#malcolm ‘no backup’ bright
Hurt- Malcolm Bright x OC
Malcolm Bright x Elena Nadis
Description: Elena gets hurt while on a case and Malcolm is determined to find the culprit, even hurting his father in the process.
Word Count: 3.1k
“Elena Nadis,” the girl greeted upon answering her ringing phone. At first, no one answered. She was prepared to hang up when a male voice finally spoke.
“You have until 7:00 tonight to meet me at Matte Street or someone dies,” he said, not even greeting her. Elena straightened up, brows knitting together in confusion.
“Who is this?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he snapped. “I’d hate to see such a pretty young thing like her die because of you. Come alone, I’ll be waiting.” Elena wasn’t allowed to get another word in before the man hung up. She could only stare at her phone in shock for a minute. Was this some sort of prank? She had no idea, but she most definitely did not want to take that chance. Her eyes landed on the nearest clock. 6:30, she only had half an hour to get almost all the way across town. She needed to go. On the way there she called Gil.
“I need you to look up a number for me,” she started seriously.
“Hello to you too Elena,” the man joked in response, but she shook her head.
“Gil, this is serious. Someone called me with a threat saying that I had to meet them somewhere or someone would die. I need to find out everything I can about this guy before I meet him so I have some leverage.” That sobered Gil right up.
“Alright, what is it? Do you need backup?”
“He said to come alone,” she responded simply. “I’ll keep you on standby though.”
“Does Malcolm know?” He questioned knowingly.
“No,” she answered immediately. “And he’s not going to, at least not yet. God knows what he’d do if he found out. Please don’t tell him.” She could hear Gil hesitate, and she prayed that he would let it go.
“Okay,” he finally said, which made her sigh in relief. “Well, keep me updated. I’ll find out what I can, just give me the number.” Elena did as she was told before hanging up and taking a deep breath. She knew very well that this could be a trap, but what if it wasn’t? Did she truly want to chance that? The answer was absolutely not.
She arrived at the street as the sun began setting, then sighed. Of course this guy wanted to meet in a shady looking alley. It was so cliche, but she’d have to grit and bear it if she wanted to save an innocent life. So, she grabbed her gun and hopped out of the car. No one was there, which surprised her. She’d seen enough horror movies to know that this wouldn’t bode well, but she didn’t really have a choice.
“Well, well, well, I didn’t expect you so early,” she heard a voice from behind her, which made her turn around. “How many times did you run a stoplight or stop sign to get here in time?” The condescending voice asked from in the shadows. Elena tilted her chin upwards.
“None, I guess the fates wanted me here so I could deal with you faster,” she responded simply. “What do you want with me? And where is the girl?” There was no answer for a minute, and it made Elena nervous. What if he already killed the girl? What if he was trying to kill her?
“Well, you arrived early, it seems that plans have changed,” he finally spoke, and Elena heard movement in the shadows. “I wanted to wait until Ainsley was here with the ransom, but I guess I can just leave this gift for her.”
“What-” Elena was cut off by her own gasp as a flash of silver caught her eye before pain seared through her abdomen. She froze in place, hands flying to the knife that was still stuck in her stomach, shortly before her legs gave away under her. Her head hit the ground first, but that pain was drowned out immediately, though her ears were now ringing.
“Don’t forget to give Ainsley my best wishes,” she faintly heard him tell her shortly before she was rolled onto her back. The man stood above her for a minute before disappearing from her line of sight.
“Wh-who are you?” She questioned weakly as she stared at the setting sun’s flaming orange sky, stars beginning to pop up.
“Someone hurt by your ménage,” he responded after a moment, then the knife was forcefully removed from her, making her grunt, and footsteps began walking away from her. She couldn’t do anything though. Anytime she attempted to move, the hole in her stomach reminded her that it was there. She had no idea how long she laid there. Seconds felt like hours the more they passed. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. She was tired, but she knew that she would never wake up if she closed her eyes. But she couldn’t bear it much longer. Just as her eyes began drooping, she heard a familiar voice call out.
“Elena!” Jessica screamed. Wait, Jessica? Elena’s eyes opened once more to see the woman in question above her, Ainsley on the other side of her.
