#mossy nonsie
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I was watching a pmseymour video. I was having a good time. I heard this post and thought it was funny and decided to look at the url to follow the person.
I looked at the url and pfp. I thought “that looks familiar”.
Yeah I have no idea why I'm in your youtube or how my silly little post got included, but apparently it was and now that's just. A thing that's happened. So!
Very flattered that my cheese dream was funny enough that you'd want to follow me based solely on that one post without any other knowledge of me. I don't think I can really take credit for it because it was my subconscious in the middle of the night that created this new cheese feature
but hello! haven't heard from you in a while and it's nice to see you! cheesing you! cheesing you! cheesing you! cheesing you!
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Vuoi pubblicare? Basta pagare! Parola di Giovanni Domenico Salviati, simpatico letterato leccese del XVII secolo e di Pietro Micheli, suo editore altrettanto simpatico, entrambi amanti del vino, almeno sulla carta ...
di Armando Polito
Incisione di Geronimo Cock del 1556 (per comprendere il suo inserimento bisogna arrivare alla fine) tratta da https://lib.ugent.be/catalog/rug01:002293875
  Uno dei fenomeni più diffusi del nostro tempo è la proliferazione dei concorsi letterari, farsesca imitazione degli storici Premio Strega e Premio Campiello. Facendo leva sul narcisismo di quel terzo della popolazione italiana appartenente in via del tutto autopresunta alla categoria dei poeti (le altre, com’è noto sono quella dei santi e quella dei navigatori, ma come la prima, non sono a tenuta stagna, nel senso che a seconda della convenienza chiunque può ascriversi a ciascuna di esse, anche se ignora l’esatta sequenza delle lettere dell’alfabeto o cos’è la bussola o ha già ammazzato quattro suoi simili), si stimola la partecipazione dei concorrenti, il cui numero sarà, grazie alla quota d’iscrizione, direttamente proporzionale al guadagno finale degli organizzatori. L’editoria in genere, però sembra aver messo da parte l’ingrediente fondamentale di qualsiasi attività imprenditoriale, cioè il rischio, adagiandosi nel comodo letto di sponsorizzazioni private e pubbliche (penso soprattutto ai quotidiani), trascurando il parametro del talento e del merito ed assecondando il gusto dominante di una caterva di lettori superficiali e suggestionabili. Così è difficile che essa scopra e promuova (pardon, produca …) personalità che entreranno a far parte della storia, anche minore o, addirittura, locale della letteratura e sarà sempre costretta a costringere gli autori a darsi da fare per il lancio della loro creazione in una serie di presentazioni, dalla più visibile (in tv) alla meno (qualche pro loco). Nemmeno sotto tortura”editori” ed “autori” confesserebbero questo stato di cose che dal punto di vista valoriale presenta molti, se non solo, lati deboli e su domanda farebbero intendere l’esistenza di un rapporto di reciproca stima. Stavano così le cose pure in tempi in cui il libro, fosse anche il più leggero, era un prodotto riservato a pochi (oggi, magari, per non sentirsi fuori, molti lo acquistano, pochissimi lo leggono …), oggi diremmo di nicchia, perché la pubblicazione comportava costi elevati non esistendo i mezzi messi a disposizione dalla moderna tecnologia (basta pensare alle tavole che prima di arrivare alla stampa dovevano fare i conti con la penna del disegnatore e poi col rame dell’incisore), per cui non era neppure immaginabile l’abbassamento del prezzo che di regola l’economia di scala comporta? Chi ha dimestichezza con libri datati avrà notato che è immancabile una dedica, in alcuni casi chilometrica, a personaggi politicamente (ed anche allora il gemellaggio tra questo avverbio ed economicamente era quasi automatico) di rilievo, del quale padrone colendissimo il dedicatore si dichiarava umilissimo ed obbligatissimo servo osservantissimo (vada per il resto ma le due ultime due parole costituiscono una ridicola tautologia). E tutto nella speranza che il potente di turno, riconoscente per la dedica, gli concedesse qualche incarico o beneficio. Non si sottrae certamente a questa regola antica (in fondo anche a Roma i letterati dell’entourage di Mecenate erano mossi solo dall’amor patrio o dalla stima per il detentore di turno del potere) il letterato leccese il cui nome ho anticipato nel titolo.
La dedica, infatti, inizia con Al Sig.e Padron mio osservandissimo e termina con Di V. S. M. Illustre Servitore Affettionatissimo.
Sull’autore delle Rime non sono riuscito a reperire alcuna notizia e nemmeno la dedica contiene dati utili, consente solo di rilevare una certa familiarità col dedicatario: … havendo in diverse occasioni composto diversi Sonetti, parte Serii, parte Burleschi trattovi dalla natural mia vena, havendoli più volte letti ad Amici, et a V. S., essendone stato sollecitato da quelli, e comandatomi da lei, che dovesse stamparli, non hò potuto recusare. Si arguisce che si tratta di persona di un certo rilievo, come il dedicatario, del quale riproduce lo stemma e ricorda la provenienza genovese negli ultimi due versi del primo sonetto: MECENATE GENTILE (alta ventura)/venisti a Noi dal Ligure Parnaso). In mancanza di altri riscontri credo di poter avanzare come pura ipotesi di lavoro, in attesa di altri eventuali più proficui riscontri, l’identificazione con Giovanni Domenico Salviati, notaio sulla piazza di Lecce dal 1615 al 1635, il cui nome compare anche tra quelli delle persone designate ad essere aggiunte al collegio di amministrazione dell’Ospedale dello Spirito Santo di Lecce per l’amministrazione dell’eredità di Cesare Prato1.
Se la dedica rientra nella normalità, ciò che mi ha colpito del volume, a parte il sonetto iniziale di cui ho detto ed il successivo dedicato al figlio Giorgio del dedicatario, è la presenza subito dopo, quindi in una posizione ancora sufficientemente privilegiata in rapporto alla lettura, la presenza di quattro sonetti che costituiscono una sorta di simpaticissimo intermezzo tra l’autore e l’editore. Li riporto in formato immagine con, di mio, la trascrizione e le note di commento.
a Nato a Dôle, in Borgogna, nel 1600, Pietro Micheli, dopo un apprendistato tipografico a Roma e a Trani e una prima società costituita a Bari, nel 1631 fu il primo stampatore a Lecce. morì nel 1689.
b attira, spinge, induce
c Non riesco a capire la funzione delle parentesi.
d rinunziare a stamparle
e raffinato rigore formale
f Plozio Tucca e Lucio Vario Rufo erano due poeti del circolo di Mecenate; a loro Augusto diede l’incarico di pubblicare l’Eneide di Virgilio rimasta priva di revisione per la morte dell’autore. Qui Vario è diventato Varo per esigenze di rima.
g Giovanni Della Casa (1503-1556), autore, fra l’altro, di ll Galateo overo de’ costumi.
h Annibal Caro, (1507-1556), famoso per la traduzione in endecasillabi sciolti dell’Eneide di Virgilio.
i Ludovico Castelvetro (1503 circa-1571), famoso per una polemica con Annibal Caro innescata da un giudizio negativo espresso da Castelvetro su una canzone del Caro, intitolata Venite all’ombra de’ gran gigli d’oro, e motivato dal mancato stile e linguaggio petrarchesco e dai contenuti deludenti. La situazione si complicò quando Alberico Longo di Nardò (su di lui vedi:
fu assassinato e il Castelvetro venne indicato dall’entourage del Caro come uno deimandanti. Lo stesso Caro nonsi lasciò sfuggire l’occasione per accusare di Eresia il Castelvetro, che nel 1560 fu condannato dall’Inquisizione subendo la confisca dei beni.
a andate
b non mi rimproverate
c sistemato al suo posto
d la punta dello stilo
e Pseudonimo di Leonardo Salviati (1540-1589), la cui fama è legata alla fondazione dell’Accademia della Crusca, che si costituì ufficialmente nel 1585. Impossibile dire se il leccese ne fosse parente, caso in cui ci sarebbe da ravvisare quasi una sfumatura di autoironia.
f abituata a scrivere testi di protesta (lo stile, perciò è immediato)
g dettaglio difettoso 
  La risposta dell’editore non si fece attendere.
a punte
b saccente
Ecco la replica del leccese.
