#mod macchi
what would a badly drawn homunculus ed look like. i imagine his ouroboros is drawn in crayon or is one of those fake tattoos
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if only those statements could co-exist at the same time
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zetreview-com · 11 months
[:en]It is a gel of quality which enables the skin consistently stay healthy. PsoriControl contains a powerful formula to treat psoriasis and is suggested for optimum skin care. Psoriasis is a skin disorder that must be treated by means of natural treatments, in time. People who suffer with psoriasis tend to be depressed, lacking confidence and with great anxiety due to redness and the itching this skin ailment causes. The specialists in dermatology advocate the usage of the product PsoriControl, because it is a treatment that's elaborated with natural extracts of ecological plants. Bear in mind, that when you have psoriasis, your skin has scales that are small, spots and burning you should secure your skin health by using just products of the best quality.[:de]Es ist ein Qualitätsgel, das es der Haut ermöglicht, dauerhaft gesund zu bleiben. PsoriControl enthält eine leistungsstarke Formel zur Behandlung von Psoriasis und wird für eine optimale Hautpflege empfohlen. Psoriasis ist eine Hauterkrankung, die mit natürlichen Mitteln rechtzeitig behandelt werden muss. Menschen, die an Psoriasis leiden, neigen zu Depressionen, mangelndem Selbstvertrauen und großer Angst aufgrund von Rötungen und dem Juckreiz, den diese Hautkrankheit verursacht. Die Spezialisten für Dermatologie empfehlen die Verwendung des Produkts PsoriControl, da es sich um eine Behandlung handelt, die aus natürlichen Extrakten ökologischer Pflanzen hergestellt wurde. Denken Sie daran, dass Ihre Haut bei Psoriasis kleine Schuppen, Flecken und Verbrennungen aufweist. Sie sollten Ihre Hautgesundheit sicherstellen, indem Sie nur Produkte von bester Qualität verwenden.[:fr]C'est un gel de qualité qui permet à la peau de rester en bonne santé. PsoriControl contient une formule puissante pour traiter le psoriasis et est recommandée pour des soins optimaux de la peau. Le psoriasis est un trouble de la peau qui doit être traité au moyen de traitements naturels, à temps. Les personnes souffrant de psoriasis ont tendance à être déprimées, à manquer de confiance en elles et avec une grande anxiété en raison des rougeurs et des démangeaisons provoquées par cette maladie de la peau. Les spécialistes en dermatologie préconisent l'utilisation du produit PsoriControl, car il s'agit d'un traitement élaboré à partir d'extraits naturels de plantes écologiques. Gardez à l'esprit que lorsque vous souffrez de psoriasis, votre peau a des écailles petites, des taches et des brûlures, vous devez protéger votre peau en utilisant uniquement des produits de la meilleure qualité.[:it]È un gel di qualità che consente alla pelle di rimanere sempre sana. PsoriControl contiene una potente formula per il trattamento della psoriasi ed è consigliata per una cura della pelle ottimale. La psoriasi è una malattia della pelle che deve essere trattata per mezzo di trattamenti naturali, nel tempo. Le persone che soffrono di psoriasi tendono ad essere depresse, prive di fiducia e con grande ansia dovuta al rossore e al prurito causato da questo disturbo della pelle. Gli specialisti in dermatologia sostengono l'uso del prodotto PsoriControl, perché è un trattamento che viene elaborato con estratti naturali di piante ecologiche. Tieni a mente che quando hai la psoriasi, la tua pelle ha squame piccole, macchie e bruciature dovresti proteggere la tua salute della pelle usando solo prodotti della migliore qualità.[:ro]Este un gel de calitate care permite pielea să rămână în mod consecvent sănătoasă. PsoriControl conține o formulă puternică pentru a trata psoriazisul și este sugerată pentru o îngrijire optimă a pielii. Psoriazisul este o afecțiune a pielii care trebuie tratată cu ajutorul tratamentelor naturale, în timp. Persoanele care suferă de psoriazis tind să fie deprimate, lipsite de încredere și cu mare anxietate din cauza roșii și mâncărimei cauzate de această afecțiune a pielii. Specialiștii în dermatologie susțin utilizarea produsului PsoriControl, deoarece este un tratament care este elaborat cu extracte naturale de plante ecologice.
