#mEye post
nonbinaryeye · 11 months
I've seen people talking about so many different aspects of Across the Spider-verse and all the different Spider-person variations but not so much about the main villian the Spot.
Because he was just some guy, some regular scientist. Looking at what kind of people he worked for it cannot be said he was exactly good but he also wasn't evil, he was just doing his job and happened to be at a wrong time on a wrong place.
And his life seems ruined, he's this wierd spot being but his Forst thought isnt even to plot revenge. He's "shit how do I get a job now", when he decides to steal he decides to steal an ATM machine because he doesn't wanna rob some small business owner it's just such an interesting detail.
Only after being antagonised and called third league villian and only after after Miles does not realise and refuses to acknowledge and listen how he was accomplice in his making the Spot starts his revenge quest. And he's fascinated by his own powers, he's far from mentally stable but he was not evil mad scientist, he's just victim of circumstances.
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daenerysoftarth · 9 months
ok I’m going to kill the next American who tries to tell me anything about Japan. I’m gonna start disagreeing w them just to get them to shut up even if they’re right. just shut the fuck up and listen to non-Americans about their experiences
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nofr1lls · 2 years
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curling up and going to sleep in my blog.
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healthylifestyleis · 2 years
ভদ্র মেয়ে চেনার উপায়
ভদ্র মেয়ে চেনার উপায়
ভদ্র মেয়ে চেনার উপায় কি কি আছে…?কোন কোন গুণ দেখে আমরা বুঝব মেয়েটা আসলে decent ম্যাটারের নাকি decent ম্যাটারের নয়। এ বিষয়ে আজ আমরা জানবো ইনশাআল্লাহ।
1.ভদ্র মেয়ে যখন কথা বলবে সে আস্তে আস্তে কথা বলবে। তার কথার ভেতরে বেশি একটা আওয়াজ থাকবে না। অনেক মেয়েকে দেখবেন খুব উচ্চস্বরে কথা বলে। অনেক মেয়ে আছে দেখবেন সব সময় চিল্লাইয়া কথা বলে। এটা কোন ভদ্র মেয়ের কথা হতে পারে না। যারা ভদ্র মেয়ে তারা সব সময় আস্তে আস্তে কথা বলে। ধীরস্থির ভাবে কথা বলে। এবং তারা যখন কথা বলে বেশি একটা অঙ্গভঙ্গি দেখায় না। অনেক মেয়ে দেখবেন বেশি ঢং করে। এটা কোন ভদ্র মেয়ের স্বভাব হতে পারেনা। ভদ্র মেয়েরা সব সময় আস্তে আস্তে কথা বলে। ভদ্র মেয়েরা যখন কথা বলে তখন মাথা নিচের দিকে রেখে কথা।
২.ভদ্র মেয়েরা কখনও পুরুষের চোখে চোখ রেখে কথা বলতে পারবে না। বিশেষ করে অপরিচিত দের সাথে।
৩.একজন ভদ্র মেয়েকে যাচাই-বাছাই করতে হলে তার ড্রেস দেখতে হবে। একটা মেয়ে কতটা কোয়ালিফাইড। একজন মেয়ে কতটা সভ্য, মার্জিত,সুশিক্ষিত এটা তার পোশাকে শোভা পায়। যেসব মেয়েরা জিন্সের প্যান্ট পড়ে, টি-শার্ট পরে টাইট ফিটিং। তাকে দেখলে মানুষ বোঝে সে আসলে ইসলামিক মাইন্ডের নয়। তাহলে একজন মেয়েকে জাস্টিফাই করার একটা বড় উপায় হচ্ছে তার ড্রেস, তার পোশাক।তার পোশাকই প্রমাণ করবে যে সে ভদ্র নাকি ভদ্র নয়। এজন্য ভদ্র মেয়েরা সবসময় ঢিলেঢালা পোশাক পরে ,বোরকা পরে, পর্দা এবং হিজাবকে রক্ষা করে চলে। যদি সে সুন্দর ,শালীন ,ঢিলেঢালা পোশাক পড়ে তাহলে বুঝা যাবে মেয়েটা ভদ্র।
৪.ভদ্র মেয়েরা সাধারণত আত্মকেন্দ্রিক হয়।ভদ্র মেয়েরা বাসা থেকে বেশি একটা বেরই হয়না। বাংলাদেশে অনেক মেয়ে আছে যারা প্রয়োজন ছাড়া বাসা থেকে বের হয় না। এমনও অনেক মেয়ে আছে যে আশেপাশের এলাকার নাম পর্যন্ত সে জানেনা।
৫.ভদ্র মেয়েরা কখনো সিরিয়াল দেখে না। ভদ্র ঘরের মেয়েরা কখনো এসব দেখেনা। ভদ্র মেয়েরা প্রায় সময় বই পড়ে। ফ্রি সময়ে বই পড়ে, কিংবা কোনো লেকচার শুনে বা কোন কবিতা লেখে বা পড়ে।
৬.ভদ্র মেয়েরা কখনো হিংসুটে হয় না। মনে রাখবেন হিংসার পরিমাণ টা পুরুষদের মাঝে যেই পরিমান আছে তার চাইতে মেয়েদের মাঝে অনেক বেশি আছে। মেয়েরা বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে তারা হিংসাপরায়ণ হয়। প্রচুর পরিমাণে হিংসাত্মক মাইন্ড তারা বিলং করে। তবে সব মেয়ে নয়, কিছু কিছু মেয়ে।