L’ultima parola, però, fu dell’editore.
a bevute smodate nella quantità e nel numero
b ispirazione
c Divinità romane delle acque e e delle sorgenti; in epoca tarda furono identificate con le Muse, protettrici dlle arti.
d Fonte sacra alle Muse fatta sgorgare sul monte Elicona dal cavallo Pegaso con un colpo di zampa. Ma quella era una fonte di acqua, quella cui il salentino, per contrasto, sta per alludere è di vino.
e bevute; il verbo sgozzare è usato al participio passato sostantivato partendo dal significato tutto originale di riempirsi la gola fino a far comparire una specie di gozzo.
f La comprensione di questi quattro versi richiede la lettura del documento 1 riportato in appendice.
g Cavallino, alimentato dalla fonte Ipopocrene (vedi la nota d)
h Poeta greco del VI-V secolo a. C.
i Orazio, poeta latino del I secolo a. C., nativo di Venosa.
l è necessario chwe lo guidi Bacco
m abitudine; il verso è stranamente mancante della prima parte (quattro sillabe).
Arcipoeta è il soprannome di Camillo Querno (circa 1470-1530). Riporto integralmente e traduco il paragrafo che alle pp. 51-52 gli dedicò lo storico Paolo Giovio nel suo Elogia veris clarorum virorum imaginibus apposita quae in Musaeo Ioviano Comi spectantur, Tramezino, Venezia, 1546: 
Camillus Quernus e Monopoli , Leonis fama excitus, quum non dubiis unquam praemiis, Poetas in honore esse didicisset in Urbem venit, Lyram secum afferens, ad quam suae Alexhiados supra vigintimillia versuum decantaret. Arrisere ei statim Academiae sodales, quod Appulo praepingui vultu alacer, et prolixe comatus, omnino dignus festa laurea videretur. Itaque solenni exceptum epulo in insula Tyberis Aesculapio dicata,potantemque saepe ingenti patera, et totius ingenii opes, pulsata Lyra proferentem, novo serti genere coronarunt; id erat ex pampino, Brassica, et Lauro eleganmter intextum, sic, ut tam false , quam lepide, eius temulentia, Brassicae remedio cohibenda notaretur; et ipse publico consensu Archipoetae cognomen, manantibus prae gaudio Lacrymis laetus acciperet, salutareturque itidem cum plausu, hoc repetito saepe carmine: 
Salve Brassica virens corona,
et lauro ARCHIPOETA pampinoque
dignus Principis auribus Leonis.
Nec multo post tanto cognomine percelebris productus ad Leonem infinita carmina in torrentis morem, rotundo ore decantavit; fuitque diu inter instrumenta eruditae voluptatis longe gratissimus, quum coenante Leone, porrectis de manu semesis obsoniis, stans in fenestra vesceretur, et de principis lagena perpotando, subitaria carmina factitaret; ea demum lege, ut praescripto argumento bina saltem carmina ad mensam, tributi nomine solverentur, et in poenam sterili vel inepto longe dilutissime foret perbibendum. Ab hac autem opulenta, hylarique sagina, vehementem incidit in podagram; sic, ut bellissime ad risum evenerit, quum de se canere iussu in hunc exametrum erupisset: 
Archipoeta facit versus pro mille poetis 
et demum haesitaret, inexpectatus Princeps hoc pentametro perargute responderit: 
Et pro mille aliis Archipoeta bibit.
Tum vero astantibus obortus est risus: et demum multo maximus, quum Quernus stupens et interritus, hoc tertium non inepte carmen induxisset:
Porrige, quod faciat mihi carmina docta Falernum. 
Idque Leo repente mutuatus a Virgilio subdiderit:
Hoc etiam enervat debilitatque pedes.
Mortuo autem Leone, profligatisque Poetis, Neapolim rediit; ibque demum, quum gallica arma perstreperent,et uti ipse in miseriis perurbane dicebat pro uno benigno Leone, in multos feros Lupos incidisset. Oppressus utraque praedurae egestatis, et insanabilis morbi miseria in publica hospitali domo, vitae finem invenit; quum indignatus fortunae acerbitatem, prae dolore, ventrem sibi, ac intima viscere forfice perfoderit.
Camillo Querno da Monopoli, allettato dalla fama di Leone [papa Leone X], avendo saputo che i poeti con premi mai dubbi erano tenuti in onore, venne a Roma portando con sé la lira per cantare al suo suono gli oltre ventimila versi della sua Alessiade [di questo come si altri suoi poemi nulla è rimasto]. Piacque subito ai soci dell’Accademia, poiché allegro nel suo grassoccio volto apulo e capelluto sembrava assolutamente degno di una festosa laurea. E così, dopo averlo accolto in un solenne banchetto sull’isola tiberina dedicata ad Esculapio e mentre beveva spesso da una grande tazza e al suono della lira esprimeva le risorse di tutto l’ingegno, lo incoronarono di un nuovo tipo di corona. Essa era fatta di pampini, cavolo e alloro elegantemente intrecciata sicché tanto sul serio che spiritosamente si sottolineasse la sua ubriachezza e col pubblico consenso ricevesse lieto tra le lacrime di gioia il soprannome di Arcipoeta e similmente fosse salutato con un applauso, ripetuto più volte questo canto:
Salve, tu che verdeggi di una corona di di cavolo e di alloro e di pampini, degno ARCIPOETA alle orecchie del principe Leone.
Né molto dopo, celebre per tanto soprannome, portato al cospetto di Leone, recitò con la rotonda bocca  infiniti carmi a mo’ di torrente; e fu per lungo tempo graditissimo tra le risorse di erudito piacere quando, mentre Leone pranzava e con la mano gli allungava rimasugli di bocconi, lui li mangiava appoggiato a una finestra e bevendo a lungo  dal fiasco del principe dava vita a canti improvvisati, con la legge che almeno due canti fossero intonati a mensa  su un argomento prescritto, con la pena che per un esito insufficiente  o inadatto avrebbe dovuto bere vino annacquatissimo. A causa di questa ricca ed allegra alimentazione incorse in una severa podagra, sicché amenamente suscitò il riso quando, invitato a cantare di sé, se ne uscì con questo esametro:
L’Arcipoeta fa versi al posto di mille poeti
e mentre esitava il principe senza che nessuno se l’aspettasse gli rispose argutamente con questo pentametro:
E l’Arcipoeta beve al posto di mille altri
Allora sì che il riso sorse tra gli astanti e ancora maggiore quando Querno sbigottito ma intrepido proferì non a casaccio questo terzo verso:
Offrimi del Falerno, perché io componga dotti carmi
e Leone all’istante presolo a prestito da Virgilioa gli servì:
Anche questo snerva e debilita i piedi [qui il papa gioca sul doppio senso che in latino ha il piede, che, oltre al dettagli anatomico, indica anche un elemento fondamentale della metrica].
