#matteo's mom
dylan-duke · 1 month
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liked by bluejacketsnhl, emilysonnett, alexmorgan13 and others
jj.tkachuk mama's tired, but so so happy
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matthew_tkachuk brb oh my way!!!
lauren oh my god
maggie are they holding hands?! -> jj.tkachuk arent they the cutest 🥹🥹🥹
emmatkachuk best cousins ever!!!
adamfantilli my girls! and my baby boy 🩵
nick_moldenhauer squad!!!
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dextervexter · 2 years
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“I hope the blood on your hands is warm enough to get you through the winter alone”
-Katya, Goncharov 1973
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heronpoxed · 5 months
I wasn’t around for soa in 2014 but i’m pretty sure the only reason kurt sutter decided to make jax and wendy have sex in 7x12 was to give fans a final shot of charlie’s overwhelmingly and concerningly worshipped ass 🤡 I can’t digest any other explanation because it added absolutely nothing to the story whatsoever… you know, besides flushing wendy’s dignity and character development down the shitter, that is.
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capitano-ale · 2 years
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Matteo Cancellieri during the SS Lazio - FC Midtjylland game | 2:1 (27/10/2022)
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mycharacterdump · 10 months
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You were screaming at the Evangelicals They were screaming right back from what I remember When you said I will never be your vegetable Because I think when you're gone it's forever But you know I'd stand on the corner Embarrassed with a picket sign If it meant I would see you When I die.
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chrisevansonly · 6 months
Oooh, what about a holiday just for Charles and Matteo, toddler and father spending time together during a week of holiday just wuth them two? 💖
𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐮)
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: it’s tradition for charles and matteo to hit the slopes every christmas eve, and you didn’t mind letting your boys have their fun
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, very fluffy sweetness
𝐚/𝐧: merry christmas eve!! here’s a little karter blurb for christmas eve!! i love this family so much, and i hope you enjoy🤍
Your boys were all packed and ready to make the drive to the airport in Nice, the two of them off to ski and snowboard in France for the day. It had been a Christmas Eve tradition for the two of them, while you had Charlotte over to bake and cook with you.
Christmas eve dinner was always at your home, and Christmas day was at Pascale’s in order to split the holiday duties! Matteo was excited to go skiing with his father, well he preferred to snowboard.
“Okay my loves, be safe and have fun!” you said kissing Charles gently and handing him some snacks for the airplane, turning to kiss Matteo’s forehead
“Matteo, n’oubliez pas d’écouter papa, d’accord?” (matteo, don’t forget to listen to daddy)
He nodded
“Oui Maman!! Je t’aime!!” (yes mom, i love you)
Smiling you walked them to the door
“I love you too baby, i’ll see you tonight”
Charles nods, grabbing the last of their things
“See you tonight amour, I love you”
Once the two of them were out the door you pulled your phone out and called Charlotte, the baking and cooking fiasco about to commence.
Charles and Matteo arrived arrived to the ski hill around mid morning, the two of them excited to hit the slopes and get out into the sun.
“Papa can we do that hill first?” Matteo said excitedly, pointing to the red circle hill to the left
“You want to start with a harder hill petit prince?”
Matteo nodded
“Oui Papa!!” (yes daddy)
Who was Charles to say no to his little boy who was so eager to get to snowboarding, up they went, Matteo giggling the entire chairlift up, happy to be back in the snow.
Once they got to the top of the mountain Charles noticed his son stop, his hands wringing together in his mitts, eyes a little wide, he could see his anxiety from a mile away so he was quick to sit next to him, ski’s at his side
“Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas, bébé?” His voice soft as he softly pinched Matteo’s cheek, causing the little boy to smile and scrunch his face (what’s wrong baby?)
“C’est plus effrayant que je ne le pensais papa…” he responded, looking at his father (it’s scarier than i thought daddy..)
“Hmm well do you want to try it anyway or do you want to go down to the blue hill?”
Matteo stayed quiet, really wanting to be brave and show his father he could do it, he was tired of only snowboarding down the blue hills
“I want to try it papa”
Charles couldn’t help but feel proud of Matteo for wanting to try it despite the slight anxiety he’d been feeling once they arrived at the top of the mountain
“Okay then, remember how to slow down, and if you need to stop you stop if you need too, I promise i’ll go down with you the whole way”
Matteo nodded before getting up and taking off down the hill, moving at his own pace as he took on the harder hill, navigating around bumps and tree’s. Charles not far behind him, keeping an eye on the little boy to make sure he was okay.
They’d only stopped one time on the hill before making it to the bottom, Matteo squealing happily
“Je l’ai fait papa!!! Tu m’as vu?!” (i did it daddy! did you see me?!)
Charles laughed nodding his head as Matteo waddled over still attached to his snowboard to hug his legs
“Tu as réussi petit prince! Je suis si fière de toi” (You did little prince, i’m so proud of you!)
Matteo smiled hugging Charles’s legs a little tighter, happy at the praise he was receiving
“Can we go again?” came his voice, muffled from his fathers sweatpants
“Of course we can Teo…let’s go”
Charles loved these little traditions with Matteo, getting able to take him skiing and letting him experience fun holiday activities like this is something he was so grateful for. Matteo loved these just as much, and the two of them knew as soon as they’d arrive home, the family would be waiting and they could finally have some of your famous gingerbread cookies, the best way to end the Christmas Eve ski day.
No two people were bigger gingerbread fans than your boys, and you can never skip out on a cookie after hitting the slopes all day…
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pablitogavii · 7 months
Hey can you make dad!gavi, when he saw the first ultrasound picture (or maybe accompany his wife). And the way he handle all the crazy mood swings and the weird cravings
Pregnancy Pains
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"Ughh..." you were sitting on the balcony caressing your pregnant belly as your unborn son was kicking so much today not giving you much of a break.
"Estas bien amorcito?? Que pasa?" Pablo came out putting your cup of tea on the table besides you and then sitting behind you.
"Kicking so much today Pablitoo..uff" you said and Pablo smiled placing his big hand on your belly feeling his son's kicks while caressing your belly.
"He's gonna be the best futbolista in La Masia" Pablo whispered and you both chuckled until he kicked again and you winced.
"You're so sure it's a boy, Pablito?" you said and he nodded proudly referring to his "dad intuition" which was so funny to you.