“Elena, honey can you hear me?” Jessica questioned soothingly. The girl couldn’t find her voice to respond, so she settled on nodding.
“Okay, we’re gonna get you some help, we already called an ambulance. Just stay with us.” Elena nodded once more, watching Ainsley take off her jacket.
“This is probably about to hurt you Lena, but I need to stop the blood flow,” she explained. The girl had no time to respond before Ainsley stuffed her jacket into the stab wound. Elena screamed in pain and attempted to curl in on herself. She didn’t get to do that though, Ainsley situated herself on the girl’s legs while Jessica held down her torso, grabbing the girl’s hand and allowing her to squeeze it as more waves of pain shot through her. It was absolute agony. She couldn’t think of anything to do other than cry. After what felt like another few hours, she could faintly hear sirens.
“Alright, they’re here now,” Jessica said, sounding relieved. “You’re gonna be okay Elena.” The girl couldn’t respond this time, just stared blankly at the darkened sky. Voices surrounded her, but she couldn’t find it in herself to focus on any of them. Her eyes drooped, exhaustion hitting her yet again. She only faintly heard Ainsley telling her to stay awake before she blacked out.
The first thing she noticed was the smell. It was sterile, and smelled like rubbing alcohol. Her nose scrunched up, she hated the smell of alcohol. Next, she heard beeping. A heart rate monitor perhaps? A tv was playing what sounded like Golden Girls off to the side. Elena didn’t have to open her eyes to know that she was in a hospital.
She finally opened her eyes, suppressing a groan when the lights all but blinded her. The room wasn’t bright by any means, in fact only a singular lamp by her bedside was on. But after having her eyes closed for so long, it felt like she was staring directly into the sun. Her eyes trailed around the room. It was empty, save for someone sitting in one of the two chairs watching the tv. It took her no time to figure out that it was her fiance. A small smile graced her face, relief setting in that they were both okay. Before either of them could say anything, the door opened.
“Oh, it’s good to see you’re awake Elena,” the doctor spoke as he stepped inside. That made both of their heads turn, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Malcolm look her way.
“I’m Dr. Leonard, I’m your primary doctor. How are you feeling?” The doctor questioned, walking over to her.
“Like I just got stabbed,” the girl responded without hesitation. That made Dr. Leonard chuckle and he shrugged.
“Fair enough. Luckily for you, it should heal quite soon. Your attacker didn’t puncture any major arteries, in fact the wound was rather shallow. It was just a minor blood vessel, but Miss Whitly was able to stop the blood flow with her jacket. If she waited any longer, I’m not sure you would have made it.” The very thought made a chill run up the girl’s spine, but she didn’t show it. Instead, she offered him a small smile.
“Yeah, she’s pretty great. Uh, don’t take any offense to this, but when can I leave? Hospitals aren’t really my thing.” The doctor offered her a patient smile.
“You’re free to go whenever you please, just make sure you take the painkillers I prescribed you and change your bandages every few hours. Then come back in a few weeks and we’ll see about removing the stitches.” He paused to look between her and Malcolm. “I’ll leave you two alone, just call a nurse if you need anything.” With one last goodbye, he left the room. As she watched him, Elena’s hand slowly trailed down her side, and she finally let out a groan when her fingers grazed over her now stitched up and bandaged wound. That immediately caught Malcolm’s attention, and he whipped around to face her.
“Hey, be careful,” he warned softly, walking over to her quickly. “They just redressed your wound, I doubt they’d be happy about you opening up your stitches.”
“Maybe I just want to be a rebel,” she joked with a playful smile. The man grinned then shook his head amusedly before sighing. .
“Elena, what were you thinking going there by yourself? You could have died if my mom and Ainsley hadn’t shown up.” The girl looked away, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes.
“I got a call,” she answered quietly.
“I got a call,” she repeated. “I have no idea who the guy was, but he somehow got my number and threatened me. If I didn’t go to Matte Street at 7:00 then he would kill someone. It may be stupid in hindsight, but I couldn’t take that chance, not when someone’s life may have been on the line. Then he mentioned your sister when I met with him and I-”
“Ainsley?” Malcolm questioned curiously.