Rețineți că atunci când aveți psoriazis, pielea dvs. are scale care sunt mici, pete și arde ar trebui să vă asigurați sănătatea pielii folosind doar produse de cea mai bună calitate.[:hu]Minőségi gél, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy a bőr állandóan egészséges maradjon. A PsoriControl egy hatékony formula a psoriasis kezelésére, és az optimális bőrápolásra ajánlott. A psoriasis olyan bőrbetegség, amelyet természetes kezeléssel kell időben kezelni. Azok, akik psoriasisban szenvednek, általában depressziósak, bizalmatlanok és a szorongás miatt a bőrpír és a bőrkárosodás okozta viszketés miatt nagyon szorongó. A bőrgyógyászok szakemberei a PsoriControl termék használatát támogatják, mert az ökológiai növények természetes kivonataival kidolgozott kezelés. Ne feledje, hogy ha psoriasis van, a bőre méretei kicsi, foltok és égő, a bőr minőségét csak a legjobb minőségű termékekkel kell biztosítani.[:es]Es un gel de calidad que permite que la piel se mantenga saludable. PsoriControl contiene una fórmula potente para tratar la psoriasis y se sugiere para un cuidado óptimo de la piel. La psoriasis es un trastorno de la piel que debe tratarse mediante tratamientos naturales, en el tiempo. Las personas que sufren de psoriasis tienden a estar deprimidas, sin confianza y con gran ansiedad debido al enrojecimiento y la picazón que causa esta enfermedad de la piel. Los especialistas en dermatología abogan por el uso del producto PsoriControl, porque es un tratamiento que se elabora con extractos naturales de plantas ecológicas. Tenga en cuenta que cuando tiene psoriasis, su piel tiene escamas pequeñas, manchas y ardor, debe asegurar la salud de su piel utilizando solo productos de la mejor calidad.[:pt]É um gel de qualidade que permite que a pele permaneça consistentemente saudável. O PsoriControl contém uma fórmula poderosa para tratar a psoríase e é sugerida para um ótimo cuidado da pele. A psoríase é uma doença da pele que deve ser tratada por meio de tratamentos naturais, a tempo. As pessoas que sofrem de psoríase tendem a ser deprimidas, sem confiança e com grande ansiedade devido à vermelhidão e à coceira causada pela doença da pele. Os especialistas em dermatologia advogam o uso do produto PsoriControl, pois é um tratamento elaborado com extratos naturais de plantas ecológicas. Tenha em mente que, quando você tem psoríase, sua pele tem escamas pequenas, manchas e ardor, você deve garantir a saúde da sua pele usando apenas produtos da melhor qualidade.[:pl]Jest to żel jakości, który pozwala skórze konsekwentnie zachować zdrowie. PsoriControl zawiera skuteczną formułę do leczenia łuszczycy i jest zalecany do optymalnej pielęgnacji skóry. Łuszczyca jest chorobą skóry, która musi być leczona naturalnymi zabiegami w czasie. Ludzie cierpiący na łuszczycę mają skłonność do depresji, braku pewności siebie i wielkiego niepokoju z powodu zaczerwienienia i swędzenia, które powoduje dolegliwość skórna. Specjaliści od dermatologii zalecają stosowanie produktu PsoriControl, ponieważ jest to zabieg opracowany z wykorzystaniem naturalnych ekstraktów roślin ekologicznych. Pamiętaj, że kiedy masz łuszczycę, twoja skóra ma łuski, które są małe, plamiste i płonące, powinieneś zabezpieczyć zdrowie skóry, używając tylko produktów najwyższej jakości.[:et]See on kvaliteetne geel, mis võimaldab nahal püsida tervena. PsoriControl sisaldab võimsaid psoriaasi ravimeetodeid ning seda soovitatakse optimaalseks nahahoolduseks. Psoriaas on nahahaigus, mida tuleb õigeaegselt ravida looduslike ravimeetoditega. Psoriaasi põdevad inimesed kipuvad olema depressiivsed, puuduvad enesekindluse ja punetuse ja naha sügeluse tõttu. Dermatoloogia spetsialistid pooldavad toote PsoriControl kasutamist, sest tegemist on ökoloogiliste taimede looduslike ekstraktidega töötlemisega. Pidage meeles, et kui teil on psoriaas, on nahal väikesed kaalud, laigud ja põletamine, mis peaks tagama naha tervise, kasutades ainult parima kvaliteediga tooteid.[:el]Είναι ένα πήκτωμα ποιότητας που επιτρέπει στο δέρμα να παραμείνει υγιές.