"Now, now chaval...let's give mamá a break bueno? Papi is here no need to kick" Pablo spoke to your pregnant belly while kissing the top of your head and you leaned into him enjoying the way his hand felt on your belly calming down your son a bit.
"When are we going for an ultrasound amorcito???" he asked after a while handing you a cup of tea careful not to spill and burn you accidentally. Ever since you got pregnant, Pablo was acting like you were made of glass.
"In a few hours...are you excited?" you answer
"To prove I'm right? Of course!!" he said and you both laughed and Pablo was glad you were happy instead of in pain right now. That was his job after all...
"We haven't talked about names, you know???" you said and Pablo nodded asking your opinion wanting to hear them all.
"Um...how about if it's a boy you choose a name and if it's a girl I chose?" you suggest and Pablo loved that idea.
"Deal!" Pablo said "And next one the loser chooses" he added and you smacked his arm making him laugh.
"Only if you want to go through this next time!" you say and he apologizes saying how proud he was of you for doing this so strongly. It blew his mind how brave you are.
"So...a girl...um..I like Aurora" you say and Pablo was taken back. You choosing a name of his mom and sister melted his heart knowing that you were special one for him.
"And a boy...um..Matteo? I know you like that name" Pablo said and you smiled nodding your head and leaning up to kiss his lips softly.
"Ready to go preciosa?" Pablo asked seeing you sitting on the bed with clearly worried expression on your face.
"What's wrong? Feeling okay?" he said sitting besides you and touching your belly.
"Um..I'm scared Pablooo..." you say and he raised your chin kissing your forehead.
"It's not gonna hurt to do an ultrasound princesita, and I'm gonna be right there holding your hand the whole way" he said and you sighed.
"I know that...but...um I'm scared of giving birth" you admit and he nods not able to imagine how it must feel to go through something like this. His mom told him to always be gentle and reassuring with you when you get worried or scared.
"I know it's scary amor, but you're mi chica valiente...and it's our baby you will bring into the world with me right by your side...just think about the life you want for the three of us to have and your Pablito will make everything come true..I promise, bueno?" he said and you smiled nodding your head and leaning into him before both of you went to the clinic.
"Are you ready to find out the gender???" the doctor asked and you both nodded with Pablo holding your hand after you finished the ultrasound reaching his hand to take the photo.
"Dios mio! He's so tiny amor..." Pablo said showing you the picture and you smiled looking at the doctor who was smirking and nodding his head.
"Looks like "dad instinct" is a real thing...you're having a healthy baby boy. Congratulations!!!" he said and you both smiled hugging each other before Pablo just had to jump screaming "vamos!" like he just scored a winning goal making you laugh.
"Matteo, looks like your dad was right...te amo mucho amor mio" you spoke touching your stomach and Pablo smiled thanking the doctor and leaning down to kiss your stomach before helping you stand up carefully leading you to the car.
"Amor, where are we going? You missed our road???" you said but Pablo smirking already answered that, he surely had some surprise planned.
You arrived to his family house leaving the car with wide eyes when you saw the blue decorations and balloons all around the entrance with the sign "Welcome Baby Boy Gavira!" making you tear up in happiness.
"Estas loco!" you said to Pablo who was holding you tightly against him kissing the top of your head and helping you walk towards his parents, Aurora, and Javi.
"Congratulations hermanita mia! Now it makes sense why he's such a kicker!" Aurora hugged you touching your stomach and you smiled with a blushing cheeks nodding your head still in shock that you will have a little boy soon.
"Congrats querida!" Belen hugged you kissing your head and so did Sr. Pablo who said he was proud of both of you very much.
"Are you crying too dad???" Pablo asked drying his own tears and all the women laughed at how much more emotional men were in this moment.
"Let's get inside!!!" Javi said hugging you and you smiled nodding your head as you all walked inside only to see it even more decorated with cake, food all presented on the long white table.
"You didn't have to do all of this really..." you said while sitting down and Pablo was already there to bring the pillow for your back which made you smile wide. He was always so careful with you...que mono!!!
"Anything for you querida...are you hungry?" Belen asked bringing you a little of everything asking is she can touch your belly.
"You don't have to ask mamá" you say with a smile and she nods touching your belly and smiling wide while looking at Pablo. Your parents were so far away that having Belen and Sr. Pablo around helped tremendously.
"I talked to your mom querida, they will stay with us until you give birth" she said and you thanked them asking if they're sure that's alright not wanting to impose.
"It's important for mamá to be there, it's sensitive period for you...you must be scared and have many questions. I am always here but she should be as well" Belen explained and you nodded leaning to lay on her shoulder while eating some fruits. Aurora joiend shortly after cuddling up to you as well
Pablo was watching you in awe...he felt so lucky in that moment...all of the women he loves the most together...and you carrying his son...everything was just perfect!!!
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Triple Threat 💣⚔️🔫
Your brothers and you are Stu’s children and, when you run into Ethan’s Ghostface, you consider teaming up.
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Your brothers were acting unhinged.
You felt embarrassed, watching as Ethan examined your shared apartment, staring around at things that had belonged to your father. Stu had been his favorite Ghostface and, when you’d shoved a knife against his throat in the alleyway, demanding why he was parading around in your dad’s memorabilia, he’d confessed that Richie was his brother.
The three of you had done your research on the Woodsboro murders. You had no intention of killing Sam—no, that wouldn’t be what your dad would’ve wanted. He would’ve wanted you to manipulate her into joining the three of you, but what does one more Ghostface hurt?
“And then,” Ansel was saying, waving his shotgun around like a maniac. “we blew that bitch’s head off.” He laughed and you cringed, crossing your legs on the couch. Ansel was the eldest of you and the most like your dad; he was sadistic, uncaring, and enjoyed killing simply for the sake of it. “What about you, kid? Ever blown someone up?”
“You didn’t blow them up.” Matteo argued, sliding a wet stone against the long blade in his hand. Twin swords were his preferred weapons, thin and lethal, that he wielded with expert skill. “The only person here with explosives is Y/N.”
Ethan eyed you warily.
You noticed the boy constantly looking over at you; you’d disarmed him easily in the alley, pulling him into your complex, and he seemed incredibly out of his depth around the three of you. Nepo babies, he’d teased, which Ansel had found infinitely amusing. Matteo only shrugged, bored, and began sharpening his blades.
