#malga wu
If I had to change Marcy’s arc, I’d change her dialog in all in from being about how she needs to face reality, to her seeing the cores illusion for what it is and refusing to be coddled(“Andrias made a fool of pull once, but I refuse to have rug pulled under me a second time!”). Plus, Darcy could state that Marcy fighting back is wearing them, so that Marcy can help during the fight. Also, cut out yunnan calling her a backstabber and Marcy saying that she didn’t get to know her and Olivia very well, and have yulivia go back for her because they care for her, and not because they want to use her(really, there was no reason for them to be so callus towards Marcy). What do you think?
Oooooo yeah, these are kewl. 👀
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ammonitetheartist · 1 year
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Inspired by @cutetanuki-chan’s Malga design.
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Andrias, in danger: MY LOOOORRRD!
Malga: I ain’t your helicopter overlord. Sink or swim, b****.
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The Night’s love is not unconditional. It does not love us.
And it does not love you.
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 10 al 16 Gennaio 2019 ǁ stagione 16
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, eccoci a voi con una richiesta visto che utilizzate la nostra rubrica, ci volete aiutare con la segnalazione di qualche locale che magari non vedete transitare da noi?!? grazie in anticipo per il supporto. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ Ω SABATO 12 Gennaio 2019 Ω ASTRO Club via Puccini 141 FONTANAFREDDA (Pn) un passo oltre il confine veneto si terrà quest'evento di psychedelia garage con due ottime compagini: ᴥ LICANTROPY primordiale garage blues con venature rawpunk ᴥ GO!ZILLA da Firenze l'ottima band garage psychedelica che presenterà il nuovo album "Modern Jungle's Prisioners" ᴥ dopo i live djset CHECcO MERDeZ (Lamette Party/Made In PoP). https://www.facebook.com/events/314900406008181/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 10 Gennaio ᴥ YOKELZ Pub piazza Marconi TREBASELEGHE (Pd) cantautorato folk in acustico per l'ottimo duo GREEN GREEN ARTICHOKES. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) in preparazione dei Dischi Soviet Festival, ultimo preparty stasera con il live dei NORMAN, poprock. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA nuova stagione dei giovedì jazz, si parte con il ZADENO Trio. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) cazzuto hardrock per gli eroi locali BULLFROG. ᴥ RADIO VENEZIA SOUND dalle 21 alle 23 va in onda il programma Lady's Night con live e chiacchere in studio con la band DISINCANTO capitanata dal grande Sergio Renier http://radio-veneziasound.it/ ► VENERDÌ 11 Gennaio ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) saranno peresenti qui in chiave acustica i SOMMOSSA e il loro alternative rock. ᴥ ALTRA AGRICOLTURA Nord Est corso Australia PADOVA presso l'area ex-macello dalle 20:30 presentazione del libro PROLETKULT con il collettivo Wu-Ming e a seguire concerto live per i GIPSY THIEF e IL FULCRO. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA questa sera in versione djset ci sarà il grande Phill REYNOLDS, come al solito ci riserva delle sorprese, magari tra un pezzo e d un altro fa un bel live. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) boogie rockabilly di matrice fifties per LEM & the PICNICKERS. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) GoDown records presenta il combo milanese LA MORTE VIENE DALLO SPAZIO space ritual cinematic project. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO si festeggia il XIII° anno d'attività per questo bel locale della Marca, suonerà il KOLLETTIVO STESI rock/white funk. ᴥ The WISHING WELLS viale Repubblica 156 TREVISO inizio anno esplosivo con il rock alternative dei DE LIDIA. ᴥ CRICH CORNER via Barberia 23 TREVISO questa sera in versione one/man/band piano & voce per l'ottimo CARLO COLOMBO. ᴥ ROCK & ROLL Pub via Gaidola 32 FONTE (Tv) dirty rock'n'roll in compagnia del combo NIKK & the BAD BOYS rockabilly, punkabilly   & psycho. