick and his brother, exasperated Frank Jr. (Ron Carey), live upstairs. When their 39-year-old extremely overweight cousin Sal suddenly dies, Bancroft’s Antoinette harps and nags her brother to see a diet doctor. When the diet doesn’t work, she enrolls him in a “Chubby Checkers” support group.  It’s only when he meets Lydia (Candice Azzara), a neighboring shopkeeper, that he tries to turn his life around.
Critics basically trounced FATSO when it was released 41 years ago. Roger Ebert actually gave it a one-star rating. Gene Siskel declared it “an emaciated script idea. Two basic dramatic approaches to fatness are to regard it as comic, or tragic. Anne Bancroft has somehow avoided both approaches in FATSO, a movie with the unique distinction of creating in its audiences an almost constant suspense about how they are supposed to be react.”
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However, the film has grown in reputation over the years and was even included in a retrospective on liberating Hollywood women directors in the 1970s at the UCLA Film & Television Archive in 2019, describing the film as a “hilarious, heartwarming comedy.” That’s a bit of hyperbole. DeLuise, who rarely got a chance to really show his comic brilliance in film and television, is the best thing about FATSO. He’s funny and poignant and has chemistry to spare with Azzara.
And Bancroft does show just how hard it is to lose weight. In one sequence, Dominick convinces his brother to padlock the fridge and the pantry only to threaten him with a knife in the middle of the night to unlock them. Depressed at his behavior, he calls the Chubby Checkers (Richard Karron and Paul Zegler) for help. But when they start talking about food, the trio goes crazy in the kitchen and eats everything in sight.
When he decides to propose to Lydia only to discover she’s not home, Dominick goes crazy and eats $40 worth of Chinese take-out. Just as Siskel noted, Bancroft tries to make these scenes funny but, in fact, they are incredibly sad. Though Bancroft excelled at comedy as an actress and was married to a comic genius, she had problems writing and directing comedy. Though he’s considered fat in the film, DeLuise is just pleasingly plump. He’s nowhere near the 325 pounds he was later in his life. FATSO did change the lives of the two Chubby Checkers played by Karron and Zegler. They both lost a substantial amount of weight over the years.
Just like Bancroft, the shockingly riveting thriller THE HONEYMOON KILLERS (1970) was the sole film written and directed by composer Leonard Kastle. He actually wasn’t the first director on the film; however, Martin Scorsese was given the pink slip after the first week because he was taking too long. Noted as Francois Truffaut’s favorite American film, THE HONEYMOON KILLERS vividly depicts the self-esteem issues many have when being overweight.
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A grim nurse, Martha (Shirley Stoler, the Nazi guard in Seven Beauties, 1975), lives at home with her nagging friend Bunny (Doris Roberts) who keeps telling her to lose weight. The more stressed Martha gets, the more she eats. In fact, eating has almost become sex to her whether she’s devouring chocolates, cookies or even a pretzel. But she desperately wants to fall in love but fears her weight will prevent her from finding a man.
Unbeknown to Martha, Bunny has submitted her name to a “lonely hearts” club and soon she gets a letter from Ray Fernandez (Tony Lo Bianco) from New York City. He soon visits Martha in Alabama where he seduces her and convinces her to give him a loan. After he leaves, Ray writes her a Dear Jane letter. Threatening to commit suicide, Ray allows her to visit him in New York where he reveals he’s a gigolo/con man who seduces and swindles lonely women. Because she is so lovesick and doesn’t want to lose him, she accompanies him on his jobs posing as his “sister.”
THE HONEYMOON KILLERS was inspired by the true story of Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck, the legendary “lonely hearts killers” of the 1940s, who were executed at Sing Sing in 1951. Even 51 years after its release, THE HONEYMOON KILLERS is very disturbing. Not only are the murders gruesome, but Martha’s mistreatment as a “fat girl” has turned her into a psychopath. She will do anything and everything to keep her man even attempting to drown herself when she hears Ray trying to seduce one of his conquests at the riverbank. In an interview, producer Warren Steibel stated “we wanted to do an honest movie about murders. These are not charming people. They are sleazy people-but fascinating. You won’t come out of the theatre feeling sorry for the killers like in some movies. It is not romanticized.”
While these films aren’t necessarily positive portrayals of body weight, and it should be noted that each were made by directors who themselves were not overweight, both are iconic in their focus on fatness and its perception during the time in which these films were made.
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creativemessbyvd · 2 years
So this TikTok awoke a plot bunny and it was too fast for me to control, take this now I guess :v
Fic Idea Vault #8: Disaster Lineage Encanto AU
Check out the original idea creator, giving full credit and I was giving permission to let the plot bunny loose! Check out the original TikTok and many others here:
And now enjoy a little extract from the first chapter and the summary at the end! (Note, you don't have to know what the new movie Encanto is about, and also this is an au, so don't come for me SW hardcore fans! Enjoy!)
"Wow! There's so many of you! How do you keep track of everyone?!"
"How do you know who is related to who?"
"Is Anakin your bother or your uncle??"
"What's your special ability!"
Ahsoka leaned around the various kids all firing rapid questions, deciding to ignore the last one even if it had been yelled by most of them and instead gesturing to the mural on the rock face on the stairs leading to the village down below.
"Hey, take it easy! I know it seems very confusing but they are my family and it's easy I guess because I see them every day! How about I start from the beginning? Let's start with Grandad Yoda!" Pointing to the head and topmost person depicted in the mural, Yoda smiled serenely crosslegged at them, his lightsaber held in both hands and a halo of water splashing away from him on his head. She turns to the kids who have been enraptured by the imagery and continues before they derail with questions of everyone else.
"Grandmaster Yoda he was known, he came from the Temple and from him we know all about the Jedi of old. He found the Temple that now shelters us and his granted ability is water control! It's thanks to him that the Kyber Heart is still so strong and out village could prosper!"
From below, Ashoka points out to the children to see as Yoda makes way in the river so that the cattle led by Obi Wan can pass them through while Assajj passes in the opposite direction with three great logs ready for a new house to be set up. The children oh and ah and turn back waiting for more.
"He escaped with his Padawan who he considered a son, my uncle Dooku-"
All around them in the path, and even some below in the village and above on the Temple's entrance, various people exclaim "We don't talk about Dooku!" And she stays silent for a minute only to quickly whisper to the children as they move closer:
"They say he could see the future and disappeared long ago!"
Dooku's image is slightly less shiny than the rest of the family, dressed in browns and contrasting with the man next to him who holds his hand dressed in white.
"Whose that next to him?" Comes the question, and she continues in a normal tone.
"That's his partner! Uncle Syfo Dyas was his name! He died long ago but he had the same power, but without the Kyber Heart's blessing! He was such a powerful Jedi even before we came here that he had the ability all on his own! He could see the best in everybody and died protecting my cousin Assajj, their daughter!"
"And what's her power?"
"She's the strong one right!?"
Underneath Dooku and Syfo Dyas, Assajj stood arms crossed and looking just as fierce and strong as she does in real life.
"Yes! Assajj was adopted by my uncles and her ability is super strength! She can lift a whole house with no problems!" That all turn to see Assajj helping to move the houses to make more space as easy as one might pick up a small rock off the path.
"Whose next?"
On the night of her nephew's gift reveal, Ahsoka notices that the temple and it's magical Kyber Heart Crystal that has given her family her special abilities is slowly falling apart. Fearful of what this could mean for her family and the village they look after, she sets out to figure out if her missing uncle Dooku and his visions of the future might reveal what is going on with their home. The very future of the last line of Jedi in the universe may rest on her shoulders, the only one in the family who never got a gift.
Their powers are tied to the force yes, and also just imagine everyone in their original species and the like, but more I will explain on the fic properly ;)
What do you think?
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lovelucybradford · 3 years
I Pretend You’re Mine (5)
A/N: Back with the promised continuation chapter! 
Not sure if you’re interested, but when I was writing, in my head I pictured:
Betty White as Grandma Rose
Richard Madden as Levi
Peter Gallagher as Jason Martin
Scott Eastwood as Drew
Tags: @empath-bunny
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Five: You Were Romeo (I Was a Scarlet Letter)
Day 1: Thursday, June 13th
7:00 pm- Welcome Cocktails in the Stardust Lounge, Deck 6
“Champagne, miss?” The formally dressed waiter offered a flute of sparkling wine, a raspberry garnish floating in the glass. Rosalie took it from his hands with no hesitation, sending the attendant a silent smile of thanks. She put the glass to her lips, then paused and looked up at Derek.