Morto poi Leone e allontanati i poeti, ritornò a Napoli. Qui infine, quando le armi dei Francesi facevano sentire il loro strepito ed egli, molto civilmente nel disagio diceva, invece di un benigno Leone si era imbattuto in molti feroci lupi. oppresso da ogni lato dal durissimo bisogno e dal tormento di un’insanabile malattia finì i suoi giorni in un pubblico ospizio, quando, indignato con la crudeltà della sorte, per il dolore con una forbice si trafisse il ventre e le viscere.
a Da un epigramma facente parte delle opere giovanili attribuite a Virgilio (Appendix Vergiliana). Ecco i primi 4 versi: Nec tu Veneris, nec tu Vini capiaris amore,/namque modo Vina, Venusque nocent./Ut Venus enervat vires, sic copia Vini/et tentat gressus, debilitatque pedes (Non farti prendere dall’amore di Venere né da quello del vino; infatti allo steesso modo sono nocivi i vini e Venere. Come Venere snerva le forze, così l’eccesso di vino mette alla prova i passi e indebolisce i piedi). Ad esso si ispira pure la tavola di testa.
1 Congregazione di Carità di Lecce O. P., Ospedale dello Spirito Santo, Actus aperturae testamenti inscriptis conditi per quondam D. Cesarem Prato, 22/06/1635-III, c. 1, b. 2, fasc. 18.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hello it’s mossy back with another bodyguard ask
I’ve been thinking about this ever since I read the books a few years ago:
Do the bodyguards eat?? Or sleep?? We only ever see them eat once and it was when Sophie came back to havenfield in flashback, and we’ve only ever seen Sandor sleep in the earlier books when Sophie said that he would fall asleep in her history class
Do they need sleep?? Do they need to eat?? Are they just severely overworked? And if they are overworked what does that entail?
Hope you’ve had a good week 👾
Mossy! I've had this exact question in the earlier books in regards to Sandor, especially because of that one scene where Edaline offers him a day off and he declines it, saying that Sophie's needs his protection now more than ever.
So that shows that they can have time off at the very least. But there's also the question of sleeping and eating. Eating I think is fairly simple, they eat when Sophie eats. Her schedule is their schedule, so unless there's some other situation, it seems reasonable that they'll just be part of Sophie's family's meals, though they may not eat the elven food or at the table with them and instead have something else prepared for themselves and be off to the side. Near enough to protect her if something happens but far enough away to give a sense of normalcy, you know?
Sleeping is easy if we're looking at after Flashback when Sophie's got a whopping five people assigned to her, because they can work in shifts. That way, they can take a break and sleep/do whatever else they need to without leaving Sophie unattended, and in the event of an emergency can be awoken to join the rest of the bodyguards.
Prior to that is where I'm assuming plot convenience comes through and we just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ away any questions because those details aren't important. Because when it's just Sandor, when does he get time off? He's shown to be guarding her through the night and to be awake at least all the times when she's awake (except for that one class), and as an insomniac that is often! He can't be protecting her 24/7 because he also has needs, but with so many other plot things happening it gets swept under the table as a "don't worry about this it just works" thing. Which is fine! Totally understandable and only leads to questions when we really focus on it
At least, that's how I regard it. I did try and find some sources from real-life bodyguards to see what they do (and found out they don't like to be called bodyguards) but it seems like in the event someone needs 24/7 supervision they're high profile enough to require multiple bodyguards, and otherwise they would just be employed for events or something. So we could say that Sophie's been in need of more bodyguards since Sandor was first introduced, and perhaps he was the only one for the sake of simplicity and not having so many characters.
that's less of an in-canon reason, but I think it plays a part!
(also thank you my week is going fine so far <33)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I thought of these just now and I’m so curious of your opinion. ((Tw: this ask involves drugs so be careful friend))
We know that there is an elven equivalent of alcohol. Do you think there is an elven equivalent of drugs?? If so, is it a big enough problem that foxfire does that “don’t do drugs” campaign?? Or do the elves ignore it??
Mossy! Okay so my answer to this question depends on whether we're talking about the world separate from canon or if we're viewing it through the lens of canon.
If we're talking about it through the lens of canon and what is going to be talked about and addressed, then no, I don't think there's an elven equivalent of drugs outside of medical use. There is no use for recreational drugs worth adding them. Alcohol was only mentioned as brief excuses or explanations for things that happened in the past (Caprise falling off the balcony, Oralie's fuzzy memory), and if drugs were to be in the story I think they'd be most likely used in that capacity. However as that's covered by the alcohol, it doesn't need to be added. Additionally, society is (in general) a lot more lenient towards alcohol than other drugs, so I don't think there's a situation where it would be okayed to add drugs into the series because they're taken and policed more seriously. So from the perspective of the story, they don't exist because there's no need and drugs aren't something people want to expose kids to.
However! If we're talking about the elven world as it's own entity separate from the story and canon, then absolutely there are drugs. It's inevitable that someone is going to find things that give them a high and capitalize on that, share it with others, and enjoy the effects. In a society with alcohol, there is going to be drugs. Fizzleberry wine is said to not be alcohol but have similar effects, so I'm assuming we can use that same reasoning for drugs. Like mushrooms or berries that give drug-like effects, altered reasoning and rushes and such.
However I think those kinds of things would be generally frowned upon and the use of substances controlled through informal sanctions from peers (judgement, rumors, comments, etc.) as the elven world revolves around reputation. Damaging that is not something most are willing to do, especially not for something that alters their reasoning and could be seen as polluting their bodies. Elves also value intellect, so I can't imagine mind-altering substances are thought of well among most social circles.
So, to answer the last part of your question, I don't think there would be a Don't Do Drugs or Say No to Drugs campaign at Foxfire, as it would be seen as a taboo subject. It'd instead be something people are subtly socialized to dislike or avoid by parents and peers, something that you just pick up on without people really explicitly stating it. And from there you get to the self socialization where they've internalized enough of the rhetoric around drugs that they are now controlling themselves to avoid and judge and stigmatize drugs and pass that on to others.
that's at least how I think things would work in the elven world! They have drugs, but people ignore it and judge the people who use them, thinking that they're corrupting their minds and lesser of a person for their use. Hopefully that answers your question!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What’s your opinion on Ro? I feel like she’s problematic but means well. And what do you think of her relationship with Keefe? I feel like she tries her best to be protective but can be really rude sometimes.
I hope you’re having a good week and that life is going well!
-Mossy but I’m my main acc 👾
Mossy! My week/life is going alright, started my summer classes and one of my textbooks is so dense it took me an hour to read 18 pages. But it's chill, and I hope you're also doing good!
My personal opinion on Ro are unsavory, which is mainly due to the repetitive nature of her character that at this point I've grown kind of tired of. When she was first introduced I liked her, she was a loud female character who exhibited strength and didn't adhere to typical femininity and had knives, so very cool. She has dyed hair and loves violence, great! She poked and pried at various parts of the story no one else was willing to (the love triangle) and didn't have the same filter as everyone else.
(I'm putting the rest under a cut for space)
But I think she's become too much of that. Her first teasing remarks about the love triangle were fun, but now it's like...girl we have been here and done that how many more times can you say the exact same thing. How many times can you call Sophie oblivious and be obnoxious to Keefe about not confessing his feelings. How many times can you make a face at the sparkles. I don't have a problem with those aspects of her character it's the frequency!! It feels like she's being snooty and judgemental every single scene she's in! Like we can't interact with her without her making a comment about the love triangle like please. Ro. For the love of god give it a rest for once we get it.