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) questa sera il cantautore GIORGIO BARBAROTTA e la sua band. ᴥ MORION Laboratorio Occupato salizada S.Francesco de la Vigna VENEZIA ospite live un particolare duo bolognese-ungherese DIRÙPATORS acustica e elettronica che si fonde nella tribaltech, a seguire djset GRAO. ᴥ NOVAK via Castellana 59f SCORZÈ (Ve) Rotten'Roll production ospita gli storici belgi CAPITAL SCUM old-HC prima volta in Italia, con loro le band GROG e METHEDRINE (ex-Upset Noise). ᴥ Csa ARCADIA via Lago Tovel 18 ZI SCHIO (Vi) evento speciale con il ritorno sulle scene dello storico power-trio degli ONE DIMENSIONAL MAN, in apertura i cazzuti BRUUNO che presenteranno il nuovo disco, djset della bravissima JULIE (Iguana Eventi). ᴥ ORVETT Space via Vittoria 75 MUSSOLENTE (Vi) UglyDogs aps cominica l'anno ospitando il cantautore GIULIO Estremo CASALE in giro a presentare il nuovo disco con Alessandro GRAZIAN e Emanuele ALOSI, in partura laternative rock per gli ZAGREB. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) release party per L'ENTRATE DI CRISTO A BRUXELLES local alternative band, a supporto HEAVEN or LAS VEGAS indierock e La FESTA degli IMPICCATI prog/alt, il tutto con la collaborazione dei MagnanimiGnomi. ᴥ LABI Room via del Lavoro 3 ROSÀ (Vi) cantautorato folk blues e beatbox per il collettivo musicale HD HOLDEN, in giro a presentare il loro recente disco. ᴥ Osteria RIVE Jazz Club via Rive 14 CARTIGLIANO (Vi) esibizione unplugged per DES MOINES emiliano innamorato del folk pop di marca british. ᴥ Osteria MILES DAVIS strada di Polegge 114 VICENZA sonorità prog rock con la PAOLO CARRARO Band, che sarà qui a presentare il nuovo disco. ᴥ FABEMOLLE borgo Madonna di Pol PASTRENGO (Vr) musica di band emergenti stasera, con i WE FOG noise/postrock/post-grunge e i giovani NEVES & OWL. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA indie folk con derive post rock per il trio HEIDI for PRESIDENT. ᴥ Osteria AI PRETI interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA folk profondo e oscuro, blues del deserto per Mr.LO ovvero il grande The GIANT UNDERTOW. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) evento La Verona Bene con le band DIAL V hardrock, KRASHAH alt/metal, JAHBULONG stoner, DESOUNDER rock e i mitici O'CIUCCIARIELLO gipsy balkan. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) esordio per il nuovo progetto CYBORG ZERO nato da The Cyborgs, nuovo powerduo blues con sfuriate punk e garage. ᴥ MUSICA ATTIVA il programma radio che promuove la musica indipendente veneta dalle 21 alle 23 ogni quindici giorni ormai da molti anni, con intensità, in studio i tosti PACINO melting pot rock, per ascoltare la diretta o 94 MHz o in streaming http://www.radiogammacinque.it/ ► SABATO 12 Gennaio ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) in collaborazione con BOTTEGHE BARRANCO i concerti per NEBULOSA impro/experimental solo project da Göteborg (SWE) e poi il grande cantautore folk PHILL REYNOLDS (Salcedo power) e a chiudere COMANECI folk acoustic punk da Ravenna. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) celebrazioni per i die'anni di attività per il power trio The SADE damned rock, in apertura DEATH BY PEYOTE stoner. ᴥ CORTE dell'ORSO Contrà dei Nodari 29 CAMPOSAMPIERO (Pd) il rallegrante sound e tonificante sound del duo PSYCHOOSTERIA piano e voce dagli anni '20. ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici 11 TREVISO AMATEUR Night ovvero palco libero, previa iscrizione, a tutte le realtà musicali emergenti locali. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) riparte la stagione con live per i poderosi SERPE in SENO accompagnati da POLLUTION e DIE and LIE, a chiudere djset HELL Yeah! ᴥ CLUB ONE via Marco Polo 2 PESEGGIA di Scorzè (Ve) in questa nuova location esordisce una nuova formazione, GOD IS WOMAN, nata dalla fusione tra Volcano Heat e Underdogs, a dar loro manforte i FLAT FIFTY poprock. ᴥ NOVAK via Castellana 59f SCORZÈ (Ve) serata dedicata al Duca Bianco con live per l'ottimo Claudio VALENTE e i postpunk WAX HEROES. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) Threesome party con le band EDEN hardpunk PROPOSTE OSCENE punk e URLANDO CERAMICA post-hc. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) in collaborazione di Rosa Parks APS presentazione del libro "Rave In Italy" di Pablito el DRITO, a seguire live set analog 8bit per lo stesso autore. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 S.VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) balkan gipsy night con laboratorio di danze e il live degli AJDE ZORA, a seguire dj Soviet. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA aperitivo lungo e il concerto ITpop di AURORO BOREALO. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) stasera ospite Vittorio DE SCALZI storico membro fondatore dei New Trolls. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) irish folk per i ALBAN FÙAM tra bluegrass, tradizone e contemporaneità. ᴥ HOLLYWOOD Birreria via XX Marzo 22 COLOGNA Veneta (Vr) il rock alternativo dei DOVE & CROWS. ᴥ SOTTOSOPRA Pub via Roma 24 TREGNAGO (Vr) serata death/thrash con le band FATE UNBURIED (Vi) e VOICE of M/I/N/D (Vr). ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA l'ex leader degli Estra GIULIO CASALE sarà qui a presentare il suo nuovo album. ► DOMENICA 13 Gennaio ᴥ Malga FORAORO via Monte CALTRANO (Vi) Suoni tra le malghe d'inverno, ritrovo alle 9 per camminata/ciaspolata, pranzo al sacco e alle 13 concerto dei VALINCANTÀ folk d'autore. ᴥ CA'BOTTONA via I° Maggio 18 COSTERMANO sul Garda (Vr) dalle 14 dopo pranzo con il tremolo di SURFER JOE e la sua band, figura primaria della scena mondiale da Livorno. ᴥ OLD SALOON Pub via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) concerti domenicali dalle 17:00 con RUMBO ROAD, SLANE e dalla Croatia gli ottimi ANIMAL DRIVE. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) aperitivo LET THERE BE ART con esposizione dell'artista Dorothy BHAWL e djset A-Shepherd powerpop punk mod sound. ᴥ Bar CENTRALE piazza Marconi CEREGNANO (Ro) all'aperitivo troverete live L'ISTRICE combo folk-rock. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) aperitivo in collaborazione di Rosa Parks APS con la presentazione del nuovo libro di Davide TOFFOLO (3ARM) dal titolo “Il Cammino della Cumbia” + djset a ritmo di cumbia dello stesso Toffolo. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) classica acoustic sunday con il combo pugliese HEIDI For PRESIDENT, indiefolk postrock. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8a TREBASELEGHE (Pd) aperitivo heavy'n'roll con i KAMION in giro con il loro disco nuovo. ᴥ HOME Rock Bar via FOnderia 73 TREVISO per le domeniche acustiche salirà sul palco l'immenso PHILL REYNOLDS. ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA dalle 19 trasmissioni live e intervista/presentazione per la rivista indipendente JACOBIN Italia con Francesca COIN e Lorenzo ZAMPONI + djset Mojos. ᴥ APERTURE cocktail bar via Giovanni d'Alemagna 2a PADOVA dopo cena in Arcella con la brava cantautrice Elisa ERIN Bonomo. ᴥ VIRGO Club via Padana 32 VIGOROVEA di Piove di Sacco (Pd) dalle 21 potrete partecipare al live del cantautore GIULIO Estremo CASALE in giro a presentare il nuovo disco accompagnato per l'occasione da Alessandro GRAZIAN e Emanuele ALOSI. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA domenica in jazz con l'ORCHESTRA VERTICAL. ► LUNEDÌ 14 Gennaio ᴥ Cinema PORTO ASTRA via S.Maria Assunta 20 PADOVA dalle 20:45 proiezione di "FREUD passioni segrete" il film di John Huston, proiezione organizzata dall'Accademia della comunità della psiconalisi, è un buon viatico in assenza di live. ► MARTEDÌ 15 Gennaio ᴥ nel 2019 Matera sarà la capitale europea della cultura, supportate questo evento ed investite in cultura, migliorare si può. ► MERCOLEDÌ 16 Gennaio ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) arrivano qui da New York city le SHARKMUFFIN duo femminile glam grunge. ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA chi salirà sul palco non è ancora successo, ma come sempre grandi ospiti. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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Why is no one talking about the fact that Malga’s scream as the connection was severed was the same scream Marcy made when she was first possessed in OAY???
