#muad dib
peachymetimmy · 21 days
Dirty thoughts 🥵
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Joe me pagaba la entrada para ver Dune 2, así que salí corriendo. Le prometí llevar arena de la obra cerca de casa para tirarle a quien molestara en el cine, llegado el caso. Nunca salgo de casa con los minutos contados, porque no trabajo y generalmente soy impuntual. Pero la película empezaba a las 18:30 me guste o no, sin tiempo, sin opciones. Jamás me encuentro con nadie cuando salgo al mundo, pues esta vez sí, obviamente: Lore paró su auto a mi lado, SE BAJÓ, y se puso a hablar distendidamente, como si Dune 2 no existiera. Hacía tiempo que quería verme, no hablaba conmigo desde la muerte de mi padre, a ella eso la afectó casi tanto como a la familia y tuvo que hacer su duelo. Además me consoló por mi falta de trabajo, que a ella le costó un año y medio conseguir, que por favor le escribiera así nos juntamos. Me agarró la mano, me abrazó, me dijo te quiero y se fue. No podía detenerla, ese momento estaba por encima de Arrakis y el lío entre Atreides vs Harkonnen. ¿Por qué a ninguno de los dos se nos ocurrió la posibilidad de que me llevara en su auto hasta la parada? Nunca lo sabré. Caminé veloz (jamás corro) a encontrarme con el primer bus que pasara; cuando lo hice se subió alguien a cantar: un extremista. Fue más lo que habló que lo que cantó. Empezó mencionando su pasado famoso, más dinero y drogas. Se hizo adicto contó, y se enfermó de (cita textual) “VIH, cáncer de garganta y hepatitis B”. Los médicos le dijeron que nunca volvería a cantar pero la profecía fracasó. ¿Por qué? Porque se hizo devoto de dios. Y ahí empezó otro discurso evangelizador. Lisan al-Gaib. Llegué al cine 18:20, Joe 18:25. Por alguna razón su calzado hacía un ruido escandaloso en el piso del cine. Fue la única vez que estuvimos juntos en silencio por 3 horas. No le tiré arena a nadie. Muad'Dib. Devoramos unas gomitas ácidas y un termo con vodka (anoten esa combinación, es hermosa). Lamentablemente salí del cine con ganas de trabajar: quiero tener plata para comprar los 6 libros de Dune que escribió Herbert. Que alguien me los regale antes de que cometa esa locura, por favor. Sálvenme.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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margarita-life · 22 days
Paul Muad'dib Atreides | THE ONE WHO POINTS THE WAY (Dune: Part Two)
Paul Muad'dib Atreides | THE ONE WHO POINTS THE WAY
link: https://youtu.be/e6ro6c4a7vk
"...I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire..."
#paulatreides #lisanalgaib #dune #DunePart2 #DunePartTwo
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geekynerfherder · 9 months
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'Dune' by Karl Fitzgerald.
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goodjohnjr · 2 months
Your Roommate Just Watched DUNE: PART ll
Your Roommate Just Watched DUNE: PART ll What Is It? Your Roommate Just Watched DUNE: PART ll by The Vision Fam Show: Your Roommate Just Watched DUNE: PART ll Description: DUNE PART 2 IN CINEMAS NOW! #dune #dunepart2 #duneparttwo #dunemovie Continue reading Your Roommate Just Watched DUNE: PART ll
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fandomchaosposts · 1 month
lisan al gaib
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sabanerox · 2 months
¿Es Paul Atreides realmente un Mesías?
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emptyjunior · 1 month
It looks like with the movies taking off, everyone is on the Dune train now!! Which is very exciting, I’m glad a bunch of new people are discovering this media and reading the books, but can I recommend you the David Lynch, Dune (1984) movie.
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First of all, if you are invested in the lore of the books and the deeper messaging of the story, you’re going to need to turn that part of your brain Off. If you love kick ass shit and are willing to be slightly tipsy while you watch and have a great goddamn afternoon, this is the flick for you.
Now first fun fact I’m going to share with you. David Lynch (twin peaks, eraserhead director, celebrated surrealist) turned down the opportunity to direct Return of the Jedi for this film. A film that was devastatingly slow to make, changed hands multiple times, had a pricy VFX budget of $40 million and then made barely $31 million, David Lynch turned down Star Wars to work on it. And he did this when he had never read the novel, and did not even like or engage with sci fi media. THAT’S how you know we’re really in for something.
