#my blog is first and foremost a safe space for EVERYONE
gracie-rosee · 26 days
Thoughts from an Elriel at heart who loves all ships and characters.
I’ve gained a bunch of new followers lately so… idk. Hi? This is the only post I will make about this btw. The only time I will share my thoughts on ships and the state of the fandom. My blog is a pro-positivity blog! So step into my mind for a brief minute before I bury this post on my blog and eventually delete it lol. I don’t tolerate negativity or bullying on my page at all. It’s an Instablock.
TL;DR: I love my elriel forever and forever. But all ships are hot regardless of canon and I don’t think it’s cool to police people around in fandom when we are all just here to have a good time. My blog is a place for everyone.
If this post isn’t to your liking in any way, keep scrolling and have a great day!
Okay it’s honesty hour. I genuinely think Elucien and Gwynriel could happen. Now listen.
I think that given enough time, their relationships could turn into true, deep romances.
But as of right now, where the series is at, there is no room for time. Koschei has been teased for like three books now and has made an actual appearance in the last book. He’s definitely going to be the villain that is fought in the next book (or two.) Plot wise, I don’t think there will be a big waiting period, meaning the next book will pick up almost right away. And considering it’s a romance book mainly, the actual romance has to start then too! Right away!
And I think Elain and Azriel are the only ones who have that build up to convincingly lead a romance book together.
So yes. I think Gwynriel has the potential to be a great couple. I think Elucien would be amazing.
Just not in this universe. Not right now.
Which is fine. I know, I just know the part of my heart that roots for these couples would be crushed by the story they would have if they were rushed and crammed into the next book. I’m already really wary of SJMs writing from the way she handled acosf and her re-write of Hofas. I don’t trust her with these ships to be honest. I think no one can write gwynriel and Elucien better than the incredible INCREDIBLE fanfic writers we have in this fandom. (I love you guys!)
I think in the canon world, they need more development. I need to see Elucien form a bond not influenced by their mating one first! I need to see Gwyn and Azriel’s healing on their own before they get together.
But Elain and Azriel? They have a story that’s already rolling. It’s been building since the moment they met, before Elain met Lucien and before Azriel started training with Gwyn.
So unless SJM kills one of them off, Elriel will own my head, heart, body, soul, and entire conscience LOL. 😂
But alas, Sarah is a very emotional writer. And I cannot NOT fall in love with almost every character she gives us. Years from now, one of these couples will be canon and I’ll still be reading fic and drawing for the others.
And isn’t that the point? It makes me sad that this fandom has developed the mindset that you’re not allowed to like multiple things. That there is a right and a wrong. That you have to pick sides.
Where are the people who love these books as a whole, not just those who are here for one couple that’s up in the air? Maybe I’m just old, but normally fandom is a place where everyone comes together for the love of all of it, not the hatred of part of it. 🤷‍♀️
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stormblessed95 · 5 months
As a straight ARMY if Jikook (hypothetically) would ever admit they are, or were a thing, I would at once be happy for them, but at the same time get a bit jealous, coz then queer ARMY would try to gate keep them like anything.
Queer fans can be rather possessive about queer celebs I have seen. I kinda get why they would, but still..
I recall being in a YouTube fandom once. Two YouTubers were speculated to be dating.
I was happy indeed when both of em came out, but once they did, most of the fandom became overwhelmingly queer and non queer fans were eventually pushed out or made to feel unwelcome.
Queer ARMY already say BTS just for girls, gays and theys and they are mostly joking. But if Jikook or any BTS member for that matter were to come out officially, these wont be jokes.
BTS, especially the members who come out wont be considered as those with universal appeal, but be promoted, touted as queer icons instead.
Straight fans who now participate as ARMY equally with non het fans, would now become "guests in a queer space/fandom)".
Our opinion on their style, music choice, career trajectory would be shut down as #hetopinionnotvalid.
Straight BTS fans would then be likened to straight women who go to gay clubs, as interlopers who are encroaching something that doesnt belong to them.