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Marcy Angst Monday idea: A scenario where Marcy needs to be killed in order to kill the Core, but it’s set to the back half of JerryTerry’s Kiss Me (Kill Me).
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Another AU outline thing - this one for the Eye For 7 Eyes AU! This one has a mention in my Amphibia AU masterpost, and a short drabble, to its name. Lately my fixation on it has resurged, so I figured, why not flesh it out more?
Here it is:
When Marcy is possessed by the Core, her spirit is separated from her body. For a while, she sticks around Malga, keeping an eye on them and making sure they don’t do anything with her body that could damage it. A large chunk of this consists of Marcy hen-pecking, in a way, and pointing out exactly how an action could affect her every time the opportunity strikes - meanwhile Malga either ignores her or snaps back with we have not had a body in millennia; we will crack your neck as many times as we see fit, thank you. That sorta thing.
Marcy eventually catches wind of Sasha’s rebellion through the newts that make reports to King Andrias. Curious, she goes over to check it out, and discovers that Sasha can see her. Sasha still has complicated feelings towards Marcy, but listens as the spirit of her friend fills her in on her current state, and what Malga has been doing. The two catch up as much as they can, Marcy apologizes, and they reconcile a little.
Sometime before Commander Anne, Marcy decides to go back to Newtopia and find out as much as she can. During her visit, she finds the Core’s old body and makes an important discovery - she can possess machinery. Later, during an attack by Andrias’s robots, she’s able to jump into one of the Cloakbots and decides to keep it around for missions and the like. The frogs are a little weirded out at the aspect of having one of Andrias’s robots just. hanging around their resistance base, but are also content to know that Marcy is alive (more or less) - especially Maggie. She helps the resistance by infiltrating the robot forces Andrias sends.
When Anne comes back to Amphibia, she can also see Marcy, and is very relieved she’s alive. Just like she did with Sasha, Marcy apologizes and fills Anne in on her situation and everything else she knows. The episodes involving missions play out a little differently, what with Marcy doing infiltrations and all. She’s also there for Olm Town Road/Mother of Olms.
In Beginning of the End, Anne and Sasha aren’t blindsided by Malga’s existence, but they are by the fact that the being knows practically everything Marcy knows - a fact they cleverly hid from Marcy herself, back when their host’s spirit was keeping an eye on them.
During the events of All In, Marcy uses her Cloakbot disguise to sneak into the palace with Sasha, then she slips out of it - and into the Core’s original body. The fight in the Core control room ends up being Sasha and Marcy against Malga. She wields the Core’s former vessel against it as a jab, as an act of defiance, like - you stole my body? all right, that’s fine, I’ll just steal yours. After the battle, Marcy’s spirit leaves the huge orb and returns to her own body.
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Wake up, new fic just dropped! This one details the beginning of my Eye For Seven Eyes AU, which you can find here: https://ammonitetheseawing.tumblr.com/post/669924303571173376/slams-a-huge-roll-of-paper-covered-with-writing
Trigger warnings: Implied torture, out-of-body experience (kinda) (just in case), implied trauma.
Here we go!
Self-Sabotage: Outsider’s Perspective
It happened so fast.
It felt like it dragged on for a million years.
It happened all at once.
It happened one agonizing step at a time.
It happened.
All agony.
It lashed through every muscle, every nerve, every fiber of her being.
It opened her mouth in a scream she couldn’t hear herself release.
It fragmented
Her mind
Until her mind
Her body
Was no longer hers
But someone
What is a soul?