“Explosives?” Ethan asked, moving closer to you. You nodded and patted the couch beside you, allowing him to sit. He seemed jumpy, like he was worried the three of you were going to kill him after all. Richie or not. “What kind of—”
“Grenades, car bombs—oh, remember that canister thing you did? Under the house?” Ansel said, setting his shotgun down and opening up the large safe against the living-room wall.
“Whole building gone.” You mimed an explosive with your hands, raising an eyebrow at the boy beside you’s startled look. “Boom.”
“She makes them herself.” Ansel grinned, looking like the Cheshire Cat, and threw something at Ethan.
The boy let out a yelp of surprise and you lunged over his lap to catch it, glaring at your eldest brother. Even Matteo was mumbling curses, glaring as your sibling stuck his tongue out on a laugh.
“These are expensive.” You snapped, placing the grenade beside you. Ethan was shaking, pressed fully against the back of the couch, his eyes wide. “Don’t fuck with my bombs. I don’t touch your guns, you don’t touch mine—”
“You’re no fun, Y/N.” Ansel rolled his eyes, practically skipping over to the couch. He reached over to pinch Ethan’s cheek, enjoying the cringe that crossed the younger boy’s face. “Aw, he looks fresh out of high-school. How old are you sweetheart? Sixteen?”
“Twenty.” Ethan scoffed, eyebrows furrowed as Ansel gripped his chin and turned his face back and forth to examine it. “What are you—”
“Definitely one of those remake losers.” Ansel sighed, patting Ethan’s cheek hard enough to sting. “Dad would be so proud.”
“Leave the kid alone.” You groaned, pushing your brother off him before you reached out to snatch Ansel’s phone from his pocket.
“Hey, that’s mine—”
“I’m ordering pizza, you dick.” You told him, glaring as he moved away, muttering ‘okay mom’ under his breath. “Want anything in particular?” You asked Ethan, turning your head, and realized you were still practically in his lap. You didn’t move though, not when you felt his hand hesitantly, almost as if he wasn’t sure he was doing it, touch your lower back.
“Whatever you want’s fine.” He said, expression still wary. Then he flushed when you leaned in, brushing away an imaginary eyelash from his cheek.
“You’ve got eyes like Bambi, you know that?” The smile that crossed your mouth was feline when he blushed, looking away, then back. “Matteo. Call my supplier. We should get this kid geared up.”
“Sam—” Matteo started, looking up, as he pointed a blade at Ethan. His expression was calm. Your middle brother was the most stoic of you all, moving through life with a steadiness that was the foil to you and Ansel’s subdued Chaos. Perhaps if Billy had been his dad it would’ve made a bit more sense. “—is ours. Don’t even think about touching her.”
“But she killed—”
“Do you think I give a shit about your pathetic brother?” Matteo laughed, standing and dragging the tip of his sword across the floor. “She’s our—” he paused, searching for the right words. “she’s kind of like a sister. You can have the other ones, but not Billy’s kid.”
“That alright with you, sweetheart?” You asked, running your fingers along Ethan’s jawline.
There was a pause, a moment of tension, where Ethan seemed to debate the serious merits of trusting you all, when he nodded.
“Fine. Fine, alright.”
“Good boy.” You cooed, moving yourself fully onto his lap, and looked to Matteo. “I’m serious. Call the supplier.”
He nodded wordlessly and left the room, likely off to see if Ansel was writing runes in blood all over the walls again. You opened the Dominos app and began scrolling, settling back into Ethan’s chest. He was tense—more than tense, but he slowly began to relax as the vanilla scent of your perfume invaded his senses.
“They seem…” he swallowed, and you felt the movement against your own body. “Nice.”
You snorted.
“Hawaiian or Meat Lovers?”
“Hawaiian, duh. But how did you guys—where were you—”
“Stu knocked up our mom a couple times when they were teenagers. She was totally in love, even though he had a girlfriend, which it turned out he had a boyfriend because Billy was—”
“But where were you?”
You paused your typing, turning your face to glance at him.
“The system.” You admitted, frowning at your screen. “Ansel got us out when he turned eighteen. I’d been fostered a couple of times but it never stuck.” You smirked, meeting his eyes again. “He made us nicknames. He thinks we’re some kind of special superheroes. Out to serve justice for anyone who’s wronged Stu or Billy.”
You finished ordering and turned in his lap, slipping your legs around him. You’d just met the dude, for fucks sake, but he was hot. And besides—you’d always been rather forward. Flirtation was in your nature. You felt a thrill when he immediately grabbed your hips, his intrigue and fascination overpowering any shyness.
“Which are?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m The Bomb.” You laughed, and beamed when a grin split across his face. “I know, Cliché. He’s Joker, and Matteo is Red Ninja Turtle.”
“Oddly specific for the last one.”
“He finds pride in his creativity.”
Just then Ansel burst back into the living-room, the Ghostface mask on his head, wielding a chainsaw. It wasn’t on, thank God, but Ethan still gasped and flinched backwards, almost smacking his head against the couch.
“Look what I found!” Ansel laughed, shaking the weapon around. “It’s like Christmas!”
“I told you to stay organized.” Matteo groaned, following after him, and yanked the mask off his brother’s head. “God, take an Ambien or something. You’re freaking me out.”
The doorbell rang, then, and all four of you turned to look at it.
“Do you think it’s the pizza?” Ansel whispered, speaking into a voice modulator and, despite himself, a hesitant smile began pulling on Ethan’s mouth. Shit, your family was way more insane than his.
“We’re all gonna end up in an asylum.” Matteo muttered, pointing a finger at Ansel. “Chainsaw. Closet. Now.”
As he opened the door, smiling politely and talking in that sweet way he always did to strangers, you jostled Ethan a bit underneath you.
“Come on,” you said, moving off of him and grabbing his hand. “come see my collection.”
An hour later, after the four of you had split three pizzas and were watching one of the Saw movies, you yawned and moved into your bedroom. Ethan followed—like a puppy, to your amusement—and watched as you opened up your window and leaned against the frame.