It's also gotten--to me, at least--uncomfortable to read about at this point. Keefe and Sophie and Fitz clearly don't enjoy it or benefit from it at all, yet she continues to make her comments. It was an interesting dynamic in the beginning to finally have someone make those kinds of comments, but it's not changing anything anymore. Keefe doesn't like it when she makes those comments or interferes and pushes her way into things, so I think that's part of her relationship to Keefe I don't enjoy. Because he can't do anything about his discomfort. Ro is his bodyguard and he's not allowed to leave her, and so they're always together and if Ro doesn't want to cooperate? Keefe can't do anything.
I think protective but rude is a good way to describe her. She's an ogre warrior and she takes her reputation seriously, wants to win the throne. Performing badly as a bodyguard reflects poorly on her, so she is protective! She fights and keeps her charge safe to the best of her abilities (Keefe is a tricky charge), but she's not there to be nice. She's got no problem insulting and hurting other people, and sometimes her actions hurt people like Keefe. She's got the physical protection thing down. Everything else? Not quite. And she doesn't see a reason to change that
It's possible that with the extended time she's spent in the Lost Cities that she'll change a little. We saw from Keefe's pov that he felt actual concern and care for him coming from her, that she hugged him and was worried about him. We also saw her call herself Auntie Ro when talking to Sophie about her match stuff in Legacy.
I think she does care, in her own way. She was really antagonizing Keefe in Unlocked, but that was to try and get him to talk to prove that he could do it without controlling everyone. So as much as the rest of her actions make me uncomfortable, there is that and it's something that could be expanded upon in the final books.
For now though, I'd say that I don't think very highly of her given how uncomfortable she makes some of the main characters and how repetitive the interactions with her have been. This is something that can change in the future, but that's where I'm at right now. I want to like her more, but I think I'm going to see more of her first
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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I’ve done it. I’ve submitted the most cursed post using a spinner. I’m proud of myself. This is a very big accomplishment. I have made the most cursed asks.
congratulations!! I really don't get a lot of cursed asks, so unless that changes it's very likely that you will continue to hold the prize of "most cursed asks Quil has gotten" for a while to come.
it also helps that I don't know what the requirements are for an ask to be considered cursed so I probably wouldn't recognize them even when they do happen. I think I only referred to yours as cursed because you had done so in the past!! cursed is a very vague term to me so I don't think I've every really used it to refer to anything myself.
I'm usually just like "huh that's unique/something I haven't seen before/not something I'd think of on my own" and then treat everything with the same consideration as much as possible
and like I said I'm more the person people come to for canon things! either information or my opinions on more subtle parts of characters and events. there are plenty of other blogs that love cursed and chaotic things and respond to them with cursed and chaotic enthusiasm rather than my methodic approach! so that's where cursed asks in this fandom generally get sent, as we've all got our own niches :)
oh also this reminds me I haven't updated my masterposts in over a month oh no. I'll do that soon
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Okay okay okay okay I need help with this please
Okay so while I agree Ro can be a jerk sometimes, I think there’s an underlying thing that causes her to treat people like that. Maybe it’s the way her dad treated her or how she was put into an arranged marriage. Maybe she sees that Keefe really loves Sophie and he isn’t being forced into something and Ro (though I don’t agree with her pushing) just wants keefe to be happy.
Another thing: While I love Ro so much and she’s the character I can relate to the most, she’s can be a jerk. I feel like her teasing is on the border of abuse.
I just thought it would be cool to get your opinion on this, I hope your doing well!
Thanks, Mossy! I am doing alright and hope you're doing well as well! As for Ro, I agree that there's more to her character than just being a jerk, and I've theorized about what it could be before, so excited to look at her again!
One of the things i think could be contributing to her being so unpleasant and pushy and making people uncomfortable is her situation. She's the only ogre (until Bo comes along) in the lost cities, and they don't like her. She's living in an actively hostile environment and expected to be diplomatic enough to make things work out for a possible future alliance on a larger scale. People are afraid of her and hate her and look down on her and want her gone 24/7, whenever they go anywhere. She doesn't want to be there (she said in unlocked she'd love to get out of sparkle town and take Keefe back to Ravagog), but it's her assignment.
So I don't think she has the freedom or comfort to be open or thoughtful or caring. She may be physically at an advantage over elves, but she's only allowed to attack a select number of elves. And she does not have a social advantage over them; elves can talk shit and gossip and spread rumors and anything she does is going to take a lot more work on her part. She's at a disadvantage where she is so she's defensive. She'd unpleasant. She makes threats and is pushy, because making elves uncomfortable in conversation is a show of social strength. It's a way for her to say "you may have the advantage but I can do damage, too." it's protection for her.
But! Then she becomes more incorporated and accustomed to the elves she hangs out with. She's still rude and a jerk to elves she doesn't know, but she's been with the kotlcrew long enough that they know not to mess with her and she knows that some of them value her and don't look down on her. So she's more of a deadly calm instead of an explosive one.
However, that begs the question of why she's still so involved and pushy with Keefe and Sophie's relationship if she's not intentionally making them uncomfortable as a show of power, like she did in the Healing Center in Nightfall. There's a plethora of possible reasons, including but not limited to: she's upset over her own arranged marriage, she's trying to protect Keefe emotionally, ogre customs being blunt and she doesn't like how circuitous their relationship is, she finds romance drama entertaining and wants to meddle, to she straight up doesn't realize she's being a jerk.
We know she doesn't like her husband and is always arguing with him but can't get a divorce for political reasons. We know she's very loud and to the point, constantly talking about things as they are, so perhaps seeing how unspoken Keefe's affection for Sophie is is weird and wrong to her and she's trying to get him to change it.
I think there's also just a large part of her that finds it fun. Everyone has things they like and dislike, and I think Sophie and Keefe's relationship is interesting and entertaining for her. Here are two kids, one of which has been crushing hard on the other for years while trying not to tell her, the other convincing herself no one likes her like that and crushing on the first one's best friend. it's straight out of a story...because it is. It's fun for her! And she doesn't care if she's pushy because she already knows the elves don't really like her. So maybe she doesn't realize she's pushing it to far because she's so used to elves countering her for bad reasons that she doesn't realize Sophie and Keefe's discomfort isn't like that and she really is pushing boundaries she shouldn't. Elves have set the precedent of always rejecting her no matter what, so she's come to the conclusion that they aren't good judges. So if Sophie and Keefe try and tell her to stop? They're just being like normal elves and Ro's got no reason to believe it's any different than the other times ogres are shut down.
Those are possible in-canon reasons at least.
There's also the external factors, like Shannon using Ro as an instigator for a lot of moments, finally bringing the love triangle more into discussion instead of hinted at in the background. She's bold and talks about the things none of the love triangle characters will, so a part of her was likely modeled with the express intention of getting her involved so things would happen. Given how the love triangle was progressing, it may have stayed quiet for several more years without her constantly bringing it up and the series doesn't have that kind of time. It was with her prodding that it became more central, though it did go a bit overboard.
any mention of the love triangle was fleeting in the first five books, but they've become more and more frequent since Ro was introduced. She fills the role no one else did in the story and enables her to actually tell the story of Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe. So Ro is like a tool for Shannon to use to get to places the other characters weren't willing to go.