It was a question she’d asked herself many times, yet could never quite find a definitive answer to.
Could it be the thing that compels a person to leave an impact beyond their lifespan? Or does it create morality? Does it stay in a different realm or get reborn into a different body when the original one ceases to contain it?
Marcy supposes she’ll have all the time in the world to contemplate this aspect of one’s being that people call a soul.
Because now, that aspect is all she has.
She isn’t entirely sure yet what that means, exactly, but if there’s one thing she knows, it’s that she’s a shadow of herself.
Not unlike the figure next to her, regarding her with a small, soulless grin.
Fixing her with 10 glowing eyes, from a face that was once her own.
Marcy shakes herself, mind still reeling faintly. The last thing she remembers is seeing three figures - two newts and a large, unmistakable one (don’t think about him) - leave the space she was in, trailing silence behind them.
Then a voice had cut through the haze. She’d snapped her gaze up in the direction it had come from, finding a figure that was… her, but not her. Something - the Core, her mind supplies - had turned her head at an unnatural angle to grin at Marcy with all her teeth.
That was when, almost on instinct, she’d looked down at her hands and discovered she could see right through them.
Which explained a few things.
Like, how she was still here when her body had been inhabited by a foreign entity.
She’d honestly be fascinated if it weren’t so existentially unsettling.
Where am I, anyway?
Marcy begins scouring the dark, foreboding space around her, searching for something to jog her memory further. A coral-carved throne, a colossal, mechanical sphere with many arms that vaguely remind her of a villain from a superhero movie-
Her metaphorical heart sinks as she fully registers her surroundings, and recalls the context behind them.
This was the same room where her fate had been sealed.
The same room where he had turned his head and refused to watch as a sinister helmet had descended from-
Nope. Do not think about that right now.
Or ever. That works, too.
Steeling herself, Marcy weighs her options.
Option number one: Get help.
As she ponders this carefully, a recent memory comes into focus - Olivia and Yunan. They’d been there, standing as rigid as blocks of ice, when she’d first regained consciousness. They’d looked right at her, but hadn’t seemed to… see her.
That could be a minor obstacle.
A sudden jolt runs through her. Her friends - could she find a way to contact them?
After a brief moment, Marcy shakes her head, mentally crossing that option off her list. Anne would be on Earth by now - and, well… Frog knew that place came with its own can of worms.
Not to mention the fact that she seems to pass through anything she tries to touch, so…
Interdimensional travel? Out of the question.
As is Sasha - the last time Marcy had seen her, she’d been completely incapacitated, stunned after being thrown against a wall by a tyrant’s tail. She (and Captain Grime) could be anywhere in Amphibia by now.
Besides, even if she did, hypothetically, manage to track one of them down, she can’t exactly guarantee they’d be… thrilled to see her.
So, for now, she’ll just… stick close to the Core. Keep an eye on it. Make sure it doesn’t, like, overestimate her body’s resilience and break all her bones or something.
That seems like a sensible plan of action.
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Anne encountering Possessed Marcy, but the Core can only speak using Marcy’s regular voice:
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The Night genuinely growing to care for and befriend Marcy to the point they end up ironically becoming a healthy parental figure + them being a chaotic neutral that she’ll end up overpowering when she gets her Calamity form =
Ideas that live equally rent free in my mind.
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*rips through wall, trying to catch breath*
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ammonitetheartist · 2 years
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I wanna go back
I wanna go back
I wanna go back
With a club and attack
(Consider this a sequel to the Agnes drawing)
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*slams a huge roll of paper covered with writing down on the table*
Ask me about my many Amphibia AUs.
Seriously, if you have any feedback, questions or ideas, feel free to shoot them my way! None of these are totally, 100% fleshed out and refined, and I very much look to improve as a writer, especially when it comes to larger, more complex stories like some of these are.
Kalarmarcy: Very self-indulgent take on S3 that focuses on Sasha and Marcy, the rebellion against Andrias, and the Calamity powers. Working on a doc for this one.
