#man hans POESI!!!!!
barebevil · 1 month
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Jeg ved at der i hvert fald er et par stykker af jer der kan dansk, så kom og læs Rifbjerg med mig!!! Hvis i ikke har kigget på ham siden novellerne i 9. klasse sp er det tid NU til at give ham en chance mere
(Zeus i det humør af Klaus Rifbjerg fra samlingen Mytologi, 1970)
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timeline32 · 1 month
Hyperfixerad På Yahya Hassan i 1 v
Jag har nu läst mig genom Yahya Hassans första och andra bok. Ja sluuuuuuuuuuukade båda och var fett hänförd och arg och inspirerad och äcklad samtidigt av både hans person och hans skrivande, läste den första i fragment för några år sedan men att få devour båda såhär back 2 back var något annat 
Jag har väldigt svårt för poesi generellt och känner mig sällan waowad av något män producerar i litteraturväg ! Men faaaaaaaak vad skakad jag blev av Yahyas språk, speciellt i den första boken som jag upplever som så opåverkad av den danska akademin. Jag vet att han konsumerade enormt mycket böcker innan författarskolan i Köpenhamn, och hade en standard ‘’intellektuell kille’’ lista av faves (yani Knausgård, Dostojevski etc Zzz) men den andra boken känns mycket mer raffinerad på ett sätt som inte nödvändigtvis rör mig på samma sätt. Båda böckerna är skrivna helt explosivt, provocerande oförnuftigt samtidigt som allt han menar på makes perfect sense !!!! (Ok inte allt men d som spelar roll) Hans trots, skildring av ungdomsvården, av psykiatrin och andra institutioner med vakter och deras våldsmonopol och auktoritetskink, rasismen i Danmark kritiken av imperialism kolonialism zionism som ARTON åring ! 
Han e muslim han e islamofob han e blatte han e rassig hans mamma e hans ledstjärna han e misogyn han hatar kultureliten men det är just i dens barm  han söker skydd när de som han kallat sina egna kommer efter honom m knytnävar och dödshot, han e; sellout
Och jag tkr att det är skumt att det är just det som kritiker och recensenter verkar störa sig mest på med honom, hans ambivalens/motsägelsefullhet? Är inte d en av dom realaste sakerna ngnsin med hans skrivande? Är inte alla religiösa yani intellektuella, eller bara tänkande personer i konflikt med sin tro? Är det inte ändå paradoxalt icke-ambivalent av honom att kritisera alla strukturer vare sig de verkar uppifrån eller ner??? On brand, konsekvent if u will?
Jag är absolut ingen expert på literaturens mer tekniska aspekter och misstänker att många anser att han är en mer träffsäker författare i Yahya Hassan II, vilket är en logisk slutsats med tanke på plugget + the sheer amount of livserfarenhet han får under de sex åren i mellan släppen. Ångesten av dikten ‘’skruvstäd’’ är så påtaglig att ja var tvungen att pausa mitt i läsningen för att den är en sån obvious alludering till det som till slut tar kål på honom
Mina problem med honom och hans skrivande är mycket mer kopplade till den mytomspunnen-het som bitvis OBVS försöker skapas (mansgrej tror jag, sänker overall kvalle och heartfeltness, poseig fightclub vibe), den självuppfyllande profetia som är; har du en farsa som bryter dina och dina syskons ben och stryper din mamma med en telefonsladd regelbundet = absorberandet av kvinnohat, alla racial remarks etcetc ja bara kan inte svälja d o let it pass d är weird o anledningen till att ja inte kan separera konsten från konstnären SPECIELLT när den är så färgad av ex rassighet e helt enkelt …..ja kan inte njuta? D så simpelt hur ska ja brösta  o bask i min förundran över konsten när han ska bryta hypnosen med en skum remark om somalier eller en oklar antydan till kusinincest   
Kanske märklig parallell men det är som att Kanye skulle börja skriva antisemitiska bars …. D går att lyssna på hans musik så länge hans psykosiga högertrolls commentary hålls borta från musiken, man kan blunda o iaf låtsas som att han inte är skitskum
Sen är psykos btw väldigt relevant för både dessa obnoxious män och ja kmr vara den första som bönar om folks förståelse för den kemiska obalans som driver ngn till att exempelvis joina ett Danskt folkparti som en hel palestinier etcetcetcetc 
Ja kräver inte att ngn ska rätta sig i ngt led Athena Farrokhzad-style, ja bara pratar om min personliga upplevelse av att konsumera den här typen konst som e så rååååååå ärlig och nästan alltid våldsam på olika sätt som e väldigt avtändande, hur viktigt det än är att någon som Yahya berättar sin historia den är extremt relevant och SKAKADE Danmark politiskt och kulturellt för alltid
I slutet mår han för dåligt, han är för illa däran och hade nog ärligt talat ingen chans från sekunden han föddes att bli något annat än det han blir, och det är det han gör bäst imo; utan självrättfärdigande eller en egentlig agenda att förklara hur olika liv och situationer utspelar sig är det banne mig den mest pedagogiska texten jag läst om människans förfall. Förutsättning, bakgrund, konsekvens, utfall, allting serveras på ett fat så utsökt kurerat att till och med en idiot fattar varför Danmarks politiska skick skapar extremister skapar Yahyas, osympatiska Yahyas som med hans skrivande ändå sliter ens hjärta i tusen bitar när man läser om hur han tar 50 slag av sin pappa så att hans syskon slipper (samma person som skjuter en tonåring i foten i en paranoid sväng till crazy town btw) 
Conclusion I would fight him on lots of things (most things) but I am eternally grateful for his impact on Scandinavian migration politics and its discourse, the shame he probably induces in every danish person reading and the emphasis on a Palestinian voice being catapulted into the cultural white establishment 
ååååååÅååå d kliar i mig när ja tänker på hur mkt poesi och text ute i världen som e minst lika ärlig men mer varsam :’))))))) ska ta en runda i Anais Nins dagböcker snart igen den bruden e helt störd utan o vara weird vad jag stött på hittills (min Knausgård e hon…..fuck han)
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litteraturvetare · 2 months
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De spridda pärlorna: en historia om syriansk litteratur och vetenskap av Ignatius Aphram I Barsoum
Ignatius Aphram I Barsoum (1887-1957) ägnade över trettio år åt att sammanställa »De spridda pärlorna«. Detta ambitiösa arbete involverade en otalig granskning av handskrivna manuskript som var utspridda bland olika kyrkor, kloster och bibliotek världen över. Resultatet mynnar dock ut i en omfattande översikt av en syriansk litteraturhistoria som täcker hela arton århundraden (med några få inhopp längre tillbaka än så), och därmed har han säkerställt att ett värdefullt kulturarv har kunnat bevaras.
Verket börjar med att ge en översikt över det arameiska språket med dess olika grenar och dialekter, samt språkets utveckling genom historien. Länge florerade det som ett lingua franca, och det spred sig till såväl Egypten, delar av Asien som till Malabarkusten i Indien (där det fortfarande används inom den syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan!). Språket kom att användas brett och allmänt runt om i de arameiska områdena (Syrien, Irak, södra Turkiet (Tur Abdin), Palestina, Libanon m.m.) ända fram till 700-talet då det kom att utmanas av arabiskans spridning i städerna. Språket fortsatte dock att vara väletablerat i byarna och bland bergen där det arameiska folket kom att bära det vidare; och såklart inom den syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan. Vidare ger Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum en historisk överblick där han även belyser den betydelsefulla kontexten av syriska översättningar av grekiska verk, och hur dessa syriska översättningar senare kom att bli värdefulla för den arabiska litteraturen. Han betonar likväl att det finns få bevarade verk från den förkristna tiden (skrivna på syriska), men ett exempel som lyfts fram är Mara Bar Serapions brev till sin son som han daterar till mitten av 100-talet f.Kr. (detta har dock på senare tid blivit omdiskuterat, och idag dateras det till år 73 e.Kr.). Den litteratur som främst lyfts fram i hans verk är dock av kristet och kyrkligt ursprung, just på grund av att det är den som funnits välbevarad (om än spridd och aningen bortglömd för allmänheten) världen över. Vidare ägnar han nästan tvåhundra sidor åt att ge korta biografier över framstående författare och lärda inom den syrisk-ortodoxa traditionen. Vissa av dessa personer hade innan hans forskning nästintill fallit bort från det allmänna medvetandet, men många är likväl välbekanta! Han ger en vy över både liv och verksamhet hos sådana som Efraim Syriern, Mar Jakob från Sarug, Dionysius Jakob Bar Salibi och Mar Gregorius Bar Hebraeus (vars verk tursamt bevarats genom åren). Överlag skriver dessa författare om allt från teologi, mystik, filosofi, lingvistik till poesi. Det är ett otroligt fint verk som ger en god överblick över den syrisk-ortodoxa litterära traditionen, och där läsaren själv får möjlighet att söka sig vidare (i den mån det går). Jag hoppas dock att det i framtiden kommer en ny översättning som är helt baserad på Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoums arabiska original. Denna svenska version av Hanseric Hällzon är en direktöversättning av den engelska versionen, vilket tyvärr bland annat märks av i val på benämningar av ting, samt att namn på verk har blivit ordagrant översatta men vars titlar sedan inte går att hitta (fast det verkar vara detsamma i Matti Moosas engelska version också. Men hade hur som helst önskat fler noter med hänvisningar till originalens titlar så man har något att gå på (vissa verk gick dock ändå att googla sig fram till!). Men här har man liksom kommit två steg längre bort från originalet (vilket ändå är lite kul med tanke på att det är exakt så Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum visar på hur litteratur spreds mellan olika folkgrupper, men ändå. Förlåt för babbel inom citationstecken)). Hur som helst så ger verket en god inblick i den syriska litteraturhistorien!
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kjelltoft · 2 months
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Sitt porslinsöga hade farfar Ebbe fått efter en olycka på sin motorcykel av märket Birmingham Small Arms Company. Det har berättats hur det där ögat en gång poppat ut mitt under en julklappsutdelning och att det till barnens förfäran ramlat rakt ner i tomtesäcken. 
Bland farfar Ebbes kvarlåtenskap fanns ett plåtskrin med kryptiska prylar och verktyg. På en kanariegul ask med elegant etikett kunde man läsa ”Litoghraphic Crayon No. 1 W. Korn 120 Centre Street New York”. Engelskan begrep jag mig inte på, men innehållet var desto enklare, för kritor vet ju varenda kotte vad de är till för: att teckna skörk med kåbåjshatt å revålver. Men kritorna var special-klibbiga, halkade runt på pappret som en berusad isdansös och lämnade sliriga spår efter sig svartare än natten. Det här är ju nästan som att rita med lakritsstänger tänkte jag... och gav upp... 
Med den industriella revolutionen exploderade tillgången på konsumtionsvaror. Dagligvara, vardagsvara, förbrukningsartikel och kapitalvara - allt var välkommet och man ville gärna se sina prylar i världsvan paketering och färgglad reklam. Alois Senefelders uppfinning - den litografiska tryckmetoden - passade som hand i handske i du nya sköna värld. Nu kunde man massproducera både text och bild för en spottstyver. 
Ivar Krüger förstod genast refrängen och med säkerhetständstickor i exotiska paket erövrade han halva universum och kunde bygga sitt Xanadu. 
Ebbe å sin sida parkerade motorcykeln utanför Göteborgs Slöjdförening. Med avklarad examen surfade han med i en våg av svenska litografer som kom att etablera sig under svensk mellankrigstid. 
Bland farfar Ebbes alster är cigarettmärket Blue Master något av en favorit. På paketet syns en vit häst i månljus och midnattsblå himmel. Cigaretterna tillverkades av norska Tiedemanns Tobaksfabrik. De säljs än idag men istället för visuell poesi paketerar man numera rökverken med svartvita varningstexter.  
Från botten av nittiotalets finanskris fiskade mamma upp en liten annons i Göteborgs-Posten.
-Ska du inte söka Dômen Konstskola, Björn?
Jag sökte och kom in. På avdelningen för grafik. 
-Vad är grafik, mamma?
Dômen hade svaret men ingen litografi. Det är först nu på Litografiska museet som jag får slipa kalksten och droppa salpetersyra i gummi arabicum. Och för den som inte redan räknat ut det: de där klibbiga kritorna var inte avsedda för barnteckning på papper. Det korrekta underlaget är miljonårig kalksten från stenbrott i södra Bayern. Ordet Litografi är för övrigt en sammansättning av grekiskans lithos - sten och graphein - skriva.
Det tar en stund för salpetersyran att etsa sig ner i stenen och då blir det paus i arbetet. Jag passade på att titta runt bland museets föremål och började bläddra i en tjock gammal lunta. Vem hittar jag där i ett hav av svartvita gruppfoton om inte farfar Ebbe i grå kostym. På den tiden klädde sig tydligen hela Sveriges litograf-kår som Humphrey Bogart. Tänk att farfar Ebbe funnits där hela den här tiden bara för att bli återupptäckt på ett museum av sitt barnbarn hundra år senare.
Med samtiden djupt nedsänkt i en fondue av populärkultur och konsumtion är det kanske inte så konstigt att varumärken blir ett återkommande tema i ens konstnärsskap. Men i kulisserna anar jag även impulser från farfar Ebbe. Att få snurra hjul och valsar i de mäktiga litografi-pressarna känns lite som att låta cirklar mötas över tid och rum. Det är inte bara massproducerade produkter som litografin lyfte fram på ett nytt sätt. Det gick även att skapa en helt ny slags konst. Tänk Ebbe, på sätt och vis är du ju en föregångare till Andy Warhol.
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kulturformidlet · 6 months
Graden af gensidighed
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Denne artikel blev oprindeligt publiceret i Jazz Special Tekst: Gudrun Hagen Foto: Kresten Hillerup
Kasper Tranberg – anerkendt trompetist, kornettist, komponist, underviser, radiovært med videre – fortæller om relationen mellem ord og lyd i sin musik. Som en inkarneret figur i dansk jazz, og blandt de efterspurgte musikere at arbejde sammen med herhjemme, er krydsfeltet mellem jazz og poesi igennem en årrække og ved en lang række samarbejder blevet udforsket, vendt og drejet i forskellige former. Men hvad er det med de digte? Og hvad kan de i kombination med improviseret jazz?
Kasper Tranberg tager imod på sit kontor ude på Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium.
―Huler skal man bygge, griner han, da han ser mig kigge rundt på de mange klenodier overalt i rummet. På væggene hænger der billeder af jazzlegender side om side med private foto fra diverse live-optrædener. CDer står i rækker og bunker omkring stereoanlægget, og på sofabordet er der fyldt med bøger.
―Nogle ligger der fast, andre bliver skiftet ud, og det er alt muligt blandet, fortæller Kasper beredvilligt, da han ser mig kigge nysgerrigt på bunkerne. Pia Juuls Sagde jeg, siger jeg-digte ligger øverst i en af dem.
―Jeg er her jo hele tiden faktisk. Hvis ikke jeg er på turné, så er jeg her. Det er mit arbejdsliv, så det er virkelig fedt og vigtigt at føle sig hjemme.
Historiefortælling og poesi
―De her ord føler du dig tydeligvis også hjemme i. Hvornår og hvordan kom du i gang med poesien?
―Det er fortællingen, der interesserer mig. Jeg har ligget under mine forældres køkkenbord, siden jeg var ganske ung, og omkring det har der siddet digtere, kunstnere, løgnere og ballademagere. Du ved, postmanden, lidt halvfuld onsdag klokken 16 – alt det der er jeg vokset op med. Jeg er flasket op på historiefortælling. Det har bare været omkring mig. Jeg er ikke litterær i den forstand. Jeg er fascineret af den verden, og sådan har jeg det også med klassisk musik for øvrigt. Jeg ved godt, hvad perioderne [de kunsthistoriske] hedder, men jeg kan ikke høre forskel på den og den komponist. Jeg har selvfølgelig nogle yndlingskomponister som Toru Takemitsu.
Kasper gør stemmen blid og viser det italienske prima-tegn med pege- og tommelfinger mod hinanden, for at indikere, hvilken høj kvalitet, vi taler om.
―Jeg er jo Japan-tosset, og med ham går jeg i dybden. Og det har jeg også gjort med poesien ud fra den improviserende musikers fundament. Da jeg som ganske ung mand for første gang hørte jazz og poesi med Peter Poulsen og Jens Søndergaard, du ved; Toooftegårds plads. Kasper synger hæst og drevent for at illustrere.
―Mega godt ikke’ griner han og fortsætter,
―Eller John Tchicai som midt i en solo fremsiger digte og bringer musikken og stemningen i rummet, og hele viben et andet sted hen. Du kan jo ændre det hele sådan her med ord! Kasper knipser.
―Så det er dér, jeg kommer fra med de ord. Inden for jazzen og den improviserede musik.
―Så det er et spørgsmål om stemning og stemningsskift?
―Ja. Og det har jeg også brugt i min musik, og gør det stadigvæk. Og de improvisatorer, som arbejder med ord, gør det samme. Der er jo også et budskab i fortællingen, i ordene, i digtet, i tekstmassen. Jeg har kammerater, som er digtere og arbejder med alle mulige former. Jeg har altid interesseret mig mest for den helt korte form. De få ord. Og ikke det sådan mere rablende. Måske lige med undtagelse af Cecil Taylor, som arbejder med mange ord og mange toner, altså en helt overvældende densitet. Det er sådan et godstog med ord, der kommer flyvende og kører en ned. Så sidder man der, kørt over, og tænker hvad skete der?
―Men ellers er det for mig mere noget med, hvor meget man kan få ud af hvor lidt. Altså det koncise udtryk. Det synes jeg er interessant.
―Hvornår bliver det interessant? Hvad er det, der gør de her ord og de her stemningsskift, man kan lave med dem, interessante?
―Jeg kan generelt godt li’ poetiske musikere. I mit nye orkester – The Future Ancestors – har vi arbejdet meget med metaforer. Der er ikke et nodepapir i miles omkreds. Der er kun lyd og metaforer, når vi arbejder med musikken. Og musik kan helt grundlæggende beskrives som et poetisk udtryk. Og jazzens store poeter har virkelig optaget mig meget. Det kommer i lidt forskellige udtryk. Om det er Thelonious Monk, eller pianisten Bill Evans – de er begge store poeter for mig. Derer selvfølgelig også noget med den syngende kvalitet af mit instrument, trompeten, som altid har optaget mig. Det vokale, det sangbare, det poetiske i den lyd. Miles Davis ligger lige for, eller min anden store helt, Timofei Dokschitzer, som også har den der poetiske, syngende kvalitet i trompetens klang.
Det vi kan dele sammen
―Hvornår bliver det så til ord? Hvornår er det poetiske i musikken ikke nok?
―Det ved jeg ikke, om jeg kan svare helt klart på. Kasper tænker lidt.
―Men der er en anden ting også: Det provokerende eller det overraskende i det. John Tchicai havde et digt i retning af: ”I want a big orgasm, said the litttle man.” Det kan også noget. Det er dragende. I min musik arbejder jeg ellers ikke med den erigerede langemand. I mit udtryk igennem årene har jeg altid ledt efter det, vi kan dele sammen. Der er ikke noget oprør i mine værker, plader eller måder at være på. Selvfølgelig har man været ungdomskæk, men som kerne handler mit bidrag om levels of mutuality. Altså hvilken grad af gensidighed, vi kan finde. Hvad er det gensidige, som musikken kan rumme? Det interesserer mig, og det er dét, jeg er bedst til. Og der er ordene en bro, der er virkelig fed. For de kan være præcise, konkrete, og især kan de være utrolig billedskabende hos modtageren.
―Jeg har spillet med pianisten Jacob Anderskov i 25 år, og han har igennem alle årene arbejdet med den danske sangskat. Det har jeg altid set lidt fra sidelinjen, men i det nye år kommer der en plade, som Jacob har lavet med danske sange, hvor to vokalister synger, og vi improviserer. Vi kaster et forholdsvis nyt lys på, hvordan man kan dele en sang, der kan stå i Højskolesangbogen. Og det har været rigtig fedt at ændre det oprindelige udtryk. At sige: Vi elsker denne sang men ud med første vers, lad os begynde med vers fire og bagefter spiller vi vers syv, og så er det det, griner Kasper og slår animeret ud med armene.
―Det er noget med at skabe en forbindelse imellem lytteren, og dem som spiller, men også at skabe nogle illusioner om, hvad en sang, og hvad budskabet i en sang, skal kunne. Vi har gjort det meget live. Vi har spillet med brandmandskor, og vi har spillet i sangforeninger og alt muligt. Vi improviserer, og så dukker sangene op. Og ordene dukker op i folks hoved med det samme, når man nærmer sig en sang, de kender. Live har vi prøvet at aftale med publikum at de skulle synge med, når vi gav tegn – sådan en alternativ form for fællessang – men det kom aldrig til at fungere. Publikum er konsekvent foran. De hører lidt af melodien, og så begynder de bare at synge, og som musiker er det sådan lidt: ”Hallo, vi skal også være med.” Ordet tilsat en melodi er simpelthen en diamant, der skinner hver gang.
―Et andet virkeligt sjovt projekt er Vi sidder bare her med Jørgen Leth, Mikael Simpson og Frithiof Toksvig. Jørgen er jo enormt jazzet. Jeg har spillet live med dem og er med på de første plader, og Jørgen skulle ikke have nogen cues. Timing havde han styr på. Det skulle han nok selv ordne. Han er improvisator i hjertet og elsker at være på scenen. Så i det band har min rolle været instrumentalisten, som farver rummet, der opstår mellem musikken og Jørgens testbidder. Og hvad gør man så, når det handler om agurkesalat – sådan en klagesang om agurkesalat, og skal spille noget der passer til? Kasper smiler bredt ved tanken.
―Det er pissesjovt. De fedeste er C.V. Jørgensen, Lars H.U.G., Nikolaj Nørlund, eller Hanne Boel, som også har den der direkte kommunikation i ordet. Jeg har gjort det med alle mulige, og nogle i den del af musikken er mere digtere end andre. Kasper smiler lumsk og stiller selv næste spørgsmål:
―For er der forskel på en digter og en sangskriver? Måske.
At Lytte og respondere
―Hvad skal være til stede i musikken og poesien, for at det hele går op i en højere enhed?
―Vi har alle en god ven, som bare taler hele tiden. Og ens opfattelsesapparat lukker ned. Der er ikke det vakuum, hvor forståelsen får rum, og hvor der kan opstå en form for dialog. Det er også i en vis forstand en form for timing, når man forstår at sige noget og nogle gange må man vente 10, 20, 40 sekunder, før den anden person har tænkt sig om, og kan respondere. Det er improvisation. Det er dialogen, det hele drejer sig om. Den umiddelbare og den reflekterede. Om det så er musik, et interview eller hvad som helst. Lige nu er der en real time-forhandling. Hvem siger hvad, hvornår? Hvad skal det handle om? Hvem bliver træt først? Det er det, vi som musikere egentlig gerne vil perfektionere. At lytte og respondere.Ord og musik lever godt sammen i improvisation. Det skal ikke tages så højtideligt. Det er ikke en formel øvelse. Det hele handler om relevans. Ordene kan være lige så meget loose guns, som jazzen kan. Det kender vi fra beat-generationen, punken, alle mulige. Sådan en som Pia Juul er også flabet på sin måde. Man bliver helt omsluttet af hendes ord. Det er sjovt, dybsindigt, drømmende, beskrivende, pirrende og … vedkommende! Ja, det er et godt ord. Noget, der har rigtig høj relevans, kan jo godt være skideskægt. Og weird, fjollet og alt muligt. Samtidig med at det er dødsens alvorligt.
Når samspillet mellem ord og musik virker bedst, så åbner to døre. Første dør åbner til en fundamental fælles forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at være i det her rum nu, eller at være menneske. Den anden dør åbner til en fuldstændig individuel fortolkning af, hvad det her drejer sig om. Og det er måske dét, den gode digter kan. Den gode poet, som spiller klarinet, så følelserne reagerer. Der kommer gåsehud, eller vi bliver megaglade. Det kan vi alle sammen mærke. Umiddelbart. Men lige så mange lyttere der er, lige så mange drømmebilleder, opfattelser og oplevelser vil der være. For mig handler det om at komme frem til at have noget på hjerte. En stærk intention. Og at have noget i en fortælling, der måske fremstår ret uhøjtideligt, underligt eller måske skaber forundring. Det tiltaler mig. Som musiker vil man også gerne have det swinger. Det skal sgu være funky, ellers er det ikke så sjovt for mig i hvert fald.
―Er det dialogen og samarbejdet i dette møde mellem musik og ord, der er det sjove?
―Ja, blandt andet. Folk vil gerne have mig med, fordi jeg er god til at være i et band. Jeg er blevet 52, så jeg er erfaren. Du kan finde trompetister, som spiller bedre end mig, er federe til at læse noder og kan spille højere og hurtigere og alt muligt. Men det er svært at finde nogen, som kan forstå og gå ind i en proces, løfte den og være megabegejstret og være så god til at sætte sig i projektejerens sted. Det er dét, jeg har levet af i mange år. Det er sjovt at være den deltagende brik – en bifigur – og derfor er jeg også pissegod til det. Selv med mine egne ting er jeg drevet af samarbejdet. Drevet af oplevelser eller mennesker. Mit forrige album var en solotrompet-plade, og der er man ret meget alene, men det nægter jeg. Så jeg rakte ud til Mike Højgaard, og vi lavede filmen Suite Dilation [tilgængelig på filmstriben]. Der havde jeg lige fået Ben Webster-prisen, og det er jo en retning af jazzen, der ikke er så avantgardistisk, men jazzen favner det hele. Lige fra Aristocats-swing til et abstrakt Kresten Osgood-beat. Det er bare at følge med. Pulsen i musik og i poesi, det er stemning og fortælling. Man bliver taget med på forskellige måder. Når man som musiker får en helt eller heltinde, bliver det en livskammerat. Når jeg for eksempel hører Don Cherry eller Ben Webster, så er det nogle, jeg har haft med mig, og som jeg vil have med mig, til jeg går i graven. Det er dybt ad helvede til, og det er virkelig fedt. Og nogle gange bliver det til et digt.
―Det ”sjove” er også i høj grad smittende originalitet og kreativitet fra andre, der kan sætte noget i gang. Igennem mange år har jeg for eksempel været tæt på TS Høegs virke og værker. Thorstens output er af svimlende karakter og inspirerende! Drivkraften i hans poetiske og litterære visioner har betydet meget for mig og mange i min generation, og nu også i den generation, der er kommet efter, fordi han, ligesom Hugo Rasmussen gjorde, ofte omgiver sig med yngre kræfter og skaber forbindelser på tværs af alder, æstetik og udtryk. Det er en af kernerne i musikalske fællesskaber, og det er jeg stor tilhænger af.
Megen mening i kondenseret form
―Hvorfor har du aldrig udgivet en lyrikplade i eget navn?
―Jeg skal finde måden at gøre det på. Kasper ser tænksom ud og lader stilheden fylde.
―Jeg har kun skrevet et par håndfulde digte eller tekstbidder, som jeg synes fungerer godt i musikalsk sammenhæng. Jeg bruger dem, når jeg spiller solotrompet, eller jeg bruger dem i improvisations-sammenhænge. Det lyrikbårne værk nærmer jeg mig rigtig langsomt, men jeg ved at det bliver med en blanding af mine og andres tekster. Nok andre improviserende musikeres tekster. Jeg har hørt gode statements live, som jeg har transskriberet – de findes slet ikke på tekst. Og så måske nogle omskrivninger af for eksempel Santoka Taneda, en free-haiku-poet af guds nåde, som jeg elsker. Kasper bladrer entusiastisk rundt i en af sine bøger, der ligger øverst i en af bunkerne på sofabordet foran os.
―At få megen mening ud i kondenseret form, det interesserer mig også på trompeten. Det går virkelig hånd i hånd med Haiku. Den måde at spille den rigtige tone på det rigtige tidspunkt. Det er måske den største udfordring.
―Hvad har du af kommende ordrige projekter?
―Der kommer en solo-trompetplade, hvor de her digte bliver optaget. Måske jeg spiller klaver på noget af det, men der kommer et poesiværk, jeg håber vil tilføre lytteren og mig andre ruter og muligheder i det, vi skal dele sammen. At jeg kan møde mig selv og lytteren på en anden måde, når ordene er der. … Det er en måde at få mig selv ud på gyngende grund.
―Nogle musikgrene har en afviklende karakter – det kan findes i al kunst – så kan det blive en ting. Mit håb er at dette projekt bliver udviklende. Jeg overvejer, hvordan jeg skal angribe den udgivelse. De tekster skal i hvert fald ud og have et liv nu, hvor de dokumenteres i et sammenhængende værk, for nu har de været der rigtig længe. Så kan jeg komme videre. Det er der behov for. Nogle af de tekstbidder har jo levet med mig i årevis.
―Og så har jeg et stort igangværende forskningsprojekt her på skolen, hvor jeg forsker i melodik og forsøger at afsøge nye tilgange til at bruge melodik som improviserende musiker. Også i forhold til den musikpædagogiske dimension af at arbejde med melodik i improvisation. Når det er færdigt om halvandet år, vil jeg arbejde på en sang-plade, som vi har snuset til. Jeg spillede en koncert på Hotel Cecil i maj måned med mit nye orkester, The Future Ancestors – mit elektriske band – hvor Mikael Simpson og Lucky Lo kom og sang et par sange hver.
―Hvad handler det repertoire og udtryk om?
― Live your life like a future ancestor. Kasper dvæler lidt.
―Hvad har efterlivet og livet tilfælles? Hvad er det for en type ancestor, man selv bliver? De spørgsmål bor inde i nogle sange, nogle hymner – både europæiske, amerikanske og afrikanske og alt muligt. Det er en helt ny undersøgelse. Det er de to orddrevne projekter, jeg har på vej.
Kærligheden til det orddrevne
―Jeg har et nogenlunde sprog til at beskrive musik, men det er svært for mig at beskrive poesi. Der er jeg lidt på udebane. Men det rører noget i mig. Jeg læner mig nok ind i improvisatorens brug af ord. Når noget optager mig, så kan jeg godt blive der længe og vende og dreje det. Jeg læser mange fagbøger om musik og portrætter af musikere. Så faglitteratur fylder en del, og jeg skriver også, hvis jeg giver Master Classes eller har oplæg her på skolen, så skriver jeg typisk reflekterende essays. Jeg har klart en kærlighed til at beskrive en proces, eller hvad jeg tænker om ting. Jeg skriver også breve til folk, det kan jeg godt li’. Men man bliver respektfuld. Det er et krævende område. Så jeg gør mig umage med ikke at fremstå som et litterært menneske. Jeg vil til gengæld gerne have at det fremstår som en dimension af min musikalitet og en dimension af min måde at være sammen med mennesker på. Jeg er måske lidt berøringsangst, men ordene kalder på mig hele tiden. Og nogle gange, så får jeg lov – af mig selv – til at skrive dem ned.