“They are..” he trailed off, eyebrows pinched together. He’d allowed Ansel to tease and terrorize him, then Matteo to interrogate him in a low, hushed voice about Ethan’s family and their plans. He’d spared no detail, well aware of the sword that rested on the floor next to your middle sibling. “I don’t know. I’m scared, but I like them.”
“Welcome to the club.” You smirked, peering up at him through your lashes. He leaned against the frame beside you, toned arms brushing your own. The night breeze tousled his hair as he stared out at the city, a contemplative look on his face. “What’s going on up here?” You asked, running your fingers through those dark curls of his, and he shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just…I can’t believe you guys are alive.” He glanced over, then away. “Makes me feel like an amateur.”
“Everyone has to start somewhere, babe.” You told him, bumping your shoulder against his own. “Once Sam joins us, we can go after Sydney. And that bitch, Gale.”
“You think she would?”
“I’ve seen her from afar.” You admitted. “She’s got that look on her face. You know?”
“Yeah.” His eyes narrowed slightly. “I think I do.”
You stared at each other for another moment, his expression softening as he took in your face. Before he could do something stupid like have a crush on you, you turned, snatching something off your shelf.
“Here then.” You told him, dropping one of your grenades into his hand. He flinched, and you giggled. “Welcome to team Stu.”
this is the most unhinged family ever but I truly think they’d solo
Part TWO
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beyondfabric · 5 months
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Introducing: Mr. Archive
What better way to kickstart 2024 than with one the most beautifully curated, styled and fair-priced vintage stores out there?
Mr. Archive has been one of my go-to places the last few months, be it for visual inspiration on their instagram profile or the browse some of the most interesting pieces around. To be fair, after 15 years of working in this industry is getting more and more difficult for me to find garments and brands that are truly exciting and fresh. If on top of that we take into account the price point of some of these labels, many of which produce in Portugal with accessible costs, my enthusiasm dims even further.
I’ve always been passionate about the universe of vintage and pre worn garments, but this love has been fueled in recent years by the appearance of highly specialized shops that seem to be perfectly in tune with my personal style. I’ve had the chance to chat with Matteo, the mastermind behind Mr. Archive to learn more about this outstanding project.
BF: I came across Mr. Archive fairly recently and I must say that it definitely hit a soft spot within the range of vintage providers currently on my radar. How long have you been in business? What drove you to create it?
Matteo: I'm passionate about my job, believe I have a somewhat general knowledge of the fashion world, but about 4 years ago, I got fascinated by this industry, even though I already knew it. I come from a family that has always worked in the clothing industry.
BF: For me, your selection is perfectly curated, bringing a mix of military and navy-inspired garments, with a twist of Americana. Is this an extension of your own style and taste, or is it more business-oriented?
Matteo: What I propose is all based on my personal taste; I create outfits on the spot, drawing inspiration from magazines, newspapers, etc., and then I elaborate and create. My mom is an artist, and I think I took inspiration from her.
BF: Vintage has always inspired me ever since I got into fashion roughly 15 years ago. There's just something distinctive about the fabrics and the history behind each garment that you can not replicate with new items. How/where do you source your amazing selection?
Matteo: My pieces come from warehouses worldwide; I'm constantly looking for new things, and that's the wonderful thing about my job! I have strong trust in my suppliers!
BF: With sustainability being the word of order when it comes to fashion, have you noticed an increase in demand for pre-owned garments? Do you think part of the solution can be provided by vintage?
Matteo: Recently, there has been an increase in the purchase of vintage and second-hand clothing items. To be honest, I believe that a few years ago, not many people knew about this world, but now it's expanding and captivating even those who knew little about it.
BF: I noticed you have a small capsule of garments carrying your own label, namely selvedge denim and accessories. What's the story behind those? Can we expect more designs in the future?
Matteo: I won't deny that creating my own clothing line would be a great personal satisfaction, a significant growth. I recently created a small line, "MRARCHIVE," currently composed of jackets, pants, and hats. One day, I'd like to expand, but I still have much to learn and study.
BF: Any tips or advice you wish to leave for those more reluctant to explore the world of previously owned items? It's still somewhat taboo for some people.
For many people, this world is still a taboo; they're still stuck in the thought of "they're used clothes." What I think is that one should see the story and originality behind each piece to appreciate its value, both from a historical and an aesthetic perspective. Sometimes, I compare some clothing items to paintings—they should be framed.
You can find Mr. Archive here.
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dylan-duke · 1 month
Nora meeting the babies??🥹
"ok nora remember you have to be quiet ok? they're little and don't like loud noises," nora nods and looks up at her dad from where she stands next to him holding his hand,
"ok daddy!" quinn smiles before opening up the door to the lake house. jj, adam and the twins had arrived while nora was at a playdate and now she was going to meet them for the first time.
the five year old runs inside and into the living room,
"auntie jj!" she yells running up to the youngest tkachuk,
"hi nora!" jj says back hugging the little girl back as she wraps her arms around jj's legs,
"where are the babies?" jj chuckles running a hand through her hair,
"theyre outside with adam, luke and gavin, do you want to go see?" nora nods and waits patiently as jj pushes herself up off the coach.
once they are able to get nora seated, jj carefully puts a 4 month old francesca into the 5 year olds arms.
"'ranny!" nora calls out softly. jj chuckles,
"right nora franny,"
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g3z0 · 2 months
The summer I turned pretty P1
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Summary: Every summer, you and your family go on vacation to the summer house of the Sturniolo’s. You basically grew up with the Sturniolo kids. You haven’t been there last year, so you didn’t saw the Sturniolo’s since two years. Nothing can change that much in two years. At least that’s what you thought.
Warnings: cursing
NEW FIC BABY!! I love the summer I turned pretty even if it’s cheesy. Hope you enjoy
„You should really bring this along.“ Ava says as she’s looking through my closet.
„Hm?“ I bring my head up from my phone, looking at my best friend.
She holds a red shirt out to me my mom bought me a while ago. I shake my head „nah, I don’t like that shirt.“ I mumble.
She turns to me and rolls her eyes „but you look so good in it!“ she protests, laying it into my suitcase.
I let out a sigh. „Hey.“ she whispers as she walks over to me. „Im gonna miss you..“ she says as she cups my cheeks in her hand, making me look up at her.
„Im just gone for the summer.“ I smile. She squeezes my cheeks and laughs a little before she lets go off me „still.“
„Im gonna miss you too.“ I breathe as she sits down on my bed next to me.