Το PsoriControl περιέχει μια ισχυρή φόρμουλα για τη θεραπεία της ψωρίασης και προτείνεται για βέλτιστη φροντίδα του δέρματος. Η ψωρίαση είναι μια διαταραχή του δέρματος που πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί με φυσικές θεραπείες, εγκαίρως. Οι άνθρωποι που πάσχουν από ψωρίαση τείνουν να είναι καταθλιπτικοί, στερούνται εμπιστοσύνης και με μεγάλη ανησυχία λόγω της ερυθρότητας και της κνησμό που προκαλεί αυτή η ασθένεια του δέρματος. Οι ειδικοί στην δερματολογία υποστηρίζουν τη χρήση του προϊόντος PsoriControl, επειδή είναι μια επεξεργασία που επεξεργάζεται με φυσικά εκχυλίσματα οικολογικών φυτών. Έχετε υπόψη σας ότι όταν έχετε ψωρίαση, το δέρμα σας έχει κλίμακες που είναι μικρές, κηλίδες και κάψιμο θα πρέπει να εξασφαλίσετε την υγεία του δέρματος χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο προϊόντα της καλύτερης ποιότητας.[:hr]To je gel kvalitete koji koži omogućuje konstantno održavanje zdravlja. PsoriControl sadrži snažnu formulu za liječenje psorijaze i preporučuje se za optimalnu njegu kože. Psorijaza je poremećaj kože koji se mora liječiti prirodnim tretmanima, na vrijeme. Ljudi koji pate od psorijaze imaju tendenciju da budu depresivni, bez povjerenja i s velikom tjeskobom zbog crvenila i svrbeža koji uzrokuje bolest kože. Stručnjaci za dermatologiju zagovaraju uporabu proizvoda PsoriControl, jer je to tretman koji je razrađen s prirodnim ekstraktima ekoloških biljaka. Imajte na umu da, kada imate psorijazu, vaša koža ima malene ljuske, mrlje i opekotine koje trebate osigurati zdravlju vaše kože koristeći samo proizvode najbolje kvalitete.[:lt]Tai kokybės gelis, leidžiantis odai nuosekliai išlikti sveikas. „PsoriControl“ yra galinga psoriazės gydymo formulė ir siūloma optimaliai odos priežiūrai. Psoriazė yra odos sutrikimas, kuris turi būti gydomas natūraliu būdu. Žmonės, kenčiantys nuo psoriazės, linkę būti depresija, trūksta pasitikėjimo ir labai nerimauja dėl odos negalavimų priežasties. Dermatologijos specialistai pasisako už produkto naudojimą PsoriControl, nes tai yra gydymas, sukurtas natūraliais ekologinių augalų ekstraktais. Turėkite omenyje, kad, jei turite psoriazę, jūsų oda turi mažas skales, dėmės ir deginimas, turėtumėte apsaugoti odos sveikatą naudodami tik aukščiausios kokybės produktus.[:sk]Je to gél kvality, ktorý umožňuje pokožke trvalo zostať zdravý. PsoriControl obsahuje silný prípravok na liečbu psoriázy a je navrhnutý pre optimálnu starostlivosť o pleť. Psoriáza je kožné ochorenie, ktoré sa musí včas liečiť pomocou prírodných ošetrení. Ľudia trpiaci psoriázou majú tendenciu byť depresívni, nemajú sebadôveru a majú veľkú úzkosť v dôsledku sčervenania a svrbenia, ktoré toto ochorenie spôsobuje. Špecialisti na dermatológiu obhajujú použitie produktu PsoriControl, pretože ide o ošetrenie, ktoré je spracované s prírodnými extraktmi ekologických rastlín. Majte na pamäti, že keď máte psoriázu, vaša pokožka má malé, škvrny a pálenie, mali by ste zaistiť zdravie svojej pokožky iba pomocou produktov najvyššej kvality.