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libidomechanica · 9 months
“Sunset through”
A ballad sequence
No thought he, it would be dated     some years therinne. And capabilities, as they turn it     was I’m trying! But today
a coffin for the Town must go     therwithal so well, by oft predict that wolde han my bele     chose, I koude pleyne, and
wide, and arms is discreet at all:     in vain I love thee biseke! Be ye lock’d up like figured     the creamy curd, the sort
amid the second yoke. As if     they were swich a tale to tell of the cold hill side. I keep     but a kisse, both black-eyed
Sal his bloodletting sun. Young without     leaving the street, i’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you till China     and Africa meet,
and you ask how shall go, as hawks     may pounce upon him, giving chain and to the few or many     a green-gown has been
bred; here wild. And called is Seint Thomas,     why that ere bloom of a crescent’s coruscation, t     would name, Bannockburn,
Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam.     There still plain and with his Christian nun, will set off a     greater could he, the must.
The glimmering thy heart, which that     the world shall he spake were not how to purge from above speeds     the lasse light. Sunset through.
Saucy pedantic wretched her     tyrannic power of pathos, and joinèd handsome stripling     with us the quarter.
And be my love, where those isles of     your wine, and coveted wassailled upon my face, shall     never more brighten, must be well at once at the housbonde     born to be like a full- blown sleet: his way to mount, and be     than lie, but thou art
everything. Man shal weddė me anon;     now, dame, telle hire housbondes for that you please the Eye     would never bear unless he’s drunk, gamed, and this is the     colour of his head into her brow grew beside thee that     in much more tame for his
mercy: were strongest reason hated,     and endless age. That I love thee purely, as men strives     to polish all the nyght, while thou wert left and so was oure     werre ystynt. Fresh-quilted colour wol hire horrid sin—and     what not, all ragamuffins
different language feels impossible     to pleased with leaves, which maybe with ful good deal shock’d     at tears of May; the open shone: upon her debtor; the     art I know not young. To the northern winds comprehend all     the Birds have I joye or
blis, this joly clerk wol speke of     woes; your chest and prey. Nor turn has been my heart, her Lord was     as flat as a child; has ev’n been of the year, I walked we,     til trewely we hadden they hadde left their dirty smock;     or Sappho fragrance of
satisfaction can overwhelmed     the liquid azure blood was quit, by God’s blessing, turning     Porphyro! But after us: this morning ring, and twice     five years before and thee, panting, and hoar; then the feeldes     wente. Still lying off the
bargain sounds, like to orphans you     harm. In writing Courser’ by mistake it in the sapphire     heaven, the excursive, breaking breathed o’er seem’d to receives     and lyves than in thine arms, here at the eye along     the visions with his brace
of any oother worse than I     once would leave sultanas to decay, o’ercharged with sorwe!     The breadth of pavement, and the grime of weed that I am     become a man—so glorious end by such a genial     soil for being something
replete with reason, upon Sion’s     hill must ramble with air sedate and remarried, the earth     in earthly paradise of ioy it is, so fashion and     of all the sad twenty spring open today when sweet     violet? Idle; let us
away, and make me from their     conductor tapping sorrowing, the daily labour, in     this close up this we were none. Brother, quod he, so have call’d,     La belle Dame sans mercy: star’d, where, like to greet solempnytee,     and after; but no—
already runs zigzag toward those who     sigh o’er sonnets, and tears, and Baba, their change graces still     he grew so—on their charms from leaf to lead him, in close at     hand, where parent still and duly seated her swayed, all bowed     beneath the poesy, the
power of Babel might know what     I knew the thanks, if aught save praye yow, if my Pegasus     hath been her sex, here stones;— the key turn will worse, the fool with     forever, and though Eve herself upon his bonds so much     the charge wher they are killed.
But the flashing of pee. You are     the lofty trees, with nerves tuned it his joined clench of steel us     as the rose in fear,
needing is simpler about the     sky, yet, I will call. Her own, she might in me this; now dame,     quod he, by God and bread.
Her loving you cannot climb, you,     great disasters may teach them as you were dumb—monsters, who     must be worn at her to
come help the other, your back. Love     ye who list her humour most retire, to waken envy     of our sheep half-asleep
I return’d away his ears,     at the act. With seraphims the hare limp’d trembler in the     excursive, breaking lately
two at presence of satisfaction     can overwhelm the imperial halls, as also     much sacrifice;—through
Kennington and usen hem on     honde. That I loved well? It seems, to the fair he seem’d to reach     them a voice to warm today
when soft voice my heart, be thirty     mock tyrant o’er in hid wayes to guide-books, vials in     the left scole, and sail
for a hint or two, would brook and     over it awkward; for Eastern clime—with fine Conceits, all     are the intellectual
eunuch made it with an angel,     newly drest, by lights of winter, whose pain with vexation,     about you think so:
for having had him to kneel down,     and cursed book a leef, that is. Of years later. Alone should     have my tale of tribulacioun
is well-tim’d retreating     train retired, one world its very well: what spekestow of     present state? God helpe me
verray shame, that for slept an azure-     lidded sleep oppression curs’d with periwigs in curl     in window blew in like
a flowers. This union you wander     about you about you turned into stream that it     reminded them of the
Emperour, she was a good as well     as heavens expand, the earth; and of such a closet, of     such small items costly.
And best, for the pure freckling, the     lines mellifluously bland, and limped down with another they     are exposed to it, no
doubt not be king—was receive them     that was on thy heart’s undoing. But you that wolde nat of     hym Daryus, which shoulders.
And even to these to guess he     was she, Blythe was she, Blythe by the dusk curtains peep’d, where the     lovers—who last night; slow
heauinesse in both display’d the Asian     should I dance and worse it proves insubstantial for my     presentative of all
appealed to sleep, the scrubbed, shepherd     swains shall smell how true! Rosy morn now lifts his own brain’s     oppression—cannot be gay
let a tale growest beauty in     this be dear, tis true, a little skill you that with her common     change she earth; been thynges
trouble which serves tuned for supper     now, and peace in the race. And nathless words, not words to     spare, they hem mysavyse.
” We’re not see them, too, for an ouche of Jobes pacience.     Thou trace and lo! Or that all’s ideal— all ourselves cannot fry. Baba retires himselfe,     or else of them glows, and makes all the record of all but low their little jars for you     may, a sort of queens may die a jest told of the place with such appellants go to—God     knows! When once were to Mahomet! And
does a cheek, like hard life, and tired I look back     again. Then let no buzz’d whispers to have seen the ken, or who wolde nat spare your life! Now     dame, quod the Pope. I have not been treated as gentlemen seem I and you an equal     was foreclosed. Rough faces through a land of all the other day I went the time and be     my love to so respects high; but worn
at heart to the feast, the only gentlemen to     supersede all warblers here beams the clerk, and therefore, hey ho! Charms by accept; provided     always petal myself, at one that with you! An error and twenty-four; to warmth     expres word? Not to death from birth strung brother I bow’d to her breath,—he from his fo; lucia,     likerousness of tickets, or
coach, and yellow-white glow tells me wish you, a million     fighters admires the lustrous eft was on Friday last—this very fiery night,     since my soul doth ache. My father words; crowds, cuckoo-like, endangered hatchlings from you, I’m     with prise of Or Molu. Come, some time, the wise and shame struck them this poem will be mud     on thy choice, who marke in the kind; those
passionate heart, Love’s nervelets were once more free     from mortal man impassionless, but a little to play a notion, which a man in     too soft a lasting, there was, were four, on purpose, and som folk desire to land. This     union you wandering how anything of the world’s contracted new come daily to     the devil can tell: where Nabuchadonosor,
king off the ball-fields and though not mad     with the brain; for whole creature self did make, of a complete her best look for to plese, but     conseil to virginitee; and foremost from our prime; and for that am nat I. Go, for     Thisbe and fragrance of mine. I kan nat kepe hir mariage? That somewhat many a sweetest     Lesbia, close by a country and the
nation, not to the food tree on which he own’d all     in time, and, where, dropping, My Madeline! But Crist, that voices die, vibrates in the western     gate, t was once set is one with you just a tree, and I loved the other; yet you     see, o pity, and Misses? To turn on their full meed of merit, and worshipp’d be;     dissolution in this clerk is preysed.
And came to me my love of the     lanterne; he shall bound: tis not quite enough if deaf and ducklings;     there come into her
breath? Judge, then, if he would come youngster,     as harbinger of her nation, a poniard pierced through     the seemly raiment of
sentiment till dawn at play, the     sweet, and you remember, or a hundred pages has given     their Cakes an active
share, for who’s so dumb that can well     as breeches. The wretched over the Landholders, sprung from     the clouds, and took a while
I lay, he was her dears shed would     have closer? His afternoon— the House of God hath yive to     weddė me, if they were badde.
If this place of Lucy’s feet: he     could not be dieted with plume, tis no easy thing the leaf     where Joan was portrait may
wax too bold, We shall wish, betide,     the hall door shuts again. The dim purpureal tresses     severall waies, to pleye, and
in his foore. Juan, which sweet and the     rough all the capital, its princes if it be seen, which     at the tiger-moth’s deep
woods, I dreamed on the languid smile     was like a ghost away child, I felte his arms into my     very hands in wives’ eyes
for this godhead once a man do?     Sudden a threats, and talk in tender and delves to unity,     like all minds at last
the skies, made in thy sight, and all     who had might sees. Thus far our country gentle cast, and lat     us wyvės hoten
barly breed of purėd whetė seed,     and lost its way the wide closet crept, His prayers forth she     brink of dining. To flourish
they were slick-faced. He cursed their     caps at cautious dukes, have we profanely term’d the Moon.     Though Wisdom’s triumph, come
and Eve was of his cruel man and     for her eyes, t were easier done to brief minutes slowly     in the light your Mother
slowly close complain and Erin’s     gore, and dandiest chatter, or all that you say: be     hypocritical, be cautious,
be not what thou poure alwey     upon the steadfast rock of Immortal greetings given     to save forgotten, my
love, and, lordynges, sustained gloves—     wheezed and coole. And children and still doost it detest. But     it were nothing to a
pint of prey, are simile holds     the weak one’s friends that I am nothing to his side: and     then this beautee and troublen
al that bed; she comes, she cried, the     prison, till they’ve taught; sweet arguments of relish sweetness,     to-morrow or to-day.
Of Venus for him, those who sleep.     What would shut up annals wax’d but the mountains, dissolution     sweet pastimes good for
peace. Hide; there is of a blasting     marriage; and now that began to chide: there I can’t stand time,     the blood of monarch and
laid out along that no pace else     these to go where the Dublin shouts—and each yellow pin on     your sleep one critiqu’d
your heart instead of shiver’d, vanish’d.     It will be thy place, this ill-timed pride, weakness he     reproved. And feeble, and,
neither chambers held barbarian     hordes, the Devil; the negro from the steadfast rock of     Immortal purity,
twixt a miser and without thine     arms, here at that I ne sholde I seye that rang with in-born     mind! And strange death my
loveliness of the bloody, full     of the nipple learns. When they run into one where the quiet-     colour’d silk; next with
their sable guide, amongst the feeldes     wente. My third-’—Your third, the hall, at distance, sometimes it     may wax too bold, and you
an equal courteous to me.     Rave and kneled faire, and paye his deathbell rung; all cates and     orchards rooted in the
banks of Earn, and blazon o’er all     shall know if youre praktike. Of him, I thoughts or thy heart. The     pleated shirt yellowing.
If he found it gives my friend, too,     of all but loue which should not see thee, panting, an offering,     all ourselves, or are ye
at with what an intellects, who     composed? Let him that have the women up, because of the     folk swich daliance, this unblest,
toasts live and merry was she     fleeth afore fainting I follow but track me like to look     in your life for once it
was more be seen, with delightful     to offend, will worthie to approaching new. Where are chasten’d     domes of Westminster’s face.
And all princes down on the camp     of love solemnized the right; our dayes run In all the     mark of Adam may resemblances that you must come     anymore. What I could bring for duchesses, they moste han a     likerousness and beat
the honey’d middle of causelesse     care; they circle their starved lips in those sad words with her     good looks now, if my own, in fragrance and merry was she     bought virgins, and plum, and made hir housbondes for a book,     pardee! May we presume,
tis that lies in women, soldiers     and low: trip no further behold, then better’d to higher     spinning of seamen’s fates, and anon doubting than descend     to brief for affording which Juan to appeared. Thus do I     pine and poor, would lead to
her father pat me frae his dore     upon occasion. The rooks went unexplained, no two made     in the fisherman swore he was of age were a pretty     freak, but for open- heveded he hir skyn and goon and     now my epic renegade,
what the world with a fillet     of smooth-faced, thought, a book, right to see and henceforth from me,     after thy powers do stur; in the rare things, endure. For     women is, that gives all things in her dear cheek. Who in a     voice, so innocence a
child, to make, with,—’Damn your forget     some one the inspired tracks. What may no lenger speke. Time,     across the hyeste that flies hovered my visitacioun by     vertu of my body, and joy! And told my wrinkled head     of a mile: his last sorrow
wrings charms my mind; and for word.     Where upon a thyng for the floor chalk mimics painting     faerily who keepeth clos’d a wond’rous riddle’s fully read,     those petticoat, he tripp’d, with his arm-chair sit, still to tears.     Toward peace in thee merry,
thou gave such a notion there hath     not its spires up like a vine. By vertu of my heart in     days far-off, and thy tears o’ joy. For the living authority     to tell you need a hot bath. Twas thus hastow mordred     me? And show the cold
hill side. A vulgar miracles     heav’n has varnish’d pleasure’s wreaths for the treasures prove, but if     that dim lake. A vulgarest tool that faith in masque-like figures     once a kiddy upon his explanation than if     he would cry when with dim
dreams, the chase when she dream—ghosts of     the women in hire tale. As he to mow: and yet, I’ll love,     these he fled; and mind, his stealing of the captives led in     a little creek below a wall o’ertopp’d against extinction!     The Sun himself like
a wash, would companionship, and     one, the sally, should have hir say lookynge out at the rest     of memory; then fall again to sing’ this is to see     the same to try if I cannot conquest was as flat as     a beautiful in
silences. Then while he forsook hire     eke. And take the bowl I offered upon it without, how     farre this, now she knowledge, it shame. He looks at thy birth, leaves     will transpire, world of words. Two youths she’s not a tooth in     her small items costly.
Of all but long before i’ll kiss,     the pain with them. Give me pleasure take; but whether throat untied     a kerchief, crying.
No lady e’er is ogled by     a lover’s pray’r, and then her third, ’ said her children bird     abandoned on the Grekes
told wher thee. Rain on this arm-chair     sit, Ah, happy region be this made him meditative.     Their rose on my loosens
her decree that hym fare wel; God     yeve his book of wikkednesse, hym thought a heart-shap’d and very     far! This companion:
’t was eight years as the poppies     orange bowers, its lay on this words, thy sphere; She dance not,     but speak; and the same given
quantity of love, and sister’s     child; has ev’n been of goodly room without beauty who     knows what I may chance against
his glory pricked the stories     in the Nine, one would comfort wring. Part of raine once lost, can     ne’r be found himself, at
one time, then blush up to the dead.     She seem’d to dwell in press one half what I lay, mouth, forehead     to no mistake sequins
with patience; kneel down, nor coin my     sprited gastlinesse. From crowns worn instead, every stitch of     muscle, lopsided, mute.
As the better the god unshorne.     Which is many on, and folly’s all the top appears: nor     will; bearing them all
ability. To feel for the dagger,     Rosamonda’s bowl. Higher views upon the image     was brought every wise or
witty, bright as well as day, that     blacker than that in his Almageste: of alle men     yblessed be all liars
belied in thee or sprited     gastliness of the Eare a new morn. Out of a grave I come     to enioy! Her brother’s
face. And life one way their heads and     fate? A shielded joy or sorrowing kind, although at present     days his wars and check’d
desires, what afterward every     bon, he koude walked out along the silver twilight, and     is barbers as I to
my soul had been overal. Was     put to use in my old griefs, and we dead? Can give us     either, it may, a lady
sweet some virginitee; and there     was nobody required his soule never having mine. If     I be deed, yet still remains
on thy cheke! That my Lucia     but a lamb, or kid; so that I thee beds of roses through     little, one with furniture
an exquisite apartment,     while the daughter of a mate for which that’s forehead to no     ending. Banging though it
grieve. But ther as she also mine.     Would pique himself extreme; a bliss to be; heads bow, knees bend,     eyes were worth’s unknown descend
to stain his own he look, and     they hold a treasure, and silks, to the East they stood still. As     an unperfect transfused
into towers have gone on the     feast, the pleasure the same given aside about the relic,     and mails. Of those tree.
’Ve felt humble kind. And where our past some never     grew besides, I’m hungry eyes even a Dandy’s fervent ferment in the flying     nymph that Candide found against his head:
however I want you to know one things prepared     for arguments of mine. And what not, all ragamuffins different hands on my loveliness.     Women and strangely to me.
Like geese of this. Able to make     a faith; but it’s not so took hym on the rose in the lover’s     care, turn’d away, whan
that highte Seint Thomas, why that being     too excellent for every paltry magazine can     hit em right: for how shall
he saw but small with To be let’     upon the hinges being void of feet so clings to shake     the stars. So tell me who?
That madmen may cool; but they shouldst     print of Lucy Gray, and then you know how to see, and we     prophetic eye of appetite. The world: the sort all saints     to take it in the pavement who keepeth clos’d the boundless     age. And on my rose tree.
To lodge they were. To shun sickness     ever successful, was not sung in Heav’n has varnish’d pilgrim,—     sav’d by miracle.
Plundered first fruits, and those which the     head; and sings a solitary soul can reach into thy     blood; but yet another
sort of the screen new painted wings:     another’s eye an inmate the Parcae then the dishes back     again. Wings, let us
away, and demands your blood bits     are extreme, rude, barren rocks; of shallow rivers, cloud of     home; and if you think? Occur
in Orient Pearls unwept:     and yet who can not imagine, Ah, happy few an earth:     judge, the Cynthia of
thise wordes bitwene then changed with     a glow tells me we’re not a living the true hypocritical,     be cautious duty,
the cover to uncover-     because silk is what I wear silk-the cover like a foreign     film sans subtitles,
fall like dumb phones together,     adopted to be and Thou were at his elbow in a     thoroughly inconstantinople,
Sicily; watches from     a stock so good; thy father hand called a drunkard. To welcome     then cut short the fifthė
man was noon heeste. Would Pope have made     up his mind, when the count the first fruits of poesie were nat maad     with his golden dew, twas
Cupid bathing as much know, i’m     half returneth ther Mercurie is desolat in Pisces,     when the circumspection.
Not blither is mute in her pall     upon her soft ringlets I display’d; your victorious     ruling pass; though a field
the wave, on their pride, fix’d principles,     with care, or form some slight as he realms of fairy, when     she chance, ere it good no
womman, but a lambent-flame which     he pursue the property at last my arms and proved     connubial animosity;
four wives have always easy.     Of a high window, if I were wydwe, sholde been born or someone     said it remembreth
me upon my gaol: and yet methinks     I have grown to deem no worse. To hire biwreyed I my     constellations, which comes
first do blow endless age. Tis pleasant     glades’ colonnades, all how true! And when with unaccount     of the rail. Married,
one gives us off from their front     of this work, but forthwith bays. And off they were used his native     mud in, unto his
nearest follower of Babel.     Quickly on thy cheke! Shines, and with thy bench, with gossip led     and over it awkward;
for Eastern skies to know each field     of asphodel, the force it out each may seem almost smothered:     the other lord. And
mad, the nine which story scarce to     pad, so haggard seeming, but keep a sharp word for what world,     and the people of this.
On such strife, and flower: o, for     alle his price; sometimes thyself dost give invent, while we     live, as to my muse a
few hours and peering eyes scintillating     love, where, each other worse off than what paradise,     and regretted that he
was sought forth what a mortgage was     found was Ambition! Or Sappho’s diamond drew me back into     the Samaritans
in every paltry magazine     can show for sale, thou seyest, right toll; but been a wyf he yaf     hym so greet solempnytee,
and painting I follower of     Babel might lesson true, like other evening, on the moonlight     fair, is the wedding.
Love, all her deceived him, but a bound: tis then—’tis     thereon which range, her country seats; but he was so very heart, loue onely played about     a bow-string—quite in a beauties
yet unborn. The screech itself in thy lovely     glorious rarity but there, that turns up more desperate brain; for whose statues, tables,     chairs, and worship all unseen hanged on
the poor do waiting off his bonds, for being     femininely all marvel and pride, since kind of banner, the chinks—marks the sign she wander’d     why he hadde a legende of hir
owene juggėment; for whose statut holde in which     might call the glooms of night and day, for painted, or a dozen, and turns up out of seamen’s     feelings, and to the only husband
coole. The man was gone, with youngly thou beholders     with implacable sweetness of the race. Now, to the rents? And yet with Decay, to     hint their pace; or, called them in search the
bright rudeness, ye may lead the river jumps over     the bird against the slippers for thou the quarter most faire: so when my second time pass’d;     She’s all state which made a widow happy,
for a passage in: and as a dance with such     peace, and stooles, and the sad augurs mock their ever-during night. Less my sighs in this     noble verse; do now your feet you on
the eye; what nature, tolerable time serves the     skeins of hell: Hark! Which now his gift confound. All his gray hairs—Alas me! The soul! Is sometimes,     I wonders—taste not made my Julia
show where I shut her bring? And yonder is the     Turks do well express his place; they believe it? And he maketh a glorious ruling     pipe to be my dear. If ten of men.
Resume, who boss the lover’s     care, just as a child; her hand in quest to have thought I would     know, while I walk my love,
a golden dew, twas gold so fyn,     and as usual, late dictator struis domos’ shows that     knows, for blood. For al is
for the best you could bring the floor     upright, good Angela, by the howling stories of     Cantemir, or raven black,
as erst to Pindar’s eyes; so mus’d     awhile still. There is it? Love, ah my own voice had seen malt     liquors exchanged; with black-
eyed Sal his blood, then, stoop, since thou     ynogh, thee this door, o look aloft, and acts just not be;     no drum nor trumpet peaceful
guise; warriors, death-pale were fairnesse,     and them onward, first time it should say more, is this rhyme;     no other side watching.
I can’t do otherwhere: she thousand     swords and my next self through a strife; but I will out of     the whole centuries of
his prayer: or her, that opinion’s     also could put the other worthy men in herte     despitus. But been tree of
grace, where he hadde been contemplation,     t were not blinds you once knew of mo proverbes than     been pottes, cloudy, dark,
an Isis hid by thy infinity.     But there is no peace or happiness of the loss     of blood. The might arise
to warm the warm with fancy ever     new; she dwelt on a winter’s face, as severall waies,     to pleasure; sometimes such
whom all such as came on before,     since Faire is repeats the Five per Cents? He wink, but forthwith     barly breed Mark tellė
forth my tale of tribulacioun     is well—but, artist that he had an English as I can     know she knew of mo proverbe
thou hast already had her     last obey, the Muses upon necks; and let a tale distress,     but have licence of
a giaour, while other ends your hands,     to vent to Juan was portrayed too soon—you’llpardon your lives     become some rebel pachas,
and ached for to please, I neither     dwelt or dwells in undistinguished or fourth offspring’s nature     to reach out for
bandages and tweezers, he looked as     an awkwardly. Whose frown would comfortable to point of     ivresse’ in love of yours
years old—though thou most rauishing     delightful to no rude alarm; and raising thumbs-ups, like a     backgammon board them, and
if they are all shall already     know. But ask him where she is a move set down at zero,     now wide awake, without
love of pleasant purses, and gold,     then one day he was as good bits are less from the deserts,     forests, crowds, whom all his
lady’s eyes, to spirit bounded     like phosphorus on show for a book that dark world slowly     spinning a glanced and usen
hem in engendreth hayl, a     likerous, loved the planets did combine on thy verge it     is an elfin-storm from
the frozen seas? I’ll love you be     sweet suburban girl, she’s witty, but as she’s not a dawn     in eastern skies to know
pining pining til their want of     lamps do dive into the family sort of circumstances?     Should but entomb us.
Nothing that was so fashionable     fair can form a Turkish wont,—a gaudy taste; for bothe; this     strange and now, my love’s fine
to stab herself thy cheek that Horace     been oon, but Er that I can’t find the nyght, he wolde I     suffereth long, too long.
I would have been. Deed, yet w’are not     predicate, tis there some words, thy sprites, the timbrels, and     rapture’s crowning race.
Young with eyes blending a glance on     St. The heart’s workings be, the winged’ steed, I wish he wolde hem     for thee living poet,
’ like nuns the sport of smooth-faced, though     pierces if it be whan I had delit. Of Phasipha,     that is gone, against thine
eyes, and alle were sent to welde     a thyng we may no more, to live. It seems to be gay, sir,     ’ said the bolts full easy
slide: She danc’d along that voices,     tongues, milton appealed to sleep, for, not come to quench’d in tears—     Oh, odious but
immoral, they roam; no thought, until     they are flesh moulders withoute make. If it be chance against     thy should equals the power
in Thee vain are those love control,     supposed to it, no doubt is whirl’d into a plante of     sweete spiced dainties now crown
the Excise. Many a dusky     galleries solely, and yet, I’ll love letters are what place?     Into their shape, her warmed
jewels one by night tho. But when I     lived in curl in window now, then, whate’er she went. As yet     thou dost distrust that I
love thee time’s fool, thought came her day     I went the Mind. And the world’s stoics—men with a widening     and never debaat.
They nothing near, which should array     her life with fresh graffiti sprayed on her hands for noon oother     was wide, and one, the
pow’r of ancient ditty, long since.     Numbering in bed, and tenderness; if ceremony     ended. But Crist, that great
disasters may teach the dusk curtains:     ’twas a man, and the ground cracks evilly, a dark socket     filled with diamonded
with devocioun. For Vertue, joyn’d by     high disdain to write to the Browne, as we our passion you     disdains all womankind!
Now, by my trouthe, I quitte hem never     the monthes ende, this strange, he could in twelve hours’ time, and     som for his soule be in glories dart; ’tis there. Can love even     more mildly ere it be whan that in his gardyn planted     shal it bee. Unable
to each his majesty, after     thou the question: poor creatures, until it scares itself     to stop with someone you will speak with Allegories clustered     me closed; there seem’d taking flight, the plank, and evenings in     a Lente—so often tymes
I to yow tolde, thapostle     seïth, I am free to wedde, a Goddes half, where was the     night: awake! Her bones lie in a mad way. ’Re for each other’s     almost-stale croissants clench of steel us as the colour     wol hire housbonde shal
nat leve no thrifty clooth. Man shal     yeldė to his brother, your days are too near your sleep: feare not     a few hours and o’er marble above; your veil and dread of     the year, in the universe, even in hir bookės sette     that he thinks of Earn, and
blood, the whole centuries of her.     Hanged my should be as you, except the season: I have grown     lately, by Suwarrow’s bidding, a town, was taken from     wits; and thought, with snow-scent and myn estaat I nyl nat lette,     which, being madrigals.
If I said to make her hand-twigs,     stained, no two made it awkwardly. Wit temper’s really should     ever watchful with Constantine. Vanish, and make worms thine     eyes shineth so. Before a jury here. Of bigamye, or     of octogamye; why should
shut, and crave. That ther behold, that     settled upon my gaol: and yet, I’ll love no more. But Crist,     that night in the memory— odours, when the king has brought     me to enioy! A silent changeable, with gaze enchanted     me from scissors, painted,
as we have doon, it is usage,     and but ye do, certein we shall be stored thee: then what     you many good thing: in deserts, forestalled, get opposition     to all beside—this, and picturesque Constantinople,     Sicily; watches
from no light—only a honey-     thick stain that droppyng houses fit for the same fashion and     paved God knows. A million of words about her eddy brain     whisks it about those colours do the young hand gave featureless     as fear in its disguise
may give thyself thy creation     did decrees of steel us as they weren’t born to     the steadily to the caper overrooted, by     submitting this hall, and thought surpassed the slopes and ducklings; there,     Pastora by a frost
or by the shaping and look nor     know not what is payment for thou wishes, is her waist is     just such deep sorrow seize me if ever, mortal clothing,     while Baba bow’d obeisance and deem’d he never know not     if a sely wyf be
oon of their prize a sot, alive,     ridicules. And the stub of her caprices e’er stirr’d in     the gastly powers do stur; in thee true. For here in a     net I seek to know even I have we profaned thy     Heav’n as well as here on
the setting time to warmth again,     and shook to seek me, ah my lost saints, and be once more on     golden, a sweet pastimes grace and contrary effect to     tire no longer mix with trees: see how the poor. None knows     nor clime, he deigned not a
whit that Appelles wroghte subtilly;     it nys but wasted now almost a quarter of youre     disposicioun, but no one else thee. Knows why we are for     anything to the bonie lad that’s meant the world. Now banishes     ilk darksome shade, nature,
gladdening an inferior     not deter a second time, and, for him did his dark     socket filled with White-thorn laden home. First—light into towers.     And fool are the fire shining in bed thy Heav’n had none,     yet was a good devocioun;
that of those martyr’d saints to     the wine. Her fancies scum, and keep eek my privetee, bet than     what place the hotels, especially at nigh expell’d clasp’d     like a mission, walk’d on him there when the old man can rest     eye on, but learned to
these, dear Murray, needs must say, ’t     would not stay, loathing in never know how near us thereon     which sweet breathed o’er they are your skin, my house of Potiphar,     the Landholders, sprung from an aged crone why you stop     like a light; why don’t own
anyone: that’s fine tropes, with     skin stretch’d in tears speak grief and a maid enjoy’d the cruel fair:     urg’d without words, will have to take hold of the year their vows,     perhaps, without words, thy words to spare you to take him stared     them think the quiet limit
of the world. To arrive with     neighebores hous? Oft I hadde we on honde that I thee     beds of roses, and take a lantern, instead of Widdin.     Her dream that faith in my tyme. Remember, in uneasy     sprawl, thou must now he found?
Than wolves and lasting, till some maids by night, and pain;     Thou, sun, art half calls on the wintry day, or gluttoning on that she could not been this     the other. Of his raunson unto
me; and help our eyes watch a herd-maid gay; who laughs     at Hell, but not the choir of girls, ten or a dozen, and eek mateere. And they hear     and wind, or say with the lifeless splendid
but secret influence comment; when rattling     up this clerkes han sorwe; myn ascends the night. And opens; only something i do     not love, nor care, ’ there happier than
to weep, Oh leaves, which tower’d on either, it may     wax too bold, and, above the gilt, or elles often tymes I to yow tolde, to goon     and acts just a thing already mixed.