She looks over to the pinboard that’s hanging on the wall next to my bed. She hums and takes one picture that’s attached to it.
„Awhhh, you and the triplets?“ she smiles as she looks down at the pic.
I look down at the picture. It’s a pic of Matt, Chris, Nick and me, standing in front of their summer house. It was taken 2 years ago when we were 14.
„oh my god, they look exactly alike!“ she laughs. I smile and shake my head „nah, they don’t.“
She looks at me and rolls her eyes „yeah- because you know them.“ She points at Chris on the picture „who’s that?“ she asks.
„Chris.“ I answer, looking back at her. She raises her eyebrows and nudges me with her elbow „you just made that up.“ she laughs.
„I didn’t.“ I state with a chuckle. She hangs the picture back to my pinboard „he’s cute.“ she says.
I scrunch my nose up and turn my face to the side „Ava.“ I sigh. „Y/n.“ she laughs „what? He is.“
„That was two years ago.“ I nod to the picture before looking back at her. She shrugs with her shoulders „and? Bet he’s hot now.“
„Ava. Gross.“ I say, standing back up. She lets out a laugh and runs through her hair. „You‘re just jealous.“ she teases.
„Oh yeah, totally.“ I say sarcastically as I put the rest of my clothes into my suitcase.
Am I nervous? Of course I am.
We’re driving for like 40 hours. At least that’s what it feels like.
My brother Matteo drives even more slower than my grandma.
I sit in the passenger seat, listening to music through my AirPods as I day dream while I look out of the window.
My mother is sitting in the backseat, a book in her hand wich she read like 4 pages from before she fell asleep.
I didn’t saw the Sturniolo’s in two years because my dad thought it would be a great idea to remember he has two sons expect his other kids and wanting to „bond“ with them again.
At least that’s what he told my mom.
Matteo didn’t want to come. My dad expected that. When I said I didn’t want to come. He didn’t expect that.
Probably because I was 15 and Matteo was 18.
I was pissed off all summer long. I needed to play the babysitter for my dads other kids.
The only time my dad even talked to me was when he commented on my body.
I was an ugly kid - glasses, braces, weird body type.
For the whole summer my dad forced me to train with him. And I didn’t stop.
My braces are gone, I’m wearing contact lenses and I grew like fucking 5 inches. I hit puberty late.
So that’s what changed. Everything else was just the same when I saw the triplets the last time-
„Owh!“ I groan and look over to my brother as he slapped me against my shoulder. I pull out one of my AirPods and look at him with a frown „what the fuck was that for?“
Matteo looks over to me for a second before he looks back at the road. „Im talking to you for like 5 minutes straight, till I see you have your fucking AirPods in.“ he sighs.
I roll my eyes and slump back into my seat. „Asshole.“ I mumble as I put my AirPod back into my ear.
I hear Matteo’s muffled voice through my music, making me turn my phone volume up to the highest.
As we drive the same old road to cousins, I roll my window down, breathing in the familiar scent of the city.
Everytime we drive into Cousins, it feels like I’m coming home after I’ve been gone for a long time.
In Cousins, everything stays the same. It never changes. And I think that’s what gives me so much comfort.
When we’re finally there and Matteo drives onto the property of the Sturniolo’s, Matt and Chris already sit at the porch.
The triplets were blond when they were kids. Now they have dark brown hair. I don’t know if it’s the Boston air or if they just don’t go out that much.
Matt is wearing a middle part, not the ugly ass buzz cut our moms gave us every summer. Chris has long, curvy hair, most of it covered in a „new era“ cap.
I smile and take my AirPods out.
I lean over towards Matteo, pressing my hand against the horn two times.
My mom flinches and looks confused at us, before she looks out of the window „we’re already there..?“ she mumbles in a sleepy voice.
Matteo laughs a little and gets out of the car. I shake my head and do the same. Chris and Matt walk over to us, glaring at me hard.
„What the fuck happened with little y/n?“ Chris laughs, looking at me like I’m a different person.
„Language, Owen.“ my mother says as she gets out of the car. Chris smiles and interlocks his hands behind his back „hello, Darleen.“ he says, a familiar politeness in his voice wich my mom knows is just faked.
My mom chuckles and shakes her head, walking over to Matt and Chris. „Hey boys.“ she smiles softly as she hugs Matt first and then Chris.
It’s weird to see how much taller the two are than my mom now. I feel like it was just yesterday when we four were almost at the same height as her.
„Where’s Mary-lou?“ she asks as she pulls her sunglasses that where on her head, over the bridge of her noise. Matt nods towards the house „inside, she’s cooking.“ after that she walks into the house.
Matteo closes the door of the car „where’s Justin?“ he yells over to us.
„Inside!“ Chris and Matt yell back synchronously.
You know those two opossums from ice age? Yeah, Matt and Chris are literally them.
Matt and Chris watch my mom and matteo, waiting before they disappear into the house.
Then Chris takes me into a headlock, ruffling over my hair. „We missed you, though guy!“ Chris laughs.
I scrunch my nose and laugh, pushing him away from me. „I certainly didn’t.“ I lie.
Matt rolls his eyes before he daps me up and hugs me. „What does Darleen feed you?“ he chuckles as he lets go off me. „I swear, the last time we saw you, you were like 3 apples tall.“
„I wasn’t.“ I chuckle as I look around. „Where’s Nick?“
„Somewhere, I don’t know.“ Chris shrugs as he walks past me, towards the car trunk. I look at Matt and he also shrugs, doing the same as Chris. „Alright.“ I breathe, following them.
„Eat more, sweetheart.“ Mary-Lou says softly to me as she sits besides me at the dinner table.
I give her a warm smile before I shake my head „no, I’m good. But it tastes really good.“
My mom scoffs and nudges mary-Lou into her side with her elbow „he’s just saying that. You should see him at home! I need to go grocery shopping every day because of the two!“ she chuckles.
I roll my eyes playfully and look over the table. My eyes fall onto Nicks empty seat.
„do you have your sketchbook with you?“ Justin asks me on my other side, turning my attention from nicks seat to his. I nod a little as I put a piece of meat into my mouth. „Mhm.“
Justin was always impressed by my drawings. Sometimes it feels like he was the only reason I kept going.