হিংসা এমনই মারাত্মক:- হাদীসে আছে যে-
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namira · 10 months
You should read all meye posts
In Eye's voice
This will give you a good eyedea of how meye posts sound in meye head
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transolar · 2 years
A brief list MOGAI requesting etiquettes
This is based off things happening that Eye have noticed on meye own blog.
One: Always Check DNIs
This seems obvious, but please do this. DNIs can be found in pinned posts/carrds/bios.
Two: Always Check Request Status
Coiners do close requests at times, and checking before you send is always good. It'll usually be in a pinned post/carrd/bio. If you mess up with this, its ok, but your request won't be answered
Three: Don't send the same request multiple times
Instead try asking if the coiner if they have received your request. Having the same request a lot of times in one's inbox is annoying at best and stressful at worst.
Four: Don't send the same request to different blogs
It wastes both of the coiner's times, causes recoins, and just kinda makes the coiners feel bad.
Five: Be patient
Coiners do have obligations outside of tumblr and answering requests. Eye personally have school, work, and homework to do before eye can start coining, and eye know other coiners have situations similar to this. Eye understand it can be frustrating to not have your request answered for a couple days, but patience is key.
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Can you please find chaoticgender's pseudofemgirl post? Eye cannot find it for meye life 😭
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Psudofemgirl - a gender that's connected to being FIN and being girl in a fake way. It's similar to holograms and how you think it's there but you cannot grasp onto it.
This took me SO LONG TO FIND OH MY GOD, probably at least an hour
I scrolled through his entire acc and it was posted on October 1st 😭
But I'm dedicated and love my besties so 🙏🙏
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jukti-torko-golpo · 2 years
Hii didibhai!
It's @unmadana I'm here to give ya some jontrona
Can you list your favourite bengali movies to watch because I'd like some recommendations 💖
Thank you 😙💓
This ain't jontrona. 😌😌 Also I'll take the liberty to call you bonu ( because...well...didibhai)
I intend to make a detailed movie recs post pore...I'll tag you otay.
For the time being I will suggest some purono bangla movies...
Ashi Te Ashio Na
Dhonni Meye
Golpo Holeo Shotti
Bhranti Bilash
Boshonto Bilaap
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chaoticgenders · 2 years
You what's one of meye favorite coping mechanisms that literally no damage at all?
Arguing with people who have never hyperfixated of queer history.
Also give Halloween pfps please please please. Eye need some
UHHH halloween pfps??
long post below the cut lmao
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nonbinaryeye · 1 year
I've really grown to dislike how most of the people approach s5 Jon (and Martin) time travels back to season one AUs. Because it can be sum up as "no one likes season one Jon, he's so stuck up and grumpy and repressed opposed to future Jon who is much more chill and more fun".
Because I don't think Sasha or Tim disliked s1 Jon? All their conversations seemed always quite friendly and relaxed? They throw him a birthday party. And Jon liked them and thought highly of them as well he asked for them to be transfered to Archives. He understandably disliked only Martin for lack of skills he should have had but did not.