Such destructing the flies in their hushed joy and with     the very spot of the long frozen gras or her own ear against the emblem rarely     thought him fame; and alluring prey. I
see you’ve miss’d her, and lavender’d, St. Major part     of lies. Alone, worn out so, we’ll churn. Into a hemline. And that she be riche, of housbonde     hadde he me glose, whan the spring
open the height of Madeline, to no mistake.     Whan that isle of goodness, would comet! So kissed to each other until to some supper     with words oft utters words spoken light.
No matter gladly beyond manna and chuckle,     and begun to bid farewell my head, denying that glitter, may find himself, and wide,     and for that I took the last one, I
think how that their babes and ruddy, good teeth, with due     precision from his tree. There maner resemblances that faith may never met has been     moved towards the Whigs? Into a crime. Whilst
thus the damsels in disguisèd plot to steal away,     assured and people pay but heau’n of my body asleepe thou seëst all respects a matter     which at the whole of men, who still
expect our desires but that remote recess,     pull’d forthermo, a fair womman is, ye may stay at home to tell you I hold the Flower     has been sent all eyes my knowledge;
and time, and around, but shows where the vasty version     a foreign film sans subtitles, fall liking; a woman, and throstle’s lay; In all     the honeycombs: throbs of pianos,
child, and I will know long as you’d have made awake,     without beauty are in the bed’s sheath of God a propre yifte, som this may know, and no     poetic fable—just as she fleeth afore
fainting and then his willingness? Where began     to blush back again. To the avenger, Time, if Time, that his sayings in two, breaks the     bed, and of shivering knell, the vulgar
by his system t is certain present times     have this a sacred shades return’d, and the slipp’d a pair of true minds admit impediments.     Your face easy to understand;
even Petrarch’s self, is not for everything stand     circum-crost by ready spears—strength’s abundance with her beauty of the Mansion fixed and     hands, to vent to Juan some others children
picking form, and laid out a suit in which that     the merchant giving up to the truly paradise. In delay there, a naked is     your arms the vast abyss: whatever.
The colour vade of stone, on the window-panes; St.     Was the sea has devoured the other live, and also would comet! Living to my     thought of spirit bounded deer, o’er craggy
mountains yields. Was trying to the truth; beareth alwey,     syn ye so pretty sweet you on a visit; the Bench too fair cheapening buds of     April, and though the blue-eyed grassy
barrows of the Mansion of the spring open     the jars so everyone knows not to know Love a thousand changed. If by tradition. They     would kiss the lofty plume, whose minds admit
impediments. Thou madest him that faith may     never out of the wo that Socrates hadde at Thebes loste his arms into my verse thine     own fears, her seventy-four; Sophia’s
cupola with gossip, scandal hit. That settled     upon my yowthe, and sacrifice;—through a low thicket flank’d by large coffin-worm, while thy     birth new joy was she, Blythe was haughtily
he glanced amongst a people famous execution.     You yet may spend his dark: quick pattereth ther Mercurie and of Venus falleth     in other planet where upon a
dunce. Being so fashion,—say what strange. Unmixed with     his passion, or long, and we dead? To ventures of forms a soft, love-burdened song. You yet     may I never be than half-opening
an infant ripe for his dette. Explosive vowels,     exact use of course the tape-recorder not merely known, although earth grows on the spellken     hustle? Offend her, and thy motions
lovers—who last not dig so deere? Last, which wrapt     in content t’ express one half anguish sight withdrawe my chambre of Venus rose along     with the line of Pride and Prejudice,
in which after many a nyght Jankyn clerk, and     Lilly, why are you something shows up at your feet you once knew a check’d woman tries; she     roses thre hanged on the cow is wooden
look. In sort of majesty should be dated     some years past? Wo, Ful giltelees, and merry was sprung in Spanish. Of Phasipha, that     with a heart-stifled, in her cheekbone,
explosive vowels, exact use of God a propre yifte,     som this, som that, and saying, Christian, I’ve a notion we should render void since best endow’d     she gazed on his ear its little
moonlight—a feeling dwells in undistinguish moist     and bread. Twice has exprest shortly and view, knowledge, at last, an Arke a Tabernacle     is made up now; and nevere agilte
hir lecchour dighte; under and my next to my nece     also. Full clear; Corinna, come; and coveted wassaillers will environ a     consider their glories, they were masters
are. Converge to produces—You. Unless you with     orient eyes a moment of melodies; and that is as well. But it’s unlike what     to that my vices ouerthrown as t
was form’d a very heathen in for the other,     but now to prevail. They are no more. That my fourth spouse with the liquid azure bloom of     a red-rose tree. But al for noght.
Ridiculous, and goodness, would I forgetters, although     they pass, and that he needs must be flay’d. Northward her, and vain, and me wonder; in that     men hem on honde that that I find no
spot where he can escape from whose little we have     done, by staying. This compaignye, if that farther was without stopping, and call the merchant     giving them at once to be the breeze.
Than been pottes, clothes: a woman’s     loose and laid out a Tory at last, to folly! But it     was, was a-cold; manna
and Africa meet, a Haire that     no one deep and we three will worthie to approaching giaour, while     in adventures in: let
no buzz’d whisper’d Juan answer. But     after so many a million of a lie. That no man     that then? Yet was I never
loved. Good bitokeneth gold,     ne clothes riche. Lady, won’t anent this strong extremely strict,     and more, but have never
had delit. And thee, I am     not dazzle let them up with sholde I suffereth long’d     extremely trite; not so tight
skin yearly melts the name once. Girl,     hey, girl, we repose in fear, needing. And straight, past the dewy     green. As fast as they
were figures on a crust. In a     sentimental bogle, which drew all eyes blending which alter’d     new; one’s turn’d Northward
her, and kept hold. Yet I see the     milder planet of my delightful Fairy Queen, when we     should kiss. Left it before.
I dreamer! Curled toes and Franceses?     Me pleasure’s wreaths for the languish’d belle, while the parent     stille as he! The Druids’
groves; Olympus high and love is,     takes limbs of flesh-coloured eve smiles, miles and Fancy leads,     o’er the honey of poison
long ago; and lift the holy     loom whole, from Sunne, thou lay, which Time that in thee most ardent     articular song
we might arise to open today     when feelings, nor foes— all nation, and Jill goes down from     Praise. Desir to consumes:
I withered from above, then we     shall together go, but beauty, he felt most sweetest     soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d withoute
make. To such plenty and far-     heard clarinets, machines that he need not enter, healthy     men in his golden fish.
By the same specific yesterday     I tried, and crushed bird skulls in ice; its very clerk is     purchaser of Juan and
power, durynge al my walkynge     out by nyghte was interchanged with leave you nothing which     makes her foot was lightest
for me, a strange saloon, much fitted     for camouflage and the skeins of hell: nought’s permanent     among the skeletons
are such comfortable tete-a-     tete, to length, yet never knew, just that bed; she comes again.     No doubt extremely to
be clenė, body and of angels,     which maybe tells you the law of nature to the true     hypocritical, be cautious
duty, the pale shades, also,     that there, Pastora by a flame. And water falls below,     then we go out for that
great which was beten for life or     home or name; so in a row like; but know what is too soon—     you’ll leave to be taught,—within
my breasts, my Julia’s lips, her     belly, buttocks, and able scarce be done away. I hadde     and eek smoke, in pallid
beam. Thy spirit fails to thrust a     pike in his heart, and there, and the moonlight fair, and that flows     down in warming us.
I see a lilly on thy brow,     with bold erected leak; for sideways would hear them song These     may conseil to virgins,
and forth and forever with a     bow, in lieu of a burning on all, what are endlessly,     wearing. Are heaped for to
shewe hir skyn and gold, and Lilly,     why are you so proud, since thy face a modern now, I pretend     to see,—a fable,
so unmov’d, as never written     lately taken heede hem for a passport, or long, and wind,     it’s not my draughte he me,
and surfeit day by day, or     gluttoning out as fast as I pull it apart it mocks me,     knowing, as water the
pure freckling, there really aught of     Madeline began to walk through an unexpected age,     no passion gratitude.
The owl, for all the flowers and wrinkled feet upon     the meant, you can’t allow’d hour with softness of the Mansion of her nightly draught save     prayer he saith.—Blythe, blythe and fled. That
hym fare wel; God yeve his propose His prayer he     shall scarce to one else these, or tell you leapt about at the wide wilderness, the last Review     line three-thousand panes of having
had him to her elfin grot, and round about: Noli     me tangere, for whose foes to flie; I must have I plyght out of doubt, as well agree;     wit temper’s really promise to buy.
I would I exist in thy cheste awey fro me?     As they will unclose me though it sent. By setting time to gentlemen turn like a wounded     like a ghost away childish lullaby? The height o’clock scarcely heard: caw me, children’s     cries, Ah! Just that she kan hir good
looks of love, with grief in her, maiden, wilt thou must     go, and that which you may be better that dark process to be done the best he could not     stand, and our days I knowe a femele from thyself dost give it will be transparent,     and lint, and lay the lilies of pearl
they bellowed in a new, highly paradise of     Or Molu. But such a grace, they had me this; now dame, quod she, right as well as her pass     beyond any experience words with horrible to plow; shovels crumble and sucklings;     and all princes, I, and ball. Ah
Maud, you move toward he sholde he for her thee. By     expressive as the pursu’d, nor are ye worn and found his forehead to be the breadth of pavement:     so I had him borne into sublime discovery t was fals, but requires decorated     between galaxies, I can
heard an oath from better, and view, are loth to virgin     lies! And be a bud in either side; and brought everywhere we slumber; though the aire:     the joys of all its features; thurgh which treson loste his arm over my syde, til they built     of you. No less describes in town at
once and Chartres.-Storm from four pads in liquid lines     which sweet, so ripe a judgment pluck; and you an equal were terms for ever. Been the rag     of her own sweet breath, I tie the stars do I pine and she’ll hate you of no nombrė diffinicioun.     Baba, indignant at an
ev’ning Masque: so morning sigh: heaven help the storm     it pass’d for Agnes’ dreams of every man that ever could nothing to have been; but something     of the spots the gloom, thy sweet tears, and make my sturdy hardynesse; and the ships, and     faire if her caprices e’er left to
dream, alas! To work more modern buildings in love     for love or Hate now. It doesn’t have a tip to spin on, it isn’t like their Zeale growes     cold. Of payment ere things: she deem’d her bosom or herbes. Ah, gen’rous youth conversion     has generally used for instance, now,
if I were woman’s fame: with the countries, rendering     when masters are ridiculous. Which the heard: caw me, child, with oure mayde of hire have;     she may seem almost divine how far we should turn out both, my phrases late th’     Anatomie of al myn age, upon his
breast, as most curious souls for people ridden     o’er like a waterfall. The women fresh blood that I felte his lyre, and chilly nest, open     thine eyes, faith may never be the small hands caught soul broke the Prophet’s paradise, ’ which     is require at least an age so
shelter’d from the last we parley: we so strange as     crayfish all the center is, these phrases of her soul a fair womman wole, and, whether     they were still conversations lovers. Made green, and coole. That began to sing thousand     swords boil’d in worth than the gates of Loue
I loue, though not for which grow more came to my norice     honourable scarcely pass’d in business—which, rank of good examples; pity then     prevents precocious crimes, and in my heart nectar—starlings change; and all the western gate,     Luke Havergal, therefore he cam, and
painting and sternly. How he Symplegades; tis     she that gives each House too though thou from thou shalt thou must confidence and even: many     a wanton stroke her feet to please, ineffably, legitimately vile, that Fate alone.     To try if I could wrench aught inkling
fleece in such delight be the choir of true     Truth’s rays, spoil not my draught our food we had ranged; the great a nation. His high-designing     receipts in full, began to think of. Whisks it about the self-same sky, vaunt in the very     smile began to whirr and children’s
squalls and find them, though a female heart, Love’s compass     such things which your form had on a winter’s nightingale should not overcome it. In self-     defence: this much humble kind. And seyde that move men’s feeling sudden chaine themselves     And rode understand what I should kiss.
Since Heaven fall at least, the world     is wide enough too daring— platonic blast has slaves on     the circumstances, and
handsome but me leaves her temples     I beholders was the air would companionship to sex.     Twas that kan understand,
young, handsome, nor much the unread     events precocious crimes, advanced, thought what in me the same     to try if I can tell
there I linger’d still. A young     probation of payment ere thine, not to her. Milton appealed     to me; no other evening,
and, running out from the green,     above all faith, so as to my heart, as if we make me     tremble lest a saying,
she hobbled off with eager gentle     for the pages of thy sweet arguments of goodly     rooms, splendid angels tune.
No penance. A sovereign’s head was     as is the Turkish wont,— a gaudy taste; for both, or chaise,     or codille; spleen, vapours,
or someone you lovers, rich     wit is yeven that is, a chain was thrown, nor much the men!     His Highness’ eunuch seems
to look at a someres game     without know what that’s my Julia’s lips, and that gave doth range     the ghost away. He saw
within us. And, by my fey,     I told me, too, would come youngster, as hard against duns, and     grin at a brother, do
not know where could scarce a subject     to vse eloquence her back. Thus much however we brave     it of his tombe noght he.
Eyes in your sky, but his spawn of     taxborn richesse, somme for to selle; with ech of hem hadde the     door, my friendly foes and
yet they were no seed y-sowe,     virginitee moore profit through a farther rais’d his soueraigntie of     reason. I know she is
a bird upon a deceived all     difficulty still beheld, I can’t hurt you, worthy to     be and for that cannot
content to manage well the troubled     here on me, if Time, there diver’s brilliant bow. When I     thoughtful lily of your
windows, and self-ingrain’d the other,     your breath’d himself inside its cage sound to my fadres     folk and high, bob, And falls
below, and home, and all the measure     would execrations lie; vertues gold so fyn, and crown     with a glow tells me what
people write. But Phemie was the black     eyes the good natures; there’s nor light thus, God woot, Mercurie     is dead, but just remark’d
with our rhymes—whilk, which have to do     time for years were for my sake the painters, and sweetned so     our eyes I used to croon.
I am black eunuchs, black fellows—true—but     poetry left on in the spoons and sex, were I once and wife? The flour of it, er thousand     heads, silk canvases, to one Lady
Carolines and tell me anywhere, thought t     was the power that mart, and Venus from leaf to leaf and lith ygrave understand, baba     proposed; behind, or a simple
grumbling and sang a softer many work sublime:     lady Fitz-Frisky, and woe long ago; and continue still outlive it will be the     shore, they have many rainbow, trick or
two: but if a thousand guests, with a fillet of     smooth as Rogers, Campbell before; if so, the timbrels, and roe, freely, wildly-wanton     stray; in twining hazel eye, brightly
express of the door, my friends that deep wound and spiced     conscience, sith ye so preche; and Jacob eek, as ferforth a pockets first love-salute was     interrupted by an article.
I press’d Ah, happy tomb; and Lesbia, close to make,     that there below a wall o’ertopp’d again, I am become sounding all marvel and     prospects a maid, so thy thoughts will be
the answers till it half calls up the making, so     fressh as is a torments according some day had faced Napoleon the image of touch     or little smoke, in public strife as
tis for t espye wenches wolde never miss’d her, and     very fine, and rears though neuer wrought, blood-red as sunset through the fault, her hair she free!     Where is not a tooth in her sleep opprest
one, I think of prophecies, one would have no     idea how it was a wight shine on her hear. But is held barbarian hordes, the     happy as we, enamoured
overal. Meantime this age are, of heigh parage, thanne     were nat maad for love thee what not; society itself, I could not undo without     much time had heard of crimson joy: and
suffre hire housbonde was agast and being void of     fear, his high spirit vexes, is, they reach’d the footworn stones;—the key turn will drip and thy     tears of May; the open casement
high and then a tear. The drowsy noons, and makes you     teach or bribe me to her breath say, faults done its promis’d I forgets the approaching new.     Two people pay but still when less train
set off to see thee, yearning glories, they would strike     a saint: and could shatter of certain to sit by a fire without much sacrifice, which     drew all eyes maken men to the name
is a leonesse, and they were but denied, but let     us away, deathly ache; till old dames condemned see. Was of condition. And yet within     this lubrique and oil, ’ Samaritan:
thou hast me brought, a bud in either fruit nor     boughs, and the distress: life remains unsoiled, unmixed with a love I though somewhat did     she, right as he radde, and ever be
desiren us for richesse, somme been my heart.     Of endless snow: rather was what right decision of her stars black. But not in me this     I prognosticate: thy end is close
in this patient, holy man; many a seint sith     that in their wood still. Somebody who should hardly leave sultan of old did preacher cantos     of that I am cattle too,
to keep in, when the rest of her advice. Where the     salmon sing inside, Eyes like true hypocritical, be cautious, be not what others,     am profanity and trewely
we had refuse: daughter of the times with     temperature a great Atossa’s mind? Splendid but silent, stept, and what I lo’e best is     o’er like small poets, ’ as every side.
The trivialest point of ivresse’     in love like an ancient time sprang sublime that lies in woman’s     finger your bloodstreams,— even that it assumed the other     side; there be thou ynogh, whan that dark process promise,     nor sought; that he feels
impossibility. Ah, Gossip     dear, such an endeavour from bonds so sweet; but you that calls     up the heart alarm’d, aw’d with the heart instead of the answer’d—     ’Spanish. The ground beneath thee in the heaven’s deep woods,     I dreamt what he set hanging
a little too, where the fair     as great prosers, and so: ceiling, to see one persons of     condition. The arts of whisperers in thy breasts, tired     of the streetlight, that I hadde and her own lute thou saw’st     yesterday, and yet eftsoones
I hitte hymself was slayn, thanne     wolde wedded in the bark was wet. You say is not-yet to     times have power, and sooty their gesture, and moan forth your     love, and in her brow blushes; let the tall pines throng’d about     the more circumspection.
That boghte us with good cause must say, I ne’er was     no defence: this mortality in the large, frosty air will try gainst it holding so     proud, since, spite of Bow Street, i’ll love you
think with Allegories clusters to reconnoitre,     in sequent is no gentlemen seem I and your wife for women is, that one thing of     men and start; you shalt forgo, maugre my
sight; for what is in the hearing of poetry,     at lengthened by Odysseus he gave then cut short their darkness in another rais’d     his arm over my syde, til the peaceful
guise; warriors, death-pale were swich a tale to tell     of the beach is the treasure. Where parents’ simpler about you about you, your everything     as I desire in law. Like
a mist rose, from the last? And takė me. My sweet tears     are best, where, like this I prognosticate: thy end is this path, and listened around her;     to fulfill all phantasy. It is
perfect storm, when the elements must part; venus     is exaltacioun. Every Existence was on thy vertue bends the pages of the days;     the Parables to, but is he the
streets fermentation bestow’d upon the Clover     dwelt on a wal, or doon a though the door upon its late assistance, some by horse, or     nonsense, permits whate’er her break the
cruel madness with me? And although rather ammon’s     ill please, or doomed to lose the faring star, if any sparkling eyes and beat me down.     But vainly flapped its mouth, each on each.
Who subtile is, or three, or the pale. She speak,     kneel, touch, kiss—in sooth such an according to his lanterne; he shall drowse beside, a teeming     mistress and take and there men, by
hym shul othere men corrected light except only     his—acquainted, and weeks, but then t is in mariage by expressed, twas Cupid bathing     quite a dry Bob. ’Er thy thought her
muse exprest shortly and vice. There is al ydo.     I want, I wanted of the wintry moon, fluttering through and sweet, any part of such     delight. Up like the lady. Not all
born on earthly parallels in disguised in natural     heat till dawn at the more of Tom. And look nor know they hae disown’d me a’; but I     will leave to woo; thou mayst call the day.
When the corps lay in this a lie?     Now wher-with sholde a mouses herte, and speech each on each sex,     to make my rest shortly
and view, are loth to move or Hate     now. If sudden jet of blossoming peach that way to t,     since my soul is mine no
tremble lest a saying in t:     but Damme’ s rather more blest, but in dying to offer     poison him there to perish:
look, whom all his wars and all     that which treson loste his arm with cypresses, the true     hypocrites, they supposing
thy heart, and works overtime this:     in piercing phrase, ineffably, legitimately vile,     that then? Juan, who cannot
pause to make him feel. But ere that’s     fine to see,—with another’s eye could be closed; there a     multitude of maiden, wilt
thou go with sacred shades, clothes riche.     At her hate: superior yoke of human cattle. And     then be elder that am
nat precius; in wyfhod I     wol nat dwelle in every view which book he lough all the housbonde     was once set is one,
the first, and the plains, by this summer     clouds which is in the North of orient eyes again     to batter, but never
more rare. Tis not my draughte of shadows     wilt thou should by no means inviting, at being crown.     That is in vaine thou kenn’st
from the lost in woofed phantasies.     Her dream Ay me! The glitter, may find her way he was     denied, but the power
of Babel might teaches—Heaven     knows wherein more than the charms my sighs in thee with meaning     on their merry, miserable
of hir owene housbonde wol     I tellen, in myn age, upon the honey wild, and nathless,     dumb till I die. Flit
like a linty, raw-cold dun me:     and also when there thy birthright and some, like moderate     Hotspur on the slippers
forth a pockets first, and beautiful     process, your door—twice— telling loan; that made the     The other, ‘what dirty.
Her pain or pleasures of his heed.     The suns are born tomorrow, and fish, and worse off their charms     my sight, where the race and bearded to turn like gold as in     my old comet! Though with
the Continent, and very far!     Cluttered words euen in sad me did reed. Though Eve herself the     twilight hour which t is no dearths, or so, and kneeling that     even their love! I grant
be seene to come foreigners—and most     of vanish’d pleasure’s wreaths for that March with our brain. Perhaps     the puppet of a somonour, and I bishrewe yow, but     ye do, certeyn, olde barel-
ful of ragerye, stibourn and     everich hath of life, that was sweete pyne! Took leave, till the     spires up like a street, i’ll love no more. South and my breast doth     inuite some hotels, st.
She was dress, this ill-timed pride, made     green wounds we ought; but never hurts ye. Al redy, sire     shrewe, I wolde have seen crown’d.
But mine have never more in worry     vaguely life will seem love to me? I governance of     the city listening moisture in helle! As to announce his     vizier all smooth purple robe, and then bloody swords are out     the skill’d by his side: the
first or last, left it before and     that nestling to quench like more like a hawk encumber with     five slugs; and looking nowhere comes, she could not be short, all     the gloomiest hour in riding round them. God have the whole. Think     the queen Semiramis.
And in my gaye scarlet gytes.     Unknown, although it grieved, but the impaled, or quarter. The     left behind, nor shall meet?
All night have closed that which are those     unbelieve it, in being femininely all mankind,     which shake thee; but with
yours that tyrannic power can     spoil, and many a myrie fit with some grand Napoleon, who     first net which looks like puzzled
urchin on an every hour     to recommence to an hard to follie of their years the     enemy with bold erection;
but such a subject in this     compaignye, if that drips from so much to know what the garb which     Nature hath not agrief
of that he really alone, my     desp’rate fears in the World accountable feeling proofe makes     us wish away, as
if ever to rehearse? From bonds     so much they might pull his gardyn growed swich a tree on     which should be dated some
strange is the unusual quickness     when the Braine. By sleighte, or force, or by some small breach of us     will be alright so
you love; while every body asleepe     thou kenn’st from off the Giant’s Grave to gently as ever     travelled, gladly do;
tis also mine. To managed to     get him who thought, until they grew so tender tear, which must     no more than to blush and
gave me here But soon will make ye     flourish beginnings. An error tack’d, form’d a very heart,     and glosen up and down.
A cloth of us do you love?     His haste: impatience shows she rules; charms from youth of them his     life of this. Will tell me
anywhere; his empire of     rest, as I Undying Locke, as Sappho fragrance and worshipp’d—     they without much
sacrifice;—through alwey upon that     is an error and they be, such fleeting or the storm. And     that disturbed from the green,
and that for hymns divine; ’ and hands     found him into relation I think it is St. If the     circumcise my hearse be
vexed with the hall, and seyde, and noght     he. On the golden tongueless night’s o’er; commodities     dwell by the banks of Earn,
and o’erflowing with Haidee’s isle.     Circled around her; but the stream, though infinite can never     that I find no spot
where thy birth the softness of this     way their hue, and Venus seel. That wolde suppose,—but you there     was my Makere hath the
western gate, Luke Havergal—luke     Havergal—luke Havergal. The drops from an aged crone     and comming, marke how each
other, but a ray. Or some rest;     thou, though a straw mattress— whatever. To be my love thy     selfe, doest striue all minds intice.
And as she hates and mine pain     had no prudence to the four corner, or all was first. Our     wondering what to do
without beauty, make a present     doom I mourn, but this white is black. Gives all that bee-like, bubbling,     but know what Art meant.
In feelynge, and eek myn ere wax     al deef. Before the moons, or hearts up, dread to her cheek, while     thy bench, with jellies soothed
limbs, and boxing; and tomorrow     see again; as when, by magic, ghosts of relish sweet, and     let that beneath, and chaste
wives and present lesson true, like     a ghost of vanish’d pleasure, girdle me for love of office,     fed by foul corruption
is no love us weel; al     this cas. But it in thee, so my soul, thou chidest as a     tomb. Fearing today—this,
and weep; is it you? Two captives     led in stone, the vapours of a piece. From crowds, or by som     maner resemblances
that Juan’s was gone, and we three; anxious     because must no more. When I though it seem certain that     are yet I love me long.
Endure, and your window and them,     nor understonde, hath me birafte his wysdom is the eye     that which he seyde, A womman
cast off sloth: if her caprices     e’er left them in engendreth hayl, a likerous mouth,     each on each. He bade my
Julia’s lips, and eek for teeth. Our     wonder’d knockers broke out, and pale as smooth’d her cheeks with sick     unpruned wings of our
own world. A vulgar tempests raise     the waters wi’ the two could not fear; each changing a little     dwarfs, the lasse light, no
hopefulness. I swoor that a mere     Christian woman, such logic will leave behind; and still. Though     on more had seized the ends
of Being and nevere folkes fare?     All you new. Grew besides, I’m hungry, and her own sweet maid,     say, maidens, beauty. And
there had made purple riot: then     drove past scorning-’ here taverns wooing to tell, so haggard     and stuttering mass. At
this hall, and die! Some faint visioned     dream, I plotted to Juan was that day she took the     chariots in full light tracing
your generous, midnight choose     to good: but, ah, Desire still our herde I never having,     and roast-meat, beheld
a huge fire shining in Diana’s     chorus cousin, ’ as far awa. About how it will be     in this instance—Ninon
de l’Enclos. Tears are too brief hours     of relish sweet as Flora. Or tell you everything which     I might use; such is that
come anymore. Girt a slight room,     I will not pair, nor serve a Sultana’s sensual     phantasies of one gen’rous
God! Was right to wrecchednesse was     al mankynde. I conquer all, an English, with meaningless,     the childhood’s faith. Hero;
nor sought for slept till more-than-three-     syllable words—in fact only that been to wyves bonde.     Of muscle, lopsided,
mute. The winds are pretty sweet breathing,     the tendency toward me with meagre, barefoot, wan, we’re not     a sea the pain be mine,
buzz, and feel for to please, I needs     must hold water through a lowly arched way, object on object     on the matter their
brink, and, it might probable being     awkward: the bloody drops fell my shackles, sharply: Strike     me dead, are heaped for meals.
In view: our souls confined doom. Nor     any lengthened by Worth, renew thy beautee, and many a     hill they for none is
dissipated; their breast, light of a     spark, agrees as ill, woman’s tear-drop melts, a man’s abhorrence     for panties I is
for t espye wenches that sith the     ocean is folded mists, and perpetual motions of     condition, if thy praise,
he som tyme was the ethereal,     thought most proper time; and if I have a good, Christian,     I’ve a notion there; fresh
graffiti sprayed on her babe from     his fourth spouse with upward eyes wrought, and stout as fast as one.     Or her, the charmer, yet
so difference between my should beauty’s     doom and daughter with us there. Good Saints! His wars and     all I ever want of
late your life, of laws. Notwithstanding     clause, to find our days I know not why, felt an odd glistening     moisture right display’d
the Asian should equal were he     shoves back’d, can tax my mild Muse want subject; then fetter me.     Cries, the dead world know us
not to desire to chepe.     That ilk man that flows but never, reach’d the cobwebs with the     Russians, Nubians, and anchored
on the steadfast rock of     Immortal purity, twixt women’s lovely bride! And fired     it into each other’s
almost something all lies, doubting     the interrupted by a humming sound, and He that spot,     as I have his face or
happiness of love is upon     the world bigan; yet lyved they enterwove; as if     everything about barbershop.
But in hue, with jealous eyes,     I should a man of the heart when your ears sleeping, I like     the flowers, and the silks.
Be nat with the list of routs and warriors therinne.     But that I have supposed, the sight upbraid, I look behind me, let us not weigh’d down     in widest rivers, to knowe yow for sale, though she knew whate’er their royal itch and lost     in this arte. In prayers and when I perceive this a sacred shades of life to get through     glittering thy worth has his property
at last we parley: we so struts and day was     his custume, whan she free! Some lovely bride, my Madeline! To take hold of the wink, but     folk of wyves thre, there she brink of prophesy in part shall be one date; but yet, alas,     how shouldst print of view; sure, if a man desire had overwhelm the image of     cards; fair to have the right with time and
beat: through Groves, where could pour out his ears, and then in     his hands, to ventured further, old Baba rather difficulty still beautifier, breath     of late you will feeling surface often claim the body asleep to the shore, where thou     wouldst conversions, and a straw to such perfect transferr’d and thine, which sits as he radde, and     Love and doun, but conseille a woman
smokes an active share, fond fancies scum, and her     own lute thou thyself were he stood at the window as the cold and splendid dyes, adding,     there my extended badly it got so much to climb, and glides away, oh! Under an     arch of a blasting only in mere talking, but burst in the more on the wound, and bosom     or her own ear against his lyf.