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Now this film has some big names in it! We’ve got a young Kyle MacLachlan who is rocking some Devastating outfits:
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We’ve got Sir Patrick Stewert as our Gurney and Sting, lead singer of the police, playing the 15 year old Feyd Rautha! If you wanted to see a grown man, sprayed orange, basically naked playing a free wheeling maniac you are in for a treat! And another fun fact, David Lynch also did not know who these actors were, he made a mistake and thought Patrick Stewert was someone else and when Sting said he was in the police he assumed he was in an organization of lawmen.
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Now these characters are familiar to you, but let me get into the unfamiliar. Lynch made some directorial executive decisions throughout this film, for I suppose the ease of the viewer? I mean an adaptation is supposed to adapt so he went let me change some stuff up👏👏👏.
Those who paid attention to Jessica’s backstory may know about the Weirding Way. This is a martial arts style created by the Bene Gesserit, and practiced by Paul. It is more than just a fighting style but also an important philosophical concept, like Aikido or how Kung Fu has foundations in Buddhism.
You may also be familiar with the quote “My name is a killing word.” This inner monologue of Paul’s refers to how his title Muad’dub will be used to spur a holy war. A simple name is what people will die and bleed for, it will be what they scream as they cut down enemies.
Dark! Intense! That’s Dune, anyways in the novel it’s easy to take your time exploring these concepts. Introducing the audience to the religious ramifications of a simple name and fighting practice and how these things can have rippling repercussions upon a society like the Freman.
Now David Lynch didn’t have time for that! He had the belief (that may be right🤷‍♂️!) That watching a bunch of people kick each other on top of a sand dune would be Lame😭😭
So he made the choice for his film that “My name is a killing word” was to be taken Absolutely Literally and invented a device where if the freman said the name Muad-dib, shit would explode.
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If they said Paul’s name, they could Explode Stuff. Let it sink in how rad that is. Hell yeah man, hell yeah. Imagine me interpreting religious text that way, imagine if I made a bible movie and the moral I took from a parable is that when Jesus asked for food and everyone donated fish, I concluded that Jesus was a mutant who had fish powers and could immediately conjure fish with magic and gave him fish death rays that shot out of his hands.
So that’s what you can expect from this interpretation, the weirding way now means everyone has Lasers its rad as hell.
Some other incredible choices made! This is a spoiler, but in the novels and the new films you can see the Freman collecting every scrap of water they can. Dr Liet-Kynes, the planetologist, reveals to us it’s because they have a long, multiple generation spanding plan to fix the planet. By introducing this water back they hope to reset the ecosystem over centuries of work. The reason they have been unable to do this is because a green planet would obviously not have worms and sand who produce spice, the most coveted drug in the empire, so imperial and harkonnen forces have been stopping this from ever happening. They want to be free from oppression so that they can start to work on slowly fixing their world, a project that plays out in Paul’s adult life and has its own dramas and complexities.
In Dune 1984??? The moment, the Moment Paul lays out his cousin and throws the final punch, it begins to rain in Arrakis. As if they were all under a magical curse and were just waiting for a teenager to come fight another teenager and then the water will come back. It’s so good, it’s so funny.
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Also Pugs! House Atreides official Pugs! Paul has pugs in his lap!!
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This is honestly an adaptation choice that I really really like! Paul is the result of centuries of selective breeding, this practice is an artform to the Bene Gesserit and a skill that they monitor closely. It produces bizarre and sometimes terrifying results and is the reason for Paul’s existence.
I think having an animal that was also created through selective breeding, was engineered from a wolf into an animal that can hardly breathe is an incredible metaphor! A smart and identifiable symbol for the audience, I think it’s a slam dunk and the new movies should have done it to.
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Anyways can not recommend this film enough.
-The body suits the bad guys wear are made out of real body bags, that actually had been used.
-David Lynch to this day hates it.
-The original cut was four hours.
-The cast and crew were sick the Entire shoot with something they called Montezuma's Revenge, which was probably just food poisoning, side effects from the constant smog because they shot the whole thing on backup generators, illness from the cockroach infestation and terrible morale.