“He said she would have ransom money for him, but since I was there early he wanted to ‘leave her a gift.’ Your mom was with her, they’re the ones that found me.” Malcolm hummed thoughtfully, which made Elena’s brows furrow.
“He’s called you, mom and Ainsley now. They’ve all been threats wanting something out of you guys,” he started. “He attacked you and made sure Ainsley and mom were the ones to find you. I think this guy is targeting the Whitly family.” Elena looked confused by his conclusion, so he continued. “I’m only saying that because we’re about to get married. You’re practically family anyways babe.” That made her blush, but she didn’t let herself dwell on it.
“Do you think it has something to do with your father?”
“Knowing my dad, probably,” he sighed. “I think I need to go talk to him.” The girl pursed her lips, then shrugged.
“Alright, just let me get dressed then we can go,” she responded, pulling back the covers and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
“What? No,” Malcolm shook his head. “You’re not coming with me.”
“Says who?” Elena sassed, grabbing her clothes from her bedside table and beginning to change. Her fiance was quick to walk over to the door so he could block the window.
“Says me,” he answered, crossing his arms. “Elena, you were stabbed, it’s not safe for you to go anywhere.”
“Staying put gives him power over me Mal. I’m not about to just sit around while you try to find this bastard, I want to catch the guy that attacked me. Dr. Leonard said I was free to go whenever I pleased, and I’m going with or without you, the choice is yours.” As she finished talking, she got her shoes on and looked at him. The man sighed, then thought about his options. He ultimately nodded then helped her up.
“Let’s go.”
The ride to Claremont was surprisingly calming. Malcolm refused to let go of her hand, but Elena wasn’t really complaining. After that scare, both of them needed the other’s presence to ground themselves. When they arrived, they greeted the staff as usual then headed to Martin’s room, pausing when they noticed someone already in there talking to the man himself.
“Mom?” Malcolm questioned as they walked in. At the sound of his voice, both parents turned to face them.
“Malcolm?” Jessica questioned before her eyes landed on the girl beside him. “Elena, thank goodness you’re okay,” she said, sounding relieved as she walked over to the girl. The women embraced shortly before Elena grunted.
“Careful Jess,” she muttered, scrunching her eyes closed and letting out a deep breath. “The stitches are still a little sore.” The woman was quick to pull away, muttering an apology.
“It’s nice to see you back on your feet dear,” Martin said, clasping his hands in front of his stomach. “Jessica was just telling me about what happened. I’m sorry that this guy has gotten you mixed up in our family drama.” Elena shrugged, resting her hands in her pockets.
“Eh, I might as well be family. I think this solidified it,” she brushed off. Malcolm grinned at her, but it dropped when he faced his mother once more.
“What are you doing here mom?” He questioned curiously. Jessica hesitated, eyes falling to the floor.
“I got another call,” she answered quietly. “From that same guy. He sent me here to...to murder Martin.” Elena gasped softly, but she didn’t pay any mind to it. “He has another hostage, and he said that he would spare them if I did this.”
“Jessica you should have told someone,” Elena scolded.
“I don’t even know if I can do it,” the woman exclaimed. “I came here thinking that I could, but I don’t think I can. Someone may die though.”
“You don’t have to be the one to do it,” Martin mentioned, which made the others look at him. “I mean, there are two new people now. I’m sure one of them is capable.”
“Martin, do you know how crazy you sound?” Jessica questioned.
“Do you understand how crazy any of this sounds?” The man shot back. “Someone’s trying to kill us and wants us to kill each other. Well, I guess just me, actually.” Elena shook her head at them then sighed.
“There has to be something we can do,” she muttered thoughtfully.
“There is,” Martin responded before facing his son and holding up the knife that Jessica previously held. “Malcolm, stab me.”
“What?” Jessica cried out.
“He knows what to do, I showed him when he was a kid,” Martin responded simply before narrowing his eyes at his son. “Malcolm, NOW!” At his father’s rather sudden shout, it looked as if Malcolm seemingly shut down. His shoulders dropped and his eyes all but glazed over in a daze. Wordlessly, he grabbed the knife from his father’s hand and, ignoring his mother’s cry, he stabbed Martin in the chest. Elena could only stare at the scene with wide eyes and jaw dropped. It was only when Martin dropped to the floor that she finally came back to her senses, and she jumped into action.