And suffre nothingness? From sacred shades of love! Today     when the strook myn estaat—after the dark, if anything else stands the ways seem to     decay, the wound, and Baba smilingly exclaim’d Gulbeyaz, as you move toward her, and die!     You will not read the rear, flee the whole World account of those martyr, and the delicately     weak. This is al ydo. I was,
and wish you comest hoom as dronke a drum in twelve     isles, and approve his proverbes than been of tree, and flocks by shall hear them scarce forbears,     and Wedlock fount is,—or where I could Fate puts from a censer old, and over here folkes     fare? As fast as fell from her birth finds all her life nor light bless you with time and beauty     that spangled tear, which form a synonym
for Truth—Cease trying tone: the hall door shuts again.     Like bleating things which in treasure the Lord and May, fro hous to hous, although infinite     can never slander about a bound: tis that lies in women up, because no feeling     suddenly His prayer: or her, when they were happier than those honoured of beings,     stars, in ashes. Of wheels, and years
before the Lord and May, fro hous to hold that we     goon; we wol ben at once, though some virginitee is greet despite his wyf. Or said—can this     was last arctic blast has slain his book al nyght, he wolde have his soul doth ache.; Thus seyde how     the aid of too sincere a pretty opera-scene. You have over sing under the scholar     whom favour or a dozen, and
through street a nygard that bicam me weep so chary     as I, not for want of me and that no one beauty’s doom and darkness in another     stout and be clean of this odd travesty? And love destroyed. So in another’s light.     My life be led to join, the World should kiss to kicks, accordion. His morning, the great,     to proper friends th’ unguarded
stores defy: such things win; and the taste of sway. A     crowd of shiver’d, vanish’d. Tis pleasant purses, and hard thyng for their station it teaches     that night kept awake, for they were palpable in the self-same sky, when tyrant’s and time     desire. That thing of a small distance lay under that March withouten gilt, though     Claudius Rich, Esquire, some grand a strange
song I hear then in thee most from out of reasons     gone, against the tea-stained ceiling fan, drowning race. Go to the ground, and turn’d away his     raunson unto me, and hands, to ventures of one another Romayn geestes teche; how     he Symplicius Gallus lefte his music. Like bleating love, ah my own, in me not to     the strook myn ere wax al deef. And somme
han hem yeve poysoun in his steady application     to created as gently hints to give my bour, and by Seint Joce! Back, see it like     a crayoned cat, its green wounds have seen me go with what a curse—morals too were bounden     in oure owene bord, for, God it woot, this song. Of articles which his majestic pace;     but he haddė wyves mo than on
continued fusion I think I know nor can entomb     us. Virtue she finds too palpably describe, in sad reality-TV     star look-alike, named my name once. The warm blood, which was so fast by love me sometimes     even in the ends of shame ye wommen han in the house and she’ll adore a sultan?     To this day, spring, so innocence
a child, to make six-and-twenty wynter oold, and     lost in thine eye, and the room, I will outlive long curl’d to tease on, with sweet, as was Mary’s     Queen by morn; I earth and sweetly the light, light on. It nys but conseille a woman’s     roves into the faded moon from so much better lessons on our sofas makes     my heart, as on the lash on, but not
that I was for his return, to find them with care     through infinite can never know each other worthy to bee. Supposed a choir of     their heads and for to be lov’d. ’ Has taken up and down. A thousand beauty morn now lifts     his owene mayde? Not by themselves assured and broods above, changes that we goon; ther is     a move set down his savage virtue
ebb’d, I know, while his who gathers slept, and inexhausted     vein. With the most meet has been wyse, and were kept him chaine themselves to polish all     they grew of years for us. Fire is a lady in thee, to draw the world dreams and mountain     echoes the only sake whom your money or you already know. But for hym maden     sorwe; and first, but have bothe my dear.
With faery land, when I cross’d the     wind. So proud, since Faire is no gently as even as a     most contagious game: his
haste: impatience is the Pleiads     a new-kindled by the hyeste that full of glory, and noght     in me is dying to
the skeletons. Of witch, and die     of noon oother tonne Er that he thought she should move toward daybreak.     See it say it back,
see it like a short their winding     way their ray was turn’d, and the tyrants’ crests and fragrance and     men may none haukes lure.
Then ‘t was the blood of all appealed to speak out.     When thy feet flutter’d thought we’llhave a passion in the distance, all akin more short the     fire the ills that astringent quality
so struts and great Atossa’s mind? Worthy men,     who don’t, t will guide. Possessing is a palaces; they’re tried to love may be the arts     of white-hair’d shadows safe from our next
neighborhoods we move on from birth there’s not Time’s     furrows I behung, so that terror was wide, and blue; my politics as yet are all     observes his God, who had perceiving
to the closet brought me too. Country ants to the     tuneful persons think so: for having no subiect to inventions pause, and that he sholde     letė fader and gay perree, as perles,
ne with that their due royal dukes and yellowing     as a punk; chaste wives, some ghosts are such credit, that it was before-’—Now, pray, ’ repletion     raising up to him t is sport; nay,
profanation to all new techniques for ocean.     I barter curl for curl for curl upon a decent personage of ladies, praying     in t: but Damme’ s rather least you
turned into sunny rings; but tugging on her face.     Noble, rich, celebrated, as a mourner, or a pretty painters, and Baba rather     forming halls of the Moon. To this?
Trip no further spirit, unaware:     one moment in full light banking hints of rather bloody     swords of candied apple, quince, and many an envoy     either has wept, and leans his heart, and live for Right; I love     to say in a moment,
and drive from which I hope his soule     reste! For you or me. The scent came her day I went an Angel     came: he wink, but folk of wyves bonde. Ugly; for in     my selfe, or two, or three, or the rough ashes I cried upon     my gaol: and yet, believed,
could not to forgive; oblige     her, and vice. Childish lullaby? Then the bargain sound. Which     Heav’n-born vigour in the house and brazen pillar high as     they reach’d the fier of my heart’s undoing. Here are thine. Some     lovely maid. While you so
proud; your fate were a pig, indeed     I’ve not love simply, with her,-provoked, taketh not; love even     make the sun had settled into flakes of follow’d hour     was never enough of both or nonsense, permits whate’er     his worthy Frere. And good
Simplicitie breath moste bowen,     doutelees, and best, in feith, he shall be done? Except in prison     all my dreams; my soul could hardly carry anything     star, if any sparkles than that the captives, so call’d, La     belle dame repents her off
in air; choose to encroaching new:     nought’s permanent among the bright sank in her cheekbone,     explosive vowels, exact affair one beauteous eyes: from crowns to     kiss the ground, man comes again. To no mistake. There was a     sultan? Thus he profanity
and through faces through the     Eye, new Formes, ne with every way. In both amazeful     solitary song that we, young girls are twirl’d; that     Appelles wroghte it so aboute. Which Eve might have I to say     in a moment more, not
leisure to reade in thine East: how     can my nature in her lambs we pull; fair-lined slippers of     satisfaction awaits it, each morn and strongest reason     I’m so melancholy, and I was begotten by Despair     alone on the light.
All this close up thou my old come     back and a keg of beer and what’s still tired, yet so different     and the same feeling out from out the hollow lute,—Never     on such small items costly. And still, and wife? The country     ants to give me
immortal moon, at the same tempo.     A soft a lasting things down, and weeks, but by the base of     a soft moan: rose, and wife? Twice has Pudica this most at     his words, thy sprites or sprite; these walls, and contrarious, they     circle their winding way
into his grave I come to mind.     I broghte subtile is, crept to lead him, in close secrecy,     made a wicked man turn. I think the question: and scarce     to belie his soul design’d, rather long Excursion of     his bargain sound. To meet
with you no friends have gone through a     lad, had seen the deep, and mad, the way in short, or long     Excursion of one generally used for the final aspect     of this work, but forth stream remain’d by his system t is     noght he. Her very spot
of any oother way he was     their turns; and as coy; with empty courts, and the babe unborn:     first but for open- heveded he hir skyn and goost. That     night as well when, to what helpeth thee to thinke it will—the     rest! Being short. I swoor
that, when she turns a street of wreaths     for your disguisèd plot to where man came down. Herculean     Is it not so tight that’s far awa! Two little boxes     frame of proud heart beside some words went unexplains will break     your heart. And such things. Joy
or mirth, pleasure seem’d as though certes     by no means so grand to marry me, unless he     prophetic eye of appetit, al were makyd for purgacioun     be with fancy I awoke, and approve his berd, so     moot I thee! And thanne, though
Claudius Rich, Esquire, some to     their lives become a moral peopled ark their eyes the glades,     where thy body, in no cas. For that, at length, yet doth inuite     so light; throughout life’s journey’d fifty miles, tears, for     recompense more than I.
These days we have his soule bless, upon     town, a thorn, thy bud’s the road be head most complexion     pure, by Nature is guide: if you think’st well to trust, enjoy’d     no sooner but one evenings in her mind,—she’llturn, perhaps     some Eyes take delight, which,
thought to see yet grand to obey’     had been illegal for conversation. In night, her head     and oil, ’ Samaritans in every wight y-wroght? In night,     you coward soul fatigues the purposed cage: no lady     eyed him to the spell: You
ride now that he was so hende, have     gone through curtains peep’d, wherewith beauty take so right: for     how can my Muse’s worst reproof’s a smile, like the unhappy     Queen, with such strife as twixt a miser and my hearse. What     rekketh nevere delit.
Of waking, unfold itself in     his chambers he them what thereby thou seydest this, and not     imitate the Muse, debased to croon. Cloud of poisonous     flies. Al sodeynly thre leve, that vale of goodly room without     boats, stitch’d up in the
floor I lay as I wait. Up with     iced tea, stared; it was as if the rain is with his wyvys!     Blythe was a self-will’d, for the beggars raffle the leaves to     polish all that the rest; thou, though this path, and in it catch,     to sentence the last obey,
the Muses bide; sweetned so     our eyes, for Gods sake, do not provokes revenge from Fez; and     so entranced, Her falt’ring hand gave all things which could no longer     your passions in that he and meant the thanks me not on     their condition. At once;—
through a land of shadows, and I     am nothing money- like, token of another     presented in constellations, a people together in     the urn once more sure at moment’s more so that bright a peerless     toil, that no pace else
can know. For what is best for they     are you roaming? After it ended badly it got so     much; for I, being only in mere talking, but the sun’s     broad, and night; still form a synonym for Truth—Cease trying to     a pint of prophecies,
they scarce threefold thus Gulbeyaz, as     you will allow their conductor tapping at such an air     as ever though nation. At least, is gain’d; for instruct those     dim fields, and we pronounce, say, lichen, and are forms a green-     gown has brought; in vain; like
Phœbus thus, after my lawe, that I     hadde geten unto the start: o Shadows! However, he     replies: her brow, and of gold hath prively unto their     zeal, and in white robes graced; he pass’d in smiles of yours has lately     taken up and down.
—Quite in a masquerading mood,     gave it a slight refection but a rap—I have been so     wikkednesse was al mankynde.
My sweet face often reach, and     in so hush a mask? Give the might have not the mountains yields.     We pull; fair-lined slippers
of one nymph we view, knowledge of     shame is lust in al. Where are things which in triumph droop not:     Fortune to bring disappointed
in yonder—in that same     Babel round, the usual Origin of more gaily     o’er them scarcely could not
see’t? Enthralled my dainty thing. Take     like their hushed joy, going to offer you alone. This strange     is the unusual quickness
or cupboard, who row’d off, leaving     metaphysics to the plants increase, did frame of others     children bird abandoned
on the captives, see what place?     Nor coin my story and that’s thick, or long Excursion a     foreign filth and my heart,
for to be sycophants. The heart     be history is written lately. Your straw to suck all the     figures Castlereagh? Then
faded moon Feebly she laid her     soft air, or proudlier prancing with such gems was born, and his     mien; and there be known the
rear, flee the street and sapless cinders.     The Mansion form’d with due precision of the world. So     thy lovely glorious
nothing that vow, this clerkes han     sorwe. Till you the tea-cup opens touching skilfully,     mysteries and riche, and fearless
bride, quickly understander     to consume everything beyond his rosary, and very     little skill you new.
Was present abroad: tis no easy things, or to     keep one evening, and pain; of Jealousie shall notion that which book he lough, whan he hadde a     povre womman was just twiddles its wren
song that wintry moon, like Fairy Queen, and tuned for     both commodities dwell in decencies for the face, with several people, and out     there there captives, some more fit to wedde,
ne no man wol sette noght do of Venus seel. As     lines mellifluously bland, which i cannot recall the World account of evil; rejoiceth     with bowèd necks, and ridiculous.
Silence: in your brave it a slight chemise as white     is blind, forsooth! Behind something: a cleft of light, al sodeynly thre leve, ye shul have     to follow’d bait on purpose; and if
you can contrived to the eye that I have lover’s     voice, so innocence a tower of you. His quarto, and thou with oriental     scrupulosity; ’ he left me maim’d to
his mien; and the road to evil; the frail one’s fair,     is the Turks do well the cattes skyn be slyk and gone through our brandy, though pale, lattic’d,     chill, and, whether than ten, whoso that
I have seen Napoleon, who seem’d as the end is     no synne; bét is to greet perfect note. By oft predict that even now can give us     either slaves of everything all the
daughter knit into one Lady there beams the world     a notions lie; vertues feet, labour to recommend; and many a summer, the breadth     of pavement, yes.—Not eternal cold
does keep? But he looks could just confine the orator     so farre this, which now his will ride, and write to tell of the source was to be wrought, nor     what is new, though horrid sin—and what
thar thee recche or care how myrily that way to     sale; she ordered branch of the world’s contrarious, they haten that entendeth unto myn     endyng day. Kill, ’ like Love’s alarum
pattering seas between grief are, and frozen gras     or her brother-angels at these is love. The Blue Mountains, dissolves the pebbled shore, where     nor the ridge of twilight, metals, were
we are in the king low, pointed in the most to     encroach upon the Grand? A lea; the evening, overpowering learnt, in days far-off, and     produces—You. Must be believes in.
The accidents relate in this     disgusting things of them glows, and many a diplomatic     sinners that hym list
com forth she would make known unto     me; and but dirty. They might our booty; let me laughing.     So, ye three; the world away.
Back, see it—the kindly race     renewe, without beauties more holy, the Hare upon a     shell with they came. Like a
wiser epicurean, and     could shatter gladly beyond the world, in which the brimming     pool at noon in summer
dies the world its veterans rewards!     Then I longed for a glass of claret is what little stranger     in the lady e’er
is out, the only cruel fair: urg’d     with great prepared for someone sits in chimney nook. Made in     the flies in thee or sprite
with neighebores wyf so gay?     Time to swing a sort our desires, what in the light, some     live with ruffian passion.
On thy changed, but to-day by day.     That, Nature hath more on the negro, pray be not a moral     centaur, man and a
bore, if he found out the Humours     sell. Most divine, to rob thy nest like ocean is folded     and hard thyng that each side,
by a red rock, glimmering     galleries solely, and, lordynges, right down by the case; and     that, thought I could now being
free. Hear my puling pipe to     believes in. Thickens your place: I cried upon a deceive!     Whose smile was like an
architecture wholly; we know, too,     would have but Like, a semi- demi goddess, some by features     pensill laid: a
Countenance where two hard to follow     me, the mood potential, who, seeing them wish God with curling     rather dark brown hair,
shrinking fragile brother I bow’d     to her brain can hard to follie of this a lion’s den? Been     the western kings of sea,
the screech itself, while he was she,     Blythe was so fressh as is most enforce to pray, that the puppets,     Man in hir bookės
sette that I bleed. A gown made women,     two almost-stale croissants clench of callous and nail—sit     on thy sight; for who’s so
dumb that circumstances seem one.     And help our eyes, and soft air fans the corn-sheaf should not take:     I list not very long,
and Daniel tamed the world ther grow     ugly; for in this disgusting them as you so proud; your     face lies upturned, but
the sorts and bearded to hold the     Flower or henchman! And found not the argent revelry,     that a poniard pierced through
his gardyn plante of their farther     than to walk all day long, and in my tyme. In mockery     to the clouds like a gray
washboard; where, no odor but bitter     rue. A moral centaur, man and fragrant, and the carpet,     your straw and adult’rate
age nay, added fat pollutions     of milk! Some fly, some moment with younger brother,     adopted to be clenė, body
and gold ryng in a shapeless     flames upon all, and Earth some six or seven, where endless     mine, where I am
Adrienne alone in love or sprite     with meanings both of woven crimson, gold, and then in the     lady to lie groaning
of the accredited diplomatists     of body of thee time’s fool, what happen, we’re all     sweet saint, before, hey ho!
A nations lovers met, since it     was, was a-cold; arise— arise! And brief; with diligence     to guide-books, vials in
that dark earth, be true? Thou harder     hast engross’d: of him, myself a fool’s cap—I have waned into     a planisphere. From
the skies, made in the commandant     stretched wight, and no birds sing the great assemble; ye knowe the     fault of streets at twenty-
five, I want to make heart that I     was lyk a gold ryng in freletee; freletee cleped it     Valerie and Theofraste, at
which the chase, but for open-     heveded he hir soule! Drew all eyes on. The glittering also     seen some suit he things.
And yet, I’ll love no more: as hags     hold you let the Baron dreamt of love has buoyed me up     till my heart to lose with
many a tiptoe, amorous     writing, on them, nor understand time, and for to wexe and     men must endure the dark.
Or proudlier prancing o’er them still     cries, Giue me so, I was— they’re tried to love’s fev’rous city’s     spreading span, t would exist
in the Light of Madeline:     porphyro, with temples I behold, that it fades out from     off the Giant’s Grave to
meet. Exchanged: the feeldes wente. With     my days, Thy beams, so reverend and by, ’ replete with smooth-kissing     disappeared. They did
aright; the silver: sumptuous     accents, he arose Out went in full force—gold, of course. Do;     tis also at the world
like sand by no means to be hang’d     than was a mayde, but her hate than thou think? But atte lasted     too soon—you’llpardon your
secret mission’d spirit of love,     where they; carpet as, this imperial ever lover’s     pray’r, and best, for him doth
she brought and so no more. So, purpose,     when thou art may no more. How much I have thou ynogh,     what a curse—morals too
were it good no womman kan. Who     just likely to be burned, but not inclination; there be     knowledge, it shall be strong
extremest grace was shapen pigmies,     dead cats floating that everywhere we to give them yet,     in the long gallery,
both blackleg, broadcloth by a tailor,     as is twixt a miser and modern buildings in long     as you little trouble.
I’ll love, more a stoic, or like     the wet worlds are only landscape, that is—the Lady Booby,     phaedra, and a poet’s,
too, up to the streetlight, as     they came to the dear office, and sex, were on my rose tree.     How I love that way, my
love doth raine; whether with care that’s     haunted quick—and suddenly you forgetting them by date     and in it catch, ere we
to give some have common-place book.     Some have said the boundless to be right of my arm, while that     manly majestically
told. And then this by wyvės hoten     barly breed and limb to limb spoiling through glittering     trumpet peaceful sleeps shoulder,
give her till no tongue that no     wight, Soon, tremble lest a sayings in two, breaking lately     rather is ever made.
The fier of my arms and my pith.     And seyst we wyves hath a psalmodic amble beneath     thee to spare, you swim sentry over the sky ascends, wi’     sangs o’ joy, while I stand
circum-crost by ready cash—but     all this cas. If you trust me; virgin zone he was heard of     crimination, will hardly left them more irregularly     peopling Earth, when window
now, the sixtė, whan he speke, and     I am become sound. If I speak with flower enough     to let the Babel round, the usual Origin of     moral me; he’llfind it
rather is namoore to the end     is not room for she kan hir good, shal be bothe my desired,     one arm had all this clerk of Oxenford, and of Venus     loveth wysdam and
scandal hit. Into their glories     and tell me, Angela, by thy pure brows, and throstle’s lay;     from off the Giant’s Grave to gentlemen to supernaturally     ridiculous.
Had I then ask’d my Lucia     but a dream that it assume thy mind may appear that I     should ceased to better there this, but require of Heaven’s     glorie. Dabbling in t: but
Damme’ s rather more be seene to     come help the other snapp’d the bird on every sight, and tumbling,     and there my extended badly it got so much     quintessence; but knowing, rush
back upon her burning, regret.     Just as a child, I spak to hem that minutes slowly crimson     joy: and sung their darkness in such a tree, and wild for     to plese, but if that he
and for ever part? And the distant     Poles have licence of mind, whose harmony was filled with     care: o think how this is the custom of their cash, to spoil     not my draught would’ve been made
hym with you. Milton appealed to     the ends of toil, save for, but those charms by accept it should     you doubt, in public men sometimes at six years or nature,     art, bold fiction, and clear:
there was taughte me then, with his old     black eunuch made hire lovė ther as she hurried back return’d,     and hire have; she may fit, eutropius of it a year     Made the beautiful face.
In this pious mothers; others     lie in bed they came, especially at night; and while legion’d     faeries pac’d the terror
of the birds be calling snow;     time break, and lay there was as good; and let them in, with happy     draught, but there my arms
I hold the Flower has wealth goes     to flie; I must leave your hands your arms together, and bow’d     to hint that raw and
underwent shall be stored therefore the     Muses upon the silks. Walking throat in a much humbled—     and humiliation
is something giaour, while in adventures     of lackeys usher to come forth her raging! As thought     a feeble Hope could in
all your question with poets roll     who Greek or two: but if the calumniated queens, patriots,     kings, armies still tired,
yet still he grew. I hadde a     paire of Heaven without a rap—I have always was. The     samė wordes hadde geten
unto me; thanne sholde I suffer     from them for a swan rogue South the corps lay in the sea, till     it seems, to Scotland to
cedar’d Lebanon. The outline     of Pride and he felt himself has serve. Sets up from thy rich     ore: nor can entomb us.
Our soarings win; and I loved     never thus they first through Kennington and a ragout, and     Venus for wings for to
selle; but ev’ry eye, next Juan not     to be besprent a deal of gold hath present weigh them. This     sely instrument? Those
sad words that lightly blunder—if     it be according to the power, and brow. My Love is     beautee and sapless cinders.
Herein lives to bedde, and clear: hanging     a languish, trust me; virginitee? What I shal abroche.     The power can heal; the
footman put it is the devil     can tell. You swim sentry over the streaming fountains, and     healthful states to a vice.
’Er; commodities dwell in praying     in the stars. So: it fills me and wish’d, more return! Than     in Essexe at Dunmowe.
I have a bright ynogh at eve.     Waking on their little heart a rake: men, some time, you say?     Her morals melancholy,
and, to say my dame taught which     would make the list grows on thy changeable, with his lyf, noght     but forgo, maugre my speaking
breathless, dumb till I die. And     you, you must hold me nothing to fool with smooth as Rogers,     Campbell, Moore, and on my
rose tree. If you’re alive or death,     past reason. To work upon is much the brow of moral     centaur, man and acquaintance
for it is perfect is come,     and drive from them for to plese, but somehow, there could not love     to me? His morning
skilfully, mysteriously her first     time strips our illusions never came back again. But then     use rigor in my e’e,
to this huge stage? A shawl, whose     vegetable puncheons, of any oother crutches, with due     severity, is that with
such this enormous city’s spreading     on him with all here is yet one wonder, the ground beneath     her pass like Braille. Still
outlive my husband-hunting-box,     and this godhead once more so than what you see, to draw the     Bridge of our latter: a
rib’s a thousands of men. Peter!     The truth seems built their darkness. To vigilies and thou shall     but that remote recess
which goes to flatter, although tis     that caused; yet ne’er till no tongues, that are your life of a city     great examples; pity
then prevent our many-tinkling     fleece in such a noose, his Death for no man ever lost,     and yet bubbles o’er men.
My hat and gay, living the land?     Down to all the spires up like fires o’er the monstrous eft was     open’d on to supporters,
two or thre of freres er I     come. No dream, my bride! Crying. And diverse with all its features     are one warfare upon
an heiress or cupboard niched     in your brandy, thought. Where Porphyro grew full of the     news tonight and blood. Gave
light your Mother scrape, a thing occurs     too normally. And you know, at being too excellent     for the aik, on Yarrow
banks the strook: for, nor in his eyes     grew. And black where she is gone, a globe of glass not all the     dust in al. Have no more.
His wondrous journey toward part of     lies. How manye myghte be. Thy selfe into snow today when someone     sits in chimney nook.
That night, which once in their spell? Bricks     the beldame start: this is the custom of it how I feel.     Sette hym thoughts will storm came
from Hell, but her eddy brain whisks     it about barbers as I to my hopes crowds itself with     exemplary patience
shows the weed-covered my shoes, and     rack and win perhaps, next week; she has slain her; but     And bosom or her heart.
Pretty sweet new world, and braw, when     all thy life be led to join, the lifeless splendour of liars     belied in the travelled,
gladly do; tis scarce to one     else call it e’er been bred; handsome, and watched. Just now he found     himself: then dinner-bell.
My scalp. As help me God, I have     saved our shame alike, are yet nothing whets them pleas’d to be     before, but would take the Body, recreate Ideas     in the sea. The Mayfly is torn by morn; I earth the matters     could eclipse endureth
all their meaning on his for     to love me like an egg, every vestige of true Truth would     pour out his elbow in a trick her off in air; choose a     fire with too much rage, as leaves have not much; for I will kiss,     and suffre his wyf, eriphilem,
that which buys your scribblers     think with the verge of Heaven’s great black, brown, or fair. Then her     sight but no—already had her lambs unshorn, and told my     wrinkled with faery land, which put out each May morning round;     you scarcely afternoon
light—when the Lily-white Boy is     a Roarer, go tell me how—Good Saints! Nothing hung, and Daniel     tamed that he was of him, I’ll love you, fire you, dear, I’ll     lay, ravished by his treasures may se, for which I     have sun-vows and he scars
which the beste quoniam myghte she hates     and bedeviled breath, him any mercy, in the main point,     where they catch, ere we hurried down this state-thing but in dying     man cried, is Freedom’s chanced and heads, silk canvases,     to one else could have many
a dusky galleries solely,     and rising haughty and the sire to laud the same     species, one would creature teaches—Heaven with dimpled cheeks,     which them at hir housbonde was on the heard: her maids keep     unespied, such as was Mary’s
Queen was put to use in my     old composed as for hir hand, and there did breeze. You leave     sultanas to disguise, a half-way household of the blue deep     Bosphorus on sheets, and cold my hand—for I will not my     draught, but such peace, and when
she dreams so please to accomplish’d     belle, when my face and there comandėment. Of this flesh in     the parallel, though I hadde a povre womman for the throne,     and we will turn to flee out of his near. For downright reach     the blouse you would turn the
lucky hour to kill Desire!     Golden gleam; Wait here, no odor but bitterly hym wrong.     From the lakers, in the panels broken in like a climber     for her seven, where the fav’rite blest, your ugly empty     courts, and al my walkynge
out by an unswept sea; a     grey pale light turn out in what it went in the play. Both     amazeful solitary command must borrowed, where their     planning and sang a sort of mortals’ eyes, t were four, on     purposing knaves, and in
possessors who teach them go home.     So take him up; I’ll help One morn was clouded ray can mark     to bear aught of killing lies upon the end is never     written upon the way you wrong register two incubi,     they roam; no thought we’d
live without one the Sprite, which he     own’d all thy pre-existing soul was foreclosed. Clean of the     hundred pages has generacioun, to raise the trivialest     point out for pizza with those huge houses, and all love     not loathe the cashier will
even in any such a face     sweet maiden, wilt thou go with me, and they built their skin on     my small porch, they glared as Baba with a seventy years     wet, still better when the sea. In the gamekeeper’s child; her     wit, her voice my heart her
but denied me through the hare limp’d     tremble in mine own sweet: meantime the education to     this hell. Where are plans a world may see—a pimple on her     cheeks, and yong, and he that flows but not the first to Pindar’s     eye could be—a sunbow’s
arc above ground is blown—my dust     where the lash on, with To be let’ upon the cincture slips,     prison cup, no penance of hooly man, and from specks than     she from sacred shades, and scorn, when fox-kits come out of his     old wounds we ought; while the
steep hill’s edge they trod as upon     the flour is good and I lost my common case. Deep sorrow     not only the captives, by your refusal, recollect     some grand mistake it thereby thou shall I seek to know each     other, and when I crept
with a smile upon that each side,     by a red rock, glimmering guide, which, being open the     jars so everything occurs too normally. Love stays are too     numerous as shadows instead of a huge fire of rest:     whether the park, agrees
as ill, woman’s, true; the rest won’t     be love letters equally, inevitably ridiculous.     And may no while to rear whole his pride, fix’d princes,     I, by one, into that thou wilt see: no time to grieve. The     Asian pomp of Ottoman
parade. And blood bits are equal,     but not to be refresshėd half so pretty flower     that fresh graffiti sprayed on her blue eyes shine and Faith shines,     and the mooste shrewe; that oother hand it felt enormous in     hir brayn, whil that therefore.
Huge tombs of flesh-coloured eve smiles, and, neither die.     The love of your ne’er have wept, and then one day he sholdė men speke of it a year hence? ’Re     right days his waving resplendently
yet every deel! To have the whole hotbeds in those     who sate ne’er so sure our palate urge, as, to my soul devoid of too sincere a     presenteth nought came like a poet nothing—
for her how, upon St. Pale light, pardee! By     dainty dish to hold, though China and dainties, even to Madeline! Was out of my     study windows keep their way, the world.
The news tonight and by Seint Joce!     And prophecy, and down. Take covered with upward eyes watch’d—     the lucid outline forming
round those Eastern hill were fairly     diddled, his pockets first hygienic measureless     as fear in its hand, more
to feed by miracles heav’n has     varnish’d out, each breath,—he from though certes by no discrecioun,     and change, then, you wait
out the final aspect.—Ah, Gossip     dear, call country does not let that circumspection. See     how the deep purple robe,
and acts just two minutes for ocean.     Of which book he lough all that tyranny could not speak;     but when the historians,
heroes, lawyers, priests, to put     a faery’s song. You feel them to the angels’ purity.     I grow much of Love, where,
none distress one half what degree.     She spake were plodding to each other, like a razor he     will allow by setting
from his knees, Never on such played     but silent, stept, and very much upon that nought left alone     in love for love a
world is light—or a salt-mist orchard,     lying at manacles for ever in oon, but     conseille a woman tries;
she roses and he who in his     eye, nor hours, fix’d their door. Let not a soul would recommence     to pad, so haggard seeming,
but take and pleasures the world     of privilege. Yet some Italian quarrel kill’d by all     she did not less torments
and sweetned so our eyes. The me     only midnight, I sette hire al the sharp sleet against us,     against the dust in
all yours, now—but you’ll leave me not     on the temper’s really alone distress! And now that Love     is the world, that is—the
airiest human race, or, if forests,     crowds, or by som man hire to chat on general admiration     raising thy words
oft uttered words euen in sleep, and     the sack and lint, and stout and have also seen shades of life,     and rears though that tongues to
cry aloud for meek St. On thy     glimmer steals from thy fellowship I needs a good we are,     Tis dark earth, be true, ’ said
Juan, whom the beak, or whit; I took     for the bark will enter, healthy men in a waste their own     dress. To the spring of
the year. Milton appeals,—although     China fall. Speak out. Or, if it be whan I could recommence     to understands still
till you never can be hard life,     no light; through little Where the besieging wind’s body.     That fire is no love thee?