-Frank Herbert saw it multiple times and said he absolutely loved it.
-When they ride the worms, sick rock jams play.
If you love electric guitar, lasers, worms and will forgive me for not including all the trigger warnings cause Yes this film will gross you out, then go watch this movie.
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Epic, majestic, intelligent, a magnificent film.
A breathtaking, extraordinary cast.
And then there is him... Paul, Muad Dib or Timothée.
Moving, strong, sensitive, intelligent, he doesn't play Paul, he is Paul.
The best of his generation.
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peachymetimmy · 26 days
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Paul ‘Baby’ Atreides
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silvyysthings · 3 months
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Muad' dib
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shinolavolume1 · 3 days
okay okay lets annoit this guy. lets annoit this guy with the title of muad dib
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homenecromancer · 2 months
There’s a read-more on this post because it turns entirely on an excerpt that is a huge spoiler for the final portions of both Dune the novel and Dune: Part 2 the movie.
Part of the reason Dune has meant so much to me ever since I first read it is, like… OK, here’s a passage from very late in the book (page 445 in the Berkley paperback).
In context: Paul has literally just awakened from a near-death trance caused by ingesting the Water of Life. His mother, Jessica, has just verified this fact, and its significance — her child is the prophesied Kwisatz Haderach, and possesses psychic ability beyond any other human being.
"What happened?" Chani demanded.
Jessica shook her head.
Paul said: "There is in each of us an ancient force that takes and ancient force that gives. A man finds little difficulty facing that place within himself where the taking force dwells, but it's almost impossible for him to see into the giving force without changing into something other than man. For a woman, the situation is reversed."
Jessica looked up, found Chani was staring at her while listening to Paul.
"Do you understand me, Mother?" Paul asked.
She could only nod.
"These things are so ancient within us," Paul said, "that they're ground into each separate cell of our bodies. We're shaped by such forces. You can say to yourself, 'Yes, I see how such a thing may be.' But when you look inward and confront the raw force of your own life unshielded, you see your peril. You see that this could overwhelm you. The greatest peril to the Giver is the force that takes. The greatest peril to the Taker is the force that gives. It's as easy to be overwhelmed by giving as by taking."
"And you, my son," Jessica asked, "are you one who gives or one who takes?"
"I'm at the fulcrum," he said. "I cannot give without taking and I cannot take without . . ." He broke off, looking to the wall at his right.
OK let’s shift gears real quick and I’m gonna describe this image rather than make it: you know that Gundam meme where the viewer is going “wow cool robot” as said robot shoots the actual themes of the anime over their head? Now imagine that but I am the reader and Frank Herbert is the, uh, giant robot.
Frank Herbert: Weird 1960s Gender Essentialism
me: Paul Atreides was supposed to be one gender but was born another, and people are hopping mad about it. It is repeatedly noted that he is able to do things that people of his (assumed by others) gender cannot. Within the context of his society, he is neither a “normal” man nor a “normal” woman, but possesses abilities belonging to both. His ability to fuse these two genders into one unique thing, specific to him, is crucial to his final rise to power. Muad’Dib… non-binary icon?
…like, I’m mostly serious here — it is certainly not a canonical reading, just a personal, idiosyncratic reaction to the text — but the feeling that Paul was, at a minimum, atypical for his assigned gender meant a lot to me when I first read these books. I couldn’t articulate at the time what fascinated me about passages like this, but they captivated me in the same way as other texts where the protagonist defied their assigned gender. They resonated with me on a level it took me years to understand. (Things began to make more sense when I realized I was trans.)
Anyway. Paul Muad-Dib Atreides’s gender identity is ‘Kwisatz Haderach’
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goodjohnjr · 5 months
Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 3
Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 3 What Is It? The YouTube video Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 3 by the YouTube channel Warner Bros. Pictures: Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 3 Description: You are not prepared for what is to come. #DunePartTwo – Only in theaters March 1.The saga continues as award-winning filmmaker Denis Villeneuve embarks on “Dune: Part Two,” the next chapter of…
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avocadrawz · 11 months
My old art on Paul Atreides and Chani with the O2 cannula and the OI blue sclera in full glory😂 And ofc small bundle of cuteness, muad dib.
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"They'll call me Muad 'Dib 'The One Who Points the Way."
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