Ro can definitely be overly pushy to the point of creepy at times. Getting in involved in and making comments about Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz's love lives is not great and I'd prefer it if she didn't, but otherwise I love her quite a bit as her own character. It's her involvement in the love triangle that's weird, not her. If she was more independent and had more purpose outside of spurring the love triangle drama she'd be a lot less frustrating and uncomfortable to read about.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey I’m back and better then ever and this time I have an ask not about the bodyguards (finally)
How do you think things will play out if shannon decides to make keefe x Sophie canon? How do you think fitz and the gang would react? Or what would the the adults or bodyguards(IM SORRY HAD TO INCLUDE THEM) think of it?
Anyways, hope your doing well
Mossy! Many a welcome back to you! I'm glad you're better than ever, and also curious what could've interested you enough to forgo your beloved bodyguards. I don't mind answering those asks though, so please don't feel like you have to talk about other things if you don't want to!
As for Sophie and Keefe, should they become canon, I have a fairly detailed post about my expectations for the love triangle and the ending of the series that you can find here. However! I didn't really talk about reactions to the two of them becoming canon aside from a mention of Fitz, so I'll focus on that! I'm going to proceed as though my expectation explained in the linked post is what happened, so keep that in mind!
Fitz: A sort of regretful acceptance. He'd be happy for the two of them, happy that they're happy. There'd be a part of him that hurts because it's what he wanted with Sophie and chose not to have. He's see in the two of that what his future could've been, and even though it's not his he couldn't think of anyone better for Sophie or Keefe. So he's happy for them, even though it hurts.
Biana: It hurts a little for her too, but not as much as Fitz. She wanted Keefe, but has already started to accept that it isn't going to happen. But she was also rooting for Fitz and Sophie, thinking they were perfect for each other. But she's happy for Sophie. She might ask her if she's happy, ask her if he's what she wants, and once she knows that it's Sophie's choice she'd support her 100%. Absolutely unwavering acceptance as she puts her own disappointments behind for her friends.
Dex: He'd tease her a little but, but he'd want to make sure Sophie was happy. And he'd congratulate her for finding the one, for finding her person. Maybe make a little joke about having a better kiss than the two of them shared. Ultimately it's not his business and he doesn't really need or want to know aside from knowing she's loved and cared for and happy.
Tam: He doesn't really outwardly react. I think it's a topic he'd want to avoid and find embarrassing. If he does make a comment it'd probably be something like "Really? Sencen? Are you sure?" because Shannon loves to play up that little rivalry. But Linh might elbow him and he's begrudgingly roll his eyes and tell her congrats. And then avoid the subject for all eternity. He'd be uncomfortable with dating as a whole, but I think maybe a small part of him is concerned and might want to be protective in a brotherly way (might be wishful thinking on my part though because I love a good Tam and Sophie sibling dynamic)
Linh: She'd be one of the most positive and supportive. She's thrilled that Sophie's found the person for her and wants her to know she's happy for her. Hugs and telling her how Sophie's earned this, earned that happiness. She wouldn't be too involved, just passing support as she doesn't pry. But for her there's only good things from this and she'd be happy for her.
Marella: She'd be thrilled. Sophie's love life has made excellent gossip, and Sophie and Keefe becoming official Sophie has finally stopped being oblivious!! Finally!! It took forever, but boys are an area of conversation Marella adores. As much as the fandom loves to make her queer, canonically she's boy-crazy. While Linh doesn't pry, Marella would want all the details, to know everything about the confession and the things they've done together. What their first kiss what like and what their relationship status is.
Grady: He's...dealing with it. He's openly voices criticism for Keefe several times in the past and is very notably not a huge fan of his. But! He has also very vocalized that he supports Sophie and who she chooses 100%. While he may not approve of Keefe, he does approve of Sophie and respect her autonomy. So if she chooses Keefe that's okay. He'll come around eventually, but his main priority is that she is happy and safe and loved. Who is providing that isn't as important; she always comes first.
Edaline: She thinks the two of them make for a cute couple and is supportive in a similar way to Linh. She doesn't pry, doesn't ask questions, but she gives the two of them smiles from afar, and finds their relationship endearing. She knows the two of them really do care for each other and she has high hopes for the two of them. She wants them both to be happy, and she knows that their relatinship is special to them.
Sandor: He isn't necessarily happy about this development, but he also can't deny the important the two of them have in each other's lives. Hopefully it doesn't make his job as a bodyguard more difficult, but he expects it will. He resigns himself to the task despite not approving of Keefe. He's kinda like Grady in that Sophie comes first, and as Keefe is someone helpful and important to her and who loves her, that they can begrudgingly acknowledge and respect.
Bo: He would be so annoyed at having to deal with teenage feelings (this is assuming he's protecting Sophie again and not Linh/Glimmer). He doesn't care for the two of them at all and doesn't want to deal with it in the slightest. Tries to ignore it, but not necessarily because it's the two of them. He'd do it with anyone.
Flori: She's like Edaline and Linh. She's happy for Sophie and is excited to see her Moonlark grow and to flourish and to be happy. She just hopes that Sophie won't forget about her or everyone else, and that she'll continue to find that happiness she deserves and has earned. She doesn't pry, but she might have ways of knowing things about them others don't (trees. the ways are trees).
Ro: Of course, Ro is over the moon. This is what she's wanted for so long and has hinted at (though the hints are very obvious) since the beginning of her time as Keefe's bodyguard. She'd be overbearing and obnoxious and gloating, cheering Keefe on. He'd hate it of course, but that wouldn't stop her. I do think she'd have a more serious moment where she talks to Keefe and tells him something like "see? I told you not to give up. I told you people care about you." and have that heart to heart. She'd later deny it and tease him about not messing it up and be so. annoying. but secretly she's really satisfied. Hopefully she doesn't rub it in Fitz's face, but I think he'd take it better than she expects
there'd just be such a wide variety of reactions from her friends like complete unwavering support to "uugh. fine." from Grady and Sandor as they resign themselves to their relationship. At least this is kinda how I expect it to happen, but only Shannon can tell! Guess we'll have to wait and see in the final two books!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Okay on a more serious note I really want to hear what you think about this because I don’t want to talk to real life people
I want to talk about Biana’s scars
As someone who struggles with self harm (I’m getting help) this meant so much to me
I read book 6 (when she got the scars) when I was young and it was only a year after I started sh so I was super insecure and wore long sleeves all the time
Nowadays I wear short sleeves because that one scene literally changed everything
I love the quote “these scars are a part of me now and I’m done pretending they aren’t.” And I had it as my wallpaper for a while
I want to know if you think that was Shannon trying to bring awareness to self harmers and people who were born with or have scars they are embarrassed about or if it was just a coincidence
this is a really good topic so thank you so much for bringing it up. Biana's scars are an addition to her character and her development and her representation that often get reduced to "hell yea that's badass woo!" or at least that's been my experience with it in the fandom, so it's nice to talk about the impact it actually has aside from being a challenge to her character's integrity and morals.
I'm glad you're getting help and that you feel confident enough to wear short sleeves because of Biana's quote. I think it might be one of my favorite if not my favorite from her. It offers such a glimpse into her character and means so much. Those scars are a part of her. They are a part of her story and what she survived. They are a testament to her self-image and how she presents herself and how she's accepted herself and loves herself enough to be genuine.