He smiles at me and nods as he grabs his glass off the table „good. Show me after, aight?“
„Don’t push his ego.“ Matteo says to Justin, shaking his head.
„Matt.. stop.“ my mom says, making Matteo and Matt look at her. My mom frowns before she shakes her head with a chuckle „sorry- not you, sweetie.“ she says to Matt. „Matteo. Stop.“ she corrects herself.
„I didn’t do anything!“ he defends himself, throwing his hands up.
„Sure you didn’t.“ Mary-Lou says.
One of the worst things about summer is when my mom is mad at me or Matteo. And when my mom is mad - Mary-Lou is mad.
The same thing with Mary-Lou’s kids.
Jimmy, the dad of the triplets, always comes a few weeks later than us. He only stays for a week tho - he’s too busy with work.
„So.“ my mother starts, looking at Matt and Chris „how does hockey and lacrosse do?“
I sigh to myself. Here we go.
Chris and Matt’s eyes light up as they start to yap about their team, their practices and everything that comes to their mind.
Like I said, the opossums of ice age.
I never was a big fan of sports. Nick wasn’t either.
So every summer when Matt and Chris played sports, me and Nick did something alone. Or we sat at the side and watched them, talking about god knows what.
Justin and Matteo are older than us. They always just did their own thing. Sometimes when we got lucky, our mom’s forced them to take us along.
It was fun for us, not for our older brothers.
My eyes fall back onto nicks empty seat. I stare at it for a few seconds before I let out a sigh, looking down on my plate and stabbing a piece of meat with my fork.
My room is still the same as ever. Nothing changed.
It’s the middle of the night now. Matt, Chris and me stayed downstairs for a while before they headed to bed.
I grab my swimming shorts out of my suitcase that’s laying on my bed and put them on.
I quietly open my door and sneak past the other rooms to the stairs. I walk downstairs and push the doors in the living room open that’s leading outside into the backyard.
The warm night breeze hits me and I smile to myself.
It is a routine. Every year, the first night, I wait until everyone is asleep and then I go swimming on my own in the pool.
My first night swim this summer.
I slowly step into the pool, the cold water is making a shiver run up my spine.
I swim a few laps. As I pull my head out of the water to get some air, I pause, seeing Nick sitting at the edge of the pool with his legs in the water, smoking a cigarette.
I freeze a little, glaring at him.
Matt and Chris have changed a lot in those two years. Not in their personality but in their looks. But Nick?
His buzz cut is gone, brown wavy hair is covering his forehead. He has a nose ring and his right arm is covered in tattoos.
His cold eyes lock onto mine as he calmly takes a drag from his cigarette.
I push my hair back and run over my face to get it a little dry. „Since when do you smoke?“ I ask, glaring at him. I tilt my head a little „and what are you even doing here?“
I didn’t saw him in two years and that’s seriously the first thing I say to him?
He exhales the smoke „wich should I answer first?“ he asks with his typical Nick face. Unbothered, annoyed.
My heart bumps against my chest.
I swim over to the edge and stop in front of him. „Second.“ I breathe.
He looks down at me and shrugs with his shoulders „couldn’t sleep. Took a walk.“
That’s a lie. He just came out here to smoke.
„how did you know I was out here? And since when do you smoke?“ I ask again, watching him as he takes another drag of his cigarette.
„You changed.“ he says, still not breaking eye contact with me. I lick my lips and look down at myself before looking back up at him. „You changed.“ I breathe. „And you didn’t answer my question.“
„Wich one?“ he questions, tilting his head.
I frown „what?“ He brings his cigarette up to his lips before speaking again. „You asked two questions.“ he states, taking another drag.
„Uhm.. both.“ I say. He shakes his head and his lips turn into a small smile before he flicks his cigarette into the grass „you’re out here like every night y/n.“
He stands up and walks towards the house, leaving me confused in the water.
„And the first question? Since when do you smoke?“ I yell after him.
„Good Night, y/n.“ he yells back before he disappears into the house.
I watch him disappear into the house with a frown.
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httpsuniverse · 1 year
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PAIRING: mick schumacher x reader
DETAILS & WARNINGS: fluff, new parents!au, cryptic pregnancy, childbirth, hospitals, google translated german (like only one sentence lol)
WC: 725
A/N: okay well, maybe illicit affairs isn’t/wouldn’t be my first fic BUT i cant help it HAHA this universe takes place from mick’s post on baby reveal 📸 also this isn’t proofread! apologies for the mistake :> enjoy reading!!
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
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the 2022 season didn’t end the way mick wanted it to, and now, he was starting 2023 the way he least expected it would start. the 23-year-old driver felt like he was holding the world when he held his tiny son in his arms on january 1st. matteo schumacher was not planned, neither the two of you knew his existence until he welcomed himself hours after midnight. matteo was indeed a surprise, because you, his mom, was not aware that you were pregnant.
it started when you felt a pain on your stomach, literally two hours before the clock hit midnight. it felt like something was stabbing you and no position on the couch helped it stop. you tried your best to ignore it, but mick noticed how uncomfortable you were and pain was very visible on your face. corinna suggested that the two of you visit the hospital. at first you said no—because who the heck wants to welcome the new year inside the hospital? but mick was persuasive and managed to carry you to his car and drive to the nearest hospital. the two of you thought you’ll be able to head home right after the doctor has checked you and will receive any drugs to relieve the pain, but they said something that caused both of your worlds to stop.
“you’re actually in labor right now,” one of them said, “i know this sounds scary, but we’ve checked and you’re currently 5cm dilated.”
“what the hell are you saying?!” was the first thing you said, “mick?! what the hell?!”
the next thing you know, you were being transferred to a private room and had nurses check on you every now and then. mick called gina, explaining what happened and how you two are expecting a baby any time now. mick called your parents right after that call with gina, though it took him a while because the clock struck midnight. the response you two heard were all ‘what?!’ ‘how’d that happen?!’ which had no answers because even you two didn’t know how it happened.
cryptic pregnancy, that was what happened to you. only a few people in the world experience it, and you were part of that minority.
hours passed, mick never left your side. he kept on saying sorry, kissing your hand and forehead every time you felt contractions. by the time you were fully dilated and was ready to give birth, mick swore you’ve never held his hand that tight before. you were holding onto it as if you were ready to rip it off his arm but he didn’t complain, considering that you were giving birth unexpectedly. that was nothing compared to the pain he was feeling on his hand.
at 5:47 am, a small baby was placed on your chest. you looked at your boyfriend who was looking at the baby, tears threatened to fall. mick placed kisses on your head, muttering a small thank you in between the kisses. when you delivered the placenta, the doctors and nurses cleaning you up and your son, and another nurse helped and taught you how to breastfeed, you were left alone with your two boys.