“Will people judge me if I chug this whole thing right now?” she voiced, loving the amused smile that lit up her partner’s face at the innocent question.
“I thought we didn’t care anymore what people thought of us,” Derek reminded her, though she knew that when he was referring to ‘we’, he really meant her. Derek never was one to care what people thought of him.
Rosalie weighed her options, then decided that her family judged her anyways so why not have a good time?
In order to get through this hellish night, she’d have to be tipsy. Best start now.
Without a word of affirmation, she forewent her instilled manners and chugged the glass down in one long sip. Rosalie wasn’t normally a fan of champagne, unless it was Dom Perignon, which she realized made her sound like a total snob. It was the one thing that she’d inherited from her father, her expensive taste in food and drink. It seemed by the familiar, rich, and delicious taste of the bubbly that the cruise ship staff had only provided the very best for their VIP guests.
Rosalie searched for a place to set her glass, finding a nearby unoccupied table and gently depositing it there. She, quite literally, couldn’t afford to even chip one of the crystal goblets.  She stumbled back to Derek, who was waiting for her with an open arm.
“You ready for this?” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot on her neck. It caused unvoluntary goosebumps to crawl up her arms, which she prayed he didn’t notice.
Was she ready?
A part of her never would be. She’d purposely left this part of her life behind, knowing all too well how toxic it was for her mental health. But Rosalie knew if she backed out now, then the family would know that they finally got to her. They would think that she was still strung up and heartbroken about Drew, or jealous of her stepsister for getting the diamond that was meant for Rosalie.
And sure, she had been… once upon a time.
Moving back to Beacon Hills, reconnecting with normal people, people she loved more than her own blood relatives… it had put everything into perspective for her again.
Rosalie could once again be herself, be that strong woman that Talia Hale had raised to be when Rosalie’s own mother had fallen short. The strong, kind, generous, goofy, compassionate, empathetic woman with a mind of her own and a head on her shoulders. Not the ice queen, the submissive and serious woman that her father had tried to warp her into.
And for that, Rose was forever thankful.
She was different now, but exactly the same. And this version of her, with her closest confidantes by her side, wouldn’t cower in a corner.
Rosalie held her head high, meeting Derek’s gaze with a confident look in her blue eyes.
“Yes,” she declared, feeling her confidence rise.
“Lead the way, Prince Charming.”
Derek snorted and shook his head at the nickname, but complied and escorted Rosalie further into the room. She searched for a friendly face among the crowd. Normally, she’d be able to find Lydia by her head of bright red hair, but nearly half of the people in the room had some shade of red hair.
Thankfully, Rosalie didn’t have to look all that hard, as Charlotte came bounding up to her aunt, screaming, “Auntie Rosie! Uncle Derek!”
And suddenly, as the child wrapped her arms around one of Derek’s legs and one of Rosalie’s, all of the attention in the room shifted to the couple.
“Is that Rosalie?” her cousin Noah commented to the man next to him.
“Who the hell is that with her? Because dayum, I’d like to tap that ass,” Noah’s twin, Nick, said back.
“That has to be her friend,” Uncle Alex said to his wife, his lips around a glass of Scotch.
“Not with the way he’s holding her. Besides, did you hear her niece call him Uncle? How she managed that is beyond me,” Aunt Sarah replied, looking Rose’s companion up and down with hungry eyes.
Rosalie ignored all the talk, even though it seemed as if the crowd wasn’t even attempting to be discreet in their conversations.
She reached down to pat Charlotte’s blonde head. “Hey, honey! I missed you!”
Derek ruffled Charlotte’s curls playfully, to which the little girl pretended to be angry with him. But Rosalie could see the smile that she was hiding as Charlotte clutched the adults’ legs even harder.
“All right, all right, Charlie. Let’s let Auntie Rosalie and Uncle Derek breathe, yeah?” Rosalie’s brother, Levi, broke through the crowd, detaching his daughter from the couple and telling her to go on and play with her cousins.
As soon as the little girl was out of sight, Levi enveloping his sister in a hug. Derek held out his hand for a friendly shake, but Levi pulled him into an embrace as well, the two men patting each other fondly on the back.
“I’m digging the beard,” Derek approved, gesturing to Levi’s newly grown beard while rubbing his own.
“What can I say? I was inspired by yours. Although I have to say, mine looks a little better. Y’know, because it’s still all one color,” Levi joked, comparing his solid red scruff to Derek’s salt-and-pepper look.
Rosalie elbowed Derek in the side teasingly. “Yeah, you old man!”
Derek raised one brow and stepped away from Rosalie, crossing his arms. “Oh sure, call me old man one more time.”
Rosalie beamed up at him, wagging her own brows. “What would you rather me call you? Sugar daddy?”
With one fell swoop, Derek was pressed against her, fingers tickling the small expanse of visible skin on her waist. Rose squealed with laughter, trying in vain to pull away from him and begging for mercy.
Levi cleared his throat loudly, causing the couple to separate. Rosalie’s cheeks burned red at the embarrassing scene that she had been a part of. Surely her brother would tease her about it.
Instead, Levi looked a bit pissed.
“So, I guess my daughter didn’t dream up your engagement, then. This,” Levi gestured to Rosalie and Derek, “is really happening?”
Derek shifted his weight on both feet. Rosalie bit her lip and looked to the floor guiltily. She loved her brother. She really did. But she knew that Levi had loose lips, and he’d surely have one too many and (unintentionally) let slip the whole ruse. That, and Rose couldn’t take the disappointment from him.
“It’s about fucking time,” Levi added, sounding a lot more jovial. Rosalie’s and Derek’s heads shot up instantly, shocked at his comment.
Levi slapped Derek on the shoulder. “Bro, I am so glad you didn’t listen to me.”
“What’s he talking about?” Rosalie interrogated Derek.
Derek scratched the back of his neck and turned his head towards the large window next to them. Before he could explain, Jess, Levi’s wife, snaked her arms around her husband’s waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Lee was telling me all about how he’d threatened Derek with his guns if he even put his hands on you.”
Rosalie’s jaw dropped. Derek stayed unusually silent. “You gave Der the boyfriend talk?! When was this, big brother?”
Levi raised both hands in surrender. “In my defense, Derek was a horny college kid back then, and I was only trying to protect my little sister. You know the, um, milestones that come with prom night.”
The tapping of a mic interrupted their conversation, which Rosalie was thankful for since she was at a loss for words.
She’d remembered that night in question, fondly. It was the night that she’d realized that she’d had feelings for Derek. Rosalie’s then-boyfriend, Ryan, had dumped her a week before prom for another, more sexy, more experienced, girl. Rosalie was heartbroken, and had sworn off prom, until Derek had shown up on her doorstep in a suit with a pink corsage and a sparkling silver tiara.
She’d laughed, of course, at the reference to the childhood nickname. Then, she’d excitedly rushed upstairs to ready herself, leaving Derek at the mercy of one Levi Martin. Levi Martin, who had, apparently, threatened to cut off Derek’s balls and feed them to the family dog if he had even touched his baby sister in an inappropriate way.
(Levi was always… poetic when it came to his threats.)
Rosalie had hoped, prayed, that as Derek had driven her home in his black Camaro, that he would kiss her, to put a fairytale ending on a perfect night. Sure, he’d kissed her when he dropped her off at her front door… on the cheek, like a brother, or a best friend, might.
Rosalie had dreamt about that night for years afterwards, of what it would be like if he had actually kissed her.
“I’m sorry, Grandma Rose. I have to go rescue my fiancé from your dear grandson.”
Rosalie stood from the table, feeling a rush in her head for a few seconds. She was definitely tipsier than she thought.
Once Rose got her bearings, she strutted, barefoot, to Derek, who looked highly uncomfortable. With every inch that Nick advanced on Derek, the man backed a considerable distance away.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing ass?” Rosalie heard Nick flirt from paces away. The way that Nick was looking at Derek, the way that he was blatantly hitting on the man when Nick knew that Derek was taken, it unsettled something in Rosalie. Her vision turned red as she approached the two from behind, wrapping an arm around Derek’s waist.
