#mamiya yumehisa
kiwifie · 5 months
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consume my body and become MAMIYA
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bunycube · 5 months
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mamiya dump ft...aoba?!!!
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antibio · 6 months
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Check out the free demo of MAMIYA - A Shared Illusion of the World's End if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.
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ghostybane · 6 months
Dropping the MAMIYA Countdown Artworks!
Since I didn't upload all the amazing artwork for the Mamiya countdown I will upload all of them here! I hope you enjoy these pieces of artworks from different artists on twitter! (X) I will credit the artist below!
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Artists in order! Please go and check them out if you want! (All on Twitter X!!!) @_975MM @mrmttr @4627comi @utsu_noba @notonotejt @nanaju_ko @samokitaMIC @menyocon @waccawaca @nkra @cc31x @sousaku_mayo
Thank you to all of these artists who have made the countdown for Mamiya!!! I love and adore all of these! And if you cannot find them I'll also just link back to Kenkou Land's account where you can see all of the artworks for MAMIYA! Kenkou Land's account: https://twitter.com/KENKOU_LAND
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cucumbersncheese · 6 months
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"Is there love... Out in this world?" "...I know the answer to that."
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mamiya-unofficial · 2 years
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memes to share with your friends once you've forced them to read 30 hours of this visual novel
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tindoiimu · 6 months
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just a couple of [redacted for spoilers] ~ I filled out a meme template with these portraits; check below the cut to see it (because it has so many potential spoilers)
on twitter. 11/30/2023
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original template by crowcarv (twitter)
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chickenmetenders · 4 months
👉👈 if you're taking natsumiya requests... Yumehisa comforting Natsume after the ">Take his hand" ending in DF?
>Take his hand is such a bad end for me that I never even considered a hurt/comfort scenario for this ending LMAO only hurt/hurt. BUT NOW THAT YOU'VE ASKED I AM THINKING ABOUT IT... I hope this is comforting enough?? I am so unused to writing comfort, so it was really fun to try!
[Full game spoilers]
He finds Natsume standing outside a familiar church.
Honestly. Mamiya had looked away for one second, and when he'd turned back around, Natsume was gone. Just up and disappeared. Poof. He was like a child at the playground, wandering off without parental supervision. It would've been funny, if Mamiya didn't have severe abandonment issues.
"There you are," Mamiya huffs out as he approaches Natsume. He tries not to let his voice waver, tries not to let it show that he'd spend the better half of the day panicking as he'd near turned Tokyo upside down trying to find him.
Mamiya spent the past 3,000 years alone; he absolutely refuses to go through that again.
Especially now that he's here with him now.
Mamiya easily slips his hand around his other half's elbow. "What are you doing here, you silly little Spectator? Awfully rude of you to leave me without saying anything, you know."
Natsume doesn't react. He's standing on the steps of the church entrance, staring through the propped open double doors, and when Mamiya follows his gaze, he sees--
Mamiya's heart, if he had a heart, drops to his stomach.
Inside the church are Kikuchi Ryou, Morichika Haruki, and Toujou Minato, talking in hushed tones. All of them look clearly, obviously, blatantly upset.
And Keito is nowhere to be seen.
Mamiya feels himself moving before he can even think, wedging himself in front of Natsume to blocking Natsume's view of his friends.
That finally gets a reaction out of him. Natsume makes a face of confusion. "Hey--"
"Nope," Mamiya says. He puts his hands on Natsume's shoulders and pushes him back, forcing him to stumble backwards down the steps. "Don't try to look."
"Wait--Mamiya--" Natsume makes a sound of protest, attempting to crane his neck, to catch a glimpse of what his friends will do or say about his lack of presence, but Mamiya grabs his head and forces him to look away.
"Stop. Just don't."
"But I--"
Mamiya's mind is dizzy with panic. "Look, you've already given up on them," he says, and the fight seems to just drop out of Natsume's body all at once, his shoulders slumping. "You don't need to know what they'll do without you."
You don't want to know what they'll do without you, Mamiya doesn't say. Because Natsume is soft, has always been soft, and he doesn't need to see how grief can warp the people he loves.
Mamiya takes his arm and leads him away from the church, and this time, Natsume doesn't protest it. He doesn't even try to look backwards at the friends he's left behind, and for that, Mamiya is grateful. Keito's absence in that church claws at Mamiya's heart, but it's okay.
It's okay.
Natsume chose to give up. That means the Spectators will leave them alone. That means Mamiya can have as many chances as he needs to fix this mess they've gotten themselves into.
Because if there's anything Mamiya isn't lacking, it's time.
