#moro write smth
moro-the-sun · 4 months
"I'm alive!" - Tubbo persuades, holding out his callused hands to Pac to touch, to feel the sharpness of the knuckles and the softness of the skin, to run over the scratches on his wrists and the bruises on his phalanges. Pac holds his hands and smiles - but a smile like one looks at portraits on graves.
“Of course,” Pac says, and Tubbo knows that he doesn’t believe him, that the Creature’s words echo in his head in parallel: Tubbo purses his lips, pulling away, and doesn’t know what to say. The current beats under his nails, and he wants to scream.
"I'm still Tubbo!" - Fit looks at him with a stunned look, looking into his eyes with running zeros and ones. They were always there, they never disappeared, but why does he care now?! He wants to howl, and Tubbo covers his face with his hands, breathes heavily with his valves - the membrane around him tightens, as in real breathing. Fit considers him to be a wild animal, and this is not so far from the truth. At least he doesn't poke him in the ribs with a sword.
Tubbo is still the same Tubbo, with the same stupid, chaotic algorithms, with the same strength of several tons, with the same commands of protection and suspicion, with the same goals of helping everyone. Tubbo is still the same Tubbo, with the artificial intelligence of a barely grown teenager who knows a million songs and loves music more than wrapping up bruised knees.
Sunny hugs him. She presses herself to his side, hides her nose in his cardigan, and Tubbo presses her to him, kisses the back of her head, strokes her hair. She's breathing heavily and crying, and Tubbo hopes she at least knows he hasn't changed. That everything is fine. That he won't leave.
Oh god, Chayanne will kill him.
. . . He can worry about that later.
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a---fire---inside · 2 years
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yami-yomiel · 4 years
The Space Games
I put hunger games and Sc5 together oh nooooooooo TW??: People die and also semi brutal deaths..
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i’m doing the entire thing so it’s under the cut baby
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o,,,,oh,,so much has happened..Jaguar no, PADDING NO, MR GENTLE WHAT HEHS FiRKCANad
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Soon-Soon needs to like,,look before she eats because SHE GOT POISONED TWICEA akdlmdsk, ALSO PINE BRUH WHAT...ULALA GOT A SPEAR TOOOOOOA?SDMKA
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Can i get an F for these fallen soldiers...F
let’s keep going 
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rocka Billy just Beats Purge the king with his guitar akdmaslkdmsa
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If Giant Evila almost killed Fuze(ingame) she can game end Noize, as a treat. PON PIRIRI HAS NO KILL COUNT BUT THEN MAKES HOORG TO GAME END JAGUAR’S ALTER EGO OR THE LITERAL PRESIDENT OF MORODIANASDNLANNK Kie also dies of hypothermia, rip to him
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Another F for the fallen Tribute:  Noize and Purge are now making Bots in heaven along with Shadow, Kell is doing heaven Yoga, and Kie watches Lou from the stars
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BRACK KILLS OUR MAIN REPORTER AND AN AI, CAN SOMEONE STOP HIM??!!?!?, also Glitter and Sexy 1(aka lily) bonding time Noize thought abt winning and died, Lou YOU PROBABLY SHOIULDNT GO THE SAME ROUTE HE DID. Pine Kills a woman,,more at 5.
the “pon piriri dies of dysentery” is funny to me kadnlsa
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ROCKA BILLY KILLS PEACE ARCHER STYLE hKLNKSNJ, Hoorg tending to Mimi’s wound is kind of a wholesome idea, another drawing idea ohohooho.
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Pon Piriri and Peace are jiving together, Ulala and Mr,Gentle are patching up Bello’s wounds peacefully,all in space heaven hehe.
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petition to take other-moro home :’),
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i’d write smth wholesome here but i have nothing but everyone is cheering on pudding playing her gweetar 
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I THOUGHT YOU DIED PADDING?!?!?!? SHE CAME BACK also Im convinced that Mimi is humming Pine’s theme,,speaking of Pine i wonder where she is..oh nvm i didn’t even read it lol finally, Rockabilly is bad at something for once lol,,,
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Evila is no longer an ally tho lol... tachibana tends to padding’s would so i guess tha heals the pain..
