#mightve uh. gone overboard
sugar-plump-gal · 2 years
51 and Chorda
51. “I love that you only wear crop tops. Oh, they’re just regular t-shirts?”
"Yup! They used to fit normally, but I'm a biiiiit bigger than I used to be."
'Biiiiit bigger' is the understatement of the century. Chorda had already been huge, obviously, but the last few months had included a LOT of extra food. A lot of it was for videos, mukbangs, trying everything on a restaurant's menu, or random challenges like 'Chubby bunny but I just swallow the marshmallows,' but the most fattening thing of all was not a video, but her fans' reaction to one.
Simply put, telling an entire planet of loving fans both your favorite foods and your mailing address tended to get predictable results. Every time she mentioned liking a particular food, something she did REALLY fucking often, she'd wake up to a mountain of packages overflowing with whatever treat she'd offhandedly said she enjoyed. She wasn't about to let a fan's gift go to waste, especially when it's something she already enjoys, so most of Chorda's 'mail opening videos' ended up consisting of her happily working through however many hundreds of pounds of food she'd gotten that week.
Letting everyone watch their donations round out her stomach in real time didn't exactly make them stop.
Now, Chorda's bigger than ever and rarely, if ever, not sporting a gut filled with the rewards of her fans' adoration, sometimes larger than the rest of her combined. Even without that, however, spending almost every day stuffed with your favorite foods has only added to her already massive figure. It's hard to say how much, between her height and constantly being stuffed, but the fact that her shirts can still be mistaken as 'crop tops' is almost a miracle.
Just her chest would be enough to stretch them out, even without the massive stomach resting below. They were already the size of beach balls, big enough most people couldn't wrap their arms around her, but at this point even she could barely reach past them, hands just able to touch each other past the sea of tit that sits on her belly. She could have as much or as little belly as she wants, but her bust would still turn any shirt into a grand display of underboob and stretched fabric.
Her lower half didn't really impact the whole crop top thing, but her skirts were having similar problems. Her ass had gone from filling anything smaller than a couch to practically swallowing anything that didn't break outright. Her underwear didn't cover much of anything, and any skirts meant to be shorter than her knees only accentuated the massive cheeks that spilled out of them. Longer skirts and pants either stopped fitting altogether or inevitably tore at the seams from the hips and thighs they struggled to contain.
But all of that still paled in comparison to the massive gut that dominated Chorda's frame. Between her constant eating and the countless calories stored from it, her gut had gone from looking like a pillow to a mattress. You could lay down on it, spread your limbs, and still have plenty of room to spare. That she could still move was entirely thanks to her being a fuschia, a strength meant to haul whales more than suited to carrying her own blubber instead. Even if, gods forbid, she stopped eating, her stomach would still be larger than the rest of her combined. It extended more than an arms length in front of her, heralding her arrival whenever she enters a room if the gurgling didn't already give her away.
Her videos are more popular than ever and her mail room is only getting busier by the day, so. Try and enjoy that 'crop top' while it lasts.
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merry-the-cookie · 2 years
B4 for Ashton!!!
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i mightve uh. gone a little overboard with this one fjfjdjjfjshf
lil calm ash version under the cut… just cause
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moon-angy-angy · 2 years
(Hiiiii~ I’m alive hehehe… I’ve uh- I’ve been busy doodling.. I made some concept art for Shiny, I mightve uh- I miiiiiightve gone a bit overboard on detail, also I kinda don’t know how to draw iwi but here it is! Also sorry for rambling…)
- Shiny mod
( Oooooo )
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vulturnus · 3 years
disgaea isnt.. bad per say, but i mightve gone overboard in the training and so uh. im clearing through these too fast but not fast enough. also the art style is uh.
not . the best for some characters
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