Mamiya leads them down roads and sidewalks, not really sure where they're going, as long as it takes them further away from the church. They walk until they reach the ocean, and Mamiya thinks of a fateful morning thousands of years ago and sighs.
He turns and grasps Natsume's hands in his. Natsume' looks sullen, and he avoids Mamiya's eyes.
"It's okay," Mamiya reassures him. He squeezes Natsume's hands a little tighter. "You were right to give up on them. There was nothing you could've done," he lies.
Natsume finally meets his gaze, and Mamiya feels some sick satisfaction when he sees that his red eyes, normally so alive with love and hope and passion, are now utterly desolate. "I shouldn't have left them," Natsume mumbles.
"Maybe," Mamiya says. "But you did. So stop worrying about them. I told you, I'll take care of everything."
Even if it took Mamiya years, or centuries, or millennia. It's not like he had anything better to do, after all. What was another thousand years if it meant that Keito and Osamu and Mayuri and Touma and Satoru could all live long, happy lives?
Natsume's gaze drops to their joined hands, as if he doesn't quite believe Mamiya's words. His voice is tiny when he asks, "Really?"
"Yeah." Mamiya smiles bitterly. He brushes a lock of golden hair out of Natsume's face, and those red eyes flit upwards, and Mamiya thinks he sees a tiny pinprick of light returned to them. Mamiya hopes, desperately, that he can live up to his expectations. "You might have left them, but I'll never leave you, Natsume. Because you chose me."
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pocketsonny · 6 months
mamiya theories/questions before i play DDD in full. spoilers for Falldown/Downfall / plus my own speculation
1) I'm still wondering if Yumehisa is Keito's Mamiya and it'd make a lot of sense bc his mamiya is invisible and doesn't have a body, and Yumehisa technically...doesn't either? 🤔 plus there has to be a reason Keito is dear to Yumehisa too and he wanted to save him (but couldn't). i haven't re-read samejima's side in DF (i should) so i forget if natsume makes a connection to invisible mamiya->samejima, but it doesn't really feel like it's him
2) I also once had the theory that Yumehisa was Minato's unborn twin that died/vanished (mentioned in Minato's DF), because of their visual similarities + in Minato's FD route, Yumehisa saying it's Minato who looks like him...Still wondering about this. UNLESS, Minato has...the body that was supposed to be Yumehisa's if he existed as a person? hm HM
3) Cause Yumehisa has many of the Spectator powers but he's something more than that, yet was he ever down on earth/living person who died and was chosen as Spectator? Did he never get a chance to exist in the "real" world thus existing only as a "subjectivity"...hence why he wants to create an illusion that's real so he can be real-real....HMM (i also vaguely wondered if mamiya=the creator but i think that'd be WILD....mamiya is god lol) (i mean) (it's not impossible) (a god who once wanted to help people/those dear to him and the results were catastrophic so he doesn't believe there's another way and in comes a spectator determine to save his friends no matter the odds...challenging everything...it'd remind me a lot of joshneku TWEWY if it was so).
4) BUT ALSO, WHOSE BODY DID PINK HOUSE EAT!! WAS IT NATSUME. WAS IT KEITO. WHO DID THEY VORE. cause in the cutscene that plays when yumehisa shows natsume what the pink house did, yumehisa is shown lying there for a moment (i think) so like hmmmmmmmm....unless they didn't actually eat anyone and it's part of the illusion (also the question is WHEN they decided to do this; if 2003 when keito died, it'd make sense, since he was very close to mamiya so...maybe...)
5) but natsume's death is also still a mystery! and the random bouts of him getting injuries while spectating in the library (the nosebleeds, the cuts) What does it Mean.
6) also the fact that keito and natsume were childhood friends makes me wonder, if keito knew mamiya yumehisa since then and if natsume...may have known yumehisa as well and doesn't remember? HMMMM!!!
7) ryou and keito like, in their FD routes, i think ryou not remembering anything in keito's and not recognizing the place means he went back to keito's time....and in ryou's, keito went to his. the question is HOW the time travel is happening (maybe has to do with 1999 and 2012 overlapping and thus, possible for characters to appear in either time...or at least these two in particular, GOING TO FIND EACH OHTER)
okay that's it for now i think GONNA PLAY. A LITTLE BIT BEFORE DINNER
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cemetary · 11 months
tagged by @yumehisa ! thank you !!!
last song: beluga by lady lamb
currently watching: uhmmmm not really watching anything atm, i dont watch things often
currently reading: otherside picnic is the main one rn (haunting of hill house is on pause. i also started demian recently. as for visual novels im in the middle of higurashi and mamiya.)
current obsessions: in a bit of a rut with being interested in things atm but really into lady lamb and playing a couple of rpgmaker games rn
tagging: uhmmm @jiraidanshi @femaleipulator @gamecheat @wiltshired ... and anyone who sees this and wants to do it !!! just say i tagged you !!