“mick,” you called your boyfriend who sat on the other end of the room, giving you space as you breastfeed your baby. “it… it was a wild night but, happy new year.” you say, earning a chuckle from him “i know it’s not the ideal timing. we haven’t talked about this, clearly he’s not planned… but, how do you feel? with the baby.”
he stood up, walking towards your bed. “it’s not ideal, but i’m ready to do this with you… the whole parenting thing and baby” he said, “though i can’t deny the fact that i’m obviously scared, confused and nervous but there’s no one in the world i’d do this with but you.”
while your baby was happily suckling on your breast, you took the time to look up to mick. he didn’t hesitate to lean and connect your lips together, and that made your heart skip a beat.
“matteo,” you say, “is it okay if we name him matteo?”
“i’d love that, liebe” he smiled, carefully running his finger on matteo’s small head. “matteo.”
mick didn’t know it yet, but soon enough, matteo’s got his dad wrapped around his fingers.
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yourusername and mickschumacher
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liked by mickschumacher, esteban_ocon, gina_schumacher and others
yourusername ...and then there were three 🤍 matteo schumacher 01.01.2023
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mickschumacher meine liebe, meine ganze welt
translated from german: my love, my whole world
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mrswolffs-blog · 7 months
The Sainz Secret: Carlos Sainz Jr x Black!Caribbean!Reader
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Today is a very important for Carlos as it is his home race, but also the time that he finally gets to see his son after the last visit three months ago. He woke up feeling excited as he called the mother of his child to make sure that she was safely arriving. "Hola mi amor, are you two almost landed?" Carlos asked making the woman chuckle on the other side of the line. "Yes 'los, we are a about an hour away, we watched the race, and I must say that you did very well in FP1." she countered making his smile widen. "I have to go now; they'll take you straight to me when you arrive so no worries. Give him a kiss for me, yeah?" was the last thing that Carlos said before the signal went off and the call ended. He sighed before heading out for the press conference before the official singles interview.
Time had pass, yet Carlos seems to become more irritated with each passing minute as he anticipated his son's arrival. unbeknownst to him, Y/n and his son had already arrived at the track and were a few feet away from him. "Daddy!" everyone in the paddock heard the toddler scream midway his dad interview, as he thrashed around before the woman placed him down and he ran straight for his dad.
"Hola mi hijo" Carlos chocked up with tears in his eyes as he hugged his baby close to his chest. The toddler returned the hug just as tight while Y/n stood taking pictures of them. "Come here, don't stay far. How are you?" Carlos asked the Y/n. "I'm doing good, just glad that I got him to see you." she replied lowly that the microphones were unable to pick up her voice. "Alright, you go with Charles and I'll finish up here and meet you in the garage." Carlos informed her with a kiss to the forehead as she was then led to the garage by Charles who cracked joke along the way.
"Okay, Carlos I see you have company now. He is so cute, is he yours?" the interviewer asked as Carlos started blushing. "Yes he is, This Matteo Sainz, he is three years old. You all never meet him because his mom lives outside of Europe so I rarely see him. This is his first full weekend with me." He gushed proudly as his son started playing in his hair as his interviewer smiled widely at the curious toddler.
The interview ended and Carlos went to get his family together where they all went home to relax after a tiring flight and a hectic race weekend, enjoying the unity before they had to leave to go back home in the Caribbean far away from him again.
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simssong · 1 month
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~ after class Harper chatted with her classmate Matteo for hours and totally lost track of time. Mom won't mind, right?
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴
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chrisevansonly · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: the day had finally come to bring little matteo to the track. charles had been waiting for this day since he was born, but made sure to wait until you were ready. now matteo is 6 months old and his father couldn’t be more excited to show him everything he could about f1
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of anxiety, harsh media but other than that, lots of fluff!
𝐚/𝐧: here she is! chapter two and man have the past few days been taxing on me, i’m just trying to focus on writing and ignoring everything else so, i hope your enjoying this series and are looking forward to this chapter! it’s a bit on the shorter end but i hope that’s okay, i haven’t been feeling well lately<3
𝐰𝐜: 900 ish…?
It was finally the long-awaited day, well for Charles at least, where little Matteo was finally going to be heading to the track to watch the grand prix. Well technically you had agreed to qualifying day and if all went well then you would come back for the race on Sunday. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to bring your baby boy to watch his father do what he loves, you were still just an anxious new mom, and your husband knew that.
“Okay, extra bottles…his pacifier, pluto the dog”
“Baby, I think you have everything..”
Shaking your head you paused
“Charles, I need to make sure I have everything because if I don’t and he freaks out I-I just”
Charles placed his hands on your shoulders, your eyes coming up to meet his which of course were full of nothing but love for you
“Are you sure you want to come?” he asked, no hint of disappointment at all
“Yes, I do..Char I promise I do..I’m sorry I just am all over the place I suppose”
Charles nodded, understanding exactly where you were coming from, thankfully the two of you were able to have a quiet moment together as Matteo napped before you had to leave
“It’s okay, I know you’re anxious, but we’ll take it one step at a time okay? When I can’t be with you I know Joris or Marta will be right?”
You nodded
“You also know if you need anything at all you can have someone from the team get me right away right..?”
He waited until you nodded once again before pressing a kiss to your forehead
“Right…no you’re right..okay I think I have everything ready to go then”
“Good, then let’s go get the little man and head out!”
Monaco was a beautiful city, but on race week and weekend it seemed to get that much more magical. The paddock was no different, familiar faces and friends could be spotted easily, Charles’s family around as well which was perfect for Matteo
“Bonjour petit ours!”