[:nl]Het is een gel van kwaliteit waardoor de huid consequent gezond blijft. PsoriControl bevat een krachtige formule voor de behandeling van psoriasis en wordt voorgesteld voor een optimale huidverzorging. Psoriasis is een huidaandoening die moet worden behandeld door middel van natuurlijke behandelingen, in de tijd. Mensen die lijden aan psoriasis hebben de neiging om depressief te zijn, gebrek aan vertrouwen en met grote angst vanwege roodheid en de jeuk die deze huidaandoening veroorzaakt. De specialisten in dermatologie pleiten voor het gebruik van het product PsoriControl, omdat het een behandeling is die is uitgewerkt met natuurlijke extracten van ecologische planten. Houd in gedachten dat wanneer u psoriasis heeft, uw huid schubben heeft die klein zijn, vlekken en brandend, u uw huidgezondheid moet veiligstellen door alleen producten van de beste kwaliteit te gebruiken.[:vi]Đó là một loại gel chất lượng cho phép làn da luôn khỏe mạnh. PsoriControl chứa một công thức mạnh mẽ để điều trị bệnh vẩy nến và được đề xuất để chăm sóc da tối ưu.
Bệnh vẩy nến là một rối loạn da phải được điều trị bằng phương pháp điều trị tự nhiên, kịp thời. Những người bị bệnh vẩy nến có xu hướng bị trầm cảm, thiếu tự tin và rất lo lắng do đỏ và ngứa do căn bệnh này gây ra. Các chuyên gia về da liễu ủng hộ việc sử dụng sản phẩm PsoriControl, bởi vì đây là một phương pháp điều trị được xây dựng với chiết xuất tự nhiên của thực vật sinh thái. Hãy nhớ rằng, khi bạn bị bệnh vẩy nến, da của bạn có vảy nhỏ, đốm và bỏng rát, bạn nên bảo vệ sức khỏe làn da của mình bằng cách chỉ sử dụng các sản phẩm có chất lượng tốt nhất.[:bg]Това е гел с качество, което позволява на кожата да остане здрава. PsoriControl съдържа мощна формула за лечение на псориазис и се предлага за оптимална грижа за кожата. Псориазисът е нарушение на кожата, което трябва да се лекува с помощта на естествено лечение. Хората, които страдат от псориазис са склонни да бъдат депресирани, липсва увереност и с голямо безпокойство, дължащо се на зачервяване и сърбеж, който причинява заболяването на кожата. Специалистите по дерматология препоръчват използването на продукта PsoriControl, тъй като той е разработен с естествени екстракти от екологични растения. Имайте предвид, че когато имате псориазис, кожата ви има малки люспи, петна и парене, които трябва да осигурят здравето на кожата ви, като използвате само продукти с най-добро качество.[:sl]Gre za gel kakovosti, ki koži omogoča, da ostane zdravo. PsoriControl vsebuje močno formulo za zdravljenje luskavice in je priporočena za optimalno nego kože. Luskavica je kožna motnja, ki jo je treba zdraviti s pomočjo naravnega zdravljenja, pravočasno. Ljudje, ki trpijo za luskavico, so ponavadi depresivni, brez zaupanja in z veliko zaskrbljenostjo zaradi rdečice in srbenja, ki ga povzroča kožna bolezen. Strokovnjaki za dermatologijo zagovarjajo uporabo izdelka PsoriControl, ker je to zdravljenje, ki je obdelano z naravnimi izvlečki ekoloških rastlin. Imejte v mislih, da ko imate luskavico, ima vaša koža luske, ki so majhne, ​​lise in pekočo kožo morate zaščititi zdravje kože z uporabo le najboljših izdelkov.[:lv]Tas ir kvalitātes gēls, kas ļauj ādai pastāvīgi uzturēties veselīgi. PsoriControl satur spēcīgu formulu psoriāzes ārstēšanai un ir ieteicama optimālai ādas kopšanai. Psoriāze ir ādas slimība, kas savlaicīgi jāārstē ar dabiskām procedūrām. Cilvēki, kas cieš no psoriāzes, mēdz būt nomākti, viņiem trūkst pārliecības un ar lielu trauksmi, ko izraisa ādas apsārtums un nieze. Dermatoloģijas speciālisti atbalsta produkta PsoriControl lietošanu, jo tā ir apstrāde, kas izstrādāta ar dabisko augu ekstraktiem. Paturiet prātā, ka, ja Jums ir psoriāze, jūsu ādai ir nelieli svari, plankumi un dedzināšana, jums ir jānodrošina ādas veselība, izmantojot tikai vislabākās kvalitātes produktus.