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maddyshome · 6 months
I fuckinnnnnnnng knew it. I fucking kneww that Keitos Mamiya is the real Mamiya Yumehisa. CALLED IT.
God Im not done with Doomsday, but Jesus it is satisfying to know I was right about this.
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nitrochiralfan · 2 years
Mamiya name analysis
Another one of my name analysis posts of characters from Mamiya, One character who name that caught my eye none other than the most mysterious character of the game and the titular antagonist of the visual novel Mamiya.
I am going to do my best in explaining what his name means in the best of my ability since i don’t know Japanese and have a very dogey understanding of the game my analysis might come off as missing parts due to my lack of understanding of his character. This post will be talking about plot details of the game so a spoil warning is now in effect.
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His entire name is Mamiya Yumihisa "間宮 夢久” His name is very interesting because when broken down it notes his character and role in the visual novel.  “Mamiya” The “ma" “間” first kanji of his surname means “interval, space,between”. The kanji is used for something that is in-between or interval or something that is hidden. This reference to how Mamiya doesn’t exist in reality but in a different plan outside of reality in space. He stands in space not affected by the event of the novel only appearing to taunt the other cast of characters. he is a mysterious entity that we know nothing about but appears in numerous instances.
the second kanji “Miya” “宮” means “temple shrine or Shinto shrine”, Miya in Japanese is used for Shinto shrine and temple a shrine is a place that a god resides. Theres a lot of christian symbolism in Mamiya with the begging being a funeral in a christian mass, Mamiya is decorated with religious connotations to him with him acting as salvation to the characters ultimentally leading them to their deaths and members of the pink house worship him like a savior from a cult. This could be a hint to his true nature of a being similar to god that exists outside of reality. The surname Mamiya comes off as mysterious sounding depending on the spelling that is written in Japanese.
Next his given name Yumehisa, when split apart as the kanji “Yume” “夢” means “dream,illusion or delusion”. When I researched the kanji “夢” i found that it has more than one meaning and what is interesting is that his kanji that is used for dream is used to describe illusions.  “夢” is used when describing illusions.  Mamiya is heavily based on illusions even the title of the game and plot notes this. This name meaning might be a foreshadowing of the upcoming game doomsday dreams where it might take about Mamiyas true nature. Mamiya is someone who exists in dreams and in non reality Another usage of dreams is Keitos dream journal where it is closing connected to the non reality Natsume is at and  the tricillosium.Dreams as a series of thoughts or images occurring in a persons mind when they sleep, dreams are part of the unconsciousness since they are link the the subconscious of the human psyche dreams and illusions are considered the same because they came from the unconsciousness. This links to how his selves manifested as illusions to the members of the pink house being the after images being after images of the manifestations of the members minds and how he appears to other people as illusions by the pink house members.
Last kanji of his name is “hisa” “久” means "its been a long time,a long time” When used in Japanese for "its been a while since i seen you” This reference his short appearances in the game and absences and sudden appearance in the plot.
This is the best I can do when I explained his name if you think I’m wrong feel free to check and add.
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Mamiya Yumehisa during his 3000 years solitude after consenquences of his actions singing: Lonely I am so lonely
Also he later to Natsume: When will you learn? That your actions have consequences?
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melodiaemfrp · 3 years
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s second Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Seven (7) days of activity in-server) for the period from August 23rd to October 22nd.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist before Wednesday, November 3rd. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by November 3rd by 11:59 PM EST will be removed from the server by the next inbox run (Friday, November 5th).
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Wednesday, November 3rd to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) are ineligible to be reapped this way due to failing two consecutive checks. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Sunday, November 7th.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on November 3rd will be removed from the server by our inbox run on November 5th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae! We have some exciting new announcements in the works for the coming weeks, too, so stay tuned for those!
- The Melodiae Team
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Mamiya Yumehisa (Riku)
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Rokorou Rangetsu (Eve)
Shoka Sakurane (Meyneth)
Fushi (Rei)
Majima Goro (Phoenix)
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ghostybane · 5 months
Happy Birthday Natsume Suoichirou!
I missed out of his birthday yesterday, so I am a day late-! Anyways he deserves to be happy and gifted the whole world! He is so precious and I love and care for him so much, he is the best protagonist and he deserves everything! Happy birthday Natsume!!!
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cucumbersncheese · 4 months
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screencaps that make me bonkers ft. Mamiya EX
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