“Hi Nick. Sorry, this amazing ass is mine.” Rosalie didn’t know what she was saying, didn’t really think through what she was doing. All she knew was that she was grabbing Derek’s right butt cheek with her hand, smiling smugly as Nick’s eyes widened.
Derek waited until Rose’s cousin scurried away before stiffly asking, “Rosalie, why are you grabbing my ass?”
Rosalie let go of Derek immediately, feeling as if she’d spontaneously combust in mortification. “I am, so, so sorry. I just kind of… he was ogling you and it made me mad. Like you’re gorgeous but you’re more than just a pretty face and an incredible ass.” Rosalie’s eyes widened at her word vomit, and now she definitely wanted to throw herself from the nearest balcony and test her drunken theory that she was secretly a mermaid.
“I… I need a drink.”
Derek turned to face her, a hint of a forming chuckle on his lips. “I think you’ve had enough of those, babe.”
Rosalie wished that she could slink away. She wished that someone would hit her in the head, and she’d wake up with amnesia. Maybe she could change her name and move to Antarctica? Yeah, that would be good.
Derek rolled his eyes, grabbing his best friend by the elbow and latching her hand back onto his arm. “I’m not mad at you, Rosalie. Feel free to grab my ass anytime if it makes you feel better.”
Rosalie tried to scowl, but the frown was turning upward with every second. “I hate you so much.”
Derek escorted the two back to Rosalie’s table, where Grandma Rose looked completely unimpressed with the whole shindig. Before they sat, he pulled Rose close and whispered, “I’ll let you grab my ass as long as I can grab yours.”
At that, he pulled out Rosalie’s chair and plopped her down, taking the one next to her. Rose was speechless. Did that actually come out of his mouth? Wait, did he actually want to grab her behind? Yep. Those were his words. Exactly.
Rose’s cheeks flushed a healthy shade of pink. Derek laughed at her slowly coloring face, to which she smacked him on the thigh under the table. Before she could remove her hand, Derek grabbed it and held it between the two of them.
“I always knew the two of you would end up together.” Grandma Rose said wistfully, looking at the couple with soft eyes.
You and everyone else, apparently. Everyone but Derek, Rosalie thought sadly, and tried to shove the painful pang in her heart.
“You know how I knew, Rosalie?” Grandma Rose shakily reached for her flute of champagne, taking a long sip. “I knew it when this one, this big, strong, handsome man,” the old woman reached for Derek’s free hand and patted it kindly, “punched my idiot son in the face at that party, after you got your master’s degree.”
Rosalie snickered at the memory. Jason and Derek had never gotten along. Jason thought Derek was ‘some jock who was too concerned with an unlikely career in basketball instead of his studies’. Derek thought Jason was a ‘pompous, cheating, scumbag, son of a bitch’. (Both quotes were their words exactly)
All of the building tension exploded when Jason had chosen to make a below-the-belt comparison between Rose and Ashleigh’s accomplishments. As if they weren’t celebrating Rosalie graduating from Columbia University, an ivy league, with a master’s degree, with the highest honors.
Derek had broken Jason’s nose. Jason had gotten a restraining order (his favorite defense tactic; it expired last year).
“I’m so sorry,” Derek told Rosalie’s grandmother, though he didn’t sound the least bit remorseful.
“Oh, sweetheart. It wasn’t like every sane person at that party wasn’t thinking the same thing. You were the only one brave enough to do it. Rose’s knight in shining armor.”
Derek’s face flushed red, a rare sight for a man with so much confidence.
“Rosalie, dear. I do have to warn you, Drew and Ashleigh are here.”
Rosalie sighed. She knew that they would be here. The pair had done a very good job at avoiding them; Rose wondered when they’d finally make it around her and Derek’s way. If Rose were lucky, maybe they’d just avoid her the whole trip. Only in her dreams…
“I know, Grandma. I—have you seen them yet?”
“Yes, I had the misfortune of running into both of them while yelling at your father for dragging his ninety-two-year-old mother on an extravagant trip. Do you know how long the plane flight was? Anyways, Drew called me ‘grandma’. You know what I told him, loves?”
Derek and Rosalie looked to each other, both knowing that it was probably something rude. Grandma Rose was Rosalie’s favorite relative, outside of her brother and Lydia. She was the most real of all of them. She spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid to let anyone know how she felt.
“I told him to go fuck himself.”
Derek choked on his glass of white wine. Rosalie smacked him on the back a few times, unable to hold in her shaking laughter.
“Yes, I told dear old Drew to go fuck himself. The only man that’s allowed to call me that is Derek. He doesn’t have his head up his ass. He sees how beautiful, wonderful, and deserving of love my real granddaughter is.”
All jokes aside, Grandma Rose’s words warmed Rosalie’s heart. At least one of the extended family members didn’t think she was a disgrace.
“Well, kids. Would you look at that? The pompous son of a bitch wants to go blab about himself. Someone should go tell him to shut up.”
Rosalie looked to the small stage at the front of the lounge. Sure enough, there was her father, Jason, dressed to the nines in a likely customized Hugo Boss suit, a pink Hibiscus sticking out of his breast pocket. Jason looked around at the crowd, clearing his throat to get the attention of his guests.
“Welcome, everyone! I’m so glad that you’re here and could join me on this fantastic excursion…”
Jason continued his schpeal and Rosalie tuned him out. He was likely talking about how great he was for paying for everyone’s accommodations, or how lucky they were to be spending time with him on this 1K-a-night cruise. Rosalie had heard it all before, multiple times, and she was sick of it, frankly.
What was it about rich people’s money that made them think that they were gods and should be treated as such?
Derek squeezed Rosalie’s hand hard, his nails digging into the back of her hand.
She looked to him in explanation, but he only nodded his head towards the stage.
Where Drew was shepherding Ashleigh up the steps, his hand resting on her backside.
“Yes, as I said, we have two exciting announcements that Evelyn and I could not wait to share with you tonight.”
 Jason looked fondly towards Ashleigh and Drew, who were now hobbling towards him. There were resounding gasps and excited squeals, but Rosalie could only focus on Drew.
Drew was still as handsome as the day that she had first met him. His blue eyes sparkled with confidence and charm. He’d grown a beard since Rosalie had seen him last, wafts of brown hair covering his strong jaw. He stood behind Ashleigh, his hands moving to rest on her stomach, and that’s when time stood still.
Because, under Drew’s lithe fingers, was a protruding bump. Rosalie, despite herself, couldn’t help the gasp that formed around her lips, nor the shaking of her hands.
Drew, when he was with her, had told Rosalie that he didn’t want kids. He’d had daddy issues too and didn’t want his offspring to grow up with a messed-up dad. Even though Rosalie desperately wanted a family, she was so in love with Drew that she’d put those dreams aside, for him.
Now, Drew stood proudly cradling his pregnant fiancée’s stomach as he spoke sweet nothings into her ear, looking thrilled to become a dad.
Derek squeezed Rosalie’s hand tightly, then removed it to wrap around her shoulders instead, nestling her into him. Derek’s lips brushed the top of Rose’s head, then her forehead.
“Fuck, Rosie. I’m so sorry. I… he didn’t deserve you. You’re better off without him. Do you want to go?” Derek whispered huskily in Rosalie’s ear, breaths coming out shallowly.
Rosalie didn’t need to feel the tenseness of his arm around her to know that he was pissed. She could tell just by the tone of his voice that he wanted to kill Drew.
Rosalie turned her head so that now her lips would be close to his ear. “I… I should have known. I—No, we need to stay. If I leave now, then Ashleigh and Evelyn will know that they’ve won, and I can’t let that happen.”
Rosalie rested her head on Derek’s shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace.
Someone kicked her leg under the table. Rosalie raised her head to look at Derek questioningly. His expression matched her own.
“Rosalie? Dear, are you here?” Jason called from the stage, his snake-like grey eyes checking the crowd for his daughter.
“She’s here, you pompous prick!” Grandma Rose yelled to her son, shoving Rosalie gently with a hand to her back. From a distance, Rosalie heard Stiles guffaw. She imagined that Lydia smacked him in the head while trying to control her own laughter.
Jason scowled, but ignored his mother, watching with a forced smile as his daughter and her ‘fiancé’ ascended the stairs. Derek had a tight hold around Rosalie, who had forgone her shoes in the shock of the moment. She leaned on him, both physically and metaphorically, for strength.