At the sound of Arthur Leclerc’s voice, Matteo squealed as he began to wave his little arms around, the younger Leclerc brother quickly coming over and taking him from you, before leaning forward to pull you in for a hug, placing a kiss on both of your cheeks
“Bonjour chouchou”
“Hi Thur, nice to see a familiar face”
He smiled
“Yes I would think so, this year is a bit crazy, I was just about to walk over to the Ferrari garage if you want company?”
“I’d love that! Where is Carla?”
Matteo placed a hand on Arthur’s cheek as he babbled away, his little eyes looking at everything around him
“Oh she is on her way, i’m sure she’ll be glued to you both”
Ever since you’d started your relationship with Charles and had the chance to meet Carla when she came into Arthur’s life, you’d been super close to one another, it was like having a little sister all in one.
“Well he seems to be quite content to be here”
You smiled as you looked at your little one, his eyes still enamoured by the sights and noises
“I’m surprised, I was so anxious he’d be scared of everything”
“He is a Leclerc, he was born for this.”
Arthur sent you a wink as you both arrived at the garages, truth be told the comment he made had sent a bit of worry throughout you. Charles grew up karting, and it was something he had begun to talk to you about with Matteo, and you were absolutely terrified. Terrified at the thought of him getting in that little kart, terrified to watch him go fast and potentially get hurt. It was a thought for another day.
Matteo had settled back into your arms as his uncle kissed his head and then walked away towards some of his F2 friends he’d spotted, giving you time to bring your baby boy over to the garage. It wasn’t long before he let out his tell tale excited squeal, and it meant he had either spotted his father, or Max Verstappen. Matteo’s relationship with Max was something so adorable, he’d gotten close to the dutch driver from a young age, and he and Kelly had always been two of the first people you’d call to babysit, besides your mother in law of course.
“Hey there little speed demon!”
You rolled your eyes at Max as he was quick to come over and take Matteo from you
“Oh sorry Y/N didn’t even see you there” he teased
“Sure, no I totally understand, I’m virtually invisible when I’ve got this cutie with me”
Max went to rebuttal when an arm slipped around your waist and a pair of lips pressed to your temple
“Tu n’es jamais invisible pour moi, chérie”
“Aww merci bébé!”
Leaning into Charles you laughed as Max was quick to cover Matteo’s eyes
“Come on, we need to escape, too much grossness here for you baby leclerc!”
“Bring him back before quali please!”
Charles yelled as Max began to walk away, the red bull driver yelling a ‘you got it!’ back before it was just you and your husband.
“How are you feeling now?” he asked letting you lean further into his side, knowing you needed a bit more comfort, especially when Matteo wasn’t around
“A bit better, Teo’s been loving every second..I should have known everything would be okay”
“No, it’s okay to be anxious you know that, it’s his first time here…I know you’re anxious right now knowing he’s not with you”
You hated how easily he could read you, and man did he know you inside and out like a book
“He’s safe with Max, i’m sure he’s gone to see Kelly as well, if you want I can call him?” he offered which had you shaking your head
“Oh no, let him enjoy his time, though i’m sure Maman will be over soon begging to take him, I think she’s jealous of Max”
This had Charles laughing as he nodded in agreement
“Yes she was telling me the other day that he spends far too much time with Max”
“We’re so lucky aren’t we?”
“We are.”
It always occurred to you that unlike some families you would never ever run out of love, in fact you had an abundance of it. From your friends and family, to Charles’s friends and family. Matteo would always grow up with so many people around him that adored him just as much as you and Charles did.
Even if there was a deeper conversation waiting and gnawing at you to be had, it could wait for another day. Right now you only wanted to focus on your family and Matteo as he got his first taste at Formula One track life. Nothing could wipe the smile off your face seeing how happy your boys were. Charles had settled into being a father so gracefully, managing his time at work and at home in a way that had you so grateful.
“It’s almost quali..we should go find Teo”
“Good idea, Max has stolen my son enough!”
Shaking your head, Charles took your hand and began to walk towards the one spot you knew where he would be. Soon enough, you saw your little boy laughing and clapping as he was entertained by not only Max but Christian as well.
At least you knew if Ferrari didn’t pick him when he got older Red Bull would.
english translations:
Bonjour petit ours - hello little bear
Bonjour chouchou - hello sweetheart
Tu n’es jamais invisible pour moi, chérie - you are never invisible to me baby
Aww merci bébé - thank you baby
ʚlittle karter series tag list
@goldenmclaren @a1leexxa @piastricodedfr @treehouse-mouse @therealcap @goldenalbon @wintfleur
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sc0tters · 8 months
Pretty Boy
the one where Aspen Hughes is forced to spend more time with her least favourite hockey player when she gets called on to tutor his friend.
introduction ☆
➞ meet aspen
➞ about aspen hughes
blurbs ☆
➞ aspen the it girl
➞ how do they cope with jealousy?
➞ aspen gets back at luca
➞ why is luca the way he is
➞ possessive luca
➞ aspens halloweekend costume
➞ aspen and luca get touchy
➞ our favourite horny couple
➞ aspen and luca when they get drunk
➞ aspen and luca core
➞ possessive aspen
➞ just how jealous do aspen and luca get
➞ luca almost killed handsome
➞ aspen cant skate
➞ their first i love yous
➞ shower sex
➞ aspen is full
➞ breeding kink
➞ luca freaking out
➞ luca comes to talk
➞ theyre back together
➞ telling her parents
➞ the brothers reaction
➞ luke's reaction
➞ girl dad vibes
➞ aspen surprises luca on his birthday
➞ luca's reaction
➞ new year cellies
➞ aspen struggled with becoming a teen mom
➞ aspen didn't want people around vivi
➞ aspen fell
➞ luca realises something is wrong
➞ aspen sees what he said
➞ luca sees aspen
➞ vivi wants her mom
➞ ellen knows how to comfort her daughter
➞ date night at the hospital
➞ post win celebrations
life with vivi
➞ vivi gets passed around
➞ viviana
➞ vivi is not a fan of the beard
➞ the girls are proud of their lu
➞ vivi misses everyone
➞ emmy loves vivi
➞ daily facetime calls with emmy
life with matteo
➞ meet matteo
➞ he is a mammas boy
mixed aus
➞ the sleepovers
➞ how they are when drunk
➞ the boys get possesive
➞ the boys and their favourite positions
➞ boobs or ass?
➞ emmy is excited
➞ making emmy a godmother
social media ☆
➞ coming soon
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