Okay listen. I can sort of understand where you are coming from about being worried about not having a place in the fandom anymore, sort of, but that's just not going to happen with BTS as a whole regardless of if any of them comes out at any point. And as for in jikooker spaces, well not all of jkkr spaces, but most straight fans are ALREADY a guest in queer spaces for these blogs. Nothing is confirmed, sure, but if a blog is run by a queer person, making posts about queer content, it's a queer space first and foremost then. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Dear God, I hope none of yall think I'm straight and that this isn't predominantly a queer space. It's a safe space for everyone always, and yes. A queer space. It's mine. Therefore you, as a straight army, are a quest in a queer space here. Welcome 💜. My posts/content are for the gays first though always. Sorry.
Being a fan of a queer music group is not the same thing as being a straight women taking over queer spaces in gay bars. Unless you are a fan of BTS for their sexualities and not their music. And if you are a fan only because they are or arent queer... then that's already a problem and yeah, It might make people protective and rightfully so.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
"I can't stand your kumbaya OT7 fake cheeriness. Be ffr."
First and foremost, I will always advocate that you police your own experience. PLEASE mute / block / unfollow me if my posts (and just my personality in general) are causing you distress. I never wish to be the source of problems in the world. So go with my blessing.
But second...
I hope you know there are some really good REASONS why I'm so "kumbaya" right now.
In my 44 years living on this space rock, I have:
--had a vicious abusive alcoholic parent who broke my nose when I was a kid
--been through my parents' nasty divorce that left us so poor we lived out of a car and ate one meal a day so our cats could have cat food
--developed disordered binge eating because I believed it was necessary during my semi-pro ballet days
--was sexually assaulted by a partner who professed to love me
--had not one but TWO diagnosed narcissistic bosses who made my beloved workplaces hell for years
--survived (so far) uterine cancer which took away my ability to ever be a bio-mom, something I'd always wanted for myself
I look at this laundry list of trauma (for which I am seeing a WONDERFUL therapist) and think to myself:
"Even so, I've lived such a cushy, privileged, safe and happy life. I've got four higher degrees; I've traveled the US and through Europe; I've worked on creative and charitable projects that I'm proud of; I've got a small band of wonderful real-life friends who stuck by me for the past 30+ years. It's been a good and meaningful life."
But I am TIRED of drama and I've had a lifetime supply of harsh words and meanspirited discourse. I'm just so fed up with it. I'm allergic to it now.
I'm not saying we should allow hate and harmful behavior to slide. But here on the internet, we have the power to block and remove anything we don't want to see or be a part of. I WISH we could do that in real life, where the stakes are so much higher.
So for my part, after being in all kinds of internet fandoms since 1999, I've come to the conclusion that I will not hang with mean girls, I will not feed trolls, I will not fight with antis, and I will TRY not to pop off on people who upset me (sometimes menopause gets the better of me, I admit it). Rather, I will just redirect my focus to what brings me joy, I will follow my bliss, I will take revenge by living happily.
And keep in mind... People are human. Fans and members alike are going to have bad takes, bad attitudes, bad days, bad habits. The question is: are they willfully causing harm? If yes, intervention is necessary. If no, then a little grace might be more useful.
I come from three generations of teachers and one of the most important things they've said to me is: Shame is not a teaching tool. It might temporarily change someone's behavior, but more often than not they double down in order to counteract embarrassment. If you want good results, thank a person for trying their best, acknowledge they are likely struggling, and invite them to be the better version of themselves you absolutely know they can be. Sometimes that works.
With ruiners, it doesn't. They just want to ruin things. Ruining things makes them feel powerful, because they cannot create; they can only destroy. It is their only talent. Ruiners invade a space and absolutely delight in ruining it for everyone else. It's a disease and I don't know the cure. The only way I know to counteract a ruiner is to stay in your space and LOUDLY be joyful, be cheerful, focus on what you love, and drown out their vitriol and hate with compassion and love.
So THAT is why I'm so "kumbaya cheerful OT7." Even on days when I would love nothing more than to thrash and whine, I'm trying my best to be a good little oyster and filter out the toxins, so this place remains focused on what matters: supporting BTS and enjoying ARMY.
If after knowing all that, I'm still not your cup of tea? I totally understand and I really don't mind if you need to mute me. This blog is just a hobby, just a place I come to escape the stress of work deadlines and house renovations and sick kitties and my own health issues and real life problems. Probably that's why you're here too. It's meant to be fun and enjoyable. I'm sorry if you don't like me, but... I'll never change all my colors for you.
So go follow your joy and find like-minded blogs. You have my blessing. And maybe we'll meet each other again on down the road, and we'll both be in better places, and we can walk together by then. Either way, you deserve to be happy.