“Some more good news for my daughters. Somehow, someone managed to put a ring on my dear little Rosalie. Yes, it shocked us, too. Good on you, Derek!” Jason looked to Rosalie’s bare feet. “And it seems he doesn’t mind her habit for walking around barefoot. Welcome to the family, Derek Hale!”
Most of the crowd laughed, Evelyn and Ashleigh’s shrill merriment sticking out the most. Derek held Rosalie tighter. She bit the inside of her lip in an attempt to stay strong.
From Jason’s other side, Drew asked, “Wait. Isn’t that the guy who broke your nose?”
Derek rested his forehead on the side of Rose’s head, huffing into her ear “Yes. That was me. And if you don’t shut up, I’ll break your nose, too, you douche”.
That made her chuckle, and with his arms securely around her, Rose knew that she’d be alright as long as Derek was by her side.
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newstanmarshblog · 3 years
The Average and Unusual Couple: Chapter Five
   In the days leading up to the weekend, Stan and Lydia got to know each other a little bit more. While Stan shares his love for board games and music, Lydia shares her love for bugs and horror movies. Stan got to meet Lydia’s mom since she’s the new school’s art teacher, and in during their first art class, Lydia got embarrassed by her mother for acknowledging that she was her daughter and sharing a memory past about Lydia’s bunny costume. And Lydia got to made some new friends too. Some of her new friends include Wendy, Bebe, Kyle, and Kenny. She’s also so far natural with Cartman even though she thinks he’s a much worser person than Claire Brewster ever was to her, and has been keeping her distance away from the goth kids.
   It was now Saturday morning. As she waits at Stark’s Pond for Stan to arrive, Lydia was talking to Beetlejuice. And while Beetlejuice is super happy to hangout with his best friend again for the first time since leaving Peaceful Pines, he’s not too fond on the idea of having another person joining them.
   Beetlejuice: So, Lyds, tell me again on what your new friend is like?
   Lydia: Stan is literally the most generous person that I ever met. He’s thoughtful, kind, honest, fun to talk with, and even adorable.
   Beetlejuice: Adorable?! *sticks his tongue out* He is like puppy adorable, or creepy adorable?
   Lydia: He has a poof ball hat, the same raven hair color as I do, and has blue eyes.
   Beetlejuice: Crap, sounds like a pretty boy to me. *talks to the reader* Prettiness, you know I hate it.
   Lydia: Come on, Beetlejuice. Just give him a chance. There might be something that you and him could have in common.
   Beetlejuice: He better has some puns.
   Lydia: I haven’t seen his sense of humor yet, but who knows.
   She receives a phone text from Stan that his mother had just dropped him off, and he’ll meet up with her in a few minutes.
   Lydia: Okay, Beetlejuice. You better change up.
   Beetlejuice: Say hello to…*changes himself into Cousin BJ*…Cousin BJ!
   Lydia: It has been a long time since you disguise yourself as my cousin.
   Beetlejuice: Wait until I tell him where I came from, then I’m sure he’ll get annoyed by it. *chuckles a bit*
   From a short distance away, Stan finally shows up.
   Stan: What’s up, Lydia!
   Lydia: Hi, Stan! How was your morning?
   Stan: Aside from my dad talking shit about his new weed store coming up, it was fine. *notices a new kid with the long bright blonde hair right beside Lydia* And who you might be?
   Cousin BJ: The name’s Cousin BJ, but please just call me BJ. I’m Lydia’s cousin.
   Stan: Did you just moved here too recently?
   Cousin BJ: Actually, I’m visiting over here from…*puts on a Raiders hat*…Raiders Country!
   Stan: *sigh* You’re from Vegas, huh? Well, just a friendly reminder that this is Broncos Country, and this town doesn’t treat any Raiders fan here so kindly.
   Cousin BJ: I also don’t treat any Broncos fan so kindly either…*lifts up the black and white stripe t-shirt to show off a chopped off Broncos logo on his chubby belly*…see?
   Stan annoyed: You fucking bastard.
   Cousin BJ: *laughs hysterically* Your team will always suck no matter which quarterback you guys have.
   Stan: Oh yeah, at least my team more recently won a super bowl unlike your team that struggled in their last super bowl appearance.
   Lydia: Oh come on, you guys. We’re here to have fun exploring this town today, not argue about any football rivalry.
   Cousin BJ: Yeah, you’re right, Lyds. Let’s put this whole rivalry thing behind us just as long we can all agree that the Raiders are the superior team.
   Lydia: Zip it, BJ!
   A zipper magically appears to shut Cousin BJ’s lips.
   Stan: What the hell? How did you do that?
   Cousin BJ: *unzip his mouth* Sorry, I’ve should mentioned earlier that I like to do magic tricks. Like for example, what’s that behind your ear?
   Cousin BJ grabs something behind Stan’s right ear, and it reveals to be a picture that saids “Broncos still suck”.
   Stan: Yeah, yeah. Can we now start our day instead and keep our football opinions to ourselves, please?
   Lydia: You better do what he says, BJ. Or else I’m gonna send you back where you came from.
   Cousin BJ: Okay, okay, fine. I have better tricks to pull off onto other people later on anyway.
   Stan: We’ll start off by making our way into main street. Then I’ll show you both our local restaurants and stores, and then we’ll head to our town’s shopping mall as our last destination. Let’s go.
   After leaving’s Stark Pond, Stan begins to give Lydia and Cousin BJ the grand tour of South Park. He first shows them the church that he and his family used to go too, then takes them to the town’s elementary, middle, and high schools. Followed by a quick look at the community center, and now they were by the police station.
   Stan: Here’s our local police station. We unfortunately here have some of the worst cops in all of Colorado because our current police force are often lazy and corrupt. And years ago before our current police force stepped in, we only had one single cop that kept the law in order despite on not being a smart person.
   Lydia: Wow! That’s pretty terrible.
   Stan: Just as long you guys follow the law and keep your distance away from them, you’ll be alright.
   As they leave to head to main street, Cousin BJ can’t help but on wanting to pull a dirty prank on those cops.
   Cousin BJ: Hmm, they almost sound like my kind of people. But still, better give them what they deserve.
   He uses his magic to place a huge box that’s fulled with donuts, and then has a magical hand knocking on the glass door. Sergeant Yates opens the door, and sees the box of donuts in front of him.
   Yates: Well, well. Looks like somebody out there is finally giving us the love that we truly deserve after all. I just hope this box isn’t from a latino donut shop.
   He picks up the box, opens it, and takes out one of the donuts for a quick bite. As he takes his bite, he suddenly gets electrocuted and spits out the donut bite he just had.
   Yates: The fuck kind of donut is this?!
   He tosses that donut away, and takes a bite from a different donut that has cockroaches in it. Yates feels their legs moving inside of his mouth, and immediately spits it out.
   Yates: Cockroaches?!
   He aggressively throws down the box of donuts onto the concrete sidewalk, and uses his gun to shoot at it serval times. As the donuts break into pieces, Yates notices that the donuts had other things in them such as bones, worms, black widows, and one donut even had urine in it.
   Yates angry: Some kind of a prank, huh? I may not know the crook that’s really responsible for this, and probably will never know, but I’m still gonna arrest somebody else for this and put the entire blame to that person instead!
   Meanwhile, Stan continues on touring Lydia and Cousin BJ throughout South Park. After showing off the mayor’s building, they were now at main street.
   Stan: So, welcome to main street. This is where you’ll find our post office and bank at, but this area also has a T-Mobile, a book store, a rhinoplasty building where my mom works at, and a photography business place call Photo Dojo.
   Lydia: Does Photo Dojo sale any photographic stuff there too, or is it just a business place in general?
   Stan: It’s mainly a business place where you get you picture taken by a professional photographer, but they also do sale some camera equipment there too since we don’t have any camera store in South Park. And before you ask Lydia, I’m gonna take a wild guess that you want to check that place out?
   Lydia smiling: Of course. I’m dying to see what the place is like.
   Stan smiling: Then follow me this way.
   Stan takes Lydia and Cousin BJ to the Photo Dojo. As they walk into the building, they see the booth area and creation station on the left side, a shopping area on the right side, and in front of them serval feet away was a door that its label saids “Photo Studio”.
   Employee: Hello, welcome to Photo Dojo. May I help you guys with something?
   Stan: These two people here with me are from out of town, and want to check this place out.