Hearing the impact that scene had on you is wonderful. Books genuinely have so much impact on our lives when we let them. I think that might be part of what draws us, as readers, to each other. There's a vulnerability in loving books and allowing stories and characters to have an impact on us and sharing it is so intimate. And then there's those special few quotes that we read and just want to hold so close and cherish because they feel so right. i have a few from Black Sails, but I can't remember the ones from books atm because I'm focusing on yours
I will admit I don't think Biana's journey was specifically a tribute to people who self-harm, but I don't think they're excluded from the group she was targeting. Reading about Biana's scars and how she learned to accept them and herself, its seems targetted to people who don't fit the beauty standard, people with obvious scars and physical features that separate them from others.
her character has a lot about confidence and being authentic--hence the quote you mentioned. For her, that authenticity comes with scars. Biana has scars on half her body. That's a fact that cannot be denied or brushed away. Pretending they aren't there isn't going to make anyone happy. So I think some of that rhetoric we see present in Biana's character could be a message Shannon wanted to share to people like Biana, people with scars and others.
I don't think it was a coincidence that people with scars can relate to her or find solace in her story. Writing is a lot of making things up and fumbling around with the words, but there is also undoubtedly deliberate actions. Something as impactful as Biana's scars, even if it was impulsive, is something that would be thought through afterwards. Her quotes, her journey, it's meant to be inspiring. For anyone who can relate even a little bit. She is meant to be someone to look up to and find confidence from. That's one of her functions as a character in this story.
I wouldn't say she was trying to bring "awareness," but rather create a solace, a oasis for people who relate to her. She's a character for people like you. Not that you have to love her or enjoy her, but in a way she's acknowledging that people with scars have a place in her world, that they aren't lesser for their scars.
that's just a few of the thoughts I have about her scars though. There's so much wrapped up in them and how she learned to accept them and stop hating them and hiding them. It really opens up a path to the center of her character and her impact on the story and readers.
thank you so much for bringing this up and sharing your experience <33
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Just imagine a gay cognate couple
Such gay much sparkly ✨
Based on my memory of the series, there doesn't seem to be anything that would prohibit two cognates from being gay for each other (anything like the prohibition of parabatai falling in love because it's like..reckless and too powerful? in the tmi world or however you word that. very vague description), so off to a good start for these hypothetical people we are talking about right now!!
If we go with the assumption that gay people aren't accepted in the lost cities--I mean, one of the goals of every match is proliferation--then I have a possible inspiration/situation someone else could build off of.
So we know that cognates share a lot of secrets with each other, that they are essentially supposed to go all out and be really open with each other. There are instances where holding things back is necessary and understandable (like Sophie's parents), but we're not focusing on that right now. I'm just saying that two queer cognates attraction to one another would be an excellent opportunity for tension between them as they each try to hide it with varying degrees of success. Needing to balance that "yes you're the person I trust more than anyone else in the world and we rely on each other through everything" and also "what no I'm not in love in you."
Back to the Lost Cities thing, it could be an interesting connection through their characters of both being queer people in a world where that isn't ideal. Having that one person who knows that huge secret about them, and they know it about the other. They love each other but it also protect each other from the rest of their world.
all of that is in a situation where the Lost Cities isn't favorable to queer people, but would be different if we assume that it's accepting. And this is also all with hypothetical people, so I can't get into the details of it without creating characters to embody that. Unless we fall back on a few other headcanons like perhaps transmasc Sophie? And then reworking the whole canon crush thing to be Sophie and Fitz crushing on each other and trying to hide their queerness from the other. But that's a whole other thing!
also where did the sparkles come from? Not that I'm complaining but if we're gonna cover my blog in glitter I'd love to know the origin and descriptions of said glitter. How much glitter? What's it's purpose here?
And hello Mossy nice to see you again!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What would each bodyguard be like as a 12 year old? I remember me and my little friend group as 12 year olds and now we are all much older but it makes me laugh to think about
I feel like Sandor would be a Minecraft kid. You know the kid I’m talking about, the annoying one
Ro would probably be going through an emo phase tbh
Grizel would be a popular mean girl
Anyways yea I would love to hear your take on this
I was right I do have another ask about the bodyguards from you in my inbox! I don't know what about them appeals to you (and what about them being 12yos specifically, as this is not the first time it's been brought up) but it's definitely an interesting perspective to take. (update: turns out I started talking about everyone as students instead of just 12 year olds. hope that's okay)
For Sandor, I'm actually not quite sure what kind of kid you're talking about as I mostly ignored everyone else in class when I was 12, but! The annoying kid does seem accurate--I think he'd get on everyone else's nerves because of his rigidity and strict adherence to something no one else understands. He's the kind of 12 year old who would ask about homework and remind the teacher about turning things in, and everyone else resents him for it. He's just doing his job--I think he'd either be the kind of kid to do an entire project on his own, or to take control and force everyone else to work and report to the teacher when his classmates aren't doing their part. Just a thought.
Then Ro...I think she'd be more punk than emo, and that Bo would be emo. Ro would be the kind of kid who's really loud all the time and who talks during lectures and never shuts up. She doesn't turn in her homework because she just doesn't want to, and she draws graffiti in the bathroom stalls. Oh you know the "cookie monster pajamas hot cheeto girl" stereotype? That kind of energy, if amplified into chaos, feels like Ro. She just doesn't want to do what people tell her to do, and flaunts her defiance in their faces.
Now Bo...Bo feels like the emo kid to me. He's got the really forward hair (like this) and it's always getting in his eyes. Maybe sometimes it has some color in it and it's so straightened it's practically burnt. But he never talks to anyone and he's got the "nobody understands me" kind of vibe. He listens to loud music and refuses to make friends, writes dark poetry (that he will cringe at years later), and is really moody. The general resentment he seems to have against the world feels like it would fit.
And Grizel!! I agree completely with your assessment, she'd be super popular. But she'd probably tease people a lot and not always known when she's crossed the line because she's having fun. She buts into other people's lives and conversations and likes to know what's going on. She's frequently peer pressuring people and making deals with them, like betting with them. No doubt she'd be super well known though, and she's absolutely own it. I do feel like her and Ro would get into a lot of trouble together if they take bets with each other, and they would not spare each other at all when it came to gossip. Ro is good at getting people to talk and about asking the right questions (albeit obnoxiously) and Grizel is good and being sneaky and observing things to get information. Together they'd be unstoppable.
I wonder if any of the bodyguards would have had an anime phase, as that is very popular among people of that age group at the moment. My sister and legit all of her friends watch anime and she's 11, so I think one of them has to have an anime phase, but I'm unsure which one.
(also damn you putting the date of when you sent this and calling me out on how long it takes to respond!! I don't actually mind though)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Queerplatonic Tam x Dex??