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also im just going to say it makes sense G.Evila survives survives because how do you sting a big metal baby
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Lily and Mimi are now envious because Pine k-worded em, Glitter and the other-moro are not just vibing, and Evila(ally) and Hoorg fight rockabilly because he had the highest kill count of 4
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PINE INHERITED ROCKA BILLY’S SANS ABILITY OH GOD ALSO G.PURGE IS DEAD IM GOING TO CRY...  im so tempted to say her and Tachibana have a high kill count because ya know Pine has a crush on him but nooooo it's not even close, rockabilly and pine is the new ship lol..
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4 people left i think, i dunno i can’t count atm...im just going to add that im sure G.Evila is going to die next because like,,,she’s kinda green/orange and ALSO REALLY VISIBLE IN PLAIN SIGHT AJDKLM
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what other tributes
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pine your lover just killed you wtfrick...(also..if you think abt winning your chances of dying is now raised to 50%)
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I can’t beleive it....G.Evila won... Make Blank Proud G.Evila..
even if you’re a little traumatized
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
Replies! Woo! super late i know
highpriestessbriyanna said: This is always my reaction. Like “yes. keep talking. Wait.. did you just PUN at me again.. IMA KNIOCK THAT FUCKER OFF A CLIFF” 
IM 99.9% sure someone has knocked khadgar off a cliff before and there’s an 80% chance it was because of a pun
owmyeyeballs said: You ok, friendbeast?
just tired and in a bit of a slump but i’ll be okay. thank you <3
owmyeyeballs said: Know that feel…
my poor girl! hasn’t she been through enough.. (*evil brain sounds*) 
skullkind said: congrats!
Thank you!! It was the shitty demon hunter boots but it’s better than nothin! 
lovesdaryl said: Feel better soon. *hugs*
thank you <3 *hugs*
skullkind said: me with illidan like once a week
same tbh
casterlycosplay said: Very relatable content
i wish i could say its the first time i’ve teared up while thinking about khadgar..but its not
apaladinfailure said: this is the most relatable thing you’ve ever posted
Khadgar..such a tearjerker huheuheuh he cries while he wanks 
anzareveange said: im giving him all my love.
same. i want blizz to let me hug him so bad like PLEASE
skullkind said: hey !! im skull and ive been following you for a while and think youre super chill! i llove ur wow posting ! you dont need to follow back but i would love to chat sometime or stuff ^^ 
hello!!1 :D thank you for following. I’m glad you enjoy them. Feel free to contact me anytime! I’d love to chat
shadowphoenixrider said: Yeah, I remember her sneaking around the Twilight Highlands in Cata.
That sounds like her <3
ship-garbage-pile said: ^^ yeah she’s one of the quest givers order hall
I need to level my rogue..
lovesdaryl said: I might have mentioned this, but we went to ZG before it was patched out and I actually won the tiger and gave it to my husband as a gift. He looks magnificent on it. :-)
this is honestly the sweetest thing ever
anzareveange said: sleeping with the enemy…
Khadgar and Gul’dan have some serious unresolved sexual tension lbr
owmyeyeballs said: I love reading your responses to these. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense! XD
I love answering them <3
a-little-squirrely-sunshine said: My cat is named David Bowie, and depending on how I phrase things I get the best odd looks from my friends.
That’s great like i cna just imagine..DAVID BOWIE WHAT DO YOU  HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH sdkgkdfh
owmyeyeballs said: These two just keep on breaking my heart…
they break mine too ugh. My poor babies
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d vote, but I like quite a few and I don’t think they’d all fit in this text box. I might…steal one idea though.
Steal as many as you’d like and I’d still love to hear which ones you think i should write! 
doitsuki said: yes genn is lower in the hierarchy
he’s..the omega
ghoulghoulneighbor said: But they said no homo while they did it……….
blizzard could make a cinemeatic where khadgar and medivh have explicit sex and they’d still be like.. “no homo tho” 
shadowphoenixrider said: Eggs-llecent idea, Archmage.
anzareveange said: take all my dollars blizzard! hire him for the movie!