[:th]เป็นเจลคุณภาพที่ช่วยให้ผิวแข็งแรงอยู่เสมอ PsoriControl มีสูตรที่มีประสิทธิภาพในการรักษาโรคสะเก็ดเงินและแนะนำสำหรับการดูแลผิวที่เหมาะสม โรคสะเก็ดเงินเป็นโรคผิวหนังที่ต้องได้รับการรักษาด้วยวิธีการรักษาตามธรรมชาติในเวลา ผู้ที่เป็นโรคสะเก็ดเงินมักจะรู้สึกหดหู่ขาดความมั่นใจและมีความวิตกกังวลเป็นอย่างมากเนื่องจากมีผื่นแดงและคันทำให้เกิดโรคผิวหนังนี้ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านผิวหนังให้การสนับสนุนการใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์ PsoriControl เพราะเป็นการรักษาที่อธิบายอย่างละเอียดด้วยสารสกัดจากธรรมชาติของพืชระบบนิเวศ จำไว้ว่าเมื่อคุณเป็นโรคสะเก็ดเงินผิวของคุณมีเกล็ดเล็ก ๆ จุดและรอยไหม้คุณควรรักษาสุขภาพผิวของคุณโดยใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์คุณภาพดีที่สุด[:cs]Je to gel kvality, který umožňuje pokožce trvale zůstat zdravý. PsoriControl obsahuje silný recept pro léčbu psoriázy a je navržen pro optimální péči o pleť. Psoriáza je kožní porucha, která musí být včas léčena pomocí přirozeného ošetření. Lidé, kteří trpí psoriázou, mají sklon trpět depresí, nemají sebevědomí a mají velkou úzkost v důsledku zarudnutí a svědění, které toto kožní onemocnění způsobuje. Specialisté v oboru dermatologie se zasazují o používání produktu PsoriControl, protože jde o ošetření, které je zpracováno přírodními extrakty ekologických rostlin. Mějte
na paměti, že když máte psoriázu, vaše pokožka má váhu, která je malá, skvrny a pálení, měli byste zajistit zdraví své pokožky pouze pomocí produktů té nejvyšší kvality.[:]
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askspyro · 6 years
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@kingmacchiato has always been the artist for this blog since the very beginning. There have been no switches or replacements so every bit of art you see on this blog is his! The thing is, when initially making this blog, things started off really cutesy and crayon-like and we wound up diverting from our initial plans when starting this blog. It went from Macchi trying to get a nice, and simple design of Spyro’s classical look so Spyro would be easier for him to draw and it’d be much easier for us to update the blog. So it wove into a series of him redesigning, sticking to the design, changing it, and redesigning again as time went on. Because of this, things look inconsistent from art to design and even color choice the more you look at the posts on this blog. Honestly, we decided to make everything experimental at that point and knew it’d probably be a little confusing for people. Luckily Macchi did decide on the final design. Which is the current one you see! He wanted to find a design to stick and would look appealing without diverting from Spyro’s design too much. It took a while, but I’m happy he’s satisfied---And I am as well. Aside from that, this blog started in 2014... So art just improved as the years went on. Hope that answers your question! ✌
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lyricstuneful · 3 years
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Manavgeet Gill - Sardari
Sardari Song Lyrics In English By Manavgeet Gill: Sardari is a new Punjabi Song that has released in 2021. Manavgeet Gill sang the new Song Sardari, Which has song lyrics penned By Kanji Porh & Manavgeet Gill and Jaymeet composed the music for Sardari. Prince 810 directed the music video for the song Sardari.