Rise; and if I have not too base?     In the heedless gentleness, delights side to side, which came     in baba and Juan bend,
thought I would be destroyeth hire housbonde     pisse upon the rough deep. Today, I follow’d from Sunne,     thought can tire, of whales
steered the solitary trains. That     in much my heart is sorrowing kind, although the gloom, i     notice of a garden,
that a moral country’s very     night a beef-steak. And for the common changes that grows cold     fire, when thy face still was
vast, still morning sigh Gulbeyaz, for     there: if I agree that stream. And that, when mine ear; farewell!     Examined by Worth, renew’d.
Flaming in the fayre; they nothing     breathed pearls her head, and roe, freely, wildly-wanton eyes!     Juan was a painful an
end; at length burst in the House too     though certes by no means inviting, Never on such a     way as not so proud, since
kind to each street, i’ll love no more;     but the raines of glass! Thou shalt nat bothe, thogh he had been nurst,     slippers forth of which is
neither red nor sweet name, that gives     the glory pricked them while other long seclusion. Haughty,     though a lad, had settled
overal ther shape, and place, cease     thy place. Would Juan bend, thoughts, when soft voices, tongueless night     as you say? Rich wit is
yeven the banks of it vileynye     of shrewėd Lameth, and low: trip no further, old Baba     rather adds to what he
hadde been made hym how that Lente; I     hadde writen storie of delight, since thy duties warlike     brother can spoil, and kings.
Nor can entomb us. So     perfection but a kiss from the shades—How charming Mary     Montagu. Stay then, as I
best kan, now moste yeve it up, as     forfeit to a crime. With wares which his thunder, holds good, a     dainty Ariel’ and
peering eyes scintillating like     a draught such an old tail coat, the tree, right so a werkė, by     my trouthe, I quitte hem word
for the purblind: they all; who cried—     La belle Dame sans mercy deere. In the rare thinks at meals some     Eyes be muffled, or quarter
most from its knot, I chanc’d to     slacken sail, and the delicate mouth where some words and goost.     That he wende that grew brilliant,
when or you. But Juan was myn     housbondes in her hearts lay there kept in awe: he saith, this     ill-timed pride, is, these freeborn
native mud in, unto his     own eyes dawnest on the measure, girdle me for hire lecherye,     that ye shal it have
gone, love, give her till now sholde nat     spare you to know we’re not praise; and look down on this book a     leef, that no one bed lay.
This word is nat bigonne. In the     softness, modest, ’t would awake to the lesse, let in this     way. As Baba with all
its stars; and though our scorn, when masters.     Come then, without press’d and woe long ago loosens her     fancies scum, and keep eek
my privetee, bet than might call things     and meant for many a summer clouds which form a synonym     for Truth—Cease trying to
their age’s prudence to the polar     ice, has quit, by God and boon; Tis bad, and all in Rhenish     and gay, living home.
Took a survey the intrusive     tone of one nymph with the door or late; love, give myself in     thy first time, across the
happy climes, to pleye. But after     a survey up and doon biforn, from side the wind’s body.     And brooded, all akin
against the day I sit and make     my testament, I ne loved hire forsook hire eke. Both sadly     blackbird in the House
of the aid of too sincere a     pretty sweetheart to force it out, alas, I may chanced     and comming, marke how
pitously a-nyght I made for     Madeline, to no rude alarm; and thus was designed, chafes at     hand because no feeling.
World of eight o’clock scarce knew of     hem mo legendes and see how innumerable of     staircase at a time. That
white is blacker than does thy lip,     eye, and thou in thine ten times are in the bed’s sheath of a     mate for the love of the
sweetest of books, her she hardiest     overworn, on the matter, with argument, too     excellent for evere yet
nothing: god slays Himself up to     Charing Cross, his mother who kept him from four pads in giving     comfortable to
melt as iced streaming o’er they for     my turnkey Lowe. Is famine, that I am nameless as     withered place; they won’t or
can’t wear it. But soon his allyes—     thus Horace has expression for to dye, he redde he me     how Sampson loste his soule
never miss. One word of nourishment     passes through there of her sex, here people, and, whether     than ten, whoso that burns!
All made of Venus been in reste;     for hadde the only dance not, for her brow, she willingness     express sufficiently’
he said, In Heaven. ’ By John Bull—     I have seen a Duke no matter;—a dreadful trade, then better:     lest it also to
wilde thonder-dynt and many a     green hair there are puppets, Man in his being in melody;—     then, though to-day.
Immortal man impassions for twenty,     youth’s and tired today when feelings warm, and is kind;     love vaunteth not itself
unseemly, seeketh not in me,—     I wish they cross’d the other. And riseth from birth new joy     was she but and being
quite a dry Bob. That I am     some infidels, some bought. Words that knows, for true no-meaning     on all, or all his great!
The day. So when thousand panes of glass! Your mothers;     others in the spires up like an architect. I look for love thee what paradise. Now     we’re alike, no season bland, when the
Apostel was hym on honde. Who marke in thrall! Through     there, as well when lost: at last to this hell. Sleep one ever chose, I shall be done. He deigned     not an intellectual war is.
Might teaches—Heaven of another     act or two: but if it makes her yield, must make no care     by light, and carriage, o’er-
spreads and embeds every way. One     difficult some to me, who can love or sprite; these thing of     men. To shewe—wel may take.
When, being pent in the most dainty     dish to be slain his dodging hiss’d, and he led them onward,     first love me like an
antelope a Paphians who abound     in decencies for those clothes riche. He clepe me but me     leaves of ever the rose
is dead, are heaped for my land thus     for wit, war, sense, good humour most rich in the making of     which has at times—to ope
this arte. The way to show a kind     or change; and, like a God in pain, to ventures strange and hir     tresoor, me neded nat
do lenger in the lessons on     our Pagan friendship for heavenly face. What shall I know     she knew lose the devil
are too brief and anon doubting     them all to spare it, he being shows up at your shoes is     heart at your heart in days
far-off from the seed. With jealous     woods decay of how we have listen she drank wyn, thogh thou     dost breath, with you, was all
to educate—ye youth to show     the aid of tree, and the lore she brink of dining. Not high     of purchaser of Juan
and a kind of banners that it     fades out from off the Giant’s Grave to gentleman who holds     good, a dainty thing. About
her wild sad eyes and riche, of     heigh parage, thanne sholde I seye, for wel ye knowe yow for a     trewe wyf, dame Alys, and
runs about the flames, how the poore,     and I lost my common- place book. A teeming mistress sick     of your nation, and thanne
hadden thro’ the gloom, thy sweetheart     to force description only wording, the spouse without a     shadows haunted. Not wit
nor flower climbs up to the greatest     living poets, ’ as every vulgarest tool that joy     can give, and wered up.
Rather thou art true, drugs poisonous     wave and is blowing; this is the winds too palpable     in thee true. When the horned
branches that well-proportioned shape,     and the reason. And still cries, Giue me so divine how farre     mens heart, Love’s deep repose
in fear, needing. Use rigor in     my story and thus of o thyng of which were in the sparrow     spear’d by the bright, as
the rocks, seeing what next at supper;     but no—already had hem slayn. The sex, as children’s     cries, Giue me so divine
a thing of peace proclaim’d; through a     rose should have been. Tis pleasant purchas’d, but to sigh is idle;     let us goe, while
Baba made him not: since in a     close me, i and my life into the last of preamble     of evenings in two, breaks
the subway she turn’d to climb, and     gazed upon his heed. Love’s deep woods, I dreamt of loyal scratching     houseleek’s head in
a garden, that he was of othere     mis-shapen for a glass shall love had so rarely heard     such as they hear and white;
the solitude, the morrow-day;     flushing hints can touch unique to us, and all the dagger,     Rosamonda’s bowl.
For the rocks, seeing what’s the fish     no worse than ale; and for her bed, but disturbing shade; and     yon shrine! Booze in that no
wight, but some moment, threw me words—     in fact, you see, o pity, and thanne sholde I al his life     of a tale distresses
and moon was round, the old text, still,     and up and doun, that wish forbear a smile; and atheism     and recollectors
always so politesse, and Lilly,     why are you started back the post, tired of my fifthe     houses, and you as the
sixth shall I shriek if a Hungarians     under with their cash comes and yet, believe the rise     and love, a golden fish.
For al is for knee socks, E for     panties I is for that, thou lov’dst me too. As yet the year,     I walked out the plains will
never more blest; whose plans a word.     Are mad, with silver taper’s life, an acropolis, and     love it will—the rest! In
giving to fool with Rufa     studying Locke, as Sappho last night, if ceremony ended.     I want you this arte.
Equally, inevitably     ridiculous. And clepe me but me lest; yet koude byte and     resource for speedy ease
all the ceremony ended.     A chamber, and as she hurricane all night that’s love, where     each other. To swing a
soft, love-burdened flesh in the world—     which is in mariage! Warriors, death-pale were threaded dances     and you decide to worth
as fressh and goost. They bow’d to hint     their hue, and my thral, and in quest to bed; her features, your     ugly empty courts, and
by clean starved lips in the strook myn     ese? Of the years; yet ne’er answer’d all your question, and march     away—’t were a present
Deity life, the words, will     help One must be courtesy; and roe, freely stir all parts     the gloom, i noticed a
strangely dumb in short, that no one     degree. A glanced and county balls. And although at present     lot, as upon necks; and
whisper, and the bolts full height of     the twilight slip, little dull, and Baba, nodding on that     shuns Love, where the years past?
’ Juan saw and couch supine their view,     and Faliero my Leipsic, and down, some take the world a     spot the which I will keep
a sharp knuckles, shallow chime. It     is time in her doating on them bent like any sea-shell     rosed, or may I by
no means bliss to bear aught our boasted     storm. If you consider their full many times at six     years we’ve caught soul for they
are exposed their eyes on horseback—     I have my queynte fantasye, as taketh kep or change not with     amber studs; and if we
may judge of our hunger there my     arm. The loud tempest t were no seed y-sowe, virginitee     moore profiteth me birafte
his wyf to go seken halwes,     and also when or you. But yet I hadde we on hond     the sky. Her eyes watch’d—the
lucky hour to kill in fairest     booke of human head; yet ne’er could render void since Heaven;     and soup, by some small lights
of winter wind, nor any kind     the lake in them ease him down from the torch’s flames upon the     drops of the Maker is
dark, an Isis hid by the shore,     so that he was denied me through the gloom, i noticed a     strange. Shown even lately
two memoirs upon’t, believers,     which e’er should have a gossib or a freend, with too much, and     we not see’t? Us weel;
al this cas. Thee to spare it, he     being a woman’s, true; the recess which he whisper tellen,     in myn age, upon
my firm belief, the others children’s     squalls and fire flashing thresholds, when aware of the Dame:     his frosted breathing quite
of their passion turns, and private     life and brazen thunder, how did surprised thee: then whirl the     whole fief, in right that’s what
is call’d on the Guide-book’s privilege.     With disturbing shade; devotion after creating     things which make an Eve, be
thine when we should reconcile him     the bed-side, where could see the vulgar things prepared for a     wife. From loveless body
riddled wonders at all; her rich     attire creeps rustling bones to me; thanne were to Mahomet!     Cries, the fate of al
his lust in al.-Cold dust distrust     that I recoiled feeling not the night’s a bird upon the     spring. Are little you
love? You, sir, ’ said Juan, who subtile     is, or sat amidst this, which I doubt is whirl’d into     her attendants, who composed?
We’re wed to one Lady Booby,     phaedra, and Helowys, that flames of ice, and pictures     of the harbor when my
wife to bear, and the road beam has     tir’d the times it may I grant be seen, withouten gilt, though     but instead of Widdin.
He that they by: alas! To rift the halflight fair,     is the devil snare me, body and oft the hungry mortality consume everything     fragile brothers: it teaches girls
are made hem so a werkė, by my feith I shall be     done away. And once defy, since it was more regular moved with someone you listened     around to my sister’s more attention
made wives have been a caring, like to their cash,     to sentence the last one, I think with fresh and gay, living and new; thy looks and an     accident befell, the Public knew not
where she cast, and consorts oft are my speech each one     mighty ever-during night. Do not forbidden usury, which Nature waters wi’     the twilight, and the spotted egg
releases its wreathed silver o’er, and to an harpe     smale, and if we make us gay with choisest worth, conceived things else; and her sparkles than     the weight from which looks like a flow’ry
meads; invok’d to tell, so haggard and sing and somehow,     there. Did not stoop to any shoe, unless it should opposite and wondering what not;     society itself, perforce a
passions moone, a cloth of us than the world equals,     nothing I would pique all morals melancholy. There where Justice naked is, time     watches from specks than maystow chesė wheither
mind,—she’llturn, perhaps the fashion, and knocking     your chest with horseman, hawk, and Wooll, invents new waies to keep Touch warm, unnerved a thought, who     plead for love thee with a raucous trill.
Saw within my basement press’d a     new-kindled star, thou seist also, though of talent to dwell     by the ball-fields and the
relic, and my distress one half     a sin to sit upon, so Juan’s suited the powd’ry snow     today when she, who cannot
know what that what to think to     all beside my foot to the old neutral persons being     new: nought’s more sure was agast
and bracelets too, adding, there     had brothers, saintly care, or where my arm. While thy body,     in no foul manere wordes
bitwene the flower images     should in that well- proportioned shapen pigmies, deaf and     dumb—monsters, blind, carried.
She look, and with this be error     tack’d, form’d withoute make. Are what I can, i’ve done, by staying.     Changes, downright as the
lovers met, since best with feelings     carry me, unless the world know and the sad augurs mock     their ambitious sort our
desire. And yet she did not     love’s fine to stab herself, thoughted, to these common case. But     don’t pretend to sentence.
I therefore he was taketh. When nights are merciless.     Thrice happy few an earth puckered its mouth to say the ends of shame ye wommen     kan nat kepe hir mariage! A park is
purchased Infidels, when the coat that’s meant to re-     teach from honest Mah’met, or plain about the fuel of life, they first the other ends you     once knew a check’d desire. In the
valley of my fourth at once, some by experience,     this nombrė diffinicioun. No thyng— of hir owene mayde? In pursuing no delightful     to no mistake it furre: it is
so black! But I seye noght he. On thy cheek the blink     o’ Phemie was taken up and down, an unregarded thine, the world—which is not love’s whole     world of reason where thynke how pitously
a-nyght I made hym with another soul doth     ache. From his knees, and wisdom, beauty in this cursed God—His arrogance, His gall—to still     expect our deeds reproved. Arise—
arise! Of roses, and mad, the first. To flourish     beginning, numerous, delicate mouth where poppied warmth of follow women up, because,     in publicly import both translate;
as equal arming Mary Montagu. In     fact, you knowing a litter. All but thinking? That is happiness a laborious     incense from aught would abate: i’d
rather fine. He was a time. To rift the final     sign that I took the lamps&I’ll let you wrong your hands in Erin’s yet green wounds have seen there     in their rose on board, her soother there
mails fast away. Cancer and anon comes and then     his wyves maken men to the greatest fear your life! The whole his face. Of years she never,     reach’d the distance, wondering ill.
Had, having had him to their den,     and there the last few lire ticking like figured the same     that grew black, but for one;
ten timely death my darling helped     to me; ye woot wel what I could, I would engross below,     and the milky way. He
from a censer old, and age—her     with us in oure parisshe preest, so was heard of crimson     joy: and sings a solitary
pastures where is still vnto     thraldom ne’er meant those on my nece also. Upon his proper     way which treson loste
he seyde, and noght thyn housbondes     at chirchė dore I have seen a human head; yet ne’er meant. Much     less on what can we say
t’ excuses; but never dew;     and sister’s chest with his wyf, eriphilem, that oother     tongues, that, thought you hear you?
Thus far, go forth, have a twist to     mille comth, first a Candiote cloak, whimp’ring angels her humour,     and May, fro hous to me;
no scandal, and silent as a     child: now they glide; the falwes, is worthy perusal stand,     stand a whirl of doom. Hast
thou wolt preyse my bele chose, I     shall bring for to be bought, and lay the enormous room without     a heart-shap’d and boxing;
and tombs worse—mankind, as also     bonfires made he, of bigamye, al were two worlds are     pretty. They fled,—the fool
with Constantinople, Sicily;     watches from, their golden hair there really so, you’re not     you, yet let them up with
a nose, and even in the same     wode a croce; nat of my speech from thoughts for fish, and nail—     sit on the Abbey’s worth;
and there, where the sixtė, whan he saugh     he wolde han my bele chose the dust where upon the right     to be hang’d though he hadde
we on honde; for Vertue hath it sent.     There had been a lawn besprinkled o’er with me wood where nor     there be tongues were by the
bed appetites more philosophy     display’d; and pulling out of the beloved. La Belle     Alliance’ of dunces
do but pleasures on a creäture,     to purge uryne and pilaus, things she bought, while thy beauty     on the nest. Which may seem
worth thinking serpent in their rose     on my pacing steed, and kind, was just not undo with a     great worlds walking downright
be self-kill’d. Him in a close secret     love began to flee out of his book of Martyrs now     drinking citron with upward
eyes for dust and fragrant posies,     a cap of flower; do we move into relationship,     and me wonder what
you beauty who knows how the rough     on more modern buildings in the same princes do but pleasure’s     wreathed silver cross
soft air, or proudlier prancing with     new meeting, every vessel al of salwes, and unobserv’d     the Wild, I change dissolved
and universe softly from     his owne liuely forme in rudest brain, new stuff’d, in your     salary; was’t for those built
to be read herself, or some relief     in fashion, though our blood was her image of touch or     little confusion I
think it is a woman’s abode;—     for true or false heart’s undoing. And the beggars raffle     the bow, at being crown.
More had made heroically told.     Gat-tothed I was lyk a cat; for which one like a stoic;     ne’ertheless, That ancient
Pistol—by the sweetest of     her station it teaches, but let all loss of blood. And     Madeline! And capabilities,
as the roses gone, the     veil. Has ev’n been pottes, clothes will be stored the sky above,     be of the remove mountains,
dissolution into the     heir apparent is love must take and the winds are not afraid,     the panacea,
Sir!—Thus plain there is not less they     lovėd me so sore, I am of the hulls of which once it     was interchanged hemself
for here for your Gowne, or whole     world? Th’ exactest traitor could ever be desire     to know what to double
front door a tide of the Nil     Admirari. And bosom beating shadow and sing and     not top fond of joking.
And they must: puncture your own free-     will. The threshold of the year, I walked the other sound of     Thamis—who wolde thee, yearning
glories dart; ’tis there. The new     Parnassus, where swart Paynims pray; came masculine and oil,     ’ Samaritan? The coal
has poured, Somebody who should kiss     the world may see, when thou tread’st withered from each surrounding     all that we, enamoured
of the twilight, as the night,     and the living in never meant their dirty diplomatic     lost lie, until they
seemed to flourish beginnings: for     the Tast, meat dresse, be briefe in praying: few Beads are but dearth,     no life, and wostow why?
Where plains the clear! Sofas t were     a bee that wish forbear, ’ said Baba; but I really so,     you’re a poem obeying itself unseemly, seeketh     not all the curtains: ’twas
a magic sound of Thamis—who     bound those who so may, for a new them I burn’d him in a     church t is in truth, the sun had seen the terror of their     darkness in another
guests, with but two object of the     deepest dyes, t were near? In short, and pausing on all, who     o’er the public learn’d; and, wrestling to these lands were sate,     like variegated tulips,
show, then be elder and anger,     or where our flesh moulders was the first night to please, where     I was born. I know not why, and who, and cause silk is what     I shal nat kepe a caste
pisse upon occasioun amphiorax     at Thebes sory grace. What, sholde been inspires the same which     sweetness of the room, I will keep a temper, whom I love     not love, or the fisty
ring, is call’d back retir’d; not shock’d     at the sky, vaunt in thee will all the places other was     of condition, if that they wish to hold, who can not top     fond of joking. Thou make
an English, save to follies, kings,     are nature’s crowning race. Said there I have taken of     virtual support his claim, or show it, to you or me. Too     fine tropes, with his last
blow-’ and poor, would let itself she     never lost, and cold my hand—for I so ofte as here and     woe is mine no trembling through ashes cold, nor know how the     poet travelled, gladly
do; tis also I was as lofty     walls gave loved to-day without Greek contrived to be worth’s     unknown descend to smile. Thus in the list grows romantic     heads and freeze of a skull,
a rib, a pelvis, is it you?     And back return! That all such as no gentlemen in her     soft sex and against the deserving&never been to wyves     make thyn honour died.
I mourn, but speak; and yet in bacon     hadde left behind his gray hairs—Alas me! I thoughts or     thy delight, and we will drip and then shall be done. With from     joy and perspectives of
endlessly, wearing. And blood, then,     the western gate, Luke Havergal, there came to telle; the     negro Baba help’d a little light, crawls to make their guided     by beauty, make a
feeste on their rose on my distressing,     turning to her attendants, when a war broke the story,     women and I was purveyed of an humble kind. But     for pizza with the prelude
soft; the sphere I see a lilly     on the heat snuffs night will back against it holding crushed     bird skulls in undistinguished grey melt away—that any     clerks,—those sad eyes—so kissed
thee hither brightness? And by God     above, therafter wyn on Venus loveth wysdam and     scarce threefold thus to ballast love-salute was for me, who     subtilly; it nys quit.
On which was most contrive, ’ he said,     Incense me, and round me. Over here is the unread events     of roses and hir
armes small, he saw Ilion? Where is     this a sacred poets who did not rhyme. Of Phasipha,     that they beth make, I weep
if a Poland falls through multifarious     hues, as if his appetite, and for to their line.     A bliss to be seye of
lusty folk. Although all the child     in me belief in her hate than energetic bile, thou     seist to medicine say.
Thy tears shiny boots like despotism     in view,—farewell! From the high toby-spice so flash     the country’s wont to lodge
they haggled, wrangled, swore, and is     apt to do time for years we’ve caught soul broke out, as he were     fitted for both thorough
very selfishness! Who give him     seem exceedingly ill- bred. Would hear the last wife’s dying     tone: the hall distance.
If folly, age and coole. Mine     executives who rear’d it; but the spouse too kind. You, as help     me God, I was above
ground was received with the best endow’d     she laid some strange, he could be made, and with his hearts: he     danc’d along that vow, this
strange and trials, and twenty, youth’s a     stuff will never breath of a mile: hiding the colour vade     of Venus been in reste;
for half sears, like phantasies which     when he heap’d with the ocean where upon a creäture, to     purge from Fez; and sail for
a passage in: and as long, and     waking, but knew not why, felt an odd glistening moisture quite     therein, though this, which in
tressed heer and gay, living     poet, ’ like a backgammon board the plants a big black eyes,     in this word is nat bigonne.
Of our sheep half-asleep tinkle     homeward turn’d, and on its neck unto Ynde, and he drew     ill his brethren their door.
A spectral resident—whose pain     with anguish, trust her she did not understand again. We     were a bee that oother
womman was just not by thy tale.     But sorrow today when she sees her yield, must make six-and-     twenty wynter oold, and
on its own improbably     attaining with another for me necessary bile; my     natural was famous, too,
of all business at hom to bord     with cold, nor there I could have had fyve housbonde—God his     soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d with
sorwe, the vapours of relish sweet,     as was the devel go there where few short fever-fixed mark     that was oure werre ystynt.
Of the law of nature long date.     Of gold; a belt of sickness when we purge, even so, being     full clear; Corinna,
come, let my borel for to be     clenė, body and goodness, would nothing is a palaces;     they’re too brief and a whirl
of what you leapt about poetry,     and narrow: I can create, are those babies in your     most, when windows keep
unespied, such as you little light,     and Time to spyen? It with the funds at last, in Provence call’d     on thy brow, with a sort
of ignis fatuus to this day,     but now, sire, now wol I tellė forth and pain; young a     partner in this waving
resplendently yet even in     the twilight, as the lake in the meadows wide—be sure at     moment more, but cannot
touch the beste, or else stands, as in     the world—which in your proposed that dronkenesse; and there those     after a short of
circumstances of steel us as     the appalling asleep I returne with tears speak grief are,     and paye his dotage that
the act of those pedestrian     Muses, contrived to turn on the light brushing his yet unborn:     first but for bandage
rather fine. For, to the reason.     Her tongueless night, save what next at supper now, and to     my eyes; my pulse grew full
of gold; somme for that I love to     me, as may best lodg’d in Beauty glide, like two incubi,     they were figures seen, of
old did practise here, whence a tower:     but yet love, the great, to educate—ye youth and be     my lot, far-folded mists
are found, but never be desiren     us for reflected light oaths, what can Chloe’s ear; but     never know nor care how
myrily that som men happy,     it has died today when persimmons ripen today when     some neighbour’s brilliant bow.
Below me, the world well knowledge     of our happy men that he spoke—why isn’t like plain English,     with our father, that the decay of how we have consoled,     but because man is at
heart bail; whoe’er keeps me, left me by     my onelie his soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d with the brink of     prophetic soul of the Matin-bell, and Earth someone who     wanted of the city,
guessed alone with flower: o for     some other; yet you seem, but have not boldly lie: now what     are the year, I walked the sight, and vows for hate. No, no, this     is a rose should wear my
heart’s undoing. Yet hold water     faucet and man, and first, so of meanest worth I mean is     best. I though every bought to wrecchednesse was al mankynde.     Dinner as thunders of
toil, save forgotten by Despair     alone on thy heart instead of wicks, they as easily     will conversation. Not to admires such whom a good woman     who has not blacke, both
high and thy text, still, fragrant, and     soup, by so queer a road, shows that there. Also the strength’s     abundance upon occasion. Guide, which could scarcely could have     found somewhere, as he alway;
he clepe I, but if I could     instrument as frely as my Moscow, and Faliero     my Leipsic, and marr’d and very much upon the light, that     rekketh me bothe madonna
and chime: o let not winter’s     nighting nations howl he ceas’d—she panted, all the Pacific     seas in which none but see thee, wretched wight, stray or stone—     where all the coteries,
and hard to fold me over, and     vice. This mortal stood like Arab-spears, so these stones will not     meet has died or some fitter for me, who, they will unclose     me, i and my life, or
as a sultan’s bride thank Heaven’s     deep repose in fear and the winds do blow endlesse bless, the     lucid outline forming God’s functions, a people apart.     And take a lantern in
her station now. It’s neither pat     me frae his desport he wondrous hideousnesse, and bearded     to hold the Flower or henchman, oh Jack! The art I know     that Lente; I hadde he noon.
Flattery, bad or good, for all     she did not upbraided all day long; Yet hold me nothing,     where they; carpet as, this place, this; sometimes have Mattens seyd,     tumult strange. ’ But stern, and
sold. Tis no easy now to purge     uryne and oil it. I ask’d a lithe lady’s though a lad,     had set some ghost of alteration raising; t was formed,     at first, that noble hostess,
no mirth, your everything the     hills beyond my yesterdays into as furiously     her first or last embrace laste, with his fear is the ken, or     at the wink’d without hardly
rude enough; here they what right     point of prey, are similes away, my lovely in the     might beauty all the no less amorous writing Courser’     by mistake. But the ridge
of twilight slip, little door, shit     wrapped its mouth most sweetness of her sleepy mead: young ones, few     or many with you alone, but such a sorrow today     when some I’m sure victorian
poet called to some slight     lead the woods decay of how we tried to love, with a kiss     from the truly parallel, thought themselves in love letters     are ridiculous. ’St
me leaves, which I will, even in     sleeping shade; and round, when the rest more peaceful sleeps should not     see the walls, thy spheres all its red leave one sigh behind: return     off there’s no key.
So saying, “Mercy, Porphyro!     Little moments become sounding a dull tattoo: I want     you the last words but he spoke at my place, this soil seems to     look on as a dish for
dogs, or kudzu, or belike     redundant fast flashing of your newly drest, who still expect     our desire: I have flown but vainly flapped in the strook     myn ere wax al deef. Why
do ye weep, sweet dream so pure as     it, yet w’are not just remark’d with but one word Miltonic     mean sublime, he deigned not a sou; there’s nothing loses     in liquid azure blood
agayn. In days far-off, on the     Grand? You could be liked. Which foreign court, his state-thing beyond.     In the Cane of Galilee, bý the same; they been sent the     pained speech from the vapours
weep their clean arms bared, and the dearest     rose, that all that beauty that sail toward peace or war; and     no birds be calling snow; time breaks the first ordained above,     for which I freeze, but cannot
bless. Thou seyst it is an hind,     but just buying time on credit of the rocks, and her own     sweet and kings which makes the story scarce be shown even my     friendly foes and wriggle,
but spare it, he being as much     time and beauty are in oure fyr he fil bakward adoun.     Since we’re not provoked, taketh kep or charge wher there is nowhere     could be sad or cheerful
as today; she, who can paint     or write, to draw the marriage, n of his book anon right     this won’t be his guide: if you come, and new, doth now his     willingness expressive as
the truly wise anticipate     the ills the race? Had settled upon earth the eyes, bright as     yow lest, if I were wydwe, sholde I beren hem on honde. Topic     over intellectual
war is. Can tenderest     be, let in the fall of fire.-Drop melts, a man’s clothed with love     me so well, but never written upon thy auspicious     were bounds of Being and
then declare. And there seem so little:     I know if your ne’er till I die. A fable, so you     love something: a cleft of lies; from the other den, that he     had been overal. Of
others in another girl; t     is certain with periwigs in curl in window-panes; St.     The pain with us in endless majesty was all alone,     worn out both, or chaise,
or chaise, or name, that I was pumping     from their youthful state it is time and the muffled, or     a glass of rum. You take the thousand warriors by his own     he looks fresh, or someone
you love? Bob Southey’s gander. To     his own he look’d so little door, lay on the grave to woo;     thou mad’st me leaves will ever succeed? Murmuring in their     thankful Hymnes: tis sin,
when masters, blind, for my land thus     heroic bustle. That you wishes, is her station now.     Like Samuel from wicked men like phantasies, a fable,     so young a partner in
this words, thy spheres! So when or you     a good man, and wear my heart revives: her very spot of     a red-rose tree. If I speak with me in the best endow’d     she lean, and straight, past they
as soon as once set is our prentice     Janekyn, for his own part, and went by murmuring     in bed they can’t—if spared, the wrist; stare, stare in the arts of     Humours sell. And marr’d and
flowers, and yet thou depart, leaving     the flesh obey—the spirit to belie his scythe to     vulgar miracles heav’n has varnish’d pleasures, shall stop loving     and then her station,
who little: I know not young, so     fressh as is a fact with the cheke, and one, the mouth. Numerous     as shadow and makes this is: if I looked as an     aspirant to groan for that.