   Employee: Alrighty, then. If you need anything, I’ll be right here at the booth, minding my own business.
   Lydia: Thanks.
   As the gang browses the shopping area, Cousin BJ sees the many frame pictures that are hanging around the walls. One of the pictures that catches his attention was an image that has a giant douche bottle and a giant sandwich with a huge turd in it.
   Cousin BJ: Hey, pretty boy. Can you explain to me about that picture over there? *points to the picture that he was looking at*
   Stan: Ugh, that fucking picture. Back when I was still in the fourth grade, our school and this town were having an election style debate on picking either a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich as our new mascot following from receiving threats by PETA because our mascot is a cow. When the election was over, the Giant Douche won the majority vote. But then shortly afterwards, we heard news that all the PETA members were massacred by a rapping gangster group led by Puff Daddy, and we all just instead went back into being the South Park Cows.
   Cousin BJ: Sounds like a huge waste of time.
   Stan: It totally was, BJ. I for one am very glad that we’re still the Cows to this very day because that debate was the most stupidest thing in the history of this town, and I can’t imagine on what South Park would’ve looked like on having either a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich as our mascot.
   As Stan leaves to check on Lydia, Cousin BJ looks at the picture one more time.
   Cousin BJ: Hmmm, yep. Mayor Maynot is the Giant Douche, and I’m the Turd Sandwich.
   Lydia meanwhile was checking out all the camera equipment that are available to purchase. Even though they were all very pricey for her to buy, she was at least very happy to see all the different types of cameras up close in person instead of seeing images of them on the internet. But there was one kind of camera that got her really excited as she sees it.
   Lydia excited: Deadly Vu! I can’t believe that they actually have this here!
   Stan: See something that you like?
   Lydia happy: The Fujifilm X-T4! It’s said to be one of the most advanced cameras in the market right now. This beauty has superb image quality, a IBIS for video, can be very durable in nearly any weather condition, and looks super sexy in black. If not for it’s $1,600 price tag, I would try to get this spectacular camera in a heartbeat.
   Stan: Have you talked with your parents about on wanting to own this camera?
   Lydia: Not yet. I’ve learned about the Fujifilm X-T4 last month, but our financial budget was mainly focus on moving over to this town during the summer. And even if I were to ask them about the camera right now, they’ll surely say no. Hopefully time will pass enough for the camera to become cheeper, and then I’ll talk to my parents on buying it.
   Stan: What kind of camera do you currently use?
   Lydia: I use a Canon EOS camera that I got serval years ago during my eleventh birthday. It has been now over 3 years now since I received it, and while it still works good, I gotta start thinking about in getting a new camera sometime next year. Especially since I’ve so far have taken over 70,000 pictures with it.
   Stan: Holy shit, dude! Even I don’t take that many pictures with my cell phone. When was the last time that you used your camera?
   Lydia: Last week. I took some pictures of the Rocky Mountain as we made it to our new home, and in during our long road trip, we made one special pit stop at the Field Museum in Chicago where I’ve taken over two hundred pictures there.
   Stan getting excited: The Field Museum? So, that means you came across Sue the T. rex over there, right?
   Lydia happy: Yep. I got to see Sue in all of her glory. But I wasn’t just there to see Sue, I also really wanted to see all of their amazing fossil collection over there too.
   Stan: You’re into paleontology, dinosaurs, and other prehistoric stuff as well?
   Lydia: That’s right. My love for dinosaurs was the biggest thing in my childhood before entering the first grade.
   Stan super happy: Oh my god! I love dinosaurs so fucking much! They were the biggest thing in my childhood too! Even more so than sports and Disney put together. And I still love studying about prehistoric life to these very day.
   Lydia happy: Me too! Every time I read any article about paleontology, my inner kid self comes out of me and I’ll always get excited on learning about them.
   Stan: None of my friends here don’t have the same love for prehistoric stuff as I do, and now you’re very first person that I know that has the same passion for it like I have within me. I can go on and on, but I’m just overall so happy to have a friend that share the same love for prehistoric stuff like myself. *smiles*
   Lydia smiling: Same. None of my friends or anyone else from Peaceful Pines doesn’t really care about paleontology as I do. They all think that it’s just childish stuff, and find it to be very boring too.
   Stan: That’s how my friends view it as well. They just want to change the subject whenever I talk to them about dinosaurs and other prehistoric stuff. If there’s ever a science project in our class, we should definitely team up on researching in the history of South Park during prehistoric times, and hopefully it’ll get them excited enough to know what extinct animal used to roamed here long time ago.
   Lydia puts her right hand onto Stan’s right shoulder.
   Lydia smiling: I’m all game for that, Stan.
   They both smilie at each other for a very long moment, and then Cousin BJ shows up.
   Cousin BJ: Hey, Dino nerds! I hate to ruin your moment and all, but I’m ready to eat.
   Stan: Oh, okay. Is there anything you to buy here before we head to lunch, Lydia?
   Lydia: I’ll just buy a memory card for my camera.
   After making her purchase from the Photo Dojo, Lydia, along with Stan, and Cousin BJ head over to Freeman’s Tacos to have their lunch. Stan and Lydia had some tacos while Cousin BJ had a huge burrito and secretly put some leeches in it. Following from their lunch break, Stan shows off Lydia and Cousin BJ the rest of South Park. He shows them the town’s local movie theater, the outdoor basketball court where he usually hangs with his friends at, Tweek’s coffee shop, and they finally made it to South Park’s shopping mall. At the mall, they visited a lot of stores such as Hot Topic, Old Navy, a board game shop, and even a fossil shop where Stan got himself a Spinosaurus tooth. And just before they were about to leave, they unexpectedly came across Butters.
   Butters: Hi Stan, hi Lydia. Nice to see you two being together in this great weekend.
   Cousin BJ: Who’s the Eric Stough look alike?
   Butters: Excuse me?
   Stan: This is Lydia’s cousin, BJ. BJ, this is Butters.
   Cousin BJ: Butters?! *laughs* What kind of a silly name is that?
   Butters: It’s a middle name that my mom gave to me because she loves that name. My full name is Leopold Butters Stotch. Out of those three names, I preferred on being called Butters, and only Butters.
   Cousin BJ: Whatever you say…*air quote hand sign*…Butters. *talks to the reader* It’s a silly name, but you know what, I love fucking it.
   Lydia: What are you doing over here, Butters?
   Butters: My parents are super pissed off at me for accidentally making a big mess at the kitchen as I was trying to make pancakes for them. I got tripped by my untied shoes that I didn’t even know about while I was carrying the mix in a big bowl which then resulted for the accident to happen. After getting yelled at by my parents, I needed to get away from them for the rest of the day, and here I am.
   Lydia: Damn, that’s pretty awful. I’ve never heard of any parent getting upset at their child for anything like that. Are you feeling any better right now?
   Butters: Yeah, I feel a bit happier now. I hung out with Jimmy earlier today, and his jokes helped me a lot.
   Cousin BJ: So this town does have its own comedian here, huh? I would like to meet him someday.
   Stan: I think you’ll like him, BJ. His jokes are kinda similar to your sense of humor.
   Cousin BJ: I just hope his jokes aren’t like that from a certain pirate that I unfortunately know too well.
   Butters: Well, it’s getting late. I gotta get home before my parents will get even more piss off with me for being home late.
   Stan: Butters, may I give you a quick advice?
   Butters: Sure, what is it?
   Stan: Whenever your parents’ abuse goes too far, you need to stand up to them. Tell them that you won’t take any more abuses from them any longer and that you wish to be treated from them more fairly. And if they don’t stop, call in child protective service.
   Butters smiling: Thanks, Stan. I’m so very happy to have you as a friend.
   Lydia: I hope things will be alright with you, Butters. Be brave, don’t tolerate anymore of your parents’ abuse bullshit, and I’m very sure that there’ll be a light tunnel waiting for you to get away from this madness.
   Butters smiling: Thank you, Lydia. That means a lot to me. And you know, I really do believe that you two will become more than friends someday. You’re both perfect for each other.
   Both Stan and Lydia blushed while Cousin BJ gets a bit jealous on what Butters had just said.
   Butters: Anyway, it was great seeing you guys. And it was nice to meet you too, BJ. Have a good night!
   Stan: You too.
   As Butters leaves the mall, Lydia wanted to have a private talk with Beetlejuice before she and Stan head over to her house.