Marsh Mystic/Double Agent Marcy: Andrias adds axolotl DNA to Marcy and sends her (and Joe Sparrow) to the Boiling Isles with the intent of using them as a scout/test dummy to scope it out for conquering - which, of course, doesn’t go as he wanted. She’s installed into the EC head position after YBOS and takes Hunter’s place in the ToH storyline. Heeere’s the info doc (so far) (the links actually work this time; I made sure of that) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/15n1Rs88KsDoDinByikjASY1CT3SQDT6YdznZYWiJ0B0/edit
Living In The Crossfire: Another Owlphibia crossover AU. Masterpost here - https://ammonitetheseawing.tumblr.com/post/664330662830014464/this-is-it-my-litc-masterpost-first-things
Calamity Spirits: The Calamity stones each house an animal spirit - a wolf named Lunimus for Heart, a lioness named Virsol for Strength, and a raven named Sagacella for Wit. A collaboration between @nexus-the-kiezadrius and myself! Info/refs here - https://ammonitetheartist.tumblr.com/post/666586652151513088/here-they-are-reformed
Eco-Vigilance: Still veeery much in the experimental/idea phase. Spawned from me listening to Stand For Everfree while having the Marcy/Newtopia concept I keep talking about on the brain. The basic idea is that Marcy suspects Andrias’s colonizer-y ways before his betrayal, and is able to avoid being stabbed, after which she goes into hiding and comes across a source of nature magic derived from the Calamity powers (I like to imagine the magic from the gems causing obscure natural anomalies throughout Amphibia). One way or another, the magic ends up inhabiting her. She experiments with it for a while before finding out the damage Andrias has done to Amphibia, at which point things… kinda go downhill. She’s devastated and angry, and filled with a need to prevent the king from killing anything else, whiiich kinda causes her magic to go haywire. She does learn to control it eventually, though, and joins Sasha’s rebellion against King Punchable.
An Eye For Seven Eyes: Also a heavy WIP. Marcy’s spirit gets separated from her body when possessed by the Core. After that, she just kinda follows Malga around, keeping an eye on them (and occasionally warning them about the limitations of her body - to which they never listen, mainly for I have waited over a millennium for a body and I am going to make the most of it reasons). A while later (after reuniting with Sasha and explaining everything to her) she takes advantage of being a ghost and possesses the Core’s former body. Shenanigans ensue.
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Amphibia Theory/Concept/AU Thing
I wanna talk concepts. Two thoughts that have been rattling around in my head for a while are Marcy going ham on King Punchable when she gets her Calamity form, plus a more meme-purpose idea of her having some sort of mindscape where she’s stuck with the Night while she’s unconscious and the two just. talk about random stuff to pass the time. I also really like Tamotosauce’s idea of the Night being on her side and agreeing that it was supremely messed up of Andrias to kill her.
More recently, I’ve also had this vivid image in my head of just… Marcy, in the tank, with all the time in the world to contemplate what happened, with resentment towards the king - more resentment than she’s ever let herself feel before - that just builds and builds and is cultivated by the Night, who points out that she has every right to feel this way (it’s kinda like a chaotic neutral here). Then when she’s out of her tank, Andrias does/says something that gives her that last shove over the edge, and she gets her Calamity powers (I’m still standing by the partially-bending-the-Night-to-her-will-and-using-its-power thing) at which point I imagine this scene where she’s standing kinda hunched over, cuz she’s half-possessed, like, with one red-orange-yellow eye, and the green energy is, like, flickering and twitching, almost like it’s glitching out - and then she just lets out this shrill, demon-like screech of anguish and starts whaling in on the giant douche newt - all the while taunting him, asking him where his precious lackeys are now, pointing out that he’s nothing without them, and he knows it.
I really think Marcy deserves the chance to, like, completely let loose and repay the pain Andrias caused her tenfold. Call me a sadist, but I really wanna see her be cold and merciless, going full unhinged mode and making the viewer shake in their boots, y’know? Give us some chills of terror and catharsis. I think that’d be nice.
I’m gonna be calling this the Kalarmarcy theory.
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Hm. Enemy by Imagine Dragons… Malga song?
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