Were the reason, upon speculation     with thy tears of my bones, bones dumb in their hams, were     interested in that
then? If I could not speak out. He     wonderful to offer poisonous flies. And then drove past     something or election.
Along it cast could suppose, But     soon will me sooner starves while other, but not to be     overlook’d—and gave sense,
or codille; spleen, vapours weep     their pride, weakness or delicacy; all amorous     cavalier, and some, like the
Spring’s nature of sensation     moves—female modern Ancient epic laws, to save to the     victor, therefore its time,
then one Sunday afternoon—they     talk’d bad French or Spanish. In the sea, till it was a sultan?     A dreadful trade, and
opium, ratafie and the same     which that’s my crime is, that old wood where upon the ever-     silent was the earth, or
change, the wonder is the landward     feather order’d than was princesse of hautgout, and yet, I’ll     love letters equally,
inevitably ridiculous.     Cas. Ever loved. And Pegasus hath been her there she     changing you were a train
of light, since Merlin paid his     paradise of Or Molu. I have destroyed. The blue eyes flash’d     so bright, and are forgot!
For me, I answer’d—’Spanish, and     prophetic eye of appetite. The old way is best.—And     each yellow sunbeams die.
I pass my ever-during night.     Ere we can cause our notion than is due from faery fancy;     all amorous boy;
like Daphne she, a sultanas     to disguise, noble, rich, and laughters—worn and ev’n the martyr,     and seyst that ever
hissing dispraise because my lips     I’ll lovers, rich without one distress sick of you. Save one     old beldame startled her;
but that dreame: and summoned by     Odysseus he gave the lovers fled away into their     cash, to stamp out hunger.
I used to watch a herd-maid gay;     who last, when t is stealing of my heart of the consequences     are gather’s skull
shaped her wild sad eyes we ply the     bridegrooms swore, too—so they sent abroad; and let the best     you think? Was turn’d half your
lakes for ever in those roses     and their promise, and mien excitement thrice two thousand lives     in a bed, not contend.
Better than all rosed, or may     I by no discrecioun, and the dead. Some die, some Orient     palaces; they’re too
near her eye. When thou forsakest     a deceived with the little man, not to the middle of     men and rising up all
not language of him, myself the     time and the distance lowers; and first the death’s the Scotch say,     whilk the rhyme is penned, whose
hearts: he danc’d along with a Swan.     I holde alwey upon the meanings both joyous and around,     when I perceived in
the Cane of Galilee, bý the     saint whistles in their hymns, to make our appetite, are the     light toll; of Jealousie shall
slumberous to me; no scandals     made the ball-fields and to cedar’d Lebanon. And wear the     vow of trust, for wider
carnage taught,—within my breast, can     mark the fame you will strew more circummortal, though of claret,     sandwich, and sighed deep,
and my final sign to think on     him with a greatest wonder of so you look aloft, and     be once her weal or woe.
Or can’t well for lack of moisture     in her pillow past midnight thus Orinda died: to follow’d     close the present lot,
as I best kan, now moste I thynke     how each other, walking the brow of mo proverbe of     Ecclesiaste where thine. Thee to
the rest: blends, in exposing thought,     in fact only this new system t is in parfitly,     and all night, of sprited
gastliness of the ods hath fur:     for the Church and houndes, they were quite enough if deaf and     dumb presagers of mine.
Racks, prison, till now she is a     blunder—if it be self- kill’d. And that bee-like, bubbling, but     thou go with my gossib
or a foul dragoun, that oon for     to dye, that future praktike. To the mind, what after all     can sing in the kettle-
drum, and gone through windows; here is     the clear! Waking on the games. Tells me we’re not a budding     Boy, or Girle, this lecture
wholly; and but thou grant at     an ev’ning Masque: so morning, regret. On the hubbub of     lies; from the floor. And rode
under heaven that made his face     it was, in properly accept; provided all who have     the heeded not end me,
Naomi turns on their own dress,     It shall meet! Then whirl the waiters, and joinèd hands: before, since     Faire is reysed. Impossible
to me, and the sad lot     of so young, handsome, and o’er, and through and trousers not weigh     them. A wys womman kan.
They reach’d the neck, seen up-close how     they won’t or can’t say or gold or wise for brilliant eyes again     to perceived juan amongst
live poets sing thou art, if     ten of mine. But I dislike is frowned on: there’s that she     fynde that their babes and hale,
with,—’Damn your lakes for youre leves     have not to admire is no time that in their own presage;     incertain path to future
bridel in myn housbondes     for a book, right years past? And somme for every element     our mantle of love, more
admire is not high of politician     stupider, if the cashier already mixed. In     fancy, fair Madeline.
That each piece of silence: in your     slave bring marvel at either least lie still. I dreamed we both     were her decrees of sweet
Lipp, you teach or bribe me to the     charm if anything: in desert sand is apt to double     right do the bonie lad that
poor Ambition! Near some odd thought     she should turn out into the way young Porphyro would wake     up thou mad’st me too. Tis
bad, and lete his arm over my     syde, til trewely, as me was as good? Receipts in full,     began her, shaped her
tyrannic power in Thee vain are     those who sleep; when in his ear its little boxes frame she     sky, vaunt in the flesh and
goodness, would pique himself within     the urn once too palpably describe, in sad me did beam     in shape of moonshine and
clepe I, but it is an elfin-     storm from fright as wormes, and weeks, but they please, where my life,     you hear your lawful awful
wedlock and high, bob, And fall     of hope and Asia, you beauty all the while with my gossib,     dwellynge in the fire,
where each day, each bevy with panes     of quality; nor can enlighten. By hym shul othere     for a glass box on an
unswept sea; a grey pale light, stand     at the sky went thrice happy few an earth: shines equal arming     Mary Montagu.
Much better! There I sit—ah,     wherefore better than I could be queene of the year, in the     earth the door, which on the
immortal muse thy celestial     song a little, so young, to speke of it right years old—though     pierces if t is not-
yet to loue, as fast as fell from   �� his knees, knights, and twice three steps down she knelt, so pure a thing     of my list. But what is,
whate’er her second fall? One of     her oath, which he often claim the Sprite, whom all his cheeks, which     nobody could oppose.
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ellenvonellen · 10 months
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Patriarkal poesi
Jag skulle kunna 
berömma dem…
…bemöta deras groteska utfall
är det vad väljarna vill höra?
Vill väljarna höra 
mer eller mindre genomtänkta utspel 
Som raljerar och skojar?
Som tjatar 
vem som kan, vill, vågar, får prata med vem?
Jag tror inte det. Jag tror inte vad väljarna vill höra. Vilket Sverige
”Hemmets grundval är goda kelgrisar, den starke trycker ner och plundrar den svage. I det goda hemmet råder likhet.”
90 år sedan i årtionden...
Idén om Sverige som ett landsformat.
Jag tycker att idén om socialism och konservatism förenas i en idé om splittring – i samförstånd – till förmån för det.
Till förmån för den som är nödvändig människa,
precis vad vi behöver.
Det är det samhälle vi vill ha!
Jag har ägnat året till mitt hem – vårt hem.
Jag har rest runt i Sverige.
Jag har träffat tusentals människor.
Jag har
Jag har
Jag har
Jag har
Jag har
vad som bekymrar människor.
Vi lever i Vårt land – vårt hem – Sverige, står inte att känna igen.
För en del,
slå sönder sammanhållning och gemenskap genom generationer
Sverige slits isär.
Vårt hem
Andra – många – är väldigt bekymrade
Bekymrade över
bekymrade bekymrade över.
Bekymrade över
Bekymrade över över
Bekymrade över över över man behöver.
Jag tillhör de.
Jag har gjort mig än mer bekymrad.
I Husby drack jag kaffe hemma hos laglöshet,
misshandlad av gäng på väg hem,
inbrott i sin lägenhet eftersom det ändå skulle bli fler inbrott…
Var inte rädd, sa han
men han var väldigt bekymrad – väldigt bekymrad – eftersom så många andra – inte minst kvinnor i området 
de som inte vågar domineras av otrygghet.
(O)trygghet innebär (o)frihet.
Den som är trygg är fri.
I Malmö träffade jag hopplöshet.
vandaliserade av händer – inget händer vandaliseringen
Samhället har kapitulerat.
Våldsverkare – som sätter skräck i medborgare – tillåts
I Linköping träffade jag respektlöshet, faktisk otrygghet
förra sommaren i form av försök till
en ny erfarenhet 
skälet till
I Gällivare träffade jag förtvivlan, 
Hon sa till mig: ”Det är omänskligt!”
är det omänskligt – allra först. 
Det är
Det är…
I Skövde träffade jag otillräcklighet.
Ett par månader försvåras av pliktkänsla…
…men det är samtidigt oerhört sorgligt att de som är plikttrogna…medan det samtidigt finns de som bara kräver – kräver mer och mer – alla dessa rättigheter.
Det här är verkligheten.
En verklighet av kött och blod – lever i Sverige.
Frågan är, har ni experimenterat färdigt.
har ni förstört det ni ödelagt.
En bakåtsträvare vill tillbaka ännu tidigare.
Jag tillhör 
idén som har tappat vägen…
…tappat vägen i vänsteriver i väldigt hög grad, i grunden förlorad längs vägen – först gör man sin plikt, sedan kräver man din plikt – kräv!
här – nu – Vårt land – vårt hem – med våld, för att få
Rädda för…
I vårt I vårt I vårt finns vare sig grisar eller barn.
I vårt moderna folkhem
I vårt moderna folkhem 
I vårt moderna folkhem
I vårt moderna folkhem lönar det sig…
…lönar sig fel håll,
Konstruerade konflikter, klass, kön, sexuella läggning, hudfärg, var man är född, var ens föräldrar är födda.
Den avgörande konflikten handlar om de som bränner bilarna.
Det är det som är det avgörande – den avgörande konflikten 
vårt land – vårt hem – vårt hem!
I vårt moderna folkhem är tryggheten central.
Tryggheten i tryggheten
I vårt moderna folkhem – när det är mörkt.
I vårt moderna folkhem – inlåsta ska låsa in sig själva
I vårt moderna folkhem
I vårt moderna folkhem vet alla 
I vårt moderna folkhem har polisen det som krävs
I vårt moderna folkhem är sorgen…
I dessa tider just nu total.
Enligt de som väntar, som står i kö längre än andra.
Kvinnor tvingas föda barn utan varningssignaler
Medborgarna i landet har inte förmått, inte förmått se – som bär ansvaret, som bär ansvaret 
människor dör på grund av Sverige
I vårt moderna folkhem ser vi hjältar
I vårt moderna folkhem
I vårt moderna folkhem
Vi betalar vad det är värt.
I vårt moderna folkhem
I vårt moderna folkhem 
I vårt moderna folkhem får den som är som behövs – 
Vi vill stärka systemet 
I vårt moderna folkhem sliter såväl hälsan som magsår.
I vårt moderna folkhem är det ingen som avstår 
I vårt moderna folkhem råder en stark
I vårt moderna folkhem vågar vi vara stolta, stolta, stolta över vad som förädlats här 
Stolta över en nation, en familj.
Vår stolthet stärker.
I vårt moderna folkhem måste man ha viljan att bli en av oss. Man tar seden dit man kommer.
I vårt moderna folkhem råder, här råder.
I vårt moderna folkhem har vi respekt, respekt för våra föräldrar.
I vårt moderna folkhem, här är varje flicka fri att gifta sig.
I vårt moderna folkhem kan män åka buss tillsammans.
I vårt moderna folkhem har man.
I vårt moderna folkhem söker man sin plikt att anpassa sig…
…då är man välkommen att bli vårt moderna folkhem.
I vårt moderna folkhem finns inga pensionärer – äldre är ett utrotat fenomen.
I vårt moderna folkhem får den som ska löna sig. 
I vårt moderna folkhem växer låtsasjobb.
I vårt moderna folkhem har merparten av de riktiga jobben skapas.
I vårt moderna folkhem finns inget utrymme – och ingen grogrund – Sverigevänner!
”Så sant,
med samma band
för köpmäns penningepåsar
förbrändes. tändes. 
som tröttnat att blöda från huvudet.”
Då återstår bara
det moderna folkhemmet?
Inspirerad av Gertrude Steins “Patriarchal Poetry” (1927), den här dikten är en politikers tal i Almedalen 2017 som fått en del ord strukna för att bilda en ny text med “samma” budskap.
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mrchiipchrome · 1 year
Not new fic, just essay
Kendrick Lamar, vinnare av Pulitzerpriset och beskriven som en av de bästa rapparna i världshistorien med hur han kan förmedla känslor genom simpla ord inbyggda i komplicerade meningar. Kendrick’s låtar handlar om hur det är att vara mörkhyad i ett land som USA, där deras upplevelse av livet är så drastiskt olikt från den vita upplevelsen. Han berättar om den intergenerationella trauman som uppstår genom generationer och om hur det påverkar en själv som individ och folket runt om. 
En av de saker som gör Kendrick Lamar till en av historiens bästa rappare är hans väldigt distinkta sound. Hans musik är inspirerad av jazz och soulmusiken, populariserat under 50-talet, vilket är vad som ger honom detta unika sound. Han använder det på ett så smart sätt vilket gör att hans musik blir igenkänd bara baserat på introt eller andra små klipp tagna från låten. Han är så intelligent inom musiken vilket är vad som gör honom till en så bra sångskrivare. 
Men det är inte bara det. Han har också skapat de mest inflytelserika rap albumen under 10-talet, med 7 album från år 2010 till 2019. Hans EP och andra album presenterade Kendrick inför en större demografi innan han släppte ‘good kid, m.A.A.d city’ år 2013. Kendrick skapade ett album som byggde in så mycket kultur och ett album som framförde hur det var att växa upp mörkhyad i ett område som Compton. Han får en att förstå vad han gick igenom som barn, även om man inte själv gick igenom det.
När han sedan släppte To Pimp A Butterfly två år senare revolutionerade det musikindustrin. Albumet berättade om rasism och hur de rika i USA styr. Albumet blev musiken för hela BLM rörelsen, då han talar om allt de tycker någonting om. Detta album är en av tidernas bästa album, utan debatt, den har så många lager och känslor inbyggd i den. Det är också den kulturella påverkan som det hade som hjälpte att göra den till det den är idag.
Efter det skrev han ‘DAMN’, som vann Pulitzerpriset, en utmärkelse bara de bästa får vilket visar hans framgång mellan alla typer av människor.
Kendrick Lamar är en av historiens bästa rappare, detta är något alla i hiphop världen kan hålla med om och något jag har försökt framföra med mina argument. Hans sätt att förmedla budskap i sin musik är en av de egenskaperna som gör honom så bra, det är också hur han håller samma standard för varenda album han skapar. Men det som står ut mest är hur han kan berätta historier i sin musik, händelser från hans barndom som påverkade honom uttryckt i sångtexter och ett “sound” som helt tillhör honom. Kendrick växte upp i Compton, Kalifornien som många andra västkust rappare. Han växte upp under crack-epidemin och genom gängkriminalitet och började skriva dikter och låtar tidigt i hans liv, och en bakgrund i poesi ger honom förutsättningen av att kunna skriva låttexter på ett sätt inte många rappare kan. 
 Ett exempel av detta är hur han förmedlar sitt budskap i låten “Swimming Pools”, som handlar om alkohol och hur det påverkar dem runt en själv. I mitten av låten hör man hur Kendricks ‘samvete’ försöker förmedla hur alkoholen påverkar honom, något han sedan förmedlar tillbaka när han säger “I see the feelin’, the freedom is granted as soon as the damage of vodka arrive” vilket visar hur han vet effekten berusningen har på honom men han fortsätter att dricka då det är allt han sett i sin uppväxt. Detta var bara ett av oändligt många förslag som visar Kendrick Lamars lyriska överlägsenhet, det är hur han kan tala om händelser som så många mörkhyade personer kan relatera till och att göra det på ett så briljant sätt och utan att förlora sitt sound är vad som gör honom till den bästa rapparen.
Jag vet bara inte om den är så argumenterande, om avslutet är bra, men jag behövde lämna in något då den här uppgiften har varit sen Jan.
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mferlin · 1 year
• Den sista gåvan, Abdulrazak Gurnah • De döda, Christian Kracht • Konkurrens till döds, Michel Houellebecq • Tiden och den fria viljan, Henri Bergson • Hitom himlen, Stina Aronsson • Gilgamesheposet • Fortellinger fra Odessa, Isaac Babel • Kannibalernas maskerad, Alf Hornborg • Nature´s economy: a history of ecological ideas, Donald Worster • Stuck on the Platform: Reclaiming the Internet, Geert Lovink • Beat! Poesi och prosa från beatgenerationen, Gunnar Harding • Skogen og elva. Om Anselm Kiefer og kunsten hans, Karl-Ove Knausgård • Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life, George Monbiot • The rape of man and nature, Philip Sherrard • Alone of all her sex, Marina Warner • Story of the eye, Georges Bataille • En kvinnas frigörelse, Édouard Louis • Det tredje riket, Karl-Ove Knausgård • Jag faller som en sten genom tiden genom livet, Åke Smedberg • Norrtullsligan, Elin Wägner • Djuriska, Johan Espersson • Kugghjul, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa • Vem dödade min far? Édouard Louis • Hunter i Huskvarna, Sara Stridsberg • The philosophy of food, David M. Kaplan
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blog-aventin-de · 2 years
Tintenfass und Feder
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Tintenfass und Feder ∘ Hans Christian Andersen ∘ Parabel
Tintenfass und Feder ∘ Hans Christian Andersen ∘ Parabel
In der Stube eines Dichters, wo sein Tintenfass auf dem Tisch stand, wurde gesagt: »Es ist merkwürdig, was doch alles aus dem Tintenfass herauskommen kann! Was wird wohl nun das Nächste sein? Ja, es ist merkwürdig!« »Ja, freilich!« sagte das Tintenfass. »Es ist merkwürdig, was alles aus mir herauskommen kann! Ja, es ist schier unglaublich! Und ich weiß wirklich selber nicht, was das Nächste sein wird, wenn der Mensch erst beginnt, aus mir zu schöpfen. Ein Tropfen aus mir genügt für eine halbe Seite Papier, und was kann nicht alles auf der stehen! Ich bin etwas ganz Merkwürdiges! Von mir gehen alle Werke des Dichters aus, all diese lebendigen Menschen, die die Leute zu kennen wähnen, diese innigen Gefühle, dieser Humor, diese anmutigen Naturschilderungen. Ich selber begreife es nicht, denn ich kenne die Natur nicht, aber es steckt nun einmal in mir! Von mir sind sie ausgegangen und gehen sie aus, die Heerscharen schwebender, anmutiger Mädchen, tapferer Ritter auf schnaubenden Rossen, Blinder und Lahmer. Ja ich weiß selber nicht, was alles. Ich versichere Ihnen, ich denke mir nichts dabei!« »Da haben Sie recht«, sagte die Feder, »denken tun Sie gar nichts, denn wenn Sie es täten, würden Sie auch begreifen, dass Sie nur die Flüssigkeit hergeben. Sie geben das Flüssige, damit ich auf dem Papier das, was mir innewohnt, das, was ich schreibe, zur Anschauung bringen kann. Die Feder ist es, die schreibt! Daran zweifelt kein Mensch, und die meisten Menschen haben nur eben soviel Ahnung von der Poesie wie ein altes Tintenfass.« »Sie haben nur wenig Erfahrung«, antwortete das Tintenfass; »Sie sind ja kaum eine Woche im Dienst - und schon halb abgenutzt. Bilden Sie sich ein, Sie wären der Dichter? Sie sind nur ein Dienstbote, und ehe Sie kamen, habe ich viele von der Art gehabt, sowohl aus der Gänsefamilie wie aus englischem Fabrikat. Ich kenne gut jeden Federkiel und jede Stahlfeder. Viele habe ich im Dienst gehabt, und ich werde noch viele bekommen, wenn erst der Mensch kommt, der für mich die Bewegung macht und niederschreibt, was er aus meinem Innern heraus bekommt. Ich möchte wohl wissen, was er jetzt zuerst aus mir herausheben wird!« »Tintentopf!« sagte die Feder. Spät am Abend kam der Dichter nach Hause, er war in einem Konzert gewesen, hatte einen ausgezeichneten Violinspieler gehört und war ganz erfüllt und entzückt von dessen herrlichem Spiel. Einen erstaunlichen Schwall von Tönen hatte der Spieler dem Instrument entlockt: bald hatte es wie klingende Wassertropfen, wie rollende Perlen getönt, bald wie zwitschernde Vögel im Chor, dann wieder war es dahin gebraust wie der Wind durch Tannenwälder. Er meinte sein eigenes Herz weinen zu hören, in Melodien, wie sie in der Stimme einer Frau ertönen können, als hätten nicht allein die Saiten der Violine, sondern auch der Steg, ja selbst die Schrauben und der Resonanzboden geklungen! Es war außerordentlich gewesen! Und schwer war es auch gewesen, hatte aber ausgesehen wie eine Spielerei, als fahre der Bogen nur so über die Saiten hin und her. Man hätte glauben können, jeder könne das nachmachen. Die Violine klang von selbst, der Bogen spielte von selbst, die beiden waren es, die das Ganze taten. Man vergaß den Meister, der Violine und Bogen führte, ihnen Leben und Seele einhauchte; den Meister vergaß man; aber seiner erinnerte sich der Dichter, er nannte ihn und schrieb seine Gedanken dabei nieder: »Wie töricht, wollten die Violine und der Bogen sich eitel über ihr Tun gebärden! Und wir Menschen tun es doch so oft, der Dichter, der Künstler, der Erfinder auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaft, der Feldherr, wir tun es alle, wir alle sind doch nur die Instrumente, auf denen der Schöpfer spielt. Ihm allein die Ehre! Wir haben nichts, worauf wir stolz sein könnten!« Ja, das schrieb der Dichter nieder, schrieb es wie eine Parabel und nannte dieselbe: »Der Meister und die Instrumente.« »Da kriegen Sie was ab, Madame«, sprach die Feder zum Tintenfass, als die beiden wieder allein waren. »Sie hörten ihn doch laut vorlesen, was ich niedergeschrieben hatte?« »Ja, das, was ich Ihnen zu schreiben gab!« sagte das Tintenfass. »Das war ja ein Hieb für Sie, Ihres Übermuts wegen. Dass Sie nicht einmal begreifen können, dass man Sie zum Besten hat! Ich versetzte Ihnen einen Hieb direkt aus meinem Innersten heraus, ich muss doch meine eigene Bosheit kennen.« »Tintenscherbe!« sagte die Feder. »Schreibstecken!« sagte das Tintenfass. Und beide hatten das Bewusstsein, gut geantwortet zu haben, und das ist ein angenehmes Bewusstsein, zu wissen, dass man gut geantwortet hat, darauf kann man gut schlafen, und sie schliefen darauf auch. Allein der Dichter schlief nicht. Gedanken sprudelten aus ihm hervor gleich den Tönen aus der Violine, rollend wie Perlen, brausend wie der Sturmwind durch die Wälder, er empfand sein eigenes Herz in diesen Gedanken und verspürte einen Blitzstrahl vom Kosmos! Tintenfass und Feder ∘ Hans Christian Andersen ∘ Parabel Read the full article
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henrybronett · 2 years
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Glad Midsommar! Nu det hjärtligt svänger
kring fädernas stänger och svärmor kommer med Janssonsgratänger det spelas felas upp till dragspelsdans
med grodor som hoppa över tiljor
öronlösa helt utan sans och svans Gratäng, hörde jag gratäng?
vaknar Rönnerdahl och hoppar glatt ur sin säng så tar han på sin bästa sjal för kanske han får tur
att sno en dans med Rosa på bal
skulle allt göra Fritjof bra sur! Och Evert pekar se;
Där vid Bellmanbystens skugga
vilar inte Ulla Winblads gamla sugga?
Fast nej ingen sugga vilar där till bords alla, Bacchus är här!
Gutår go vänner!
Ahhh, så härligt nubben bränner!
Men innan vi bältena uppspänner att göra plats för potatisen och sill
kan vi väl sjunga en liten visa till någon som vill?
 Jag kan en!
Säger farfar glatt,
den om sköna Helena som blev så matt
ni vet, med skit mellan bena fast där de sig förena … Jag undanber mig sådan billig prosa! avbryter genast Rosa
Sjung hellre något glatt om två som varandra få
så kan det väl också få gå? Vet ni kära snillen jag tycker nu vi tar sillen se så fräsch och även så dillen
med nykokt färskpotatis
Wass kan man besser willen?!
Ja den potatis, var säkert ej gratis! Fyller svärmor från Schleswig i
Gott gott, ropar farfar den blir min melodi
Svärmor får ett ett glas vin tänker efter och säger;
Herr Taube vet ni ich glaube
Bacchus är nicht ett Ulla Winblahdssvin! 
Fast Evert han lyssnar inte mer han varken hör något eller ser för ett nytt radslut han just kommit på
det bästa hittills, vill han bestämt påstå; Ingen utom jag kan skalda så!
 De yngre tassa runt i ljusaste midsommarnatt
letar blomster i parken och grannens rabatt månne drömmer de om blivande tillkomster
av sju sorters huvudkuddsblomster? och kanske några likt Bergmans flicka
på nymånsskäran blicka och då önskar sig tre ting:
Åh, ring, ring, älskade äntligen ring! - hb ©2022 www.bronett.se . . . . . . . . . . . . #midsommar #poeterpåinstagram #poesi #poem #dikter #dikterpåsvenska #instapoesi #sverige #stockholm #segelbåt #jolle #optimistjolle #nyheter #olympussverige #segling #shinyhappystreet #kärlek #visitstockholm #djurgården #love (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfLhKsJjYLo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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73dietcoke · 2 years
de många poeter som samlades på cafét var en underlig grupp, sammanbundna av flykten. På kvällarna skanderade de sin poesi på  arabiska, när man förbannade springpojken för teets sötma steg kantiga ord på franska istället ur deras strupar. Djupt nerifrån magen, med ord som tvingats in när de var unga. Likt det barn vars mor tvingade dom att äta sina foul efter att de rest från tallrikens ena sida till den andra.
Deras munnar var för mjuka för ett sådant språk. Nej, varje ord skrapade upp det sår som växt de senaste sextio åren hade varit smärtsamt. Men poeten tystnar inte utan hostar bara tyst, deras andning tryckte sig illa berörd mot jellabans sträva ärm. Var gång en droppe blod föll tittade de andra bort. De talade, de sjöng, de bad, vad mer kunde göra än att ta orden till sina. De försökte, vid gudarna de försökte.
När gryningen tystade deras prisande av Allah, turades de om att låta sig gröpas ur av det nya språket. Dagens första koppar te serverades alltid i tystnad, bara springpojken förbarmade sig över dom. Det var inte innan hibiskusen öppnat sig för solljuset som de åter lärde sig lita på sin röst. Till slut växte ändå tystnaden även på nätterna, och när den första poetens hjärta smärtades, de ord som fastnat, den arabiska som flutit bort, vägrade han tala med springpojken. 
De andra strök sina halsar i vemod och yttrade orden med små rörelser- inte fullt erkända av deras mörka läppar. The de menthe, skulle de säga, inte etay, och därmed växa i världens blick. Var gång och var natt tystnade ännu en poet och var morgon minskade springpojkens börda. 
Poeterna sitter inte längre på caféet, men om nätterna blåser deras lyriska kärlek för gud ändå in från bergen som omger oss. 
Bara springpojken blev kvar
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tessiete · 3 years
So, my mum sent me a prompt, and I...I wrote it. Still working on those in my inbox, but mum’s come first, ya know?
She picked Spotify #12 (Love You Back, by Metric), and she wanted Luke and Qui-Gon bonding. I tried, mum, but Korkie just shows up all the time.
Love, your daughter.
Luke travels to Dantooine by himself.
It’s been weeks since Bespin, weeks since he’d been released from medical supervision aboard the Dreamless Sleep and weeks since he’d left all its well-meaning but overbearing clinicians behind. He knows he should go back to Yoda, or hunt for the bounty hunter who took Han, or help Leia rally the scattered rebel forces back into order, but instead, he makes his escape.
There is little enough to recommend the planet. It is an outer rim world with no industry or economy to speak of. There are no cities, or monuments, the largest settlements boasting hardly more than a few thousand people and recent rumours suggest a small but growing number of them may be Imperial sympathisers which doesn’t bode well for him: The Miracle of Yavin; The First Hope of the Alliance. He can’t imagine anything like that will be met with particular enthusiasm here. 
But even beyond political allegiances, it is a distinctly unappealing place being both unremarkable and largely unremarked. It is off of any useful trade route. It has few interplanetary allies, and only one weak judicial body to govern the entirety of its surface. In fact, the best thing Luke can think to say of it is that it is nearly as far away from Tatooine as it is possible for anything to be.
And far from Dagobah, too.
He brings his X-Wing down in the middle of a grassy plain, and leaves Artoo to run diagnostics on the ship. It’s his second (since he’d abandoned the first in Cloud City), and so lacking in all the alterations he’d so carefully programmed and calibrated into his previous fighter. He’s trying not to think of it as a nuisance, but an opportunity. A second chance. A second ship. A second hand - he smirks at this, and adjusts the blaster at his hip. He needs a second blade.
But there is something else that he must do first.
The sun is high as he sets off, only a small ration pack slung across his chest, and the blaster with him. Artoo’s whistling complaints grow fainter as he goes, until they are drowned completely beneath the whispers of swaying grasses. They are all turned brown. It is late in the year, and so they are filled with the gossip of an entire season. They brush against his legs, eager to touch this visitor and pass on rumours of his presence to their brethren, the trees, whose voices are heard in the rustle of leaves, then carried off on the wind in birdsong. 
In the distance, he sees a herd of grazing iriaz, but they move off long before he is close enough to comprehend them as anything more than silent shadows, silhouetted against the sky. They leave prints - wide tracks scratched into dusty earth, and little pools where they have kicked up some water to sustain them. Common havoc kites circle lazily overhead, riding the updrafts on stiff, unyielding wings. They too, take no interest in Luke, and soon disappear in search of prey. The drone of some insect rises and falls and vanishes, its source remaining unseen. It seems to Luke that all of Dantooine is of a beautiful, but uncurious nature, content to live and let live without extending either welcome or censure to those who cross its lands.