All the negative feeling Sasha and Tim had against him came literally from them thinking Sasha should have been given the position of Head Archivist but that's it. They were even not so much annoyed with Jon but with Elias here honestly.
I would like to see some take when they are all weirded out by s5 Jon. I want season one archival crew bond over how they think s5 Jon is secretive and says ominous stuff all the time (And if s5 Martin is present as well I want them to be annoyed with his bitchy attitude.) Because s5 Jon and Martin could not anymore see the world through lenses on normal human and they would be all "We know what is best for you" while s1 crew would be more "No you don't. Not if you refuse to give us proper explanation. Stop acting like you know better, stop acting as we cannot take care of ourselves."
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What's your queue publication schedule? /Genq
Eye use Central US time, and meye queue posts three times a day First post on 6 AM Second post on 12 PM And third post on 6 PM
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nofr1lls · 2 years
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curls up and goes to sleep in my music
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r0ck-collection · 2 years
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
What x consider interacting: reblogs + non-anon asks ;; PLEASE read meye DNI (at bottom of post)
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Heyo! My name is Worm or Clock
My pronouns and other names are here [link] I'm a system [link] of roughly 500 [carrd link](we are working on making the card more accessible, x apologise for any inconveniences/g). I will use I/me/myself pronouns or 1stpn [link] when referring to meyeself on this blog.
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
If there is a term that is already coined, please message me or send an ask with the link to let me know.
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
Request Rules
No profanity unless it pertains to the request directly.
If there is already a term coined, I will not make another unless there is a distinct difference between the requested and coined terms.
If I think of more, I will add to this list.
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
What You Can Request
Neopronoun lists (provide a theme)
Xenogenders/neopronouns relating to medias (shows/comics/books)
-charic genders (relating to characters)
Name lists
Affirmation (names/pronouns)
Random facts
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
What You Can Not Request
Terms relating to an ethnicity (ex. Black/White/Hispanic/Asian etc.)
Terms relating to real people (ex. Chris Evans)
Affirmation on pronouns I am uncomfortable using (I will affirm all others)
ex. god/godself, [slur]/[slur]self
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Basic DNI [link] (tl;dr - racist, homo/transphobic, ableist, sexist)
Pro/neutral stance on endogenic/xenogenic "systems"
Mocks therians/otherkins/otherhearteds
DSMP antis/stans
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
[#talking ;; 🪸] → not coining
[#coining ;; 🌊] → coining
[#sent by <name> ;; <emoji>] → alter sign off
∘ ♬ ♦ ――――――◈―――――― ♦ ♬ ∘
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langbloor · 2 years
On Language, Pronouns, and Gender - Part III : Bengali
TL;DR : Bengali has no gendered pronouns and no gendered verbs so this is actually a much shorter read! So when you find a Bengali person struggling to learn the gender hoops of your language, keep in mind that these hoops don't exist in their native tongue!
Link to Masterpost
Part I : Japanese
Part II : Hindi
Note : I am an Indian native Bengali speaker but not a linguist. I have never formally studied Bengali grammar since I am a Probashi Bangali (a bengali person who has moved out of the Bengal region). I do speak it at home but am very likely to make grammar/spelling errors or mention things unique to 'Indian' Bengali. You are very welcome to start a discussion with me about things if you notice something off, but please be polite about it!
Amar shonar Bangla! No gender information in any part of speech at all! What a wonderful language! Here's an example to show how translations to Bangla turn things gender neutral -
English - He is eating.
Bangla (polite) - উনি খাচ্ছেন (Uni khacchen, gender neutral)
The pronoun in the Bengali sentence is 'Uni' - gender neutral polite third person pronoun. The casual version would be -
Bangla (casual) - ও খাচ্ছে (O khacche, gender neutral)
The pronoun changes from 'Uni' to 'O' but remains gender neutral. Verb inflection also changes from 'khacchen' to 'khacche' but again, remains gender neutral. Bangla is fairly strict about politeness levels and conveying respectability but simply does not care about gender at all. The sentence structure is similar to Hindi (subject-object-verb), but Hindi to Bangla translations also omit gender information. Watch this -
English - I am eating an apple (gender neutral)
Hindi (Standard) - मैं सेब खा रही हूँ। (Main seb kha rahi hoon ; Female)
Bangla - আমি আপেল খাচ্ছি। (Ami apel khacchi; gender neutral)
And an example where both English and Hindi are gendered but Bengali is not -
English - She is singing (Female she/her pronouns)
Hindi (casual) - वो गा रही है। (Wo ga rahi hai. Female 'rahi' verb inflection)
Bangla (casual) - ও গাইছে। (O gayichhe. Gender neutral 'O' pronoun, gender neutral casual verb inflection.)