They both are characters that kind of get pushed to the side and they both have something against the council. Imagine Tam spending hours with Dex watching him build his fancy tech stuff while they talk about life. Imagine Tam showing Dex skills he learned at exillium. IMAGINE QP TAM AND DEX BECAUSE THEY COULD BE PRETTY CUTE
you seem very enthusiastic about this concept!! and I will admit that I am intrigued by the prospect of their supposed similarities that you've shared, though you do deviate into aspects of their interactions not founded in canon and as such I advise that if you are looking for very fluffy headcanons there are many people in the fandom who would be excellent at doing so! However, right now you are on my blog and I do a lot less of that, so just keep that in mind when reading further that it's not because I don't like the idea but because i'm looking at it differently
you mentioned that they both get pushed to the side, so I'm going to start there in terms of comparing the two of them. I think it's interesting how some of the most influential parts they've played within the story have both happened off page until the moment actually came to fruition, though there were a few scattered interactions serving as hints so the story would actually feel cohesive. In this instance I'm referring to the ability restrictor that Dex built in Everblaze and Tam being the key to the change within Keefe in Legacy. They both had a sort of vague alluding to information they had and things they were doing, but we didn't see a whole lot of the actual process until it was fully in motion--Dex putting the ability restrictor on Sophie, and Tam contributing to changing Keefe in Loamnore
(side tangent. was curious what the name meaning was for Loamnore and if I've interpreted it correctly, Shannon made the name by combining two other words: loam and nore. Loam you may have heard more frequently, which means a "fertile soil of sand and clay containing humus," essentially relating it to the city being underground. And then nore, which can apparently mean tunnel/channel--couldn't find as many sources for that one, but there was at least one. So combining that, Loamnore is a descriptor for what the city is. It's a channel of dirt. the more you know)
but back to Dex and Tam. They've both been undervalued and underappreciated throughout their lives, considering Dex is the son of a bad match and Tam is a shade/twin. They've never really been accepted except by very specific people who ignore those stigmas (happens to be the same people for the two of them). They could bond over that, their shared understanding of what it means to grow up in a world that hates them for something outside of their control and that doesn't really matter at all. They've had harsh judgements following them from the day they were born, something they can't escape even now.
I do think their overall demeanors are interesting in how they vary from each other. Dex is confident and approach situations clearly, determined, intent driving him through as he finds his way. Tam is wary, holds back, assesses things and leaves them be as much as he can. And if he does meddle, he does so on his own and secretively. They're opposites in that regard, a good balance for each other. Dex would be willing to make a move while Tam is there at his side picking up the things Dex overlooks and making sure nothing is missed, that they're safe.
they cover where the other would falter, which is wonderful to have in a pairing. So essentially I think they have a lot of potential as queerplatonic partners!! They have a foundation that could be very steady should they give it the attention it needs, which could build into a qpr with all the cute moments you seem excited by
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What do you think will be the long-term affects of all the trauma the poor keeper kids are enduring right now?
that's a tough one, seeing as everyone responds to trauma differently and I don't know how the effects would be approached in a world like keeper, but I can kinda puzzle some of it together. Some people might have individual responses, while others are more of a widespread thing, if that makes sense.
I think they'd all be anxious and have trouble regulating their focus, doing things for long periods of time. Right now, there's always something happening, never enough time to take a break, so every time they sit down to do something, to relax, it would feel like they're giving time to their enemies and that they have to get up and do something, move from thing to thing, be productive. Their enemies may be imprisoned or dead, but the sense that they don't get free time would remain, the insatiable urge to do something that would prevent them from relaxing for a really long time. They'd have to work up to it, exposing themselves to longer periods of doing nothing incrementally until they can enjoy it.
They might never put down their weapons, always carrying a few throwing stars or a hidden melder, just in case something happened, just in case they were fooled and their enemies aren't actually gone. Or they'd set them aside forever, burying them all in the back of their closets, the sight of them enough to send them into panics, because weapons mean fighting and fighting means they aren't safe.
Biana might kind of...disappear for a little bit, just vanish and not come back, needing to be away from everyone and everything, time to think. Everything she's been and become has been in response to someone else, and she realized she doesn't know who she is for herself. She's been so loud, taken up space, but she just wants to be alone. She's been in the public eye her whole life and she wants a break, for once. It'd worry her friends when she doesn't respond to their messages as often, when she only responds when reached out to, but they won't push her.
Dex can't stop building weapons, little explosives and creations meant to fight. he doesn't know what else to do with his ability, so he keeps creating destruction and tearing it apart. but he can't stop fiddling with things, because when he stops then he starts to think, and he doesn't want to think for a very long time. Mixed up in all that is disgust with himself, because he just keeps creating weapon after weapon, unable to see the beauty of his talent because he doesn't know how to make anything else. Eventually, he stops making things all together, at least for a while.
Keefe can't relax, still convinced that something is out there and that it's coming to get them and they need to be prepared. His walls are worse than during Neverseen because he doesn't let people see what he's doing. He puts on a solid mask, the portrait of ease, only slipping occasionally, joking like nothing ever happened to any of them. But he's so afraid all of the time. he can't sleep, can't eat, can't do anything but pace and desperately search for clues that don't exist, convincing himself that he's just missing it, because he doesn't want to admit that he's making it all up.
Fitz...is hurting. But the world still expects so much of him and with Biana disappearing everything falls to him, the only Vacker child left standing. He'd always known the world would rest on his shoulders, but he'd thought he'd at least have his siblings by his side. Now it's him facing the world, putting on a brave face, but he is so...tired. He is tired and he is hurt and he doesn't want to do this anymore, but he doesn't know how to do anything else, be anyone else.
Linh stays away from water as much as she can, fearing the destructive temptations. She'd done so much damage when she was afraid, fighting for her life, and every time she feels that pull she fears it will pull her under again, reminding her of the worst experiences of her childhood, the chaos that lives inside her. She's not herself without the ebb and flow of the water, but that's good. Because she can hurt people, and if she isn't herself then she can't hurt the people she loves.
Tam would disappear like Biana, but not in the same way. He's still there, still present, just...quiet. He doesn't argue, instead observing and watching and waiting, tense. He's waiting for the catch, like Keefe. While he's not convinced the Neverseen are still out there, he knows that they weren't the only threat, and so for him it's like nothing ever ended. He was struggling before they were part of his life and he's struggling after. There is no difference, just an eternal wariness. if the Neverseen aren't a problem, someone else will take their place, and he's going to be ready when they try.
Marella doesn't know what to do with herself anymore, but the world isn't going to wait for her so she throws herself back into it, talking to more people than ever, but having fewer friends that ever before. if she knows everyone, keeps an eye on everyone, then she might be able to stop anything before it happens, get to know people and know everything, never caught unawares. She'd get obsessive over control, everything laid out to a t, getting to a point where she tries to control people, panicked doesn't go as she wants it to.
Sophie is tricky. She wants to do something, to be productive, but she doesn't know what to do. People expected things from her as long as she was in the elven world and that pressure is destroying her, so I think she'd leave. She'd miss home, miss the familiarity, and go back to the Forbidden Cities. At least for a little bit, to find herself, to be someone who isn't famous and stared at wherever she goes. Maybe Biana stops by wherever she's staying from time to time, and then catch up, avoiding talking about the Lost Cities.
Of course, trauma affects everyone differently and presents itself in different ways. It messes with the brain, so it's hard to predict. These are my guesses at things that could happen, but you're more than welcome to your own ideas about it !!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
RoxGrizel pairing
oo an excellent pairing to consider, Mossy! I feel like I already have a post or two on them hang on they might be in my masterposts--it is!! Here's a link to what I've already said about them
but between all the bodyguard pairings, I think they have to be one of my favorites. Something about the similarities between the two--bodyguards, battle-hardened, snarky, bold, confident, etc.--just really draws you in, you know? They're the same person, just in different fonts. Not sure exactly what fonts, but my point is they have the same traits/content simply presented differently.
But then again, there are aspects of them that compliment each other, not exactly opposites. Ro takes up space, occupies a room, demands attention for her presence. It's a natural part of her, her command of a room. Grizel, on the other hand, is calculating, secretive, able to slip past anyone's attention, but just as sure of herself. She demands attention because she can so expertly avoid it. But I've talked about this in the previous post so I won't dwell on it.