“Jessica, go get David and tell him to call an ambulance,” she demanded, which made the woman nod before running out. Once the door closed behind her, Elena faced Malcolm.
“Mal, honey, can you hear me?” She asked gently. For a moment, Malcolm just stared at his father with inexpressive eyes, but he finally nodded after she pressed a gentle hand against his cheek.
“Okay, good. Now, I need you to drop the knife please. Can you do that for me?” His eyes landed on her and he nodded yet again. Elena took the knife from him and set it aside.
“I know who the killer is,” were the first words he said to her. “Come on.” He gave her no time to respond before he grabbed her hand and ran out of the room. She couldn’t form any words as she followed him out to the car. It stayed that way as they tracked down and intercepted the killer, who ended up being the husband of a patient who died on Martin Whitly’s table when he was still a surgeon.
When the case was closed, Malcolm and Elena went home. Malcolm was the one to drive as it hurt Elena to move so much after getting stitches. They were too tired to make or eat dinner, so they just got ready for bed.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Malcolm muttered quietly as they laid in bed. The girl didn’t answer at first, but she knew that nothing was ever solved by staying silent.
“A lot has happened over the last few days,” she started in the same tone. “When I got stabbed, I genuinely didn’t know if I was going to make it. Then to find out that he was targeting your entire family? I felt lost. When you stabbed your father, it felt like I was the one being stabbed again. At first it scared me that you could do it without question, but then I realized that your father probably conditioned you to do things when he used a certain tone and it’s just-” she cut herself off with a sigh. “My brain is all over the place and I don’t know what to do.” Malcolm didn’t say anything for a few minutes, and it wasn’t until Elena looked at him that he actually responded.
“What if we took a day or two off,” he suggested, which made her raise an eyebrow incredulously at him.
“You want to take off of work? Willingly?” The surprise in her tone made him roll his eyes playfully.
“Usually I would hate to do that, but you’re very clearly not well. I’m staying with you until you’re healed physically and emotionally, even if that means not getting cases,” he said with finality. That made the girl grin, and she cuddled closer to him.
“I can’t say that that doesn’t sound nice,” she muttered. Malcolm’s chest rumbled when he chuckled and he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.
“Just get some sleep. I’ll talk to Gil tomorrow,” he instructed softly. Elena didn’t need to be told twice, and she fell asleep wrapped in her love’s arms.
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A comprehensive list of things Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock) and Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son) have in common:
high-functioning sociopath (their own words)
consultant detective
makes deductions, solves cases
needs "the work" to quiet his own mind
abrasive with people
proficient in some martial art
never had friends :( or a relationship :((
at least one coworker doesn't like him from the start and comments that "he *is* the killer, isn't he?"
the DI he works with takes him under his wing
the shy lab tech has a crush on him
the Badass™ with a Gun™ and Trust Issues™ takes care of him, makes him food, and punches him at least once
while pursuing a suspect, never calls for backup, recklessly puts himself in danger and often gets harmed as a result
nearly dies but saves himself via hallucinatory sidekick
(if we believe in TFP, which I don't) repressed memories + an actual psychopath in the family
an overbearing relative that shows up uninvited
family money
designer suits
a problem with substance abuse
chronic insomnia
... a disappointing* finale episode :/
*i know i know, understatement of the year for Sherlock
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ryniadora · 1 year
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Rebecca Aoife Hawke
Kirkwall's renowned Champion.
Becca to those who know her, Hawke to those who don't. And Varric. Fenris calls her Bex in public, but when in private or he doesn’t feel her name is safe to use, he calls her vhen'renan, the “voice of the heart”.
Born 21st Kingsway 9:07 Dragon, near Amaranthine in Ferelden. Moved very shortly after to Lothering in South Reach. This makes Becca 23-24 during the Fifth Blight, 24-30 during the events in Kirkwall and 34-37 during the Breach.
height: 5’11” hair: dirty blonde, shoulder length, usually worn up in a messy bun eyes: bright blue.
Becca is described as being beautiful in a very Fereldan way, whatever that means. She has strong features and large, rounded eyes. She has a slender build, but is very broad in the shoulders. Has been described as “carrot-shaped”.