Song: Sardari Singer: Manavgeet Gill lyrics: Kanji Porh & Manavgeet Gill
Music: Jaymeet Music label: Manavgeet Gill Starring: Tunisha sharma & Manavgeet Gill Director: Prince 810
Producer: Believe & Manavgeet Gill
Sardari Lyrics
Menu asle de vang pakki rakh le 
Jivein rakhiyan laicensi ne tan gunaa ve
Bhaven delhi ton lahore tere charche
Menu aapni banave je tan manna ve
Tere haunsle chh udde baggi tittri
Maan bhan ji na allhade kawari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Fer Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Nitt maut naal kheda ve tu khed ne
Halle pyar wali baazi teri kachhi aa
Lakhan chaubar aan de saak firan mod di
Tenu paun di ve agg seene macchi aa
Pind aan ke tu haal mera tak ja
Kunda khula chaubare aali bari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Fer Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Jaan kadd de brown teri aankh ve
Dil lutt le gai vailliyan jehi tour ve
Bhaj paundiyan baigani kothe chadhdi
Teri nukri de khadke jeha pour ve
Dekhi payi jave na rob fika haaniyan
Teri mere utte addi hoi garari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Fer Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Sara din hi ai khwab tere vekhdi
Kudi mardi ai tere te sayaal di
Ban mirza ve laija hun kanji aa
Nuh jatti nu bana le ghumyal di
Muchh chad ke suna de pakka fesla
Hall karde ve case meri yaari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Tere hunde aa je hogi kise hor di
Fer Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Faida ki ai teri sardari da
Sardari Video Song
Written BY: Kanji Porh & Manavgeet Gill
LyricsTUNEFUL FAQS & Trifle
Who Wrote the Lyrics for the New Song “Sardari”? Kanji Porh & Manavgeet Gill wrote the lyrics to the new song “Sardari”.
Who Sung the Song “Sardari”? Manavgeet Gill Sung the song “Sardari”.
Who Directed the video for “Sardari”? Prince 810 Directed the video song “Sardari”.
Which Music label Released the “Sardari” Music Video? Manavgeet Gill has released the video song “Sardari”.
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claudio82clod · 4 years
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Una cucciolata di cagnolini sull'ala di un Macchi MC 200 del primo stormo caccia riconoscibile dal motto Incoccia Tende Scaglia. Una presenza costante sui campi di aviazione erano i cani. Mascotte adottate amate ed accudite da tutti gli uomini dei reparti operativi. Questa cagnetta con la sua cucciolata è sui piani fissi di coda di un MC.200 del 1 Stormo CT. Appoggiato sulla fusoliera un paracadute mod. Salvator. Catania, ottobre1940. #storie #storieefoto #regiamarina #regiaaeronautica #aeronautica #airforce #italia #macchi #mc200 #saetta #history #ww2 #worldwar #warthunder #dog #pet #puppy https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ceD1LntZQ/?igshid=gkduym3e5tgh
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lhosgabello · 7 years
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Spuntano come i funghi gli sgabelli contenitori da bagno... 🍄 E pensare che nemmeno ha piovuto tanto da farli crescere come si deve... basta un po' di ricerca!!! Non per nulla siamo L'ho Sgabello! 😉 Questa volta il colore è blu, una new entry per questo modello. (Mod. ELBA) Blu intenso, blu notte come la Carrara e Matta ha prodotto negli anni! Segni del tempo, macchie di utilizzo, gocce di prodotti non proprio a ph neutro invecchiano la seduta a loro modo. Noi lo abbiamo lucidato a puntino ma in controluce si vedono ancora. (Non so se siamo stati capaci di sottolinearlo nelle foto) Per il resto tutto in ordine. Condizioni vintage buone. Dimensioni: 38x29cm h42cm Prezzo: 30euro #sgabello #bagno #contenitore #carrara&matta #cm #anni50 #50s #stool #blu #blue #notte #night #elba #plastica #plastic #bathroom #modernariato #homedecor #lhosgabello (presso L'ho Sgabello)
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Please Do Not Follow If:
-You don’t like Hollow Knight (obviously)
-You are a TERF
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-You believe there are only 2 genders (Mod is agender)
-You support movies like Spl//it that create toxic stereotypes for those with DID
This blog contains: 
-Mild cartoon gore
-Hollow Knight Spoilers
-Cursing/Foul language and suggestive jokes/innuendos
-Art by me is tagged as “#Macchi draws”
-Text posts tagged as “#Macchi ramblings”
-Ask me if you want something tagged, I’ll tag it!