I won’t accept anyone else as old khadgar now. Someone get me into contact with George
owmyeyeballs said: i love them!!!!
My fierce saber queens <3
apaladinfailure said: omg that it so sweet im crying
i cried a lil while writing it so don’t feel bad hehheh
owmyeyeballs said: Oh dear lord, that was adorable and sad… someone protect these sweethearts!
protect Khadgar and Jaina 2k17
shadowphoenixrider said: Ow my heart! If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just lie down…right here…
i had to do the same after writing it tbh
owmyeyeballs said: Sweet, precious babies!
i just want to hold them both
shadowphoenixrider said: *chinhands* These are lovely, you know.
thank you so much!! 
shadowphoenixrider said: I’m not quite sure my heart should be hurting this much in the morning, but it is! 
Hohoho there’s a lot more where that came from!
ghoulghoulneighbor said: How dare u. This is some 10/10 pain, would cry again.
Same tbh. I made their parents and I was like shit..i love them  
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I knew Illidan was the daddy kink type, I just knew it
ghoulghoulneighbor said: what have I started.
*points at medivh* Medaddy.
*points at Gul’dan* Gul’daddy
anzareveange said: Many races dont have orphans or child models. i want to see a tauren child, or a dwarf or a gnome child.
there are nightborne children models so blizz really doesn’t have an excuse anymore. I want children models for all the races, blizz. Give me this now
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to inform you that Khadgar is introduced in the book Tides of Darkness with a youngster in one arm and holding the hand of another. We don’t call him Dadgar for nothing! ^^
OH NO!!! This is so sweet I really need to read Tides of Darkness...and Beyond the Dark Portal
anzareveange said: “Put that thing back where it came from” no, it can be really painfull, also the mother is dead, so no.
maybe illidan doesn’t know where babies come from 
ghoulghoulneighbor said: you’d think his hunters would be expecting this kind of thing by now tho
very true. new recruits learn very quickly not to stand behind Illidaddy. He’s very dramatic and very passionate. when he gets excited he can’t control his wings
shadowphoenixrider said: I’d like to add that if you put a pet bed down, it’ll attempt to ‘sit’ in it. Reduced my bf to wheezing laughter when he saw it.
FDHDfhd I KNOW ISN’T IT GREAT. You make him jump through the flaming hoop too. 
It catches on fire sometimes and runs away...oops 
shalar0s said: I’m dying over the “well that’s new.” Oh my god I can’t breathe.
nothing surprises Moroes anymore. Nothing. 
unidentified-starman said: see, kids? this is what happens when you party (& clean up the library) too much
Ben!Khadgar? Before Medivh.
Game!Khadgar? After Medivh.
Medivh is a helluva drug
spicymulligan said: Boy howdy ur gonna LOVE Glee then
this is the worst thing you’ve ever said to me
ghoulghoulneighbor said: The ONLY way to treat your giant fuzzy murdercat
she loves her giant fuzzy murdercats <33
owmyeyeballs said: I want to hug Dilly too!
She needs a hug tbh
apaladinfailure said: this is entirely possible with genn greymane
SOMEONE DREW THAT!! I don’t know where it is but it was his wife riding on his back into battle
derp-mage said: It would have been glorious and now I’m mad he didn’t go full on worgen run
blizzard let us ride Malfurion in his regular form
owmyeyeballs said: KHADGAR DO NOT FUCK THE SKULL
too late. he hurt himself rip
unidentified-starman said: it’ll look even more ridiculous when he appears in the warcraft movie sequel or smth (i hope it gets made sometime). he’ll probably be at least half cgi (or a man flapping his arms in a motion capture suit). look at cgi malfurion go
I am excited and dreading the day they add Malfurion to the films. Because he’s either going to look awesome or fuckin terribly hilarious (more likely tbh) and I can’t wait. (SHIT...motion capture behind the scene shit is so great) 
shadowphoenixrider said: pffft that second one. AFAIK Khadgar asplodes everyone in Kilrogg’s vision, but I don’t think it’s Mythic difficulty? Could be wrong.
hmm i just did the Kilrogg fight on mythic on both Diily and Alaluria and didn’t get any visions. Is there something I have to do to trigger it? (i will cry)
ghoulghoulneighbor said: Your tag said wing burrito and I thought of a burrito stuffed with chicken wings, with the horns and blindfold. …I’ll see myself out.