I think another interesting aspect to any relationship they would have is the species rivalry. Like, there is a lot of animosity between their two species, and both have actively been shown participating in it. Grizel hates ogres, and Ro hates everyone who isn't an ogre. They deal with each other, but that doesn't just go away because of forced proximity. So any pairing with the two of them would need to explore the basis of that taught hatred, evaluate it against what they're coming to know, bridging that gap they've put between them.
Perhaps for them it could come in the form of trading species secrets, a sign of trust between the two of them, acknowledging that what they're been told about the other doesn't hold true and that they're entrusting this information to the other. For Grizel, it could be sharing how to fool her senses, a vulnerability that their species holds very close. For Ro, I'm not as sure but maybe something similar to the lesson about ogre weak points in Flashback. Only more in depth, more personal, with Grizel.
there's a lot to explore in terms of enemies to lovers with the two of them, and I think it's an excellent pairing. I don't think it'll ever happen canonically (open to being surprised) but fun to look at outside of canon!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Gay goblin culture
I am considering. I am definitely considering. Do I know what this would entail? Not in the slightest. But I am 100% on board with this concept.
Okay but actually what would this mean? What is the culture? Because queer culture and history is so diverse across different cultures and countries and everything inbetween and also varies within identities in and of themselves so there are so many possibilities as for what gay goblin culture is.
really random idea I just had that I want to write down before I forget: queer goblins express their affection for each other using silver jewelry. We know that gold is valued in goblin culture because it's something worth protecting, something soft, something pleasant. But!! I propose that queer goblins gravitate towards other metals--silver, bronze, etc. instead depending on their personal preferences to express a diversion from that norm. I'll use silver in this example: silver is a sturdier metal and often overlooked, often ignored in favor of the aesthetics of gold. So by exchanging items of silver, it's an acknowledgement of who they are to each other, and how precious what they have is, an appreciation for the things the rest of their culture overlooks.
back to the questions though--how would goblins view queer people? Because that influences the culture. In my thing about silver, I assumed that goblins would be, at the very least, more inclined towards non-queer relationships. But this world is apparently superior to the human world--I know they said that specifically about the elves, but some of that carries over into goblins--so perhaps queer relationships are a part of that and they're more normal in the goblin world.
If that's the case, Shannon please give us some gay goblins like rn.
something about fighting and giving everything you have to protect something soft and precious and worth fighting for feels like queer culture to me. Like that is what being queer is, at least on some level. Being queer is fighting for it, fighting for the right to be soft, to be loved, to be cared for, to live quietly. And the goblins embody that, though I'm sure it was unintentional. But just seeing that makes me think "ah. I get it." There is of course more to being queer than that, but it's a part of it.
I think that gay goblin culture is excellent!! There's a lot of potential there, both as the goblins being a warrior species and because of the delicateness they have towards their own homes, which is something I think can carry over well into queer culture. I don't know if that makes sense seeing how little I explained it (if at all) but it makes sense in my head so! If you'd like me to go over it again and try to explain it better I can
but 10/10 suggestion, Mossy!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I’m in a depressive episode rn so I decided to project onto Kotlc characters but I like to make people think about side characters so I’m gonna project onto the bodyguards
(Tw?? Ig??)
Okay wait
Let’s say Sandor has anxiety and ptsd. Like how could he not?? He has had to kill people and has been trained from a young age. He has really bad anxiety and because the lost cities doesn’t pay attention to mental health he can’t get medicated
Ro struggles with body image. Ya sure she acts all tough but she is insanely insecure.
Grizel?? Um. Idk. WAIT OCD?? Grizel has ocd. She cannot deal with certain textures. Her clothes have to be a certain texture or else she has a panic attack. She hates certain kinds of food.
Bo? Ew we don’t like Bo. Ill let you choose bo because I can’t think of anything.
Anyways ya have a nice day
-Mossy (Kotlc-anon)
Mossy! Welcome back! It's been a little bit since you sent this ask so I hope the depressive episode has gotten better, as it always sucks to be stuck in them just...waiting for it to go away, you know? But even though mental illness sucks, we can always project onto characters!!
(also, I appreciate the thought behind the trigger warning, but it isn't very effective if you don't tell me what the tw is for. you just say tw and that could mean anything from talking about mental health to graphic depictions of violence and all I know is that there's something to be aware of, but I have no idea what or its severity. so if you use one in the future please tell me what the warning is for!)
Oo Sandor...I've often wondered how the goblin and ogres methods of training their soldiers so young actually affects them. Because it seems like their entire career paths have been decided for them before they were old enough to make the decision to join the military and be a soldier, so they've been doing this their entire lives. Focusing specifically on Sandor, he wouldn't have had a childhood, instead constantly competitive and working to prove himself--I mean, he became a general and I doubt that's easy. We don't know a lot about their military, but there had to have been so much pressure on him as a child (and now) that he can't shake. And now he's been in wars and battles, so PTSD is very possible. We don't know how the goblins deal with that, but it would make sense for him to have it, maybe worsened by him constantly going back to protecting Sophie and being on guard and fighting without processing the past.
Maybe Sandor's got gifted kid syndrome, seeing as he rose through the ranks and is now stuck trying to perform at an acceptable level yet it's becoming more and more difficult yet he can't take a break. Burning himself out and it just worsens the anxiety because he's convinced himself that by being good at his job the anxiety will go away (nervous about being bad at your job? just be good at it) but it's just a never ending cycle of torment.
Ro's is an interesting one! Body image...she does seem to alter her body in ways that many other ogres don't--dyed hair, tattoos for fun, painting her nails, etc--which could be her trying to change her appearance because she doesn't like it. I've mentioned in the past that her loud attitude and the way she takes up space and constantly makes comments about other people might be a defense mechanism, because if she gets to the others first then she's less of a target. In this instance it could be trying to get them to dislike her so they pay her less attention and try to avoid her, and the more that happens the less likely they are to notice her or her body and he things she doesn't like about herself.
The ogre armor doesn't seem like it would help either, seeing how much skin it puts on display. There's very little coverage and what it does cover is molded to the shape of her body, so she really can't hide. All she's got is her personality to protect her, so maybe she really aggressive and unpleasant as a result of that and trying to get people to stay away from her as much as she can as a bodyguard.
Grizel! Ngl I wasn't aware that those symptoms you described were part of OCD (I associate those more with autism and sensory disorders), so I don't think I can really comment on those. In terms of obsessions and compulsions, maybe if Grizel's OCD is something she developed from being a bodyguard and all the trauma that comes with that, they might center around harm and hurting others. Fears of injuring her guard, forgetting something she needs to remember to protect them, things being slightly unbalanced and it causes something bad to happen. Essentially, her fears might center around hurting people--maybe that could branch out into the spread of disease, trying to protect people through strict cleanliness.
I imagine whatever compulsions she does to try and deal with that wouldn't be helpful to being a good bodyguard. Constantly on edge and checking herself, reviewing things so nothing happens, repeating things etc. It would be exhausting to engage in all that on top of her responsibilities, I assume.
As for Bo, I'm not sure! I've already taken up a lot of space with this ask so maybe I'll talk about him in another one. Maybe something that affects how he gets along with others, his empathy, things like that. He's shown to be very independent in the books and only gets along with others when he's ordered to. Something where he follows the rules strictly. Unsure exactly what it would be but!! It's an interesting prompt.
I hope you also have a nice day!! If you have a time zone similar to mine than you're just starting out and have the rest of the day to enjoy and do things. I'm gonna see if I can get through a lot of writing today, as I haven't written in a month and a half (NaNoWriMo got me really ahead and then family things happened) and I miss it. I want to know what happens next in my stories so I'm hoping to find out.
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