   Lydia: I gotta use the restroom before we head out, Stan.
   Cousin BJ: Yeah, me too.
   Stan: Okay. I’ll be waiting at the bench until you guys get back.
   Stan takes his seat at the bench while Lydia and Cousin BJ walk over to the restroom area. After taking his seat, Stan feels a warmth heartbeat within him.
   Stan: I can’t believe that this is happening so quick. I’ve never had this kind of feeling ever since my relationship with Wendy. Regardless if Butters is right about me and Lydia or not, I need to keep things cool for the time being.
   At the restroom area, Lydia and Cousin BJ were completely alone. Lydia also double checked to see if there was any security camera around, and thankful there wasn’t any of them.
   Lydia: Okay, Beetlejuice. It’s all clear.
   Beetlejuice changes back to his normal self.
   Beetlejuice: Babes, don’t tell me that you’re actually falling in love with that pretty boy?
   Lydia: I…I…I honestly don’t know yet. But one thing that I won’t hold back on is that I’m having strong feelings for Stan already. There’s something very special about him that spilts him apart from all the other crushes that I ever had.
   Beetlejuice: It’s just as I feared, you are feeling in love with him! This is all happening just as quickly as me being washed up! *magically gets washed up on a beach with his face on the sand*
   Lydia: Beetlejuice, I get it. You’re afraid that I’m not gonna able to spend time with you as much as we did back then.
  Beetlejuice: What the hell are you talking about? I’ll be fine on my own, no sweat! *starting to sweat and tearing up a bit* Okay, fine! I am jealous! Not only am I jealous of on seeing you spending a lot of time with someone else, but I’m afraid that you’ll soon forget about me. I can go on easily without relying on most of my own friends and family, but there’s only one person that I just can’t continue on with, and that person is you. I can’t afford to lose you for at any cost, Lydia. I just can’t!
   Lydia hasn’t seen Beetlejuice with such honesty in a long time. While her ghostly best friend has always been honest with her, it’s not too often that he speaks the honesty from his heart, and he keeps that personal feeling to himself all the time. She puts her arm around Beetlejuice to comfort him.
   Lydia: Beetlejuice, just because I’m starting a new special relationship with Stan and spending a lot of time with him doesn’t mean that I’m leaving you forever. There’s a very personal place in my heart that you’re a part of, and that is something that’ll never ever go away no matter what. The day when we first met each other, there was a really good reason onto why I started to like you. It wasn’t just because of your sense of humor, but you also gave me a really special gift within me.
   Beetlejuice: What kind of a gift?
   Lydia: Self-confidence on being myself. Before I met you, I was never too confident onto showing my true self to a lot of people because a lot of those people don’t love the kind of stuff that I do, and they’ll think of me as some kind of a freak if I ever told them about my life. During that time, I was afraid on even trying to make a friend because of it. But then everything change for me when we first met. It’s because of the way on how you loved me for being who I am, it finally gave me the self-confidence that I desperately needed to move on with my life. And that very gift you gave me is the very main reason onto why you’ll forever be in my heart for the rest of time. No matter on who I end up being with in my adult life, I’ll always love you on not just as the greatest friend that I’ll ever have, but also as a special member of my family that’ll just be between the two us forever and ever.
   Beetlejuice tears himself a bit with great joy.
   Beetlejuice smiling: Babes, you really know how to give the ghost with the most a big smile better than anyone else. *clams himself down* Although don’t say anything about this to anyone else as I need to keep my reputation fully secure. *burps himself pretty loud*
   Lydia: *laughs* Okay, okay. I’ll keep quiet about everything that was said here for the time being.
   Beetlejuice: Thanks, Lyds. It’s the right thing to do. And you know what, I’m starting to think that Stan isn’t as much a pain in the ass kind of a guy as I thought he’ll be to me. He kinda reminds me of you a bit.
   Lydia: I’m so happy to hear that you’re starting to like him, BJ. We should plan on doing something fun with him again.
   Beetlejuice: Or better yet, give him a trip to the Netherworld.
   Lydia: Let’s not rush onto that idea for now. I want to get to know him much more first before I ever make a decision like that.
   Beetlejuice: Whatever you say, Lyds. But anyway, I’ll leave you two alone for the rest of the night together. And I hope you won’t mind that I can give a quick check on you before heading to bed.
   Lydia: Sure thing, Beetlejuice. I’ll give you the call whenever I can later tonight.
   Beetlejuice: Take it easy, and don’t go too explicit if you know what I mean. See ya! *disappears*
   Lydia: *chuckles* Oh Beetlejuice, you and your dirty jokes.
   Lydia walks her way back to the bench where Stan was still waiting.
   Stan: Where’s Cousin BJ?
   Lydia: He had to leave right away because his parents needed him back at the motel in time for dinner.
   Stan: Oh. He was a pretty interesting guy. Just as long as he doesn’t talk shit about our football rivalry again, he’s not such a bad person to be around with.
   Lydia: Yeah, he may not be perfect, but BJ still has a great heart inside of him. So, are you ready for our sleepover tonight?
   Stan: I’ve been dying to return back to my old house for a long time now. So yes, I am ready.
   Lydia: Let’s get going then, shall we?
   As he and Lydia leave the mall, Stan’s heart begin to beat with both excitement and nervousness in returning to the very place that he sees as his true home.
   In the next chapter, Stan and Lydia have dinner and a sleepover together.
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joelmgrif · 5 years
Family Update #2:
Well, the time is almost here. After dozens of weekly ultrasounds, non-stress tests, and monitoring, baby Wes is still looking healthy considering his circumstances. We are very thankful his condition has not gotten worse and the doctors are still confident he will be okay. They don’t want Maddie carrying past 39 weeks, so she is scheduled to be induced next Thursday at 5pm. This will be our last weekend as a family of three and we all can’t wait to meet the little man (speaking on Jenna’s behalf). 
The last month or so have been all sorts of crazy. We started renovating our basement earlier this year with the hope of finishing our guest space for family, and decided to do the kids’ rooms while we’re at it--call us crazy, but...you’re right, we’re a little crazy. We’ve been burning the midnight oil almost every night lately to get the house ready before baby arrives, and we reached our goal of getting carpet installed this week. The process has been fun, stressful, exhausting, and rewarding on top of the general busyness of life and discomfort that comes with pregnancy (my back really hurts and I have all these craving for sweets...sympathy symptoms, I think). For those reading who don’t know my wife super well, don’t be fooled thinking I’m a horrible husband by ignoring the needs of my pregnant wife to work on the house. All of this was 75% the interior designer’s idea and she loves this stuff. I don’t know how, but when she’s pinteresting and drawing up design boards it unleashes the energy of 10 energizer bunnies and the focus of a lion hunting its prey (I partially blame you, Maria for encouraging this behavior...only kidding). 
In all of the activity and circumstances, there have been some pretty hard days emotionally, physically, and otherwise. I don’t say this to complain, and actually I mean the opposite. God continues to pour his good grace on us in ways we don’t deserve. We continue to be humbled by the incredible support from our friends, family, and church community. When people have kids they usually say, “It takes a village,” followed by a half-hearted laugh from those around. Well, let me elaborate on the truth of that statement with some shoutouts. 
First, to our selflessly loving families--for all the trips back and forth from Michigan and Cleveland; all the dishes cleaned, floors vacuumed, cooking, and all the things no one notices that our moms do. They’re the best. To our dads for being handy and keeping me from destroying our new house on my own. To our dear friends, Graham, Maria, Ben & Ricki, Seth & Lydia, for helping us crank out painting/moving furniture/random tasks the last couple weeks. To my cousin Arron for literally driving 5 hours here and back in a weekend just help with the house. To our neighbors (especially “Miss Stacey”, Jenna’s title for her), and Ricki and Cassidy for being go-to childcare while Maddie goes to her appointments. To our Missio community group for constantly lifting us with prayer and encouragement and the surprise baby shower. And finally to those reading who have been petitioning and praying for Maddie and our baby’s health. I’ve said this before, but we feel those prayers on the hard days. If I’ve forgot anyone specifically, know we are thankful for you and I could go on...But you see, it takes a village. I have goosebumps writing this and thinking of how many people have served us in this season. 
This summer, our church has been going through a study of the Psalms, the series titled “The cry of the heart.” It has been a timely message for us, reminding us that we can cry out to God even if we are angry, frustrated, sad, disappointed, or anxious. And His steady hand delivers us every day; because of that we are able to rest in His promises and grace.