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Love, Roo
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icantspellthings · 2 months
i hope you know that the people confessing their dislike over these pr things is bcs you're the only one reacting appropriately (to me at least) as a fan on tumblr, like everyone else just aren't brave enough or just wanted to avoid drama ASFHGGJ i love you never stop posting lmao
What can I say, I'm a messy bitch lol. And if you don't want the drama on your own blog feel free to dump it onto mine, this is a Hater safe space because first and foremost I am a hater not a lover.
They're literally celebrities who don't even know I exist. If I can't have a little fun shit talking them on my microblogging platform then what is even the point of social media, there's like a zero percent chance of any of them even seeing this, it's not like I'm blasting their asses on twitter lmao.
Also I won't stop posting unless somebody physically pry my phone from my cold, dead hands, and even then I'll be shitposting from the beyond using my ghostly electromagnetic waves.
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I have a few thoughts I wanted to share, because I’m currently at a loss.
But before I do that, I want to first and foremost, say Thank You, to all the wonderfully kind, welcoming, inspirational, and just down right awesome individuals that have visited my blog and enjoyed my silly posts.
That being said, I’ve been feeling pretty Fomo.
And if this whole thing isn’t my right to talk about, I understand, so if anyone feels like I’m invading a safe space I apologize!
I don’t mean to come off as ‘The random dude kicking open the saloon door’ type, but it’s bittersweet opening the app everyday because everyone here in this little community knows each other. Heck, not even that, everyone seems like best friends. Inside jokes, extensive history, ya know?
So, I guess what I’m asking is, How do I not be a wet fish?
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askadrianalucardtepes · 8 months
[Gives the person running the ask Alucard blog a hug. I am sorry that there's someone messing with you and your bog. You deserve better treatment than that.]
[OOC] Thank you for the hug, it's appreciated. Honestly I just gotta learn to nip things in the bud faster and not cater to trolls. My people pleasing ways get the best of me. >:( I'm getting a bit better at it though, and I do intend to keep this blog a safe space for everyone that stops by! Gotta prioritize my awesome audience first and foremost. <3 Much love, Adrian
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nthydra · 7 months
The Hydra Manuscript
Lol it's just an intro and boundaries
Read below :)
Nice stuff first, important stuff and no-nos at the bottom, please read everything!
Hi there! I'm... actually that doesn't matter. Call me Hydra, DB (Usually my user is DBHydra not NTHydra), H, or no name at all, whatever works! I am probably the softest (Not in a gaining way) encourager and admirer you'll ever meet. Honestly I'm just here to make friends and get comfortable with my kink.
I'm a queer, cis male, and there is a reason I'm saying that.
A lot of these blogs discourage cis, straight, male, and especially a combination of the three from interacting. I personally feel that it's a bad thing to discriminate based on ANY gender identity, and sexuality, so everyone is welcome here! Of course, if you are one of the people that are like how I mentioned, I will respect your decision and won't interact.
This being said I absolutely will not tolerate any racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or any type of bigotry.
I especially want to emphasise that this is a safe space for transgender people and I will do everything to defend your rights and always respect who you are. (As an ex-american I know the horrors being committed upon y'all)
Things I'm into:
• Gentle encouragement
• Soft belly play/body worship
• Mutual gaining*
• Healthy gaining**
• Big stuffings and bloats
• Stretch marks
• Inflation
• More will be added as I go!
*I'm not a gainer, but I enjoy mutual gain content.
**As you'll see below I'm not into death feedism or immobility.
Things I enjoy but with limits:
• Humiliation, teasing, etc.
• Force feeding/inflation (Must be consentual in real life scenarios)
• Loss of mobility*
• Hyper Extreme/Unrealistic wg
• I probably have more but forgot hah
*I like hearing about losing mobility or it being harder to move, but I have a limit.
Things I'm not into:
• Slob related content
• Non consentual acts
• Anything to do with body fluids* or chucking
• Extreme sadism
• Death feederism and full immobility
• List will most likely expand with time
*An exception to this would be a certain type of inflation oop (iykyk)
I'm always down for encouraging, admiration and chats related to this kink, but I also just like having conversations in general! If we really connect I will be very responsive, but I don't always expect the same because I know everyone has their lives to attend to first.
Alright now the important things to know.