Leandra Amell⸸ - mother Malcolm Hawke⸸ - father Carver Hawke⸸ - younger brother Bethany Hawke - younger sister Gamlen Amell - uncle Felicity Amell - cousin
Fenris - romantic interest/partner Anders - best friend (very complicated) Varric - best friend and replacement bro Aveline - confidante and close friend Merrill - baby sister vibes Isabela - friends, but not close Sebastian -mutual respect Cullen - Friend/drinking buddy
The eldest Hawke picked up a broadsword at a very young age, learning from passing soldiers and friends of her father. She enlisted in the army at age 16 and honed her skills there - she has prodigious strength relative to her size and can heft a sword bigger than she is with ease. Several of her fellow soldiers in King Cailan's army swear blind she took out an entire horde of darkspawn entirely by herself and when asked why she didn't wait for backup responded that she could do it without risking others, so she did.
Streetwise and self-assured, Becca is known for being personable and very easy to like. With the gift of the gab, Becca tends to know the right words to say to smooth over a disagreement or resolve a situation without fighting. She is down-to-earth, loves playing Wicked Grace over a pint in the tavern and is a hopeless busybody that has to know everyone's business. How else would she involve herself? She is strong in her convictions and can be stubborn in following them, however - she is not adverse to breaking rules or even laws to get what she believes is the right outcome. She will respect your decisions even if she disagrees, as long as you are firm in your conviction also - but she will not hesitate to cut you down if you cross a line or hurt someone she cares about. Becca will always help those in need unless they have committed some grave sin in her eyes: the gravest sins are treating people like objects (slavers etc.), harming innocents (particularly animals) and trucking with demons.
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unorthodoxsavvy · 1 year
Whumptober Day 30: Note to Self: Don’t Get Kidnapped
It was a running joke, at this point, even though in reality it was a severe problem. They taped notes to his stuff, reminded him as they passed him in the halls, and even ended phone conversations with it: Don’t Get Kidnapped. I’m fact, some of the other officers in the homicide department had started calling him “Malcolm-always-kidnapped-Bright” behind his back. It was only a matter of time, he assumed, until it spread to the other departments in the NYPD. Not that any of them really cared about him.
This month alone Malcolm had been taken hostage by numerous killers, tortured, left to starve and fend for himself, been pumped with enough drugs to fill a small town pharmacy, woken up after many blackouts, been forced to fight, been forced to participate in knife-throwing, and so, so much more, and yet, here he was, still alive, but VERY worse for wear.
“Call for backup!” They told him. “Just don’t go running off after killers by yourself!” As if it was so easy. And besides, Malcolm had even had killers break into his apartment! It was like he was listed on the crazy serial killer yellow pages.
Maybe next year would be different.
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rmpmw · 2 years
SanDisk Professional G-Drive range overhauled with 10Gbit USB 3.2 Type-C
Malcolm Owen | Aug 23, 2022
The SanDisk Professional G-Drive range of high-capacity external drives now includes a hard disk-based option that connects with a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C interface and has a modernized appearance.
Sporting a new look to differentiate itself from others in the range, the SanDisk Professional G-Drive Enterprise-Class USB 3.2 Gen 2 external hard drive is packed inside an anodized aluminum enclosure. Measuring 8.27 inches long by 5.24 inches wide and 1.61 inches thick, it has a finned motif that can help with cooling.
Unusually for the G-Drive range, the USB-C is enabled to work with USB 3.2 Gen 2, giving it a maximum speed of up to 10Gb/s — which is overkill for a single hard drive. Of the other professional-listed G-Drive models, only some of the SSD-based units use the connection, while hard drive-based units use either USB 3.2 Gen 1 or Thunderbolt 3.
Buy at B&H
Like some others in the catalog, the storage accessory uses a mechanical hard drive to maximize capacity at a reasonable cost. Inside is an Ultrastar enterprise-class hard drive for reliability, spinning at 7,200RPM and with a maximum data transfer speed of up to 250MB/s.
Preformatted to APFS, the drive is ready to roll with Mac desktops, along with Apple's Time Machine for backups. It can also work with Windows systems, but requires a reformatting beforehand.