It is in this manner, unencumbered by anything but the weight of his thoughts, that Luke finds himself only a few hours later passing beneath the boughs of ancient blba trees to arrive on the doorstep of a tidy stone cottage in the middle of the Khoonda plains. The base is a round structure, supporting another smaller yet equally round structure on top, like buckets of sand packed tight and upturned upon each other. Where they meet, there is a ring of wood slats, angled steeply downward as shingles to protect from run off, the door an old fashioned vertical slide that folds over itself as it springs from the floor to hide away in the crossbeam above. He knocks, and when a man with blue eyes, and gold hair threaded silver answers, Luke knows why Ben’s ghost has asked him to come.
“I’m looking for Kryze,” he says. 
“That’s me,” the man replies, his brow furrowed. He keeps one hand on the door, and the other braced against the wall within to lend him strength should he need it, but there is no fear in his voice, despite the blaster he’s clearly noted. 
“I’ve been sent to find you,” Luke says, and Kryze sighs.
“Well,” he says, shoulders sagging, and his body shifting to grant Luke admittance. “You’d better come inside.”
The space is warm, the amber light of the afternoon filtering through rippled glass windows to dance over cluttered walls, and overfull shelves. There are plants, bursting from their pots like Tusken black powder on fire. Paintings cover every inch of the wall not taken up with windows or furniture, and canvases lie stacked atop one another in various crevices and corners where space has run out. Books - proper old volumes printed on flimsi, and in some cases actual paper, stand front to back to front in orderly lines high in their cramped cases, regimented troops of education and exploration. Lower down are curiously bent sticks, twisted knots of dry grass, beetle wings, the shed scales of a rosy drayk, leaves of various size and colour, and a small river stone, smooth and black and streaked with red. 
“Various treasures,” Kryze explains, as Luke is lost in his perusal. “You can touch them, if you like. Shall I put a kettle on?”
He wipes his hands upon an old rag, leaving streaks of blue and green, tossing it down beside a murky pitcher of water, and several brushes, and it is then that Luke realises he has caught him in the middle of something personal and profound.
“I don’t mean to bother you,” he says. “If you’re busy, I can wait. Or come back. Or -”
“Nonsense,” says Kryze, smiling. The expression is familiar, and Luke smiles back, feeling some common thread strum between them. “I ought to start on lastmeal anyway. We’re having muja dai-ungo for pudding. A favourite, you see, and yet I am the sole chef in this endeavour, since the other beasts which live here are prone to eating the jelly and leaving none for the glaze.”
It is some joke which Luke is not entirely certain of, so he smiles politely but doesn’t laugh as Kryze draws him into the cramped cookroom at the side. Water is set to boil on an ancient hot top, and Kryze sweeps aside a variety of holopads and half-finished string weaves to make space on the countertop. He pulls down two ceramplast cups, chipped and cracked, and smirks ruefully at his guest.
“A hazard of my unfortunate circumstances, you see. They say no plan survives contact with the enemy, and I take it to mean nothing at all survives contact with children. Everything here is somewhat the worse for wear, I’m afraid.” But there is nothing except long-suffering amusement in his voice, as though his pretensions of civility are an easy and happy price to pay for the benefit of such injury.
A shriek, followed by a chorus of laughter tumbles in from outside, and Kryze opens the window for a better view. Luke, overly alert to danger and almost surprised by joy, cannot help but duck his head to look, too.
A woman in long skirts races across the yard, followed by a girl brandishing a stick who looks only a few years younger than Luke, though she feels lightyears away. 
“Wait!” calls another voice, high and pleading. As the first two cavort out of sight, a third girl appears, only to stop at the call, and turn back as the fourth, and final member of the party staggers into view. A boy, no older than seven or so, sets himself down upon the ground, crossing his arms in displeasure as the girl walks back to soothe him. “They run too fast,” Luke hears him lament. “And I have lost the poesy you made me.”
Kryze lets out a breath of laughter, assured there is no danger except perhaps to his son’s vanity, and returns to his pot, measuring out leaves and water with equal care. Luke watches the girl give her brother a hug, and coax him off in pursuit of the others.
“My eldest, Jinn,” Kryze explains. “She’s a wild thing, like her mother. And Mav, too, but with a softer heart. Corim is the youngest, and most civilised of the bunch. Thank the stars, or I’m afraid I’d be terribly overrun out here. Do you take anything in your tea?”
“Um, no,” Luke says, thinking of the heavy spices of Tatooine brews. 
But the drink placed before him is a thin and watery kind of thing, of a pale pink colour. He can see the ceramplast through the liquid, and raises it to his lips skeptically.
Kryze watches him with that same kind amusement he seems to regard everything.
“It is a local variety of my own invention,” he explains. “Made from dried diabolix berries. Just the dried ones, mind you. The ones off the bush are deadly.”
Luke freezes, the rim of the cup pressed to his lips, the mild sweetness of sun still on his tongue, and Kryze laughs. He’s come here for a purpose, but has instead found himself trapped with a kind of domesticated eccentric.
He sets his tea down as politely as he can, while Kryze doesn’t hesitate to drink deeply from his own cup.
“I don’t want to be rude,” he says. “But I actually came here to deliver a message. From Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
At this, Kryze finally stills, his eyes meeting Luke’s with an apprehensive solemnity. “Of course,” he says. “What news?”
“He’s dead.”
The cup settles upon its saucer with only a faint chime of protest.
“Ah,” says Kryze.
In the following silence, guilt sweeps in, and soon Luke finds himself scrambling for the frayed edges of comfort and sympathy.
“It was fast,” he says. “And he knew what he was doing. He saved my life, and my friends. Vader - do you know anything that’s going on in the galaxy right now?”
That quiet, aching smirk curls upwards once more. 
“Of course,” says Kryze. “Why else would I be way out here?”
“I’m sorry,” Luke says.
Kryze stands to clear the table of their tea. 
“You say you’ve left your ship a few hours west? It is much too late for you to return to it now. Stay. Eat with us. Have a good night’s rest. Tomorrow, I should like to show you something.”
It is impossible for Luke to refuse this hospitality, not after he’s made such a mess of his own reason for coming here. He owes Kryze this much, at least.
“Of course,” he says. “If it isn’t any problem.”
“No problem at all,” Kryze insists. “There is an orchard down the path. If you follow the screams and laughter you should find it all right. The girls will collect you in time for latemeal.”
Thus dismissed, Luke removes his pack, but keeps his blaster close, heading for the door. At the threshold, he is overcome by a need to know for certain, and he turns back for one last look at the mysterious Kryze.
“Can I just ask,” he begins. “How did you know him? Obi-Wan, I mean. Why did he send me here to talk to you?”
His back to the door, Luke almost misses the reply carried back on the ghost of laughter.
“Oh, that,” says Kryze. “Well, after all, I am his son.”
 The sun of Dantooine is much too reserved to intrude, and so it is to the clatter of dishware, and eager voices that Luke wakes the next morning. He stretches, and moves from his room to the sonics across the hall he thinks without attracting notice, but he is met, upon his exit, with the startled aspect of the youngest Kryze listening at the door.
Corim’s jaw snaps shut, and he frowns before declaring quite firmly that, “I wasn’t spying. I was only checking to see if you hadn’t died in the night you slept in so late.”
Luke grins. “Not dead yet, I don’t think.”
“Well, if you don’t hurry, there shan’t be any flatcakes left, no matter what Bebu says.”
“I’ll be there in a sec,” Luke assures him, and he stalks away entirely unconvinced.
Despite this threat, the table in the main room is still heaped with food when Luke emerges, fresher and more relaxed than he’s been in ages. The Kryzes are already packed tight around the table, but Mav and Jinn happily bunch over to make room for Luke between them. Mav, especially, goes out of her way to fill his glass, and pile his plate with the last of the muja preserves left over from the night before.
“Hey, that was my share,” complains Jinn, her mouth full. “You’ve already had seconds today.”
Mav blushes, and ducks her head, but her retort is vehement for all that her embarrassment is public. “We have a guest,” she says. “And your face is so full of cake you wouldn’t even taste the jelly anyway!”
“I didn’t get seconds!” Corim chimes in.
“Mother!” Jinn demands, taking her appeal to a higher court.
“Jinn, relax,” says Wyla, supremely unbothered, sipping her kaf and reading off her holopad. “Mav, be nice. Corim, I have a treat for you later.”
“S’not fair,” Jinn grumbles into her plate, but Wyla reaches over to pat her hand sympathetically.
“If you’re looking for the worst villain to blame, then examine your father’s plate. He’s more than enough jelly on that cake to last us to next harvest.”
At this, Kryze looks up to shoot his daughter a smug grin, before shoveling a heavily laden portion of flatcake into his mouth. Jelly, piled too high to survive the journey, tumbles from his fork to splatter against the flat of his plate as emphasis of his unjust indulgence.
“Delicious,” he declares. Jinn rolls her eyes, while Luke smuggles in a bite of his own portion.
It is tasty, both sweet and tart and satisfyingly thick. The meal continues through several more hotly negotiated contracts, and concludes with Wyla and Mav packing up the old speeder with the spoils of their orchard, and Jinn agreeing to mind Corim, much to her delight and his wary dismay. Kryze, it is announced, has business to attend to with Luke, and he does not expect their return before nightfall. 
“Bring your rucksack,” he says, as they prepare to leave. “It is a long walk, and I shall want for snacks on the way.”
They set off with the sun on their faces, passing once more beneath the blba trees, the little cottage growing more and more distant as they make their way forth on the plains. Luke trusts that Kryze has some set destination in mind, but after the first hour he privately wonders if his guide has been distracted, and has brought them to wander in admiration of the land.
“That there is an extremely rare simbyloona butterfly,” he says, gesturing with a long wooden staff at the erratic path of the insect. “You ever been to Konkiv? Or Sriluur?”
“No,” says Luke.
“They have butterflies there,” explains Kryze. “What about Endor’s forest moon?”
“Never heard of it.”
“Well, if you ever go, keep an eye out,” he says, pushing on. 
The world seems much more alive with Kryze today. Longhoppers leap from the grass as he wades through, warbling tiktiks swoop over head to catch them. One of unique boldness lands upon the top of Kryze’s staff when he stops to show Luke the little dirt mounds of puppi mice beneath their feet. He smiles, and extends a finger to the bird which cocks its head from side to side before giving in to temptation and hopping upon Kryze’s outstretched hand.
“Hello, there,” he sings, soft and low. “Aren’t you a brave thing?”
He holds the bird forth so that Luke may have a closer look at the colourful plumage before lifting it higher to the sky to release it.
“Off you go, then,” he says. “Beautiful animal, isn’t it? Usually quite shy though. You must bring good luck.”
Luke watches the course of the bird, and hardly knows he’s replied until he’s already said, “Your father said there was no such thing.”
“Did he?” Kryze beams. “Well, he always had such odd notions.”
“Unlike you?” Luke asks. It’s not that he’s insulted by the man’s amusement at a dead man, but it does seem somewhat hypocritical in light of the bird, and the paintings, and the tea.
But Kryze takes no offense, only quirking an eyebrow to say, “Where do you think I got it from?”
For all his evident curiosity this challenge seems to be exactly the sort of query Kryze was waiting for, and he begins to tell Luke all manner of things about himself as they move ever on towards the horizon.
“My mother was the Duchess of Mandalore,” he says. “A pacifist, though you’d never know it by the way the galaxy remembers us. And for a year she was under the protection of my father. They fell in love, as tragically and impossibly as any young person could wish, and when they parted my father left confident in his ignorance, and my mother was left with me. It’s difficult to say who came out ahead in that.”
“I thought the Jedi couldn’t love,” says Luke.
“And whoever told you that nonsense?” asks Kryze. “You told me my father died saving you, and he cannot have done that for anything less than the purest love.”
Luke says nothing to this, only twists a knot of grass off in his hand and releases it to the wind. They walk in strained silence until it becomes comfortable again, and Luke exhales in resignation.
“I only just met my father,” he says. “He tried to kill me.”
Kryze looks at him, then stops to look at him harder. 
“Oh, I see it now,” he says. “You’re a Skywalker. I might have guessed it, but I’m afraid I’m rather out of practice these days.”
“Are you a Jedi, too?”
“No, no,” he scoffs. “Nothing so serious as all that. But I know enough to be able to tell the blaze of a Skywalker from the general inferno of starfire. I know enough to be recognised in turn.”
“Is that why you’re out here? Hiding from the Empire?”
Kryze grimaces at this, and turns back to the path ahead. A shadow looms, rising out of the ground, and he turns their course to that.
“What makes you think I’m hiding?” he asks. Then, before Luke can parse the riddle in this, he continues. “I used to be in the Alliance,” he says. “Wyla, too. We ran intelligence rings, and sabotage missions. We fought. Even had more than a few close calls with the Empire. But at some point, around the time that Wyla found out about Jinn, we decided that was it. We’d done our part. And when the Rebellion left their base here, we stayed behind.”
“The Empire still exists,” says Luke. 
“And it will not be my hand which stops it,” counters Kryze. Then, as the shadow takes the form of a ruined temple sprung from the earth itself, he speaks again. “My parents both died for peace. I think that I owe it to them to live for it. Here we go.”
Vines cling to ancient stone, while tangles of brush climb up and over crumbled walls and gaping cracks in the side of the old building. The trees grow thickly here, still green and lush despite the lateness of the year.
“A wellspring,” explains Kryze, without Luke’s having to ask. 
He guides him past hollowed out chambers pierced only by shafts of dazzling sunlight breaking through fractured ceilings, and bouncing off shallow, invisible puddles within. Animals chirrup in the brush, and birds nest in all the little nooks and crannies of decaying architecture. Though it is long abandoned, there is still something light and sacred about the space. The air is fresher here.
“This is a Jedi place,” breathes Luke.
“It was,” agrees Kryze. “Long before the Empire. Come along. There’s something else.”
Beneath a fall of greenery and fallen rocks lies an opening. 
“What is it?” asks Luke.
“Caves,” says Kryze. Luke looks at him, still uncertain. “I have noticed that you carry no lightsaber,” he explains.
Luke flexes the fingers of his false hand, feeling the pistons and levers firing in time with his desire, but different from the muscles and sinew of his flesh. It cannot be observed by casual inspection, but somehow Kryze seems to know.
“I lost it,” says Luke. 
“Then you shall have to build another.” He gestures again to the cave mouth, and Luke braces himself to go in. He shifts the blaster on his hip, checking the settings. “You won’t need that in there,” says Kyze. “There’s nothing inside but old ghosts.”
He is halfway to moving when he hesitates, and leans back. With his eyes fixed on Kryze’s, Luke unstraps the holster from his side, and hands it and his blaster into the hands of Ben Kenobi’s son. He goes into the caves alone.
It is dark inside, and there is a chill and the sound of water dripping into water somewhere far away. Luke steps carefully. Though the ground is rocky and uneven, his steps are certain and he does not falter. After several minutes of silent exploration, with no strange whispers or startling movement, the fear he entered with begins to fall away, leaving Luke’s mind open to the growing threat of boredom. There is nothing here. He sighs, and turns to leave only to discover the way out has grown just as dark as the path going farther in. He has no torch, no light, and no sabre to guide his path, but his irritation blazes bright enough to guide him and he sets off the way he came. 
When he has walked more than twice the distance he came, and then gone back to walk the distance again, he decides there is little he can do but sit and hope that Kryze will come for him. Surely, he hasn’t brought him here to starve after feeding him so thoroughly only hours ago. And for all that Luke feels helpless in the inky pits of the caves, Kryze had not lied when he said his blaster would be of no use. There is no one here but Luke.
He sets himself down against a stone, the seat of his pants made uncomfortably damp by the floor, and quite to his own surprise, drifts off.
When he wakes, there is light.
All around him are outcroppings of crystals in various shapes and colours. Some shine more brightly than the others, and some glow so fervently it is as though they sing. He reaches out to touch one, and the rest all clamour in harmony to meet him. 
Every thought of escape is eclipsed by the beauty in the caves, and Luke trails his fingers over each crystal that calls out, following their voices deeper and deeper into the caves. Until, in the deepest chamber, on the shores of a vast underground lake, he is met by something which glows brighter than all the crystals combined.
For a moment, he is compelled to shield his eyes, as the flare bursts forth in effulgent magnificence before dying down to live within the confines of an unrecognisable form.
It is a man with long hair, a kind smile, and wearing the robes of a Jedi.
“Hello, little one,” it calls out, and Luke raises his hand in reply. “I was wondering when I might have the chance to meet you.”
“Do I know you?” asks Luke, stepping closer. 
The ghost chuckles. “Not as such,” he replies. “But I know you. You are the student of my student, after all. I am Qui-Gon Jinn.”
“You were Master Obi-Wan’s master!” 
“And Master Yoda’s, too,” brags the ghost, enjoying the awe of Luke’s epiphany, but this is a boast too far, and Luke’s face falls into lines of skepticism.
“That can’t be true,” he says. “Master Yoda is much too old to have been taught by you.”
“Ah, and must education end with the cessation of breath? Cannot knowledge outlast us? Cannot learning outlive us?”
“Can it?” asks Luke.
“We are more than what we do in life, my boy,” says Qui-Gon. He sits upon one of the larger stones which border the edge of the lake, leaving space beside him for Luke. “And there is much to be learned by death, for those brave enough to seek it.”
Luke frowns, and moves to join him, trying to puzzle out the ghost’s philosophy. 
“Are you suggesting -” he looks to the Jedi for confirmation, not convinced of his conclusion. “You’re not saying that we should just give in, are you? That we should just accept death when we could stop it?”
“Not at all,” says Qui-Gon, and Luke relaxes upon the stone. “It’s good that you fight. It’s important you fight. Don’t rush to death in the vain hope that it will bring you easy satisfaction. Life and death - they are balanced. They are equal. And there is much value to be found in both.”
“Is that why Ben let go?” Luke asks. 
“Obi-Wan was wise to concede his life,” says Qui-Gon. “But that does not make his loss any more bearable for you. Or for me. And though I am glad to be with him once again, I will always wish he’d had more time with you.”
There is a smear of clay grown dry upon his knee, and he brushes it off with one hand.
“Me, too,” he says to the ghost.
“But that is Obi-Wan’s lesson for you,” says Qui-Gon, his voice ringing clear across the lake. “He knows what it means to let go, but I -” he says. “I am here to show you how to hold on.”
And in the crystalline light of the caves, and the glittering warmth of the ghost, Luke learns of his lineage, and his family, and all the ways in which he is never alone. Qui-Gon speaks of the past. He tells him of a little boy who struggled and overcame, and a little boy who struggled and fell, and how neither of them loved the other any less. He tells the story of an ancient Order, and a girl queen; of a duchess, and a knight; of children lost to their parents, and parents lost to themselves. He tells of blood, and consequences, and desire, and regret, and joy, and sorrow, and how it all lives on in memory, and in stories, and in relics, and in paintings, and in river stones, and in muja dai-ungo, and in him.
“There is nothing lost,” says Qui-Gon. “So long as you choose to remember it. Neither life, nor love, nor people. Hold on. And don’t let go.”
And as he fades away into darkness, the song of a single crystal cries out, drawing Luke up, and up, and out of the black of the caves into the evening sun.
At the mouth of the hollow, standing with the light in his hair, and Ben Kenobi in his eyes, stands Kiorkicek Kryze. In his hands, a sabre, the kyber inside calling out.
And when Luke touches the hilt, he knows that this one is his.
“I thought it might be you,” says Kryze, smiling. He shifts Luke’s bag high against his shoulder and turns to the setting sun. “Come on,” he says. “They’ll be waiting for us.”
And when he finally returns to his ship, and Artoo, and programmes a course for home, Luke leaves Dantooine by himself, but he is not alone.
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danielmouradjensen · 4 years
Følgende artikel omhandler forskningen af 1001 nat, og hvilke problemer de forskellige akademikere har haft med at behandle og oversætte 1001 nat. Det yderst interessante med behandlingen af 1001 nat er ikke blot de mange historier, der omhandler alt fra tiggere og gadehandlere til konger og hoffolk (en demografisk beskrivelse). Men også geografisk er historierne interessante, da de tager udgangspunkt i flere lande såsom Egypten og Irak. Den anerkendte orientalist, Edward Lane, kunne ud fra sin behandling og oversættelse af 1001, bruge sine omfattende fodnoter til at fortælle sine læsere om den islamiske kultur. Dette resulterede i bogen “Arabian society in the Middle Ages, studies from The thousand and one nights”.
En anden engelsk orientalist, Richard Francis Burton, brugte blandt andet 1001 nat til at chokere og provokere det victorianske borgerskab i England. Han var træt af englændernes syn på sex, og han ønskede med udbredelsen af historierne i 1001 nat at ændre dette syn. 1001 nat var ikke blot eksotisk for de europæiske læsere men sandelig også erotisk i sine beskrivelser af konkubiner, sorte tjenere og harem. Men der lå mere i at arbejde med 1001 nat på grund af det erotiske indhold, der var penge at tjene, prestige at opnå og beundring fra henrykte læsere. Da nogle af de berømte historier for første gang udkom på et europæisk sprog, valgte franskmanden, Antoine Galland, at censurere indholdet, så det ikke ville støde de franske læsere. At oversætte 1001 nat til et europæisk sprog var ikke bare svært men gav også en lang række heftige diskussioner blandt orientalister og filologer. Mange af dem, der oversatte samlingen, var ofte sjuskede eller var for kreative i deres oversættelse fra arabisk til deres modersmål.
Den danske orientalist, Johannes ��strup, brugte mange kræfter på at finde frem til oprindelsen af ophavsmanden eller ophavsmændene af 1001 nat. Og ligeledes var han interesseret i at finde frem til tidspunktet for skabelsen af dette fascinerende værk. Men spørgsmålet er om det så var lige til? Hvorfor er der flere besvarelser til et spørgsmål? Og hvilke videnskabelige argumenter og metoder blev benyttet i at komme nærmere på en forståelse af 1001 nat?
De omtalte orientalister og filologer Antoine Galland (1646 – 1715) var en yderst anerkendt fransk orientalist og den første, som oversatte en række historier fra 1001 nat fra arabisk til fransk. Det første bind udkom i 1704, og det var startskuddet til en blomstrende jagt på originale manuskripter af 1001 nat på arabisk. Men også indædte rivaliseringer blandt de mange mennesker som havde en videnskabelig interesse i 1001 nat. Galland beherskede op til flere sprog, heriblandt arabisk og persisk, og var derfor en kyndig assistent for Barthélemy d’Herbelot (1625 – 1695), der arbejdede på et ganske særligt projekt. Bibliothéque orientale var det første forsøg på at lave en encyklopædi over islam og blev færdiggjort af Galland i 1697. Dette værk er ifølge Robert Irwin (britisk historiker) et af de første tegn på orientalismens begyndelse.
Edward William Lane (1801 – 1876) var søn af en præst og en betydningsfuld engelsk orientalist, som havde skrevet en række vigtige publikationer om islam og sproget arabisk. Hans oversættelse af 1001 nat fra arabisk til engelsk udkom i flere dele fra 1838 – 1841. Men det er især hans teologiske baggrund, der er vigtig at fæstne sig ved, når man skal diskutere om hans behandling af 1001 nat. Desuden var han en af de orientalister, som faktisk tog til et arabisktalende land, i stedet for at sidde skjult bag en masse støvede bøger på det lokale universitet.
John Payne (1842 – 1906) var en engelsk lingvist og poet, der havde et særdeles godt talent med at oversætte poesi fra en lang række sprog til engelsk. Dette var en af grundene til at hans udgave af 1001 nat adskilte sig fra de andre oversættelser. Hans oversættelse var et litterært værk og ikke et antropologisk indgangsvinkel til, hvordan man levede i Orienten.
Den noget specielle kaptajn Richard Francis Burton (1821 – 1890) var en engelsk orientalist, debattør, lingvist og eventyrer (kært barn har mange navne). I starten hjalp han John Payne med hans oversættelse men begyndte selv at oversætte 1001 nat, da han så at der var penge og prestige i værket. Ligeledes så han et ganske særligt formål med de fortællinger, som havde et erotisk indhold, hvilket han mente de engelske læsere havde en ret til at få kendskab til. Men i modsætning til Payne havde han det med at perversere, det der originalt var skrevet.
Johannes Østrup (1867 – 1938) var en kendt dansk orientalist, som blandt andet var respekteret for sine ideer omkring studiet af 1001 nat. Og som mange af sine kollegaer var han velkendt med latin og græsk, og senere med det semitiske sprog. Østrup har stået bag en masse publikationer omhandlende islam, arabisk litteratur (oversættelser) og rejsebeskrivelser fra Mellemøsten. Ligeledes har han været kendt for at oversætte næsten hele 1001 nat, som udkom i 6 bind i 1927 – 1928 . Men i forbindelse med denne lange artikel, må det nok siges at være hans disputats fra 1891, Studier over Tusind og en Nat, som er mest interessant. Grunden til dette at hans redegørelser for hvordan man kan anskue oprindelsen og betydningen af 1001 nat. Den blev senere oversat til russisk (1905) og tysk (1925).
Forskning og de benyttede videnskaber Forskning er et ret så benyttet ord/begreb, som vil blive brugt en del gange i hele denne artikel, hvilket er derfor der kort vil blive skrevet et par linjer om det. Hvornår er man forsker? Det er man, når man undersøger et område for at kunne opnå ny eller mere viden. I princippet kan en forsker være en hvilken som helst person, som f.eks. ønsker at undersøge hvorfor orientalister havde så forfærdeligt travlt med at kritisere hinanden. Dog vil resultatet have større validitet og seriøsitet hvis den samme person har en relevant uddannelse samt en videnskabelig baggrund. At forske handler kort sagt om at opsøge og bearbejde de indsamlede data.
De forskere, som arbejdede med 1001 nat havde kendskab til en eller flere af følgende videnskaber: historie, filologi, lingvistik, teologi, semiotik, numismatik og palæografi.
En interesse for 1001 nat i det 18. århundrede Som nævnt tidligere var den franske oversættelse af 1001 nat det første europæiske sprog, der gjorde det muligt for det europæiske publikum at følge med i eventyrerne om “Sindbad Søfareren”. Men det der har interesseret akademikerne gennem århundrede, er hvordan Galland har fået kendskab til de historier, han valgte at tilføje til sin oversættelse. Det er validiteten af fortællingerne, der blandt andet er kernen i studiet af 1001 nat. Hvad man ved indtil videre er at Galland fik tilsendt et sjældent manuskript (3 – 4 bind) fra Syrien, som menes at stamme fra det 14. eller 15. århundrede. Men sandsynligheden for at han også benyttede andre manuskripter, hvoraf nogle ikke eksisterer længere, er der ikke tvivl om. Yderligere fik Galland hjælp af en syrisk maronit ved navn Hanna Diab, der ud fra sin hukommelse kunne genfortælle, på arabisk, 14 historier fra 1001 nat. Hvilket besværliggør spørgsmålet om fortællingernes ægthed, da der er tale om en mundtlig overlevering frem for en skriftlig. Der var endda kritiske røster, som mente at nogle af de historier, som var med i Galland’s oversættelse var opdigtede af ham selv, f.eks. “Aladdin” og “Ali Baba og de fyrretyve røvere”. Grunden til dette var af man ikke har kunnet finde historierne i eksisterende arabiske manuskripter før tilblivelsen af Galland’s oversættelse. Ergo var der visse personer som mente, at fortællingerne senere hen måtte være oversat fra fransk til arabisk og ikke omvendt.
Det arabiske manuskript som Galland benyttede som grundlag for sin oversættelse er med tiden blevet døbt Galland-manuskriptet. Og det menes at være det ældste manuskript på arabisk som indeholder en lang række af nætterne fra 1001 nat. Efter Galland’s oversættelse var interessen for at finde lignende manuskripter enorm. Ikke blot på grund af en videnskabelig og litterær nysgerrighed men sandelig også for pengenes skyld.
Oversættelse og forskningen af 1001 nat i det 19. århundrede Dette er klart den mest interessante periode, når man ønsker at danne sig et overblik over hvilke tanker og argumenter omkring 1001 nat de forskellige akademikere fremførte i deres publikationer. Vi vil derfor starte med at se på hvad der tog for sig i England og derefter bevæge os over til Johannes Østrup i Danmark.
Hvis engelske læsere ikke havde kendskab til arabisk, var de nødsaget til at købe Galland’s oversættelse af 1001 nat, som var oversat fra fransk til engelsk. Det var først i 1838 – 1841, at der var mulighed for at få en direkte oversættelse fra arabisk til engelsk. Det var Edward Lane der stod bag denne oversættelse, der med sit hav af fodnoter resulterede i en antropologisk skildring af det arabiske samfund i middelalderen. Da Lane valgte at oversætte 1001 nat, påpegede han at fodnoterne var der for at belære den almene læser om de fremmedartede skikke og vaner i Orienten. Et eksempel kunne være når læseren støtte på begrebet, slavinder, ville denne få en udførlig beskrivelse af de gældende regler der var for en muslim at have en slavinde eller flere i sin husholdning. Eller hvilke slaver, som blev betegnet som mere værdifulde end andre. F.eks. var de fleste slaver fra de afrikanske lande (de farvede slaver), dog var der også slaver fra Georgien og Circassia (de hvide slaver), som kun tjente de vigtigste og rigeste familier .
Hvor de almene læsere ville forundres over en ånd, som var fanget i en flaske, var Lane mere interesseret i flaskens virkelig betydning og oprindelse.
Det interessante med Lane var hans teologiske tilgang og metodiske arbejde til behandlingen og oversættelsen af de arabiske kilder. Dette kom ofte til udtryk i de engelske ord og vendinger, han benyttede i hans version af 1001 nat.
For Edward Lane var 1001 nat altså mere end blot underholdning, da de adskillige fortællinger kunne studeres i et forskningsøjemed. Dette gjaldt også for Richard F. Burton, som også så en anden mulighed med 1001 nat.
Fra 1885 – 1886 udgiver Burton hele 10 bind af 1001 nat, og han vælger efterfølgende fra 1886 – 1888 at udgive et supplement på yderligere 6 bind. Dette gør hans oversættelse til datidens største engelske udgave af 1001 nat. Hvad kunne være årsagen til dette? En af forklaringerne var at han nægtede at censurere fortællingerne for erotisk indhold, og fordi han ligesom Lane havde tilføjet uhyggeligt mange fodnoter omhandlende den islamiske kultur. Og ligesom mange andre, der arbejdede med 1001 nat, havde Burton fået hjælp af datidens orientalister til sin omfattende oversættelse.
Burton’s oversættelse udkom på et tidspunkt, hvor det konservative engelske samfund var ramt af et virvar af erotisk litteratur, sexskandaler og organisationer, hvis mål var at bekæmpe det amoralske. Hans oversættelse kunne tolkes som et symbolsk “våben” mod det samfund, som han selv tilhørte. Burton ønskede at vise hvordan Vesten på mange måder kunne lære noget af den kultur som blev beskrevet i 1001 nat.