*muffled sobbing from the bathroom* I was not prepared for these burritos..
shadowphoenixrider said: Don’t apologise, I love hearing these.
you’re an angel. thank you <3
carlyrosk said: That’s how I am too oh my god. That cinematic crushed both me and my Deathlord! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Genn! He’s been through SO much, and he’s just snapped with Varian’s death.
Genn’s reaction to Varian’s death in the cinematic kills me every time. Genn kills me. My poor old wolf man </3
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moro-the-sun · 6 months
It's so easy to grieve when everyone around you is laughing at you. It's so easy to pretend nothing is happening. Recognize that nothing is happening.
Tubbo digs his nails into his palms and bites his lip at every comment and every joke, he watches films from the front row in which he sees himself and his doom.
Tubbo is strong, Tubbo can handle this. He's been coping all this time, hasn't he? - that means he can handle it now.
But suddenly Quackity’s voice asks, “Where’s Fred?” - and all his self-control falls apart, cracks like a shell, and from under it flows rage and hatred, nurtured by purgatory and burnished by long, persistent denial and patience.
And after that there is nothing left.
He seems empty and has so many thoughts and yet none at all. He stands with his eyes fixed on the air, and he wears a nervous smile that has become a reflex for him. He looks at Tallulah and Chayanne looming before his vision, but he can't focus on them. Phil asks what happened, and Tubbo leaves.
His mind says he once gave a pretty good funeral.
He needs an answer, direct and specific, because he can no longer live without an answer - he can no longer put up with his helplessness, with the unknown, with pointless waiting. He needs an answer. Even if he doesn't believe in it, it will be at least something.
Tubbo has no problems, he's just a little sad.
Who was Fred to him? Yeah, just a penpal.
In the end, things can't get any worse.
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moro-the-sun · 7 months
Fred is tired.
In fact, he can't feel 'tired' — or rather, in theory, he shouldn't feel it — but now his whole body hurts and he doesn't want to do anything at all. The world turns upside down with every step and stands back up with every breath. Fred doesn't need to breathe, but he does, because otherwise he will fall and he doubts he will get up.
The image swims before his eyes, and Fred grabs Tubbo's shoulder to stand.
"How are you, bossman?" he asks in the most gentle and calm voice, but Fred can hear the worry coming through. He takes a book out of his inventory, but then he feels something on his chin. Something wet and sticky.
"Oh, Fred." Tubbo says more quietly.
He runs his hand over his chin and it becomes wet. There is something wrong with his face, something is happening under the mask, but Fred doesn’t understand that, because he has nothing under the mask.
«What is this?» he writes, and his hand trembles, and a drop falls on the page, «What’s wrong with me?»
Tubbo smiles guiltily, and he carefully runs his hand, wiping away the reappearing drops.
"I think you're crying."
He is crying?
Fred never cried.
In fact, he didn't even know that he could.
He knows what it is, but he has never experienced it in his life.
«How can I stop this?» he writes.
"I don’t know." the mechanic admits. "I don’t think you need to stop it. You should feel better."
Fred shakes and puts the book away, gasping for air. Tubbo's arms hover over his shoulders until he finally hugs him. Fred clings to his shirt.
"You're safe." he whispers in his ear, and Fred believes. "I- damn, I can't promise you anything, but you're safe now, okay? He's not here, you're free."
Fred feels warm and believes even though he shouldn't. Fred is in pain, but he is alive, and that is the only thing he has to think about.
Here, trembling and hugging someone truly valuable like he never was, feeling the pain of phantom bruises and crying, he feels human.
So. . . Hi frubbo nation?
