#ma hyunyi
rzzy · 9 months
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queerassfilmlover · 3 years
Did a review for Itaewon Class ❤️
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Ma Hyunyi is my baby and I will protect her at all costs.
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floralbfs · 4 years
"if anyone has a problem with hyunyi being transgender, let me know now so that i can make the decision [of whether to fire anyone]." park saeroyi PLEASE be my older brother
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jar-of-moonshine · 4 years
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A messy-ish Itaewon Class drawing bc I'm still in love with this show
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aaruwu · 4 years
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btskive · 4 years
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kaptain-k-pop · 4 years
Everytime Ma Hyunyi smiles, an angel gets their wings
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peevishpants · 3 years
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Lee Jooyoung (I watched Itaewon Class for her... she's so pretty)
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dwookie · 4 years
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• itaewon class icons
like. ♡
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rzzy · 4 years
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She’s so CUTE
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perqedel · 3 years
itaewon class (2020) / ★★★★★
jtbc is thriving with their dramas lately. not to mention their breakthrough with sky castle two years before. hats off to whoever is approving these amazing works
anyways, yes, let’s start talking about itaewon class. it became a hit in stan twt but i wasn’t interested enough watching (most likely because of uni, because what other reason could make me postpone a drama with park seo joon in it? nothing. park seo joon beats nothing, except uni because tuition fee basically costs like half a kidney. times 10)
park seojoon looks weird with the chestnut hair. not saying he doesn’t look good because the man literally is the definition of good-looking, but he just... i don’t know, looks funny with the chestnut hair. but of course, as he always have, park seojoon plays saeroyi well. it’s almost like park seojoon sets the standard for the naive, passionate, serious yet funny character (he’s kind of like this too in she was pretty and fight for my way).
kwon nara and kim dami... man, at first i got equally annoyed at these two characters. i don’t know why, there’s always this... thing that annoys me (from the drama characters, of course. but i forget the names). kwon nara with her passive-aggressiveness and rudeness that she hides, dami with her rudeness that she shows right on and her upfront aggressiveness. but then, as the plot goes, i figure out why the characters display those kind of personalities. i think this is what i like about jtbc dramas, they let the plot unravels, and no character is left as a hole or a side dish that’s just for display yet being left unfinished because apparently the dish is still not yet cooked (i’m sorry for the comparison, it’s dawn and i’m starving)
there’s this line that i only remember vaguely. but it’s still in the back of my mind because it slapped me. yiseo to sooah (now i remember the names): “why are you so demanding? you expect him to give you everything. you want to get off your annoying job, you’re waiting for his help so you could resign. (there’s something else here but i can’t remember). but instead, i give every thing he asked for. he wants success, i’ll make him succesful. he wants to be rich, i’ll make him have a lot of money.” good Lord i was not the one burned by yiseo but the back of my eyes sting because those words Hurt. as good as it is, i don’t think it happens like that in real life, you know? doesn’t matter how much you give or how much effort you put in, if they don’t want you, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not going to work (see my post on the third charm)
jtbc’s doing it again! here comes ma hyunyi!! (lee jooyoung literally became a hot topic in stan twt). i don’t know how koreans perceive transgenders, but apparently not that accepting? there’s this scene where she’s being talked about in the cooking competition. and we got the masterpiece ost with lyrics based on the poems yiseo read. (ost: diamond-ha hyun woo). i guess jtbc really loves poking majority’s perspectives, the way they did it with sky castle and the country’s obsession towards education in prestigious universities.
and last, my love, kim dong hee. i forgot his character’s name but who could possibly forget kim dong hee? again, this guy takes on a role of naive young man who falls for the wrong girl and ends up falling into another world he’s not familiar to (he’s exactly like this in extracurricular). i love that itaewon class shows you his character development. how he grows from a boy who only knows how to stand behind his brother’s shadow into a man who learns to take a step and handles matters (though some ways are definitely not acceptable but as saeroyi said: it’s okay. you’re just a boy). he was learning, breaking into someone new, mistakes and falls along the way were not unexpected.
there’s a reason lee jooheon is head over heels over this drama. if you haven’t watched, hm.. i’m not sure, what’s holding you? 
oh and i’ll attach the yiseo clip if i find it.
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goodgirlbangtan · 4 years
Why couldn't they give Ma Hyunyi a better hairdo. Do you know how many wigs they could've chosen. Or they could've attached a hair piece to her acc hair. I'm acc so disappointed. Even the first wig at the club she had was better. Or even let her have her normal hair.
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Like look at this. WHY GIVE HER AN UGLY ASS WIG.
At least this one was better
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So sad. So very sad.
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bubmyg · 4 years
What are your final thoughts on itaewon class?
didn’t like either love interest all the way up to the end even if they each slightly redeemed themselves djdjdnd, the plot was rlly well done!! stressful but intriguing enough to make me wanna watch and see what happened, the soundtrack is beautiful!!! the haircut was tragic but seojoon 🥴👁👄👁🥴 also ma hyunyi is my child and i would protect her at all costs
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aaruwu · 4 years
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btskive · 4 years
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