The stackable case also has a pair of anchor points for securing it to a DIT card or to a mounting plate. On the back is a button to control the brightness of its LEDs, a power switch, a power port, and the USB-C connection.
Available through B&H Photo as a preorder, the SanDisk Professional 4TB G-Drive Enterprise-Class USB 3.2 Gen 2 External Hard Drive starts at $209.99 for a 4TB model, with the five models capped off by a 22TB version priced at $649.
Arguably the most recommendable capacity option is in the middle with the 12TB drive listed at $379.99.
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whotellsourstories · 3 years
malcolm whenever ainsley does the exact same thing he would do
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Thanks, Gil. I'll come back in a second.
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kanarek13 · 3 years
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brightmalcolm · 3 years
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Prodigal Son New Year’s Resolutions
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trashcanniballecter · 3 years
Malcolm really went hard on the "no backup. only put self in danger" this ep. huh?
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Recover- Malcolm Bright x OC
Malcolm Bright x Elena Nadis
Description: A case gone wrong leaves Elena messed up after having to shoot their suspect, resulting in his death. Malcolm is there to offer his comfort. 
Word Count: 1.8k 
“Anyone got a visual on the suspect?” Gil subtly asked into his earpiece. His gaze flickered around the room, taking notice of where the rest of his team were. The team was tracking down a killer who had been killing charity sponsors, and it just so happened that Jessica, Malcolm’s mother, was sponsoring a charity event tonight. This was the perfect time to corner him, and so Malcolm found himself telling his mother what would most likely go down tonight in case they found him. That led them to where they were now, undercover as security for the event. JT, who stood on the other side of the room, answered first. 
“I don't.” 
“Me neither,” Dani added from beside the table where the drinks were.  
“Not even a glimpse,” Malcolm said from beside the side door. Elena began to answer, looking out over the railway of the second floor where she was instructed to stand, but then she noticed something. 
“I think I’ve got him,” she informed her team. “Check the front door, blue suit and red tie.” She watched as their heads turned to the entrance, then Gil nodded. 
“That’s our guy. I’m going to stand by Jessica. Dani, Malcolm and JT, you try to get to him as subtly as possible, we don’t want to attract attention to him and make him stressed. Elena, you stay up there so we can have a vantage point. Everyone go,” he demanded before heading towards Jessica, who stood in the middle of the room talking to people. The others responded before doing as instructed. 
Dani was the first to get near him as he walked directly towards the drinks. Elena could see her say something to the guy, and she bit her lip. She had a bad feeling about all this. Most likely, Dani was telling him that he didn’t really want to do this as a way to stall until the guys got there as backup. But the killer was unstable according to Malcolm, anything could set him off. They had to be careful. Apparently Dani hadn’t been careful enough because next thing Elena knew, the killer grabbed her gun from her waist and fired a shot into the air. 
“NOBODY MOVE!” He yelled loud enough for anyone in the room to hear. Several screams of fear rang out, but he just fired another shot into the air as a response. Immediately Gil, Malcolm, Elena and JT had their guns out and aimed at him. 
“Ethan Sloane,” Malcolm called firmly. “Malcolm Bright, NYPD. Put your gun down.” Ethan shook his head then, when Dani attempted to subtly move away from him, he grabbed her and held her against him by her neck. 
“I will shoot her,” he threatened without hesitation, holding the gun to her head. Elena glanced around the room. Gil, Malcolm and JT were all in front of Dani, they wouldn’t be able to move without potentially triggering him, and the gun. Based on where he was looking around, he wasn’t aware that she was there. He was only focusing on the nearest exit, not the second floor. Elena took a deep breath as he began ranting about how as long as he was able to get out alive and free, there’d be no casualties. 
“Elena, I need you to take the shot,” Malcolm muttered into his earpiece low enough for Ethan not to hear him. The girl’s eyes widened. 
“I only have a shot on his head,” she retorted lowly. “Dani’s body is blocking everything else, I won’t be able to hit him anywhere else.” 
“I know that,” he continued quietly. “But no matter what move we make, he’ll start shooting. Do you really want to lose Dani because of this guy?” Elena shook her head, though she knew he couldn’t see her. It was only then that Ethan realized that Malcolm was saying something. 