I dont really know what the fuck this is but it exists now uhoh
Anyway sorry for any mistakes i know english pretty bad.
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moro-the-sun · 3 months
Grian would like to leave everything like this: the bright sun, the tickling behind the ribs, the clover in Mumbo’s hair. Fractioned memories without context or words, pure emotions and sensations, love under his palms.
Warmth, loud laughter, Scar humming to himself.
Close your eyes and dissolve, become one with time-space, stay here, here forever, with the two of them and your heart aching from feelings.
Grian would like to leave everything like this: tongue behind teeth and hands in pockets. So that the tremor is not visible.
It's terribly embarrassing, but what can he do? Icarus has flown too close to the sun, and all he can do is try to stay in the sky for a little longer. At least a couple of seconds, a moment of some confidence.
Questioning glances, uncrossed boundaries, the bliss of their ignorance.
Grian allows himself to swear that this will continue. That they will be safe. That it will be better for everyone.
Grian would like to leave everything like this: nightly dreams of the end, of escaping to distant, distant servers, where none of them are obliged to do anything anymore — a secret that accidentally fell from his lips in a fit of sincerity, not fear or necessity.
But it all happens like this:
He dreams of the sun in nightmares. Heat and stains under the eyelids, sand in every accessible and inaccessible place. Crooked mirrors, his own broken crescent smiles.
Someone else's laughter and hackneyed joke echo through the crystal glass. Grian sees. Hands clenched, stupid power of attorney bursts - a real paradox in their conditions.
What did Daedalus say to Icarus? A couple of simple truths: don’t get attached to people so as not to hurt them or be hurted. But Icarus enjoyed the flight too much. Grian closes his eyes, and underneath there are yellow spots, and tangled clover grows through the moss and mushrooms.
Cruel reality in exchange for intertwined fingers during breaks, for a little lie for them and for himself: I love and I am loved. Grian is not allowed to think with emotions; Grian allows himself to fall into someone else's arms.
In the end, Grian would like to leave everything like this:
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moro-the-sun · 5 months
TW: death
Crosspost on ao3
The first thing Tubbo feels is that he is dying. And it is as scary as it is fast and indifferent.
This is the guillotine on his neck, this is the sword in his stomach, this is the bullet in his temple. It hardly hurts, the instantaneous flash is imprinted on the iris — it's stunning, but it's not something Tubbo can't overcome. It is ordinary and routine, brought to the point of automatism down to the necessary thoughts. Inhale, listening to the whistle from the holes in your lungs; exhale, trying not to vomit a ton of blood out of yourself. And this is the most important thing in the world.
Tubbo is locked in a box and it seems normal to him. His mind says that he has been accustomed to boxes since childhood, and who is Tubbo not to believe it? Space closes in above his head and perhaps he feels safe.
Sometimes it is too simple: to isolate yourself from everyone and leave, to be selfish. Think only about yourself, count resources only on yourself, be responsible only for yourself. There's no value in it, anyway. All he has is a meager set of things, of which he needs a lot, in case something out of the ordinary happens.
Something “out of the ordinary” always happens to him.
Tubbo inhales and his body trembles. Tubbo exhales and it hurts. But it's not something he can't overcome.
The first thing Tubbo feels is that he is dying. And it is as scary as it is long and painful.
These are stars torn apart in his brain, fireworks in his chest, lava on his skin. These are sparklers on the nerves and an itch, an endless never-ending itch. He dies for a long time, absurdly and impossible, he clings to life with all his might, even realizing that life brings him only suffering. At that moment, all Tubbo wants to do is die and end this, but he wants to live. He feels as if he was thrown into the earth's core. And this is the most important thing in the world.
"It's my fault!" — his mind screams at him, “It’s always my fault!”
Who is Tubbo not to believe his own head?
It's his fault. Punishment, as if sent by God, cannot just appear — he is an idiot, he is such an idiot, he always ruins everything and, in the end, it always leads to disasters.