Trust me, I'll know if you've read this. 👀
First and foremost, I intend to keep my kink life very separate from the rest of my life, this is going to mean:
• You will not be getting a lot of personal details out of me unless they're here or I'm comfortable sharing something.
• I will not send any videos or images of me.
• I am an adult (18)... That should be a given though
I find it important to note I am in a closed relationship, am loyal af, and really not into anything sexual in general.
• Do not send explicit photos, videos, or messages.
• I will not roleplay of any kind, especially not of the NSFW variety.
• Do not appreciate any sort of advances or flirting.
• I will not be in a relationship with you
A side note, language like "Cute, adorable, handsome, etc." Are ok in certain contexts. I generally will use these when admiring, but do not mistake that for flirting of any kind. I consider it harmless words if meant without a romantic or sexual intention. If you're not ok with this, please LET ME KNOW!
Now when it comes to age: Minors, you really shouldn't be here! And although I'm ok with people older than me messaging me, I'd say if you're around 35 or older (with exceptions), you're free to stay, but I encourage you not to dm me.
Otherwise just be nice, don't be a dick, and if my content isn't what you're looking for, it's ok! Have a wonderful day ❤️
Here's the cookie ;) 🍪
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sebastiansluts · 1 year
Hey everyone!! Just a quick little message because I've gotten a bunch of new followers recently!
Welcome! This blog is first and foremost a safe space. That means absolutely no bullying, no hate, no judgement, and NO MINORS. That also means that I don't allow blank/ageless blogs to follow because I don't know that they're not minors. I will be going to through my following list in the next couple of days to block anyone without an age in their bio.
I just want everyone to be safe and comfortable here!
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Sunday Digest
hi y'all. first and foremost, thank you to everyone that reached out yesterday expressing support in light of what has been going on. i feel a lot better having said something about it, and i'm ready to move forward from it. The only thing that isn’t welcome in this space is hate, full stop. I want my corner of the internet to be a safe, inviting, and positive spot for folks and I intend to keep it that way.
that being said, let's move onto some bright spots
in case you missed it
the fourth chapter of Apothecary was posted early last week
the first chapter of the Hayloft was posted on friday (thank you to everyone who left kind words, I’ll be responding soon!)
coming this week
you can expect the fifth chapter of Apothecary on tuesday night
i'm thinking of working on a longer request this week, keep an eye out for that this upcoming weekend :)
full honesty, i'm not sure what i'm doing with Hayloft - she was a bit of a flop, not gonna lie, and i'm gonna let her rest for now
now for the good stuff: fic recs
i am in love with @northernbluess's art therapist!marcus pike fic, The Art of Healing - i just know chapter two is going to be so beautiful
have you checked out @beskarandblasters's joel fic, True Blue yet? Well you should, and I happen to know that chapter three is about to be sooooooo good
@swiftispunk nearly killed me this week with her joel x masseuse!reader fic, Say it With Your Hands. I love a little tummy appreciation, what can i say?
a while ago, i read an agent whiskey x westworld crossover and it blew my mind, but i lost it! and then i found it again! it's @prolix-yuy's fic, Cognitive Dissonance and it is so brilliant
@pr0ximamidnight's writing blog is a fucking treasure trove, but i am especially fond of her pre-outbreak!joel fic A Million Moments. it's so sweet and lovely, sighhhhhhhh
@wannab-urs, my gin twin, has an absolutely heartbreaking dieter bravo fic called A Ghost of You, so well written and a really vivid depiction of how mental illness can impact relationships. and there's an equally poignant part two :')
i love these fics!
i have to admit, it was a slow reading week for me, and i apologize bc i know that lots of my wonderful mutuals put out really cool stuff this week. i've been obscenely busy and hope to catch up with stuff soon!
thank you as always, for your support of me and my work. My inbox is always open if you’d like to talk about anything, sending love to you all.
with care
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jdenvs3000w24 · 1 month
Final Post, finally
For the last time, Hello fellow bloggers!
I know for most of us this has been a very long semester, so I hope you all get to finally relax soon and take a minute for yourself to just breathe. Maybe you can reconnect with nature again without the need to talk about it for class and just enjoy yourself.