“Hey, who are you talking to?” He asked, raising his voice intimidatingly. “I swear to god I will kill her and you if you don’t-”
“Elena, take the shot!” Malcolm all but shouted. It was enough of a push for the girl and she lifted her gun once more. She hadn’t even realized that she had pulled the trigger until she watched Ethan’s body drop to the floor. Dani was able to move out of the way before she fell too, but Elena wasn’t focused on her. Instead, she stood frozen in place as she watched blood pour out from the man’s forehead. Ethan weakly turned his head, a numb look on his face, and their eyes met. The girl watched in horror as the lift faded from his eyes and he was dead before anyone else could get to him. 
She nearly flinched when a hand carefully grasped her wrist. Her head whipped around to see JT standing there with a sympathetic look. Wordlessly, JT took the gun from her and rested it in the strap on his waist before leading her downstairs. Elena didn’t speak until they reached the bottom of the steps. 
“Tell Gil I’m going home please,” she muttered, not waiting for him to answer before she was walking out the door. She didn’t look back once as she drove away from the charity venue, she didn’t think she could stomach it. Once she arrived home she went upstairs and laid down without changing or taking off her makeup. 
She killed a man tonight. There was now a bullet in his head that she had put there, and there was no more life in him. The very thought haunted her. She’d never had to kill anyone before. Usually when she shot, it was to scare a suspect out of hiding or even just incapacitate them, but she never aimed to kill. 
Elena took a shower the next day, though no amount of washing her hands would be able to wash the nonexistent blood off of her conscience. After scrubbing her body raw she texted Gil, saying she didn’t feel well enough to come into work. Upon receiving the okay from her captain, she went back to bed. She had no appetite, nor motivation to do anything. So, she spent most of her time in bed. 
She hadn’t even processed that several days had passed until there was a knock on her front door. A small groan left her lips, and she desperately hoped that the person would just go away. That hope left her when she heard another series of knocks came from her door. Finally she stood from her bed and went to answer it. 
“Malcolm,” she greeted, surprised. 
“Hey,” the man grinned awkwardly. “I just- uh, I wanted to check on you. And bring you these.” He held up a small bouquet of daisies. Elena was understandably surprised by the gift, but she took them nonetheless. 
“Oh, thank you,” she said, admiring the flowers. “They’re beautiful.” Malcolm chuckled, now looking relieved. 
“Did you, uh, want to come in?” She asked awkwardly, leaning against the doorway. The man perked up at her question then nodded, following her inside. Elena closed the door behind them then walked to the kitchen, attempting to busy herself with making coffee. 
“Sorry the house is a mess,” she muttered shyly. 
“Don’t worry, mine’s much messier,” he brushed off lightheartedly as he took a seat on the tall stool in front of her island. That brought a small smile to the girl’s face and she shook her head amusedly as she poured the coffee into two mugs. She set them in front of the boy and allowed him to put what he wanted in his cup. After putting all that she wanted in it, she lifted her mug to her lips.
“So what brings you here?” She questioned before taking a sip. Malcolms shot her a small, sympathetic smile. 
“How are you doing, Elena?” He asked gently. The girl paused, setting her mug down and keeping her eyes on it. 
“I’m fine,” she responded as if she didn’t know what she was talking about. She didn’t need to look at him to know he was giving her an incredulous look. 
“Elena,” he warned in a reprimanding tone. “You know what I mean. Don’t act like you don’t because you haven’t shown up to work all this week. You don’t have to be a profiler to know that what happened at the charity gala affected you more than you’re letting on. Gil’s getting worried about you. I’m worried about you.” His gaze softened when he noticed Elena’s expression morph into one of embarrassment. After a moment, he reached over to rest his hand over hers and watched her eyes glance at it. 
“Lena, what happened that night was not your fault. I made you feel like you had no other choice with Ethan Sloane and I made you shoot him,” he muttered softly. Her head snapped up and she stared at him confused. 
“Malcolm I’m not blaming you for what happened,” she said quickly. 
“But you should because I gave you the order,” he shot back. “You took the shot because I yelled at you. That’s not the point, though. You’re feeling guilty because your shot killed Ethan Sloane.” Elena involuntarily flinched at his last sentence. 