Don't you dare feel sorry for him! Tubbo is a killer and he fails everyone who dares to touch him. Everything he builds will one day be destroyed, and everything he gets will one day be taken away from him. This is a pattern, a constant, an axiom; Tubbo is a symbol of failure and collapse, and in order for something to work out, he will have to try a thousand times for it to work.
In the box there is nowhere to run from the guilt, from the lava or from the fireworks, and Tubbo presses his back into the corner, hoping to hide. Shadows surround him and they chant, “It’s your fault!”
“It’s my fault,” he says in unison with them, without the hope of one day losing faith in it.
The first thing Tubbo feels is that he is dying. And it is as scary as it is cold and terrible.
These are the black walls, this is the iron, icy floor underneath, this is the water surface around. This suffocation is slow and painful, poisoning him, squeezing him, making him feel tiny. This is a gradual loss of strength and weakness in interruptions between the desperate desire to fight, to do anything to make it go away. And this is the most important thing in the world.
Spots dance on the periphery, and he closes his eyes: get out of my head! Out! Out!
“You can't do anything,” his mind says, and Tubbo screams to drown out this desperate, hopeless thought.
Get out of my head!
The shadows are circling in roundelays, and Tubbo is looking for a loophole to get out — like a hunted animal in the hope of salvation. Tubbo wants to believe, and Tubbo believes — even if his whole nature says that it is wrong.
“Tubbo in a box” — laughter, on the verge of pity and tenderness, — “What will he do?”
In his box, guests are not a frequent thing, although it seems to him as if once there were always people here.
The masked creature with a smile brings him paper and a pen, and strictly instructs him not to write to anyone — Tubbo nods, clutching the paper in his hands, and there is a ringing emptiness in his head. He's safe here. Tubbo scrawls awkward squares and cubes in the margins, hoping to distract himself from the pain he may be holding inside. His hands are shaking.
The creature in the empty mask is divided in half, and Tubbo does not think about its identity. For some reason, his heart squeezes, begins to hurt with renewed vigor, but the itch from under his fingers disappears for a moment: Tubbo writes “Dear Fred” on paper, and he is almost sure that he made up this name. In the end, it looks like a fantasy — unattainable and too good.
Small shadows crowd the walls, and he sees glimpses of their present: a floatie, a red hat, a wooden sword, the black glasses. They cluster above him, lying on the floor, and look with wide, childish eyes.
“I love you” — whisper in ear, burning and painful.
“I do not deserve this. I killed you.”
The children are smiling, and it is not forgiveness if Tubbo convinces himself of this. They close his eyelids and he suffocates, and he feels infinitely weak and useless.
It is raining. There are no rain.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Does he believe in it?
(He wants to believe in it.)
(He will never believe in it.)
I love you.
There are no one, and it rains.
But he is not dying. And this is the most important thing in the world.
I couldn't finish it, so here it is. Maybe i should post it on ao3? Tell me if you think it is okay.
It is not really qsmp, and not really dsmp. Its just Tubbo.
Hope you liked it.
God bless google translate i would never do it by myself.
Edit: made a crosspost.
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moro-the-sun · 7 months
This shit is not how I see the situation and the character, I'm not even completely sure about the situation, but I decided to write it because I feel bad, and I hope that if I write it it won't come true HA HA—
Parallels with dsmp? No, no, of course not, it's just tears.
References to another text that I have not translated, but maybe one day I will do it.
If you want some atmosphere: “Dark night” by Mark Bernes.
He's back in the box.
It seems almost funny, funny to the point of disgust bubbling in his stomach — he barely fits here, and he barely restrains himself to joke about the coffin.
It's not funny to him, but it's hysterical, you know? He wants to do something absurd, because there is nothing else to do.
In fact, there is apathy inside him right now. Not peaceful calm, but cold — he can't feel his fingers while trying to grab the walls. Limbs go numb, but he endures — he can handle it, of course he can. Compared to what they'll do to him, it's like a stone in a shoe.
Tubbo is in mourning, have you noticed? Not for himself, of course, but for connections with people. For a ruined new family, for a broken trust, for dead friends.