Anyways, the prompt for this week asks us to merge the skills and insights we have accumulated throughout this course with our own personal beliefs and ethics. For me, my personal ethics in terms of nature interpretation lean heavily toward equality and equity in opportunity. I came from a less fortunate place financially, so growing up I may not have had as many opportunities to connect with nature as most, but living by the ocean was a privilege for me that I never took for granted. The point is, I want to ensure that every person I encounter on my nature interpretation journey has an opportunity to connect with nature. That will likely look different for most people. But that's my job as a nature interpreter: to identify how people perceive the world and provide a meaningful nature experience tailored to them. In an ideal world, I would work for a not-for-profit providing different experiences in a forested space, maybe by the coast. I don't want there to be an option to pay more money to get a better experience because that perpetuates the notion that connecting with nature is a privilege. 
I bring the belief that everyone deserves to connect with nature and that I am there to help build the bridge to get there. I bring the belief that natural interpretation takes many different forms through many different media. I bring the belief that we need more natural space in urban areas. Not only to break up the concrete jungles but to provide enrichment to the people living there. I bring the belief that anyone can be a nature interpreter, all you have to do is look. 
As a nature interpreter, I have certain responsibilities. First and foremost I have to find nature for myself. I personally find nature every time I walk out of my front door and am greeted by the squirrels and birds a plenty gathering around the various bird feeders in my front yard. I feel nature every time I take a walk down the edge of a river, lake, or ocean. I understand nature when I walk through a forest and see outcroppings of rocks telling me the stories of eons past. My responsibility to humanity is to ensure future and current generations are able to see, hear understand, and feel nature. It is my responsibility to do so in a safe manner, so as to not push anyone past their limits. It is my responsibility to give back to nature as nature gives to us. Not only must I respect trails, parks, and other natural settings as if it were my own home. I also feel the responsibility to transform my own space into a natural setting. I intend to plant wildflower gardens for native pollinators. I intend to have solar panels to limit my carbon footprint. I intend to live in a very small square footage house on a decent-sized property so as to limit my own personal impact on the land that provides for me. Aside from my own personal intentions and self-imposed responsibilities, I also feel responsible to empower and enlighten others to do the same. Not through the means of telling them this kind of life is for them but by providing the knowledge that allows them to make informed decisions themselves. 
As an individual my means of impact are limited. The approaches I find most suitable for me include a face-to-face component. I would prefer to work in a park or conservation area which allows me to really individualize the experience for each guest. I'm not a big fan of posts on social media so this whole Tumblr nature blog will not be a thing I continue in the future, that's for sure. I also understand the appeal of a podcast or YouTube video style of nature interpretation, and while that's more accessible to people who find themselves far removed from nature, it just isn't my style at all. Even if I had to get a job in some other field where I'm not in nature for my day-to-day, I hope I will be able to at the very least become a scout leader and inspire youth as I was (briefly). 
Thank you all for listening to my Tumblr rants this past semester, I can't say I'll miss doing this. However, it was nice to have the routine. Considering I only made this account for this course, and I've used my school email to create it, you all are part of the lucky few who got to read my thoughts on a public forum, congrats! I will never be doing this again. I continue to use what I've learned in this course, in person, to provide a sense of nature interpretation for my friends and family who I keep dragging on hikes. Good luck to all of you in finishing up your podcasts this week! I hope you all get amazing marks in this course! Good luck and goodbye!
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willowser · 1 year
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writing has always been sort of a group sport for me ! and lately i've been really missing the sense of community that i used to have with the writing discord servers i've been part of in the past, so i guess i'll try my hand at running one ! i've only just recently decided to get this process going, so i don't have much developed or planned out yet, and i can't tell you when it will be live, but — i want to start by getting a sort of estimation for how many of you would be interested in willow's house !
there are just a few things i want to share, and then there is a form at the bottom !
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okay, first and foremost — i cannot physically handle too large of a server on my own, so i am also in the market for someone to help me mod this baby ! the most i'm looking for is someone to keep an eye on things when i'm not around, but if you'd be interested in helping with more, you absolutely can. there's a question on the form if you're interested ! i also really want to stress — please, please do not be offended if i'm a little picky ! i just want to make sure everyone is in the best hands available 💕
second — i only have experience running writing-based servers, and so that's how i'm formatting ! i want movie and game nights and fun slumber party stuff, but i don't know how to organize all of it ! 🥺 so, in the beginning, i hope you don't mind being patient with me while i figure it out. i only bring this up because i don't want anyone to be disappointed if it's a little empty ! if you're in the teahouse server, shay and pluvi have done an awe-inspiring job of creating a beautiful server, and i simply do not have the ability to create something of that calibre LOL
third and last thing — the server will be 18+ only. i want to make it clear that i really gave this a lot of thought ! because i've been sort of trying to make this blog a safe space for everyone, but when it comes to close quarters servers, i don't always have control of that, and i want to make sure that everyone is comfortable and not put in any unfortunate circumstances.