“I mean, weren’t you the same way the first time you had to do something like that?” She inquired, almost sounding hopeful that he would say yes. 
“Yeah, I was,” Malcolm responded, which made her breathe out in relief. “I felt the exact same way as you’re feeling now, but I’ve found that talking to someone really helps. This guilt that you’re feeling shows your true character, you have empathy. That’s a very good quality for someone to have. Despite the fact that Ethan Sloane was a person, he was also still a killer who was ready to kill my mother without a second thought. Think of it this way, you got justice for everyone who was murdered by him and you saved countless more people by taking the shot.” 
Elena sighed softly as she thought about his words. She had to admit, what he said did make her feel a bit better. Smiling at the man in front of her, she finally responded. 
“I guess you’re right for once,” she teased. Malcolm’s jaw dropped a bit and he laughed a moment later. 
“I was going to take offense at that, but since I’m here to comfort you, I will so graciously let it go this time. But you’re on thin ice.” He shot her a pointed look, which made her giggle. 
“You’re stupid.” 
“Aw, how sweet,” he cooed jokingly. “Such a caring girlfriend. What did I do to deserve you?” Elena grinned as she set her mug in the sink. 
“Show me unconditional love and support,” she responded simply. 
“And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life,” he added without hesitation. Her heart soared at his words and she glanced back at him with a bright smile. She still had some recovering to do, but she knew that she would get better with Malcolm’s help. 
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orionsce · 4 years
Malcolm Bright be like “I know a spot” and then go there without backup.
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prodigal-sons · 4 years
Malcolm on his way running head first into danger:
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unorthodoxsavvy · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day 23:
You Break It, You Buy It
Prodigal Son
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Malcolm ran through New York City’s harbor docks, coat furled out behind him as his designer loafers hit the ground. He tipped barrels over as he ran, trying his best to block the killer’s path of pursuit to him with whatever he could in his environment.
He ran towards the freight container ship yard weaving in and out of the crates, hoping to loose the killer. Of course, he hadn’t called for backup- no one knew he was out here, and it was only if his team somehow put together the same clues he had to reach this location that they would know to look for him here. He was a criminal profiler. They were not. He was not hopeful.
Malcolm turned to look behind him as he ran when suddenly his foot caught on something and he tripped. Her heard the clear sound of bones breaking in his ankle and cried out.
Getting back up, he limped as fast as he could towards the Hudson River. He could swim just fine with only two arms- as long as the hypothermia or murderer didn’t kill him first.
He reached the water’s edge and slipped into the freezing February river as quietly as he could to not draw attention to himself.
He sucked in his breath as every inch of skin below his head was bathed in ice. He needed a new plan, and he needed it now. His best bet was to try and climb up onto a ship and hide there.
As quickly as he could he swam through the water, layers of clothing to protect him against the crips February air now dragging him down and contributing to the cold.
Finally Malcolm reached a ship and, locating a ladder, swam towards it.
He did his best to climb with both hands and only one foot, meaning he had to hop up each rail.
When he reached the deck he quickly limped towards the ship’s cabin, trying the door. In a stroke of good luck it was unlocked.
Malcolm shut the door quietly behind him and started to take off the soaking wet layers of his clothes, leaving him standing on an empty ship hiding from a killer in nothing but his boxers. His body shivered violently and he made sure to keep moving around as best he could to warm his body up, looking desperately for a set of clothes.
There were some jackets hung up on a coat rack of the employees of the ship. Malcolm grabbed one and slipped it on, buttoning it closed.
His ankle was starting to really hurt with all the stress he’d been putting on it, so he sat down and propped it up in front of him. He knew keeping moving was important, but he was just in too much pain to try and keep warm.
Instead, he pulled his arms into the jacket and wrapped them around his frail body, trying his hardest to get the shivering under control. His phone was probably soaking wet and didn’t work. He wasn’t sure how he was going to get out of here or call for help. He hoped that the ship employees would be back some time soon but he had no way of knowing when that would be, so for now he sat, huddled in someone else’s coat with wet boxers on, arms wrapped around him and shivering, wondering where the killer could have gone.
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whotellsourstories · 3 years
protective big bro malcolm
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