Tubbo will be executed, but it will not bring others back to life. Tubbo will be respawn, but they won't. Tubbo is going to die, but he's been dying like that countless times, and the number of holes in his head is already boring to count.
He knows that he will be executed for the cause. He knows he made a mistake. That nothing could be done. That his plan would only kill more people. And therefore he has neither the strength nor the desire to complain, protest, break out. Tubbo was left in an icy desert where there is no escape around. Tubbo was taken to the forest, and he never found his magical assistant.
Tubbo was naive, and it was a great mistake for which he will pay.
In the end, those who did not pass the initiation ceremony could not grow.
He closes his eyes. Piere's voice is bursting in his ears; Pac's voice is scratching at his lungs — he folds his arms on his chest, hoping to calm this feeling; Tina's voice calls him to honor, and he straightens his back.
(Don't get attached.)
(Everything he touches will fall apart.)
(He rarely leaves something unanswered.
Today, he will be silent.)
After all, he's back in the box.
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moro-the-sun · 5 months
Scott lets himself fall in love. It turns out not to be that difficult, and he falls into it like into water.
Jimmy smiles at him, bright and sunny, with childlike sincerity and adult naivety — the rustle of leaves between his shoulder blades and the explosion of fireworks somewhere far away. They knit flower crowns for each other. Scott allows himself to remember how it's done.
Jimmy's promise is on his little fingers, like an oath: "Till death do us part!"
Death separates them too soon.
When Scott buries him, he leaves flower wreaths on the grave.
Scott doesn't even try when he gets involved with Pearl again. He doesn't feel anything. She doesn't feel anything, either. They don't need to. Love is taken for granted, like moles on the body or teeth in the mouth. It's natural and stupid when you try to tear it off.
Scott builds them a house, and Pearl comes up with traps for them, and Scott leaves with Cleo, and Pearl creates an army of wolves.
Scott is not falling apart. He can already stand on his own feet.
When he brings tnt to his face, he smiles, knowing that Pearl deserves it: "It seems that death is doing us apart!"
That's what happens.
(Actually, no one deserves it.)
Scott doesn't let himself fall in love. He tries to keep his distance, and it's easy, but it's hard.
They dance around and around with Martyn, circling like fish in a lake, but there is a distance between them: they both protect it, not letting it get too close.
(Scott grabs his arm and pulls him across the line, and he forces Martyn to kill him. He pretends he didn't like it. He knows Martyn definitely didn't like it, but he was flattered)
After all, Martyn measures his breath by ticks, and Scott knows that Martyn can do things that Scott doesn't allow himself to do.
They say in unison: "Death will not do us apart!"
Of course, if they are not together in a first place.
Scott dies at exactly the right time, and he tries to convince himself that he at least tried.
Scott doesn't want to fall in love.
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moro-the-sun · 5 months
> Moro (or Mor)
> He/It/They
> Rus/Eng
> Neurodivergent
No drama, just some thoughts about characters and art sometimes.
#moro write smth — for texts as art
#moro pictures — for art
#moro does music? — you get it
#✨ — all my posts
Fandoms (not all obv)
QSMP (2023-2024)
Tubbo main
+ CellBit, Pac, Fit, BadBoyHalo, Philza, Bagi
- Wilbur
Im sad and gay! Love my wet cat
Hermitcraft (2024)
FalseSymmetry & Grian main
+ Scar, Mumbo, Ren, Etho, Xisuma. . . Damn i love all of them. Thats hard.
> Seasons 7, 8, 9 and 10 (+ False's Empires lore)
They are family you honor!!!!!
Life Series (2024)
Martyn InTheLittleWood main
+ Grian, Scott Smajor, PearlescentMoon, GoodTimeWithScar
Really into Eyes and Ears AU, but also not really. Mean Gill dynamic my beloved.
Dream SMP (2020-2022)
Tubbo main
+ Eret, Michaelmcchill, Ranboo, Karl Jacobs, Technoblade
- Dream (not a hater just dont like his character), Tommy (same thing, cc is okay), Wilbur
Pretty dead actually! But i talk about it sometimes
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