and i think that’s it ! i will probably have more to say as we go along, and you can always ask any questions, but — i hope we are all able to create a fun little space to jam together 🥺🦋✨️
it'd be really helpful if you wouldn't mind filling out this form for me 🧚‍♂️🌙
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flownintothesun · 10 months
NAME: Orion
PRONOUNS: they/them
BEST EXPERIENCE: To be honest, there are a lot of character dynamics I adore — but probably the best experiences are getting to know muns and characters. I've had my fair share of heartbreak and lost friendships/dynamics on this website, but I've also met some of the best people I know. I've changed and grown because of both ic and ooc communication and I just — am awed and love how deeply I've gotten to feel because I chose to come to Tumblr. (Also I think the dynamics I've built with Nonny ic and ooc is very neat and makes me happy and I am super grateful.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord, probably. But I don't mind Tumblr DMs either.      
MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Probably Marin, followed by Westley, Francis, Enjolras, Henry, Howl (in that order). But if you take the secret menu muses into account, I've had a lot of muse for Mariano lately too (probably up there with Marin) — just haven't decided if I'm fully integrating him onto Tumblr just yet so I've just been harrassing Nonny lovingly with him.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS:  I've been roleplaying for 20 years now but I've been on Tumblr since 2019. :) ♡
RP PET PEEVE: I have a couple. Probably the biggest one is the purity/callout culture to be honest, and how big scary words get thrown around for fictional content that erases the severity of the word in question when it comes to real life harm. Writing something is not the same as condoning it. People have a lot or reasons to write the content they choose to write, and it is a kindness, not a debt or necessity to tag it or refrain from writing it. People's blogs are first and foremost their safe spaces — although many (myself included) choose to make concessions to accommodate other people. You don't have the right to take someone's peace of mind and safe place away from them because you're squicked by something a fictional character does or is. Block and move on or politely request the content is tagged. There is a huge difference between fictional content and real harm.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! I think things work out a lot better with plotting, but I also struggle with it sometimes (worldbuilding isn't my strength in writing, I think) and memes are great icebreakers when braincells aren't complying between the writing partners. A lot of times, sending memes can be a great indicator of interest even if there aren't spoons or you're too shy to reach out yet.     
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I would love so much to say 'short' replies, but I seem to be perpetually unable to write anything shorter than 3-4 paragraphs unless I'm REALLY trying and condensing down my character.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: It's interesting because I'd always thought that everyone's muses were at least a little bit of a self-insert — but I've been corrected by two lovely people who don't see themselves in their muses at all. This to say, yes, I think so in my case at least. I can see little pieces of myself in all of my muses. I'm probably most like Francis at my healthiest, though. ♡ I think I carry Francis's romanticism and urges to escape into fantasy and the being in love with love itself. I carry Westley's insecurities and sometimes his snark. I carry Marin's desire to be what other people need, but also to be good enough and loved. I carry Mariano's overthinking and sometimes his seriousness (and also his dad jokes). I carry Lucienne's fierceness in protecting her loved ones (though not to the same extent). I tend to try to take the lead like Enjolras, I am volatile like Howl at times, and I am a poet like Henry.
tagged by the lovely @imprvdente (thank you ♡) tagging hm... let's go with @batteredoptimist ; @dutyworn ; @unfinishedbusincss ; @anderwhohn (when your computer complies ofc ♡) ; @voxvulgi ; @wehavefoundthestars ; and you if you'd like to.