As we head into next week, I wanted to offer a couple specific ways to be praying:
-That Maddie goes into labor spontaneously before she is supposed to be induced, and for no complications with the birth
-That Weston will be able to breathe well on his own before his surgery
-That he will not have pulmonary hypertension when he is born (something they aren’t able to diagnose in the womb)
-That Maddie and I will have peace through all the unknowns
-That Jenna will be content at home, and feel supported and loved this next month with all the transitions
Thank you for taking the time to read, we’re so grateful for you. 
Joel & Maddie
-She loves to sing right now...favorite songs are “zip a dee do dah” and “twinkle twinkle little star”, “You’re Welcome” from Moana--but she sings it, “I see what’s happening in your ear…” She often sings herself to sleep.
-She keeps wanting to watch the “orcas and scubas divers” on Blue Planet on Netflix. But when she accidentally saw the shark eating a whale carcass (we usually skip those scenes), she said ”I don’t think I like sharks anymore.”
-Sesame street is another favorite. She calls Bert and Ernie, “Bertie and Ert”
-She heard our dog, Crosby, whining recently, and said, “It sounds like he’s excited. It sounds like Cosby’s yawning.”
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lovelucybradford · 3 years
I Pretend You’re Mine (4)
A/N: Hi all! I know it’s been a while. Unfortunately adulting sucks and I was so caught up in my work situations that I had no more left to give. Thankfully, the writer’s block has gone away (for now). I planned to have this up on Valentine’s Day, butttt *writer’s block*. So, to make up for it, I’m (hopefully) giving you two chapters this weekend. Chapter five is a continuation of four; it was just so long that I decided to split it into two parts. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for all the love! 
Tags: @empath-bunny​
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Chapter Four: Drag Me Headfirst, Fearless
As soon as the plane landed on the tarmac in sunny Florida, the reality of Rosalie’s upcoming situation had hit her like a freight train. She’d been a nervous wreck since. Rosalie jiggled her leg so much on the Uber ride to the port of call that Stiles, the human form of the Energizer bunny, had placed a hand on her knee and urged her to stop. At that point, Rose figured she’d better cool it before she completely lost her resolve and ‘jumped ship’, so to speak.
So, Rosalie began listing things that she could count on in an attempt to center herself. It was something that the woman had been taught and perfected over many years of intense therapy sessions. She rattled off the list in her mind as she concentrated on the quickly passing palm trees on the side of the highway.
Things That Rosalie Could Count on For the Trip from Hell:
One: Knowing Rosalie’s stepmother Evelyn, who made her career out of creating high-class soirees such as this, everything would be meticulously planned out, down to the minute. If it were up to her, she’d even plan the times that they could use the toilet.
Two: Rosalie would most likely be the talk of the event, until the gossip hounds found something, or someone, juicier to bite into. The last time that she had seen the relatives, all twenty of them (minus her Uncle Joe and Aunt Natalie, who wanted nothing to do with her father), was three days before Drew and Rose had their untimely breakup. Drew, who was more family to them than Rosalie ever was.
Luckily, if she had to go through hell, at least…
Three: Rosalie’s support system would be with her 100%. She had Lydia to give reassuring hand squeezes and the family subtle insults. Her brother Levi who, as much of a jackass that he could be, would defend his sister’s honor to the (metaphorical) death. Stiles and Rose would lounge around the open bar and mock her Uncle Tom as he attempted to ‘dance’, or Aunt Sarah who would undoubtedly flirt with Derek.
Derek… Rose’s confidante, her best friend, her anchor, who hadn’t spoken a word since they stepped foot on the extravagant vessel.
Rosalie could chalk it up to being so breath taken from the scenery that Derek had nothing to say. Even Stiles had repeatedly commented “Holy shit this is so bougie” ten times in the last five minutes. (Not that she couldn’t agree. Her  father Jason was the poster child for ‘go big or go home’) To be fair, it was beautiful. The atrium was adorned floor to ceiling in shades of gold, a large diamond chandelier smack in between two beautiful staircases.
Staircases that gave Rosalie an eerie sense of déjà vu. Only because she had seen something bearing a high resemblance to them in a movie featuring her fictional doppelgänger, a fellow redhead who shared Rose’s name.
Part of her wondered if this was her father’s idea of a sick joke. Rosalie had always said that Drew and her were ‘Jack and Rose’. Turns out Drew was more of a Cal Hockley than a Jack Dawson. As for Rosalie, she was still Rose, forever searching in that freezing sea for her Jack. She should have known that she and Drew were doomed to sink beneath the waves.
Sink beneath the waves… Rosalie’s heart began to pound faster as she grabbed ahold of Lydia’s wrist, relying on her cousin to guide her through the maze of humans and staircases to the staterooms.
Derek and Stiles walked ahead of the two, the former’s back stiff with tension.
Was he predicting, too, that this plan of theirs would go down like the Titanic?
Or was he dreading playing Rosalie’s lover in front of a ship full of pompous asses and the occasional normal person?
Derek normally exuded confidence, from the strong set of his jaw to the way that he entered a room. At that moment, he looked more like a frightened schoolboy than a man with enough swagger for their whole friend group.
His blatant anxiety just heightened Rosalie’s. Before she could really process it, Lydia was pulling her arm away and gently shaking Rose’s shoulder.
“Rose? Rosalie!”
Rosalie shook her head, clearing her thoughts and focusing on the hazel of Lydia’s eyes. “Hmm? Sorry.”
Lydia let out a puff of air, blowing upwards the tendrils of hair that weren’t securely fastened in her high ponytail. “We’re here. Go settle in and we’ll meet you in a bit.”
Lydia then shoved Rosalie towards Derek, who caught her with a hand on her elbow. He took the key card from Rose’s sweaty palm and slid it into the slot on the handle, opening the door to a stateroom with a balcony overlooking the crystal sea. The stateroom… with one bed.
Rosalie tried not to hyperventilate thinking that Derek and she had to share that.
“You can take the bed,” Derek commented as soon as he too laid eyes on it.
Rose ignored him, deciding to handle that situation later, flopping full-bodied onto the plush mattress. The white comforter smelled like a swift ocean breeze, and she couldn’t help but press her nose further into it.
“What is it with you and smelling things today?” Derek chuckled.
Rosalie threw a nearby pillow at him, her face still buried in the bed. “Shut up, asshole.”
The bed shifted to the right of where she lied, the fabric dipping a foot away. That made her feel better. At least if they had to share it like when they were kids, there would be enough space between the two of them so that things wouldn’t happen. Which Rosalie would make sure of. Well, sober her would make sure of it. Drunk her could not be trusted.
“I didn’t hear a word you said, but I assume it was something along the lines of ‘you’re an asshole.”
Rose rolled onto her side. “Close, but no dice…” She lost the train of thought as her eyes caught on a glittering cardstock pamphlet lying between the two of them.
Martin Family Reunion 2019
Day 1: Thursday, June 13th
5:00 pm- Disembark from Cape Canaveral
7:00 pm- Welcome Cocktails in the Stardust Lounge, Deck 6
All must attend.
Proper Cocktail Attire required for entry.
Rosalie groaned so loudly that a masculine laugh resounded from the other side of the wall.
“What?” Derek responded to his friend’s displeasure. Without a word, the woman passed him the pamphlet, watching out of the corner of her eye as his beautiful olive eyes took in the itinerary. His face contorted into a sour expression, and he put down the paper at once.
With a pat to Rose’s thigh, Derek got up from the bed and grabbed his wallet and the aviator sunglasses that were resting on the vanity table. Her eyes followed his form, waiting for some kind of explanation as to where in the hell he thought he was going.
“You and Lydia have fun getting ready. Stiles and I are going down to that bar we saw in the atrium.”
Rosalie gaped, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “Wh—what? What about—”
“Would you chill? I’ll be back before seven. I need a drink before I see The Stepford Family.”
Rosalie snorted rather unattractively at Derek’s choice nickname for her father and his new family. Evelyn and her daughters certainly were like characters dragged out of The Stepford Wives film.
Derek was about to leave the room, when he paused, two fingertips grazing the golden door handle. He turned his body slightly to face Rose, a mischievous look in his eyes.
“It’s all-inclusive, right? Everything we buy with the key card goes on his tab?”
