bnhatrashcanons · 4 years
May I request headcanons for Mirio's s/o being a hardcore lover of memes and vines? ❤️
mirio more like.... more like.... pretty. nailed it.
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sis we all know mirio is the funniest student at UA. he had to be. we all saw his internship with Nighteye, right? (okay we know how that ended but shut up.)
Mirio is meme God. 
no one can beat him
then you come along and he feels like his title is being challenged. 
but he lOVES it.
your conversations consist of memes and vines and nothing else.
one day amajiki started crying, yelling “what arE YOU SAYING?”
your first kiss happened when mirio sweetly whispered in your ear “i love you bitch.... i ain’t gonna never stop loving you.... bitch”.
the both of you have a competition on who can send the most obscure meme.
they need a third memelord to be the tie breaker because sometimes you both have seen the others meme before.
thirdwheel memer is Nejire.
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izukyu · 4 years
@moomoomeowchan: I would love to request roobois tea if that’s alright.
okay this is a reupload because my original post wasn’t showing up in the tags, feelsbadman. i’m trying to answer all of the tea requests so i can move on to the next event!
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rooibos tea; what’s their favourite thing to do with their s/o?
Mirio absolutely adores hanging out with you and Eri. Their bond is something he can’t really explain with words, but it’s of similar character to the one he has with you. He cares for both of you very deeply in different levels.
Which is why whenever the opportunity arises Mirio will take you both out somewhere. Most of the time he likes for Eri to choose where to go, given he wants to encourage her to explore her surroundings, but you all can go so many times to an apple orchard without going insane.
However, Eri has grown to adore you, and cooking with you is now one of her favorite activities! Despite only getting to pass you the sugar and cooking utensils as a contribution, once she tastes the delicious meal she helped make you swear you can see stars in her eyes. That being said, Mirio will never hesitate to drop all of his responsibilities for one afternoon and take you both on a picnic, even if it’s just outside of the dorms or in a park.
When it’s just the two of you he loves simply laying in bed to cuddle. Enough said. Sleepy cuddles, playful cuddles; anything as long as he gets to hold you.
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Anyway, I am done with my rant. It still fucking sucks but life must go on and my therapist worked my back today so I should be in my flow again. This is my 500th post and since there’s so much negativity in the air, I decided I wanted to shout out some people that are important to this blog.
@cutesuki--bakugou Because you are the bestest, baddest bitch and I love you lots and lots. Bringing me into the fandom and encouraging my writing and this blog all along. Stay as you are and keep doing your thing you funky little artist ♥
@vaseshipghost who, without fail, tries your damn best to always comment and reblog and cheer me up when I rant, you’re the real mvp. Thanks for sticking with me!
@sora91, @moomoomeowchan (sadly tumblr doesn’t let me tag you anymore), @istanmyman, @midnightrellik & @damned-queen-of-gotham who I also keep seeing in my reblogs, requests, comments and likes constantly. Thank you for keeping up the interest in my writing! There are certainly more that I can’t find the urls anymore bc they changed or deleted that I’d like to put here, but I think if you feel like this applies to you, then you should imagine your url here.
@thehawaiianqueen-art just because I met you through having an Aizawacentric blog and you go through so much shit and hate it’s so ridiculous really. I love talking to you about Aizawa and you have already inspired me so much in the two weeks that I know you, so thank you so much, stay as you are and thank you for providing us with some good, deep Aizawa food!
@aizawas-thicc-thighs for being super supportive and a cool dude no matter what. You even invited me to your discord out of nowhere a while ago, that was pretty awesome to meet other Aizawa-Fans! Also you’ve been requesting frequently and I appreciate you coming back all the time
@promotionbnha Because you are doing an amazing job in promoting all the blogs and you help out whenever you can, thank you for that!
And (before anyone gets offended again) of course everyone who is just too shy but actually cares and follows the rules when you request. Don’t forget you are a part of a big whole even if you don’t appear all the time and I appreciate everyone of you.
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