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neopuppy · 4 months
Your writing is perfect and keeps inspiring me to write my own dark nct fics 😫 Do you have any writing tips? How do you get ideas for fics? because I must say you are extremely creative. And lastly any tips for running a tumblr fanfic blog? Sincerest apologies if you've been asked any of this before - I'm new and obsessed with your writing. I really want to write and put my stuff out there but also the thought of a kpop idol finding it scares me even though it probs won't happen. I don't want any male idol to have a big ego cause we write horny shit yk. Anyways hope 2024 is kind to you!
omg thank you!!! my writing is nowhere near perfect!!!!! but who’s is right? what would be perfect writing anyway…(sunnyjinx on ao3 lol😅😅😅 my mother fucking QUEEN🧎🏻‍♀️)
as for writing tips, you gotta just write. like if you’re inspired and have your own ideas, you gotta just go for it! that’s how I started on here, I was bored during lockdown and wanted to desperately read an Alpha Jeno fic and couldn’t find any(to my utter shock..) so I was like alright fuck it, and I wrote my own. now here I am💀
I literally had no idea what I was doing, I love reading fics tho so I at least knew *what* I wanted to put out. when I was posting on here at first no one was writing omegaverse or hybrids or stepcest or darker fics for nct really, and that’s what *I* wanted to read. I thought it was weird at first how everyone acted like I was doing something terrible and wrong and writing ‘really filthy smut’ but then I started reading some fics on here and I was like lmao. wtf. my advice would be to read on ao3 if you enjoy darker genres too, READ A LOT, don’t read on here, and don’t only read my dark stuff bc I’m actually very mediocre lol. read all the dead dove stuff on ao3……even if you’re not a part of the fandom, if it has a high number of kudos theres likely chance u will enjoy the fic regardless. BTW ITS FINE TO READ ON HERE AND WATTPADD(?) IF UR LOOKING FOR ANYTHING NOT DEEMED ‘dark’. as for what I’ve found on here mostly anime fandoms write the decent darker genres. kpop mehhhh.
I get ideas from reading, consistently reading, and music, and content I absorb. like if I’m listening to a song, 9 times out of 10 an idea for a fic will come to mind. I am definitely more the type that thinks with my creative brain than anything though. its a curse bc I end up writing whatever my heads stuck on instead of touching my rotting wips lol.
as for running a fanfic blog- don’t take it serious. people don’t pay us for this shit, this is NOT a job- do not treat it like one. don’t let anyone give you shit either, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK!!!! I think it’s better to not get close to other writers in your fandom either…..they’re almost always going to be hateful and weird. if people enjoy your writing, your community of readers will be all that matters. don’t worry about the social aspect as much or engagement… it will come as long as you’re consistent and have fun with what you’re writing. so basically- don’t get caught up in drama. its hard believe me, I’ve tried not to but 🤷🏻‍♀️ just do your thing, block weird loser anons, block anyone who comments your shit being unnecessarily rude, etc. your blog is YOUR safe space first and foremost!!!!!
lmao also don’t worry about male idols growing egos😭😭😭 they literally have women stalking them 24/7, invading their childhood homes, sitting next to them in first class, poisoning their food, bugging their phones. fanfic blogs are the LEAST of their concerns im sure😭😭😭 those egos are enormous with or without us.
good luck if you decided to start posting!💚
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hoghtastic · 4 months
Hello everyone! 😊 Hope you’re enjoying the holidays! And while I don’t really like spoiling the festive mood with negativity, I got sent some screenshots about things being said about this blog which aren’t true and as I personally value transparency, thought I’d share it with you guys.
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So, about the first screenshot, I’d like to say that either the person is blatantly lying and didn’t really send anything, or (giving them the benefit of the doubt), Tumblr might have “eaten” their ask. Because all asks about this matter that landed on my inbox got posted, as well as any other asks. And no, I never made up any of them, as the person seems to be implying. Now, this is first and foremost a gossip & opinion blog, and some of the things discussed here are things people already found on other sources (like Reddit), so there’s no way to prove whether they’re really true or not. I’ve always been the first to advise people to take with a grain of salt everything they read online, anyway. And those who’ve been accompanying the blog know that’s true. So no, this blog’s purpose was never to “make up bad stories” or spread lies about anyone. Most of the time, people discuss what’s been posted on IG. Maybe things got overanalysed? Sure, but that’s not lying. There are as many interpretations as there are people anyway, and no one owns the truth. Except when things can be proved, which also happens a lot of the time here — the art theft incident, the “you snooze, you lose” trolling, the drunk video, to name a few. Are those lies as well? People can argue about the seriousness of these “offences”, but it’s undeniable that they happened, no one made them up just to make Johanne look bad.