She assumed that by ‘his’, Derek meant her father, Jason.
“Yup,” Rosalie replied, popping the ‘p’.
“In that case, I’ll make sure to get the most expensive liquor that they have,” Derek smiled deviously, lazily waving the golden keycard.
She was momentarily distracted by his pretty face, and the familiar but unwanted fluttering in her stomach. By the time Rosalie snapped out of her thirstiness, he was gone.
Rosalie stumbled in her Louboutin’s for the sixth time, looking quite like the person who’d had three shots of Whiskey that was bottled before she was born.
Derek, the one who actually had, so smoothly wrapped his arm around Rose’s waist for support. The heat of his palm warmed her skin, even through the mint green cocktail dress she was wearing, but it was the last thing on her mind.
With every step that they took towards the wooden double doors at the entrance of the Stardust Lounge, the more Rose’s stomach churned, and her vision blurred. Eventually, her heart pounding through her ribcage was the only sound that Rosalie could hear.
Rosalie stopped abruptly, frantically searching for a bathroom, for a garbage can, for a balcony that she could jump off of.
Derek continued walking but was pulled back by the hand that was grasping Rose’s still figure.
 “I can’t do this. Oh god, I can’t do this. I think I’m going to throw up,” she breathed shallowly, the urge to vomit slowly creeping up her throat. Rose hastily removed Derek’s grip from her waist, struggling to find her balance, and teetered towards the opposite wall. Before she could go very far, Derek’s rough hand was in hers, squeezing it in a likely attempt to bring Rosalie back to center.
“What?” She heard Lydia begin, but Derek had silenced Lydia instantly with a rushed command of “Go, stall for us. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
“Hold your breath, Rosie!” Stiles called as Derek led a dazed Rosalie to a cream-tiled room.
Stiles’ advice brought Rose back to the time, years ago, when Lydia had told her that she’d kissed Stiles mid panic attack after his dad was shot pursuing a perp.
“When I kissed you, you held your breath,” Lydia had said to Stiles.
Rosalie had thought it romantic at the time. So romantic. But she prayed that Derek didn’t try that trick on her. Rose couldn’t handle it, not when…
Derek grabbed hold of either side of Rosalie’s face with both hands, forcing her to look at him.
“Rose. Rosie! Look at me. Breathe,”
His face so close to hers just made her breathing speed up, not slow like he intended.
“Fuck Rosalie,” Derek voiced, sounding almost as breathless as his best friend.
He nodded once, then took a deep breath through his nose and out through his mouth, his eyes never leaving Rosalie’s tear-stained face. “Breathe with me, babe. In, out.”
She tried to follow his lead, but only to appease him. Rosalie couldn’t stand that desperate look in his eyes, the frantic shifting of his gaze, or the tense set of his jaw. The thought of him being in pain like that, even emotional pain,it physically hurt her.
“Good. Good, Rosie. Keep going.”
She took a few more breaths through her nose, the world-ending feeling lessening with each exhale.
“You good?” Derek questioned, his thumb rubbing lightly up and down the woman’s cheek.
Rosalie nodded softly, still not having the breath to voice any thoughts.
She leaned back on the countertop, feeling the coolness of the tile and the mirror behind her. Rose hadn’t noticed before, but they were hiding from the family in a large single bathroom. Rosalie laughed to herself. It wasn’t the first time that she’d had a mental breakdown next to a toilet. And it probably wouldn’t be the last.
“Thanks,” Rose commented hoarsely, not daring to look at Derek in fear of what he might think of her. Weak was the only word that came to mind. “Sorry for freaking out. Never thought you’d have to console someone in a bathroom, did you?”
Derek snorted, and Rose’s heart dropped a bit at the sound, thinking that he was mocking her. “Actually, you’re not the first crying woman that I’ve held in a cramped bathroom.”
She raised one brow at him, a wordless cue to elaborate.
“I may or may not have had a girlfriend with a pregnancy scare back in college.”
“Of course, you did,” Rosalie said before she could really think about it, heart once more dipping in her chest. What was she thinking, pretending to be engaged to someone like Derek Hale?
Derek Hale, who could have any woman he wanted. Who would think that he would settle for someone as quiet and average as Rosalie?
“Hey.” Derek stepped in front of her, further away than he was minutes ago, but not by much. “Never apologize for being human, for having feelings and fears. Especially not to me.”
All Rosalie could manage was a small smile, to which he reciprocated with one of his own.
“You’re still the strongest woman I know. Stronger than Cora, stronger than mom—”
“I don’t know about that,” she replied playfully.
Derek rolled his eyes and continued on with his motivational speech, every word loosening the tense muscles in her shoulders. “Yes, even my mom. But don’t tell her I said that. Hey, if you’re worried about your family, then fuck them. They should be thankful that you’re even here after all the shit they threw at you.”
Rosalie nodded, fingers playing absently with the sapphire ring on her left hand—thinking about the last time she had worn a diamond on the same finger. And the man that put it there. Who took it so easily and put it on someone else. Not just someone else: Ashleigh.
“No, I can see it in your face. You’re worried about seeing Drew again, aren’t you?”
Damn him for being so perceptive, and for knowing her so well. Rosalie went to deny it but found that she couldn’t lie to him.
“You know what, we’ll walk in there, I’ll see him, and you know what I’ll say?”
He was smiling again, grinning ear to ear like he thought he was hilarious. It was so rare to see him like that that she humored him just to keep that smile on his face.
“And what will you say, may I ask?”
“’Me thinks thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.’”
Rosalie couldn’t help herself as her head swung back in a fit of giggles. “Oh my God, Derek Hale. You are such a dork.”
“Ah,” he countered, holding up a finger, “You can’t say that. Not when you totally got my joke.”
Rosalie beamed up at him. “Ok, fine. We’re both dorks. Happy, Derek the Bard?”
“Yes, princess. I’m enthused. You ready to go?” Derek gestured with a thumb towards the door. The door that lead to the hallway. The hallway to the Starboard Lounge, where all of Rosalie’s family would stare at her like she was some rare creature on the auction block.
“No,” Rose said weakly.
Derek rolled his eyes again, a look that Rose was more familiar with than the Cheshire Cat grin that previously lit up his face. “Yes, you are.”
Rosalie stared at herself in the large, lighted mirror, checking over her face and hair for damages. Trust Rose’s family to point out a single flaw in her appearance. She looked mostly put together, save for the tiny specks of black mascara under her eyes and the slightly faded red lipstick. Rose grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser on the wall, wetting it and dabbing under her eyes until all of the mascara smears disappeared.
Satisfied, Rosalie tossed the towel in the garbage bin and grabbed her clutch. “Do I look okay?”
Derek’s eyes swept her form, taking in everything from the pale white of Rosalie’s untanned legs to the lace of her dress, to the retro curls in her hair. She suddenly felt self-conscious, even more so when Derek stayed silent.
Rose nudged him with her elbow, hoping he would say something, anything, and end this deafening silence. His eyes flicked back towards Rosalie. “You look beautiful.”
She opened her mouth to protest, to tell him that she knew he was just saying that because he’s her best friend and he has to.
“I mean it, Rosalie,” Derek added firmly.
“What about me? Do I look good enough to fit in with high-society?” Derek asked, hand sweeping down his body.
Rosalie took it as an unashamed excuse to study him. The unbuttoned suit jacket that he wore hugged his biceps so nicely that it was hard to not stare at them for too long. The white shirt under it was buttoned, except for the two closest to the top that were left open to show a peek of dark chest hair.
In short, he looked like a snack, and damn was Rosalie hungry. Not that she could tell him that, of course. So, she just repeated what he already knew. “Of course. You know you’re hot.”
Derek’s eyes widened, his ears turning slightly pink. “You think I’m hot?”
“You think you’re hot.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Um, yes you do. You get that look on your face when you’re flirting with girls like ‘I’m sexy and I know it.’”
“God, that was one time Rosalie! It guess I will never live it down.”
Rosalie snickered at the memory. “No, you won’t. Now be a good pretend fiancé and help me walk.”
“Why the hell are you wearing those stilettos if you can’t even walk in them?”
“Lydia made me.”
Derek said nothing, knowing that there was no arguing with Lydia Martin. He offered his friend his arm, ever the gentleman. In turn, she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow, trying not to get too distracted by the muscle under it.
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