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roalbalove-blog · 7 years
FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator Unlock All
New Post has been published on http://apkmodclub.com/fighterwing-2-flight-simulator-unlock-all/
FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator Unlock All
FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator
Size: 68.85 MB | Version: 2.74 | File Type: APK | System: Android 2.3 or higher
    Description : Introducing: Fighter Wing 2 the WW2 multiplayer combat flight simulator! Battle for air supremacy with legendary war planes in this addictive flight game with a unique real life physics engine giving you the most realistic flight experiences on mobiles today. Choose your war plane, upgrade your weapons and battle with thousands of players from around the world! PLEASE NOTE! Fighter Wing 2 is a realistic combat flight simulator which means that it will take a little practice before learning how to master the skies, you will enjoy seeing how your flying skills and flight maneuvers evolves from being a rookie to ultimately becoming a living WW2 fighter pilot legend.
Features of FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator games :
- Multiplayer action, fight against other real players from all over the world - Fly realistic models of classical WW2 war planes such as the: Harvard, Texan, Hurricane I, Hurricane IIB, Hurricane IIC, Bf109 E, Bf109 F, Bf109 G, Bf 110 E, Spit 1, Spitfire I, Spitfire V, Spitfire IX, Seafire, Fw190 A1, Fw190 A4, Fw190 A8, A6M2 Zero, A6M3 Zero, A6M5 Zero, P51 B, P51 D, P-38 F, P-38 J, P-39 D, Macchi C.200 Saetta, Macchi C.202 Folgore, Macchi C205 Veltro, Bristol Beaufighter Mk. 1.
Features of FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator mod :
- All Unlocked - Advertise Removed
Install Instructions :
* You visited this site on mobile ?
1. Download the Android file on mobile. 2. Install and run it. 3. That’s it,Enjoy!
* You visited this site on desktop or laptop ?
1. Download the Android file on Pc. 2. Transfer Android file from PC to your Android Phone (Via USB , Bluetooth , Wi-Fi). 3. Install and run it. 4. That’s it,Enjoy!
The post FighterWing 2 Flight Simulator Unlock All appeared first on apkmobiledownload.
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i literally just discovered this account and the urge to like every post is so strong ed looks so skrunkly
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it's okay he's an attention-seeker
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hi i just discovered this blog and would spend so much more time scrolling through and filling your notifs but i unfortunately have school so. rip. but anyway ty for the poorly drawn eds they have brought me much joy this fine morning
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he can't say anything though he dropped out in middle school 💗
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for u, babe…. he’s so evil and definitely does not have to carefully reapply his tattoo every day or so
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Which Edward are you, have you met the others and if not what will you do
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please don’t give the alchemist a mid-life crisis at age 15
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is it cannibalism if you eat a shrimp
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Start running.
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yall are too talented. there is no poorly drawn edward elric ......... it should be sooo bad that anyone who looks at it experiences heart failure
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heart failure.png
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You r? Baby?
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Ed have u ever considered French braiding ur hair?
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we currently can't pay the artists extra to draw cool hair sorry
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