So, it’s one thing if people don’t like this type of blog and don’t agree with the topics discussed here, but no one is forcing them to be here anyway. Now, to project your own way of being and accusing others of lying/making things up when it seems to be the other way around, is something I won’t accept. You don’t have to like me or my blog, but a liar & a hypocrite are two things that I’m not.
Which leads me to the second screenshot, which is a reply from someone who was not so anonymous and constantly “attacked” on an old blog for defending Johanne and have different opinions. Again, if you’ve been following the blog for a while now, you’ll see that I, personally, have offered this person nothing but kindness and respect, as well as all the other anons. No one has ever been treated poorly or silenced for having differing opinions here, as civil discussion has been the only “rule”. I’ve always intended for this to be a safe, healthy space for everyone and I still stand by my words. We don’t have to agree about everything all of the time, but we can still be respectful of each other. And that is something this person wasn’t. They had to “tell them bitches off” as if their opinion is the absolute truth? Who are they anyway, to feel entitled to tell other people off? So when this person was previously attacked and dismissed for thinking differently, I did feel sorry for them and always tried to do better, and yet, I’m still a bitch? Good to know. 🤷‍♀️ If these people can’t seemingly keep away from a blog they hate and/or don’t know what the “block” button is for, then I’ll do it for them.
I’m sorry for the rant, but some things really need to be said, especially when people go behind my back accusing me of everything I’ve worked hard not to do. At least have the decency to tell me directly? Those who know me, know I’m always open to communication, to accept different views and to discuss politely, and that’s what this blog has and will always stand for.
Thank you to the anon who let me know of this situation, to everyone who read so far & to all of you who’ve helped the blog grow and make it a fun place to be! 😊 Have a wonderful day, everyone! 💖
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caycanteven · 1 year
This blog may involve suggestive themes!
I have a NSFW Twitter art account, but please, please DO NOT follow me there if you are a minor. If you do, I will block your Twitter account.
I currently do not take requests. Please understand that I am really slow and I may not be able to answer your ask right away.
Do not repost my art or claim the artwork as your own!
Do not repost my art commissions, unless you are the one who commissioned me for it! You are more than welcome to reblog the work!
Do not claim my designs, be that OCs, sonas, or variant designs, as your own! If you’d like to draw them, or make designs inspired by them, I’d be more than happy to see them! That stuff is delicious.
Any negativity, hate, bashing, discrimination, harassment, or potential illegal activity I see goin’ on in my blog space will result in a block/report. MY SPACE IS A SAFE PLACE!
I do not engage in role playing with anyone outside my circle. Please do not ask, especially if you are a minor. 
If you’re looking to VA/Dub anything I make, reach out to me first!
If you see something you don’t quite like, please don’t feel obligated to interact with that post/content. I make art for myself first and foremost, but I enjoy seeing people enjoy what I make, too.
I am a neutral party. I welcome everyone to my blog (of age) to enjoy my content. I will not draw/respond to anything that makes me personally uncomfortable, but I will not openly judge a person for their interests. I treat and respect others the way I wish to be treated. Do not interact with me with the intent to ask/force/request uncomfortable topics for/about my characters, as that will result in an instant block. I will not allow hate on my blog toward anyone. I curate my own experience, and encourage you to do the same!
If ever I draw art of a ship that you don’t like from any fandom, please scroll away. Do not attack me, the requester, or the commissioner of said art, for our ship preferences!
Be KIND. You never know what someone is going through.
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Welcome to my blog!
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As said in my name & bio, I ramble & I am also a space dragon. 💅 With this blog, I talk & review about multimedia stuff whether it's movies, tv shows, music, manga or video games, etc... The range of subject is large & I think there will be a little bit for everybody.
This is a way to share my thoughts & views on certain things in a more organized & "consice" way, personally because I want to keep track of what I watch, hear or read in my life & also I think a fun way to interact with people here about whatever I might talk about which means I open you to share your thoughts about whatever you may want to talk about.
However, remember this is a safe space for everybody so I'll ask everyone to be respectful & mindful of what they might say & think. Be tolerant of what is said, who says those things & what opinions are given with obviously me first & foremost; and unless your opinions or thoughts are disrespectful &/or offensive, you will be accepted here in this solar system of mine and hopefully, ours soon.
With that said, I hope you'll be interested & will stick around to see what we will talk about on this blog. Until then, I wish you all the best!
[Index]: (To be updated eventually)
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