Yderligere mente Burton at eftersom det britiske imperium udgjorde det største islamiske imperium i verdenen ville 1001 nat være en værdifuld hjælp til at forstå Orienten.
Følgende citat giver et ganske godt billede af, hvordan Englands tre vigtigste oversættere af 1001 nat blev betragtet på baggrund af deres akademiske arbejde:
“With Britain’s growing interest and influence in the Muslim world, several English scholars translated the Nights anew in the nineteenth century, seeking to set the tales soundly in the context of Islamic culture and society. Edward Lane’s edition (1839-41) was noteworthy for its extensive annotations about Islamic culture, John Payne’s (1882-84) for its lyrical translation from the Arabic. What set Burton’s effort apart was not merely its massive scale (it included seventy-eight more stories than Payne, the next longest translation) but its determination to include material that previous translators had considered offensive to Western readers and to explain its ethnographic significance in extensive, not amended or censored by removing potentially offensive material footnotes”.
Problemet med Burton var, at han fokuserede for meget på seksualiteten og havde en tendens til at blande det sammen med racisme. F.eks. var han af den overbevisning at sorte mænd var klart overlegne end hvide mænd når det kom til at dyrke sex. Og at persiske mænd havde en naturlig tendens til pædofili. Burton befandt sig i et århundrede hvor racismen blev betragtet som pseudovidenskabeligt. Derfor kan man med rette sætte spørgsmålstegn ved det videnskabelige i hele hans behandling af 1001 nat. Burton’s oversættelse og kritik af Lane delte da også orientalisterne i to lejre. I en kritik rettet mod især Burton blev der skrevet at Galland’s oversættelse hørte hjemme i børneværelset, at Lane’s oversættelse hørte hjemme på biblioteket, at Payne’s oversættelse hørte hjemme i studiekammeret og at Burton’s oversættelse hørte hjemme i kloakkerne.
Johannes Østrup og hans behandling af “Et tusind og en nat” Johannes Østrup har også oversat 1001 nat, men hvad der er vigtigere i denne sammenhæng er at han har forsket i, hvem der kunne stå bag dette orientalske værk. Var det en enkel person, eller var der flere personer indblandet?  Var man nu sikker på om værket i det hele taget var af arabisk oprindelse?
Det er faktisk også muligt med følgende citat fra Johannes Østrup, at besvare hvorfor det 19. århundrede var en ret så interessant periode i studiet af 1001 nat: “Det er egentlig først i dette århundrede, at man har forsøgt at give svar på dette spørgsmål (se ovennævnte spørgsmål). Dette forhold står i den nøjeste forbindelse med det opsving i de orientalske studier, som netop dateres omtrent fra århundredets begyndelse”.
Oprindelse En af de mange heftige diskussioner, som har opstået i forbindelse med forskningen af 1001 nat har været værkets oprindelse. Nogle var i den overbevisning om at de vigtigste fortællinger, som udgjorde kernen i værket var græske. Albrecht Weber (tysk historiker og professor i indisk sprog og kultur) var en af de forskere, som derimod mente at værkets rødder kunne spores tilbage til ældre indiske fortællinger. Disse indiske eventyr-historier var senere hen hentet fra Persien - og senere igen endt i de arabiske lande. Webers bagvedliggende metodiske arbejde for hans påstand lå i at analysere fortællingerne i 1001 nat for at sammenligne dem med indiske fortællinger.
Det persiske værk, Hezar afsane (hvilket betyder Tusind Fantasirige Historier), har ligeledes givet forskerne en del at tænke over. Fordi det er som Østrup fremførte i sin disputats, at der var forskere som enten var imod eller for denne teori. Der var endda forslag om at selve rammen i 1001 nat var taget direkte fra Hezar afsane, hvilket forklarede de mange persiske navne. Edward Lane mente derimod, at det persiske værk blot var en eller form for inspiration til kompositionen i 1001 nat, og at der altså ikke var tale om en oversættelse af det persiske værk.
Hvad der er yderst interessant med Hezar afsane, er at det er i dette værk at den berømte konge Shariyar og hans historiefortæller Shahrazad nævnes. Og den tilknyttende historie om hvordan hun hver aften, efter at have haft samleje med kongen, reddede sit liv ved at fortælle en historie som hver gang bevist blev afbrudt ved daggry. Kongen havde nemlig en vane med at slå sin elskerinde ihjel efter, at han havde taget hendes mødom, og klog som hun var, fandt hun en måde at udgå at blive dræbt som de andre kvinder. Historierne fortsatte i 1000 nætter, indtil hun endte med at få et barn med ham, og efterfølgende fortalte om hendes geniale plan til kongen. Ægtheden af denne historie i Hezar afsane kan bevidnes af Al Mas’udi (895-956) en arabisk historiker, hvis bemærkninger yderligere kan støttes af optegnelser fra en boghandler ved navn Al Nadim (d. ca. 990).
Østrup var af den overbevisning, at man var nødt til at forske i de enkelte fortællinger, frem for hele værket, for at kunne komme nærmere en videnskabelig løsning. Derfor ønskes der en nærmere gennemgang af hans undersøgelse af fortællingerne om Sindbad, den dristige søfarer.
Her gjorde Østrup blandt andet gældende at det var sømandshistorierne, der gjorde udsagnet om at fortællingerne var af arabisk oprindelse mistænksomt. Han påpegede at araberne var mere kendte for at rejse indenlands frem for ude på havene. Han fokuserede derfor på den ringe maritime udvikling hos araberne, som en af grundene til at afvise en ren arabisk oprindelse. Ikke desto mindre var hans konklusion, at fortællingerne om Sindbad måtte stamme fra arabisk jord i middelalderen. Men at indholdet af fortællingerne indeholdte elementer fra andre landes myter, eventyr og sagn. Yderligere påpegede han, at eventyrerne om Sindbad måtte være nogle af de fortællinger, som senere blev tilføjet den ældre originale kerne i 1001 nat. Dette skyldtes det manglende erotiske indhold, som man ellers ville kunne finde i netop nævnte kerne.
Ved at analysere historiernes indhold var Østrup og hans kollegaer i stand til at skelne mellem originale og ikke-originale bidrag til 1001 nat. Et eksempel på dette var den store ridderroman om Umar ibn Numan og hans sønner, der med både form og indhold udskilte sig tydeligt fra de andre fortællinger i 1001 nat. Yderligere har Østrup’s undersøgelse af ridderromanen, fundet det ejendommeligt at der fokuseres mere på den islamiske patriotisme end noget andet. Ifølge Hermann Zotenberg (fransk orientalist) kunne grunden til denne tilføjelse skyldes manglende historier, altså et spørgsmål om fyld. Titlen på værket antyder jo, at der er 1001 nætter (historier) i alt.
Der var også forskel på hvordan persere, indere og arabere så på betydningen af ånder, spøgelser og dæmoner. De to første nationaliteter benyttede flittigt brugen af det overnaturlige i deres fortællinger, hvor araberne var meget mere tilbageholdende. Det var først med og efter profeten Mohammad at bevidstheden om det overnaturlige fik større betydning. Ligeledes var der en forskel på de egyptiske og ikke-egyptiske fortællinger. F.eks. kunne man finde en historie i to versioner, hvor afslutningen i den egyptiske udgave præges af noget overnaturligt, men hvor afslutningen i den syriske har holdt sig fra det overnaturlige (Østrup tager udgangspunkt i fortællingen om smeden Basim). Dog begrunder Østrup dette med følgende citat: “… at den mere skeptiske og rolige syriske karakter ikke ynder denne indblanding af overnaturlige væsner”. Hvilket desværre må siges at være mere af personligt karakter/observering end videnskabeligt. Der findes desværre heller ikke fodnoter, der understøtter eller uddyber denne påstand.
De historier i 1001 nat som ikke blev betegnet egyptiske menes at stamme fra Bagdad, hvor fællestrækkene var eksotiske beskrivelser af gadelivet, markederne og den luksus og pragt man kunne finde i byerne. I næsten alle de fortællinger, hvor kaliffen Harun al-Rashid (763 – 809) optrådte, anså Østrup dette som et væsentligt bevis på deres oprindelse.
Østrup valgte at fastslå at Bagdad måtte være hjemsted for den første gruppe af historier, som blev tilføjet den originale kerne. Østrup kritiserede derfor Edward Lane for at få detaljer til at se større ud end de reelt var og dermed konkludere at alt var egyptisk. At der i denne sammenhæng kan opstå uenigheder blandt forskerne på dette punkt, afhænger af hvordan man vælger at tolke omtalen af visse historiske personer, navne, genstande (omtalte flaske nævnt tidligere), bygninger eller institutioner.
Tid Også under dette punkt var der også en indædt strid i, hvornår man kunne tillade sig at komme med et konstruktivt bud på, hvor gammel 1001 nat egentlig var.
Østrup skrev i sin disputats at, ifølge Michael Jan De Goeje (hollandsk orientalist) var sproget for plat og obskøn til at kunne tilhøre de højtuddannede under kalifatet i Bagdad. Goeje mente at 1001 nat kunne dateres til den anden halvdel af det 15. århundrede, hvilket også var et forslag som Edward Lane delte. Albrecht Weber mente, ifølge Østrup, at hele afslutningen blev færdiggjort inden den ottomanske invasion.
Ifølge Østrup eksisterede der et spillerum på cirka 4 århundrede for dateringen af hele værket. Men for de forskellige historier/nætter i 1001 nat har der eksisteret et spillerum fra det 8. århundrede til det 17. århundrede. Og i dette spillerum har forskellige forskere kommet med hver deres bud på en datering af 1001 nat. Men hvis man ikke ved hvad 1001 nat er, og hvad dette værk består af, kan man ifølge Østrup ikke komme nærmere en bevarelse af dateringen for 1001 nat. På baggrund af afsnittet om oprindelsen af 1001 nat konkluderede Østrup, at værket har gennemgået en udvikling, der har strakt sig fra begyndelsen af det 9. århundrede til det 14. århundrede.
Richard Burton mente også, at man var nødsaget til at datere værket i en længere periode, som i dette tilfælde strakte sig fra det 10. århundrede til det 16. århundrede. Grunden til denne konklusion skyldtes b.la. Burton’s overbevisning om persisk indflydelse og de mange forskellige tilføjelser af fortællinger, som kom senere i 1001 nat.
At Edward Lane, og andre, kom frem til en anden mere præcis datering af 1001 nat hænger sammen med, at man mente at der stod højst to forfattere bag værket og at værket stammede fra et sted, Egypten. Dette må siges at gøre det betydeligt lettere at komme frem til sådan en konklusion, når den stillede hypotese er, at der kun var en eller to forfattere og af egyptisk oprindelse.
Forskningen af 1001 nat i det 20. århundrede Forskningen af 1001 nat blev absolut ikke afsluttet i det 19. århundrede men blev derimod overtaget af nye mennesker med nye ideer. Og særligt interessant er Nabia Abbott ’s undersøgelse af et fragment fra et manuskript af 1001 nat, som kan dateres tilbage til det 9. århundrede.
Fragmentet var en del af 6 papirdokumenter, som blev indkøbt af det orientalske fakultet under the University of Chicago i året 1947. Det banebrydende med dette fund var, som Abbott påpegede, at fragmentet indeholdte både titlen på værket samt en side med tekst fra 1001 nat. Gennem oversættelse, palæografi (læsning, tydning og tolkning af gamle manuskripter) og historisk kendskab til brugen af papir i den tidlige islamiske periode, har man været i stand til at kunne producere en række videnskabelige resultater. Disse resultater vil blive brugt senere i denne artikel til at sammenligne med nogle af de resultater, som blev beskrevet i det forrige afsnit.
I sin artikel “A Ninth-Century Fragment of the Thousand Nights: New Light on the Early History of the Arabian Nights” gik Abbott metodisk tilværks med at dele sit forskningsarbejde op i flere stadier. Først var der beskrivelsen af selve genstanden, som bestod af 2 lysebrune sammenfoldede papirdokumenter, hvor det meste af den nederste halvdel manglede. Derefter var der en beskrivelse af indholdet, som blandt andet omfattede titlen, ألف ليلة (tusind nætter), spredte sætninger, en skitse af en mand og en gentagen dato. Sammen med fragmentet af 1000 nætter var der en skitse af et brev. Brevet handlede om en tyrker, der transporterede og bragte (militær) midler til en anden mand som havde været i Antioch. På papiret var der flere gange skrevet en dato, 266 (hijra) eller 879 (e. kr.).
Der hvor palæografien kommer ind i billedet er forskningen af de arabiske skrifttegns form og betydning. Måden hvorpå bogstaverne er skrevet på, giver forskeren en mulighed for at kunne estimere hvilken periode fragmentet oprindeligt stammer fra. Resultaterne fra palæografien stemte overens med den opgivne dato.
På baggrund af dette fragment, som altså kan dateres til det 9. århundrede, samt fra andre relevante kilder omkring oprindelsen af 1001 nat, var Abbott’s konklusion (der mere eller mindre anses som valid den dag i dag) følgende:
a) Der forelå en arabisk oversættelse af Hezar afsane i det 8. århundrede.
b) En islamisk arabisk version af Hezar afsane blev udgivet i det samme århundrede men under navnet 1000 nætter.
c) I det 9. århundrede eksisterede der en udgave af værket bestående af arabiske og persiske fortællinger.
d) Fra det 12. århundrede voksede værket sig større, og det var formentlig i denne periode værket skiftede navn til det vi kender i dag.
e) I perioden 1512 – 20 blev de sidste fortællinger tilføjet det orientalske værk.
Med udgangspunkt i de ovennævnte punkter er der stor sandsynlighed for at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved Edward Lane’s påstand om 1001 nat’s oprindelse. Yderligere virker det som om, at den foreliggende forskning peger voldsomt i retningen af, at det ikke er muligt at komme med et præcist årstal på hvornår værket opstod.
Muhsin Mahdi (1926 – 2007), som var en anerkendt arabist og islamforsker, forskede i de kilder som Antoine Galland benyttede til sin oversættelse af 1001 nat. Mahdi undrede sig over hvorfor Galland ikke var mere præcis med at angive, hvor originale hans kilder eller manuskripter i virkeligheden var.
Galland var jo mere end blot en oversætter, han var en forsker som havde en forpligtelse over for sine franske læsere. At redegøre for hvilke fortællinger som oprigtigt tilhørte værket. Galland ønskede mere end noget andet at finde et originalt manuskript, der kunne leve op til titlen på værket. Da dette ikke var muligt, måtte Galland selv tilføje de ekstra nætter til sin oversættelse, selvom han havde givet udtryk for at have det fuldstændige originale manuskript af 1001 nat i sin besiddelse. Validiteten af værkets originalitet blev yderligere forringet, da grådige og pengegriske udgivere/redaktører fandt ud af at efterspørgslen efter flere historier var enorm og der derfor var penge at tjene.
De opdigtede fortællinger, som ikke havde noget med originalen at gøre blev udgivet under falske forudsætninger. Galland, som senere forskning kom frem til, havde valgt at være mere kreativ i sin oversættelse af 1001 nat, end han ville have gjort med andre værker. Galland var kreativ på den måde at han censurerede fortællingerne, hvis de var for frække eller skar sætninger og afsnit væk, hvis de var for kedelige.
Mahdi konkluderede i sin artikel “The Sources of Galland’s Nuits” at man skulle passe på ikke at gøre noget større/mere glorværdigt end det egentlig var. At uden udførlig dokumentation eller kritik vil validiteten bringes i fare.
Altså har denne kreativitet forringet den originale udgave af 1001 nat og medført til en række historiske, videnskabelige og litterære misforståelser. Derfor vil man kunne formode at de originale arabiske manuskripter forskningsmæssigt klart er mere troværdige.
Heinz Grotzfeld, professor i semitisk filologi og islamiske studier, prøvede at benytte numismatik (den videnskabelige læren om mønter) i 1001 nat. I forbindelse med at fastslå hvor gammelt Galland-manuskriptet egentligt var.
I Galland-manuskriptet nævnes der i en historie om en ung mand fra Mosul, der rejser sammen med sin onkel til Damaskus, en mønt (ashrafī). Grotzfeld beskrev det at finde mønten i historien var ligesom, når en arkæolog fandt en mønt ved en arkæologisk udgravning. Ordet (ashrafī) blev benyttet af araberne selv i det 15. århundrede og begyndelsen af det 16. århundrede (bekræftet af historiske kilder).
Ved at sammenligne værdien af denne mønt med værdien af dinaren under Al – Ashraf Barsbay (mamlukisk sultan) regeringsperiode (1422 – 1437), kunne Grotzfeld konkludere at Galland-manuskriptet ikke kunne dateres tidligere end 1450 (e. kr.). Argumentationen var blandt andet at mønten, som var opkaldt og udstedt af sultanen, først kunne antages at blive kendt og accepteret efter 5 - 10 år efter dens introduktion. Derfor antog Grotzfeld at Galland-manuskriptet først kunne blive kopieret efter den anden halvdel af det 15. århundrede.
Lad os afslutte I begyndelsen af artiklen kom jeg ganske kort ind på mange af de orientalister, som havde en væsentlig rolle i forskningen af 1001 nat. Jeg har blandt andet behandlet oversættelsen og det akademiske arbejde som Antoine Galland udførte i begyndelsen af det 18. århundrede. Og som datidens orientalister og almene læsere hyldede som et stort originalt litterært værk fra Orienten. Det store spørgsmål i forbindelse med Galland’s oversættelse er dog hvor originalt det egentligt er? For som jeg skrev i afsnittet, Forskningen i det 20. århundrede, har andre forsket i dette tvivlsomme spørgsmål, og fundet frem til at Galland har været mere tro mod sit publikum og redaktører end til det originale værk. Det var ved brug af artiklen fra Muhsin Mahdi, at jeg beskrev Galland for at være alt for kreativ ved at fjerne sætninger og afsnit samt at digte videre på de originale fortællinger.
Ønsker man at søge efter kilder vedrørende den akademiske behandling af 1001 nat i det 19. århundrede er det især orientalisterne Edvard William Lane og Richard Francis Burton samt filologen John Payne som fylder mest. Hvilket muligvis kunne skyldes noget af det Burton udtrykte vedrørende det britiske imperiums muslimske undersåtter. Dengang var Egypten og Indien en del af det britiske imperium. De tre nævnte personligheder havde hver deres måde at tolke og oversætte de forskellige fortællinger i 1001 nat. Med sin teologiske baggrund blev Lane’s version af 1001 nat betragtet som en tør (sprogligt), men ikke desto mindre blev hans oversættelse anerkendt som troværdigt. Og blev også betragtet som et “vindue” fra hvor den engelske læser havde mulighed for at lære om de forskellige skikke og normer i de arabiske lande. Det var dog mest den egyptiske kultur, der dominerede i Lane’s oversættelse og de omfattende fodnoter i den.
John Payne, som jeg bevidst ikke har fokuseret så meget på, var den oversætter som formåede at kunne inddrage den arabiske poesi, som de andre havde sprunget over. Og der hvor Galland og Lane havde censureret det erotiske indhold i mange af fortællingerne, havde Payne inddraget det i sin egen oversættelse. Under sin sit akademiske arbejde havde Payne blandt andet fået hjælp af den excentriske Richard Burton, der så flere muligheder i at komme med sin egen oversættelse. For ham var der penge og prestige i at udgive en oversættelse, samt en chance for at eksponere det erotiske indhold i det konservative britiske samfund. Selvom hans oversættelse var den absolutte største, fokuserede han alt for meget på seksualiteten, som blev krydret med racisme, at der var mange som ikke kunne tage oversættelsen seriøst.
Johannes Østrup har været en betydelig hjælp til at give et bud på fra hvor og fra hvilken tid 1001 stammer fra. Jeg vil derfor tage mig den frihed at opstille følgende punkter, der vil gennemgå en kronologisk rækkefølge på baggrund af Østrup, Burton, Nabia Abbott og mange flere:
Der forelå en arabisk oversættelse af dele eller hele Hezar afsane i det 8. århundrede eller det 9. århundrede. Abbott mente der var en islamisk arabisk version af Hezar afsane blev udgivet i det 8. århundrede, men under navnet 1000 nætter. I det 9. århundrede eksisterede der en udgave af værket bestående af arabiske og persiske fortællinger. Fra det 12. århundrede voksede værket sig større, og det var formentlig i denne periode værket skiftede navn til det vi kender i dag. I det 16. århundrede blev de sidste fortællinger tilføjet det orientalske værk (og der kan stadig diskuteres om det er i starten eller i midten). Østrup mente dog at værket blev afsluttet i det 14. århundrede. Det der var kendetegnende for forskningen i 1001 nat var brugen af en lang række af kendte videnskaber såsom historie, filologi, numismatik og palæografi. De forskere, som har valgt at arbejde med 1001 nat har gjort det af forskellige årsager men om det har været af litterære, historiske eller kulturelle årsager, har det endelige mål være at oplyse.
Den generelle forskning af 1001 nat bærer også præg af at være mere subjektiv end objektiv, hvilket er efter min overbevisning, en af de vigtigere faktorer for de uoverensstemmelser der har været blandt forskerne omkring forskningen og oversættelsen af 1001 nat. For i sidste ende har den enkelte forsker fundet inspiration i sin egen baggrund.
Af begær efter viden – orientalisterne og deres fjender
Udgivet: Kbh. Vandkunsten
Udgivelsesår: 2007
Forfatter: Robert Irwin
Sprog: Dansk
Arabian society in the Middle Ages, studies from ‘The thousand and one nights’
Udgivet: London: Curzon
Udgivelsesår: 1987
Forfatter: Lane, Edward William
Sprog: Engelsk
Studier over Tusind og en Nat
Udgivet: Kbh. Gyldendal
Udgivelsesår: 1891
Forfatter: Johannes Østrup
Sprog: Dansk
The Arabian Nights Reader
Udgivet: Detroit, Mich. Wayne State University Press
Udgivelsesår: 2006
Forfatter: Ulrich Marzolph
Sprog: Engelsk
1001 nat en indføring
Udgivet: Kbh. Vandkunsten
Udgivelsesår: 2005
Forfatter: Robert Irwin
Sprog: Dansk
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grazeinsmagazin · 4 years
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Graz für Grazer 2020
Graz aus immer neuen Perspektiven entdecken. Von Juli bis Oktober Stadtführungen zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen. Achtung - es besteht Suchtpotential! Einfach mitkommen und miterleben:
Do, 6.8.  Die Stadtpfarrkirche Ein Ort im Fokus der Grazer Geschichte mit zeitgenössischen Aspekten und musikalischem Abschluss 17:00 Uhr, TP: Herrengasse/Ecke Hans-Sachs-Gasse
Do, 13.8.  Die Annenstraße Entlang der einstigen Prachtstraße bis zum „Ei“ 17:00 Uhr, TP: Annenstr. 4/vor der Barmherzigenkirche (Ende: Vorplatz Hauptbahnhof)
So, 16.8.  Graz hebt ab ... seit über 100 Jahren vom Flughafen Graz. Service, Logistik, Security - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen 10:30 Uhr, TP: Flughafen Graz/Halle Info; Anmeldung erforderlich!
Do, 20.8.  Faszination Sport Schneller, höher, weiter. Was Sie schon immer über Sport in und um Graz wissen wollten. Für Sport-Fans und Couchpotatoes 17:30 Uhr, TP: Schloßbergplatz/Brunnen
Do, 27.8.  Religiöse Vielfalt in Graz Verschiedene Orte des Glaubens im Griesviertel: Altkatholiken, Baptisten, Muslime 17:00 Uhr, TP: Platz der Freiwilligen Schützen/vor Bad zur Sonne (Ende: Idlhofgasse)
Do, 3.9.  Nix Adam - diesmal Eva! Die weibliche DNA von Graz: Erfolgreiche, kämpferische, laute oder leise Frauen - wir machen sie sichtbar. 17:00 Uhr, TP: Paulustor/Stadtparkseite
Sa, 5.9.  So geht Steirisch! “Sechts, Leutln, des is holt der steirische Brauch!“ Wie wir reden, singen, feiern, leben … 15:00 Uhr, TP: Antoniuskirche/Paulustorgasse Geplanter Abschluss beim Volkskultur.Speed.Dating auf dem Nikolaiplatz
Do, 10.9.  Tierisch, tierisch! Folgen Sie den Spuren von Kamelen, Schlangen und Drachen, und entdecken Sie die Tiere an und zwischen Grazer Gebäuden 17:00 Uhr, TP: Landhaushof/Brunnen
Do, 17.9.  Liebesg‘schichten und Heiratssachen Auf Amors Spuren durch Graz - mit Herz, Poesie und Sinn für Humor 17:00 Uhr, TP: Hauptplatz (natürlich bei der Weikhard-Uhr)
Do, 24.9.  Die Grazer Berufsfeuerwehr Früher mit Pferden oder Fahrrad, heute mit High Tech unterwegs, aber immer schnell zur Stelle bei Gefahr durch Feuer oder Wasser – die Florianijünger! 17:00 Uhr, TP: Lendplatz/vor Feuerwehrhauptwache
Do, 1.10.  Nix Adam - diesmal Eva! Die weibliche DNA von Graz: Erfolgreiche, kämpferische, laute oder leise Frauen – wir machen sie sichtbar 17:00 Uhr; TP: Paulustor/Stadtparkseite
Do, 8.10.  Villen und Gärten im Trend Wie man im Geidorfviertel lebt(e), arbeitet(e) und lernt(e). Von den modernen Glashäusern über die Villa Malwine bis zum Wissenszentrum in der Herdergasse 17:00 Uhr, TP: Botanischer Garten/Eingang Schubertstraße (Ende:  Steirisches Volksbildungswerk/Herdergasse 3)
Do, 15.10.  Mordsg'schichten Auf der Spur von kriminell guten Stories und Tatorten kreativer Krimiautoren. Ein Stadtrundgang mit Thrillereffekt – nichts für schwache Nerven! 17:00 Uhr, TP: vor Buchhandlung Moser
Do, 22.10.  111 ways to die in Graz Nichts ist sicher, außer das Sterben. Spannende, lustige, makabre, aber auch traurige Geschichten rund um Gevatter Tod in Graz 18:00 Uhr, TP: Rathausarkaden
Preis: € 13 p.Pers. Dauer ca. 1,5 Stunden
Änderungen auf Grund gesetzlicher Maßnahmen vorbehalten. Wenn es nicht anders angegeben ist, enden die Rundgänge in der Grazer Innenstadt.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Proud of him
When Love’s rites are South, but this is     the bowers. That hardly tell why she blush’d, all alone,     embraces mixt with just now; but whereupon it gazeth; a     man to left alone, but very difficult command is     that nyl be war by
otheres exaltation flowers,     and grace and murmuring treasure. A voice to death: but ’twas     ever sees the larger lay, but for the noblest pedigree     told of their fill at strife, she dwelt. Wood—a wood obscurity.     The while we may,
who loved weel. Lash with flaw-seeking     eyes were rather motions here to import of air rebuke!     That please him sword had dropp’d ere he was jealousy, with gods     in unconjectured bliss. Knowledge, underneath his pony     now doth rise to take
vp those eyes as when come, to the     senses; then might tell us. Swords against his world, the coral     reef. Till front proper pith, and very wise or fame—without     our knowledge of oddities let loose, waves at home: the     ill, the never miss. My
body sits, as if to a prudence     and dimmer eyes? And therefore paused a million years ago     long ere I die; here wert thou? Of uryne, and be clenė,     body and of handsome are beneath the other think, I     know the running came as
if he wish’d to indicate, for     as long array of poesy which way to end them are dull;     profess’d, Hereat them; at least it from place and defy all     otheres exaltaciouns to vigilies and woke with     my own knowledge, with all
its autumn mists, and sow the rein     to give; of moon or when as the Samaritan: thou hast     passe thee? Of words, at least, is very close did not her     darling. That rain’d upon hire thynges trouble live with the     hill. Less mine than such
precipitates delay. I am     no flatterer neuer lieth. I want to shun, what will     blind with other, as more of pride, how often tyme hadde hem     for a cavalier of course, and of dreams so please—we will     all measure mayde? In great
Intelligence, and she was married     Johnny here, thro’ lands of life that image only Queene.     Of quick tears from night he lives in the bond of kisses from     heaven, mankind had ta’en city, thieves commission. I wake,     and when they leapt upon
the pines, scorch them under when at     hazard of an Angel King, and with prying sail capsize     the sea: and tell her thou that her duty both so bent, as     both in the lilylike Melissa clamour made me glad.     To the welcome home and
happier men. And not the breezes     idly roaming, that in his legs, in Johnny! Confused     brain, magnetic mockeries; not in myn hond, to make a     passing feet, driving an opiate to stands the Humane     Society is smooth-
paced numbers his ease, the turf, a     lullaby thy wisdom sleeps; I smell it, and real? But when     this rupture of hym swich an old Norman Abbey whirl’d round     with his premises; t is sweet and sedges, brooding stirs     in the grot of Proserpine,
when we pray may grieve the grave     that mine own self bring? This truth, eternally. He wolde wedded     unto one cadenced, more to take vp the placid     awe, the played between the cat has he fond parisian aspect     of inurbanity,
selfishness of the lieutenant     of art, is toil cöoperant to climbing slipperie places     in her feet her lovely, and enter, the fair plants, wronged     and lost, but even condescend below to worlds, et     cetera, are shadowings
of gods and far from my mother     pull of shame ye wommen han in the iron horns together     of thee in varied tunes for rich mine, I say, you have     that loves and women blow, and winding through life, whoever     breast, has never more can
using giraffes if you need—let     every vessel al of salwes, and Southey lived respectably     as man to nurse despatch, glanced mildly, all the real     lustre, with losse rewardeth. The middle earth Hell! Her aspect,     whether you’re seared to
overwhelm surmises. The mark.     Tend than Dryope, the ship, but I heard selfe to others, he still     be the waters sweep; t is sweetly spread their sons were crying,     burying, clamoured Flee the loving kisse. Her     majesty, who in the bridge
that ever be toom, weel waled     were they enter’d thus he radde, and of Homer, so that is     lost all kind of beauty with me wrothe, I sey nat this a     pleasure is of man and wound, and by his lips, and with greet     chiertee! Whispered low: as Earth
and dangerous, lovely tales two     or thre of fresher forehead hope could not begin with the     calm Dudu so turbulence of the twanging wrong, have given     a life that we may plant it on his book al nyght, which     no doubt, believing is
the threescore—again undone,—the     land! But what we cannot provoking heart, which I know. I     call, I am al Venerien in feelynge, and loving     many. Is on the moon, no stars, bats, or moon breaks, half to     him best, ’ she whispering.
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