Is that it? Is that the whole post? Well pretty much, but I do want to make a note of a few things. Consider this as my ending note for this series. When Bengali folks learn and speak Hindi not as a native language, they tend to misgender things. I have noticed this a lot less with Bengali English speakers, though it may happen sometimes. But Hindi's 'everything has a gender' messes things up. Non-native Hindi speakers from other parts of India who don't have to jump those mental hoops instinctively to gender things, make these mistakes when learning and speaking Hindi too (example - folks from South India). And more than often, their accent becomes the butt of jokes - among friends, within families, in movies, tv shows, and more. South Asia as a society is fairly insensitive to language differences - pretty ironic for a culture which doesn't really have one uniform language throughout (no, Hindi is not it), but maybe that's a rant for another time.
Bengalis are prone to misgendering things in Hindi but not because they don't respect your or someone else's gender. This is simply because Bangla conveys next to no gender information outside of proper nouns. Yes, proper nouns do have a 'gender'. There is a word for a 'girl' (মেয়ে/mey) and a 'boy' (ছেলে/chhele) and mother (মা/ma) and father (বাবা/baba) and more that are culturally gendered and viewed as such. But proper noun is the extent of gender information that gets conveyed in speech itself. If I were to translate 'She is a girl' to Bangla, I would say 'ও একটা মেয়ে' (O akta meye, casual) which is also a valid translation for 'He is a girl'. 'He' or 'She' is not in the language and any gender information or assumption is coded in the word মেয়ে (mey) which is the limit of what Bangla uses to provide context for gender.
That is all I have to say on gender and language things for now! If you haven't checked out the previous posts in the series, Part I is here and Part II is here. See you in other posts and maybe in the notes/askbox!
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transolar · 2 years
Your pinned post and desc don't match
Yeah meye desc is kinda old :( Eye 'll update it
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Today, we mourn the loss of Jessica Pettway, a beloved beauty and fashion influencer whose journey touched the hearts of millions. At the age of 36, Jessica passed away after bravely battling cervical cancer, a fight that began with a misdiagnosis that tragically altered the course of her life.
Jessica’s story unfolded on social media, where she shared her health struggles with raw honesty and courage. In 2022, after a hiatus, she returned to document her experiences, shedding light on her misdiagnosis of fibroids when, in fact, she was facing stage 3 cervical cancer.
In one of her poignant Instagram posts last July, Jessica revealed her initial disbelief upon learning the true nature of her condition. Despite the devastating news, she refused to succumb to despair, drawing strength from her family and followers. Her transparency about her symptoms, including intense bleeding and fatigue, served as a wake-up call for many who might overlook similar signs.
Throughout her battle, Jessica leaned on her family, especially her husband, who provided unwavering support during her darkest moments. She candidly shared the emotional and financial strains her illness imposed on her loved ones, yet she also celebrated their unbreakable bond and the power of unconditional love.
In her own words, Jessica reflected on the challenges she faced, acknowledging the physical toll and insecurities that accompanied her illness. Despite it all, she found solace in prayer, family, and the resilience that carried her through each day.
As we remember Jessica Pettway, we honor not only her strength and resilience but also her unwavering spirit and determination to find joy amid adversity. Her legacy reminds us of the importance of early detection, advocacy, and above all, cherishing the precious moments we share with loved ones..........................................................................
What are fibroids? Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Another medical term for fibroids is leiomyoma (leye-oh-meye-OH-muh) or just "myoma". Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Fibroids can grow as a single tumor, or there can be many of them in the uterus.
Symptoms of uterine fibroids
Heavy periods (especially with clots)
Bleeding or spotting between periods.
Increased menstrual cramps.
Periods that last longer than a week.
Chronic lower back pain.
Frequent urge to urinate.
Trouble emptying your bladder fully.
Pressure or feeling full low in your abdomen.
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